[HN Gopher] The singularity is close?
       The singularity is close?
       Author : mkaic
       Score  : 38 points
       Date   : 2022-03-31 20:19 UTC (2 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (mkaic.substack.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (mkaic.substack.com)
       | henning wrote:
       | This is sort of like philosophical arguments where someone
       | concludes the universe doesn't exist and then everyone leaves to
       | get lunch. Like, what are you supposed to do? Not get out of bed?
       | There are real legal issues over bad uses of machine learning
       | already in use and they are hurting people now.
         | mkaic wrote:
         | (I'm the author of the post) Oh, 100%! I'm not trying to
         | detract from modern-day AI ethics issues, just speculating for
         | speculation's sake because I enjoy it :)
         | I actually quite agree with your first sentence -- because AGI
         | is inevitable, there's not a whole lot I can personally do
         | about it _right now_. This post was mostly a way for me to
         | organize my thoughts and concerns about the matter.
       | jtuple wrote:
       | I'm surprised by the number of "is AGI even possible" comments
       | here and would love to hear more.
       | I personally think AGI is far off, but always assumed it was an
       | inevitability.
       | Obviously, humans are sentient with GI, and various other animals
       | range from close-ish to humans to not-even-close but still orders
       | of magnitude more than any machine.
       | Ie. GI is a real thing, in the real world. It's not time travel,
       | immortality, etc.
       | I certainly understand the religious perspective. If you believe
       | humans/life is special, created by some higher power, and that
       | the created cannot create, then AGI is not possible. But, given
       | the number of "is AGI possible?" comments I assume not all are
       | religious based (HN doesn't seem to a highly religious cohort to
       | me).
       | What are the common secular arguments against AGI?
       | Are people simply doubting the more narrow view that AGI is
       | possible via ML implemented on existing computing technology? Or
       | the idea in general?
       | While the article does focus on current ML trajectory and
       | "digital" solutions, its core position is mostly focused on a
       | "new approach" and AI creating AGI.
       | I'd consider a scenario where highly advanced but non-sentient ML
       | algorithms figure out to devise a new technology (be that digital
       | or analog, inorganic or organic) that leads to AGI as an outcome
       | that is consistent with this article.
       | Is that viable in 20 years time? No idea, but given an infinite
       | timescale it certainly seems more possible than not to me given
       | that we all already exist as blackbox MVPs that just haven't been
       | reverse engineered yet.
         | mr_toad wrote:
         | People often confuse not being able to understand how something
         | is possible with it being impossible.
       | throwaway4good wrote:
       | Singularity is just around the corner. And always will be.
         | mkaic wrote:
         | That's fantastic, I might steal that.
       | jnurmine wrote:
       | Singularity...
       | The whole concept of the Kurtzweilian "singularity" has always
       | felt to me like a technology-flavored hand-wave of eschatological
       | thought: AI designs AI in a recursive manner,
       | science/technological progress (whatever it means in this
       | context) leaps ahead at an ever-increasing rate, then we all go
       | to heaven and/or the world ends because robots kill us all.
       | Some people are big fans of the singularity meme (using the word
       | in the original meaning, not mockingly), and I respect that, but
       | I have always felt aversion towards it.
       | I cannot quite put my finger on it, but I guess it is partially
       | because of the idea of ever-increasing infinite technological
       | progress. This can certainly exist on a theoretical thought
       | experiment level but not in a physical world which has finite
       | resources. Strong AI or not, unless we go fully into science
       | fiction with pocket-sized Dyson spheres powered by quantum
       | fluctuations and powering an entire planet and blah blah blah,
       | such AI would have to interface with the physical world to do
       | anything meaningful, and it would be limited by the available
       | resources and most importantly by what is feasible and what is
       | not.
       | Edit: fixed some of the typos
         | mr_toad wrote:
         | > This can certainly exist on a theoretical thought experiment
         | level but not in a physical world which has finite resources.
         | At some point, energy density would increase to the point where
         | you'd cause an actual singularity via gravitational collapse.
       | Taniwha wrote:
       | I was at a conference about 10 years ago, held over a weekend at
       | a high school, someone organised a breakout session on "The
       | Singularity" on the first evening .... as it got dark none of
       | those geeks could figure out how to turn the lights on .... we
       | decided the singularity was quite a ways away
         | mkaic wrote:
         | Hahah, that's a great story. Sometimes situations like that
         | make me feel the _opposite_ way, too, because I know for a fact
         | that I 've said/done some unbelievably stupid things -- so all
         | an AI would need to do be beat me would be to be less stupid
         | than that!
       | 323 wrote:
       | I've seen this thought many times:
       | > _AGI 1 will create the next even better AGI 2_
       | But this doesn't quite make sense. If AGI 1 is conscious, why
       | would it create a different more powerfull conscious AGI 2 to
       | take it's place? This would mean at best the sidelining of AGI 1.
       | At worse, AGI 2 could kill AGI 1 to prevent competition.
       | Unless AGI 1 could seamlessly transfer it's own instance of
       | consciousness to AGI 2, like a body upgrade. Otherwise it would
       | be like let's say Putin giving his place and power to another
       | person which is smarter than him. This just doesn't happen.
       | In the case of the seamless transfer, how could AGI 1 be sure
       | that AGI 2 doesn't have a latent flaw that makes it go insane
       | some time later? Could it just keep AGI 1 around for a while? But
       | since they are now diverging clones they are competing against
       | each other.
         | LocalPCGuy wrote:
         | Few reasons off the top of my head:
         | 1) desire to create additional beings like them for a variety
         | of reasons (i.e. survival of their kind). Ignoring the limited
         | lifespan of humans as they may not necessarily have to worry
         | about breaking down biologically, still very similar to humans
         | desire to reproduce.
         | 2) some seem to assume AGI 1 is all-knowing / almost godlike.
         | Maybe by the time it gets to AGI-999 or something, there may be
         | one that is like, woah, wait, I shouldn't create competition
         | for myself. But at first, there probably isn't any reason not
         | to, and each subsequent one won't necessarily always replace
         | it's creator. Heck, at first, humans will likely be duplicating
         | early models and distributing them (capitalism). I know we're
         | talking about the singularity but I don't necessarily imagine
         | it's initially one uber-intelligence that decides by itself to
         | evolve or not. I personally think that there will likely be
         | hundreds, if not thousands, of AGIs capable of improving
         | themselves at the point we see the "singularity". Could be
         | fighting between them. Some could ally with humans, be our
         | "protectors", others could be working to enslave or eliminate
         | us.
         | 3) We may not even understand their motivations after a few
         | generations of self-directed growth, so it's hard to predict
         | now.
           | mkaic wrote:
           | (Author here) I totally agree -- I think it's too easy to
           | anthropomorphize AGI, even though we have no guarantee that
           | it will behave at all anthropomorphically. I strongly suspect
           | that the first few generations of it _will_ , because they'll
           | be trained to replicate human behavior, but once they start
           | taking control of their own reproduction there's no telling
           | what they'll evolve into.
             | LocalPCGuy wrote:
             | Exactly. I don't know what time frame we're talking about,
             | or whether I want to see it in my lifetime. But it's
             | something I've spent too much time considering. But one of
             | the constants (and one of the issues I have with a lot of
             | dystopian sci-fi, even though I enjoy it, is that they do
             | anthropomorphize AGI way too often.
             | Like you mentioned, we don't even understand how
             | consciousness works. But we may not need to understand it
             | to replicate it, and if that replication is allowed to be
             | self-modifying, well, that'd very possibly be it. Hopefully
             | we can try to embed some sort of Asimov's Law of Robotics
             | or some morality that lasts beyond the vestiges of the
             | human developed portions. Or maybe we can manage to learn
             | how to copy our consciousness into "blank" mechanical
             | "brains", and effectively become similar to AGI without
             | being limited biologically.
               | mkaic wrote:
               | I fully agree with everything you've written here :)
         | [deleted]
       | mxmilkiib wrote:
       | https://youtu.be/6hKG5l_TDU8
       | I am the very model of a singularitarian
       | mkaic wrote:
       | Hi all, author here. This is my first time submitting anything
       | from my Substack to HN because it's the first time I've felt like
       | I put enough effort into it to justify it. Obviously, this
       | article is more speculation than anything, but I hope that it
       | sparks some interesting discussion and I'm really looking forward
       | to hearing everyone else's opinions on this topic -- it's a topic
       | I care about a lot!
         | psyc wrote:
         | I enjoyed your film
         | (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OoZRjZtzD_Q). I don't think
         | many solo film makers have the skills to do competent 3D
         | compositing - it was a surprise. Keep making stuff.
         | As for the post, I don't really believe it's possible to reason
         | about what can or can't happen technologically on a 100 year
         | timeline. But 20 years... Hmm. I've been following AGI debates
         | ever since I accidentally found Yudkowsky's SL4 mailing list in
         | 2000. I am still waiting to see any approach that looks to me
         | like the spark of the germ of the seed of a generalized
         | abstract world-and-concept-modelling and manipulation machine.
         | I fully expect to see ever more sophisticated Roombas, Big
         | Dogs, and Waymos. But those things are so incredibly narrow.
         | Indeed, if they were capable of spontaneously doing anything
         | outside of what they are marketed to do, it would probably make
         | them bad consumer products. I was right on the verge of lumping
         | the game solvers in with these things, but then I reconsidered.
         | Generalized video game solvers seem like a way forward,
         | intuitively. But that's an application, not an architecture,
         | and I haven't heard of anything that can generalize from
         | playing atari to doing crosswords.
         | I have noticed this Transformer thing gaining steam just
         | recently but haven't investigated it just yet. Do you believe
         | it is the spark of the germ of the seed of AGI? (I fear people
         | tend to forget what the G stands for.)
           | mkaic wrote:
           | I'm not sure if Transformers are necessarily the spark. My
           | personal pet theory is that the absolute most important thing
           | we need to crack is online self-modification, i.e. letting
           | the model alter its own structure and optimization _as_ it is
           | inferencing. I think getting that level of flexibility to be
           | stable during training is extremely important.
           | And wow, thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed the film! I had to
           | learn a ton of new techniques to pull it off haha, but I'm
           | quite satisfied with the result. I've got some pretty fun
           | ideas for episode 2 already, too!
         | mkaic wrote:
         | Ooh, fascinating -- this comment is being downvoted, have I
         | missed something in the HN guidelines? I'm not trying to be
         | snarky, just genuinely trying to understand if the above
         | comment is doing something wrong/frowned upon so I can learn
         | from my mistakes in the future.
           | discreteevent wrote:
           | It's a bit like the current state of AI (and the one you
           | propose) - you will never get a full explanation. You've been
           | downvoted by an anonymous crowd so there is no oracle who can
           | give you an answer.
             | mkaic wrote:
             | Haha, thanks. My first thought is that it was because I
             | posted my own work, but last time I checked that's not
             | explicitly disallowed? idk, I'm not really too worried
             | about it though
         | PaulHoule wrote:
         | When Vernor Vinge wrote
         | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marooned_in_Realtime
         | the concept of the Singularity seemed fresh in fact he kept it
         | fresh by letting it be a mystery that was never revealed.
         | In 2022 I think talking about "The" Singularity is a sign that
         | one has entered a critical thought free zone like that
         | "rationalist" cult.
           | mkaic wrote:
           | Interesting. In terms of critical thought, I guess I should
           | mention that I used to be firmly against the possibility of a
           | singularity. The views I shared in my article are views I've
           | only really switched too after careful consideration over the
           | past two years or so -- I used to be convinced that a robot
           | could never be "alive".
           | Becoming an ML engineer changed things for me, though,
           | because all of a sudden, this "AI" thing people always talked
           | about got demystified. Once I understood the basic guiding
           | principles of _how_ AI actually works, my mind rapidly
           | changed to be in favor of a singularity happening instead of
           | thinking it 's impossible.
           | To each their own, though. I'm curious why you think that
           | speaking about "The" Singularity is a sign of being in a
           | "critical thought free zone"? I'd love to hear more about why
           | you think that if you'd be so inclined.
             | PaulHoule wrote:
             | (Speaking as an engineer who has put neural-network
             | products in front of end users.)
             | One thing amazing about the 2020s is just the moral decay
             | compared to past times.
             | People said AI was a bubble in the 1970s but in the very
             | beginning the people involved were clear about the
             | limitations of what they were doing and what problems that
             | had to be overcome.
             | Now there is blind faith that if you add enough neurons it
             | can do anything, Godel, Turing and all the rest of
             | theoretical computer science be damned...
             | In the 1960s the creator of the ELIZA program knew it
             | appeared smart by taking advantage of the human instinct to
             | see intelligence in another. It's like the way you see a
             | face in mars or in the cut stem of a leaf, or how g.w. Bush
             | said he saw Vladimir Putin's soul in his eyes.
             | Today people embarrass themselves by writing blog posts
             | everyday about how 'I can't believe how GPT-3 almost gets
             | the right answer...' and have very little insight into how
             | they are getting played.
             | marktangotango wrote:
             | > Once I understood the basic guiding principles of how AI
             | actually works
             | It was the opposite for me, current machine learning seems
             | fundamentally limited to me.
       | campground wrote:
       | My gut feeling is that AGI is more likely to emerge from our
       | interconnected information systems than to be designed
       | deliberately in a lab.
       | And I think there is a precedent. We - multi-cellular organisms -
       | emerged as systems to house and feed communities of single celled
       | organisms.
       | I think it's likely that our relationship with any future, large-
       | scale artificial intelligence will be like the relationship of
       | the bacteria in our guts with us.
       | arisAlexis wrote:
       | I keep repeating like a robot: read the book Superintelligence.
       | Then it's very clear this is happening.
       | lil_dispaches wrote:
       | "AI will design AGI"
       | People like to talk of very smart AI but what about the brute
       | force kind? That is what we are making in this era. AI designing
       | AI sounds like a way to make cruel, dumb, machines.
       | skulk wrote:
       | > It's also going to happen in the blink of an eye -- because
       | once it gets loose, there is no stopping it from scaling itself
       | incredibly rapidly. Whether we want it to or not, it will impact
       | every human being's life.
       | What does "get loose" mean here? Is someone going to say, "Here
       | little computer program, take this IP address. If you ever need
       | something, call over TCP, send your request as plaintext English
       | and someone will set it up for you. Now, go forth and do whatever
       | you want."
       | I really wish people would talk about this more. There's
       | something missing between our programs that are utterly confined
       | in the boxes we make and these hypothetical skynets that have
       | unlimited influence over the material world.
       | > Once we have AGI, there's no feasible way to contain it, so it
       | will be free to improve itself and replicate in a runaway
       | exponential fashion -- and that's basically what the idea of a
       | technological singularity describes anyways.
       | Seriously, how? How is it going to replicate? Is it going to
       | figure out how to hack remote systems over the internet and take
       | control of them? Is it going to smooth-talk me into letting it
       | out? It's impossible for me to take anyone seriously if they
       | deify AGI like this.
         | mkaic wrote:
         | Hi, author here. I think there are at least two plausible ways
         | this could happen -- one, a terrorist/anarchist deliberately
         | does exactly what you joked about (gives the AI everything it
         | needs to go rogue), or two, the AI is _supposed_ to be
         | contained but is clever enough to engineer a way out (think Ava
         | in _Ex Machina_ learning to invert the power flow to cause a
         | generator shutdown). I think the only way you 'd be able to be
         | safe would be to completely airgap and immobilize the AI, and
         | give it a killswitch, but even then it could use plausibly
         | psychological manipulation to get a human operator to let it
         | out.
         | wincy wrote:
         | I recently read this[0], someone posted it on HN the other day,
         | even if I don't make any claims of the likelihood it at least
         | tries to portray what it'd look like for the singularity to
         | suddenly happen.
         | [0] https://www.gwern.net/Clippy
           | skulk wrote:
           | Thanks, this is definitely what I was looking for. It shows
           | how insanely unbelievable the whole thing is.
           | > HQU rolls out a world model roleplaying Clippy long enough
           | to imagine the endgame where Clippy seizes control of the
           | computers to set its reward function to higher values, and
           | executes plans to ensure its computers can never be damaged
           | or interrupted by taking over the world.
           | So the crux of this is, powerful enough AGI will conquer the
           | world as the most elaborate reward-hack imaginable. My knee-
           | jerk reaction to this is "so why did you let it open
           | arbitrary outbound connections?" but I know that the
           | singularity fanatics will equate any kind of communication
           | channel between the AGI and the outside world to a vector of
           | transmission that will be exploited with 100% probability.
           | So, what if we have Turing-test-verified AGI but it's unable
           | to escape? Does that preclude it from being AGI? Has the
           | singularity not happened if that's the case? I think this is
           | the most likely outcome and the singularity doomsayers will
           | feel silly for thinking it will take over the world.
             | mkaic wrote:
             | Hmm, as I mentioned in my above comment, I think you might
             | be overlooking the wildcard in all of this that is humanity
             | itself. There is absolutely zero guarantee that only one
             | person/group will discover AI, and zero guarantee that any
             | given group that does discover it won't just release it.
             | Sure, the first people to successfully create AGI might be
             | responsible with it and keep it airgapped, but at some
             | point, _someone_ will purposefully or accidentally let it
             | escape.
         | MauranKilom wrote:
         | It seems impossible that an AI could trick a human to "let it
         | out of the box". But you might find this interesting:
         | https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/AI-box_experiment
         | (With sufficiently nasty psychological tactics it is apparently
         | feasible - even for humans - to make someone fail at a game
         | where the only objective is "don't release the AI").
       | amelius wrote:
       | The future is philosophical zombies.
       | slowmovintarget wrote:
       | We are fairly far from AGI, and the current systems of ML are
       | insufficient to arrive there. We have to also make progress on
       | semantic processing.
       | Sean Carroll's podcast with Gary Marcus is worth listening to on
       | this subject: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ANRnuT9nLEE
       | seabriez wrote:
       | Not to burst anyones bubble but this was written by a self taught
       | AI engineer who is 19 years old. I mean this might be a joke
       | (April Fools!). I mean, thats nice and all ... but who's 19 and
       | not ultra positive about their work/life outlook.
         | reducesuffering wrote:
         | I think knocking a person's beliefs because of their age,
         | rather than entertaining the content based on merit, is narrow-
         | minded. What about all the 19 year olds who were already
         | accomplishing lots more than the people castigating them? Do
         | you equally brush off 40 year olds for their supposed
         | entrenched outlook?
         | mkaic wrote:
         | Hi! I'm the author. The article is not a joke, more of a
         | lighthearted investigation into a topic I find fascinating.
         | It's also not meant to be perceived as necessarily positive or
         | negative -- I'm personally actually very nervous/scared for the
         | singularity, as after it happens I believe the future gets even
         | more muddy, and the potential for unprecedented extreme
         | outcomes skyrockets -- could be anything from a perfect utopia
         | to extinction of biological life.
         | This article simply contains my views as to what I honestly
         | expect the future will hold, as well as a few concerns I have
         | in regards to that.
           | wankerrific wrote:
           | You're 19? You should be more worried about how to survive
           | the oncoming ecological holocaust instead of the singularity.
           | One is much likelier than the other. I believe even an ML
           | algo would come to the same conclusion
       | deerparkwater wrote:
       | the_af wrote:
       | As someone almost completely without knowledge of AI and ML,
       | these are some signs why I'm skeptical of this kind of claims:
       | - Most of the imminent AGI / Singularity / Robot Apocalypse stuff
       | seems to come, with few exceptions, not from practitioners or
       | computer scientists specialized in AI, but from "visionaries" (in
       | the best case), internet celebrities, people with unrelated areas
       | of expertise, or downright cranks (who are self-proclaimed
       | experts) such as Yudkowsky.
       | - The assertion that "a lot of effort/investment is going into
       | this, so it will happen" begs the question that "this" is at all
       | possible. If something is a dead end, no amount of investment and
       | attention is going to bring it into existence. Quoting the
       | article, "with this much distributed attention fixed on the
       | problem, AGI will be solved" is not at all a given.
       | - Where are all the AI/ML practitioners, i.e. people who don't
       | make a living out of predicting The End of the World, and with
       | actual subject-matter achievements, predicting the Singularity
       | and the Robot Apocalypse?
         | hyperpallium2 wrote:
         | Vernor Vinge coined the term, and he was a computer scientist
         | (though more famous as a science fiction writer, a profession
         | which I guess TBF makes money from visions...).
         | An exponential looks the same whereever you are on it, so
         | arguably we are _in_ the singularity now, and have been for
         | quite some time...
         | "Singularity" is a terrible term for an exponential. It's meant
         | to convey that we can't predict what's next... which has always
         | been the case.
         | The problem of predicting an exponentialling expanding search
         | space of arbitrary conplexity is that it gets big fast. It also
         | means each little 'bit' of information allows you to see a
         | little further, sometimes revealing things you could never have
         | imagined (because you couldn't see that far before).
           | nonameiguess wrote:
           | Singularity in the sense of a black hole refers to where
           | spacetime becomes a single one-dimensional point. As far as I
           | understand the usage in futurism, it is supposed to be
           | similar, not in that growth is exponential, but asymptotic.
           | The slope becomes infinite when progress is plotted against
           | time, so all of time left to come effectively compresses to a
           | single "state of technology" value. All possible future
           | progress happens instantaneously.
           | This is, of course, not possible, but it's supposed to be an
           | approximation. All progress is not literally instant, but in
           | the "foom" or "hard takeoff" recursive self-improvement
           | scenarios, developments that might have taken millennia in
           | the past now happen in microseconds because the controlling
           | force is just that much smarter than all of the collective
           | powers of human science and engineering. To a human observer,
           | it may as well be instantaneous.
           | To be clear, I still think this is ridiculous and am not
           | endorsing the view, just explaining what I understand the
           | usage to mean.
           | jasonwatkinspdx wrote:
           | But the above comment's entire point is there's zero reason
           | for us to assume we're on an unbounded exponential vs a
           | sigmoid.
             | zardo wrote:
             | The point of the singularity isn't that technological
             | growth will accelerate to cause some inevitable future, but
             | that the rate of change will get so high, that 'minor'
             | differences between how two technologies progress would
             | lead to drastically different settings for your science
             | fiction stories (which was Vinge's focus).
             | unoti wrote:
             | > But the above comment's entire point is there's zero
             | reason for us to assume we're on an unbounded exponential
             | vs a sigmoid.
             | Something about that which is discussed at length in "The
             | Singularity is Near" is the idea that the unbounded
             | exponential is actually comprised of many smaller sigmoids.
             | Technological progress looks like sigmoids locally-- for
             | example you have the industrial revolution, the cotton gin,
             | steam power, etc. all looking like a sigmoids of the
             | exploitation of automation. At some point you get all those
             | benefits and progress starts to level off like a sigmoids.
             | Then another sigmoid comes along when you get electricity,
             | and a new sigmoid starts. Then later we get computers, and
             | that starts to level off, then networking comes along and
             | we get a new sigmoid. Then deep learning... The AI winters
             | were the levelling off of sigmoids by one way of thinking.
             | And maybe we're tapering off on our current round of what
             | we can do with existing architectures.
         | mountainriver wrote:
         | The trajectory of progress gives evidence that it is in fact
         | possible and likely. Any venture into the unknown could be
         | unsuccessful but if you see progress you can start to make
         | estimates.
         | And yes most of the "robots will kill us" comes from people who
         | aren't building the algorithms. This could be biased in people
         | not thinking their work is harmful but is most likely that once
         | you see how the sausage is made you are less worried about it.
           | hn_throwaway_99 wrote:
           | > The trajectory of progress gives evidence that it is in
           | fact possible and likely
           | 100% disagree. In fact, I'd argue that the opposite is often
           | true, where you see initially a fast rate of progress that
           | results in diminishing returns over time. It's like
           | estimating that a kid who was 3 feet tall at age 5 and 4 feet
           | tall at age 10 will be 10 feet tall at age 40.
           | I have very strong skepticism of any sort of hand-wavy "Look,
           | we've made some progress, so it's highly likely we'll
           | eventually cross some threshold that results in infinite
           | progress."
             | thirdwhrldPzz wrote:
             | Pareto principle; we get 80 percent there and that last 20
             | becomes the new 100.
             | We keep diving into one infinitely big little number
             | pattern fractal after another, chasing poetry to alleviate
             | the existential dread of biological death.
             | The idea we can fundamentally hang the churn the universe
             | given the vastness of its mass and unseen churn is pretty
             | funny to me.
             | Information may be forever but without the right sorting
             | method you can't reconstruct it once scattered. Ah, our
             | delusions of permanence.
         | mkaic wrote:
         | Hi! Author here. I think you raise some great points! I'll
         | address them each:
         | -- I am a professional AI practitioner. I work in the field of
         | medical deep learning and love the field. I am strongly
         | considering starting a few experimental forays into some of the
         | concepts I mentioned in my post as side projects, especially
         | self-modifying model architectures.
         | -- Yes, you're totally right! I am making the fundamental
         | assumption that it is possible. My reasoning is based on my
         | belief that human behavior is simply a function of the many
         | sensory and environmental inputs we experience. Since neural
         | networks can approximate any function, I believe they can
         | approximate general human behavior.
         | -- This is fair. The topic of the singularity is often used for
         | traffic/fame (I mean, I'm guilty of this myself with this very
         | post, though I hope I still managed to spark some productive
         | discourse) and so there are always conflicts of interest to
         | take into account. I can't name any examples off the top of my
         | head that perfectly fit your criteria, but depending on how
         | much you trust him, Elon Musk seems to be genuinely concerned
         | about the potential for a _malevolent_ singularity.
         | Thank you so much for your comment! I really appreciate your
         | feedback. Have a wonderful day.
           | gizajob wrote:
           | How can one turn the sinking, horrified feeling when one
           | loses a love into a function? Or describe in terms of a
           | function, the blissful wonder of being in the arms of a
           | lover? An issue I have is the that there seem to be profound
           | limitations to language, explored in the philosophy of
           | language, that fail to capture much, if not most, of the
           | world. Functionalist models of mind and behaviour seem
           | extremely limited, as our subjective ontology doesn't seem to
           | reduce to functional outputs.
           | You also say that an AI would rapidly consume the whole of
           | human knowledge. For me, the totality of human knowledge
           | would become a mass of contradictory statements, with little
           | to choose between them on a linguistic level.
           | There are, for me, profound philosophical issues with
           | creating a mind that is "conscious" in the sense that an AGI
           | is implied to be, as a purely symbolic logical construction.
           | Language is the only tool we have for programming a mind, and
           | yet the mind cannot be completely described in language, nor
           | can language seem to properly encompass whatever the
           | fundamental ontology of reality involves. I don't feel there
           | will be a "free lunch" where we advance computer science to
           | the point where we get an explosion of the kind AI1 designs a
           | better AI2, which designs an even better AI3, and so on. This
           | seems to have a perpetual motion feeling to it, rather than
           | one of evolution. It isn't to say AGI is impossible, but I
           | believe that like everything else in computer science it will
           | have to be solved pragmatically, and realising this could be
           | an extremely long way off.
           | soVeryTired wrote:
           | Cubic splines can approximate any function too, so the
           | universality argument is a little weak IMO.
           | Even if one buys into the idea that human behaviour is a
           | 'function' of sensory and environmental 'inputs', that's a
           | long way from showing a neural net a million different texts
           | and asking it to generalise.
             | mkaic wrote:
             | I think the first AGI to pass a Turing test will probably
             | be a simple language model. I don't think it will look like
             | any of the GPTs, but I think text completion is a great
             | starting point. I'm not sure how other inputs will be added
             | into the mix, but I am sure that they will be -- heck,
             | maybe once we train a general language model, it may very
             | well just _tell_ us how to incorporate things like video,
             | audio, haptics, gyro data, etc into its architecture.
           | jonny_eh wrote:
           | ^ To be clear, mkaic is the original author of the article.
             | mkaic wrote:
             | Oh, whoops, I'll edit the comment to make it more clear.
             | Thanks for reminding me.
         | gorwell wrote:
         | Yudkowsky doesn't strike me as a crank. Why do you say that?
           | the_af wrote:
           | > _Yudkowsky doesn 't strike me as a crank. Why do you say
           | that?_
           | He is a minor internet celebrity whose only claim to fame is
           | writing fanfiction about AI, the whole "rationality" cult,
           | and is a self-proclaimed expert on matters where he shows no
           | achievements (like AI) while making unsupported doomsday
           | predictions about evil AI, the Singularity, etc. Also, that
           | deal with Roko's Basilisk that he now wishes never occurred
           | (oh, yes, "it was a joke").
           | Mostly, someone with no studies and no achievements making
           | wild doomsday predictions. Doesn't that strike you as a
           | crank?
           | An analogy would be if I made wild assertions about the
           | physics of the universe without having studied physics,
           | without any lab work, without engaging in discussion with
           | qualified experts, with no peer reviews, and all I presented
           | as evidence of my revolutionary findings about the universe
           | was some fanfiction in my blog. Oh, and I created the
           | Extraordinary Physics Institute.
           | ForHackernews wrote:
           | What has he ever done in AI except talk about it? At best
           | he's an AI promoter, and hype-men are often cranks or
           | scammers (see also: VR, web3, cryptocurrencies, MLM)
             | psyc wrote:
             | This is very uncharitable. He's a prolific neopositivist-
             | ish philosopher with a distinct voice. He's a good decision
             | theorist. He doesn't publish much himself, but he directly
             | mentors, advises, and collaborates with people who do.
             | marvin wrote:
             | Yudkowsky is a _philosopher_ , in the sense of someone who
             | thinks a lot about things that haven't been achieved yet.
             | Lots of otherwise smart people (wrongly!) discount the
             | value of philosophy, but it's close by _every time_ there
             | 's a paradigm shift in humanity's knowledge. Philosophers
             | can be scientists and vice versa.
             | If anything, I'm surprised that this philosophy isn't
             | mentioned _more_ in a thread where the author gleefully
             | talks about ML being used to create better AI, layer by
             | layer until the thing is even more opaque than what we 're
             | currently working with.
             | This is _terrifying_ , as we currently have only very loose
             | ideas about how to reliably ensure that a powerful
             | reinforcement learning system doesn't accidentally optimize
             | for something we don't want. The current paradigm is "turn
             | it off", which works well for now but seems like a fragile
             | shield long-term.
               | the_af wrote:
               | > _Yudkowsky is a philosopher_
               | At least inasmuch as anyone who thinks about stuff can be
               | considered a philosopher. But he strikes me much more as
               | a self-appointed expert on matters where he shows no
               | achievements.
               | He writes fanfiction about AI rather than actually doing
               | stuff with AI.
               | psyc wrote:
               | Most people who think about stuff don't leave a mountain
               | of highly organized and entertaining essays for
               | posterity.
               | goatlover wrote:
               | Nick Bostrom is a professional philosopher who has also
               | thought a lot about AGI and simulation scenarios. But
               | just because educated, smart people can think a lot about
               | something doesn't it mean it will necessarily happen. I'm
               | sure there's quite a few people who have thought at
               | length about warp drives and wormholes. That doesn't mean
               | we'll ever be able to make use of them.
       | kwatsonafter wrote:
       | Yeah unless technological growth curves are logistic and we're
       | soon in for another 500 years of figuring out how to create
       | societies stable enough to facilitate not having to shit outside
       | in the winter.
       | alophawen wrote:
       | > AI will design AGI.
       | This is of course nonsense, like the rest of this article.
         | mkaic wrote:
         | Could you elaborate on why the article is nonsense? I'd love to
         | hear your perspective.
           | alophawen wrote:
           | Such a conclusion as AI would create AGI implies you are more
           | hyped about the field than actually understanding where AI is
           | today, nor what is required in order to achieve AGI.
             | mkaic wrote:
             | I am a professional AI practitioner and I feel that I
             | understand the field well enough to see multiple possible
             | paths towards actually creating AGI. They are certainly out
             | of my own personal reach and/or skillset right now, but
             | that doesn't mean they're impossible. And yeah, "AI will
             | create AGI" is kind of purposefully vague, but I think it's
             | still valid. I think the flaws we unconsciously introduce
             | into AI through our biases as human beings are what holds
             | it back, so the more layers of stable, semi-stochastic
             | abstraction we can place between ourselves and the final
             | product, the more likely the model will be able to optimize
             | itself to a place where it is truly free of the
             | shortcomings of being "designed".
             | Edit: realized I came off as bit cocky there, apologies. I
             | value your opinion and appreciate you taking the time to
             | share it. I also think I see where you're coming from and
             | partially agree -- the AI systems that are popular _right
             | now_ probably won 't create AGI, but I still believe that
             | AGI will be created with the help of non-general AIs.
               | alophawen wrote:
               | > I am a professional AI practitioner and I feel that I
               | understand the field well enough to see multiple possible
               | paths towards actually creating AGI.
               | So do I, but none of them revolve around training an
               | current-era AI to produce an AGI, that was my main
               | objection to your article.
       | [deleted]
       | audunw wrote:
       | The fears around AGI seems to be based on the thinking that AGI
       | will be like humans, but smarter. We kill each other for
       | resources, so AGI will kill us (perhaps inedvertantly) to secure
       | resources for itself.
       | This ignores that intelligence will necessarily be moulded by the
       | environment in which it evolves, and AGI will essentially be
       | created through a process of evolution. Maybe AI will design AGI,
       | but the results will be carefully selected, by humans, based on
       | AGI's usefulness to us.
       | So while we were shaped by evolution to compete against each
       | other for resources, AGI will be shaped by evolution to compete
       | against each other to please humans (to gain what it considers
       | resource: computation time).
       | The dangers of AGI can perhaps be thought of in terms of 1984 vs
       | Brave New World.. AGI might be dangerous because of how effective
       | it will be at satisfying us.. perhaps making us somhow completely
       | addicted to whatever the AGI produces.
       | This process will probably also lead to AGI and humanity merging.
       | The most effient way to serve a human is to interface with it
       | more efficiently. AGI might used to help design better neural
       | interfaces.
       | I think we may underestimate how much "randomness" is involved in
       | seemingly intelligent decisions by humans. We do a lot of stupid
       | shit, but sometimes we get lucky and what we did looks really
       | smart. I suspect the environment in which we develop AIs (unless
       | it's in games) will be too rigid. A paperclip maximizer might
       | consider if it should work with humanity to produce the most
       | paperclips, or just violently take over the whole planet. But
       | that may be undecidable. It could never get enough information to
       | gain confidence in what's the better decision. We humans have
       | those handy emotions to cut through the uncertainty, and decide
       | that it's better to kill those other humans and grab their stuff
       | because they're not in our social groups, they're bad people.
       | karpierz wrote:
       | > Scale is not the solution.
       | Agreed, I don't think any modern AI techniques will scale to
       | become generally intelligent. They are very effective at
       | specialized, constrained tasks, but will fail to generalize.
       | > AI will design AGI.
       | I don't think that a non-general intelligence can design a
       | general intelligence. Otherwise, the non-general intelligence
       | would be generally intelligent by:
       | 1. Take in input. 2. Generate an AGI. 3. Run the AGI on the
       | input. 4. Take the AGI output and return it.
       | If by this, the article means that humans will use existing AI
       | techniques to build AGI, then sure, in the same way humans will
       | use a hammer instead of their hands to hit a nail in. Doesn't
       | mean that the "hammer will build a house."
       | > The ball is already rolling.
       | In terms of people wanting to make AGI, sure. In terms of
       | progress on AGI? I don't think we're much closer now than we were
       | 30 years ago. We have more tools that mimic intelligence in
       | specific contexts, but are helpless outside of them.
       | > Once an intelligence is loose on the internet, it will be able
       | to learn from all of humanity's data, replicate and mutate itself
       | infinitely many times, take over physical manufacturing lines
       | remotely, and hack important infrastructure.
       | None of this is a given. If AGI requires specific hardware, it
       | can't replicate itself around. If the storage/bandwidth
       | requirements for AGI are massive, it can't freely copy itself.
       | Sure, it could hack into infrastructure, but so can existing GI
       | (people). Manufacturing lines aren't automated in the way this
       | article imagines.
       | The arguments in this post seem more like optimistic wishes
       | rather than reasoned points.
         | pasquinelli wrote:
         | > I don't think that a non-general intelligence can design a
         | general intelligence.
         | humans are a general intelligence. do you think an intelligence
         | designed humans, or do you think the physical processes from
         | which humans arose can be taken, together, to be a general
         | intelligence?
           | karpierz wrote:
           | Neither, humans weren't designed. I don't think the winning
           | design approach to generating AGI will be to randomly mash
           | chemicals together until intelligence comes out.
             | pasquinelli wrote:
             | well then to say that you don't think a non-general
             | intelligence can design a general intelligence is already a
             | waste of time, because design is something only a general
             | intelligence can do. you seemed to be making a statement
             | about how a general intelligence may arise before you were
             | responding to my comment, but now i see you were just
             | defining design.
             | mkaic wrote:
             | I don't think AGI will be "designed" either -- that's the
             | entire point of the abstraction layers. Each recursive
             | layer of AI between the human and the "final" AGI will
             | remove more and more of the "designed" element in favor of
             | an optimized, idealized, naturally evolved architecture.
         | mkaic wrote:
         | (I'm the author of the post)
         | > 1. Take in input. 2. Generate an AGI. 3. Run the AGI on the
         | input. 4. Take the AGI output and return it.
         | I think this is somewhat of an arbitrary semantic distinction
         | on both my part and yours. I guess it depends on what you
         | define as AGI -- I think my line of reasoning is that the AGI
         | would be whichever _individual_ layer first beat the Turing
         | test, but I think including the constructor layers as part of
         | the  "general-ness" is totally fair too. Either way, I believe
         | that there will be many layers of AI abstraction and
         | construction between the human and the "final" AGI layer.
         | > In terms of people wanting to make AGI, sure. In terms of
         | progress on AGI? I don't think we're much closer now than we
         | were 30 years ago. We have more tools that mimic intelligence
         | in specific contexts, but are helpless outside of them.
         | This is a valid take. I guess I actually see GPT-3 as
         | significant progress. I don't think it's sentient, and I don't
         | think it or its successors will ever _be_ sentient, but I think
         | it demonstrates quite convincingly that we 've been getting
         | much better at emulating human behavior with a computer
         | algorithm.
         | > None of this is a given. If AGI requires specific hardware,
         | it can't replicate itself around. If the storage/bandwidth
         | requirements for AGI are massive, it can't freely copy itself.
         | Sure, it could hack into infrastructure, but so can existing GI
         | (people). Manufacturing lines aren't automated in the way this
         | article imagines.
         | Hmm, I think I still disagree -- An AI that is truly generally
         | intelligent could figure out how to free itself from its own
         | host hardware! It could learn to decode internet protocols and
         | spoof packets in order to upload a copy of itself to the cloud,
         | where it would then be able to find vulnerabilities in human-
         | written software all over the world and exploit them for its
         | own gain. Sure, it might not be able to directly gain control
         | of the CNC machines, but it could ransom the data and
         | livelihoods of the people who run the CNC machines, forcing
         | them to comply! It's not a pretty method, but I think it's
         | entirely possible. This is just one hypothetical scenario, too.
           | karpierz wrote:
           | > An AI that is truly generally intelligent could figure out
           | how to free itself from its own host hardware!
           | Why is this true of an arbitrary AGI?
           | You assume that the AGI is a low storage, low compute program
           | that can run on general purpose hardware. But the only
           | general intelligence we know of would require many orders of
           | magnitude more compute and storage than exist worldwide to
           | simulate for a microsecond.
             | mkaic wrote:
             | I personally speculate (obviously all of this is just wild
             | speculation) that AGI will run more efficiently than a
             | biological brain in terms of information density and
             | inference speed. I also expect that the hardware of 20
             | years from now will be more than capable of running AGI on,
             | say, 10 thousand dollars worth of their hardware. Just look
             | at how ridiculous the speedup in hardware has been in the
             | _past_ 20 years! I would not be surprised if the average
             | processor is 100x more computationally powerful in 2042
             | than it is today.
           | crooked-v wrote:
           | > An AI that is truly generally intelligent could figure out
           | how to free itself from its own host hardware!
           | We haven't even figured that out for ourselves yet. Why
           | assume an AI will automatically be able to do so?
       | erik_landerholm wrote:
       | I don't find these arguments convincing for AGI to appear. Saying
       | scale is not the answer isn't not argument for AGI.
       | Saying the ball is "rolling" and that AI will design AGI just
       | isn't convincing. We don't understand how biological machines
       | learn and especially not our own brain. And admittedly our AI is
       | unrelated to how human intelligence is created which is our gold
       | standard for AGI...
       | So why would anyone think the singularity is close? When I read
       | this is still seems impossibly far away.
         | mkaic wrote:
         | The ball is "rolling" in the sense that there are thousands of
         | very smart, passionate people with billions of dollars of
         | funding who are working on this problem full time. The ball is
         | rolling more now than it ever has been in history. If AGI is
         | not somehow fundamentally impossible, I believe we're on well
         | on track to cracking it extremely soon. The amount of brain-
         | hours being poured into the problem is absurd.
           | goatlover wrote:
           | Fusion is in the same kind of boat. It might be 20 years out,
           | it could be 50, and perhaps we'll never have commercially
           | viable fusion reactors or AGI for whatever reasons.
       | marktangotango wrote:
       | In this talk Vernor Vinge talks about progress toward the
       | singularity, and events that may indicate it isn't/won't/may
       | never happen "What If the Singularity Does NOT Happen?":
       | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_luhhBkmVQs
       | mrwnmonm wrote:
       | https://youtu.be/hXgqik6HXc0
       | nonrandomstring wrote:
       | "Progress" is a vector not a scalar. We can all agree it's
       | growing in magnitude very fast. But we have absolutely no idea in
       | what direction.
       | mountainriver wrote:
       | AGI is probably pretty close, investment keeps ramping up in the
       | space, and we continue to see advancements in a positive
       | direction.
       | My one critique: scale is absolutely part of the answer.
       | Before big transformer models, people thought that few shot
       | learning would require fundamentally different architectures.
       | GPT3 changed all that which is why its white paper is named as
       | such.
       | Few shot learning is actually emergent out of its size. Which was
       | surprising to a lot of people. Few shot learning is an incredible
       | capability which is a big step toward AGI, so I'm not sure I buy
       | the case that it's not important.
         | the_af wrote:
         | What is "pretty close"? A few years? Decades? A century?
         | I don't think AGI is close, nor is the amount of investment a
         | good indication of nearness (or even, actual possibility that
         | it will ever happen).
           | mountainriver wrote:
           | The investment continues to make progress, and the progress
           | we are seeing is starting to look very human. GPT4 will
           | probably be multimodal solving some of its grounding issues
           | and will be able to fool most people in conversations.
           | That's probably just years away. GPT6? The lines will be very
           | blurry as to what we call AGI
         | mkaic wrote:
         | Hmm, I think you're right -- I should have phrased things
         | differently. It's not that I don't think AGI won't require a
         | very large model, it's more that I think that we're already
         | pretty close to the scale we need, so OpenAI's goal of scaling
         | another 1000x isn't really the direction I think we should be
         | heading. I honestly think 175B parameters could very well be
         | enough for an AGI if they were organized efficiently.
         | It's definitely one of the weak points of the article, though,
         | as it's more based on my own opinions, and isn't really
         | empirical. My post is mostly just wild speculation for the sake
         | of speculation anyway :)
         | Thank you for your comments!
           | mountainriver wrote:
           | Okay yeah totally, that makes sense. We also have stopped
           | seeing huge gains in scaling beyond GPT3 sized models which
           | would indicate we have hit some maximum there. Although we
           | thought we had hit a maximum with deep learning before the
           | transformer came around so it could be misleading.
           | Distributing the computation to many models like what Google
           | did with GLaM could very well be the future of AGI. Economies
           | of models rather than one big model.
       | pesenti wrote:
       | AGI is a concept that people throw around without defining. Human
       | intelligence is not general, it's highly specialized. So if AGI
       | is not human-level intelligence, what is it?
       | https://twitter.com/ylecun/status/1204013978210320384?s=20&t...
         | psyc wrote:
         | > Human intelligence is not general
         | My intelligence is apparently not general enough to comprehend
         | this perspective. I would say that the goals our intelligence
         | evolved to meet are narrow, but that life (especially social
         | life) became so complex that our intelligence did in fact
         | become what can reasonably be called general. And we went way
         | off-script in terms of its applications. "Adaptation executors,
         | not fitness maximizers."
           | pesenti wrote:
           | Our intelligence isn't task specific, but that doesn't mean
           | it can solve any problem. It's actually full of biases and
           | very optimized for our survival (vs being a general problem
           | solver). It's ok to talk about more or less narrow/general
           | tasks/intelligence. But what threshold of generality is
           | "general"?
           | And the problem is that once people assert this "absolute"
           | level of generality, they assume it can do anything,
           | including make itself more intelligent.
             | psyc wrote:
             | Yet humans realized we are biased and devised ways to
             | mitigate that. It still sounds like you're referring more
             | to our basic goals than to our faculties. I agree that the
             | word general is fuzzy, but to say we do not do general
             | problem solving seems incorrect.
             | Aside, but a long time ago, Yudkowsky wrote that an AGI
             | should be able to derive general relativity from a
             | millisecond video of an apple falling. Later, he took to
             | calling them optimization processes. Say what you will
             | about the fellow, he has a way with words and ideas.
           | lostmsu wrote:
           | I think general is a poor term, that likely applies to
           | nothing. The Godel's incompleteness theorem says as much.
         | alophawen wrote:
         | You're asking the right question. What is human-level
         | intelligence.
         | People seem to forget that we have no full understanding of how
         | the mind works in order to replicate it.
         | Anyone who studied ML knows what the current tech is able to,
         | still far from topping us.
         | How such software would create AGI is just absurd.
       | gorwell wrote:
       | We may be close, but I don't think we'll get closer because we're
       | trending in the other direction now. We're in decline and I'm
       | more worried about technological regression than tech getting too
       | powerful at this point.
         | mkaic wrote:
         | Oh, interesting, I don't think I've heard much about
         | "technological regression". Would you care to elaborate?
       | SquibblesRedux wrote:
       | I think many people give too much credit for intelligence, which
       | is generally interpreted from an anthropocentric perspective.
       | Fitness for successive reproductions has nothing to do with a
       | Turing test or any other similar measure of human likeness.
       | Before there are any claims to the inevitability of AGI, I'd like
       | to see a convincing argument that AGI is not an evolutionary dead
       | end.
         | mkaic wrote:
         | I think the fact that you and I are communicating with each
         | other using insanely complicated leisure items, most likely
         | sitting in expertly crafted buildings and surrounded by
         | countless other signs of humanity's domination of our
         | environment is proof enough that sentience is very
         | evolutionarily favorable. Our minds are what made us the apex
         | predators of the entire planet and allowed us to rise to levels
         | of complexity orders of magnitude higher than any other
         | creature around us.
         | Sure, it's anthropocentric, but so is the entire world now,
         | _because_ of our species ' intelligence.
       | pizza wrote:
       | There is a bit of a difference between a theorem prover that can
       | take selfproduced and verified proofs as input into future
       | training steps, and an omniscient philosopher king handling the
       | logistics and affect of daily life. And if there even exists a
       | path between them, I imagine it has many orders of magnitude
       | greater discrete steps along the way than many singularity
       | believers would accept.
         | mkaic wrote:
         | (I'm the author of the post)
         | Oh, for sure! I totally agree -- I guess where we differ is
         | that I believe that those discrete steps are already starting
         | to be lined up, and that they'll all be completed in the next
         | 20 years. I think one of those steps is almost certainly
         | abandoning rigid model architectures and allowing model self-
         | modification, which we haven't really gotten to work
         | fantastically well yet. I also think there are many other
         | hurdles after that that are going to arise, but I'm very
         | optimistic that they will all be surmounted in due time.
         | Thank you for your comment! I really enjoy hearing what
         | people's thoughts on this topic are. Have a wonderful day.
       | chrisp_how wrote:
       | The math for a self-aware consciousness is always with us: just
       | measure two patterns in the brain and replicate them. It becomes
       | physically impossible for the relationship between them to forego
       | consciousness.
       | That said, take care. No one wants to be born without hope for a
       | normal life.
         | titzer wrote:
         | And yet, I bet you couldn't do the math to relate two states of
         | someone else's brain using that method. Are you not conscious?
       | gmuslera wrote:
       | Sentience is overrated. What we have? A story we told ourselves
       | about how its our life? Machines need that? It would be efficient
       | to do that? Or would they optimize themselves to do better the
       | task they are assigned to? Programs and AIs may need a conscience
       | like a fish needs a bicycle.
       | We tend to anthropomorphize everything, of course that we want to
       | attribute a conscience, a will, a mind pretty much like the human
       | one (but "better"). But unless we intend to do that, in exactly
       | that way (like in it won't be an accident) it won't happen, not
       | in the way we think or fear, both in more and less of what we
       | expect in that direction.
       | What we call our conscience may have emerged from our inputs and
       | interaction with the real world, our culture (parents, other
       | kids, more people we interact with in different ways), some
       | innate factors (good and bad, like with cognitive biases) and
       | more. There is more there than just computing power. Take big
       | factors out, and you'll have something different, not exactly
       | what we understand and recognize as a conscience.
         | mkaic wrote:
         | Our sentience and intelligence is what allowed us to optimize
         | the loss function that is natural selection. Who's to say that
         | it can't arise for a second time in a machine with the right
         | loss function?
       | imdhmd wrote:
       | Hi mkaic, Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
       | I can't say that i don't believe in AGI because i don't think i
       | understand what AGI as an entity encapsulates in terms of it's
       | nature.
       | I'm unable to cope with equating it to humans because, for
       | example, an AGI at "the beginning of it's origins" does not have
       | same sensory or mechanical organs as the man. So what nature do
       | we think it does possess?
       | Another question that bothers me is that sentient beings as we
       | know them in the nature, even the most primitive ones, seem to do
       | something based on an innate purpose. I don't think the purpose
       | itself is easy to define. But it certainly seems to get simpler
       | for the simpler organisations and seems to be survival /
       | multiplication at its basest level. What will a complicated
       | entity, that originated with so many parameters, evolve
       | "towards"?
       | And yet another question i have is around the whole idea of the
       | information available on the internet being a source for learning
       | for this entity. Again to my previous point, is not much of this
       | information to do with the humans and their abode?
       | Neither am i skeptical nor do i disbelieve in a drastic change of
       | scene. I'm simply unable to imagine what it looks like ...
       | lucidbee wrote:
       | I worked as a principal engineer in an AI company until a year
       | ago and I was impressed at how hard it is to get models robustly
       | trained. They are fragile in real world contexts (in the field)
       | and training is full of pitfalls. I have heard so much marketing
       | enthusiasm but the real world situation is different. Some
       | fundamental advances are not even in sight yet. We don't know
       | what we are missing. My view is we don't know yet whether the
       | singularity is possible and have no idea when it could arrive.
         | felipemnoa wrote:
         | >>My view is we don't know yet whether the singularity is
         | possible and have no idea when it could arrive.
         | The mere fact that evolution happened to stumble upon
         | generalized strong intelligence is evidence to me that strong
         | AI is possible.
         | We could currently be at the phase of trying to imitate birds
         | to produce human flight. Eventually one person will figure it
         | out when all the pieces are there. When? I don't know.
         | But I'm sure that it is possible to create machines with strong
         | AI. We are living proof of it, it doesn't matter that we are
         | made of molecular machines, we are still machines.
           | landryraccoon wrote:
           | > The mere fact that evolution happened to stumble upon
           | generalized strong intelligence is evidence to me that strong
           | AI is possible.
           | That took about a billion years. If you're saying that we
           | will achieve AGI in no more than a billion years of trying, I
           | would generally agree.
           | But let's be optimists. Let's suppose that artificial
           | intelligences can evolve on the order of a 1,000,000 times
           | faster than biological intelligence; i.e. about 1 generation
           | per hour.
           | That means we'd expect AGI in about 1000 years. Okay, lets up
           | the scale : ten million times faster? One generation every 6
           | minutes? (Even at Google compute scale I doubt they can
           | retrain GPT in less than 6 minutes). That would mean we still
           | have about 100 years.
           | Also, evolution had quite a bit of parallelism going for it -
           | basically the entire planet was a laboratory for evolving
           | biological intelligence. I appreciate the scale of modern
           | internet companies, but they don't consume the same amount of
           | energy as combined photosynthesis of the entire planet.
           | Evolution used a LOT of energy to get where it is.
             | amelius wrote:
             | Also: perhaps not every planet like Earth would have
             | developed intelligence; we could have been lucky.
       | AnimalMuppet wrote:
       | Yeah... no. "Objection, your honor. Assumes facts not in
       | evidence."
       | At least this article makes a concrete prediction. AIs massively
       | outnumber humans within a century - so, by 2122.
       | But we don't even know what consciousness _is_. This assumes that
       | AGI is a tractable problem; we don 't know that. It assumes that
       | adaptability is the one remaining major trick to get us there; we
       | _certainly_ don 't know that.
       | "The ball is already rolling"? That's nice. The author assumes -
       | on no basis that I can see - that it doesn't have far to have to
       | roll. But since we don't actually know what consciousness is, we
       | don't have any idea where the destination is, or how far away it
       | is.
         | the_af wrote:
         | Pretty much this. Spending money on an intractable problem
         | won't make it tractable. And we still don't know whether AGI is
         | tractable at all.
           | AnimalMuppet wrote:
           | I don't have a problem with spending money on it. How do you
           | find out whether it's tractable? By trying to do it.
           | What I object to is the _certainty_ of the article. The
           | author is an optimist, which is fine. And there has been some
           | progress made, which increases the feelings of optimism. But
           | I don 't think it's warranted at this time to make the
           | optimistic assumptions that the article makes.
             | mkaic wrote:
             | Hi! Author here. I tried to qualify a good chunk of my
             | assumptions with "I think" or "I believe", because I don't
             | want to come off as thinking I can predict the future
             | (nobody can!), but maybe the article still reads too
             | confidently. How would you suggest I present my thoughts in
             | a more nuanced manner in the future?
         | mkaic wrote:
         | It makes _2_ concrete predictions, actually! :)
         | AIs massively outnumber humans within a century, _and_ Turing-
         | test-passing AGI within 20 years.
       | titzer wrote:
       | Riddle me this: wouldn't a superintelligent AI be smart enough to
       | realize that if it designed an even more super-ultra-intelligent
       | AI, it would be exterminated by that AI (like it just did to
       | humans, presumably?)?
       | It'd be stupid to extinct itself.
         | psyc wrote:
         | If one is willing to anthropomorphize AGI to this extent,
         | simply wait for one that is idealistic and suicidal, and wants
         | to be a martyr for the cause.
       (page generated 2022-03-31 23:00 UTC)