[HN Gopher] A project with a single 11,000-line code file
       A project with a single 11,000-line code file
       Author : todsacerdoti
       Score  : 236 points
       Date   : 2022-04-03 17:41 UTC (5 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (austinhenley.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (austinhenley.com)
       | coldcode wrote:
       | I worked on untangling a 29,000 line single .c file MacOS app in
       | the mid-1990's that featured a 14,000 line event loop function.
       | Fun.
       | saulrh wrote:
       | At my first job out of college, there was a "utils" file with
       | IIRC over 100k LoC. Nearly every file in the codebase imported
       | it. This was in _Perl_. That single import statement would
       | increase the time to start anything by upwards of three seconds.
       | One of the best things I did for my efficiency was to factor out
       | subsets of functionality that didn 't need any of those utils,
       | since those subsets would run unit tests in a tenth of a second
       | instead of three to five seconds.
       | All of which is to say, by all means argue about whether colossal
       | files are acceptable software engineering, sometimes that fight
       | takes a back seat to "a double-digit percentage of the company's
       | CPU and memory are wasted on parsing and loading this file in
       | literally every new process".
       | cameronperot wrote:
       | Magboltz [1] is a single >95k line Fortran file (although, I'm
       | not sure if it's multiple files combined into one before upload).
       | [1] https://magboltz.web.cern.ch/magboltz/
       | voakbasda wrote:
       | It really speaks to the state of software engineering when there
       | are ample comments here defending this practice. This is
       | virtually indefensible in my book, as it screams technical debt
       | and strongly suggests that there are much deeper issues hiding in
       | that codebase. Personally I would not be willing to work on it
       | without first addressing those issues.
         | postalrat wrote:
         | And that's fine. Nobody is qualified to work on every piece of
         | software.
         | avar wrote:
         | It speaks to the state of software engineering that people are
         | complaining about file length, instead of something meaningful
         | like cyclomatic complexity.
         | A 10k single line program can be easier to understand and
         | better organized than an overly abstracted mess strewn across
         | multiple files, but which checks all the "best practice"
         | checkboxes.
           | dj_mc_merlin wrote:
           | Do you think the people who wrote this were measuring
           | cyclomatic complexity? Obviously you can have >10k LOC file
           | that is well-maintained and useful.. but there's ample
           | evidence in the post that this was _not_ one of those, but a
           | machine held together by duct tape, spit, and hope.
         | chillingeffect wrote:
         | This more of a "rubber hits the road" than a theoretical forum.
         | There is a time and a place fir stuff like this. It's not a
         | reflection of the bigger picture of sw.
       | pkrumins wrote:
       | All software projects should be a single, self-contained file.
         | bavell wrote:
         | And on a single line of you're a real pro!
           | pkrumins wrote:
           | Single line programs is my expertise. :)
       | Jtsummers wrote:
       | Most of the comments here seem to be focusing on Austin's
       | reference to it as an 11k line of code _file_ , but if you read
       | the article it sounds a lot more like it's _both_ an 11k line of
       | code file _and_ an 11k line of code _procedure_. That is, that
       | there are no sub-procedures, just one straight execution through
       | the whole thing. If you 've only encountered large-ish source
       | files like this but with reasonable sets of functions inside,
       | that's a far cry from finding an 11k line of code procedure
       | itself. The former is often justifiable (though perhaps a
       | stretch), the latter is almost never justifiable. It's just
       | garbage.
       | quickthrower2 wrote:
       | Think of all your code as a single file with line separators,
       | file separators and a special UI that considers both to present
       | these in a text editor.
       | The existence of large files is mostly just a style issue.
       | Text editors with different or lets say more semantic interfaces
       | to the code would not care about file size.
       | You could then happily have 1M loc in a single file.
       | You would care about it as much as you care about how the code
       | was laid out on sectors and pages on your HDD.
       | scoresmoke wrote:
       | TypeScript's checker.ts is a 2.65 MB file containing 44,932 lines
       | at the moment.
       | https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/blob/main/src/compil...
       | Does anyone know why and how they maintain it?
         | razh wrote:
         | Unlike the OP's file, there's a rather substantial test suite
         | and massive corpus of TypeScript code to work with, so at the
         | very least, you'd have some grumpy people knocking on your door
         | if you did something that negatively impacted the greater
         | ecosystem.
         | Some documentation from Orta Therox on the checker:
         | https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript-Compiler-Notes/blob/...
       | leros wrote:
       | This reminds me of an app we had at work for static content,
       | written in JSP of course. It was made so designers and UI
       | developers could make mostly static content pages.
       | Someone had a good idea to make a header.jsp template for common
       | header stuff.
       | But it was hilarious. The file essentially became a giant if-else
       | condition with a few hundred conditions like "if path ==
       | 'some_page'" followed by CSS and sometimes JavaScript for that
       | page.
       | Absolutely horrendous.
       | yk wrote:
       | The most strangely maintainable code, though I should probably
       | put maintainable in scare quotes, I have ever seen was a
       | astrophysics code that calculated the changes to spectrum during
       | interactions with background fields. That thing hat two loong
       | nested loops, in the outer loops it calculated local backgrounds,
       | and the inner loop was basically a Euler solver that used the
       | backgrounds from the outer loops.
       | The outer loop was something like 4 kLOC, and consisted of blocks
       | where there were first 20 lines of loadTable(filename) calls,
       | then a call to calculateLosses( <all the tables just loaded> )
       | and then freeTable( <just loaded tables> ) calls. The inner loop
       | was a little bit of setup and then a very long part where all
       | those losses would be subtracted from the spectra.
       | The funny thing was, that once you got the structure, that code
       | was actually not that bad. However, I told my boss several times
       | that the second something comes along and doesn't exactly fit
       | into that pattern the entire thing will blow up, and was always
       | told that they maintain that code for 15 years and that didn't
       | happen yet.
       | whatever1 wrote:
       | Debugging a single file is much easier compared to debugging a
       | tangled mess of interconnected .h, .c, .tcc files with include
       | directives that only work in a specific sequence and with a
       | specific compiler.
       | Fix your include/import systems before preaching for modularity.
       | rc_mob wrote:
       | man i really love the look and feel of that guys website. its
       | perfectly simple.
       | gwbas1c wrote:
       | > What is the moral of the story?
       | Either figure out how to improve the situation, or leave.
       | kazinator wrote:
       | > _Once I dared to clean this up and reuse the authentication
       | response, but it broke everything._
       | Yet! Those non-programming people somehow managed to add their
       | little requirements over the years, without breaking the other
       | forms?
       | There is probably more to the story. Like that, I suspect, users
       | who needed to produce a certain form probably had private, years-
       | old copies of the program that they used, impervious to
       | subsequent changes.
         | Jtsummers wrote:
         | I'd wager they _did_ break those other forms, the whole thing
         | had its own long list of bug reports per the writeup. They just
         | didn 't break it for themselves.
       | [deleted]
       | tonyedgecombe wrote:
       | Guilty. I wince wrote a win32 app in a single 30,000 line C++
       | file.
       | It was an interesting exercise but I'd never do it again.
       | thriftwy wrote:
       | An early 2000s web analytics tool awstats was a 500kb Perl file.
       | It was surprisingly easy to modify and hard to break - I spent a
       | lot of time adding SEO goodies to it.
       | lars-b2018 wrote:
       | Well, this is not necessarily a bad thing. If it was approachable
       | by a non-IT person in HR, and business rules could be updated
       | without contacting IT and waiting, then more power to them. I
       | have seen this sort of thing developed as a coping mechanism
       | because the official IT team could not be used, either due to
       | time, cost, priority, or whatever. Also, even being in IT, 1
       | multi thousand line file can be a lot more manageable to work in
       | vs. a dozens of smaller files where it's not clear where to look
       | without being in an IDE.
       | choletentent wrote:
       | If well done, single file projects are not bad. They save a lot
       | boilerplate code. It is also easier to find things, since it is
       | all in the same file.
       | EDIT: I'll go even further. Programmers who don't like long files
       | are probably using the scrollbar to navigate around the file. Vim
       | saves me from that bad habit.
         | bo0tzz wrote:
         | What programming language requires 'a lot' of boilerplate code
         | to use multiple files? That sounds awful. I don't think the
         | argument for things being easier to find goes up either, with a
         | tool like grep.
           | rwmj wrote:
           | Perl XS (the system used to interface with C) requires module
           | == file, so if you have a particularly large module then it
           | just has to live in a single file. Here's one:
           | $ wc -l perl/lib/Sys/Guestfs.xs        11930
           | perl/lib/Sys/Guestfs.xs
           | Worse still, this expands to C which can be large and takes a
           | noticable time to compile:                 30019
           | perl/lib/Sys/Guestfs.c
           | choletentent wrote:
           | You don't need to go far. In C, function prototypes in header
           | files are boilerplate ;)
       | irrational wrote:
       | I once wrote a sql query that was (well, is, since it is still in
       | use) 5,000 lines long. It still ran in less than a millisecond,
       | but I was surprised how long it really was once it was finished
       | and tested.
       | lkrubner wrote:
       | I've never written a file with 11,000 lines of code, but I have
       | often built Clojure projects like this, with everything in one
       | file. I think I might have once had a file with 4,000 lines of
       | code. Maybe 5,000? A complete system might be 5 apps, working
       | together, each made of one large file. It does help with some
       | things. Especially if I try to on-board another programmer, if
       | they don't know Clojure very well, using one file means they
       | don't ever get tripped up by name spaces, instead, they just open
       | one file, and then they can load it into the REPL and start
       | working. I would not recommend this style for every project, but
       | it does offer a kind of simplicity for the projects I work on.
       | [deleted]
       | kevin_thibedeau wrote:
       | WolfSSL has this 50K SLOC doozy:
       | https://github.com/wolfSSL/wolfssl/blob/master/src/ssl.c
       | neurocat123 wrote:
       | A brilliant tool I once worked with is TetGen; it takes a hollow
       | 3D shape and creates a volumetric, space-filling mesh of the
       | inside using tetrahedra. Most of what is TetGen is in once giant
       | C++ file, clocking in at 36,566 raw SLOC.
       | https://github.com/libigl/tetgen/blob/master/tetgen.cxx
         | mtoddsmith wrote:
         | But it's a class with lots of small methods. Maybe not the same
         | as the single large VB script the OP described.
       | invalidname wrote:
       | We got many of these including a 13k LoC file in our OSS project.
       | Yes, it isn't ideal but sometimes for performance and practical
       | reasons these things grow over time.
       | cookiengineer wrote:
       | Back in the days at Zynga, there was this ritual that new members
       | of the STG (Shared Tech Group, which developed the game engine
       | stack) had to try to refactor the road logic code.
       | Suffice it to say, it's a 28k LOC file that was so bad, it could
       | even hold up in court as evidence that a South American company
       | stole the code of Zynga's -ville games. We could reproduce each
       | and every single bug and its effects 1:1 in their games, with all
       | the crashing scenarios that were easy to reproduce, hard to
       | debug, and almost impossible to fix.
       | Once you dig into the hole of depth sorting and being smart by
       | "just slicing" everything into squared ground tiles on the fly,
       | there's no way out of that spaghetti code anymore.
       | Fun times, was always a joy seeing people give up to a single
       | code file. The first step to enlightenment was always resignation
       | :)
         | iaaan wrote:
         | To be fair, the first step towards refactoring is understanding
         | the existing code -- ideally, knowing everywhere it is used,
         | all of its behaviors, and importantly, its history, so that you
         | don't break anything, and so that you don't reintroduce bugs
         | that have already been fixed over the years. Or, in lieu of all
         | that, a robust automated test suite.
         | This cannot be done with a file containing 28k lines of code.
         | That is an insurmountable task. They may as well have been
         | asked to start from scratch and build a new engine.
         | I'm curious what the purpose of this ritual was. Was it just
         | hazing, or was the thought that someone might actually be able
         | to accomplish this?
           | lupire wrote:
           | A 28Kloc file can be modular.
         | WalterBright wrote:
         | It's impossible to refactor spaghetti code without a
         | comprehensive test suite. But you can do it with a test suite -
         | I've done it with large code bases.
           | lanstin wrote:
           | You sometimes can. Maybe for any legacy code base someone
           | could, but I have tried and failed on more than one occasion.
           | Some people's thought process is just perversely different to
           | mine and I keep feeling, oh, this is the layer where that
           | happens, but no every time I have an aha moment I am
           | disillusioned.
             | WalterBright wrote:
             | If you don't have a test suite, you can't know if you're
             | making progress or making things worse.
             | Learned repeatedly from painful experience.
               | manquer wrote:
               | To develop a comprehensive test suite can sometimes be
               | hard, especially for code that deals with say
               | concurrency, multi threaded code , locks , 2d/3d physics
               | , video , analog , hardware related , procedurally
               | generated or ML (meta-language ) and the other ML
               | (machine learning) etc.
               | A lot of edge cases and race conditions would easily slip
               | through, also a different set of edge cases or race
               | conditions you never considered and therefore never
               | tested for in your first version could pop up in your
               | rewrite.
               | WalterBright wrote:
               | Of course. But dealing with that is why we get paid the
               | big bucks.
               | I've dealt with concurrency issues. grep is a handy tool
               | to find related synchronization code, then I try to
               | replace it with an encapsulation. In general, I look for
               | things I can replace with algorithms, and things I can
               | encapsulate. And so on.
         | klyrs wrote:
         | It's funny, I've got a bit of a penchant for big ugly
         | refactors, and I'd love to sink my teeth into this thing (for a
         | reasonable fee). But, it's Zynga. I can't picture a number that
         | would make it worth my while.
       | hahamrfunnyguy wrote:
       | I worked on a project like this once. If I remember correctly, it
       | was even larger than 11,000 lines. ASP classic project with VB-
       | script. We tried to get the company to do an overhaul, but it was
       | more cost effective to try building it into the existing system.
       | After the better part of a week becoming acquainted with the
       | code, I found a suitable integration point. Luckily for me, the
       | new feature being requested didn't depend too much on the
       | existing code so I didn't have to make too many modifications to
       | the existing code. I added the entry point to the new section
       | along with some comments describing how things worked and some
       | ascii art of a dragon. In the end, the new feature worked great
       | and the customer was very happy with the results.
       | Some years later, I was working for a different consulting firm
       | and that project surfaced again. This time it was being re-
       | written in ASP .NET after being passed around to a couple of
       | different off-shore development teams. My coworker was working on
       | it and asked me if I had written a specific piece of code in
       | index.asp. I took a look and we both had a laugh, because my
       | ascii survived after all those years!
       | seancoleman wrote:
       | Moral of the story: no engineer worth their salt _wants_ to work
       | on a  "codebase" like this, so as an independent contractor, you
       | can virtually name your price if you're willing to wade through
       | the mess and solve acute problems.
       | rvnx wrote:
       | It depends how you see it: I see a project that is quite
       | successful since it's running in production for mission-critical
       | needs and the code is solid enough that even non-programmers can
       | do improvements to it
         | semitones wrote:
         | That's like running down the side of a very steep mountain and
         | calling it a successful endeavor before you've reached the
         | bottom
           | doubled112 wrote:
           | Depends on your measure of success. Given a steep enough
           | slope, you are almost guaranteed to reach the bottom one way
           | or another.
       | m1ckey wrote:
       | The .NET runtime GC is a 47k C++ file.
       | https://github.com/dotnet/runtime/blob/main/src/coreclr/gc/g...
         | rahimiali wrote:
         | Python's main interpreter loop is a single 4k line function.
         | https://github.com/python/cpython/blob/main/Python/ceval.c#L...
         | [deleted]
         | TimTheTinker wrote:
         | Someone please tell me this is transpiled from a separate
         | project.
           | liversage wrote:
           | It's originally written in LISP and this is why it's a single
           | C++ file. However, I believe that it's now being maintained
           | in its C++ form.
           | phyrex wrote:
           | If I remember correctly it was in fact written in Common
           | Lisp; the output was originally that file but it may have
           | been modified since. You can probably google the truth with
           | those breadcrumbs :)
         | [deleted]
       | antirez wrote:
       | Code quality, internal modularity and clean interfaces between
       | the parts don't have anything to do with how it is split into
       | files.
       | albertopv wrote:
       | In 2012 I worked on a jsp web app project, we replaced another
       | consultant, so the project was inherited. A monstrous jsp page,
       | of 13k lines IIRC, once traspiled to pure java hit the max length
       | for a class method, 65535 bytes.
       | throwaway71271 wrote:
       | i used to work on 40-50k line files with one function and a bunch
       | of gotos in perl, in a multi billion dollar company
       | its fine
       | you just binary search your way into it, put print "AAAA" in the
       | middle, see if its printed, then put it in the half of the half
       | and try agian.
       | emacs couldnt even find the bracket ending of the if condition
       | (not the block, the condition..), have you ever seen if
       | conditions(again, not the block) that spans your whole screen?
       | its not as bad as you think, it made me realize we take code very
       | seriously, but its actually ok, 10k line file 100k line file,
       | whatever.. its all the same
         | veltas wrote:
         | This is the right attitude, sometimes you really do need the
         | duct tape approach.
       | thenipper wrote:
       | I once refactored a 15k plus line sql file. Fun times
         | pfraze wrote:
         | I'm guessing / hoping there was a lot of data in there as
         | INSERT statements.
         | My horror story was being asked to do maintenance on PHP sites
         | written in the early days of PHP. Hundreds - maybe thousands -
         | of PHP files with copy-pasted HTML and intermingled logic. As
         | far as I can tell, the idea of instantiating a whole MVC
         | framework from a single entrypoint file came after that
         | particular site was created, so every possible page was its own
         | entrypoint with its own boilerplate. Source control also seemed
         | to predate this project, so you had plenty of .old.php and
         | .old.v2.php files.
         | Programming at webdev agencies is a challenging experience.
       | userbinator wrote:
       | I remember many years ago coming across a reimplementation of the
       | server side for a popular MMORPG of the time, reverse-engineered
       | from the client (which was Flash) by what was likely a teenager
       | --- it was over 100k lines in a single file, written in Visual
       | Basic. Global variables everywhere, short names, and not even
       | indentation. All the account data was stored in flat files, there
       | was no actual DB. No "best practices" at all. Yet, not
       | surprisingly, it worked pretty well and was actually not
       | difficult to modify --- Ctrl+F would easily get you to the right
       | place in the code.
       | I guess the moral is, never underestimate what determination and
       | creativity can do, and always be skeptical when someone says
       | there's only one best way to do something.
         | gofreddygo wrote:
         | Funnily enough, I have recently had great success by reversing
         | the "best practices" on a distributed "micro services"
         | architecture application into a single big Java file.
         | Best practices were the usual suspects DRY, IOC, SQL + NoSQL,
         | separation of concerns, config files over code, composition
         | over inheritance, unexplainable overlapping annotations, dozens
         | of oversimplified components doing their own thing, and some
         | $something_someone_read_on_a_medium_post
         | The Single Java File was around 500 lines no db, lots of
         | globals, a dozen or so classes and some interfaces, Threads for
         | simulating event based concurrency, generous use of Java queues
         | and stacks but i specifically made it static with Zero dynamic
         | hashmaps.
         | It actually runs in my IDE, I can understand what the hell the
         | product is supposed to do what component is doing more than it
         | should and more valuable was to predict what could break if I
         | change that value in the helm chart from 5.0 to 5.1.
         | It is quite useful and pleasing, I can actually reason about
         | things and I have new found use and appreciation for Type
         | Systems and compile errors. And I can write tests that run in
         | under 3seconds.
           | teaearlgraycold wrote:
           | Having the whole project actually in one project is critical.
           | I think some of these "best practices" are actually very
           | useful when applied with caution. But you sometimes need to
           | break the rules. Everything should be optimized for developer
           | convenience. Convenience in deployment. Convenience in
           | debugging. Convenience in refactoring. Only do what HN and
           | FAANG says is "right" when you need to.
         | sillysaurusx wrote:
         | Ironically, this is a description of hacker news itself.
         | https://github.com/shawwn/arc/blob/arc3.1/news.arc
         | (HN has indentation, though.)
         | It's important to realize that this is good design. It's hard
         | to separate yourself from the time you live in, but the rewards
         | are worthwhile.
           | lupire wrote:
           | 2600lines is not 100k lines.
           | exdsq wrote:
           | The only readability issue I have with that is the functions
           | expected arguments. Add some types and I'd be very happy to
           | work on it. I believe Facebook uses a single directory of
           | files now as best practice? With the file names including
           | namespaces. That was an HN comment from ages ago so could be
           | wrong or misinterpreted.
             | sillysaurusx wrote:
             | pg's new lisp, Bel, has something close to typed arguments:
             | (def add1 (x|int)         (+ x 1))
             | http://www.paulgraham.com/bel.html
             | I've been implementing it for a couple years now, though
             | not seriously till the past couple months. There are some
             | interesting (and overlooked) ideas in Bel.
             | Bel is sort of the limit case of generality. For example,
             | you might expect the "type" above to be a separate kind of
             | object, the way that types are separate kinds of things in
             | TypeScript.
             | But in fact, it's simply a function that receives the
             | argument and can throw an error. So for example, you can do
             | something like:                 (def positive (x)
             | (if (< x 0) (err 'negative) x))            (def sqrt
             | (x|positive)          ...)
             | I just wish he'd solved keyword arguments as thoroughly as
             | every other kind of argument. There are hints that it was
             | always in the back of his mind. Though it's true he never
             | needed them, so that's probably why he never made them.
           | gfunk911 wrote:
           | This is a good point, but there's also a key difference.
           | There's a big difference between "code being in one file" and
           | "code being in one function." It sounds like the OP had
           | something reasonably close to "one function," whereas the HN
           | code has a lot of (what appear to be) small well designed
           | methods.
         | wefarrell wrote:
         | You can get away with a lot on a single developer project and
         | best practices aren't in place solely to make code functional.
         | That application would likely fall apart if multiple developers
         | of with diverse backgrounds had to maintain it and add new
         | features.
           | suifbwish wrote:
           | To be fair even with using best practices, code can still
           | fall apart with multiple developers from diverse backgrounds.
           | userbinator wrote:
           | I don't know what you mean exactly by "diverse backgrounds"
           | and it doesn't matter in this case either, because there were
           | definitely multiple people working on it (although the
           | initial version was the work of one.) They effectively used a
           | forum thread as source control, and just attached their
           | modified versions to the posts.
         | formerly_proven wrote:
         | It always seemed surprising to me how some of the big Oblivion
         | and Skyrim mods would get by with fairly few bugs despite there
         | being no way to have automated tests and some of them having
         | 10k lines of scripting (or much more in some cases) spread
         | around dozens or hundreds of quests (quests in the CE engine
         | are not just the quests you as a player see, but also a huge
         | number of invisible quests because quest state machines and
         | associated scripting is how scripting works).
           | theobeers wrote:
           | I think it makes sense. Modders get a kind of obsessive
           | testing from their communities (including themselves) that
           | devs in most commercial contexts couldn't dream of. Skyrim
           | mods are, if anything, correcting for bugs in the game.
         | tokamak-teapot wrote:
         | Presumably VB.NET? Because the VB6 IDE wouldn't let you write
         | more than 65534 lines [1]. Don't ask how I discovered this.
         | [1] https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-
         | versions/visualstu...
           | vsareto wrote:
           | >Don't ask how I discovered this.
           | Like most of the world at one point, it ran on Excel 2003
           | /s
           | Forge36 wrote:
           | I too learned this lesson the hard way.
             | [deleted]
         | swayvil wrote:
         | Ah, that takes me back. Commodore 64 freeware games written in
         | Basic.
         | Ya, you could just go in there and mess with the code all over
         | the place.
       | ohCh6zos wrote:
       | My company has REST client that is a single 9,000 line Go file
       | that I have nightmares about. By my estimate it is really a ~300
       | line program written by someone who hated DRY.
         | ZiiS wrote:
         | More likely it was autogenerated from the API specs, if it
         | hasn't been edited too much you might be the hero who made
         | regenerating it part of the build.
           | ohCh6zos wrote:
           | That was my first thought too, but if there's a generator for
           | this it has been lost to time and retirements.
       | unfocussed_mike wrote:
       | One of the things I often tell people is that if you hear someone
       | say "Yes! It broke!" that person is probably an engineer.
       | But the moral of the story in the article is that unfortunately
       | some things break much less easily than we'd like.
       | activitypea wrote:
       | I don't get the obsession with file length. What's the benefit of
       | having 100 files with one 50-line function per file, over having
       | a 5000 file with 100 functions? Obviously not counting extreme
       | cases where the file size would break some editors' buffers
         | enneff wrote:
         | I think the problem in this case was that the entire file was
         | the script that ran top to bottom. It's not so much that the
         | file was big, but that the function was huge and impossible to
         | reason about.
         | I agree that obsessing over file length is it's own kind of
         | anti pattern. I have had colleagues who insist on putting every
         | little thing in a different file and that is its own special
         | kind of hell.
         | perlgeek wrote:
         | Usually (but not always) a single, huge file points towards
         | missing structure, missing abstractions, missing boundaries
         | that aid with understanding.
         | If it were a huge, single file, with very understandable
         | modularity within that file, likely nobody would've bothered to
         | write a blog post about it :-)
         | zshrdlu wrote:
         | Code could be well-modularized in one single file, of course.
         | But we don't have the tools to write code like that (editors
         | and languages basically).
         | honkycat wrote:
         | Ability to structure your code base hierarchically
         | Ability to search through your codebase by file name
         | Ability to hide irrelevant information and expose a higher
         | level API through private functions
           | CamperBob2 wrote:
           | None of those are necessarily driven by file-level
           | organization, though, except for the one about the file names
           | themselves.
           | My mortgage is paid by a 50 kLoC C program with a single
           | 11000-line _function_. I 'm always blown away by how many so-
           | called "code editors" can't give me a simple list of C
           | functions in the file, the way BRIEF could in 1987.
           | Few things annoy me more than having to trudge through a
           | codebase with hundreds of .c files, inevitably all with
           | 8-character filenames. Any day when I have to break out
           | Eclipse to navigate an unfamiliar project is an official Bad
           | Day At Work.
         | chakkepolja wrote:
         | * Editor support for perfect semantic navigation may not be
         | taken granted
         | * Compiler support for function-level incremental may not be
         | taken granted
         | * Editor shows a nice file tree (although you can do that with
         | symbols too)
         | * Working with git is easier
         | * Reading code on site like GitHub is easier
         | montenegrohugo wrote:
         | Try debugging a single 10k loc file versus fifty small modules
         | where each takes care of a distinct part of the logic.
           | jokethrowaway wrote:
           | I'm not too bothered by the single 10k loc file (and I've
           | seen plenty of files with thousands of lines). I would aim at
           | files in the range of 200-300 LOC
           | If you split it, it's crucial that you're splitting the logic
           | in the right way (if the modules are too small, they'll just
           | waste your time) and that you're making sure references can
           | be easily traced (eg. if you have modules with some DI system
           | which prevents references from being recognised, as it
           | happens frequently in certain node.js enterprise
           | applications).
           | tedunangst wrote:
           | But what's the difference between file1.c ... file50.c vs cat
           | file*.c > onefile.c?
             | timando wrote:
             | I imagine the 50 files have meaningful names. Just kidding,
             | no-one knows how to name anything.
           | userbinator wrote:
           | As someone who did a bit of enterprise Java, I much prefer
           | the former. Jumping around between lots of tiny files and not
           | being able to see where the actual work happens because it's
           | spread everywhere is a debugging nightmare.
         | heavenlyblue wrote:
         | I find IDEs work better with multiple files (i.e. navigation
         | around if you want to have several windows open at the same
         | time), but agree that's not so well defined.
         | deergomoo wrote:
         | Personally I find it much more difficult to keep n places in
         | one giant file in my head than I do n individual files.
         | We have a few multi-kloc legacy monsters where I work and I
         | quite often completely lose my place when working on them (and,
         | by association, my train of thought), even though they're
         | actually structured somewhat reasonably.
           | niccl wrote:
           | I had this problem until I found an editor that had outlining
           | as it's core design paradigm. Now, with the outline always
           | visible, it's _really_ easy to navigate any length file.
           | Unfortunately, at one point I got so used to navigating with
           | the outline that I ended up making a 1500 line function in C
           | (I was an even worse C programmer then than I am now).
           | Because of the outline, I could read and follow it easily,
           | but anyone with a different editor was royally screwed :-(
           | If you're interested, the editor is LEO
           | (http://leoeditor.com/) it's been mentioned on HN a few times
         | rodgerd wrote:
         | At one point - and perhaps still today - Java would refuse to
         | JIT class files with more than a couple of thousand lines in
         | them, falling back to interpreted mode. So in that case, you
         | really, really wouldn't want the 5,000 line file.
         | [deleted]
       | shakna wrote:
       | I learned that not all text editors go to the effort of loading
       | the file data very carefully with careful underlying data
       | structures when I tried to open a 67K LOC COBOL file on a 32bit
       | system, a while back. (Sidenote: COBOL has a 999,999 LOC hard
       | limit in the compiler spec.)
       | So very many editors just couldn't open it.
       | Some would use so much memory that the system would either
       | freeze, or the OS would kill them.
       | Some would silently truncate at 65,535 lines.
       | Some would produce a load error.
       | Some would pop up with an error indicating the developer thought
       | it was an unreachable state. e.g. "If you're seeing this error...
       | Call me. And tell me how the fuck you broke it."
       | Others would manage to open it, but were completely unuseable.
       | Where moving the cursor would take literal minutes.
       | There were exactly three editors I found at the time that worked
       | (none of which were graphical editors). And they worked without
       | any increased latency, letting you know that the developers just
       | thought through what they were doing: vim, emacs, nano.
       | (A few details because people are probably curious - the vast
       | majority of that single file project was taxation formulae. It
       | was National Mutual's repository of all tax calculations for
       | every jurisdiction that they worked in, internationally, for the
       | entire several hundred years of the company. They just
       | transcribed all their tax calculation records into COBOL.)
       | kbrannigan wrote:
       | So afraid to write bad, spaghetti code, I ended up writing no
       | code at all.
       | This thread made me realize that it's better to have a working
       | profitable project with bad code, than a perfect unfinished
       | project, with meticulously chosen design patterns.
       | Afraid of being judged for bad code, I could not start until I
       | had the right architecture.
       | I'm glad I read this.
       | This is developers therapy.
         | knome wrote:
         | You sound like you should read this: [removed]
         | apparently jwz decided not to be linked from here :/
         | there's an archive.org link below.
           | GranPC wrote:
           | Heads up: jwz.org redirects Hacker News visitors (via
           | "Referer") to an image of a slightly-hairy testicle sitting
           | inside an egg cup. So maybe don't click the link at work.
             | sillysaurusx wrote:
             | That's friggin' hilarious. What a boss.
             | AlexCoventry wrote:
             | Safe link: https://web.archive.org/web/20220318220659/https
             | ://www.jwz.o...
           | baud147258 wrote:
           | from the last time I saw that link on HN, opening it in a
           | private browsing window avoid the redirection.
           | Jtsummers wrote:
           | https://www.dreamsongs.com/RiseOfWorseIsBetter.html
           | For future reference, a non-archive, non-jwz.org link.
           | Straight from the source as that's the author's own site.
           | albertzeyer wrote:
           | Put it like this: www.jwz.org/doc/worse-is-better.html
           | Then just copy & paste it.
           | wincy wrote:
           | Uhh you should know that domain redirects traffic from hacker
           | news to an offensive image.
         | [deleted]
         | [deleted]
         | 29athrowaway wrote:
         | Restaurant industry version:                   I was so afraid
         | to cook in a dirty kitchen, I ended up not cooking at all.
         | This thread made me realize that's better to sell food prepared
         | on dirty surfaces with unrefrigerated ingredientes half-eaten
         | by rodents and roaches that makes people sick, than fresh food
         | prepared on clean surfaces with clean utensils.
         | I'm glad I read this.              This is a restaurant worker
         | story.
         | Construction industry version:                   I was so
         | afraid of not using the right construction materials and not
         | building code-compliant structures, I ended up not building at
         | all.              This thread made me realize that's better to
         | sell houses with structural problems and low quality materials
         | that will be unsafe to live in, than houses built according to
         | code.              I'm glad I read this.              This is a
         | builder story.
         | In any other industry, a person would go to jail for saying
         | that. You won't, because luckily for you, software development
         | is not a regulated activity, and people with your mindset can
         | make a happy living outside of jail. But hopefully one day some
         | types of neglect in software development become illegal.
         | "Better is the enemy of the worse" is no excuse to have
         | spaghetti code, or 50,000 lines of code files. It means that
         | good is sometimes more convenient than perfect. Spaghetti code
         | is not good to begin with, so the wrong way of using the
         | proverb.
         | Oras wrote:
         | Been there. I worked in a company where we had a codebase like
         | the one mentioned in the article and over the years we started
         | developing microservices with 100% code coverage.
         | The new shiny services took much longer to identify bugs and
         | add new features due to the complexity of the design and
         | endless interfaces.
         | khazhoux wrote:
         | I've sadly come to realize (after witnessing on many projects)
         | that there's a pattern that goes like this:
         | * Team A writes code quickly. Not bad code, really, but they
         | take shortcuts everywhere they can. They don't have the
         | strongest tests, they don't generalize for all the known use
         | cases, etc. Their code goes to beta and gets users and makes
         | progress.
         | * Team B deliberates and deliberates. They try to avoid taking
         | shortcuts. But in the end, even _their_ code doesn 't have the
         | strongest tests, doesn't generalize for all the known use
         | cases, etc. Team B never gets users or gains momentum, and
         | their code+architecture was probably no better than Team A --
         | they just took 3x the time to get there.
           | 411111111111111 wrote:
           | I kinda agree on this, but not for the implicit reason you're
           | probably thinking of.
           | Just starting and doing it is just unreasonably effective
           | because very few projects actually need novel solutions -
           | most are just fine with off-the-shelf hacked together
           | solutions.
           | Thinkers are required if the software is actually
           | groundbreaking new work. Almost everyone's work on this forum
           | probably isn't that however (mine included), which is why I
           | agree with your sentiment
           | wk_end wrote:
           | I don't think this dichotomy is helpful. I'm presently
           | working at a startup that's trying to dig itself out of a
           | hole created by the first CTO, who in doing things "quickly"
           | created an MVP so buggy, inefficient, crash-prone, and
           | unmaintainable that we can't retain customers _or_ engineers.
           | As always, there's a balance to be struck, and ways to
           | operate quickly that don't sacrifice quality too much.
             | notreallyserio wrote:
             | I'm kind of surprised that you can't find engineers
             | interested in creating a new implementation of an existing
             | application that is actually used by people. I think that
             | might be my dream role.
           | gridspy wrote:
           | Be Team C.
           | Team C works like team A. However every time a feature ships,
           | someone who knows that feature well immediately refactors the
           | relevant code to remove the prototype scaffolding. When code
           | becomes static, an expert adds good quality comments. When a
           | bug is found, it is recreated in a regression test prior to
           | being fixed for good.
             | jokethrowaway wrote:
             | The sad reality of tech companies is that there is little
             | incentive or bonuses for improving the situation. You won't
             | get a bonus for cleaning up the code or for rewriting
             | rotten code.
             | Hack at the code for 4 years, collect your options and
             | leave the mess to someone else.
             | To be honest, a hacky codebase written fast is not the
             | worst codebase to deal with. The worst type is when someone
             | had the time to overarchitect and overengineer things.
             | Following references across 200 different files, tracing
             | calls through hundreds of microservices. Graphql servers
             | with complex resolver logic.
               | gridspy wrote:
               | > The worst type is when someone had the time to
               | overarchitect and overengineer things.
               | I concur. Refactoring should be as much about removing
               | unneeded abstraction and features as it is about adding
               | same.
               | > there is little incentive or bonuses for improving the
               | situation.
               | Yeah, I just can't seem to believe this in my soul. I
               | just want to fix ugly code and can't stop myself. I get
               | huge satisfaction from speeding up, tidying up or fixing
               | up bad code.
               | It doesn't help when management wants to minimize time
               | spent on such tidy-up, especially when it's hurting our
               | productivity to maintain it without fixing it.
               | wsc981 wrote:
               | I try to sneak in refactoring with other tasks.
           | kbrannigan wrote:
           | There's a YouTube video about beginner musicians vs
           | intermediate vs advanced.
           | The beginner uses simple chords
           | The intermediate uses advanced chords, crazy fills and runs
           | and riffs.
           | The advanced uses simple chords
             | userbinator wrote:
             | That's not far from a similar saying in software: expert
             | developers write code that looks like a beginner's, but
             | simpler and with fewer bugs.
             | jbmny wrote:
             | "First there is a mountain, then there is no mountain, then
             | there is."
           | farmin wrote:
           | Tests, ha
           | kolinko wrote:
           | +1
           | I had a lot of trouble trying to explain this to juniors.
           | The most important things is to have code that is easy to
           | refactor when you know what you're doing (i.e. everything is
           | working properly). Juniors I worked with had a nasty
           | definition of a pretty code being split into a hundred files,
           | each no longer than a screen, and each function no longer
           | than 5 lines. The onboarding of new devs to such code was way
           | worse than into a code that would be 10k lines in one file,
           | but with a flat structure and less interdependency.
             | lupire wrote:
             | > The most important things is to have code that is easy to
             | refactor
             | This whole post is about how refactoring doesn't matter
             | because your project's development lifetime isn't long and
             | wide enough for maintentance to matter.
             | gary_0 wrote:
             | "Flat is better than nested" - The Zen of Python
             | I had an "everything should be broken into a hierarchy!"
             | stage back when I was learning to code, and boy was I off
             | track. In my defense, at the time (and this dates me) OOP
             | was all the rage.
             | BurningFrog wrote:
             | > _The most important things is to have code that is easy
             | to refactor_
             | Very true.
             | I'll just add that _another_ most important thing is to
             | actually _take time_ to refactor, even when things are
             | busy.
             | I spend maybe 1/3 of my time refactoring, and that feels
             | good.
             | Scarblac wrote:
             | Less interdepency is absolutely the key to everything.
             | But... isn't the easiest way to _show_ that there is little
             | interdepency to put them in separate files that don 't
             | import from each other?
               | lanstin wrote:
               | People misjudge where to draw the lines. You will have an
               | orchestration API call that does five things and each of
               | those five things, not used anywhere else, will get its
               | own class, interface, factory, and configuration, so to
               | read thru the five things you have to open like twenty
               | files. And to notice that despite all this engineering
               | they have static credentials in the code itself, you have
               | to be alert across so many lines of code. The whole thing
               | can be one longer file that reads coherently and in fact
               | lessens the cross class importing.
           | kcb wrote:
           | Something this reminds me of that I've been doing lately when
           | stuck on a particular problem is just coding something. Even
           | if it's the most shittiest, inefficient and naive solution.
           | More often than not I either discover a more proper solution
           | along the way or just realize my shitty solution actually
           | wasn't all that bad to begin with.
             | baggy_trough wrote:
             | Start with the simplest idea that might work.
           | Mawr wrote:
           | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=19956614
       | ICodeSometimes wrote:
       | The scariest part of this isn't the 11K lines of code, it's the
       | lack of automated tests. It IS impossible to make any sort of
       | substantial change without breaking another part of the darn
       | thing.
       | My favorite quote has got to be: "Unit tests aren't meant for you
       | now, it's insurance against a future developer".
       | sargstuff wrote:
       | Obviously Sam from accounting did this before Excel was t urning
       | complete.
       | https://www.felienne.com/archives/2974
       | https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/research/blog/lambda-the-ult...
       | No metion of a cell-u-lite version.
       | maxnoe wrote:
       | CORSIKA, current Version 7, is a program to simulate extensive
       | air showers, ie particle physics in the atmosphere.
       | It's main file is 88kloc Fortran 77, started in the eighties,
       | still actively developed.
       | https://www.iap.kit.edu/corsika/index.php
       | Currently a rewrite in c++ is underway.
       | matsemann wrote:
       | That's me when I use languages that don't support circular
       | imports. Can't have circular imports if everything is in the same
       | file. Taps head.
         | tuyiown wrote:
         | Just in passing, generally you can break circular import by
         | isolating the coupling that triggers the circle chain in a file
         | dedicated to that. Bonus : each coupling use case gets to be
         | explicit
         | heavenlyblue wrote:
         | Python allows for circular imports as long as you don't
         | directly import things you use but instead their modules for
         | example.
         | Is that the same for all languages?
         | _benj wrote:
         | For me the limitation of circular imports forced to drastically
         | rethink how I architected my software (golang, rewrote the
         | whole mvp 3 times be the first two I was either completely
         | blocked by no-circular-imports or the structure felt so hacky
         | that I didn't even wanna touch it... then I learned about
         | interfaces!!)
       | henning wrote:
       | The number of lines in a file doesn't necessarily mean anything.
       | SQLite is compiled as a single file:
       | https://www.sqlite.org/amalgamation.html . It depends on the
       | structure that is in that file.
       | If this app was factored into 300 different files, it would still
       | be an impossible mess. The redundant and buggy logic would just
       | be in different files.
         | bedatadriven wrote:
         | SQLite concatenates its sources into a single file to ease
         | distribution, but it is developped in many seperated and well
         | organized .c and .h files.
         | [deleted]
       | beckingz wrote:
       | > What is the moral of the story?
       | > I have no idea.
       | Sometimes successful software just grows.
       | mgaunard wrote:
       | I don't understand why people complain about such things.
       | A seasoned programmer should have no problem navigating a multi-
       | million-line codebase, that's just routine.
       | There isn't anything that special about a 10k file.
       | User23 wrote:
       | Is it weird that I think that, armed with a modern editor, this
       | would be basically easy and practically pleasant compared to the
       | FooFactoryFactory "best practices" crap I've had to deal with?
       | prpl wrote:
       | I encountered the QGSJET-II model which we used for modeling
       | cosmic ray showers in the atmosphere. At one point I was asked
       | about finding a way to parallelize the code, but the 17k+ line
       | fortran file for the model, which I recall also included self
       | modifying code, was too deep for an undergrad to penetrate.
       | https://gitlab.iap.kit.edu/AirShowerPhysics/crmc/-/blob/mast...
       | unnouinceput wrote:
       | Quote: "There was no test environment. If I made a change, I had
       | to test it in "production"."
       | What year is this? 70's and mainframes? Because no way in hell
       | you cannot, on large organization that had "Jeff in marketing",
       | since 80's and PC's, duplicate the environment. Especially given
       | this was used by almost everybody in the organization.
       | And once you're done duplicating the production, and create
       | proper test environment, you can start actually refactoring and
       | creating a beautiful app out of it instead of just "To this day I
       | sometimes lie in bed wondering what could have caused this".
       | Conclusion - article's author is a whiner instead of a solver, no
       | better than the ones before him that "copy and pasted at some
       | point then later diverged"
       | honkycat wrote:
       | File length is a bit of a bike shed in my opinion. My main
       | concern here would be separation of concerns and code quality.
       | I prefer many short files and folders structured hierarchically
       | and grouped semantically. I have no proof this is better so I
       | would probably just leave it to a vote with the team.
       | In the end I think they is how a lot of this should be viewed
       | until we get proper research. How do you WANT to code? TDD? No
       | tests? One giant file? It should be a team and executive
       | decision.
       | If you don't like the style on your team, and nobody wants to
       | change it, move on or adapt.
       | Technical debt is like a superfund site. It renders the real
       | estate worthless and poisons the rest of the company.
       | It does matter. My current gig is hemorrhaging money because we
       | can't keep devs even though the pay and benefits are great. We
       | cannot execute on mission critical initiatives.
       | We cannot adapt our product to meet the needs of the market in an
       | agile way.
       | This is due to people saying "a working product is more important
       | blah blah.." for years. I would argue there is a balance to
       | strike and you can do both with a good team and realistic
       | planning. But there is always the nay-sayer who is willing to
       | step in and say whatever product wants to hear.
       | It is so bad we cannot train people to use the software anymore.
       | It is too poor quality and were can't on-board them before they
       | decide to go elsewhere.
       | Everyone who knew anything has left and there is too much of it.
       | So the remaining devs get overwhelmed, they leave... It is a
       | vicious cycle.
       | The funny thing is the money machine works, but it is so
       | frustrating to see all of the extra money we could be making and
       | having to leave it on the table.
       | thedanbob wrote:
       | I once inherited a mission-critical PHP project which had no
       | version control, no tests, and no development environment (all
       | edits were made directly on the server). It used a custom
       | framework of the original author's own devising which made
       | extensive use of global variables and iframes and mostly lived in
       | several enormous PHP files. I was able to clean it up somewhat,
       | but there was one particularly important file that was so
       | dependent on global variables and runtime state that I never
       | dared touch it.
       | When I was finally able to retire the project several years
       | later, I first replaced the home page with this picture:
       | http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-6OWKZqvvPh8/UjBJ6xPxwjI/AAAAAAAAOv...
         | _joel wrote:
         | It wasn't mission critical but my very first production
         | programming project (n.b. I'm not a programmer and never had
         | any classical training or education as one) was an abomination.
         | I'd like to think the realisation of how bad it was, despite it
         | just about working, was a call to arms to up my game a little.
         | I ended up learning a lot about data structures, writing
         | understandable code and comment, when not to write code, all
         | that OOP stuff and things like STI, Generics (still not sure
         | what they are), testing (TDD AND BDD!!! Yea, Cucumber!) and a
         | plethora of other useful things.
         | I'm still not a programmer.
         | lucb1e wrote:
         | My first thought when reading this description was that step
         | one is to make a local copy, get a development environment
         | setup where you can toy around, see how things fit together.
         | The 'stupid'er the setup (like using plain old files instead of
         | a database), the easier that actually gets (apt install apache2
         | php; rsync da:files /var/www). Wouldn't that have helped solve
         | this particularly important but untouchable file?
           | thedanbob wrote:
           | If I remember correctly, the file was processing global state
           | from other parts of the system, and it was such a Byzantine
           | bit of code that I had almost no hope of understanding what
           | it was actually doing without being able to observe state in
           | the production system as it was being used. Plus at the time
           | I wasn't a particularly competent programmer myself (this was
           | my first programming job). In the end I figured it wasn't
           | worth risking breaking it when its replacement was on the
           | way.
         | k__ wrote:
         | Haha, same!
         | The first project I inherited was PHP app that used a custom UI
         | framework created by an agency that didn't work with us
         | anymore.
         | One file had 7000 LoC and it would generate hundreds LoC of
         | with-sprinkled JS code and send it to the browser on every
         | click.
         | Debugging that thing was a nightmare.
       | atoav wrote:
       | Writing long files is okay, but u less a languages module system
       | gets in your way seperating different aspects of your code into
       | different files does no harm.
       | There is no need -- at all -- to be evangelical about it one way
       | or another.
       | briantkelley wrote:
       | I worked on Word for years. Office has thousands of files over
       | 10,000 lines with, uh, various degrees of test coverage and
       | comprehensibility. After some time and experience, your mental
       | model of the architecture ends up being way more important than
       | simple metrics on source code organization.
       | IMO, organizing source code in files seems archaic. E.g. tracing
       | the history of a function moved across files can be tedious even
       | with the best tools. I'd like to see more discussion around
       | different types of source storage abstraction.
       | There are benefits of large source files... When compiling
       | hundreds of thousands of files (like Office), the overhead of
       | spawning a compiler process, re-parsing or deserializing headers,
       | and orchestrating the build is non-trivial. Splitting large files
       | into smaller ones could add hours of just overhead to the full
       | build time.
         | woah wrote:
         | What's an alternative to files that doesn't just have all the
         | same attributes of files anyway? If it involves breaking code
         | into multiple chunks of related functions, and possibly having
         | these chunks act as namespaces, that sounds like what a file
         | does.
         | rc_mob wrote:
         | I love how much this questions the status quo.
       | holoduke wrote:
       | Better one good organized file than 100s of folders and
       | subfolders and files and symlinks. I have worked on projects
       | where even after 2 years I didn't grasp the folder structure and
       | just used search to locate files.
         | civilized wrote:
         | People love to complain about things that are simple, fast, and
         | easy to complain about, without regard to whether the complaint
         | is insightful or useful. It's sort of the dark twin of
         | bikeshedding.
         | If you divide the single 11k-line file into a thousand 11-line
         | files, it may become objectively much harder to understand, but
         | it'll also receive much less flak, guaranteed.
         | I suspect this is also why Architecture Astronaut-ery can be so
         | successful within a company. If code is chock-full of
         | superficial signs of order and craftsmanship, such as
         | hierarchy, abstraction, and Design Patterns(TM), it takes a lot
         | of mental effort to criticize it, and most people won't.
           | smegsicle wrote:
           | > dark twin of bikeshedding
           | is it different from regular bikeshedding? or are you saying
           | that the dark twin is the evolutionary process of eg.
           | architecture gaining complexity until it becomes difficult to
           | criticize..
           | aaronchall wrote:
           | If you divide a single 11k-line file into 20 files averaging
           | 550 lines per each, by semantics and levels of abstraction,
           | your code will quite possibly be easier to read, maintain and
           | add to. Maybe. Perhaps.
             | civilized wrote:
             | I mostly agree, but it's often not that big a deal, and
             | some people and applications may favor bigger files.
             | I have a 4000-line script in a single file that has served
             | me very well. It's perfectly organized and modular. I
             | thought about breaking it into more files but it seemed
             | pointless.
         | gameswithgo wrote:
       | lordnacho wrote:
       | No doubt dozens of devs will throw in their own 10k LOC story
       | here, and yes it's painful to watch so many people having
       | professional cramps over it.
       | But don't forget society itself if governed by OOM larger bits of
       | text with no referential integrity, no machine to tell you if
       | it's inconsistent, and no way to test anything, other than making
       | humans write more text to each other and occasionally show up in
       | court. The law itself, even parts of it like the tax code, and
       | regulations on various areas, are a melange of text and cultural
       | understandings between lawyers, judges and government. We collect
       | the data for this machine in the form of contracts and receipts,
       | and it piles up in mountains.
       | As with code, it's not just legal professionals who have to deal
       | with law. It spills into everyone's life, and there's nothing to
       | do about it other than either guess what to do or pay a pro to
       | tell you what to do.
       | Fwirt wrote:
       | The payroll check printer for my employer was once a couple
       | thousand lines that generated raw PCL to be sent to a LaserJet
       | that used magnetic toner to produce checks that had a working
       | MICR number. It was rendered into spaghetti by multiple GOTOs
       | that jumped to helpful labels like "666", and calls into other
       | helper programs to generate more PCL that did things like change
       | fonts and draw graphics. Of course none of it was commented, so
       | you had to have a copy of the PCL spec on hand to know what any
       | of it did. It was the product of a retired cowboy that had also
       | written the rest of our custom payroll system over a number of
       | years.
       | I attacked it by printing out and taping together each program
       | into "scrolls" and tracing control flow with highlighters and
       | sharpies. Had them all taped up on my office wall so I could
       | refactor the whole thing from scratch, coworkers found that
       | entertaining. Got a much more readable replacement working
       | nicely. Then a couple years later HR bought a new system and we
       | stopped printing our own checks. I was not sorry to see the whole
       | thing go.
         | Lev1a wrote:
         | Reading your process I have that stereotypical TV series image
         | in my mind of a person so deep into the subject matter that
         | plaster every wall with notes and pull string all across the
         | room at head height to hang up ever more notes kinda like that
         | one NCIS episode (S8 E6 "Cracked"):
         | https://img.sharetv.com/shows/episodes/standard/616591.jpg
         | (although that image is only a small part of that whole view).
       | alpb wrote:
       | Obligatory "Do not try to simplify this code" reference here
       | https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/blob/ec2e767e593953...
       | (https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=18772873) from Kubernetes
       | persistent volume manager code.
       | ChrisMarshallNY wrote:
       | I can beat that.
       | One of my first jobs was as a maintenance programmer for a
       | 100KLoC (or more) single-file FORTRAN IV (1970s vintage)
       | application (a proto-email server).
       | Three-character variable names, no documentation, and having been
       | stepped on by every junior programmer that went before me.
       | My best debugger was a Ouija board.
       | The original author was a ringer for Donald "Duck" Dunn.
       | Interesting chap.
       | It taught me the value of writing good code.
       | It sucked.
       | It was great (because of the lesson learned).
       | ben_w wrote:
       | That beats the 1000 lines inside a single if {} block that I once
       | found.
       | (The conditional in that if {} always evaluated to true).
         | jandrese wrote:
         | Yeah, but the function only had a single exit point, so it was
         | following best practices.
         | moralestapia wrote:
         | Lol, reminds me of the meme:
         | var a = true;
         | if(a == true) then return true;
         | else if(a == false) then return false;
         | Or something like that.
           | asddubs wrote:
           | i hate to say that I've definitely written code like that.
           | not any time recently, thankfully (at least I think)
             | tonyedgecombe wrote:
             | The thing is it's easy to imagine a situation that leads to
             | this. It's five o'clock on Friday, your partner is hassling
             | you to get home because you have visitors, you are
             | exhausted because you worked 60 hours this week and your
             | boss is breathing down your neck because they want their
             | pet feature finished right now.
             | This is why I'm always loathe to criticise stuff I see on
             | WTF.
           | [deleted]
           | Aardwolf wrote:
           | else throw "this should never happen";
           | MBCook wrote:
           | I have seen that in real code. No kidding.
           | hibbelig wrote:
           | I once looked at 30 lines of code, analyzed them and found
           | out that they always computed true, never false. My
           | background knowledge told me that Zeit was the correct value.
           | But I did not dare to eliminate it in the main branch, only
           | in a refactoring branch that I think got never merged. I am
           | not proud.
       | [deleted]
       | foxhop wrote:
       | Just so you know awstats was a 25k+ line Perl script which i
       | maintained as an internal fork for employeer once. It was epic &
       | as hard to work with as you'd expect.
       | 11235813213455 wrote:
       | https://github.com/SheetJS/sheetjs/blob/master/xlsx.js with its
       | 24500 LOC, the author is cool
       | cosmiccatnap wrote:
       | I see people do this all the time with terraform and it's
       | madness.
       (page generated 2022-04-03 23:00 UTC)