[HN Gopher] Show HN: Datagridxl2.js - Fast Excel-like data table...
       Show HN: Datagridxl2.js - Fast Excel-like data table library
       I'm Robbert, the creator of DataGridXL.js. Last month I released
       version 2 which includes many new features.  DataGridXL is a free
       (and commercial) editable data table library written in ES6.  My
       goal is to develop the most performant & user-friendly spreadsheet-
       like data table out there:  - It has zero dependencies. You don't
       need any framework to use DataGridXL. - It is lightweight (~250kb)
       and easy to use. It does not even require messing with CSS. - It
       has its own Virtual DOM implementation to prevent DOM errors. -
       Developer friendly. Supports all modern web browsers  Please take a
       look at the performance demo (https://www.datagridxl.com/demos/one-
       million-cells) to see the difference with other data grids out
       there. And let us know if you have any suggestions.  Please let me
       know if you have any suggestions or comments!
       Author : robbiejs
       Score  : 218 points
       Date   : 2022-04-05 14:16 UTC (8 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (www.datagridxl.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (www.datagridxl.com)
       | a9h74j wrote:
       | I'm impressed by the lack of dependencies and single-file
       | download.
       | One of my use-cases is for offline use, and _not_ via a web app
       | installation -- only assets in an ordinary filesystem directory.
       | Mega-components in single js files are a good step towards that.
         | nawgz wrote:
         | > not via a web app installation -- only assets in an ordinary
         | filesystem directory
         | Not sure I understand this. Every web app I build is just a set
         | of HTML/CSS/JS files that are served in a static fashion, which
         | means that you could just plop that static folder onto your
         | hard drive, click "index.html", and interact with it normally.
         | I guess routing concerns maybe exist if you just naively hope
         | the URL-based-routing works but it'd be easy to work around
         | this
           | a9h74j wrote:
           | Perhaps I was attempting to refer to progressive web apps,
           | with manifests and such.
         | robbiejs wrote:
         | Thank you. Wanted to keep it simple and lightweight. Not the
         | biggest fan of an average React/Angular project with 200mb+ of
         | dependencies.
       | wittjeff wrote:
       | Accessibility is a strong gating factor for some (including me).
       | I don't see it in the docs. The whole thing seems to be missing
       | any ARIA (see https://www.w3.org/TR/wai-aria-
       | practices/examples/grid/dataG...) Let me know if you want help.
         | robbiejs wrote:
         | Thanks for your feedback. It's true, I have not made any real
         | efforts when it comes to accessibility (apart from choosing DOM
         | over Canvas). I would very much like to make DataGridXL as
         | accessible as I can, but right now it is not a priority. Thank
         | you very much for sharing the link, that looks really helpful.
         | Are you experienced in making data grids accessible?
           | jassmith87 wrote:
           | I've done a lot of work on data grid accessibility. In fact,
           | DataGridXL is one of the many grids I considered for our own
           | needs a couple years ago. The reality here is unless you
           | somehow export out a DOM structure which has an element per
           | cell, for at least the cells that are on screen, you will
           | never be able to get the screen reader to behave correctly.
           | If you were using a canvas you could export a subdom on the
           | canvas, but with the approach y'all take with the line-height
           | + dom node per column I don't see how you get there.
           | The cell nodes need be browsable and selectable by the screen
           | readers caret. You could do what many other DOM based grids
           | do and add an "accessibility mode" but I believe
           | accessibility should be the default and not a mode people
           | turn on as a checkbox. Let me know if you want to chat, I'm
           | always happy to share what I know. I'm by no means an expert
           | but I've definitely picked up a thing or two.
             | nightski wrote:
             | Seems pretty much impossible to not have an accessibility
             | mode yet have features such as fixed columns/rows. It would
             | be very difficult to have a clean DOM structure while
             | supporting that layout. If it is possible I'd be very
             | interested in how that is done.
               | jassmith87 wrote:
               | It can be done if you are using a Canvas to provide the
               | rendering. The canvas can then be provided with a subdom
               | that does not render but is visible/interactive to screen
               | readers which matches exactly what the screen reader
               | requires. Canvas's actually have the advantage here if
               | they put the effort into being accessible.
               | You could do the same trick by hiding the visible DOM
               | from the screen reader and creating an invisible DOM
               | explicitly for the screen reader. If your DOM structure
               | is wrong for the screen reader I would suggest doing
               | this.
         | jimmygrapes wrote:
         | Do you happen to know of best practices for simulating
         | different disabilities, or some recording of somebody actually
         | using some example well-designed accessible software? A video
         | recording, to me as somebody who can see and hear and move just
         | fine (for now), would help me understand what interaction
         | methods don't work or are a struggle, which interaction methods
         | are intuitive and effective, and which types of content are not
         | recognized, not presented, or not important.
           | pacoWebConsult wrote:
           | Lighthouse [1][2] Accessibility audit/ scores can be a good
           | tool to check A11Y issues automatically, and it is fairly
           | easy to integrate into your CI/CD Pipelines to get the report
           | automatically to check for issues/ regression.
           | The web accessibility world is complex enough that simulating
           | different methods of access like using screen readers or
           | different font-sizes and doing manual tests for compliance is
           | not particularly feasible if you want to make your content
           | accessible to all.
           | [1] https://developers.google.com/web/tools/lighthouse [2]
           | https://web.dev/accessibility-scoring/
             | MaxLeiter wrote:
             | I disagree. Automated results are not perfect and miss a
             | lot of nuances, like element ordering, tab indexing, etc.
             | Assuming you can't find someone experienced with a screen
             | reader to test I would invest in learning how to use one
             | yourself. I've spent days without access to my screen in
             | order to grow more comfortable navigating with audio. Of
             | course, I won't be as helpful or quick as someone who's
             | used a screen reader for years, but it's better than
             | blindly trusting lighthouse/web.dev
               | nwsm wrote:
               | > but it's better than blindly trusting
               | lighthouse/web.dev
               | Interesting use of "blindly". Using lighthouse or other
               | accessibility checkers is better than not considering
               | accessibility at all, and has a much lower barrier for
               | developers and development orgs than integrating screen
               | readers into the development lifecycle.
               | I was in an org where our QA team actually used our sites
               | with screen readers, and yet we still ran automated
               | accessibility tests on our codebase. This is because we
               | can catch issues earlier and more easily, and reduce the
               | amount of issues making it to manual QA which is much
               | more time consuming and expensive.
               | Manual QA testers using screenreaders are also not
               | perfect and miss a lot of nuances :)
       | whalesalad wrote:
       | Been using AgGrid but looking for a replacement. I tried to load
       | a CSV of 100k items here and got a "RangeError: Maximum call
       | stack size exceeded."
       | https://www.datagridxl.com/demos/import-csv-data
         | aquark wrote:
         | What is motivating you to look for a replacement? We are
         | evaluating grids and AgGrid is the front runner currently
         | though really rather heavyweight for our use cases.
           | whalesalad wrote:
           | All things considered it's great software but yes it can be
           | kinda heavyweight at times.
             | jassmith87 wrote:
             | Would you mind taking a look at grid.glideapps.com and
             | letting me know if/where it doesn't work for you? We are
             | always looking for feedback. Development is done entirely
             | in the open, feel free to just file issues and open
             | discussions on github.
         | shaicoleman wrote:
         | AG Grid should be able to handle more than that:
         | https://www.ag-grid.com/javascript-data-grid/massive-row-cou...
         | smt88 wrote:
         | "Maximum call stack size exceeded" is probably a general bug,
         | not an issue that appears due to trying to load too many rows.
         | Unless they really did something crazy, each new row shouldn't
         | add to the call stack.
         | robbiejs wrote:
         | I haven't tried using DataGridXL with a file with that many
         | records. There is a chance that the DOM node that is used for
         | scroll-listening grows too large and browsers cannot handle
         | that. I suspect that is where the error comes from.
         | However, I will add this to our list of issues, see where the
         | error really comes from and where I can improve it
         | (https://github.com/DataGridXL/DataGridXL2/issues/31). For now,
         | I would say 10,000 records max to be sure.
           | whalesalad wrote:
           | There is a million record demo? That is where my confusion
           | comes from.
             | tingletech wrote:
             | one million cell demo (2000 by 500)
           | jassmith87 wrote:
           | We ran into the same issue! We actually implemented a feature
           | we joking call clown-car scrolling to handle this. If you
           | want to steal the basics of it you can see it here:
           | https://github.com/glideapps/glide-data-
           | grid/blob/main/packa...
           | Feel free to steal and improve, we only enable the clown-car
           | mode when the desired scrollable area is larger than what a
           | browser can support. With our implementation scrolling is
           | still handled by the browser, but the scroll location can be
           | subtly recomputed as you go from time to time. We only do
           | this when interacting with the scrollbar directly to avoid
           | weird artifacts like scrolling feeling faster than normal.
       | boundlessdreamz wrote:
       | How does it compare with https://grid.glideapps.com/ ?
         | Keyframe wrote:
         | Or tabulator http://tabulator.info/ .. I don't see filtering
         | though.
           | happylion0801 wrote:
           | I was recently evaluating a few of these to display large
           | number of items (tabulator, aggrid, custom solution using
           | react-virtualized etc)
           | Unfortunately if you are planning to use tabulator (in an
           | enterprise environment for example), I would advice against
           | it for a few reasons:
           | - No tests (atleast I did not find them when I looked into
           | it)
           | - I dont normally critique the codebase but I found it to be
           | a bit unorganized and that did not inspire confidence.
           | Basically I found it be non DRY. However I found it easy to
           | understand and make changes
           | - Being developed by one person and I found little support
           | and response when I raised issues and PR
             | Keyframe wrote:
             | We've been using tabulator for few years now on an internal
             | project. It's been doing quite well so far, has a lot of
             | features out of the box and is easy to customize.
               | happylion0801 wrote:
               | To balance my critique, I would add that I found that
               | tabulator had support for most number of features out of
               | the box of all that I tested and was the easiest to
               | customize
         | anewhnaccount2 wrote:
         | Looks quite similar to me. Both are using canvas (combined with
         | off screen rendering?) under the covers which seems to be key
         | to achieving this level of performance.
           | robbiejs wrote:
           | DataGridXL actually only uses canvas for cell background
           | colors (when you use the search bar) and for measuring text
           | width. Everything else is DOM, just not <table> with
           | individual cells.
           | timkpaine wrote:
           | No reason to sacrifice accessibility and styling in the name
           | of performance: https://github.com/jpmorganchase/regular-
           | table
             | jassmith87 wrote:
             | Glide Data Grid has a fully accessible DOM subtree. No need
             | to sacrifice accessibility just to use a canvas. Come on,
             | its 2022 we have the tools. What makes Canvas even nicer is
             | I can export a subdom that is bespoke for screen readers.
             | It is _exactly_ what the screen readers want, nothing more,
             | nothing less. It works wonderfully.
             | Disclosure: I am the primary developer of Glide Data Grid.
             | noduerme wrote:
             | Funny. I just rolled my own datagrid for a portion of a
             | larger application that already uses DataTables for various
             | stuff. I wanted something that acted like this, was fast
             | and allowed for easier row and column styling (including in
             | the data itself). Also, faster and more flexible animated
             | resizing.
             | I ended up using CSS grid divs and without any
             | virtualization on my part, they're shockingly performant.
             | Both Chrome and FF easily handle 1m cels which is more than
             | my use case will ever need. They're really quick at
             | blitting just the necessary cells, making it wayyy smoother
             | than DataTables in virtual mode. And anything on an actual
             | canvas tag...? forget about it.
         | [deleted]
       | la64710 wrote:
       | Please point out wether it is free or commercial in your
       | announcements :
       | https://www.datagridxl.com/buy
       | TIPSIO wrote:
       | Hey Robbert, just want to say congrats on this! This is excellent
       | work and really thoughtful / detailed.
       | I'll definitely be using on a project soon. Really love the
       | elegant docs and the API.
         | robbiejs wrote:
         | Thank you! Appreciate it very much! Let me know what you're
         | working on when you get to it! robbert at datagridxl.com
       | [deleted]
       | ramesh31 wrote:
       | >You don't need any framework to use DataGridXL. - It is
       | lightweight (~250kb) and easy to use
       | I'm not so sure 250k qualifies as lightweight by any definition.
       | That's a pretty high target even for total bundle size. React,
       | for example, is ~6k.
       | shafyy wrote:
       | Looks interesting. I've just been looking at a couple of
       | alternatives to this. We're adding a CSV import feature for our
       | store finder, and the idea is to provide a spreadsheet-like
       | interface where you can just copy and paste your location data
       | instead of uploading a CSV where you need to deal with different
       | delimiters and getting the column orders right etc.
         | mritchie712 wrote:
         | You might be better off with something like https://csvbox.io/
           | shafyy wrote:
           | Interesting, thanks for sharing!
         | oneweekwonder wrote:
         | If your up for jQuery-ui see SlickGrid examples[0] especially
         | "Spreadsheet: features of the previous example but using a
         | DataView"[1].
         | [0]: https://github.com/6pac/SlickGrid/wiki/Examples
         | [1]: http://6pac.github.io/SlickGrid/examples/example-
         | spreadsheet...
           | shafyy wrote:
           | Cool, thanks for sharing!
       | jefc1111 wrote:
       | Can't see any mention of multisort. Does it have multisort? Great
       | look and feel!
       | keb_ wrote:
       | What's a good FOSS alternative to this for non-commercial
       | projects? I'd like to have a spreadsheet on my site for personal
       | use.
         | spacemanmatt wrote:
         | AG Grid, SheetJS both have decent community editions.
         | tunesmith wrote:
         | FWIW, I went through a bunch of these libraries recently for a
         | personal-site spreadsheet as a react component. All I wanted
         | was a grid where each cell was a calculation based on the
         | combination of its row/column header values. I kept running
         | into the problem where the data grid library gave me 90% of
         | what I needed, a different 90% each time. What actually ended
         | up working perfectly for me was react-table and just using
         | hooks to do the formula calculations.
         | ndrsn wrote:
         | I'm biased because I'm the maintainer, but canvas-datagrid is
         | a, uh, canvas-based datagrid
         | (https://github.com/TonyGermaneri/canvas-datagrid), which can
         | easily handle millions of rows. It's FOSS, and although in need
         | of improvement (and better type annotations), it's well-
         | documented (https://canvas-datagrid.js.org/) and actively
         | maintained.
         | jassmith87 wrote:
         | I maintain https://grid.glideapps.com if you're looking for
         | something ludicrously fast.
           | robbiejs wrote:
           | I have noticed your product before, very well done!
             | jassmith87 wrote:
             | Thank you! DataGridXL has been my text only benchmark for a
             | long time because of how ludicrously fast it is! Downright
             | creative problem solving!
       | Existenceblinks wrote:
       | One feedback, undo is currently slow even if I just want to undo
       | 5 cells of data.
         | robbiejs wrote:
         | Can you tell me what webpage you're on (and your
         | device+browser). Undoing should happen instantly.
       | carreau wrote:
       | One million cell made me though of
       | https://lumino.readthedocs.io/en/latest/examples/datagrid/in...
       | that has a "trillion" cell demo :-) All the best.
         | Existenceblinks wrote:
         | I wonder if this kind of ux is just for fun, like let me scroll
         | through and have no actual sense of data. At the end of the
         | day, finding something is via search and filter.
         | timkpaine wrote:
         | With a virtual data model it doesn't really matter, here's our
         | 2 trillion cell model
         | https://bl.ocks.org/texodus/483a42e7b877043714e18bea6872b039
       | ale42 wrote:
       | Very nice!
       | Just, I'm not sure that users who stick to Excel despite a web
       | app do so just because of Excel's interface... sometimes it is
       | because it is much easier to work with files than with web sites.
       | And sometimes the way to get to the web app is the thing
       | destroying the UX (slowly responding servers, weird login
       | processes, etc.)
         | robbiejs wrote:
         | Ah yes I see what you mean.
         | I used to work for a fintech startup and our sales team had a
         | hard time finding customers for the product that we're
         | building. These customers were impressed by the web app that
         | we've made, but "we don't see a reason to use your products, we
         | are used to Excel and we like Excel". So we decided to create a
         | page in our web app that looked like Excel. I initially used
         | Handsontable for this page. I was so disappointed with its
         | performance and its reliability, that I decided to create
         | DataGridXL. Anyway, that's the story and that's where the
         | "slogan" comes from :-)
       | miki_tyler wrote:
       | Congrats, it looks amazing!
       | Does it support formulas?
         | robbiejs wrote:
         | Hi. An early build did, but I decided to leave out the feature
         | as there is much more to it than I thought. Perhaps in the
         | future, 2023 or 2024 stuff.
       | bob1029 wrote:
       | This caught my eye. We are in the market for a high-quality
       | gridview component that would allow for in-line edits. We also
       | looked at CSV in/out, but having something integrated _could_ be
       | better. The UX would have to be on-par with excel and this seems
       | close.
       | My biggest question right now: What does integration of
       | Datagridxl2 look like when operating with a Blazor Server app?
       | Should I just expect some basic JS interop when building a
       | wrapper for the component?
         | robbiejs wrote:
         | I do not know anything about Blazor Server app or how it works.
         | DataGridXL is all about client-side interaction: mouse events,
         | touch events, keyboard events etc, as such it cannot function
         | on a server alone, if that is what you mean.
       | bklyn11201 wrote:
       | The performance here is amazing. Well done!
       | I'm desperately searching for a way to replace old Handsontable
       | (before they closed source), but the license here for DataGrid XL
       | makes it impossible to easily bring into a large FOSS project.
       | Some ideas for licensing: dual license MIT and commercial. Feed
       | advanced features and support into the commercial while keeping
       | the MIT version fast, performant, extendable.
         | eitland wrote:
         | I think it was handsontable I burned myself on: got client to
         | sponsor/pay for support for a nice open source tool and shortly
         | after they went closed source.
         | Same with caddy, except that time it was my money.
         | Some times I wonder if I should avoid giving money to open
         | source projects because it seems to trigger the idea that one
         | can make a whole lot of more money by selling out.
           | TAForObvReasons wrote:
           | Handsontable made at least $1.5M
           | https://www.indiehackers.com/post/how-to-earn-1-5m-in-
           | revenu... . Whether that's "a whole lot" is questionable.
           | chearon wrote:
           | You can still browse the source on GitHub though. I don't
           | mind them trying to make more money so much. What I don't
           | like is that we have 3 bugs open, one of them 3 years old,
           | that aren't getting fixed. And paying for a license didn't
           | give us any additional priority.
           | It's also not very performant. Rendering often forces
           | multiple style/layout recalculations, which is nearly always
           | solvable by having your rendering code better organized.
           | Version 8, when they rewrote cell meta, caused certain cell
           | meta APIs we were calling to take _seconds_ on large tables.
           | Version 9 did not document that the "beforeManualColumnMove"
           | changed the meaning of the indices from "before columns" to
           | "after columns". Undo/redo is implemented incorrectly too, so
           | we had to write that ourselves. These caused real problems
           | that affected our users.
           | As soon as we get the capacity to switch to something like
           | Datagridxl2 we will.
       | xlpowerup wrote:
       | This look really good.
       | Can it be used as a front end with say C++/C# etc to replace
       | Excel COM interop?
       | cyanydeez wrote:
       | I think you're half way to why users stick to excel.
       | Without the calculator aspect it not really an excel clone.
       | joshuajomiller wrote:
       | -"You've built a web app, but your users stick to Excel" I feel
       | that if your users are not using your web app, it's not because
       | they miss the (dated, not exactly intuitive) Excel interface.
       | Seems to me like the wrong solution for the problem
         | robbiejs wrote:
         | For a fintech startup I was working for, that was the feedback
         | our sales team got. "We like the product and it looks
         | impressive, but we're used to Excel and we like to use Excel".
         | So that's when we decided to add a page in our web app that had
         | an Excel-look. That did not change things, the product vision
         | was wrong, just like you said. But I can imagine that more web
         | app producers get exactly this feedback from their prospects.
         | barnabee wrote:
         | I miss many things about the Excel interface in early every web
         | app:
         | - editing many records as a table
         | - formulae for calculating values
         | - ability to paste from other tables or Excel sheets
         | - information density!
         | - arbitrary sort and filter
         | - hiding and rearranging columns
         | - etc...
         | Every app with search, including search engines themselves, and
         | most with data entry should have an Excel-like, table based
         | interface. GitHub discovered this (just look at their new
         | projects) and most data focused apps are no exception either.
         | Terminal utilities, Python scripting, and JSON are sometimes as
         | good or better, but more often a poor second place.
         | [deleted]
       | d0100 wrote:
       | Is it as fast as the demo with custom cell renderers?
         | robbiejs wrote:
         | Hi, we have not implemented custom cell renderers yet. Also,
         | for performance sake, we decided not to render HTML in cells.
         | So not sure if DataGridXL can offer you the things you're
         | looking for at this time.
       | george_ciobanu wrote:
       | Wonderful work! If you think your table is the best, as someone
       | who is pondering buying it, you'd save me some time if you had a
       | quick comparison matrix with your main competitors. It seems
       | counterintuitive to provide that but most people will do the
       | research anyway so you're just saving them some time searching
       | and cataloguing alternatives.
         | cupofpython wrote:
         | >most people will do the research anyway
         | eh, most people will prefer the first product they see - so by
         | the time they get to competitor X, they just dont have the
         | energy to do a full sweep of details. Especially if the first
         | one had everything they were looking for and after a couple
         | other searches their pricing doesnt seem unreasonable either
         | robbiejs wrote:
         | Thank you. I did have an article on the site that compared
         | DataGridXL with Handsontable, but we had to take it offline
         | since HoT lawyers were not happy with it (you can read a
         | discussion about that here:
         | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=30503983). Anyway, it's a
         | good idea. I will create one with Handsontable, Ag-grid,
         | anything else?
         | jassmith87 wrote:
         | You might enjoy this site: https://jsgrids.statico.io/
       | snird wrote:
       | Congrats on the release.
       | For those looking for a FOSS alternative, I haven't seen
       | mentioned here yet Toast UI Grid - TUI-grid:
       | https://ui.toast.com/tui-grid
       | I've been using it for over a year and it works perfectly.
       (page generated 2022-04-05 23:00 UTC)