[HN Gopher] pnpm: Fast, disk space efficient package manager for...
       pnpm: Fast, disk space efficient package manager for JavaScript
       Author : modinfo
       Score  : 152 points
       Date   : 2022-04-05 14:31 UTC (8 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (pnpm.io)
 (TXT) w3m dump (pnpm.io)
       | synergy20 wrote:
       | This is my default one, _much_ faster and disk space reduced
       | dramatically when I have lots of node_modules in use. Can't
       | recommend enough.
         | eatonphil wrote:
         | Were you coming from yarn or npm?
         | I guess their benchmarks cover both [0]. But I'm also curious
         | about independent figures.
         | [0] https://pnpm.io/benchmarks
           | synergy20 wrote:
           | used to use npm, less often with yarn, now it's all pnpm
             | eatonphil wrote:
             | Gotcha. Yeah yarn has always been way faster to me than
             | npm. And indeed in these benchmarks pnpm is much faster
             | than npm and only slightly faster than yarn.
       | sam_goody wrote:
       | with its linking strategy, pnpm allows for multiple versions of
       | the same package.
       | I wish there was something like that in PHP's Composer, where I
       | have repeatedly hit situations where different packages have a
       | dependency that was pinned to a different version (such as one
       | package using Guzzle 6 and another Guzzle 7), and therefore my
       | composer.json was un-buildable.
       | (I have less experience with NPM so I don't know if they have a
       | different solution for this.)
       | brunojppb wrote:
       | I recently migrated a large project from yarn to pnpm and the
       | speed difference is insane. Everything related to dependencies
       | runs must faster during local development AND CI. T The only
       | tricky thing is that we had some issues with some dependencies
       | that could not work properly. But using the "---shamefully-hoist"
       | flag did the trick. Everything works.
         | eyelidlessness wrote:
         | You can potentially solve this more narrowly with hoist-
         | pattern[1] so you'll still benefit from the stricter structure
         | overall. Or possibly even overrides[2] depending on the issue.
         | 1: https://pnpm.io/npmrc#hoist-pattern
         | 2: https://pnpm.io/package_json#pnpmoverrides
       | rektide wrote:
       | we're part way through switching all our monorepos from lerna to
       | pnpm & simply could not be happier & more excited.
       | lerna has soo many issues, is slow & cumbersome. #2142, no way to
       | update dependecies in monorepo subprojects? how is there a
       | monorepo tool where projects cant update their deps? everything
       | on pnpm's built-in monorepo support just works, nice & easy &
       | fast.
       | rplnt wrote:
       | Slightly unrelated, but it always amazes me how big the
       | dependency tree in js world can get. Hundreds of megabytes for
       | SPAs. I don't understand js development or how anyone can live
       | with that, but since I do need to edit it here and there I
       | stumbled upon this handy tool.
       | https://github.com/voidcosmos/npkill
         | zkochan wrote:
         | It is unrelated because you don't have this issue with pnpm.
         | pnpm uses a central content-addressable store and each unique
         | file is written only once on a disk. It doesn't matter in how
         | many projects you install the same dependency.
       | AtlasBarfed wrote:
       | "Fast": compared to what? What is "fast"?
       | "Disk space efficient": again, compared to what?
       | Javascript: ...oh
       | forty wrote:
       | If you have a pnpm monorepo, you need to know about
       | https://pnpm.io/filtering#--filter-since which allows to run your
       | test/lint/etc on only the packages that have been impacted by
       | changes from master.
       | andrew_ wrote:
       | Love that this continues to be shared. One of the most exciting
       | projects in the Node ecosystem.
       | leerob wrote:
       | We recently started sponsoring pnpm[1] as well as adding zero-
       | config support for deployments and caching. I think pnpm is an
       | incredible tool. Excited to see it grow further.
       | [1]: https://vercel.com/changelog/projects-using-pnpm-can-now-
       | be-...
         | zkochan wrote:
         | Thank you!
       | steven-xu wrote:
       | Summarizing the 3 major JS package management approaches:
       | * Classic node_modules: Dependencies of dependencies that can't
       | be satisfied by a shared hoisted version are nested as true
       | copies (OSes may apply copy-on-write semantics on top of this,
       | but from FS perspective, these are real files). Uses standard
       | Node.js node_modules resolution [1].
       | * pnpm: ~1 real copy of each dependency version, and packages use
       | symlinks in node_modules to point to their deps. Also uses
       | standard resolution. Requires some compatibility work for
       | packages that wrongly refer to transitive dependencies or to peer
       | dependencies.
       | * pnp[2]: 1 real copy of each dependency version, but it's a zip
       | file with Node.js and related ecosystem packages patched to read
       | from zips and traverse dependency edges using a sort of import
       | map. In addition to the compatibility work required from pnpm,
       | this further requires compatibility work around the zip
       | "filesystem" indirection.
       | In our real-world codebase, where we've done a modest but not
       | exhaustive amount of package deduplication, pnpm confers around a
       | 30% disk utilization savings, and pnp around a 80% savings.
       | Interestingly, the innovations on top of classic node_modules are
       | so compelling that the package managers that originally
       | implemented pnpm and pnp (pnpm and Yarn, respectively) have
       | implemented each others' linking strategies as optional configs
       | [3][4]. If MacOS had better FUSE ergonomics, I'd be counting down
       | the days for another linking strategy based on that too.
       | [1] - https://nodejs.org/api/modules.html#loading-from-
       | node_module... [2] - https://yarnpkg.com/features/pnp [3] -
       | https://github.com/pnpm/pnpm/issues/2902 [4] -
       | https://github.com/yarnpkg/berry/pull/3338
         | raydiatian wrote:
         | That's kind of incredible that yarn pnp out performs pnpm. If
         | that's generally true across most projects then I'm really glad
         | that turborepo decided to use it for project subslicing.
           | steven-xu wrote:
           | The practical disk usage difference between pnp and pnpm
           | appears to be almost entirely accounted for by the fact that
           | pnp zips almost all packages. Both store ~1 version of each
           | package-version on disk; it's just that one's zipped and
           | one's not. The mapping entries for package edges in both
           | cases (.pnp.cjs for pnp and the symlink farms for pnpm) are
           | very small in comparison.
           | lhorie wrote:
           | Disk utilization is only one metric. The trade-off for Yarn
           | PNP is that it incurs runtime startup cost. For us (~1000+
           | package monorepo), that can be a few seconds, which can be a
           | problem if you're doing things like CLI tools.
           | Also, realistically, with a large enough repo, you will need
           | to unplug things that mess w/ file watching or node-gyp/c++
           | packages, so there is some amount of duplication and fiddling
           | required.
           | jbverschoor wrote:
           | Problames long solved before, but problems that don't matter
           | to the javascript crowd.. I think they actually love that
           | things take so long. It makes them thing they're doing
           | important work.. "We're compiling and initting"
         | specialist wrote:
         | > _1 real copy of each dependency version..._
         | npm showed me that I lack creativity, for I could not imagine
         | anything worse than maven.
         | The ~/organization/project/release dir structure is the _ONE_
         | detail maven got right. (This is the norm, the Obviously
         | Correct Answer[tm], right?)
         | And npm just did whatever. Duplicate copies of dependencies.
         | Because reasons.
           | fiddlerwoaroof wrote:
           | Node is doing the right thing: if two dependencies in maven
           | have conflicting dependencies, maven just picks an arbitrary
           | one as _the_ version, which results in running with an
           | untested version of your dependency (the dependency is
           | actually depending on a version the developers of that
           | dependency didn't specify). Because node allows the same
           | dependency to be included multiple times, npm and friends can
           | make sure that every dependency has the right version of its
           | dependencies.
             | CraigJPerry wrote:
             | >> maven just picks an arbitrary one as _the_ version
             | No that's never been the case. If you have conflicting
             | versions of a dependency in your dependency graph, maven
             | chooses the "nearest neighbour" version - it selects the
             | version specified least far away from your project in the
             | transitive dependencies graph.
             | Pinning a particular choice is easy too - you just declare
             | the dependency and specify the version you want instead of
             | relying on transitive deps.
               | fiddlerwoaroof wrote:
               | This is what I mean by an arbitrary version: it's not
               | determined by the dependency but by some characteristic
               | of the dependency tree. And, this is only necessary
               | because the JVM can't load two versions of the same
               | dependency (ignoring tricks like the maven-shade-plugin)
             | lhorie wrote:
             | > Node is doing the right thing
             | Node does a _different_ thing. It can coalesce two
             | different versions into one if the two things are within a
             | certain semver range, but there 's nothing that enforces
             | whether things within a semver range are actually
             | compatible. The most prominent example is Typescript, which
             | famously does not follow semver. Another notable example of
             | how NPM itself does things wrong is that it considers
             | anything in the `^0.x` range as compatible, whereas semver
             | distinctly says the 0.x range is "anything goes".
               | fiddlerwoaroof wrote:
               | I agree another the 0.x thing. The rest is basically a
               | result of people refusing to use the versioning system
               | the way it's designed to be used, which is a problem with
               | a package not with the specified behavior of npm here:
               | violating the rules of semver is UB
               | lhorie wrote:
               | I would definitely put part of the blame on the design of
               | the system. It allows anyone to write stuff like
               | `"lodash": "*"`, which is a perfectly valid range as far
               | as semver goes. And then there's things like yarn
               | resolutions, where a consumer can completely disregard
               | what a library specifies as its dependencies and override
               | that version with whatever version they want. And there's
               | aliases (`"lodash": "npm:anotherpackage@whatever"`) and
               | github shorthands and all sorts of other wonky obscure
               | features. And we haven't even touched on supply chain
               | vulns...
           | [deleted]
       | koolba wrote:
       | Does this use symlinks to a single copy of each dependency?
         | zkochan wrote:
         | Not symlinks. Hard links. Or copy-on-write on systems that
         | support them.
           | jessaustin wrote:
           | [EDIT: (thanks ttybird2! b^)] We might need to change the
           | following diagram?
           | https://pnpm.io/motivation
           | It appears to show several symlinks? Thanks for pnpm!
             | ttybird2 wrote:
             | You are actually replying to the pnpm maintainer :p
         | jessaustin wrote:
         | A single copy of each required version of each dependency.
           | koolba wrote:
           | So is that a yes? Or does it still pull a copy for each
           | projects local node_modules?
             | jessaustin wrote:
             | As you can see at the URL in sibling, pnpm maintains a
             | private area where everything is stored. Everything in a
             | local (or "global", really) node_modules tree is a link to
             | the private store.
       | tekkk wrote:
       | I use pnpm only for monorepos for which I find it works quite
       | well. Although at times there have been issues, mainly with
       | symlinks getting messed up or linking to wrong dependencies.
       | Well, mainly having multiple versions of same packages.
       | But all in all I'm glad they are moving the JS/TS ecosystem
       | forward and other managers are catching up to their innovations
       | and likewise. Great monorepo support I feel is a big necessity
       | for a manager and well-working symlinking to prevent the insane
       | node_modules sizes.
       | eyelidlessness wrote:
       | I'm using PNPM in a side project to try it out. Overall, I like
       | it. Yes, it does feel faster than Yarn (1, I gave up on Yarn 2
       | pretty quickly when it wouldn't let me install a TypeScript beta
       | even with PnP disabled). I've found its commands a little fussier
       | to use than Yarn however.
       | If I were to pick for a new project today, I'd probably go back
       | to Yarn. But I'm glad there's PNPM as an option.
       | CSDude wrote:
       | It works very fast in CI, its cache is smaller and it builds
       | node_modules much faster. I don't feel comfortable caching
       | node_modules folder itself, because I got side effects even
       | causing incidents before, not sure if its supposed to. Speed
       | difference is 15s vs 35s for our use case which is pretty
       | significant.
       | zkochan wrote:
       | pnpm is really good for monorepos and there are many big open
       | source projects that use pnpm: https://pnpm.io/workspaces#usage-
       | examples
       | kall wrote:
       | I'm pretty immune to most JS ecosystem churn, but on package
       | managers I'm feeling it.
       | All I want is a package manager that is correct, causes very few
       | day to day issues and is going to work the same way for many
       | years. Yet everyone seems to be optimizing disk usage and speed
       | without even getting the basics (make it work, make it right)
       | fully covered.
       | I don't understand why people are optimizing for disk space at
       | all tbh. Like, have you ever edited a video project, used docker,
       | installed Xcode? I cannot imagine what you must be doing for all
       | node_modules combined to take up more than maybe 100 GB on disk.
       | pnpm seems to be the lightest of the bunch, which is nice but why
       | even mess with symlinks and confuse other tools? Just put all the
       | files in there, nest them and duplicate them and everything. I'll
       | happily live with my 10 GB node_modules folder that never breaks
       | and sometimes gives me a nice coffee break.
       | Possibly I'm actually just salty that Metro doesn't support
       | symlinks and would otherwise be on the pnpm love-train.
         | ramesh31 wrote:
         | NPM just has too much institutional inertia to avoid. The
         | moment you make the decision to use something else, you are
         | simply trading one set of warts for another. I can't even tell
         | you how many projects I have seen waste countless hours of dev
         | time on Yarn/NPM discrepancies. If you are working on anything
         | with more than two people, you really need to just use the
         | standard tooling that everyone is familiar with and that the
         | entire ecosystem is based around. Anything else is yak shaving.
         | draaglom wrote:
         | I'm not sure if this is the _main_ reason, but one thing that
         | makes node_modules size more than an aesthetic concern is
         | serverless.
         | Booting a serverless function with 100s of mbs of modules takes
         | an appreciable time - to the point where some folks webpack
         | bundle their serverless code
           | [deleted]
         | zkochan wrote:
         | You can use pnpm without symlinks by setting node-
         | linker=hoisted
         | https://pnpm.io/npmrc#node-linker
           | kall wrote:
           | That's great news! pnpm might be my answer after all.
       | ttybird2 wrote:
       | Please note that pnpm is currently blocking all traffic from
       | Russia and Belarus
       | https://twitter.com/pnpmjs/status/1498306992577957890
         | duxup wrote:
         | "We will unblock it when you stop the war and de-occupy all the
         | Ukrainian territory."
         | There's what, maybe a handful of people who can make that
         | happen?
           | zkochan wrote:
           | That was the deal a few weeks ago. After the atrocities that
           | their army has committed in my country, I do not think I will
           | ever unblock traffic from Russian Federation.
             | jrochkind1 wrote:
             | If that's how it works, there's a lot of people on the
             | planet who have good reason to block traffic from the USA.
             | Fortunately for me as a developer in the USA, I guess most
             | of them, in the Global south, aren't developers, or know
             | they can't be successful as developers blocking traffic
             | from the USA, no matter how many atrocities the US military
             | or intelligence have committed in their countries. :(. I
             | guess if they wanted to try, it's an interesting question
             | if that would be some kind of effective action in changing
             | US atrocious behavior. Probably not. :(
             | That said, this is basically a form of boycott. There does
             | seem to have been some significant change of opinion around
             | the value and ethics of the tool, from when the main
             | example we had was the BDS movement called by Palestinian
             | civil society against Israel. (Which by the way, does _not_
             | in fact call for doing things like blocking all network
             | access to those in Israel, what people are doing against
             | Russia is way broader and less targetted than what the...
             | more controversial(?) Palestinian-led BDS has done or
             | called for against Israel. Which is interesting.)
               | zkochan wrote:
               | In the USA there are different people. Good and bad.
               | There are states that are very conservative and there is
               | California. There are some basic values that everyone
               | agrees upon. I think nobody can claim that everyone is
               | bad or good in the US. Same goes for any other democratic
               | society. Same goes for Ukraine. There are a lot of people
               | that I don't like in Ukraine.
               | In Russia there are some good people but they are in
               | extreme minority. Extreme. Even the liberals in Russia
               | are supporting the annexation of Crimea. Maybe the
               | dictatorship is the reason, maybe the propaganda. I don't
               | know and I don't care. This is how it is and I do what I
               | can to exclude them from my life.
             | ttybird2 wrote:
             | Oh, I thought that you were Hungarian (after reading https:
             | //github.com/pnpm/pnpm/issues/1080#issuecomment-373872...),
             | but I guess you are both? Your reaction makes more sense in
             | that case. Although I do hope that you will reconsider the
             | idea of a permanent block, I believe that open source (and
             | the world in general) would be much worse and divides
             | between nations would be greater if Greek software blocked
             | Turkey, Israeli software blocked Germany, middle eastern
             | software blocked the US, etc.
           | hbn wrote:
           | I'm sure Putin is reeling that he can't use an obscure
           | package manager for his web projects
             | hirako2000 wrote:
             | the idea is to anger the citizens so that they then turn
             | their anger against Putin. it doesn't matter that Putin is
             | not directly impacted.
             | I fundamentally disagree with the blockade. this moves
             | makes this project incompatible with open source licensing.
             | if anyone is interested in this sub thread, it diverge from
             | the discussion around the tool itself, but note that all
             | the project standing for Ukraine in this manner are: -
             | breaking one of the fundamental principle of open source -
             | pretty risky to use. what if your locality also becomes
             | block-listed. - demonstrates a poor judgment from their
             | authors, who more often than not are reluctant to
             | debate/reconsider their position.
             | Reactions to extreme circumstances can understandably be
             | emotional, it doesn't imply that logical criticisms are
             | necessarily insensitive.
           | afavour wrote:
           | Russian TV is wall to wall coverage about their highly
           | successful campaign to eradicate Ukrainian Nazis. An action
           | like this might at least be a small hint to everyday Russians
           | that things aren't as they appear.
             | leshenka wrote:
             | "error 1020" is not a very descriptive thing and I bet that
             | a regular person would just think the site is broken
         | triyambakam wrote:
         | And then they suggest that Russian users use a VPN to get
         | through. I don't understand this line of thinking at all.
           | dane-pgp wrote:
           | If Russians get used to using VPNs, they might have more
           | opportunity to check independent news sources and see how the
           | war is going, and what people in other countries think.
           | Ironically, blocking Russian IP addresses could be seen as a
           | form of non-violent protest against Russian web censorship.
           | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_websites_blocked_in_Ru.
           | ..
         | zkochan wrote:
         | Slava Ukrayini!
           | webknjaz wrote:
           | Geroiam Slava!
         | laurent123456 wrote:
         | It seems the main maintainer is from Ukraine so I can see how
         | he got there. https://github.com/zkochan
         | [deleted]
       | keb_ wrote:
       | pnpm is great. I love `pnpm store prune`. Also it's great for
       | monorepos, check out https://github.com/panoply/mithril-demo for
       | an example.
       | rauttis wrote:
       | I recently migrated a fairly large monorepo (20+ packages) that
       | used Lerna and npm to pnpm, and the improvement in developer
       | experience was pretty massive.
       | Dependency install times went down by a huge amount, and all the
       | strange issues we had with lerna and npm sometimes erroring out,
       | requiring us to remove all node_modules folders and re-install
       | everything, are just gone.
       | We even noticed that the size of some of our production bundles
       | went down. Before some dependencies that were used in multiple
       | packages were being duplicated in our webpack bundles needlessly,
       | but the way pnpm symlinks dependencies instead of duplicating
       | them fixed that as well.
       | The non-flat node_modules structure did break some things as
       | well, since in some places we had imports pointing to packages
       | that were transitive dependencies and not defined in
       | package.json. I see this as a positive though, since all those
       | cases were just bugs waiting to happen.
         | krikou wrote:
         | I experienced the same. The overall dev experience /
         | responsiveness of pakage management makes it very unlikely I
         | would like to go back to npm ever.
       | Chyzwar wrote:
       | We migrated from pnpm to yarn3 with node_modules linker. pnpm
       | focus on wrong things, speed, disk efficiently is less important
       | than stable, reproducible, and developer experience of yarn3.
         | physicsguy wrote:
         | We did exactly the same, tried to uneject from CRA recently and
         | just could not get it to work in PNPM, switched to Yarn and it
         | just worked.
       | xiphias2 wrote:
       | As a person who uses npm just for some hobby coding projects,
       | it's quite frustrating that there are new partly incompatible
       | package managers for the javascript ecosystem: npm, pnpm, yarn,
       | yarn 2.
       | Some packages need one, some another, so I tried to switch to
       | yarn (or yarn 2) for a package that I wanted to try out, but then
       | other packages stopped working.
       | If there are clearly better algorithms, why not refactor npm and
       | add them in experimental flags to npm and then setting them to
       | default as they mature (with safe switching from one data
       | structure or another)?
         | arcatek wrote:
         | > If there are clearly better algorithms, why not refactor npm
         | and add them in experimental flags to npm
         | While node_modules has many flaws, in the current ecosystem all
         | modes have their own pros and cons, and there isn't a "clearly
         | better" algorithm: node_modules has less friction, PnP is
         | sounder, and pnpm's symlinks attempt to be kind of an in-
         | between, offering half the benefits at half the "cost".
         | Like in many computer science things, it's tradeoffs all the
         | way. Part of why Yarn implements all three.
           | zkochan wrote:
           | pnpm also implements all three: https://pnpm.io/feature-
           | comparison
           | But I think it is best to use Yarn for PnP and pnpm for the
           | symlinked node_modules structure.
         | vosper wrote:
         | Generally I've found sticking with npm to be best. It's not the
         | super-slow thing that it was before, and I can't remember the
         | last time a package didn't install because it wasn't compatible
         | with npm.
         | I tried pnpm and it didn't just work, so I gave up. I would
         | revisit it, but npm works.
         | These days I don't really see a reason to use yarn (but would
         | like to hear them).
           | lelandfe wrote:
           | Yarn's workspaces provide some cool benefits to monorepos
           | which AFAIK npm hasn't matched. You can get there with Lerna
           | + npm, though.
             | citrons wrote:
             | I have so far had very good npm workspace experience. Just
             | define "workspaces" property in package.json and your off.
             | https://docs.npmjs.com/cli/v8/using-npm/workspaces
             | Right now only pain-point with npm is that "npm link" can't
             | be forced to install peer dependencies so I'm unable to
             | easily test typesscript built libraries within other
             | projects.
         | trulyme wrote:
         | Given what a dumpster fire npm ecosystem is security wise, it's
         | best to run the whole build chain in a container anyway, at
         | least for frontend apps. This way you also don't care about the
         | chosen package manager or node.js version - you can just set it
         | as you wish in the Dockerfile. It does take more disk space
         | though, but to me it's a nice compromise.
           | 5e92cb50239222b wrote:
           | Containers don't provide much protection from malware, unless
           | you're running it rootless under an unprivileged user (no
           | sudo access, no ssh keys or anything else interesting in the
           | home directory, etc; and even then it's limited because the
           | attack surface is enormous).
             | trulyme wrote:
             | I mean, of course? Especially, why would I put ssh keys and
             | similar in the container?
             | This still doesn't mean that one can install just any
             | package, but it does make it much more difficult for it to
             | do much harm. Breaking out of a container is not as trivial
             | as it once was. That said, it is not a perfect solution, so
             | I'd be happy to hear of better ones. Any suggestions?
               | gizzlon wrote:
               | gVisor, VMs
         | Cu3PO42 wrote:
         | For what it's worth Yarn 3 implements essentially all modes. It
         | can do standard node_modules, its own Plug'n'Play, as well as
         | pnpm-style hardlinking to a global cache.
         | Edit: I just learned from another comment that PNPM also
         | supports Plug'N'Play :) Thanks steven-xu!
           | zkochan wrote:
           | pnpm as well supports all three modes. But I think it is
           | better to use Yarn for the PnP mode and pnpm for the
           | symlinked mode.
           | Here is a feature comparison: https://pnpm.io/feature-
           | comparison
           | xiphias2 wrote:
           | So it should just be backported to npm to show that the
           | authors are serious about backwards compatibility.
             | zkochan wrote:
             | Both pnpm and Yarn are independent projects maintained by
             | the community. I personally think that these are better
             | projects than npm CLI because they can make their own
             | decisions. Not decisions dictated by business needs of a
             | company.
             | I was OK to merge pnpm into npm in the past. They have
             | never suggested me this opportunity. Instead, they decided
             | to re-implement pnpm's algorithm into npm and call it
             | "isolated mode".
               | xiphias2 wrote:
               | I see, I tried it now, it looks great.
               | Most of my problems were created by the material UI
               | libraries (I wanted to use them with SvelteKit), but I
               | just got rid of it as those libraries were making
               | development harder instead of helping.
               | I still wish there would be a nice UI library for Svelte,
               | but I guess that's the disadvantage of not going with the
               | mainstream frontend toolkit.
           | sph wrote:
           | That's literally xkcd #927: let's make a standard that
           | encompasses all previous standards, what can go wrong?
           | Now you have to maintain three different code paths, two of
           | which depend on the behaviour of external projects, so you're
           | always playing catch up.
           | That's such a bad idea on so many levels.
       | hu3 wrote:
       | Is there any gotcha if I switch from npm to pnpm?
       | And can I use pnpm when working in a team where other devs use
       | npm?
         | scambier wrote:
         | pnpm uses its own lock file (pnpm-lock.yaml), while npm uses
         | package-lock.json
         | You definitely should use the same manager (npm, yarn, pnpm,
         | whatever) as your teammates' or you're going to run into
         | problems, either with them or with your CI workflow.
           | hu3 wrote:
           | thanks!
             | inglor wrote:
             | note: You can use `pnpm import` for converting a
             | lockfile.json to a pnpm-lock.yaml
             | https://pnpm.io/cli/import
             | (This is not an endorsement of or recommendation of pnpm
             | which I personally don't use daily)
         | jakubmazanec wrote:
         | Pnpm doesn't auto install peer dependencies, which is annoying
         | and forces you to unnecessary add them to package.json. Npm@7
         | (and newer) with auto install of peer deps is much easier to
         | use in this regard.
           | ricardobeat wrote:
           | Isn't that exactly how it's supposed to be? If you're
           | installing a package that has peer dependencies, you should
           | already depend on them. Otherwise they are not "peer
           | dependencies" anymore, just a normal dependency with a
           | version range.
           | The whole peer dependencies story is another clusterfuck.
           | Everyone simply ignored the invalid peer dependency warnings,
           | and now npm itself will just install all of them in 'whatever
           | works' version. To get real peer dependency resolution you
           | need a --strict-peer-deps flag. Not exactly a "feature" in my
           | book.
             | Wronnay wrote:
             | Yeah - this peer dependency thing always makes issues, when
             | I try to upgrade a big Ionic project...
             | Peer dependencies added more problems than they solved in
             | my eyes... Most peer dependencies warnings come because
             | some maintainer forgot to update the package.json and not
             | really because two packages don't work with each other...
               | eyelidlessness wrote:
               | The point of peer dependencies is to allow users more
               | flexibility in choosing the specific version of the
               | dependency. It's not intended to specify any kind of
               | conflict between the packages, it's effectively BYO sub-
               | dependency.
               | jrochkind1 wrote:
               | regular traditional dependencies can already be specified
               | as a range, yes? Any range the specifier wants (and can
               | legitimately work with), yes?
               | What is it about peer dependencies that give the host
               | more flexibility in choosing the specific version?
               | Real question, not a challenge! I really don't understand
               | this stuff, I've always found javascript dependency
               | management very confusing.
             | jakubmazanec wrote:
             | I want to specify only those deps that I use directly.
             | Imagine a `foobar` package, that has `babel` peer
             | dependency because it does some transpiling or whatever.
             | For me as a user of `foobar`, that Babel requirement could
             | have been regular dependency instead of peer. I don't care,
             | I don't use Babel. In another words - if a package manager
             | has all the information necessary to install all
             | dependencies, why should I add another, redundant
             | information to my package.json?
               | jrochkind1 wrote:
               | I am so confused about the purpose of a "peer dependency"
               | in the first place then.
               | jakubmazanec wrote:
               | You can read here why the peer deps were introduced:
               | https://nodejs.org/es/blog/npm/peer-dependencies/
               | Imagine this structure of packages:                 your-
               | app/       +-- dep-a/       |   +-- dep-c       +-- dep-b
               | +-- peer-dep
               | Very simplified: `dep-c` is dependency of `dep-a`, so it
               | is installed in its node_modules, but `peer-dep` is peer
               | dependency of `dep-a`, so it is in node_modules of `your-
               | app`. `dep-b` could also define `peer-dep` as its peer
               | dependency, so it is installed only once. When npm
               | switched to flat node_modules structure, peer deps become
               | somewhat redundant, but not quite. Pnpm, which uses
               | symlinks to achieve proper node_modules structure while
               | avoiding long filenames, combined with auto install of
               | peer deps would be ideal package manager.
       | jimmy2020 wrote:
       | I've migrated from yarn to pnpm two days ago and I can tell the
       | difference when I first hit install. I am working on a workspace
       | so I have multiple packages with nested dependencies. For this
       | case, I thought yarn (the classic version) is the ideal solution
       | that was until I discovered pnpm. Thanks to its non-flat
       | algorithm the packages have clean dependencies. Previously in
       | yarn if you install `foo` in any package you can reuse it later
       | in the workspace even if it's not listed in the package
       | dependency. With pnpm it's not the case, which means a clean
       | dependency tree and serving the purpose of what's workspace is
       | meant for. If you want to share the dependency you can install it
       | in the root which makes sense to me. Another big advantage is the
       | recursive/parallel command something I couldn't do without Lerna.
       | And it's fast. install once and it's there in the disk, so if you
       | manage multiple projects, dependency installation is not
       | something you wait for it's just there.
       | yewenjie wrote:
       | pnpm is awesome except when it does not work - which happens very
       | rarely but it is a nightmare to debug. For all the other times,
       | it is way faster and lightweight than npm.
         | scambier wrote:
         | I was unable to use pnpm with a project that used Electron (~2
         | years ago), IIRC because some spawned process was incompatible
         | with symlinks. It's the only time it caused me trouble though,
         | it's indeed much faster than npm. I'd love to use it at work
         | too.
           | zkochan wrote:
           | In any cases where pnpm doesn't work, you may set the node-
           | linker=hoisted option and it will work:
           | https://pnpm.io/npmrc#node-linker
           | With node-linker=hoisted, pnpm creates a traditional hoisted
           | (aka flat) node_modules, without using symlinks.
       | PeledYuval wrote:
       | pnpm has been my goto JS monorepo package manager + script runner
       | for a couple of years now. IMO it has almost zero downsides and
       | huge upsides. I'd be surprised if npm doesn't end up adopting the
       | pnpm node_modules directory hierarchy in the next 5 years or so.
         | no_wizard wrote:
         | I believe the RFC for just that has landed:
         | https://github.com/npm/rfcs/blob/main/accepted/0042-isolated...
         | Yarn has a PNPM mode now too:
         | https://dev.to/arcanis/yarn-31-corepack-esm-pnpm-optional-pa...
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