[HN Gopher] AWS Lambda Function URLs: Built-In HTTPS Endpoints f...
       AWS Lambda Function URLs: Built-In HTTPS Endpoints for Lambda
       Author : vvoyer
       Score  : 138 points
       Date   : 2022-04-06 21:07 UTC (1 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (aws.amazon.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (aws.amazon.com)
       | ankit70 wrote:
       | How is it different than cloudflare workers?
         | ignoramous wrote:
         | Cloudflare Workers is head and shoulders above AWS CloudFront
         | Functions and Lambda@Edge [0], if you can fit your workloads in
         | 50ms (CPU time) or 30ms (IO time). Workers is wayy cheaper,
         | wayy faster [1].
         | Workers has 1MB script size limit (post compression), so that's
         | there, too, and can run WASM or JS workloads (which CloudFront
         | Functions can't, but Lambda@Edge can).
         | As for AWS Lambda Function URLs: Well, it isn't comparable to
         | Workers at all. But if my use case fits Workers, then that's
         | what I'd would prefer. In fact, I've gone many lengths to make
         | my workload fit Workers. Deno Deploy is another viable
         | alternative.
         | [0]
         | https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonCloudFront/latest/Develope...
         | [1] dated, but relevant:
         | https://medium.com/@zackbloom/serverless-pricing-and-costs-a...
           | vlovich123 wrote:
           | Just some small corrections. I think you mean 30s of CPU time
           | for unbound workers? Time spent waiting for i/o can be
           | "infinite". I think maybe you're referring to billing where
           | we bill on wall clock time for unbound workers (vs CPU time
           | for bundled workers). For proxied requests, billing even
           | stops once you hand back the Response object.
           | If you need more than 1MB of script size, please reach out to
           | Cloudflare support.
       | wnevets wrote:
       | finally. Having to setup a gateway is so cumbersome.
         | scoot wrote:
         | Claudia.js is an absolute godsend when it comes to writing and
         | deploying Lambda functions. Can't recommend it highly enough:
         | https://www.claudiajs.com/
       | petercooper wrote:
       | Very pleased by this addition! :-) Note that it creates special
       | .on.aws URLs so if you want to use your own domain to future
       | proof the endpoint (against linkrot if you ever leave AWS, say)
       | you'll want to set up a redirect/proxy for yourself (whereas API
       | Gateway does custom domains).
       | Also an interesting note from the docs about how said URL is
       | generated: _" Because this process is deterministic, it may be
       | possible for anyone to retrieve your account ID from the <url-
       | id>."_ I don't know how much of a problem this could be, but it's
       | worth being aware of.
         | spyspy wrote:
         | I believe this is why GCP added random hashes to their Cloud
         | Run URLs whereas AppeEngine gave you a deterministic one e.g.
         | https://{serviceID}-dot-{projectID}.appspot.com
         | alexhf wrote:
         | In my opinion, AWS account IDs are not sensitive information.
           | chc wrote:
           | Yeah, account IDs aren't actually publicly listed, but should
           | be treated as such. No part of your security should rest on
           | an AWS account ID staying secret.
             | sorry_outta_gas wrote:
             | they are useful for social engineering and phishing
       | euph0ria wrote:
       | Is it possible to front this with your own domain using a CNAME
       | or are the function URLs dynamically genrerated on each
       | commit/upload/build?
         | aeyes wrote:
         | You can't use your own domain/certificate. If you CNAME it the
         | cert will be invalid.
         | JoshTriplett wrote:
         | It sounds like you can get a stable URL for a function, but
         | it'll still be a Lambda URL.
         | I'd love to use this with a custom domain, without having to
         | use an API Gateway.
       | nl wrote:
       | How is it that my UX looks completely different to the blog post?
       | I don't have advanced settings. Instead I have to go
       | "Configuration->Function URL" to find this.
       | epolanski wrote:
       | I'm confused, the whole news is that you can directly call
       | lambdas without having to go through API gateway, like you do on
       | cloudflare?
         | justin_oaks wrote:
         | Yes, that's the whole news. It's exciting to those of us who
         | had to live without that feature until now.
       | pojzon wrote:
       | Are those function urls backed by WAF and AWS Shield ?
       | If not -> get prepared for huge bill of ddosed function
       | invocations.
       | I hope we can at least attach something to those urls.
       | zozbot234 wrote:
       | AWS Lambda has now gone full PHP. Never go full PHP.
         | mnapoli wrote:
         | Last step: https://bref.sh
         | joeframbach wrote:
         | Not sure I understand what you mean, can you elaborate?
           | russtrotter wrote:
           | Reference to the movie quote in "Tropic Thunder" from Robert
           | Downey Jr.s character.
       | supahfly_remix wrote:
       | Is this similar to a cgi-bin script?
         | tyingq wrote:
         | Closer to fastcgi, but yes.
       | cobertos wrote:
       | Now if only you could add an EIP to a lambda function without a
       | VPC NAT and the $20/mo minimum that comes with it.
       | azth wrote:
       | Can anyone using lambda at scale pitch in regarding costs? It
       | seems companies are using it to build pipelines which could be
       | much cheaper by writing full services as opposed to small
       | functions that you pay for per invocation.
         | rmbyrro wrote:
         | Doesn't have a universal answer.
         | Lambda doesn't charge for idle time or capacity, for example.
         | Depending on your usage patterns and availability requirements,
         | you may have a high cost in idle waste when using servers.
         | But I think where Lambda really shines is removing time from
         | infra setup, maintenance, etc. These are _hidden_ costs and,
         | even when accounted for, frequently underestimated.
         | If you need even a part time DevOps or SRE engineer to make
         | sure you'll keep things running smooth or will recover fast
         | from a disaster, their salary alone already pays for shitloads
         | of Lambda invocation and compute time.
           | jjtheblunt wrote:
           | > already pays for
           | huge understatement even as written :)
           | scrose wrote:
           | Don't you need an SRE or Devops focused person regardless?
           | You still need a way to test and deploy the code your
           | pushing. You also need to set up logging and networking that
           | ties it into the rest of your systems
             | xsmasher wrote:
             | I use lambdas for nearly everything at a games startup. The
             | "Serverless framework" - https://www.serverless.com - has
             | built-in concepts of dev/stage/prod and routing from URLs
             | -> function etc. Logging goes to cloudfront but you could
             | use any login library you wanted inside your functions.
             | We don't have an operations team, so each dev deploys their
             | own services; this framework gives them all a consistent
             | interface so we know how to test or deploy someone else's
             | code.
             | Advantages from my POV:                  * zero or
             | simplified ops; no load balancer setup etc.         * we
             | don't pay for idle hardware        * scales well by default
             | (built with parallelism in mind)
             | If a certain game spikes in popularity then it COULD become
             | expensive - but IMO that's better default behavior than a
             | server falling over.
               | Richard_Grant wrote:
               | Xsmasher,
               | Would you be interested in sharing your Serverless Story
               | with our Serverless community? We are looking for guest
               | blog contributors, community call showcases and case-
               | studies.
               | Please fill out the form in the link below and I will
               | follow up with you! https://formfacade.com/public/1122520
               | 76977537904120/all/form...
               | Cheers!
         | uuyi wrote:
         | Remember you don't pay for invocations. You pay for memory,
         | latency and traffic.
         | That constrains how you build architectures with lambda.
         | Anything bloated or written in low efficiency languages, or
         | does any amount of compute or latent network traffic will burn
         | you. That includes dealing with slow clients and synchronous
         | APIs.
         | As for rules, there aren't really any catch-all ones. We build
         | out on Kubernetes now though as that's portable. The lambda
         | developer story is quite horrible and that's where our cost is.
           | 015a wrote:
           | I'm fairly certain you do pay per invocation; $0.20/million.
           | Its not the bulk of the cost for sure but its non-zero
           | nonetheless.
             | uuyi wrote:
             | Yes that's the point. The marketing points to that as the
             | big cost but it's insignificant compared to the real cost
             | which is running workloads on it that aren't optimised for
             | price first. Which is probably most of them from
             | experience.
             | Then again that's how Bezos rolls.
         | killingtime74 wrote:
         | You can always start with a lambda then move to its own service
         | if costs justify. Develop as a Docker and there's minimal if
         | any conversion work
           | renewiltord wrote:
           | If you use the Go runtime, you can also trivially wrap in a
           | Docker later and your iteration will be faster.
         | itisit wrote:
         | It's best to do the math in advance, but not everyone is
         | willing to put in the time required for a proper business case.
         | ddoolin wrote:
         | It all depends. Cost-wise, Lambda is the only real option for
         | running tens of thousands of Monte Carlo-style simulations at
         | once (which require high performance for a very short execution
         | time). Containers are too slow to scale up for our target time,
         | and if using regular instances, they'd need to be always-on
         | which costs a ton for the performance tier we'd need.
         | With Rust on Lambda we found a good mix of start time and
         | parallelism of each that made it much cheaper and faster.
         | EDIT: The workload times are only somewhat predictable so even
         | doing something like scheduled scaling is a half-solution.
           | semi-extrinsic wrote:
           | You're doing whatnow??
           | This may come off as arrogant, but it sounds like something
           | that could be rewritten in Fortran to run on an old laptop
           | with similar execution time.
         | thamer wrote:
         | An engineering blog from the BBC published an update a few days
         | ago on their migration to a serverless architecture, titled
         | "BBC Online - A year with serverless": https://medium.com/bbc-
         | design-engineering/bbc-online-a-year-...
         | They report 3.3B function invocations for 2.3B requests served,
         | a total of 61,000 hours of execution time and 1,500 concurrent
         | executions at peak.
         | Using calculator.aws, simply entering the number of requests at
         | 67ms each (61k hours/3.3B invocations) with 128 MB of memory
         | each costs only $1,107.
         | Then of course there's bandwidth, databases, file storage, and
         | a lot more... but 3.3B lambda executions for $1.1k is really
         | cheap. Not to mention that a client like the BBC would benefit
         | from negotiated pricing with significant discounts. Even
         | without discounts, serverless is often pretty cheap.
           | outsb wrote:
           | The CPU throttling of the lower memory settings is often
           | easily visible in a user-facing request, even simple requests
           | just doing some DB IO. I rarely use less than 1024mb for
           | anything
           | edit: the BBC review is horrifying:
           | > The page takes around 500ms to render and be delivered to
           | the audience. In that timeframe we invoke around 30
           | functions. Around 150ms is spent running React to render the
           | content to HTML
           | > we aim to personalise almost every page in some way --
           | making it relevant for every user on every request
           | Good luck making perf numbers with all those cold cached
           | personalized pages
           | recuter wrote:
           | You can certainly run a web server capable of 1,500
           | concurrent connections for under $100/mo.
           | Run it on Linode or something, they'll throw in 10TB of
           | bandwidth which probably covers it.
           | Most of the serving is done by the CDN..
             | renewiltord wrote:
             | Right, but once you're in the territory of "everything for
             | $100" or "everything for $1000", they're both the same so
             | you want the thing with the organizational efficiencies of
             | independent deploys and permissioning, resilience and
             | scaling, high availability etc.
               | recuter wrote:
               | Two $60 Linodes in different data centers are highly
               | availablish considering each one could easily do x10
               | those numbers. The thing in the link sits behind a CDN.
               | Certain kinds of organizational efficiencies frequently
               | lead to "I'm bored lets use the new hotness that would
               | look good on my resume for the next job", hence lambda.
               | Actually you don't need anything at all, this is a job
               | completely for the CDN which has enough features they
               | aren't using to do the same thing for no additional cost.
               | renewiltord wrote:
               | Hmm, I don't think that's the primary motivation. But the
               | NomadList guy runs everything on one VPS and he makes
               | $2m/yr so more power to you guys. I wouldn't do it
               | because I'd want to be able to scale the team and keep
               | their velocity high and I think clearer process-impact
               | boundaries help.
               | For what's it worth, I've worked in Ad Tech at 2 m qps
               | and now in HFT so I'm not averse to efficiency, but org
               | efficiency is (in my experience) very important if you're
               | scaling the company to the $100+ m revenue range.
               | recuter wrote:
               | I think if you're scaling the company to the $100+ m
               | revenue range you'll be able to find a team that can
               | handle either VPS, Lambdas, both or whatever else is
               | required.
               | It really depends on what it is that you're actually, you
               | know, doing.
         | throwaway2016a wrote:
         | I use Lambda heavily, especially in new projects that haven't
         | been proven yet. The cost savings are significant for two
         | reasons:
         | - Easier to maintain so less hours spent handling things like
         | deployment and autoscaling. Payroll is likely the company's top
         | expense so this is not insignificant.
         | - If the traffic is sporadic or unpredictable you have 100%
         | efficient resource utilization, which is very difficult with
         | traditional servers.
         | I have some microservices that would cost $10 per AZ /
         | datacenter per month (so at least three to have High
         | Availability) that cost effectively $0 per month on lambda.
         | At scale, it depends on how consistent your load is. If it is
         | highly consistent a server may make sense. But even for high
         | traffic apps the cost can be lower or -- if it is higher -- so
         | negligibly higher that the saved maintenance cost pays for it.
         | I have many projects on Lambda, but for example: I run an
         | entire small-startup of mine for < $1 per month and have high
         | availability. The number of hours I would need to spend to get
         | the cost that low would be way too expensive.
           | htunnicliff wrote:
           | Care to share more about your small startup?
             | throwaway2016a wrote:
             | Well, I'd love to share specifics but I've kept
             | "throwaway2016a" anonymous for 6 years so gonna keep it
             | that way :).
             | But some general info:
             | - API based product
             | - Frontend using Next.js hosted on S3 behind CloudFront
             | with some CloudFront Edge functions
             | - Gets a few hundred thousand API calls a month
             | - I wrote my non-edge Lambdas in Go. I found it to be much
             | faster cold start times (about 100ms for me) and much
             | faster runtime (< 10ms) than Node. The Edge functions are
             | Node though because Edge on AWS only supports the Node.js
             | runtime.
             | - I use DynamoDB for my database.
             | You get billed for what you use on Lambda and on average a
             | single API call bills me for 8 - 12ms each. Plus the cost
             | of API gateway. Actual response time is higher since SSL
             | negotiation and API Gateway adds overhead but it's usually
             | < 80 - 100ms which is within my SLA.
             | But could scale up to a few million API calls a month
             | without much added cost... about 20 - 30 million API calls
             | per month before I hit the cost of the (minimum) 3 servers
             | + load balancer I would need to do High Availability using
             | servers.
           | cbsmith wrote:
           | > If the traffic is sporadic or unpredictable you have 100%
           | efficient resource utilization, which is very difficult with
           | traditional servers.
           | "100% efficient resource utilization" is a bit over stating
           | it, but it sure is a lot easier to ensure you don't over
           | provision.
             | throwaway2016a wrote:
             | Very fair point. You probably won't be saturating your
             | lambda RAM and CPU.
             | But the granularity is much finer with Lambda so you're
             | closer to full efficiency. No having a server with Gigs of
             | RAM and multi-cores sitting around for hours a day with 10%
             | utilization.
           | oblio wrote:
           | > If it is highly consistent a server may make sense.
           | I'd argue that you should just package and deploy your Lambda
           | as a Docker image and when you need consistency head over to
           | Fargate. It's costs are reasonably comparable with EC2 and
           | you get rid of most Lambda limitations.
             | throwaway2016a wrote:
             | Very good point that the Lambda code can be written in such
             | a way that it can run from both Docker and Lambda.
             | But I'm not a fan of Fargate. I find it easier to use
             | vanilla EC2, and it's cheaper than Fargate. But I'm also
             | very comfortable with EC2 and Fargate takes care of a lot
             | of the ops stuff so to each their own.
             | What I didn't mention too is Lambda has "Reserved
             | Concurrency" pricing which for extremely consistent
             | workloads lowers the gap... I've never had a product with
             | that consistent a workload though.
         | discodave wrote:
         | I've never seen (healthy) fleets with _average_ CPU utilization
         | above 70-80%. That includes several-thousand machine fleets
         | when I worked at Amazon. Most things I 've seen in my career
         | have 10-20% utilization at best. The Lambda "premium" over EC2
         | is only like 30-50%, so unless your workload is super
         | consistent/predictable, and your code/hardware is well
         | optimized, then Lambda will likely win on price. This is even
         | more true now that you don't have to pay for API Gateway.
           | buzzdenver wrote:
           | This is relevant for CPU bound loads. Lots of lambdas do
           | networking stuff where 90+% of the time is waiting for an
           | HTTP download.
           | recuter wrote:
           | I have. AdTech frequently runs close to 100%. Cryptomining
           | style.
           | I'm not sure I agree, why Lambda and not AWS spot instances?
           | Or heaven forbid, one beefy server / office warmer.
           | Lambda doesn't win on price it wins on flexibility.
         | recuter wrote:
         | Well enterprises that build pipelines often end up with Rube
         | Goldberg type horrors regardless, and Lambda is more easy and
         | fun to prototype with than say, Spark. If you know someone like
         | that wait until they click around and find "step functions".
         | There are more legit use cases. Lets say you are in charge of
         | Eurovision.
         | You spike from 0 to xxx,xxx of votes on an irregular basis
         | during a few nights a year.
         | You run an auction or ticket sales website of some sort.
         | Your blog gets 3 clicks a month except for when you actually
         | post something and it briefly gets noticed by HN.
         | StratusBen wrote:
         | We aren't a company that uses Lambda at scale but we have
         | exposure to a few thousand AWS customers' cloud costs and I
         | definitely say that the customers who are all-in using Lambda
         | are saving a lot of money relative to their container/EC2
         | counterparts. That being said, I see _very_ few companies  "all
         | in" on Lambda these days at an organizational level. It's still
         | the exception - I think you need to be very intentional with
         | its use at an organizational level architecture wise...but I
         | see a lot of companies with sprinkles of Lambda usage here and
         | there.
         | Source/Disclosure: I am Co-Founder and CEO at
         | https://www.vantage.sh/ - a cloud cost platform tracking in the
         | hundreds of millions of dollars of annualized cloud spend.
           | cameronh90 wrote:
           | Off topic/feedback: I like the look of your service and it's
           | something I've been thinking about looking into recently. I
           | have even used the EC2 instance type list a ton without ever
           | realising that it was attached to your site.
           | However, I'm afraid that I sadly would not touch your
           | service, because SSO is only on your enterprise plan. I hope
           | that eventually you might consider putting SSO on one of the
           | priced tiers.
           | (https://sso.tax/ approximates my opinion)
             | StratusBen wrote:
             | Thanks for that feedback.
             | I've mentioned this publicly before on HN: we are happy to
             | offer anyone SAML SSO even if you fit into our Pro/Business
             | tiers. We have configured "Enterprise" tiers for folks
             | below $200/month and it is no sweat on our end. It just
             | takes some pre-provisioning on our end that usually comes
             | with more direct engagements with Enterprise customers.
             | Anecdotally, typically _very_ few customers in the self-
             | service tiers make mention of this. It's something we need
             | to message better on our marketing site but for onlookers
             | here, know the option is available to you.
       | rmbyrro wrote:
       | Amazing, now I don't have to pay API Gateway to do just an HTTP
       | routing.
         | k__ wrote:
         | As far as I know, you can call the Lambda via the AWS SDK.
           | throwaway2016a wrote:
           | You can but that has security + protocol implications and is
           | not as useful for general web consumers. This seems better
           | IMHO.
             | nhoughto wrote:
             | Yeah you need an aws iam identity to call lambda invoke,
             | for public consumer this is better.
       (page generated 2022-04-06 23:00 UTC)