[HN Gopher] NotepadNext: A cross-platform reimplementation of No...
       NotepadNext: A cross-platform reimplementation of Notepad++
       Author : Acrobatic_Road
       Score  : 254 points
       Date   : 2022-04-08 16:14 UTC (6 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (github.com)
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       | legrande wrote:
       | Another (esoteric) editor I use for quick and dirty hacks on
       | Windows is Notepad2[0]. It's a bare-bones drop-in replacement for
       | the default notepad.exe on Windows, and has syntax highlighting.
       | As for Linux, Pluma[1] is great too.
       | [0] https://www.flos-freeware.ch/notepad2.html
       | [1] https://community.linuxmint.com/software/view/pluma
         | dspillett wrote:
         | Notepad2 hasn't seen any updates since 2012. Unlikely to be a
         | massive issue for a text editor if it is considered feature
         | complete, though it might at least mean unfixed annoyances
         | creep in and go unfixed with newer OS versions.
           | ploxiln wrote:
           | There have been a series of forks, for example:
           | https://github.com/zufuliu/notepad2
           | They seem to add a lot of features, though ... I'd be
           | interested to find a more minimal one, which mostly just
           | updates language syntaxes and OS support, and the thankless
           | minor bug squashing ...
         | Tijdreiziger wrote:
         | Your first link is flagged as 'badware risk' by uBlock Origin.
         | > Title: uBlock filters - Badware risks
         | > Description: For sites documented to put users at risk of
         | installing adware/crapware etc. The purpose is to at least
         | ensure a user is warned of the risks ahead.
           | legrande wrote:
           | Thanks for pointing this out. Seems like the page just
           | redirects to here: https://www.flos-freeware.ch/notepad2.html
           | (I amended the URL)
         | leeoniya wrote:
         | Notepad3 is actively maintained and has many improvements, btw.
         | https://github.com/rizonesoft/Notepad3
           | ExpiredLink wrote:
           | Wow, thank you! I'm still using Notepad2 from 2012.
       | pers0n wrote:
       | If you want this to take off, please provide compiled binaries
       | for MacOS and Linux
         | AnIdiotOnTheNet wrote:
         | Compiled binaries for Linux x64 are available in the releases.
         | Linux version is apparently packaged as an AppImage.
         | https://github.com/dail8859/NotepadNext/releases/
       | account-5 wrote:
       | I've been looking for a Linux version of Notepad++ for what feels
       | like years.
       | I started learning vim but can't use it at work as I'm stuck on
       | windows (which vim is rubbish on), and the way they (IT dept)
       | installed it basically made it worse, so I never used it enough
       | for it to be my go-to.
         | Bigpet wrote:
         | wxMEdit (formerly MadEdit) filled that niche for me for years.
         | It does seem that recent versions do have some bugs that
         | occasionally rear their head, but it's still very usable.
         | At least it was for me, Using Notepad++ for editing config
         | files, batch files, large sql stuff from time to time and the
         | occasional binary. Including search and replace in a bunch of
         | directories.
         | Phelinofist wrote:
         | I recently started using Notepadqq (https://notepadqq.com) and
         | so far it is quite okay. It is not as sophisticated as
         | Notepad++ but it does the job.
         | afarviral wrote:
         | I can find no compelling evidence that vim users are more
         | efficient than non-vim users, and I have first-hand experience
         | with the extra cognitive load of vim commands and and
         | distracting config-fiddling... however, I learned vim and use
         | vim-emulation in all the software I use which support it, just
         | kind of a nasty habit which comes in handy for corner-cases
         | like editing over SSH.
         | Anyway, I was going to say gVim is lovely on windows, with a
         | little customization and doesn't require admin privileges
         | (though it will likely be contrary to your companies IT policy
         | to side-load it). Other alternatives are using vim emulation in
         | VSCode or one of the Jetbrains editors (probably the strongest
         | candidate for vim emulation: IdeaVim).
           | afarviral wrote:
           | Notepad++ doesn't support vim emulation, at least when I last
           | investigated. It's a solid editor, so it's a shame.
         | rufus_foreman wrote:
         | You could run Notepad++ with Wine.
           | rubyist5eva wrote:
           | I used to work with a greybeard that did exactly this, and it
           | seemed to work very well for him!
             | rufus_foreman wrote:
             | I'm an old-school Linux user, and way back when I
             | considered Wine to be sort of a joke. It's gotten better
             | and better over the decades and it's been pretty impressive
             | when I've used it recently.
       | Tempest1981 wrote:
       | > A cross-platform, reimplementation of Notepad++
       | For Windows, how does this differ from Don Ho's original version?
       | https://notepad-plus-plus.org/
       | What is the vision/goal of this fork? The README is minimal.
         | jeroenhd wrote:
         | The original Notepad++ source code is written for the Windows
         | API, built for Windows releases only. This project seems to be
         | Qt-based, allowing cross platform development.
         | It seems like someone thought "building a Notepad++ of my own
         | seems like a nice idea" and went with it long enough for it to
         | become quite a competent editor.
         | riedel wrote:
         | well, that is cross platform I guess?
           | rubyist5eva wrote:
           | This reminds of the guy I used to work with that used
           | Notepad++ with Wine on Ubuntu as his primary editor and he
           | seemed to get along just fine with it.
       | ffhhj wrote:
       | Nice to see this project, will try it out. When I moved from
       | Windows 11 to Ubuntu I was really happy to find most of my daily
       | use utilities in Linux or equivalents, but I was shocked there
       | isn't a native version of Notepad++, its the kind of app you
       | would expected to have multiple ports in several OSes. The
       | version from Snap doesn't integrate well with Linux.
       | The record and play macro feature is probably the most useful
       | tool, I keep grabbing code from VStudio/JetBrains-based editors
       | to refactor/format it in NP++. For me the future of text editors
       | should go in the automated direction: "see these identifiers and
       | strings, tabulate them in columns to make my code more readable,
       | now convert this column of strings into identifiers with given
       | prefix and camel case, and define them in that module."
         | tfigment wrote:
         | Notepad++ is a wrapper around scite using native windows apis
         | or at least was years ago. Find a native editor using that
         | library in same way such as SciTE itself.
           | NGRhodes wrote:
           | That would be Geany.
         | themodelplumber wrote:
         | I remember thinking this exact thing back in 2007! Shortly
         | before discovering Kate and fish://. At the time I think I used
         | regex and scripting instead of macros though.
       | yumraj wrote:
       | Qs: what's a good simple general purpose text editor for Mac,
       | similar to Notepad++
       | I've been using VSCode for this, especially since it saves
       | buffers without me having to save to a file and would love one
       | with this feature.
         | fisher_S wrote:
         | I used Notepad++ on Windows; now on MacOS I use TextMate. It's
         | as simple and lightweight as Notepad++, and if I understand
         | correctly, it has the save feature you're looking for. If you
         | Command+Q without saving to a file, the contents will still be
         | there the next time you start it.
         | sigzero wrote:
         | Just a few:                 - Kate       - CudaText       -
         | Sublime Text       - BBEdit
           | maverick74 wrote:
           | KWrite in next version 22.08 will basically be an extra-lite
           | Kate, for those interested.
           | https://kate-editor.org/post/2022/2022-03-31-kate-ate-
           | kwrite...
           | I don't know which one is better, however, Kate or
           | Notepad++...
           | Opinions?
             | Narishma wrote:
             | > KWrite in next version 22.08 will basically be an extra-
             | lite Kate
             | Wasn't that always the case?
         | afarviral wrote:
         | gVim (only on windows/linux) with a minimal config is my
         | preferred. Fast but a few powerful built-in vim features like
         | search, replace, syntax highlighting, spellchecking, auto-
         | indent etc. It loads in about 1.5s on my machine and renders
         | the text nicely.
         | Maybe take a look at https://github.com/macvim-dev/macvim on
         | mac, perhaps someone can comment about the state of macvim?
         | nacs wrote:
         | Sublime Text is really good.
         | I use VS Code for development but Sublime handles large files
         | much better (large JSONs, log files, etc) and loads much faster
         | than VSC does.
         | MBCook wrote:
         | Look at BBEdit. It's been a standard on Mac for over 20 years.
         | It's free by default with lots of great extra features that can
         | be unlocked with a purchase.
         | nicoco wrote:
         | Kate?
           | maverick74 wrote:
           | Yeah!!!
           | Kate is awesome!!!
           | https://kate-editor.org
       | pdenton wrote:
       | Related project: https://github.com/notepadqq/notepadqq
       | progre wrote:
       | Love Notepad++ and I sometimes miss it on Linux. Are plugins from
       | Notepad++ compatible with this?
         | jeroenhd wrote:
         | I haven't tried myself, but is there any reason why Notepad++
         | wouldn't run on Wine? I don't think it accesses APIs obscure
         | enough to run into usability bugs, does it?
           | themodelplumber wrote:
           | IMO if Roblox runs in Wine, Notepad++ should be no problem at
           | all. But with just the right/wrong development decisions I
           | suppose it's possible.
           | (And then someone could probably look at building Notepad++
           | in Roblox to ensure that it can be used in Linux :-))
             | jeroenhd wrote:
             | It'll have some small issues, of course. From what I can
             | read online some plugins don't work because they rely on
             | the Windows Script Host (the thing that runs JS and VBS
             | scripts) and there's a performance issue here and there,
             | but that's about it.
             | The thing about games is that there's only a limited OS
             | surface area that they'll usually touch. There's I/O, GPU,
             | a single render Windows, audio, and input state, but when
             | those core APIs work, games should run just fine. Boring
             | Win32 software can get real dependent on some obscure
             | system APIs, COM+ objects with certain properties, library
             | loading behaviour, etc., all things that can be a challenge
             | to emulate successfully without tripping up programs that
             | assume certain APIs just never fail or return certain
             | results. Games don't call APIs like
             | DsRoleGetPrimaryDomainInformation or
             | SHEnumerateUnreadMailAccountsW so projects like Proton
             | don't usually add a lot of fixes in that space.
           | chromaton wrote:
           | Yes, it does run well on Wine.
         | ww520 wrote:
         | I've used Notepad++ with Wine on Linux. It works fine. The only
         | problem is it doesn't handle high DPI monitor very well so the
         | UI font is really small. It might be a problem with Wine.
         | Also the directory navigation in the file dialog is clunky. The
         | directory places are windows based rather than Linux based.
       | frenchie4111 wrote:
       | Looks like a cool project, not throwing shade, but these two
       | lines in this order made me giggle:                   Though the
       | application overall is stable and usable, it should not be
       | considered safe for critically important work.
       | There are numerous bugs and half working implementations. Pull
       | requests are greatly appreciated.
         | Havoc wrote:
         | To be fair that level of self-awareness is usually a good sign
       | [deleted]
       | major505 wrote:
       | if the macros work well this is well worth to have in linux.
         | altcognito wrote:
         | Macros are probably the best feature IMHO. Unless I'm mistaken,
         | I've not seen a macro recorder as featureful yet so easy/quick
         | to use. I know vim has to have it, but I find it hard to
         | believe I would ever get quick enough to be able to do it.
         | So simple to put a complex macro together -- I had one today
         | that removed empty lines, did a regex replace, then a straight
         | text replace and some random line manipulation within 2
         | minutes. You can do it so often and quickly it's basically zero
         | cost.
       | ZoomZoomZoom wrote:
       | Another one directly inspired by N++ is NotepadQQ. Tried it
       | briefly and passed - mostly the functionality was lacking. Not
       | sure if it's Scintilla based, as the original, Geany or TextMate.
       | https://github.com/notepadqq/notepadqq
       | Dork1234 wrote:
       | I just loaded a 500MB file in NotepadNext. Windows shows Notepad
       | Next using is 1397MB.
       | Meanwhile if I use Notepad++ and load the same file windows shows
       | it is using 586MB.
       | Any ideas why such high memory usage if this is a direct port to
       | QT?
         | asddubs wrote:
         | it's not a port, is it? I thought notepad++ was closed source?
           | dindresto wrote:
           | https://github.com/notepad-plus-plus/notepad-plus-plus
             | asddubs wrote:
             | huh, I never knew.
           | Delk wrote:
           | Notepad++ is GPL-licensed.
         | pkrumins wrote:
         | Why are you concerned about the memory usage? Computers have a
         | lot of memory.
           | tom_ wrote:
           | But a lot is still a finite amount!
         | john_moscow wrote:
         | Efficiently handling large text files requires extra special
         | care.
         | ~2x memory looks like a naive implementation of just allocating
         | an std::string from heap for each line. Due to heap
         | fragmentation and various overhead it would quickly blow up.
         | ~1x memory looks like just reading the entire file into RAM
         | (that would still be slow).
         | A truly efficient implementation would never need to load the
         | entire original file in RAM. It would just need to remember the
         | binary offset of each line in a way that combines random access
         | and reasonably fast insertion/deletion (e.g. K-fold trees). You
         | can even keep everything beyond the top-level directory in an
         | temporary on-disk file, so your RAM usage could be less than
         | 1MB with nearly instant performance.
         | The efficient implementation is tricky, error-prone, and
         | involves handling a solid amount of corner cases, which is
         | beyond the amount of hassle a typical hobbyist developer is
         | willing to go through.
           | rndgermandude wrote:
           | Or it might be that one is representing the character data as
           | 16-bit wchars in memory, and the other treats them as 8-bit
           | chars.
           | tenebrisalietum wrote:
           | Why not just use mmap() or the Windows equivalent?
             | Taywee wrote:
             | Because then all your edits have to go directly into the
             | file, so you have no real "save" flow unless you make a
             | swap file for every file and then mmap that (which can be
             | an appropriate approach, to a degree). Then all your
             | caching and memory use subject to OS I/O and filesystem
             | concerns, and you can't optimize for specific use. And
             | inserting or deleting the middle of the file means shifting
             | all the bytes after it.
             | I could think of a reasonable implementation for Linux that
             | would use mmap and fallocate, but it wouldn't "just" be an
             | mmap, as the swap file would still need to represent a rope
             | or a gap buffer or something else of the sort for efficient
             | editing.
               | jhgb wrote:
               | Aren't edits of a huge file expected to be comparatively
               | small? If you're editing an mmap'd file, I'd expect the
               | editor to maintain a display combining the original
               | mmap'd file with a list of changes that have been
               | performed so far.
           | abalaji wrote:
           | This is why I will always pay for the latest version of
           | Sublime Text. First to support indie developers, but second
           | for the marvelous piece of software that allows me to browse
           | gigabytes of data in a GUI.
             | Jonovono wrote:
             | Dammm havn't heard that word in awhile - had to look at my
             | calendar to double check what year it was. Great to hear
             | they are still rocking!
               | WesleyHale wrote:
               | Python Crash Course by Eric Mathes is updated up to
               | Python 3.7 and uses Sublime as the editor of choice also.
             | VWWHFSfQ wrote:
             | I've been using Sublime Text for a decade and never had any
             | reason to leave it. It's been pretty much the most valuable
             | piece of software that I use daily for a big chunk of my
             | career. I've had to buy a new license maybe twice? ST2 and
             | ST3. And another for Sublime Merge. The $100 or whatever it
             | was might as well be _zero_ compared to the amount of value
             | I've gotten out of it. I love this thing.
             | Melatonic wrote:
             | Is that a direct competitor to something like Notepad++ ?
             | Looking into it myself
           | jmull wrote:
           | > A truly efficient implementation would never need to load
           | the entire original file in RAM. It would just need to
           | remember the binary offset of each line in a way that
           | combines random access and reasonably fast insertion/deletion
           | (e.g. K-fold trees).
           | To know the offset of each line, you'll need to load the
           | entire file from disk. So you're talking about loading it,
           | processing it, and throwing it out again. You should qualify
           | calling that "efficient" since you will need to re-load
           | portions of the file, as needed.
           | Also, an OS's virtual memory systems may work well for you
           | with minor tuning, so it's work looking into that before you
           | spend a lot of time essentially writing your own.
           | I think unless you have a good reason not to, your best bet
           | for a text editor on a modern OS is to read the entire file
           | into memory and leave it there. (But don't make multiple
           | copies of it or use two bytes to store each character as the
           | current version of NotepadNext is apparently doing.)
           | gnu8 wrote:
           | I'm afraid to ask, but how does emacs do it?
             | DiggyJohnson wrote:
             | _grabs popcorn_
             | mftb wrote:
             | Never fear, Emacs approach is pretty great. It uses a gap-
             | buffer, which is conceptually an array with a space that
             | moves around with the insertion point. It's pretty cool
             | approach because, it's simple, there's very little
             | bookkeeping overhead and moving around the gap is gonna
             | generally be cheaper than shifting around the whole array
             | and minimize complete re-allocations. In other words it's
             | good for what we do the vast majority of the time with a
             | text editor which is jump around reasonably size files
             | making small edits.
             | One downside, relative to this conversation, is it doesn't
             | make working with pathologically large files a lot better.
             | Without further optimization a gap buffer could push your
             | box into swap if you open a large enough file.
           | VWWHFSfQ wrote:
           | > Due to heap fragmentation and various overhead it would
           | quickly blow up
           | I think this is mostly likely the culprit. There almost
           | definitely isn't that much contiguous memory available for a
           | large file like this, so there are a lot of wasted pages
           | (maybe 2-3x) which is causing that footprint to balloon.
             | johncolanduoni wrote:
             | For 500MB there should easily be enough contiguous virtual
             | address space, and if there isn't the allocation would
             | fail. I don't see how it could take up 2-3x extra pages
             | unless it's being stored in a really poorly designed
             | segmented memory structure.
               | VWWHFSfQ wrote:
               | Yeah without knowing anything about the implementation
               | when I see "I opened a 500MB file and it's taking 1.3GB
               | of memory" that's just my first guess. Maybe it's wrong.
           | kzrdude wrote:
           | Does anything implement it like that?
             | _hl_ wrote:
             | xi-editor has some reasonably sophisticated handling for
             | large files
             | mftb wrote:
             | It's vaguely reminiscent of Vim's implementation, in the
             | sense that I think, for large files, in it's default
             | config, Vim keeps most of the text in it's swap file and
             | pages it in as needed.
             | Vim's implementation also feels somewhat line-oriented in
             | that if you load a large JSON file that has everything on 1
             | line and you try to edit that line, uh... it will be
             | sluggish, but if you do, like %!jq '.' and format it, you
             | can them move around the file a little easier.
             | Edit - What the heck while I'm at it:
             | Emacs - Historically used a Gap-Buffer which optimized more
             | for locality of edits than loading large files. It doesn't
             | suffer though as much from heap fragmentation though as the
             | linked-list of strings type approach.
             | Monaco - The editor in VS Code recently went from a linked-
             | list of strings to a PieceTree buffer. Which basically
             | loads a the whole file into an immutable buffer and then
             | uses the PieceTree to manage the edits.
             | Others - Lately people keep talking about Ropes, which is
             | another tree type deal with extra-smarts specifically for
             | text editing. I don't know of a game-changing editor like
             | the others mentioned that uses it tho.
               | jll29 wrote:
               | Ropes were introduced in this paper in the journal
               | Software, Pracise and Experience:
               | https://doi.org/10.1002/spe.4380251203 (best accessed
               | from a university domain)
               | An example for an editor that uses them to manage large
               | text files is Xi-Editor: https://github.com/xi-editor/xi-
               | editor (edit: written in Rust).
               | mftb wrote:
               | Cool, I'm really interested in that paper, ty.
             | nly wrote:
             | Wouldn't mind betting Sublime does a good job
           | teraflop wrote:
           | > A truly efficient implementation would never need to load
           | the entire original file in RAM. It would just need to
           | remember the binary offset of each line
           | Except that this would most likely result in unpredictable
           | corruption if another process modified the file while you had
           | it open, which is contrary to the way basically every text
           | editor works.
           | It would be nice if there was a way to mmap a file in such a
           | way that the OS would give you a snapshot view, but AFAIK
           | that doesn't exist, at least on Linux in a filesystem-
           | agnostic way (not sure about other operating systems).
             | dataflow wrote:
             | I think every platform supports FS notifications at least
             | right? The app could listen for changes to the file and
             | reload/discard when it goes out of sync. In fact Notepad++
             | already does this.
             | On Windows in particular you also have a ton of other
             | facilities that could help with this (opportunistic locks,
             | transactions, etc.) but notification is usually good
             | enough.
               | chongli wrote:
               | My main editor is vim. It notifies the user when a file
               | you have open in a buffer gets modified on disk by
               | another process. It explicitly gives you the option to
               | load the file from disk at this time. I would not use a
               | text editor which silently reloads a file because this
               | could result in a loss of work.
               | workerdrone451 wrote:
               | While many editors will come and go, vi in some form will
               | always remain. Once you "get" it, using anything else
               | starts to become alien.
               | dataflow wrote:
               | Yeah Notepad++ asks you too. I don't know of any editors
               | that silently discard changes by default.
             | phendrenad2 wrote:
             | This would also be too slow. The user may want to jump from
             | line 1 to line 999999. You can't do a file load fast
             | enough.
         | fernly wrote:
         | I'm having trouble finding anything in the source tree, but
         | searches on "QTextEdit" and "QPlainText" fail, so it's maybe
         | not using Qt's very competent text edit classes? The Readme
         | indicates Qt is used, it would be odd not to use the built-in
         | (but highly customizable) editor which supports a syntax
         | analyzer and lots of other things you would think this project
         | needs.
         | TonyTrapp wrote:
         | If it uses QString as backing storage, that would be UTF-16
         | internally and would explain the doubling in size.
       | shmoe wrote:
       | macOS please -- I would love a notepad++ clone!
       | pkrumins wrote:
       | I wonder how this story got to the top of Hacker News as it's not
       | rewritten in Rust.
       | digisign wrote:
       | Geany fills this niche, and is close to being feature complete.
       | It could use help and attention as well, it unfortunately doesn't
       | get enough imho. Also on github: https://github.com/geany/geany
         | account-5 wrote:
         | I've never been able to get on with geany, compared to np++ it
         | comes a very distant second.
           | digisign wrote:
           | I use Linux and grudgingly Mac now, so np++ is not even in
           | the race. ;-)
         | themodelplumber wrote:
         | Geany is great. I have 200+ files open in it most of the time
         | and it's been really nice to use all along.
         | sergiotapia wrote:
         | Wow that takes me back! I learned how to code with Geany!
         | WD-42 wrote:
         | Geany was the first editor I used to write code. It has just
         | the right balance of features to make editing code productive
         | while keeping it simple enough for beginners.
         | qbasic_forever wrote:
         | I have a container I setup with XFCE and this awesome Windows
         | 95 theme: https://github.com/grassmunk/Chicago95 Geany works
         | perfectly inside it for a little retro dev environment. It
         | looks and feels just like old Visual Studio versions, but I can
         | code any modern thing I want.
           | xmonkee wrote:
           | What kind of container?
             | qbasic_forever wrote:
             | distrobox to manage the container:
             | https://github.com/89luca89/distrobox Then just install
             | XFCE and tiger VNC server inside it. Using VNC makes it
             | easy to connect into a little isolated session that has its
             | own theming, etc. vs. trying to send geany to my native
             | X11/wayland server (which wouldn't theme it like windows
             | 95).
             | You could also just run it in a browser window with a VNC
             | HTML bridge, this would be a good base for that:
             | https://github.com/accetto/ubuntu-vnc-xfce-g3
             | The easiest way to get Chicago95 setup is to run its GUI
             | installer python script. I don't try to script it in a
             | dockerfile or container setup.
         | syntaxfree wrote:
         | Can you define custom syntax highlighting as easily as in
         | notepad++? My use case was that I had one big text file for
         | everything with some ad hoc format.
           | digisign wrote:
           | You have to write hex codes into a text file in your config
           | folder, there is no GUI for it. They have themes for a few
           | years now. You copy one and edit. Not hard but not effortless
           | either. One interesting thing is that you can do it in Geany,
           | there is a little plugin to show a color square when you
           | hover over a #hex string.
           | I remember npp having a GUI, but from memory it was old-
           | school, in the clunky sense and not in the simple one. It
           | didn't have a little window showing code with the updates for
           | example.
           | Now that you bring it up, that's an area where a developer
           | could make a helpful contribution.
         | mrtweetyhack wrote:
         | zozbot234 wrote:
         | These light IDE editors should really be including some support
         | for modern features like LSP, Tree-Sitter parsers and the Debug
         | Adapter Protocol. Modern development flows have come to rely on
         | this stuff.
         | This also goes for terminal-based editors, BTW. The old RHIDE
         | is in many ways still unsurpassed in the intuitiveness and
         | inherent extensibility of its text-based interface. A modern
         | *nix-based equivalent would find plenty of use for light
         | development work over SSH. (You could even ssh in and develop
         | from an Apple iPad with keyboard addon!)
           | digisign wrote:
           | I used this Jedi plugin for Python for a while, but didn't
           | need it too often and didn't install it the next system
           | refresh. Might be out of date now.
           | https://github.com/notetau/geany-jedi-complete
         | AnIdiotOnTheNet wrote:
         | Geany drove me insane when I tried it. The horrific font
         | rendering that turned underscores into spaces, the obtuse as
         | hell format for custom syntax highlighting... No thanks man.
           | mxuribe wrote:
           | OMG, i ran into this issue and what fixed it for me
           | was...increasing the font size! Slowly over the last couple
           | of years i have been increasing the font size everywhere
           | (because my eyes are aging!)...and then i started using Geany
           | - which i do like - but ran into this odd behavior of
           | underscores appearing like spaces but only with some themes,
           | fonts...And when i went to increase the font size - for just
           | helping me see better - voila; no more odd behavior!
           | Admittedly, this is not the reason i lessen my use of geany.
           | But that sure was one odd bug.
           | EDIT: It seems the font/underscore/spaces issues should be
           | fixed as of Geany verion 1.37:
           | https://www.geany.org/documentation/faq/#geany-does-not-
           | disp...
           | I'm not using Geany much at all any more, but still got love
           | for it!
           | melissalobos wrote:
           | > The horrific font rendering that turned underscores into
           | spaces
           | I have geany open right now and it is displaying underscores
           | just fine with Noto Sans Mono. I have no idea what
           | configuration you were using or what fonts, but this
           | shouldn't be a problem currently.
             | AnIdiotOnTheNet wrote:
             | https://github.com/geany/geany/issues/1387
             | I had the issue with the Flatpak version in an unmodified
             | install on Fedora Silverblue 35, but my experience is
             | apparently hardly unique.
           | digisign wrote:
           | A Scintilla bug fixed five years ago? Hex digits in a text
           | file is obtuse? No software is perfect but there's probably
           | better criticism out there.
             | AnIdiotOnTheNet wrote:
             | The issue was closed, but that is not the same as being
             | fixed.
               | digisign wrote:
               | The root problem it seems is that some fonts are out of
               | spec, and there's a workaround:
               | [styling]         line_height=0;2;
               | I recommend Source Code Pro which is a great programming
               | font and apparently doesn't have the problem, since I've
               | never actually seen it.
         | ZoomZoomZoom wrote:
         | Geany is mature and solid, and I like it a lot, especially on
         | Windows. However, I personally bump into some uncomfortable
         | limitations with it.
         | The pace of the development, including just reacting to issues
         | or PRs is rather slow.
         | Basic editing functions are few (just compare the contents of
         | the "Edit" submenu with Notepad++). This is partially mitigated
         | by "Send selection to", but a text editor without a simple line
         | sorting?..
         | The settings for the "Build" submenu is artificially limited.
         | Why just 3 filetype and 3 shared commands? Why not allow
         | changing the keyboard shortcuts for those right in the same
         | window?
         | No macro or scripting at all. In my view, such programs benefit
         | a lot from having _all_ their actions available as a list of
         | commands which can be used to construct custom chains and
         | scripts or be used setting the keybindings.
         | Somehow, not all the lexers from lexilla are available? For
         | example, Nim lexer is more than 3 years old (5, if you count
         | lexer for an earlier version then called Nimrod), but Nim
         | settings for Geany still uses the Python lexer.
           | digisign wrote:
           | Hmm, I don't do most of those things. Or, I use external
           | tools/pre-commit/terminal so not a big issue for me. For
           | example, a tool like "black" or "prettier" has outsourced a
           | lot of the manual formatting work I'd have done before. I
           | "write ugly" and save the file.
           | For sorting I do in fact use the "Send selection to" to sort,
           | bound to Ctrl+1, but I never got around to binding anything
           | to Ctrl+2.
           | There were tons of little fiddly things in Notepad++ I never
           | used because the things they fixed they never came up often
           | enough to build up muscle memory to remember them. YMMV.
             | ZoomZoomZoom wrote:
             | Sometimes it's just more convenient when all the little
             | things are already in place, even if you're not using them
             | frequently enough to build muscle memory. Also, for reasons
             | described in the comment by @AdmiralAsshat below.
       | novocantico wrote:
       | A few months ago I went to install Notepad++ and the installer
       | says "Software is like sex: It's better when it's free" so I
       | closed and deleted the installer. (It still says that today.)
       | Glad to see an alternative I can install!
         | lancebeet wrote:
         | There seems to be at least one person agreeing with you:
         | https://github.com/notepad-plus-plus/notepad-plus-plus/issue...
           | ianai wrote:
           | If I understand that history correctly, they tagged it
           | "reject" which I'm taking to mean they won't change that
           | text.
         | prmoustache wrote:
         | I don't really see where the problem lied but whatever. Sounds
         | strange to base a (free) software choice on a note in an
         | installer.
           | z3t4 wrote:
           | It is my experience as a developer of a text editor, that
           | text edtor/IDE users make the decision whether to learn/use
           | an editor within seconds. Just a quick look and it has been
           | decided, in 3 seconds what they will spend their next 10000
           | hours working with. I do not understand this, but it is a
           | phenomena. It's like when we look at the opposite sex and
           | decides if he/she might become our future partner and live
           | the rest of our life together - and the decision is made
           | within seconds. At least the filtering-out.
         | spaniard89277 wrote:
         | For real?
         | throwaway675309 wrote:
         | I think we should more of this stuff to hopefully desensitize
         | people over time. When abstract symbols can somehow evoke such
         | a visceral reaction in a person, that's the kind of stuff that
         | scares me.
         | Side note: Remember winamps start audio?
         | sandreas wrote:
         | I created a pull request to change this text. Let's hope it'll
         | be accepted ;)
         | https://github.com/notepad-plus-plus/notepad-plus-plus/pull/...
         | WD-42 wrote:
         | The author's (donho) Github profile reads:
         | > GitHub is my Tinder, to flirt with developers, by using the
         | romantic source code poetry.
         | I don't think he gaf whether people are offended by the word
         | "sex".
           | oblio wrote:
           | He constantly names Notepad++ releases after political topics
           | he does not like, he's very political.
           | And if you look at the things he's covered, he seems to be a
           | good person.
           | snvzz wrote:
           | It apparently only does take 3 characters to offend people.
         | svnpenn wrote:
         | You can install either one.
         | You're choosing not to. However I do agree, that is idiotic
         | text to include.
         | lfkdev wrote:
         | Wheres the problem with this sentence?
           | novocantico wrote:
           | It's nice when I come across a readme that's playful and
           | doesn't take itself very seriously. It shows the real humans
           | behind the software.
           | This is something else.
             | artogahr wrote:
             | What is it?
               | novocantico wrote:
               | Why is catcalling offensive but flirting welcome?
               | CivBase wrote:
               | Can you elaborate on how you feel this sentence relates
               | to catcalling or flirting?
               | GartzenDeHaes wrote:
               | Ti and Do and their students (crew) have come from a
               | genderless, crew-minded, service-oriented world that
               | finds greed, lust, and self- serving pursuits abhorrent.
               | Marshall Herff Applewhite Jr.
               | novocantico wrote:
               | No.
         | donkarma wrote:
         | what's up with that
         | nittanymount wrote:
         | notepad++ site is so political, do not like that, stopped using
         | it for years... it is the author's freedom for sure.
           | behrlich wrote:
           | Trying to understand this sentiment. Why does it matter? What
           | do the authors' politics have to do with using the software
           | or not? Do you generally avoid any company that does any
           | political speech?
             | coolso wrote:
             | For me, I try to avoid politics in general since I'm (along
             | with everyone else) so inundated with it on a daily basis.
             | It's so wonderful and refreshing to find places where it
             | doesn't exist and isn't mentioned. No matter how much bad
             | is going on in the world we all need to be able to mentally
             | escape it. It's just one of those vital things.
             | So when you go to download the newest version of one of
             | your fav text editors and you're faced with messages like
             | "you guys support who I support in the war right?! You
             | should because the other guy is crazy! I stand with this
             | side, I'm literally changing the world!" and I just gotta
             | sigh and roll my eyes. Sir this is an Arby's.
             | mywittyname wrote:
             | I formulate opinions of people when I hear their political
             | leanings; usually negative ones. I have no reason for this,
             | and frankly, I don't want to do it. It just happens.
             | And yes, I do avoid companies with outspoken political
             | views that I disagree with, especially if their actions
             | tangibly harm other people.
             | guilhas wrote:
             | People disagree very easily in political matters. And when
             | I am trying to focus on work or my personal projects I
             | don't need to be roped into some pointless ideological
             | discussion or metal state. For that we can go to HN
             | It works like advertisement for ideology
             | Imagine you are installing Chrome and the installer shows a
             | banner saying: we support Trump, Biden, Ukraine, Russia,
             | China, invading Iraq... You might then feel uncomfortable
             | using/contributing to software that has nothing to do with
             | politics, because of a developer founded/random/misguided
             | opinion
             | greggsy wrote:
             | I don't really care, but it's a bit childish. At least it's
             | not mentioned anywhere else when you're using it.
         | rubyist5eva wrote:
         | You prefer paying for sex?
         | lukas099 wrote:
         | It's nice to see freedom at play here -- freedom of the
         | developers to include sentences which might offend, and freedom
         | of the offended to use a fork instead. I respect both of your
         | decisions.
         | gkbrk wrote:
         | I don't understand the problem. Do you think all sex should be
         | a paid transaction with cash, or are you just opposed to people
         | using the word?
           | politelemon wrote:
           | And could said transaction be paid for with free software
           | instead?
           | protomyth wrote:
           | Well, there are places that certain words (e.g. sex)
           | appearing on a screen will get you in trouble with management
           | because it could fall under HR's harassment policy. I know
           | folks don't give a damn, but some people have to worry about
           | such things.
             | hulitu wrote:
             | We have notepad++ in a corporate environment. So it seems
             | it it easy to disable the message.
               | prmoustache wrote:
               | If it can be installed with chocolatey, it can be
               | installed in an unattended way.
               | babypuncher wrote:
               | Or most people don't stand around reading installer
               | installer dialog boxes on other employee's screens all
               | day.
           | beeboop wrote:
           | I think the problem is likely stigmatizing sex workers as
           | less desirable which is sort of narrow-minded and perhaps
           | dehumanizing. There's a large imposition of morality that
           | isn't necessarily shared by everyone.
             | Etherlord87 wrote:
             | I don't think that's what is being said here. Sex is better
             | when it's free, because then it's likely enriched with some
             | kind of emotional bond (even if not love), whereas in case
             | of paid sex you're just getting a service. Regardless of
             | what the N++ developer(s) think, the statement doesn't
             | criticize prostitution.
               | 93po wrote:
               | Your statement is valuing one form of sex over another.
               | The point is that value isn't held by everyone, and
               | asserting it as fact is diminishing someone else's
               | entirely legitimate perspective.
               | Conversation is pointless as OP has now responded saying
               | he simply doesn't like hearing about sex.
             | novocantico wrote:
             | You're all overthinking it. I just don't like to hear about
             | sex when I'm writing software. Is that so hard to imagine?
               | QuikAccount wrote:
               | Is it hard to imagine that a single sentence in the
               | installer about sex offends you so much that you refuse
               | to use the software? Yeah that's kinda hard for me to
               | imagine.
               | omegaham wrote:
               | In a world of many, many alternatives, I feel like
               | someone's preferences can be as arbitrary as they want
               | them to be. It's less a statement about the magnitude of
               | the offense and more of a statement of "I have all of
               | these options. Why would I pick one that annoys me, even
               | slightly?"
               | To use a hypothetical example - a cereal company puts
               | some tasteless comment in an unobtrusive corner of the
               | box. You don't have to look at it if you don't want to -
               | you can turn the box, or put the cereal into another
               | container, or just not read the box that closely. But why
               | would you want to when there are 45 other brands of
               | cereal on the supermarket shelf?
               | throwaway675309 wrote:
               | It's in the installer not the splash screen for christ
               | sake. You'll see it a grand total of _one time_ , maybe
               | have a more easygoing friend install it for you?
               | babypuncher wrote:
               | The funny part is, he's already seen it and been
               | offended. Cancelling the installation and deleting it is
               | not preventing any future offense.
               | novocantico wrote:
               | I aim to be pragmatic _and_ principled.
               | unmole wrote:
               | What exactly is the principle at play here?
               | jhgb wrote:
               | "Principled" is a rather neutral designation. All it
               | means you have strict rules. As to whether those rules
               | are at all useful is not included in that designation.
           | coding123 wrote:
           | You do understand the problem but have taken a hard stance. I
           | mean at this point what is crossing the line? Would we all be
           | up in arms if the developer decides to say: "Butt f*ck your
           | best friend"
           | The point I'm making is that there are lines to be crossed
           | and if you don't understand that you have simply taken a hard
           | stance on some aspect of this.
           | That all being said, YES I totally agree the dev should have
           | full rights to say that in his software - but we can have an
           | opinion too.
       | unixhero wrote:
       | Notepadqq already does this!
       | https://github.com/notepadqq/notepadqq
         | faisal_ksa wrote:
         | It looks like an almost dead project with very little
         | development since Aug 2021, and the last release was in 2019.
           | unixhero wrote:
           | Maybe they're done
       | pipeline_peak wrote:
       | Why would you rewrite a Scintilla distribution? That's your
       | chance to make something new.
       | sigzero wrote:
       | Neat project. I always wished NP++ was x-platform.
       | mark-r wrote:
       | There are two aspects of the original Notepad that will never be
       | duplicated. First, all the heavy lifting was done by built-in
       | Windows components, it was just a simple wrapper. You could
       | probably write your own replacement in an afternoon. Second, it
       | was preinstalled on every single Windows machine, you could
       | always count on it being there.
         | euos wrote:
         | I remember you could generate Notepad from the MFC wizard in
         | Visual Studio 6.0. With menus and all...
         | Notepad++ is different.
         | merlinscholz wrote:
         | I believe you're thinking about the wrong notepad, the linked
         | project is inspired by Notepad++, not the Windows default
         | Notepad
           | mark-r wrote:
           | That is correct, I'm going back to the inspiration behind the
           | inspiration. Notepad++ lacks the same properties compared to
           | the original
       | IChooseY0u wrote:
       | This is very nice. Looks like you have a lot of experience with
       | Qt.
       | praveenhm wrote:
       | Excellent work, I am looking for notepad++ equivalent on Mac..
         | lastofthemojito wrote:
         | BBEdit from Bare Bones Software is a longstanding Mac text
         | editor in the same vein as Notepad++, though it isn't open
         | source or fully free to use. Bare Bones used to offer a free
         | text editor for Mac called TextWrangler (with fewer features
         | than BBEdit), but I guess they've now made the free mode of
         | BBEdit their free offering.
         | http://www.barebones.com/products/bbedit/
           | MBCook wrote:
           | This is what you want. It's fantastic.
         | kzrdude wrote:
         | How are sublime and textmate doing? Thought there was a lot of
         | better choice than notepad++
           | com2kid wrote:
           | Sublime is way too heavy weight. Notepad++ is that thing I
           | open up when I need to edit a 2GB log file really quick. Or
           | use a regex to fix up a CSV file that somehow got messed up.
           | Not having Notepad++ on MacOS is a major pain point for me.
           | Notably Notepad++ is not project/folder based. It is for
           | editing a file.
             | wolpoli wrote:
             | > Notably Notepad++ is not project/folder based. It is for
             | editing a file.
             | I looked and it turns out that Notepad++ does have the
             | ability to open a folder as a workspace. So it's an extra
             | option if it is needed.
             | have_faith wrote:
             | > Sublime is way too heavy weight
             | Damn, sublime is what I use as my light weight editor ha.
             | Never had trouble opening (relatively) large files.
               | com2kid wrote:
               | More in terms of UI.
               | Notepad++ has what you need to edit a file and not much
               | else, but it also has a decent plugin system.
               | have_faith wrote:
               | ST almost has no UI when opening a single file (no
               | sidebar etc), would be curious how it could be more
               | minimal.
               | nicoburns wrote:
               | Check out the view menu. Pretty much all the UI bar the
               | actual text you're editing can be easily hidden.
       | AnIdiotOnTheNet wrote:
       | As someone who relies on Notepad++ daily, to the point of being
       | seriously worried about finding a replacement when I am
       | inevitably forced to switch to Linux[0], I am encouraged by my
       | short time playing around with NotepadNext. It looks right, it
       | feels mostly right, and the AppImage started quickly.
       | Unfortunately it is still missing most of the features I actually
       | use in Npp, but it is a promising start!
       | [0] Being real: I'll probably just run Npp in WINE
         | petepete wrote:
         | Which features of Npp are you struggling to find in other
         | editors? I used Npp a bit a decade ago when I had to work with
         | Windows but it didn't really have any stand out features (not a
         | complaint, it worked perfectly for what I needed).
       | simonklitj wrote:
       | Honest question: as a Vim user, what are the benefits/strong
       | suits of Notepad++ (and NotepadNext)?
         | droopyEyelids wrote:
         | By asking 'what are the benefits' you're assuming someone is
         | pitching this as a replacement/improvement on Vim.
         | Where did you get that impression?
           | simonklitj wrote:
           | Alright, sorry for that insinuation. I did also ask about
           | strong suits which is probably all I should've only asked
           | about.
         | hereforphone wrote:
         | mike00632 wrote:
         | For me, Notepad++ was a replacement for Notepad. I don't do
         | development in Notepad++ but rather just view text files.
         | wolpoli wrote:
         | Notepad++ works like a classical Windows application, with
         | minimal learning curve for existing Windows users.
         | It's mainly a preference thing.
           | simonklitj wrote:
           | Makes perfect sense. I don't use Windows, so haven't really
           | been exposed to Notepad++ very much. Just hear about it from
           | time to time. Thanks!
             | digisign wrote:
             | You don't _have_ to use Windows to appreciate it, X Window
             | and Mac use the same to similar keybindings.
         | digisign wrote:
         | It uses CUA keybindings which everyone should know. If you're
         | already invested in vim, there's not much benefit, other than
         | not having to use different keybindings in different windows.
         | AdmiralAsshat wrote:
         | It's reasonably intuitive for a non-technical user to use
         | (since it has pretty much the same control scheme as the
         | familiar Notepad), but has enough technical tools built into it
         | that you can do some serious diagnostic work.
         | In my job I often have clients install it so that we can review
         | their datafiles and diagnose load problems. Many of my calls
         | sound like this.
         | (On Zoom)
         | Me: Okay, so I understand this file is not loading, can you
         | show me the file?
         | Client: (opens file)
         | Me: Ok, hard to see what's wrong at a glance. Can you open the
         | file in Notepad++ for me?
         | Client: (Reopens file in N++)
         | Me: Ah, here we go. You see those characters in blue on line
         | 49? Those are non-ASCII characters. You've got some garbage in
         | there. NULLs, control characters, or some other thing. Those
         | will break the XML parser. Try removing them and reloading the
         | file.
         | Or:
         | Me: So it looks like this is coming from your source system
         | with no line endings, and is quite difficult to read. Can you
         | download the plug-in XML Tools/JSON Tools/Poor Man's TSQL
         | Formatter and let's see if we can get the files indented to
         | make reviewing easier?
         | Or:
         | Me: So if you click on the "View" tab and show the line-
         | endings...thank you. This file is coming over with Windows CRLF
         | line endings instead of the expected LF endings on UNIX/Linux.
         | It's probably throwing off the record parser by one byte for
         | each row. You can use the tool under 'EDIT' to change the
         | newlines to UNIX convention, and you should be good to go.
         | Small things like that. It's a heck of a lot easier to teach
         | the client to do that rather than try to convince them to run
         | dos2unix on a terminal.
           | deltarholamda wrote:
           | This covers it. Trying to talk a normal person through vim is
           | like doing a keyhole appendectomy through the urethra.
           | It's a handy thing to have on Windows for anything text-
           | oriented. Having a dual-platform version would be a benefit
           | as well, as probably 95% of Notepad++ users are comfortable
           | on Linux as well, so it would be helpful to talk somebody
           | through it over the phone without having to access the dusty
           | recesses of their memory.
             | zozbot234 wrote:
             | > This covers it. Trying to talk a normal person through
             | vim is like doing a keyhole appendectomy through the
             | urethra
             | ed can do just that, and more!
             | dgfitz wrote:
             | Fwiw it runs like a champ under wine with no fussiness
       | [deleted]
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