[HN Gopher] ESO telescope captures surprising changes in Neptune...
       ESO telescope captures surprising changes in Neptune's temperatures
       Author : rgrieselhuber
       Score  : 43 points
       Date   : 2022-04-12 14:39 UTC (8 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (www.eso.org)
 (TXT) w3m dump (www.eso.org)
       | makerofspoons wrote:
       | I wish we had built a bunch of Cassinis- one for each gas giant.
       | There's so much about the outermost planets we don't know.
       | Voyager missed the weather changes as Uranus and Neptune changed
       | seasons- a flyby just isn't enough!
         | NegativeLatency wrote:
         | Why stop there, sample returns from all the planets!
         | pkaye wrote:
         | The Juno spacecraft is orbiting Jupiter right now. I think the
         | mission got extended for another couple years.
         | krylon wrote:
         | I said it before, and I'll gladly say it again: Yes! I would
         | _so_ love for _someone_ to send some probes for long-term
         | observation of Uranus and Neptune.
         | To be fair, I get the impression that no matter where we look
         | in our solar system, we discover heaps of unexpected stuff, and
         | it's all fascinating. But compared to Jupiter and Saturn, we
         | still know fairly little about Uranus and Neptune. :-(
         | Sadly, I think it's rather unlikely this will change anytime
         | soon, but a person can dream...
       | h2odragon wrote:
       | Somebody lit its fuse. We're gonna have a second sun for a while.
       | The nightlight industry will be devastated.
       | If it catches, of course. You know how it is, tho; the wind blows
       | wrong or whatever and you have to try lighting it again and again
       | until finally you pour a gallon of gasoline on it and toss a lit
       | road flare in.
       | hulitu wrote:
       | We shall do something before it is too late.
       | sudden_dystopia wrote:
         | throw82473751 wrote:
         | Could you please read the whole article, maybe also some
         | general literature about Neptune and Earth from some other
         | allknowing x-ogists, and then reread what you just postulated
         | here? Please?
         | misnome wrote:
         | Clearly the only causes for a changing climate are entirely
         | man-made or entirely natural. No inbetween, no siree.
         | Unless you actually meant weather, your post is a little
         | confusing.
         | Anyhow, let's just continue pumping whatever we want into the
         | planet just in case it's entirely natural and impossible for us
         | to make a difference - wouldn't want to get in the way of
         | making money.
         | MattPalmer1086 wrote:
         | Weather prediction is a different problem to climate. If I run
         | a hot bubble bath, I can't tell you where all the bubbles will
         | be, but I can tell you it will be getting hotter and fuller.
           | The_rationalist wrote:
       (page generated 2022-04-12 23:01 UTC)