[HN Gopher] We lost 54k GitHub stars
       We lost 54k GitHub stars
       Author : todsacerdoti
       Score  : 258 points
       Date   : 2022-04-14 21:51 UTC (1 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (httpie.io)
 (TXT) w3m dump (httpie.io)
       | jrockway wrote:
       | I think there are two types of destructive actions; destructive
       | actions you do as a part of completing some other task, and
       | destructive actions you do for compliance reasons.
       | I think the problem arises when product designers aren't sure
       | which case their data deletion function is for.
       | If you dumped a bunch of social security numbers in your non-
       | confidential data history and batch job system, you'd want to be
       | able to permanently delete it as part of the incident response,
       | to reduce the number of people that are exposed to data they
       | shouldn't have access to.
       | But if you delete some lines of code from your text editor, they
       | can just pop back into existence with the press of a key because
       | you were probably just moving them around, or trying some buggy
       | function without a piece of code you thought might be unnecessary
       | to isolating the defect, etc. Editors clearly understand that you
       | don't kill text out of an Emacs buffer to solve a compliance
       | issue, so they keep it around even though you technically asked
       | for it to be deleted. (Imagine how crazy it would be if deleting
       | text in your editor deleted it from memory, the clipboard,
       | version control, and your upstream VC server!)
       | In the case of this Github issue, there was clearly a fundamental
       | misunderstanding. Github probably imagined the feature as a
       | compliance type thing; get this stuff off the Internet as fast as
       | possible at any cost necessary. Delete the list of people that
       | even knew this thing existed! I could see why someone might want
       | that. But what the user thought was that this was something they
       | needed to do along the way to some other goal.
       | I have a feeling that people pick the compliance route more often
       | than the "experimentation" route more often than not, not because
       | they expect users to have actual compliance-type issues, but
       | simply because it's easier. The net result is that users are
       | trained to fear computers and fear experimentation, and that's a
       | bad state we've put society in. This article is yet another
       | victim of "if they said they were sure they wanted to delete it,
       | we can just delete it". But it's actually pretty rare that people
       | are sure.
       | capdeck wrote:
       | Well, it is at the top of Hacker News. If everyone just goes to
       | https://github.com/httpie/httpie and stars it again - we'll fix
       | it in a jiffy!
       | polote wrote:
       | That's crazy that a manual error by someone, for whatever reason,
       | end up being an article blaming Github for all sort of reasons.
       | And never accepting that the thing that really failed here is the
       | user who performed the action.
         | enlyth wrote:
         | They do raise a good point about the UI though, explicitly
         | showing "you're about to nuke 55k people, are you sure?" would
         | make the user pause.
         | spiderice wrote:
         | I have no dog in the fight here, and no affiliation to HTTPie,
         | but this definitely seems like a Github issue to me. You can't
         | just give users ways to easily and accidentally shoot
         | themselves in the foot, and then blame the user for shooting
         | themselves in the foot.
           | pizza234 wrote:
           | It's not so easy to make this accident - one needs to type
           | the full name of the repository. AWS does the same, for
           | example, when deleting RDS instances, and I find it
           | effective.
             | HL33tibCe7 wrote:
             | This is explicitly addressed in the article, and a
             | compelling case is made for why that safety measure was
             | ineffective in this case, I encourage you to read the
             | article
             | nkozyra wrote:
             | Yeah. I'm not sure what else you can do with warnings other
             | than make the person effectively recite back the thing
             | they're doing.
           | akerl_ wrote:
           | Who got shot in the foot here? The article keeps talking
           | about killing 55 thousand people. I'm trying to grok why
           | "unstarring the repo" is such an earthshattering thing. It's
           | annoying if you wanted it starred / wanted notifications,
           | because you have to notice and redo it... but there's no
           | irreparable harm, no data loss.
           | This reads like somebody was placing way too much personal
           | mental value on "the repo for my project has a large number
           | of stars"
             | that_guy_iain wrote:
             | So all those people got notifications and then some of them
             | looked further at the notifications and then engaged. Now
             | those people won't get those notifications and won't
             | engage. Most of these people won't notice they don't get
             | these notifications. They won't resubscribe. They're lost
             | forever. This is kind of like losing your email list.
             | Your comment reads like you don't understand how a
             | community works.
               | akerl_ wrote:
               | If the measure of community is "people who get my emails,
               | and wouldn't notice if they stopped getting my emails",
               | then yea, I guess we just disagree about what a community
               | is.
               | I'm on an email list for marketing message for a hotel I
               | stayed at last year. TIL that I'm part of their
               | community.
               | nkozyra wrote:
               | To be fair, people very active in a project will probably
               | realize relatively quickly.
               | Those most likely lost to the wind forever are the ones
               | that star a repo and forget about it.
               | I think the problem self corrects but agree there's a
               | short term slowdown possibility in the wake.
             | nkozyra wrote:
             | It's very much a matter of reputation. Losing the star as a
             | user is a pretty small inconvenience, tantamount to losing
             | a bookmark.
             | pessimizer wrote:
             | > there's no irreparable harm, no data loss.
             | There's a repo-user join table that is gone. That's literal
             | data loss. If I delete your contacts, is that data loss? I
             | mean, you still have your phone and all your ex-contacts
             | still have phone numbers.
             | delaaxe wrote:
             | Have you been living under a rock? Everyone judges repos by
             | their amount of stars. Why do you think every social media
             | network has the concept of likes?
               | munk-a wrote:
               | Can you just clarify if that statement was sarcastic or
               | not?
               | I've had a very different experience around stars -
               | they're just a bit of fluff and pretty unimportant
               | compared to watches.
               | BHSPitMonkey wrote:
               | HTTPie's watches were irreversibly deleted, too.
               | robonerd wrote:
               | > _Irreversible_
               | If the watchers still care to watch, they can choose to
               | watch again.
               | pessimizer wrote:
               | That's not a reversal. If I burned your diary, you could
               | write a new one, but nobody would call that a reversal.
               | robonerd wrote:
               | They didn't burn a diary. They burnt the list of people
               | who subscribed to updates to a diary. If those people
               | still care about the diary, they can resubscribe to those
               | updates.
               | robonerd wrote:
               | Assuming you're not being sarcastic: a company providing
               | a metric and telling you to care about it does not oblige
               | you to actually give a shit.
               | Rapzid wrote:
               | I feel like a parallel universe has suddenly intersected
               | our own.
         | Dylan16807 wrote:
         | It is a big failure by github that making a repo private
         | immediately and irrevocably destroys all the stars.
         | That's a much bigger failure than clicking the wrong button.
         | FabHK wrote:
         | With that mindset, planes would still fall out of the sky every
         | month. Because basically 90% of plane crashes used to be "pilot
         | error". If you then say, well, it was pilot error, bad pilot,
         | can't do anything about it, that's the way it is, pilot
         | should've not made an error... well, then we wouldn't have
         | reached the amazing aviation safety we have now.
         | munk-a wrote:
         | Having read through the article I'm really not getting the same
         | vibes of Github being wholly blamed for this mistake - they
         | clearly call out their own user error directly in the article
         | but offer suggestions to make it less of an issue in the
         | future. I got the sense that a long time user had went through
         | a hellish week of trying to restore data and is feeling bitter
         | but mostly just wants the product to improve.
       | forty wrote:
       | What can you purchase with GitHub stars?
       | More seriously, why do they matter? Is it a prestige thing only
       | or are there practical consequences to losing the stars?
         | acid__ wrote:
         | (Whether it's a good idea or not,) people often use stars as a
         | quick-and-dirty proxy for "is this repo reasonably well
         | trusted?" and "how big is the community for this project?". All
         | else being equal, many people would default to using a repo
         | with 20,000 stars over a repo with 20.
       | sefrost wrote:
       | It does strike me as unfair that GitHub themselves made the exact
       | same mistake but were able to fix it with database backups.
         | qbasic_forever wrote:
         | I wonder how different the response from Github would be if
         | this blog post was instead, "Oops, Github's confusing UI made
         | me delete the entire project metadata... so since we're forced
         | to start fresh we decided to move to Gitlab/sourcehut/etc."
           | [deleted]
         | nessguy wrote:
         | Just as AceJohnny said, the scope of this is entirely
         | different. Restoring a backup for an internal project costs
         | time/resources that the company can easily handle. If it became
         | a problem it would be easy for github to tell their internal
         | projects "No, we're no longer restoring from backups"
         | Opening up the ability to do that externally would potentially
         | require multiple people working full-time to handle the
         | requests.
         | "We even offered GitHub financial compensation for any
         | resources required." Considering the tone of the article I
         | think there's a very high risk if github accepted agreed to
         | that we'd see an article titled "Github charges popular open
         | source project $5000 to fix a minor accident"
           | Johnny555 wrote:
           | Or, knowing that it's the only way they have to recover from
           | this situation, they could make the process easier to do and
           | price it out as a service.
             | ncmncm wrote:
             | Or, just leave everything in place, always, and have the
             | other code ignore the annotations for exactly as long as
             | the repo is private.
         | munk-a wrote:
         | I'm just surprised that after going through that pain
         | themselves they didn't decide to revise how that social linking
         | data is handled. A lot of github content is softly deleted by
         | necessity, you couldn't nuke tickets written by a now non-
         | existent user or unmerge PRs so this isn't really a new concept
         | to the team.
         | I don't think it's surprising they'd do such a thing for
         | themselves and not a customer - I'm more surprised they didn't
         | remove the footgun for future mistakes on their part.
           | [deleted]
         | AceJohnny2 wrote:
         | Internal vs External support.
         | Internal support is inherently limited: the single organization
         | is of limited size.
         | External support has no limit in scope, you have to setup SOPs
         | (Standard Operating Procedures), communicate expectations,
         | likely hire support staff...
         | Look at it this way: internal support is helping your friends,
         | but external support requires setting up contracts.
           | BHSPitMonkey wrote:
           | I get that, but they probably shouldn't have publicized the
           | remediation via a public tweet if it's an avenue that's
           | closed to the rest of us plebs (since in cases like this, it
           | really feels like salt in the wound).
       | [deleted]
       | [deleted]
       | tomphoolery wrote:
       | This happened to me as well. It's sad that GitHub doesn't retain
       | that data.
       | RangerScience wrote:
       | Heavily reminds me of this RubyConf talk: https://rc-
       | temp000-videos.s3.us-west-1.amazonaws.com/Laura-M...
       | One of the core bits of the talk is about the sort of messages
       | our automated systems give us, and whether they're sufficient, or
       | woefully lacking - which is what the linked article is also
       | talking about, when it talks about how the "warning: about to
       | burn down a house" doesn't tell if anyone's _in_ that house.
       | vaishnavsm wrote:
       | I really like this post.
       | While the author clearly feels bad about the fact that they've
       | lost his community and that GitHub couldn't restore it (which is
       | honestly what any of us would've felt under similar
       | circumstances), they're also focusing towards the future and
       | using their personal experience as a parable all of us can learn
       | from.
       | Lesson 1 on UI design I think is really important. I often think
       | scary popup boxes are enough to get people to think about what
       | they're doing, but this example clearly demonstrates that what's
       | important is to use design not to scare (alone?), but to convey
       | the information which makes a dangerous action dangerous as well.
       | I also really like the fact that when the action isn't dangerous,
       | the distractions ("Type this repo's name", etc) just go away.
       | It's super intuitive, and (for a newbie designer like me) really
       | helps build an intuition for various design principles put in
       | action.
       | Lesson 2, which was to use soft deletes, is something I have more
       | thoughts about. I assume that the cascading done on GitHub would
       | be done on a FK constraint, but I'm not really sure how you'd do
       | a "cascading soft delete" without making some kind of manual
       | cascading logic? If anyone's aware of a standard way to
       | accomplish this, please do let me know. Of course, the best way
       | may just be to simplify the model so they aren't needed at all
       | haha.
       | As designers and developers we've been given a chance to sharpen
       | our toolkit. Thanks, HTTPie! You've gained a new star :)
         | ncmncm wrote:
         | > " _that GitHub couldn 't restore it_"
         | What an odd turn of phrase.
         | benjaminjackman wrote:
         | For Lesson 1: I think the general pattern that ought to be
         | followed is to "prefer undo to warnings." Undo is often harder
         | to implement, however it's usually a superior experience.
           | SnowHill9902 wrote:
           | Rollbacks even better.
         | cmeacham98 wrote:
         | I specifically dislike the "Lessons" section, as it throws all
         | the blame on github and doesn't mention the seemingly obvious
         | advice: "make sure you're not on autopilot when taking
         | potentially dangerous actions, on github or any website".
         | Yes, GitHub probably should show the stars in the warning UI,
         | and hopefully that will prevent some of these mistakes. But
         | GitHub makes it pretty hard to make this mistake already - the
         | author had to _type out_ the name of the repo they wanted
         | deleted into the warning box. At that point, it's hard to
         | believe the author when they claim that this one addition to
         | the warning UI would have definitely stopped them when they
         | weren't paying enough attention to notice they had typed the
         | entirely wrong repo into the confirmation box.
           | mherdeg wrote:
           | My favorite example of this is that the cloudflare.com web UI
           | has some extremely scary buttons, like a little "bypass CDN"
           | button with a cloud on it that will rapidly increase traffic
           | to your site 2-100x if you accidentally click.
           | I mean this isn't _exactly_ how it works. But it 's a bit
           | scary.
           | wpietri wrote:
           | I suggest you read "The Field Guide to Understanding 'Human
           | Error'". You'd learn a lot.
           | https://www.amazon.com/Field-Guide-Understanding-Human-
           | Error...
           | My view is that expecting humans to stop making mistakes is
           | much less effective than fixing the systems that amplify
           | those mistakes into large, irreversible impacts.
           | rhtgrg wrote:
           | > I specifically dislike the "Lessons" section, as it throws
           | all the blame on github and doesn't mention the seemingly
           | obvious advice: "make sure you're not on autopilot when
           | taking potentially dangerous actions, on github or any
           | website".
           | I don't know. Github employees themselves have made this
           | mistake as outlined in the post, and they were easily able to
           | recover from it, which probably lowered the priority on
           | changing any UX.
           | Essentially, it's a complete non-issue _depending on whether
           | Github cares about you._
           | Would you like the police in your area to behave in this
           | manner? I think not.
         | jdmichal wrote:
         | I ran into this in pgAdmin recently. When right-clicking on a
         | server, the options to disconnect the server and remove the
         | server are right next to each other. Clicking disconnect
         | presents you with the following dialog box:
         | "Are you sure you want to disconnect the server? No / Yes"
         | Click remove presents you with the following dialog box:
         | "Are you sure you want to remove the server? No / Yes"
         | Good luck! I mean, it's not a super huge deal to recreate the
         | server entry, but still annoying when you're in the middle of
         | something and just realized what you did.
         | Honestly, just replacing the "Yes" button with the action being
         | taken would be enough to improve this. "No / Disconnect" and
         | "No / Remove". But my personal opinion is that disconnecting is
         | not a destructive action unless there's an open transaction or
         | running query. So the dialog box should be contextual on that
         | scenario, and otherwise it should just disconnect.
         | "Disconnecting will cancel executing queries and rollback open
         | transactions. Continue? No / Disconnect"
         | mherdeg wrote:
         | > While the author clearly feels bad about the fact that
         | they've lost his community and that GitHub couldn't restore it
         | (which is honestly what any of us would've felt under similar
         | circumstances), they're also focusing towards the future and
         | using their personal experience as a parable all of us can
         | learn from.
         | Also, writing a solid blog post about a customer-service corner
         | case and getting it to the top of news.ycombinator can be a
         | great, if somewhat last-ditch, opportunity to escalate a
         | problem.
         | metaltyphoon wrote:
         | > I'm not really sure how you'd do a "cascading soft delete"
         | without making some kind of manual cascading logic?
         | Perhaps the delete action is not accomplished right away and a
         | column is checked. Then after a X amount of months a worker
         | process goes around actually deleting things?
           | brightball wrote:
           | The complicated thing is that every query has to look for the
           | column.
           | Ideally, moving the entire serialized record to an archive
           | table keeps things as clean as possible.
       | tester756 wrote:
       | Why do they even delete those stars?
         | akerl_ wrote:
         | When the repo goes private, people who can't see it any more
         | can't have it in their list of starred repos.
           | tester756 wrote:
           | why not just do not display it and keep stars?
           | munk-a wrote:
           | So mark the repo as private without their permission to view
           | and have queries for starred repositories ignore repositories
           | you can't view - that's an extremely frequent approach to
           | take with complex permission and social functions. I
           | completely understand that not everyone has time to build
           | everything and software is an evolving process - but soft
           | deletion for social links is my default state of mind (then
           | you overlay it with indexing or caching or whatever your
           | performance flavor is to make sure those soft deleted rows
           | don't exist in the active query space).
             | akerl_ wrote:
             | I mean, they totally could have built it that way. But they
             | didn't. I was answering why stars were removed.
             | From a data complexity standpoint, it sounds like they
             | decided they didn't want to have to make calls to the
             | authorization layer when parsing a user's stars. The
             | downside is the behavior seen when a repo goes private, but
             | my bet is that repositories being made private is far less
             | frequent than calls to get a list of starred repos.
               | munk-a wrote:
               | I totally get that - it's not an insane design decision
               | it's just different from what my default suggestion would
               | be. And to be honest - your source of truth database, on
               | a system of this scale, is likely going to be detached
               | from your pool of active data (possibly with some data
               | shadowing, caching - what have you).
               | The thing that throws me off is that they shot themselves
               | with this footgun - whenever we (munk-a's employer)
               | footgun ourselves we remove the footgun to prevent future
               | footgunnery. They made the original design decision one
               | way, and when they were burned by it they didn't re-
               | examine it.
               | akerl_ wrote:
               | FWIW, if the blog post had centered around "GitHub, it's
               | strange to me that you made this mistake and didn't
               | reevaluate the root causes, and now I've made the mistake
               | and it sucks", I'd not be griping all over the comments
               | here.
               | It's the framing that GitHub has inflicted a deep,
               | irreparable wound to the author that I can't reconcile
               | with the facts.
               | Dylan16807 wrote:
               | > From a data complexity standpoint, it sounds like they
               | decided they didn't want to have to make calls to the
               | authorization layer when parsing a user's stars.
               | You can also solve that by adding a flag column, or
               | putting privated stars in a different table. That tiny
               | bit of denormalization shouldn't be more expensive than
               | the current process, or the other costs of
               | privating/unprivating a repo.
           | Dylan16807 wrote:
           | Why not?
           | I think the respectful solution is to show it as "you starred
           | X, it's private now, you can unstar if you like" (make sure
           | if the name changes privately then the new name isn't shown).
           | Such a solution is not only good in the case of mistakes like
           | this, it also doesn't gaslight the person that starred a repo
           | only for it to disappear from their list.
             | calcifer wrote:
             | > it also doesn't gaslight the person that starred a repo
             | only for it to disappear from their list.
             | It's honestly hilarious how the definition of 'gaslight'
             | has expanded so dramatically in the past few years that it
             | now means 'anything that confuses me'.
             | For future reference, here's what it _actually_ means [1]:
             | > Psychological manipulation of a person usually over an
             | extended period of time that causes the victim to question
             | the validity of their own thoughts, perception of reality,
             | or memories and typically leads to confusion, loss of
             | confidence and self-esteem, uncertainty of one's emotional
             | or mental stability, and a dependency on the perpetrator
             | Github did none of those things to you.
             | [1] https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/gaslighting
               | Dylan16807 wrote:
               | Removing something from my personal bookmark list, with
               | no notification, does in fact lead me to question the
               | validity of my own memories.
               | That fits just fine with simpler definitions like "To
               | mislead someone such that they doubt their own memory,
               | perceptions, or sanity."
               | It's an expansion from the original context but I don't
               | think it's an unreasonable expansion.
             | munk-a wrote:
             | Or even make it so that those starrings that no longer have
             | permissions to view the starred item just effectively don't
             | exist because of data rules.
               | Dylan16807 wrote:
               | That's bad because it lies to users and you can't remove
               | the star when it's in that state.
               | munk-a wrote:
               | But if your star doesn't effectively exist why does that
               | matter?
               | Dylan16807 wrote:
               | Because if the star is merely hidden then the repo can
               | come back later. If you don't want any association with
               | that repo any more, it's bad that it can put itself back
               | into your starred list.
             | akerl_ wrote:
             | This may be the most hilarious misuse of "gaslight" that
             | I've ever seen.
             | If I publish something and you save the link and then I
             | decide "nah, I don't want that to be published", I haven't
             | gaslit you.
               | Dylan16807 wrote:
               | I think you misunderstood.
               | If you remove the content, that's fine.
               | If you make the link itself disappear from where I saved
               | it, that's gaslighting.
               | akerl_ wrote:
               | Neither one of these is gaslighting.
               | nybble41 wrote:
               | Sure, to really count as "gaslighting" there has to be a
               | deliberate attempt to make someone doubt their own
               | sanity. I think we can rule out malicious intent in this
               | case. However, when you save a link to something and then
               | later come back to find the service acting like the link
               | never even existed, as opposed to telling you that it was
               | removed, that can feel pretty similar even if it's not
               | intentional.
               | A user's list of starred repos shouldn't be silently
               | abridged just because one of the repos was removed or
               | made private. A placeholder should be left indicating
               | that the repo _was_ once starred but is currently
               | unavailable.
               | This is something I always found annoying about Google
               | Play Music also; when they removed a track from their
               | service it would just silently disappear without a trace
               | from your playlists, so unless you saved a copy of the
               | list somewhere and compared them you might not even know
               | to look for it elsewhere. You're just left vaguely
               | wondering why that song never comes up in the shuffle any
               | more. YT Music is a bit better about this--they generally
               | leave a grayed-out placeholder. Sometimes the metadata is
               | lacking but you can at least see where it _was_ and know
               | that a track was removed.
       | yowlingcat wrote:
       | What an astonishingly poor design decision by GitHub. The
       | intelligent design decision to making a repository private is to
       | have private be a flag, and to have that privacy setting
       | propagate down to the watcher level. Then, when a repository is
       | made public again, all the watchers etc return.
       | Want to give users a way to remove all watchers? Great, make that
       | /a separate action/ -- in no world and in no other application is
       | it an intuitive UI/UX pattern to have make something private mean
       | it gets deleted. That's absurd. Make private means "hidden for
       | the indefinite future, but available to be made unhidden when I
       | as a user see fit." That is the only reasonable definition I have
       | ever seen (Instagram for example).
       | Whether you want to show a user that they watched a repository
       | which is no longer public or simply have it disappear is up to
       | the user, but I cannot understand why anyone thought that the
       | straightforward solution was to /simply delete the data/. Between
       | this and the now common downtime, I'm increasingly worried that
       | GitHub is simply asleep at the wheel.
       | paxys wrote:
       | "It's their fault, they only showed 5 warning banners. A 6th one
       | would have totally stopped me from doing this."
       | If a "type your repository name to confirm" box _still_ doesn 't
       | make you double check that you picked the right repository, what
       | else can they even do?
         | googlryas wrote:
         | Note the repository names here are "httpie/httpie" and
         | "httpie/.github". I don't use github(but I do use git), but the
         | difference between the two is not exactly clear to me.
         | They could show you the number of stars, follows, commits,
         | creation date, the number of files, all sorts of things.
         | Also, note that github themselves accidentally set one of their
         | repos to private, but restored it to a previous state through
         | backups. If the move is so boneheaded, why did github make it
         | themselves?
         | A better question might be why, after making the mistake(which
         | was big enough for the CEO to tweet about), and restoring from
         | backups, they didn't just fix the glitch and prevent this sort
         | of behavior.
         | hnlmorg wrote:
         | I've never liked those "type this string to confirm" dialogs.
         | It doesn't actually tell me what I'm confirming aside from the
         | name of it (and names are easy to get muddled up if you're
         | tired or rushing through something). What's more, dialogs like
         | that encourage people to copy/paste those often long strings,
         | which completely sidesteps the diligence they're trying to
         | encourage.
         | Whether you agree with the tone of that article or not, the UI
         | suggestions made are sensible. Showing the contents of the repo
         | you're about to change is a lot more useful than asking someone
         | to type the name of it.
         | Dylan16807 wrote:
         | > If a "type your repository name to confirm" box still doesn't
         | make you double check that you picked the right repository,
         | what else can they even do?
         | It makes you type user/repo, which is different in a serious
         | way. It's easy for the difference between ".github" and
         | "httpie" to set off alarm bells. But the difference between
         | "httpie/.github" and "httpie/httpie" can slip through.
         | > "It's their fault, they only showed 5 warning banners. A 6th
         | one would have totally stopped me from doing this."
         | The request is for the warning to say how much will be deleted,
         | not to add another step.
         | kemitche wrote:
         | There's more nuance there:
         | > I didn't realize at the moment there's an inconsistency in
         | the naming of this special repo containing profile READMEs and
         | that it differs for users and organizations: name/name vs.
         | name/.github.
         | It's not unreasonable for the author to have taken the action
         | they did given what they were trying to do. The inconsistent UX
         | for User vs Organization READMEs is a major factor in how the
         | error happened.
         | And given the number of single-repo orgs where the org's main
         | product repo name == the org's name, well, it's not as
         | surprising I'd say.
         | farmerstan wrote:
         | I came in to say precisely this. It's easy to point fingers
         | after the fact but probably the person wouldn't have checked
         | regardless of the message in the dialog box.
         | "They warned me but because I didn't read the dialog box
         | because it was too boring!
           | sbarre wrote:
           | if you RTFA he did actually read the dialog box (which is
           | where he found out that it would delete the stars) he just
           | didn't notice the 1 line in a 30+ line generic modal.
           | He accepts responsibility for what he did, but points out the
           | very real opportunity to improve the UI/UX of a very
           | destructive operation with real contextual data about what is
           | about to be destroyed.
             | pharrington wrote:
             | You can only confirm the dialog box by _typing in_ that
             | line you 're saying he didn't notice.
               | Brian_K_White wrote:
               | Reads article and somehow misses it's entire thoroughly
               | examined point, chides author for not paying attention.
               | pharrington wrote:
               | If I understood the blog post correctly, the author wants
               | the "You will PERMANENTLY lose: All stars and watchers
               | from the repository" to be changed to "[...] _X stars_
               | and _Y watchers_... " Which I agree would be a better UI.
         | Brian_K_White wrote:
         | The article spent significant space describing exactly what,
         | and why.
         | burnished wrote:
         | Yeah, I also found that tone sort of jarring, but they do bring
         | up a good point; the warning banner and inputs should be
         | contextual and having to input the number of things affected
         | would be a UI improvement. And I can understand why they would
         | write this in anger/frustration.
           | mattcwilson wrote:
           | I'm curious which statements from the article carried that
           | tone?
         | [deleted]
       | HL33tibCe7 wrote:
       | I notice there are a lot of people in this comment section who
       | either haven't read the article at all, or haven't read it in
       | full. Worth reading the full post before commenting
       | jamesmishra wrote:
       | This is a well-written blog post describing a real issue with
       | GitHub's privacy mechanism.
       | But it is also a little silly for the blog post to show graphs
       | extrapolating the hypothetical number of GitHub stars several
       | years into the future. Their graphs' X-axis goes up to 2028.
       | bsuvc wrote:
       | Sure, the author should be responsible.
       | Yes, GitHub should have a better UX around this action.
       | But...
       | There is another thing to consider:
       | Is it really necessary that a repo that is accidentally made
       | private and then made public should lose its stars anyway?
       | Is that really what the repo owner or the people who starred the
       | repo even want to happen?
         | GnomeSaiyan wrote:
         | Agreed. This just screams bad UX on a corner case.
         | JadoJodo wrote:
         | I don't know for certain but I feel like this could allow
         | something like 1. Takeover/inherit public repo with lots of
         | stars 2. Take repo private (retaining stars) 3. Replace repo
         | code with some malicious/offensive code. 4. Take repo public
         | again 5. Inherit the trust/prestige of the old repo.
           | ninkendo wrote:
           | You can do that without the "making it private and public
           | again" part anyway.
           | V__ wrote:
           | But couldn't the same be achieved without taking it private?
       | catsarebetter wrote:
       | Starred and watched again, it's a great project, hopefully the
       | whole audience comes back soon
       | williamsmj wrote:
       | https://rachelbythebay.com/w/2020/10/26/num/ makes a similar
       | point. I don't remember us saying people only have themselves to
       | blame when that article was posted
       | (https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=24904204). Not sure why
       | we're doing it on this post, which makes a number of completely
       | reasonable and specific suggestions for improvement.
         | paxys wrote:
         | "Type a specific thing to confirm" (as suggested by the post
         | you linked) is _exactly_ what Github does for destructive
         | actions. And the author still messed it up because they were on
         | "autopilot". At that point the suggestions go beyond being
         | reasonable.
           | williamsmj wrote:
           | It doesn't suggest that you type a any old "specific thing".
           | It specifically suggests that you type something to
           | demonstrate you acknowledge the _scale_ of the destructive
           | operation you are about to perform.
           | The OP's main suggestion is along exactly those lines. It's
           | actually less extreme, in some ways (see OP's "Lesson 1").
           | BHSPitMonkey wrote:
           | The confusion is justifiably well explained by the article:
           | > What put me on the wrong path was an otherwise completely
           | unrelated action: I had just done the same (i.e., hidden an
           | empty README) on my personal profile by making
           | jakubroztocil/jakubroztocil private.
           | > GitHub's conceptual model treats users and organizations as
           | very similar entities when it comes to profiles and repos. In
           | this context, and since I just wanted to repeat the same
           | benign action on our organization's profile, my brain
           | switched to auto-pilot mode.
           | > I didn't realize at the moment there's an inconsistency in
           | the naming of this special repo containing profile READMEs
           | and that it differs for users and organizations: name/name
           | vs. name/.github.
           | > That's why I proceeded to make httpie/httpie private
           | instead of httpie/.github without realizing my mistake.
           | tedivm wrote:
           | This isn't "exactly" what Github does. The author suggests
           | the number of machines to destroy in their example- a Github
           | equivalent would be to use a number that represents the
           | amount of resources to be destroyed. This is close to what
           | the OP recommended.
           | sbarre wrote:
           | You really think that adding contextual information in a
           | destructive modal (i.e. "You are about to erase 54,000
           | stars") is "beyond being reasonable" ?
           | It seems like a pretty reasonable suggestion that doesn't
           | _feel_ like a lot of work, but could potentially prevent an
           | irreversible mistake.
       | wilg wrote:
       | Do people use GitHub stars for something? Sometimes I star things
       | but I have no idea what it does or why I do it.
       | lexx wrote:
       | On the plus side. 54k know and use this project not because they
       | have it starred. So it will regain the stars rapidly, and it will
       | again hit all the trending metrics, so new people will discover
       | it also. No biggie
       | ghoomketu wrote:
       | That comparison spot the difference pic is really scary. I had to
       | check it 2 times myself before I could spot that the last line is
       | different.
       | Now that you're on the HN's frontpage, hopefully somebody from
       | Github upper management will see this and all will be good soon
       | thanks to gold old HN (especially when they did the same thing
       | themselves and restored it).
       | Wish you the best.
         | capableweb wrote:
         | > That comparison spot the difference pic is really scary. I
         | had to check it 2 times myself before I could spot that the
         | last line is different.
         | That's not the only difference. The other difference is that
         | you also have to type the full repository name, including the
         | organization name.
         | If they wanted to delete the correct repository, they would
         | have to type httpie/.github, but instead they typed
         | httpie/httpie.
         | It's unfortunate what happened, but without GitHub removing the
         | possibility at all to delete repositories/change the
         | visibility, I don't know what else they could have done to try
         | to prevent it. It's really hard as a user to affect the wrong
         | repository, as you are gonna have to mentally and literally
         | pause to write out the organization name + repository
         | (httpie/httpie in this case) and if that doesn't stop you, I
         | don't think anything would.
           | dmitriid wrote:
           | > The other difference is that you also have to type the full
           | repository name, including the organization name.
           | No, you don't have to type it, and I doubt anyone types it.
           | You copy that line and paste it. Often it's done on
           | autopilot, especially when in a rush.
             | ivirshup wrote:
             | I type it.
             | It's typically short short, and it's a very destructive
             | action. It's also very apparent to me why I would want to
             | type it out.
             | That said, someone is going to make a mistake at some
             | point. I'd expect better from github support here.
             | superasn wrote:
             | I always just select the text and drag drop it in the text
             | box with mouse.
             | In famous words of Mr. Larry wall, 3 great virtues of every
             | programmer: laziness, impatience, and hubris.
           | FabHK wrote:
           | > I don't know what else they could have done to try to
           | prevent it.
           | As the author of the post suggests: Prominently spell out
           | "This will remove 54,000 stars." vs. "This won't remove any
           | stars (there are none yet)."
             | tshaddox wrote:
             | I'm not convinced that would have really solved the
             | problem. One could just as easily post a screenshot of two
             | nearly identical dialogs where the only different is that
             | one says "This will remove 54 stars" and the other says
             | "This will remove 54,000 stars" and the same argument could
             | be made that "the only way to notice the difference is if
             | you happen to notice those 3 zeros."
           | bredren wrote:
           | There are certain repository actions that require an
           | interaction and assistance from GitHub customer support.
           | The community was valuable to GitHub as well.
           | I could see a spec on "sizable community thresholds" where if
           | an interaction might blow away something of that size GH
           | affords you an exchange with a "concierge" forcing a minor
           | exchange with a real person.
         | tshaddox wrote:
         | Just showing the two screenshots feels a little disingenuous
         | though. It's not like that dialog just pops up randomly and
         | asks if you want to delete a random repo, and the only way for
         | you to know which repo it's talking about is to read that line
         | near the bottom. In each case the path to summon that dialog
         | had to go through direct interactions with the repo in
         | question.
       | throwawayHN378 wrote:
       | Ugh that sucks
       | pluc wrote:
       | You didn't lose anything, you asked for it to be removed by
       | setting your repository private, albeit mistakenly. Something
       | that is public (stars) cannot coexist with something that is
       | private (your repo), otherwise unexpected things start to happen
       | or you need to write a bunch of pointless edge cases. It makes
       | sense. So does this article, but it should be a "lesson learned"
       | and not a "GitHub fucked us" angle cause it pretty clearly tells
       | you what you're about to do.
         | williamsmj wrote:
         | The article literally has a section "Lessons learned".
         | epidemian wrote:
         | This is a similar attitude to blaming users who close an
         | program without saving, telling them it's their fault; the
         | program even asked if they _really_ wanted to close without
         | saving!
         | But, it's also totally possible for a program to store a
         | backup, and let the user restore that the next time they open
         | the program in desperation for not having saved their document
         | in a moment of distraction.
         | > but it should be a "lesson learned"
         | Yes. And as the article notes, the lesson can be that software
         | and UX can be make to accommodate better for possible user
         | mistakes. I personally think it's nice to have Undo actions, or
         | some ways to revert possible mistakes. It makes software way
         | less scary :)
       | bearbin wrote:
       | Why care? Stars don't mean anything, save for the few people who
       | organise the software they use by starring it.
       | Certainly it's not a community owned by the maintainers. I don't
       | own a connection with the people that upvoted this post, and
       | stars mean exactly the same (effectively nothing).
       | pizza234 wrote:
       | The post is omitting that the user _must_ type the name of the
       | repository in full; in this case, they typed `httpie /httpie`. If
       | one is in such a deep autopilot state, no amount of warnings will
       | work.
         | jacoblambda wrote:
         | The post addressed this.
         | > What put me on the wrong path was an otherwise completely
         | unrelated action: I had just done the same (i.e., hidden an
         | empty README) on my personal profile by making
         | jakubroztocil/jakubroztocil private.
         | > GitHub's conceptual model treats users and organizations as
         | very similar entities when it comes to profiles and repos. In
         | this context, and since I just wanted to repeat the same benign
         | action on our organization's profile, my brain switched to
         | auto-pilot mode.
         | > I didn't realize at the moment there's an inconsistency in
         | the naming of this special repo containing profile READMEs and
         | that it differs for users and organizations: name/name vs.
         | name/.github.
         | > That's why I proceeded to make httpie/httpie private instead
         | of httpie/.github without realizing my mistake.
         | There's a subtle naming difference between profile README repos
         | for users and orgs that was the root cause of this. The user
         | typed the repo name in however because it matched the same
         | format for the previous profile README repo, it didn't register
         | that this was not in fact the profile README repo they were
         | looking for.
         | burnished wrote:
         | The post did not omit that, it included the very similar thing
         | they typed as context for how they auto-piloted it. In that
         | autopilot state having to type out 54000 would probably have
         | snapped them out of it. I get why you'd think the author is
         | being unreasonable, they seem to imply that this should already
         | have been done, but I think that is mostly them feeling upset
         | about the situation. The actual observations would be
         | thoughtful improvements to the UI.
         | arcticfox wrote:
         | Your comment is omitting that the post covered this exact point
         | in detail: they had just done the same operating on their
         | personal profile where you have to type [username]/[username].
         | [organization]/[organization] is the obvious corrolary.
         | Anyways it's embarrassing that Github made this same mistake
         | themselves, and yet couldn't spare the time for a massive
         | content creator contributing to their platform
         | qbasic_forever wrote:
         | They address that in the post. Github treats organization
         | accounts differently from personal accounts, and what would
         | have worked perfectly fine and expected for a personal user
         | account actually impacted a different and unexpected repo for
         | an organization account. I would wager 99% of Github users
         | would make a similar mistake in the same situation since they
         | rarely deal with organization accounts directly.
         | phphphphp wrote:
         | Does anybody actually type those? They were a neat solution 10
         | years ago but they're so common now for even inconsequential
         | actions that I always copy and paste, on complete autopilot.
           | w-m wrote:
           | I came across such a prompt maybe three times total in my
           | life, all of them making GitHub repos public or private, or
           | deleting them. Made me stop completely in my track. So it
           | seems to be very much dependent on what you do day to day.
       | jakelazaroff wrote:
       | GitHub made a cardinal UX design sin here: _never use a warning
       | when you mean undo_ [1]. If they had given even a five minute
       | grace period before starting the irreversible process of removing
       | all the watchers, this wouldn't have happened.
       | https://alistapart.com/article/neveruseawarning/
         | capableweb wrote:
         | Which comes with its own problems. What if I just published
         | something I wanted to be secret? Then I need to be able to
         | switch it back to private, and it has to be quick, not after
         | five minutes. Distributed systems with eventual consistency
         | already make fixes like that hard, not to mention caches and
         | whatever.
           | jacobolus wrote:
           | Restoring the star/follow status for miscellaneous Github
           | users after an accidental hiding of the repository is not
           | revealing anyone's secret information.
           | hnlmorg wrote:
           | The GP didn't mean "wait 5 minutes before making any action",
           | they meant "stage the change so the user can see the result
           | of their action but they still has a grace period to undo
           | it".
       | OJFord wrote:
       | Oof. Nice write-up, and it'll probably work. I.e. I'd wager that
       | 'no we won't do for you (even in exchange for cash) what we
       | previously did for ourselves' decision is going to get reversed.
       | dom96 wrote:
       | Surprising amount of people blaming the user here. I agree
       | completely with the author, the UX should be different for
       | clearly "big" repos.
       | CreepGin wrote:
       | Murphy's law strikes again. Really appreciate the writeup. Making
       | the best of the situation is a valuable lesson in itself. Hope
       | you can get the stars back one way or another! =)
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