[HN Gopher] Clojure Isn't for Me
       Clojure Isn't for Me
       Author : capableweb
       Score  : 62 points
       Date   : 2022-04-14 07:44 UTC (1 days ago)
 (HTM) web link (swlkr.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (swlkr.com)
       | gtoast wrote:
       | Janet vs Babashka vs Fennel - anyone have thoughts?
       | casion wrote:
       | This submission isn't titled correctly despite it being the title
       | of the article. The author has an issue with the JVM, not
       | Clojure, and then chooses a dialect of Clojure (I assume because
       | they like Clojure and it is for them).
       | It would be nice though to understand what the author believes
       | the issues with the JVM are since they they aren't expounded upon
       | in the article.
         | swlkr wrote:
         | I should have gone into more detail for sure.
         | The problems with the JVM are more cultural or political and
         | not necessarily technical, although at the time clojure on the
         | jvm did require quite a bit of memory and the cold startup
         | times weren't great for a simple, "watch this file in
         | development and restart the server" workflow.
           | capableweb wrote:
           | > "watch this file in development and restart the server"
           | workflow
           | Fortunately, no one in the Clojure ecosystem works like that,
           | thanks to the REPL :) You fire up the server, send code
           | straight from the editor to the server and evaluate
           | everything on the fly, no restarts needed.
             | swlkr wrote:
             | Yes the repl was one of clojure's strong points,
             | definitely, but I would argue that a fast restart + logging
             | + irb gets you most of the way there
               | casion wrote:
               | Why shoot for "most of the way there" when one of the
               | core features of the language is "all the way there"?
               | swlkr wrote:
               | The downsides of clojure on the jvm which I had kind of
               | forgotten about until today like long stack traces and
               | using a lot of memory kind of outweigh the upside of the
               | repl
               | capableweb wrote:
               | Hmm, not sure about that. Consider the following (very
               | simplified) example:                   (defonce current-
               | count (atom 0))                  (defn handle-request
               | [req]           (swap! current-count inc)           (str
               | "Hello " (-> req :params :name) @current-count))
               | (run-server handle-request :port 8080)
               | If you do the whole "restart server" process every time
               | you change `handle-request`, you lose the state of
               | `current-count`, but if you instead just change the
               | function and "send" the new one to a already running
               | server, the state of `current-count` is still the same,
               | even when the new function definition is being used.
               | Now imagine it with more complex state, or with things
               | that require multiple states to do something. Reloading
               | the server each time would mean you have to manipulate
               | the state into the right "shape" each time before you can
               | test your change, while if you can retain your state even
               | after changing the code, you'd avoid that.
               | This is why I'm still stuck in Clojure and unable to go
               | back to writing code in other languages. The productivity
               | gain is simply too high to throw away by not using
               | Clojure (or other languages that are driven by the same
               | ideas).
               | candiodari wrote:
               | Both the .Net Runtime and the JVM provide this
               | functionality for all the languages they support ... I
               | mean it requires a bit of work for the languages to
               | acctually enable this in a proper workflow, but C#, Java,
               | Kotlin, Visual Basic, ... all support this (which I must
               | say makes even testing a joy. Test not succeeding? Step
               | through and if something goes wrong, just change the
               | code, press F8 and it restarts at the function call or
               | sometimes even the basic block you changed) I believe
               | Visual Studio supports this even for a C++ without a .Net
               | Runtime.
               | Microsoft calls it "edit and continue". Not sure what
               | Oracle/IBM calls it but it works.
               | It's not guaranteed to work and there's edge cases where
               | it silently corrupts stuff. Function pointers of course
               | don't update, for example. The Clojure way is cleaner.
               | https://docs.microsoft.com/en-
               | us/visualstudio/debugger/how-t...
               | https://dzone.com/articles/hot-swap-java-bytecode-on-
               | runtime
               | There have been tech demos showing that LLVM can do this
               | for C++ compiled to machine code. I don't know if it's
               | really working anywhere, but it certainly can be made to
               | work if someone puts in enough effort.
               | I once actually established a debugging connection from
               | eclipse to a telephony server running on JVM that was
               | actually serving calls and live-replaced the dialplan
               | handling code, stopping a ddos without making things
               | worse. It even works for that case. Not something I'd
               | advise doing, but I love that this can actually work ...
               | Jtsummers wrote:
               | If your long term state depends upon ephemeral, non-
               | persisted, data then you're hosed if you ever have to
               | restart anyways. If _anything_ brings that server down,
               | you lose _current-count_ as well, whether it 's to change
               | out the definition of _handle-request_ or a power outage.
               | So _current-count_ must not be a useful (long term) value
               | worth persisting or the above program is broken from the
               | start.
               | In the former case (it's useless) the stop-the-world-and-
               | restart approach doesn't hurt anything, in the latter you
               | would need to fix the program anyways.
               | capableweb wrote:
               | Yeah, I mean, obviously atoms are not used for long term
               | state storage, I'm not suggesting your replace your
               | database with a atom. But it's useful for a lot of things
               | that are not needed for long-term storage. And even more
               | importantly, it demonstrates the example of how you can
               | use the stateful repl to avoid restarting the full server
               | on every change and still keep state around.
               | swlkr wrote:
               | That is true, getting back to the same state in other
               | languages is usually done with unit/integration tests,
               | definitely not as nice as the repl.
               | Although it is nice to have them written down and more
               | explicit
       | Tainnor wrote:
       | This article is incredibly light on specific details about what
       | exactly about the JVM is problematic and just vaguely hints at it
       | not being open-source enough (despite OpenJDK having been a thing
       | for ages), something that I consider to be more ideological in
       | nature than pragmatic.
       | As someone who has written Ruby for years and more recently
       | switched over to the JVM, I don't see the big deal. Both
       | ecosystems have their advantages and disadvantages. The fact that
       | so much of Ruby's ecosystem is built on C has its downsides too,
       | e.g. compilation errors on "bundle install" because your version
       | of nokogiri doesn't work with whatever C libraries are installed
       | on your system anymore, or a frequent need to install new ruby
       | versions which can be rather slow when you have to compile them
       | from scratch.
         | oriolid wrote:
         | Back in the day when I wrote Java for living, it was too common
         | pattern that development is done on OpenJDK until we hit some
         | mysterious problem. The problem then disappeared when we
         | switched to Oracle JDK. Other problems are that Java's
         | "everything is an object" and "generics parameters are lost at
         | run time" ideas poison every other language too, and garbage
         | collection never works as intended.
           | pkulak wrote:
           | One of Java's weaknesses is that they _didn't_ move to
           | everything is an object. Instead we still have all the
           | primitive types (except unsigned, but that's another topic!)
           | and they autobox to and from their object wrappers. I'm
           | assuming moving to objects was considered and discarded for
           | performance reasons. Now I guess we're getting inline classes
           | soon? Which will solve the performance problem, but only
           | decades later.
           | voidhorse wrote:
           | I used to have similar complaints about Java until I sat down
           | and actually read the JVM and language specs and read some
           | JEPs. The truth is, the Java maintainers have made a lot of
           | good design decisions over the years and they've been
           | incredibly careful when it comes to trade offs. Generic
           | erasure for instance, was necessary to prevent major
           | backwards compatibility and break the world problems with the
           | massive existing ecosystem of running java programs. Also
           | it's not an idea that "poisons" other languages. It'd be
           | pretty uneconomical to preserve generics in the runtime
           | representations of any language--c++ doesn't do this either
           | and it heterogenous approach (opposed to java's homogenous
           | approach) has its own set of drawbacks (bloated code size,
           | for instance)
           | In actuality, Java is pretty great and a lot of the pain I
           | experienced using it was not because there was something
           | inherently worse about Java's design decisions but rather
           | because I had made the (very incorrect) assumption that one
           | could simply port over a lot of the unstated assumptions we
           | make about the semantics of other languages when coding in
           | Java, which isn't true.
             | oriolid wrote:
             | I'm not sure what to answer, except that we live in
             | different realities and in my reality Java is pretty
             | terrible even if a lot of effort has been put into it.
               | Tainnor wrote:
               | Java != JVM.
               | I feel that the two are being confused here (even though
               | this post is literally about another language running on
               | the JVM).
           | sulam wrote:
           | Saying garbage collection never works as intended somehow
           | elides all the very large scale systems built on garbage
           | collected languages including Java. GC is like most things,
           | it has trade offs and you have to understand them to get the
           | best out of it. It's not impossible to achieve, though.
             | oriolid wrote:
             | I have to admit that I have never built a large scale
             | system, but with small to medium scale systems I have
             | always ended up tuning GC parameters and looking for stray
             | references. And of course there is always some piece of
             | code that depends on finalizers to close some resource, so
             | not doing enough GC a problem just as much as doing too
             | much of it. In my current project (C#) there's the
             | additional problem that there are situations where GC just
             | isn't allowed but there are some language features that
             | just create objects behind the scenes without any warning.
             | So yes, it's not impossible to achieve but it's a lot more
             | difficult than dealing with reference counting or C++ smart
             | pointers.
               | cogman10 wrote:
               | > I have always ended up tuning GC parameters and looking
               | for stray references.
               | I've been doing java for years and the key I've learned
               | about the JVM is to stop tuning GC parameters.
               | The JVM has incredibly good heuristics provided you let
               | them work. The most you should generally do is pick the
               | algorithm and the heap size (maybe the pause time) doing
               | more should only be done if you've got a large amount of
               | evidence (GClogs) to support such changes. Way too many
               | people shoot themselves in the foot trying to hand craft
               | GC settings.
               | Beyond that, I've found that application changes are
               | almost always more effective than GC changes. Use the
               | JVMs fantastic telemetry tools (Java flight recorder) and
               | find out what's really going on with your application.
               | Again, grab the data first, optimize, and then remeasure
               | to see what's next.
               | I've managed plenty of apps with 30+gb heaps and 0
               | tuning.
               | [deleted]
               | oriolid wrote:
               | I wish I could say the same. Most times it ended up one
               | of two ways: Either the app is stuck doing GC, or it
               | crashes with OutOfMemoryError: too many this or that
               | handles, open pipes or something else.
               | Tainnor wrote:
               | I don't know what kinds of things you're doing on the
               | JVM, but the only situations where I've seen these kinds
               | of errors were either a) batch jobs on massive amounts of
               | data (which yeah... it figures that they could OOM, not
               | sure how you'd prevent that), or b) a serious error in
               | application logic.
               | In general, I don't really encounter these problems and
               | neither do most other people who write for the JVM.
               | Tainnor wrote:
               | > And of course there is always some piece of code that
               | depends on finalizers to close some resource [...]
               | I don't think anyone should use finalizers in Java. It's
               | been deprecated since Java 9 and even before that, it was
               | widely considered a bad practice.
               | oriolid wrote:
               | I don't think anyone should use finalizers in Java
               | either, but it hasn't stopped anyone from doing that.
               | Tainnor wrote:
               | There are footguns in every language. There are certainly
               | more footguns in C, which you're trying to advocate for,
               | if I understand correctly (although I'm really not sure
               | what your point is).
               | FWIW, I haven't ever seen anyone use finalize() in Java.
               | I don't doubt that it happens occasionally, but you can't
               | blame a language for some of its users being incompetent.
           | Tainnor wrote:
           | In Ruby, everything is an object too (actually even more so
           | than in Java) and in dynamically typed languages, generic
           | type parameters of course don't exist, so I don't understand
           | how those things matter to Clojure or (J)Ruby. Garbage
           | collection pauses may be slow on the JVM, but Java is still
           | miles faster than Ruby (idk about clojure).
             | oriolid wrote:
             | To be honest, I don't really understand Ruby either. It's
             | like combination of performance of Python, compatibility of
             | C, transparency of any mystery dependency + build system
             | and yet another syntax on top of it.
               | cyberpunk wrote:
               | Ruby is awesome, but it's _insanely_ powerful.
               | For example: I mean, you can monkeypatch anything
               | (including _Object_) at runtime. You can use this to make
               | 1 + 1 = 3, if you desired, or to add a method to _all_
               | instances of any class currently instantiated. Want your
               | database to respond to .fuckoff(), no problem..
               | This kind of stuff is also how rspec (used to?) actually
               | run tests.
               | It's cool, but also pretty insane.
               | irb(main):001:0> class Object         irb(main):002:1>
               | def fuckoff         irb(main):003:2>  "lol"
               | irb(main):004:2> end         irb(main):005:1> end
               | => :fuckoff         irb(main):006:0> 5.fuckoff         =>
               | "lol"         irb(main):007:0> "Hello World".fuckoff
               | => "lol"         irb(main):008:0>
               | Tainnor wrote:
               | Yes, the nice thing is that you can use metaprogramming
               | to create really powerful and readable DSLs.
               | The bad thing is that this is often abused horribly, I
               | blame the Rails ecosystem with its "just add this gem to
               | the Gemfile and it will magically change your
               | application" attitude.
               | oriolid wrote:
               | "I have altered the API, pray that I don't alter it any
               | further"?
               | Tainnor wrote:
               | I'm a static typing covert, but as far as dynamically
               | typed languages go, I still prefer Ruby to Python.
             | swlkr wrote:
             | clojure on the jvm has much better performance than ruby,
             | but for my small side projects, that doesn't matter.
             | I guess I was trying to describe the frustration of
             | switching languages and ecosystems while also trying to
             | ship, thought I could do it, but I couldn't.
             | I suppose I would have had a much better time and stayed in
             | C-land (and gotten much better performance) if I had tried
             | golang instead of clojure.
               | Tainnor wrote:
               | If you have deadlines and can't afford being "bad" at
               | something for a while then, yes, learning new
               | technologies or ecosystems might not be a wise choice. I
               | think that's independent of what those technologies are.
               | I switched to the JVM because I was annoyed enough at the
               | things I had to deal with in Ruby that learning how to do
               | things in a new way was worth it for me in the long run.
               | > I suppose I would have had a much better time and
               | stayed in C-land (and gotten much better performance) if
               | I had tried golang instead of clojure.
               | But Go is a completely different language than Clojure?
               | By what criterion are you deciding which language to
               | focus on? Mostly I'd think that people who choose Clojure
               | do so because they want to use a homoiconic, dynamically
               | typed, functional programming language and not something
               | that looks a lot like a cleaned-up C.
               | swlkr wrote:
               | These days I care less about how the language looks and
               | more about the development/deployment experience, and how
               | much memory it's going to take on a VPS, since that's the
               | primary thing driving VPS costs.
               | Ruby (and rails) for web applications is very hard to
               | beat ergonomically.
               | Go also feels this way to me, the development experience
               | is very simple, deployment is even easier than ruby/rack
               | (assuming no docker), and you get the added bonus of
               | using a lot less memory on the server.
       | spacemanmatt wrote:
       | If you want concurrency without trouble, it's hard to beat
       | Clojure.
       | swlkr wrote:
       | I'm not quite sure why my stuff keeps hitting the front page, but
       | I'm here for it.
       | I've since abandoned janet for web app side projects and gone
       | back to ruby entirely but yeah, I still love lisp but it makes
       | more sense to align my work programming language with my side
       | projects that way I can ship my side projects faster, at least
       | that's the thought now.
         | capableweb wrote:
         | As the submitter of this story, I can tell you about why this
         | one landed there. I found the link via the discussion on the
         | previous one (https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=30917772)
         | and submitted it shortly afterwards
         | (https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=30929823). It didn't end
         | up on the frontpage though, but I got invited to submit it to
         | the "second chance pool" (https://news.ycombinator.com/invited)
         | where submissions get exposed to the frontpage for X hours and
         | if they manage to stay up, they stay there naturally. Seems
         | like people enjoy your writing enough to make it stay for at
         | least some moments :)
         | As a Clojure fanatic, I too enjoy your writing and hoped to
         | stir up some interesting discussions around Clojures weak-
         | points by submitting this story.
           | swlkr wrote:
           | I'm not sure if it's about clojure's weak points or my own
           | weak points haha
       | delegate wrote:
       | I think the article should be titled 'JVM isn't for me'.
       | According to the article, the author moved to Janet, because it
       | is Clojure-like without the JVM overhead.
         | jmchuster wrote:
         | How about Clojure on node? Starts and runs instantly
         | https://planck-repl.org/
           | crispyalmond wrote:
           | I prefer to use nbb[0] for this, or babashka[1] when I need
           | to use stuff specific to JVM.
           | [0]: https://github.com/babashka/nbb [1]:
           | https://babashka.org/
           | swlkr wrote:
           | Yes, the newer clojure runtimes like planck or native-image,
           | or babashka definitely take away some of the jvm pain
           | nesarkvechnep wrote:
           | Why not Lisp on the BEAM - https://lfe.io/.
         | swlkr wrote:
         | Fair enough, I usually start with the title and try to let the
         | rest flow from there, but it's definitely the JVM that was
         | getting me down, not clojure specifically.
         | jcadam wrote:
         | I think the JVM route is smart for bootstrapping a new language
         | since it gives you an existing ecosystem to leverage. However,
         | at this point, I'd love to see a native Clojure.
           | pjmlp wrote:
           | There is already Common Lisp and Scheme for that.
           | aidenn0 wrote:
           | Rich Hickey was already using a native lisp; then he wrote a
           | couple of bridges between it and JVM/CLR before deciding
           | running a lisp directly on the runtime VM was the way to go.
       | Gollapalli wrote:
       | Increasingly, I don't see clojure as primarily a matter of the
       | clojure-on-jvm implementation, but as a distinct and (generally)
       | hosted dialect of lisp. Clojurescript is a clojure. Janet is a
       | clojure. ClojureCLR is a clojure. Fennel is a clojure. Babashka
       | is a clojure. Ferret is (kind of) a clojure. Maybe someday we'll
       | have a bare-metal clojure. So far as I can tell, the lisp
       | landscape (land of lisp?) has changed from common-lisps and
       | schemes, to common-lisps, schemes, and clojures.
       | IMHO. Maybe I overexaggerate. Anyway, the author, from my
       | perspective has decided that clojure IS in fact for him, but
       | clojure on the JVM is not, so he chooses to use a different one.
         | fnordsensei wrote:
         | No, I think you're right. Clojure is first and foremost a
         | symbiote.
       | valbaca wrote:
       | OP doesn't need or want the JVM or Java libraries, and he wants
       | to stay in the world of Free software that C and Ruby provide.
       | He analyzed his needs and wants.
       | This is a good example of what "right tool for the job" analysis
       | looks like.
       | Though honestly, if OP wasn't in "java land" (his phrase), I'm
       | not sure why Clojure was even on his radar.
       | I greatly respect people who reject the hype and just go with the
       | language that fits their needs, even if it isn't hyped like C,
       | Ruby or Python but provide plenty of what you'll need.
       | https://boringtechnology.club/
         | maydup-nem wrote:
         | > https://boringtechnology.club/
         | the pitfalls of old boring tech have known solutions, while the
         | new tech may run you into trouble you don't know you can run
         | into?
         | well, gee, that was totally worth the 50 slides that i had to
         | scroll through (and i don't know why the website was so slow)
         | looks like a web-dev is coping with the realities of web-dev,
         | nothing more
         | pixelrevision wrote:
         | > Though honestly, if OP wasn't in "java land" (his phrase),
         | I'm not sure why Clojure was even on his radar
         | Clojure is really appealing as a language and has enough of a
         | following that it doesn't seem like a risky bet. It also looks
         | pretty self contained. It's only when you need to push it that
         | you find yourself with confusing JVM stack traces and all the
         | nuances of that ecosystem. When you do you start to figure out
         | the whole thing is not quite as elegant and simple as it first
         | appeared.
           | joshlemer wrote:
           | I dunno, in my experience even something as simple as a tiny
           | syntax error can already get you into pretty deep and
           | inscrutable stack traces.
             | capableweb wrote:
             | Syntax errors like unbalanced brackets/parenthesis/curly
             | braces? Those should definitely give you "pure-clojure"
             | errors as the parsers can't even read the source at that
             | point. Only time you should be getting JVM stack traces is
             | runtime errors.
           | swlkr wrote:
           | This is exactly what I experienced too, the tidy clojure
           | ecosystem can come undone pretty quickly
         | swlkr wrote:
         | Yes, this is pretty much it. It's funny the presentation
         | specifically mentions clojure for the "new and shiny."
         | Today it would be something else, like rust or zig or
         | something.
         | But yeah it's difficult for me to build my tools and ship
         | finished web applications at the same time, it's compounded by
         | learning a new language.
         | This is something I've struggled with for a long time. I still
         | struggle with this, the urge to create a new web framework when
         | I would have shipped much faster if I had just used some boring
         | old one for example.
         | zem wrote:
         | clojure in and of itself is a very pleasant language, and was
         | an exciting new lisp when it came out. i remember going through
         | the same journey as the author, venturing into jvm land just
         | because i wanted to use clojure, and eventually deciding i
         | preferred the unix/c ecosystem.
       | mproud wrote:
       | 2020?
         | swlkr wrote:
         | Oh yeah that's interesting, I wonder what the threshold for
         | year timestamps is, I thought it was > 6 months after a new
         | year
       | flakiness wrote:
       | The author's next choice is "Janet", which I haven't heard of:
       | https://janet-lang.org/
       | Not sure how it is better than Ruby. But maybe the author wants
       | something fresh to play with - that I can totally relate to. Good
       | luck with the new journey anyway!
       | mjburgess wrote:
       | I think the "C-derived open-source world" is a good way of
       | putting it.
       | The java-world is an inscrutable place of gigantic IDEs,
       | maddening dependency graphs, perverse build systems. Everything
       | is just-so-poorly-compiled _enough_ that it 's a nightmare to
       | work with. It sucks all the joy out of programming in my
       | experience.
         | seertaak wrote:
         | I mean, it's kind of farcical to complain about Java build
         | systems _and compare that to C_ , which has literally the worst
         | build system/dependency management tooling. Even with vcpkg and
         | conan (which are infinitely better than what existed before),
         | building projects with 4-5 dependencies (abseil, boost, folly,
         | and range-v3, say) requires understanding why builds break
         | complaining about iterator traits under C++20 on Clang 13. It's
         | insane. How can Java possibly be worse than that? It may not be
         | as nice as rust or python (even python can be pretty insane for
         | dependency management, actually), but with Maven I could add
         | 3/4 lines to my project, and in my IDE the dependency would
         | "just work" and I could even navigate to the source code of the
         | dependency.
         | And it's not like this is a slow language, Java is like 80-90%
         | as fast as C if you know what you're doing, and for most use-
         | cases, and isn't brain-dead in its handling of threads.
         | I'm a C++/Python developer, by the way, although I've had day
         | jobs writing Java too. I honestly think this is way off base;
         | it's a great language which has constantly evolved, and the JVM
         | is a fantastic piece of technology. Rich Hickey was super smart
         | in targeting the JVM, it was a great decision, and to my mind
         | OP hasn't a clue of what he's talking about.
           | swlkr wrote:
           | I will say as far my limited understanding of the JVM goes,
           | it seems like container tech can take care of any system
           | dependencies that you might need for a complex c++ build.
           | It also seems that the JVMs original purpose of running the
           | same code across operating systems/architectures has also
           | been superseded by containers, better cross compilation
           | (llvm) and possibly wasm as well.
           | Maybe at some point in the future, the JVM will mostly be
           | relegated to legacy systems and most new software (assuming
           | AI isn't writing all future software) will target wasm or
           | require some container runtime.
             | Tainnor wrote:
             | You can't complain about the complexities of the JVM and
             | then propose containers, which are incredibly complex
             | themselves, as a solution.
             | I mean sure, most modern JVM apps _deploy_ to containers,
             | but developing in container images is quite another thing
             | and requires you to understand and debug a lot of issues
             | (e.g. mounting, caching, networking) that you 'd like not
             | to care about (especially if you're not particularly an
             | infrastructure/ops person).
               | swlkr wrote:
               | Fair enough.
               | This might also come down to editors and things that I
               | didn't cover in the post too.
               | There's probably a happy path for clojure/jvm via an IDE
               | that I didn't try (I use neovim) or something else I
               | might have missed in my clojure years.
           | mjburgess wrote:
           | No one's comparing java and C. The phrase "C-derived" here
           | includes, eg., python/php/ruby/javascript/etc. ie., all those
           | languages whose targeted VM is extensible with C.
           | The idea is that there's a "cluster of C-based ecosystems" of
           | languages whose open-source philosophy, programming culture,
           | etc. "is just fun". In contrast with the JVM ecosystem which,
           | I think, just isnt.
           | oriolid wrote:
           | For C and C++ Meson is quite nice.
         | burntoutfire wrote:
         | Hah, I feel pretty much the opposite. For me, Java is simple
         | and logical, and its IDEs help tremendously.
         | C (and C++), on the other hand, is a trash fire of macros
         | obfuscating code, header files (WTF they're still here in
         | 2022?), libraries which are hard to import, barely working IDEs
         | (IntelliSense in latest Visual Studio takes 30+ seconds to
         | update itself after every change in my small C++20 pet
         | project), people redefining primitive data types in a hundred
         | different ways, unusable compiler error messages etc. Every
         | time I have to work with C++, I'm getting angrier by the hour -
         | and my codebase is only a simple personal project!
           | agumonkey wrote:
           | Java makes few sense to me, it never did, and I tried to read
           | the JVM spec a few times to avoid poking at random, which
           | seems to be the difference here, the whole platform is
           | spec'd. Not the javascript/c+make+libtool kind of blur or
           | chaos.
       | adenozine wrote:
       | Where could someone read about implementing immutability checks
       | in a compiler?
       | I've always wondered if there's a way to know at compile time
       | whether a value is being mutated, rather than throwing a runtime
       | exception.
       | pjmlp wrote:
       | Some proprietary UNIX in the 70's?!?
       | I guess he also never saw the price of ISO C document that
       | someone has to pay so that GCC actually supports C the proper
       | way.
       | Talk about being precise on the details.
         | swlkr wrote:
         | I did gloss over a few things there, the goal was to say, yes I
         | understand that C-land hasn't always been as free and open
         | source as it is now
       | brundolf wrote:
       | I think the takeaway here is that any language or ecosystem has
       | an unspoken culture, set of habits and norms, set of assumed
       | background knowledge, and general "look and feel" to it that
       | matter to the productivity and overall satisfaction that any
       | given developer will get, based on their personality and past
       | experience. We often ignore these aspects when doing something
       | like picking a language, but they really do make a difference.
         | tomatowurst wrote:
         | i think the biggest point is that it's hard to find developers
         | in a special niche even if it allegedly offers productivity
         | gains, this is negated by increased costs.
         | clojure was cool, I used it mainly for datomic, but the gains
         | really dont justify relying on public slack channels and
         | mailing lists to hire and find devs.
         | I really see this from an economic point of view. I could be
         | mistaken based on my own experience dealing with clojure and
         | datomic in particular. I'm just not sure the gain is there
         | anymore as other databases built on conventional tech stacks
         | increasingly more or less take away the gains.
       | warcher wrote:
       | Not gonna lie, I think the jvm integration is a big win for
       | clojure as a language. The fact that you can pull in and interop
       | with established jvm tools and libraries makes using a niche
       | language like clojure a possibility for professional development.
       | C libraries are wonderful tools when you need a low-level library
       | to run hot, but if you need, I don't know, a database adapter or
       | a queueing library and you don't want to write one, I'd much
       | prefer pulling something out of maven than trying to integrate a
       | C library. There's just a lot of infrastructure the jvm gives you
       | pretty easily.
       | If you're just messing around with fun side projects, there's
       | nothing wrong with using something you _enjoy_ for no other
       | reason than your own personal enjoyment.
         | pkulak wrote:
         | > If you're just messing around with fun side projects, there's
         | nothing wrong with using something you enjoy for no other
         | reason than your own personal enjoyment.
         | That was my thought too. If it's a side project, I guess you
         | should just always use Python because you will never need
         | anything else. But I already kinda know Python and it doesn't
         | interest me much, so I write my side projects in the flavor of
         | the day that has my fancy at the moment.
       | chefandy wrote:
       | Minor point: Proprietary UNIX OSs aren't artifacts of the
       | seventies. OSs like AIX and Solaris live on. A former employer
       | sells enterprise software for both of those environments to this
       | day. Banks, especially, seem to love AIX in my experience.
         | swlkr wrote:
         | Wow that's crazy, I love learning new tidbits about how older
         | tech like cobol or mainframes or something are still around and
         | plugging along
           | chefandy wrote:
           | Kind of mind boggling. You figure _" surely there must have
           | been a point at which being that change-averse bit them in
           | the ass hard enough to modernize their approach"_ but...
           | guess not.
           | In fact, one large banking system I worked on in the late
           | aughts completely revamped their megalith of a back-end for a
           | major component of their system and the only two things they
           | _didn 't_ change were using AIX and Oracle.
         | chipotle_coyote wrote:
         | Huh. I genuinely didn't know Solaris -- the closed-source
         | commercial version, rather than offshoots like Illumos and
         | OpenIndiana -- was still kicking around, but sure enough
         | there's an "Oracle Solaris 11" page.
           | chefandy wrote:
           | Turned 30 last year (basically). Well-funded inertia might
           | float it for another 30. I'll bet even joking about EOLing it
           | could trigger flop sweats in some enterprise technical
           | executives.
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