[HN Gopher] Zig self hosted compiler is now capable of building ...
       Zig self hosted compiler is now capable of building itself
       Author : marcthe12
       Score  : 576 points
       Date   : 2022-04-16 13:11 UTC (9 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (github.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (github.com)
       | vonwoodson wrote:
       | For great justice
         | einpoklum wrote:
         | Zig move zig...
       | orblivion wrote:
       | Probably a stupid question, but is LLVM a sort of cheat for "self
       | compiling"? Shouldn't you need to compile LLVM as well?
         | dundarious wrote:
         | They're working towards having native backends for x86-64,
         | aarch64, etc., that are all written in Zig, making LLVM an
         | optional dependency, and eliminating literally all uses of non-
         | Zig code (including no mandatory use of C standard library, for
         | example) for those builds.
         | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=31052234
         | I'm assuming these will primarily be for super fast debug
         | builds (at least to start), and LLVM (and maybe C backend too)
         | will still be the favored backend(s) for release builds.
         | okareaman wrote:
         | It used to be the case that a compiler compiled itself to bare
         | metal machine instructions, but now with so many cpu
         | instruction set targets that's no longer the case. LLVM uses an
         | intermediate language like an assemby language. Another way to
         | look at it is the TypeScript compiler compiles itself which is
         | written in TypeScript but the intermediate language is
         | JavaScript. V8 handles the translation of JavaScript to machine
         | code, similar to LLVM translating LLVM IR to machine code
           | orblivion wrote:
           | Okay, so we're treating LLVM intermediate language or
           | javascript as if "assembly" in the bare metal days. Makes
           | sense.
           | chrisseaton wrote:
           | > It used to be the case that a compiler compiled itself to
           | bare metal machine instructions, but now with so many cpu
           | instruction set targets that's no longer the case.
           | Tons of compilers emit machine code.
             | okareaman wrote:
             | Sure, I didn't say they didn't. Are you refuting what I
             | said and implying that a compiler is not self-hosted if it
             | doesn't compile to machine code?
               | chrisseaton wrote:
               | > I didn't say they didn't
               | You said 'that's no longer the case'. Isn't that the same
               | as saying they don't?
               | okareaman wrote:
               | In the context of the question, it is no longer the case
               | that a compiler has to compile to machine code to be
               | considered self-hosting. I thought this was clear, but I
               | guess it wasn't
       | fouronnes3 wrote:
       | Are there any languages out there that can _only_ be compiled by
       | a compiler written in their own language? Presumably because the
       | original pre-dogfood compiler stopped being maintained years ago.
       | So that if we somehow lost all binaries of the current compiler,
       | that language would effectively be lost?
         | amelius wrote:
         | If your language (call it X) can only be compiled by a compiler
         | written in X, then you can always create an X-to-C transpiler
         | (it doesn't need to be efficient, and it can even leak memory,
         | as long as it can complete the bootstrapping process).
         | dottedmag wrote:
         | C?
           | coder543 wrote:
           | A lot of popular C compilers are actually written (at least
           | partially) in C++ these days.
           | viraptor wrote:
           | You're commenting on an article about Zig which became self-
           | hosted and can compile C. (There's also lots of other C
           | compilers available)
             | dundarious wrote:
             | Zig compiles C/C++ by deferring the vast majority of the
             | work to libclang, which is written in C++. Also note Zig is
             | self-hosted _when using the LLVM backend_ , which means
             | deferring to C++ for much of the code generation. There is
             | no "end-to-end Zig" self-hosted compiler yet, because the
             | Zig native backends are not as near completion. See the
             | creator's comment about the breakdown:
             | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=31052234. (I'm excited
             | about this progress, so this is not meant as any kind of
             | knock on Zig, which I think is quite impressive)
             | But you're right that C is not a good example.
         | [deleted]
         | richardfey wrote:
         | Most modern languages cannot be compiled anymore with their
         | original pre-dogfood compiler, but we have the sources of the
         | older versions so you can bootstrap them in a sequence.
         | skrebbel wrote:
         | TypeScript
         | retrac wrote:
         | The Haskell GHC compiler is written mostly in Haskell. Rust's
         | compiler is also written in Rust, these days. TypeScript's
         | compiler is in TypeScript.
         | It's a pretty common state of affairs, actually. Often arises
         | out of the second or third implementation of the compiler being
         | _much_ better than the first attempts, probably coupled with
         | the momentum of people using the language who can contribute to
         | the tooling because it 's in the same language.
         | fasquoika wrote:
         | GHC is nearly impossible to bootstrap if you don't consider the
         | vendored transpiled C code to be source. Versions of GHC not
         | dependent on GHC were never public AFAIK.
         | https://elephly.net/posts/2017-01-09-bootstrapping-haskell-p...
       | jonpalmisc wrote:
       | I think Zig's compatibility with C is such a valuable feature.
       | I also wish we could rewrite everything in a modern language, but
       | the reality is that we can't and that if we could, it would take
       | a LONG time. The ability to start new projects, or extend
       | existing ones, with a modern and more ergonomic language--Zig--
       | and be able to seamlessly work with C is incredible.
       | I look forward to the self-hosted compiler being complete, and
       | hopefully a package manager in the future. I'd really like to
       | start using Zig for more projects.
         | jitl wrote:
         | Zig as the "Kotlin of C" makes it very appealing. Kotlin has
         | seen fantastic adoption in JVM projects because you can convert
         | files one at a time from .java to .kt, with only a modicum of
         | one-time build system shenanigans up front. Then your team can
         | gain experience gradually, fill in missing pieces like linters
         | over time, all without redesigning your software.
         | What zig offers is even better - because zig included a CC, you
         | can actually reduce complexity with zig by getting a single
         | compiler version for all platforms, rather than a fixed zig +
         | each platform's cc. And with it, trivially easy cross-platform
         | builds - even with existing C code. That's cool! Go has
         | excellent cross-compilation, but Go with C, not so much.
         | Rust is a powerful tool, but it's a complex ecosystem unto
         | itself - both conceptually and practically. It has great
         | interoperability frameworks, but the whole set of systems comes
         | at a substantial learning cost. Plus, porting an existing
         | software design to Rust can be a challenge. It's more like the
         | "scala of C" if we're trying to stretch the analogy past the
         | breaking point.
           | richardfey wrote:
           | The "Kotlin of C", what a beautiful metaphor!
           | pjmlp wrote:
           | Kotlin has seen fantastic adoption in Android projects,
           | because of the way Google pushes it, while stagnating Android
           | Java on purpose.
           | On the JVM world not really.
           | https://www.infoq.com/news/2022/03/jrebel-report-2022/
             | exikyut wrote:
             | Huh. I read about this the other day as well -
             | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=30842602:
             | > _If only [Oracle] hadn 't sued Google, Java would still
             | have been the pre-eminent language for Android development.
             | Sadly Android is stuck at legacy Java 8 permanently now.
             | So, modern Java is stuck as a server-side language with
             | dozens of competitors._
             | A reply argued that Android is on Java 11 now, and then you
             | noted (hi!) that it's "a subset". Huh.
             | I'm trying to get a handle on understanding the
             | ramifications of the legal/licensing situation, and the
             | actual concrete impact on Java's use in Android. The
             | subject seems somewhat murky and opaque. Is there possibly
             | a high-level disambiguation about what's going on published
             | anywhere?
               | pjmlp wrote:
               | The set of Java 11 LTS features and standard library
               | missing from Android 13 is left as exercise for the
               | reader, they are relatively easy to find out, hence
               | subset.
               | You can check the Javadoc for the standard library, and
               | the JVM specification. Then compare with DEX/ART and the
               | Android documentation for Java APIs.
             | holoduke wrote:
             | Are they pushing? Most documentation for Android dev is
             | still Java. Or by default Java. It's only the Intelij guys
             | pushing for Kotlin by creating a lockin in their IDE. One
             | reason I refuse to use it.
               | carstenhag wrote:
               | As an Android Dev: noone of us wants to do java projects
               | anymore. If we had support for some recent versions
               | maybe, but as it is, there's no going back.
               | 0 of our recent or current projects still use java.
               | Google is either moving/extending libs to natively
               | integrate with kotlin (numerous -ktx libs) or they are
               | kotlin-only (Compose) anyway.
               | I don't really see the Jetbrains lock-in thing, because:
               | Android Studio is free, you can use any other IDE with
               | syntax highlighting and the terminal to run tests & to
               | compile.
               | If you want to blame someone for locking in android devs
               | into Android Studio, it would be Google, because they
               | build the previews into Android Studio afaik. But you
               | would have the same criticism at Apple/XCode. Supporting
               | one IDE is already tough I guess.
               | pjmlp wrote:
               | You have missed all the Kotlin only Jetpack libraries,
               | NDK documentation now using Kotlin, Jetpack libraries
               | originally released in Java now rewritten in Kotlin.
               | They are still using Android Java on the system layers,
               | because they aren't rewriting the whole stack.
               | Even the update for Java 11 LTS subset on Android 13 is
               | mostly likely caused by the Java ecosystem moving
               | forward, than the willingness of Android team to support
               | anything other than what can be desugared into Java 8 /
               | DEX somehow.
               | You are right in relation to JetBrains, they even
               | acknowledge it on their blog post introducing Kotlin.
               | https://blog.jetbrains.com/kotlin/2011/08/why-jetbrains-
               | need...
               | "And while the development tools for Kotlin itself are
               | going to be free and open-source, the support for the
               | enterprise development frameworks and tools will remain
               | part of IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate, the commercial version of
               | the IDE. And of course the framework support will be
               | fully integrated with Kotlin."
               | sedatk wrote:
               | > You have missed all the Kotlin only Jetpack libraries,
               | NDK documentation now using Kotlin, Jetpack libraries
               | originally released in Java now rewritten in Kotlin.
               | Also, Oracle's lawsuit against Google for copying Java
               | APIs.
               | pjmlp wrote:
               | This doesn't compute, because Kotlin is heavily dependent
               | on the Java ecosystem, regardless how Google screw up Sun
               | and the Java community with their Android Java.
               | sedatk wrote:
               | I still see it as a passive aggressive move for Google to
               | get back at Oracle. They can't back away from Java API
               | completely but they can hurt Oracle by discrediting Java
               | language.
             | Grimburger wrote:
             | As someone not familiar with android development, this is
             | somewhat confusing because I always thought Google was
             | pushing dart/flutter for mobile these days?
             | Or is it both at once?
               | jitl wrote:
               | Dart/Flutter is their React Native competitor. It's in
               | the same space as Xamarin - A secondary language and UI
               | toolkit who's selling point is rapid development for
               | multiple platforms.
               | Kotlin is to Java (on Android) as Swift is to Objective-C
               | (on Apple) - the successor primary platform language.
               | Grimburger wrote:
               | Thanks, that's a solid summary.
               | Feels like an environment that moves so quickly (to
               | someone like me anyway). Can barely keep up.
               | hota_mazi wrote:
               | Not sure where you got that impression from, the Android
               | team has never pushed, let alone mentioned, Dart/Flutter,
               | ever. All the Flutter advertising you hear is from the
               | Flutter team.
               | Kotlin and Java are the main languages supported on
               | Android.
               | charcircuit wrote:
               | From talking to a Googler the reason why Google devotes
               | resources to Kotlin is that there was and still is a
               | large external demand from the Android development
               | community for Kotlin.
               | pjmlp wrote:
               | Kotlin adoption was triggered from inside, with some
               | anti-Java attitude.
               | https://talkingkotlin.com/the-first-kotlin-commit-in-
               | android...
               | charcircuit wrote:
               | My information was from someone from the team working on
               | jetpack compose. So maybe the answer I was given comes
               | from a different context.
             | jitl wrote:
             | That poll pours a cold bucket of water on "fantastic
             | adoption" among all the respondents, but compare adoption
             | of Kotlin and Java releases after Kotlin's release. 1 in 6
             | respondents using language versions after 2016 are using
             | Kotlin. I don't think that's too shabby.
               | pjmlp wrote:
               | Java is still Java, regardless of the version, otherwise
               | we should add Kotlin versions to the discussion as well.
         | Tozen wrote:
         | Zig is not the only one. Other newer languages like Vlang,
         | Odin, Rust, Nim... offer strong C interop.
           | jonpalmisc wrote:
           | Can't speak about the others, but Rust's C interop is nothing
           | like Zig's, not to mention that Zig can also compile C.
         | kristoff_it wrote:
         | > I also wish we could rewrite everything in a modern language,
         | but the reality is that we can't and that if we could, it would
         | take a LONG time. The ability to start new projects, or extend
         | existing ones, with a modern and more ergonomic language--Zig--
         | and be able to seamlessly work with C is incredible.
         | That's the Maintain it With Zig approach :^)
         | https://kristoff.it/blog/maintain-it-with-zig/
           | mlinksva wrote:
           | Sounds compelling. Is there a list of projects following this
           | advice anywhere?
       | randyrand wrote:
       | Andrew how will the self hosted compiler maintain a known trust
       | back to assembly?
       | i.e how can someone look at a self hosted zig compiler and build
       | it themself from source, never needing to download blobs from the
       | internet?
       | Otherwise you lose the ability to trust anything you build.
         | kristoff_it wrote:
         | Checkout the video Andrew linked in this thread. He talks about
         | this in detail.
         | amscanne wrote:
         | Zig specifics aside... build it from source using _what_?
         | Another compiler. Okay, so you can compile that one from
         | source. But what does that? _Another_ compiler.
         | Unless you're recording memory contents and executing
         | instructions by hand, you've just discovered the Ken Thompson
         | hack. At some point the pragmatic thing is to trust some bits
         | from a trusted source (e.g. downloaded from an official repo w/
         | a known cert, etc.).
           | chakkepolja wrote:
           | See https://dwheeler.com/trusting-trust/
           | MichaelBurge wrote:
           | Rice's Theorem makes the Ken Thompson hack impossible in
           | general. He only executed his hack in a single short-term
           | demonstration against a specific target, but it's not
           | possible to make a "long-con" against an open-source project
           | with lots of activity and lots of people building it even if
           | you find a way to infect nearly all of those people.
           | randyrand wrote:
           | You just need 1 compiler written in assembly, and work your
           | way up from there.
           | C17 -> assembly of your choice, written in assembly
           | Zig -> C17 "transpiler", written in C17
             | drfuchs wrote:
             | Why do you trust the assembler you got from somewhere any
             | more than a compiler?
               | randyrand wrote:
               | Because hand written assembly is readable!
               | pjmlp wrote:
               | It might be, but have you also validated the microcode
               | executing it?
               | Or the Verilog/VHDL for the logic gates used by the CPU,
               | for that matter?
               | chongli wrote:
               | I believe GP used assembler to refer to the program which
               | reads your hand-written assembly and produces a binary.
               | That program was presumably given to you so you need to
               | trust it.
               | No, the only way to solve this problem is to start with a
               | computer entirely devoid of code and bit-bang your
               | assembler into the machine with switches, the way the
               | first users of the MITS Altair did it.
               | ByteJockey wrote:
               | You can also bootstrap the way lisp did and write the
               | fist compiler in the language and get a bunch of grad
               | students to hand-compile it.
               | But, yeah if you don't have a bunch of grad students at
               | the ready, an assembler hand-written in machine code is
               | the only option if you want to trust the entire stack.
               | Though I'm not sure what that would get you. I don't know
               | of any higher language compilers that are written
               | directly in assembly these days, so you'd never be able
               | to compile your C/C++ compiler.
               | chongli wrote:
               | There was a C compiler written in assembly posted on HN 4
               | years ago [1]!
               | So yeah, if you wanted to, you could bit-bang an
               | assembler capable of assembling a simple C compiler, then
               | in your simple subset of C you could implement a full C
               | compiler, and from there you can do anything you want!
               | The grad student approach also sounds interesting. A
               | basic Lisp interpreter can easily fit on a single letter-
               | sized sheet of paper. A single person could hand-compile
               | that, it would just take longer. But, if you're living
               | alone in a cabin in the woods with your own hand-built
               | computer and a personal library of computer books in hard
               | copy, that would be a totally feasible project.
               | [1] https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=17851311
               | ByteJockey wrote:
               | I wasn't aware that there were any existing C compilers
               | made in asm for modern architectures. I guess I shouldn't
               | be too surprised.
               | That's cool, thanks for showing me.
       | mhh__ wrote:
       | D has a C compiler built-in now, I wonder if we could bootstrap
       | all the toolchain now.
         | ByteJockey wrote:
         | Don't most toolchains have a rather large C++ component?
         | Just parsing C++ is a rather large undertaking (my
         | understanding is that it's syntax is turing complete).
           | mhh__ wrote:
           | So you start with a C++ compiler written in C. Hence
           | bootstrap, rather than compile from source.
             | ByteJockey wrote:
             | Oh, gotcha. Sorry, brain wasn't parsing right before the
             | coffee today.
       | cercatrova wrote:
       | I was thinking of learning Rust but it seems a bit overkill due
       | to manual memory management as compared to languages with similar
       | speed like Nim, Zig, and Crystal. How would one compare these
       | languages?
       | Is it worth learning Rust or Zig and dealing with the borrow
       | checker or manual memory management in general, or are GC
       | languages like Nim or Crystal good enough? I'm not doing any
       | embedded programming by the way, just interested in command line
       | apps and their speed as compared to, say, TypeScript, which is
       | what I usually write command line apps in.
         | sanxiyn wrote:
         | Zig uses manual memory management too (even more manual than
         | Rust), so that's a bit strange question.
           | cercatrova wrote:
           | Interesting, based on their code samples it looked to me like
           | a GC language since (at least from what I saw) I didn't see
           | anything regarding memory management.
             | sanxiyn wrote:
             | I am not sure what code samples you looked at, but
             | https://ziglearn.org/chapter-2/ should give you an idea.
             | elcritch wrote:
             | It's easy, IMHO, to mistake Zig as a GC'ed language or more
             | broadly as a memory safe systems language. It's neither but
             | it is a nicer C.
           | zigger69 wrote:
           | It's really easy in Zig to be honest. Just put `defer
           | thing.deinit()` in the right scope and you're done. You gain
           | explicitness and know exactly what's going on in your Code.
           | Everything is obvious. That's the reason Zig is so incredible
           | simple and easy to read. Zig also has a GPA that will tell
           | you about memory leaks or anything.
         | pizza234 wrote:
         | > or are GC languages like Nim or Crystal good enough?
         | Any programming language is good enough for their own use cases
         | :) It's a matter of understanding which the use cases are.
         | I'm a big Rust fan, but I nonetheless believe that the use
         | cases for programming languages with manual memory management
         | are comparatively small, in particular, since GC has been
         | improved a lot in the last decade.
         | For undecided people, I conventionally suggest Golang. Those
         | who at some point need deep control, will recognize it and
         | change accordingly.
         | fyzix wrote:
         | Nim strikes a great balance. No need for a low level language
         | for cli and general software. I liked crystal but the lack of
         | support on windows and lackluster dev experience made me stick
         | to Nim.
         | Nim also can double as a web language by transpiling to JS.
         | nicoburns wrote:
         | If you're doing things like command-line apps you'll probably
         | find Rust much easier to work with than Zig. You can write
         | high-level code that looks basically like TypeScript in Rust,
         | whereas Zig is more manual. Nim and Crystal are easier from a
         | language perspective, but they have much smaller ecosystems.
         | lijogdfljk wrote:
         | It's funny i came to Rust from Go, Python, NodeJS, etc after a
         | combined .. 15 years or so. I've been using Rust full time
         | (work & home) for ~2 years now.
         | Obviously i'm biased, but i quite enjoy it. I find i am more
         | efficient now than before, because it manages to give me the
         | ease of the "easier" languages quite often with a rich set of
         | tooling when i need to go deeper.
         | Personally i feel the concern over the borrow checker is way
         | overblown. 95% of the time the borrow checker is very simple.
         | The common worst case i experience is "oh, i'm borrowing all of
         | `foo` when i really want `foo.bar` - which is quite easily
         | solved by borrowing just the `.bar` in a higher scope.
         | The lifetime jazz is rarely even worth using when compared to
         | "easier" languages. Throw a reference count around the data and
         | you get similar behavior to that of them and you never had to
         | worry about a single lifetime. Same goes for clones/etc.
         | I often advocate this. For beginners to use the language like
         | it was a GC'd language. A clone or reference count is often not
         | a big deal and can significantly simplify your life. Then, when
         | you're deeper into the language you can test the waters of
         | lifetimes.
         | So yea. Your mileage will vary i'm sure. But i find Rust to be
         | closer to GC'd languages than actual manual languages, in UX at
         | least. You won't screw up and leak or introduce undefined
         | behavior, which is quite a big UX concern imo.
           | melony wrote:
           | The problem is that when lifetimes cause you problems, it can
           | force the entire feature development to stop until the
           | problem is fixed. There is no reasonable escape hatch or
           | alternative (clone doesn't always work).
             | klabb3 wrote:
             | +1. My programming style normally consists of trial-and-
             | error style prototyping for a couple of iterations, and
             | then later refining that into something that's solid and
             | robust. I find Rust's inofficial "prototyping mode"
             | difficult to combine with it's regular "production grade
             | mode" for practical purposes.
           | klabb3 wrote:
           | > Personally i feel the concern over the borrow checker is
           | way overblown. 95% of the time the borrow checker is very
           | simple.
           | I have been using Rust professionally as well and had a
           | different experience. For anything singlethreaded I agree
           | with you. For any asynchronous behavior, whether it's threads
           | or async or callbacks, the borrow checker gets very stubborn.
           | As a response, people just Arc-Mutex everything, at which
           | point you might as well have used a GC language and saved
           | yourself the headache.
           | However, enums with pattern matching and the trait system is
           | still unbeatable and I miss it in other languages.
           | capableweb wrote:
           | The perspective of someone who is learning Rust (but not
           | professionally) during the last few months. :
           | - The borrow checker is one of the easier parts of Rust to
           | grok, it's just as you say, not that complicated in the end.
           | - Traits are more annoying to understand and find in source
           | code when they can get added from anywhere, and suddenly you
           | code gets extra functionality, or it's missing the right one
           | unless you import the right crate but there is no "back-
           | reference" so you're not clear what crate the code actually
           | comes from.
           | - Crates/libraries are harder to grok with their
           | mod.rs/lib.rs files and whatnot, in order to structure your
           | application over many files.
           | - Macros are truly horrible in Rust, both to write and debug,
           | but then my only experience with macros are with Clojure,
           | where writing macros is basically just writing normal code
           | and works basically the same way
           | - Compilation times when you start using it for larger
           | projects tend to be kind of awful. Some crates makes this
           | even worse (like tauri, bevy) and you need to be careful on
           | what you add as some can have a dramatic impact on
           | compilation speed
           | - The async ecosystem is not as mature as it seems on first
           | look. I'm really looking forward to it all stabilizing in the
           | future. Some libraries support only sync code, others only
           | async but only via tokio, others using other async libraries.
           | Read somewhere that eventually it'll be possible to interop
           | between them, time will tell.
           | - Control flow with Option/Result and everything that comes
           | with it is surprisingly nice and something I'm replicating
           | when using other languages (mainly a Clojure developer by
           | day) now.
           | My development journey was PHP -> JavaScript -> Ruby ->
           | Golang -> Clojure with doing them all the capacity of
           | backend/frontend/infrastructure/everything in-between,
           | freelancing/consulting/working full-time at long term
           | companies, so take my perspective with that in mind. Rust
           | would be my first "low-level" language that I've used in
           | larger capacity.
           | bobajeff wrote:
           | That sounds like good advice. I'll keep that in mind next
           | time I attempt to use Rust on something.
         | pyjarrett wrote:
         | Ada is another option without a GC. I wrote a search tool for
         | large codebases with it (https://github.com/pyjarrett/septum),
         | and the easy and built-in tasking and pinning to CPUs allows
         | you to easily go wide if the problem you're solving supports
         | it.
         | There's very little allocation since it supports returning VLAs
         | (like strings) from functions via a secondary stack. Its Alire
         | tool does the toolchain install and provides package
         | management, so trying the language out is super easy. I've done
         | a few bindings to things in C with it, which is ridiculously
         | easy.
         | throwaway239i3j wrote:
         | Of the ones you mentioned, Zig is the only one that has
         | explicit memory management.
         | > Is it worth learning
         | Languages are easy to pick up once you understand fundamentals.
         | The borrow checker is intuitive if you have an understanding of
         | stack frames, heap/data segment, references, moved types,
         | shared memory.
         | You then should be asking "Is it worth using?", then evaluate
         | use cases.. pros/cons.. etc.
         | For CLI, Rust is likely the easiest given it's macros, but if
         | you struggle with the borrow checker then it won't be. You will
         | be fighting the compiler instead of developing something.
         | Depending what your CLI program is doing, you might want to
         | evaluate what libraries are available, how they handle I/O, and
         | parallelism.
         | JavaScript has incredibly easy and fast concurrent I/O thanks
         | to libuv and v8.
           | travisgriggs wrote:
           | >> Is it worth learning
           | > Languages are easy to pick up once you understand
           | fundamentals. The borrow checker is intuitive if you have an
           | understanding of stack frames, heap/data segment, references,
           | moved types, shared memory.
           | I see this sentiment often. In the last 10 years, I have come
           | up a level in raw C, learned Kotlin, Swift, Python,
           | Elixir/Erlang, and a smattering of JavaScript, all coming
           | from a background that included Fortran and Smalltalk.
           | My problem with the dialogue is what is meant by "learn." I
           | have architected, implemented, and maintain different
           | components of our products in all these languages currently.
           | I think that demonstrates I have "learned" these languages,
           | at least at this level of "picked up." But I can't write
           | Python the way Brett Canon does. Or Elixir the way Jose
           | Valium does. Or any of their peers. And in that regard I
           | still very much feel I have not "learned".
           | I spent a couple days playing with Zig a month or so ago. I
           | became familiar with the way it worked. I could spend another
           | month or so in that phase, and then could probably
           | comfortably accomplish things with it. But I don't think I'd
           | feel like I'd "learned" it.
           | It reminds me of my experience learning Norwegian. I lived in
           | Norway for 2 years and did my best to speak as much Norwegian
           | as I could. At six months I could definitely get by. At 13
           | months, as I embraced the northern dialect, I was beginning
           | to surprise Norwegians that I was from the states. I started
           | dreaming in Norwegian at some point after that. But even at
           | 24 months, able to carry on a fluid conversation, I realized
           | I still could "learn" the language better than I currently
           | knew it.
           | So I guess, it always seems there needs to be more context,
           | from both the asker and the answerer, when this "should I
           | learn X" discussion is had. Learning is not a merit badge.
         | mlindner wrote:
         | Memory has to be managed by something. The more decisions that
         | are made for you in how that happens the less flexibility there
         | is for certain situations.
           | cercatrova wrote:
           | Sure but my use cases would be stuff I'd normally write in
           | TypeScript or Python that already have garbage collection.
           | Like I said I'm not doing embedded programming so I don't
           | have too much of a need to manage memory.
           | My question could be further constrained then to be, is
           | learning Rust or Zig despite its manual memory management
           | worth it for applications that are normally already garbage
           | collected in their current implementations? Or are languages
           | like Nim and Crystal enough? Does Rust and Zig have other
           | benefits despite manual memory management?
             | adgjlsfhk1 wrote:
             | imo, most code can do just fine with GC. modern GCs can be
             | relatively low overhead even with guaranteed small pauses
             | (10ms). furthermore, most code that can't handle pauses can
             | be written to not allocate any memory (so GC can be
             | temporarily turned off). as such, the only two places where
             | you need manual allocation are for OS development, and hard
             | real time requirements.
               | Comevius wrote:
               | When tail latency (high-percentile latency) is important
               | GC is not a good choice. Wait-free (threads progress
               | independently) concurrent algorithms also need wait-free
               | memory reclamation with bounded memory usage to be able
               | to guarantee progress.
               | But most software are throughput-oriented.
               | pjmlp wrote:
               | Additionally, not all GCs are made alike, and languages
               | like D, F#, C#, Nim, Swift, among others, also offer
               | value types and manual memory management, if desired.
               | elcritch wrote:
               | Also Swift and Nim w/ ARC use reference counting, which
               | generally give much better latency and lower memory
               | overhead. Reference counting is part of the reason iOS
               | devices don't need as much RAM.
               | Nim's ARC system also doesn't use atomic or locks which
               | means it's runtime overhead is very low. I use it
               | successfully on embedded devices for microsecond timed
               | events with no large tail latencies.
               | pjmlp wrote:
               | Reference counting is a GC algorithm.
               | I wouldn't buy into much Apple marketing regarding its
               | performance though,
               | https://github.com/ixy-languages/ixy-languages
               | It makes sense in the context of tracing GC having been a
               | failure in Objective-C due to its C semantics, while
               | automating Cocoa's retain/release calls was much safer
               | approach. Swift naturally built on top of that due to
               | interoperability with Objective-C frameworks.
               | Nim has taken other optimizations into consideration,
               | however only in the new ORC implementation.
               | Still, all of them are much better than managing memory
               | manually.
               | elcritch wrote:
               | > I wouldn't buy into much Apple marketing regarding its
               | performance though,
               | I wouldn't make claims on Swifts overall performance, but
               | just it's memory usage (really Obj-Cs) and particularly
               | for GUI development. Java's GCs have always been very
               | memory hungry, usually to the tune of 2x. Same with .Net.
               | Though to be fair Go's and Erlang's GCs have much better
               | memory footprints. Erlang's actor model benefits it
               | there.
               | Agreed, they're all better than manual memory management.
             | MarcusE1W wrote:
             | The way you describe your use case I think you are fine
             | with a language with garbage collection like Nim (which has
             | has a syntax a bit like Python) or Crystal. I would also
             | throw Go in the ring or if you are interested to learn a
             | bit of functional programming then you also could look at
             | Ocaml.
             | Zig has no garbage collection btw, but makes it easier than
             | C to handle that. Another language without garbage
             | collection that helps a lot to avoid memory issues is Ada
             | (Looks a bit like Pascal). So there are alternatives to
             | Rust.
             | mlindner wrote:
             | Rust's memory management is "manual" but it feels automatic
             | for most uses.
         | Starlevel001 wrote:
         | [deleted]
         | jgillich wrote:
         | I've found that Go is not elegant enough for me and Rust is too
         | difficult to write (I started using Rust in 2015 and after
         | years of trying I eventually realized Rust doesn't make sense
         | for most apps), so I'm all in on Crystal. Despite not having
         | much prior Ruby experience, I absolutely love the language.
           | zozbot234 wrote:
           | Modern Rust is much more straightforward than it was in 2015.
           | It's effectively two different languages, albeit maintaining
           | backward compatibility (i.e. code written for Rust 1.0 should
           | still compile today, with proper edition settings).
           | pizza234 wrote:
           | Crystal doesn't have built-in support for parallelism, let
           | alone production-grade support. This is a significant lack
           | for a modern language.
           | For a language that is around 8 years old, this may be a
           | serious problem, since the surrounding ecosystem has been
           | probably written without parallelism in mind, and it may take
           | a very long time to be updated (if ever).
             | npn wrote:
             | > Crystal doesn't have built-in support for parallelism
             | They do, but it is hidden inside a compiler flag, if you
             | compile your prject with `Dpreview_mt` then it will come
             | with multi-threaded support. This has been an experimental
             | feature for a few year though, and there is not much
             | improvement since it first got introduced.
             | Personally I don't use crystal for this kind of feature,
             | and it runs stable enough when I use it for some cpu
             | intensive tasks when I rarely need it.
             | Crystal really shines when you need something that you
             | usually write a python/ruby script to do, especially for
             | tasks that run for hours. Converting some script from ruby
             | to crystal and run it in production mode typically reduce
             | the time consumed to 1/5 or even 1/10 of the original
             | depends on the job. As someone who have to read gigabytes
             | of text files regularly, Crystal is currently the best one
             | for the task.
             | The compilation time for released binary is something need
             | much improvement though. And I'm not sure if they can even
             | achieve incremental compilation.
               | sanxiyn wrote:
               | I use PyPy for such cases. Is Crystal better than PyPy?
               | npn wrote:
               | I think Crystal is better than Python in term of language
               | design. Unlike Ruby and Python that were way older,
               | crystal is relatively new, so they learned from other
               | languages mistake and try to improve it, result in a more
               | cleaner language.
               | For the cases mentioned, I think crystal is immensely
               | helpful: - Reading/writing files are easy, usually a
               | single method will give you the result you want. -
               | Working with directories are nice, things like
               | `Dir.mkdir_p`, `Dir.each_child`, `File.exists?`... all
               | existed to make your life easier. - Like ruby, you can
               | invoke shell command easily using backticks - There are
               | some useful libraries to for console app, like `colorize`
               | or `option_parser`. Crystal is a battery included
               | language, so the standard library is filled with useful
               | libraries. - Working with lists and hashmaps is a breeze,
               | since the Enumerable and Iterable modules are filled with
               | useful methods, mostly inspired from ruby land. -
               | Concurrent is built in, so you can trivially write
               | performant IO-bounded tasks like web crawlers.
               | For a project that made by a handful of people, I just
               | can't praise the dev team enough for making a language
               | this practical.
           | lijogdfljk wrote:
           | I second zozbot234's statement about it being far better than
           | it was in those days.
           | The language team has done a great job rounding rough edges,
           | and this next roadmap is slated for even more polishing. They
           | heavily prioritize dev experience which is why i think people
           | like myself (a GC'd language person historically) use and
           | love Rust so much.
         | phendrenad2 wrote:
         | I recommend C. Once you get the hang of it, it's as fast as
         | writing Rust code (and you don't have to think about borrow
         | checks).
           | cercatrova wrote:
           | Yeah, I sure _love_ debugging segfaults. I 've used C before
           | and it was cool to learn but I haven't used it since.
             | phendrenad2 wrote:
             | Once you've used C enough, you get the skill to avoid
             | writing segfaults, and when a segfault happens, they're a
             | lot easier to debug.
             | However, since you're just interested in writing a fast
             | command-line app, what about the JVM or .NET? Those have a
             | startup time issue, but once they're running they're very
             | fast, less than an order of magnitude slower than
             | C/Rust/Zig/etc.
         | zigger69 wrote:
         | Crystal: compilation speed is just too slow, sadly. Nim and
         | Zig: I'd definitely just go with Zig. It's an extremely simple
         | language, has no macros (but something much better than
         | macros), is explicit, and in the long run it's just going to be
         | worth it much more than Nim.
         | Tozen wrote:
         | Besides Rust and Zig, you might want to check out Vlang and
         | Odin, who are in the same category.
           | cercatrova wrote:
           | I remember reading a lot of controversy about V back when I
           | first heard about it so I decided not to look into it further
           | [0], but I'll take a look again. Odin looks interesting, Pony
           | does as well.
           | [0] https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=25511556
       | ledgerdev wrote:
       | I have been thinking about creating a little higher level
       | language that targets server side web assembly. Zig looks very
       | attractive, but concerned with how to handle things like strings
       | and datetimes.
       | How suitable is zig for such a task compared to say rust?
         | pacaro wrote:
         | I may be misunderstanding you, but it feels like strings and
         | datetimes are library related more than language related.
         | I know that higher level languages will have primitives that
         | aim to represent strings, but if you need to get into the weeds
         | with Unicode then you'll be leaning on a library regardless
           | ledgerdev wrote:
           | > I may be misunderstanding you, but it feels like strings
           | and datetimes are library related more than language related.
           | Yes would agree and see them as platform related. It's just
           | too large a task to create from scratch. Like say on JVM you
           | can compile to bytecode and have strings already built into
           | platform, and java.time, and ability to access an ecosystem
           | of libraries.
           | With zig could one could use c or rust libraries?
       | Shadonototra wrote:
       | Best alternative to C, built with solid foundation to ensure fast
       | compile speed, fast iteration, and easy to maintain code
         | mlindner wrote:
         | I don't understand why people want fast compile speeds so much.
         | My day job is/was writing C on something that requires 30+
         | minutes for one compilation run. It feels like people want fast
         | compilation speeds because they need to keep running their
         | software for some reason.
         | Fast compilation speeds are a nice to have but basically
         | irrelevant for normal developing of software in my experience.
           | Comevius wrote:
           | Hot code reloading is nice to have, but incremental
           | compilation is essential. Your compiler has forsaken you if
           | you have to wait 30 minutes for changes to compile.
           | hu3 wrote:
           | Sorry I may have missed the sarcasm.
           | Your day job project takes half an hour to compile and you
           | don't see the point in speeding that up?
             | mlindner wrote:
             | It wasn't sarcasm. My "irrelevant" point meant "it's
             | irrelevant for a factor in picking a language", as in "it
             | doesn't significantly contribute to whether a project is
             | possible in the long term".
             | If compile times are longer you just compile less often and
             | write larger portions of code at a time and you generally
             | keep writing code while it compiles.
             | sanxiyn wrote:
             | GP did say it is a nice to have.
               | hu3 wrote:
               | But also said that it's basically irrelevant. Hence my
               | confusion.
           | kortex wrote:
           | The longer the delay between writing some chunk of code, and
           | executing it, the more valuable mental context is lost. I
           | find it way more productive to work in small chunks
           | iteratively, testing as I go along, rather than writing for a
           | long chunk of time, then running tests and figuring out what
           | bugs are making tests fail.
             | mlindner wrote:
             | I only compile a couple of times per day max usually.
             | Sometimes I won't compile at all in a day.
           | chrisseaton wrote:
           | Developers have to wait while your compiler runs. You're
           | paying your compiler at your engineer hourly rate, if you
           | like. That's very expensive!
           | jgod wrote:
           | Faster feedback loop is a much better development experience.
       | diosito wrote:
       | gautamcgoel wrote:
       | Quick question, which maybe someone here can answer: I noticed
       | that GitHub supports syntax highlighting in the Zig repo. How
       | does that work for a new language such as Zig? Can you somehow
       | upload a file which tells GitHub how you'd like programs written
       | in your language to be displayed?
         | aeldidi wrote:
         | I believe this is the syntax highlighter's repo:
         | https://github.com/github/linguist/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING....
           | gautamcgoel wrote:
           | Thanks, this is what I was wondering! Seems a new language
           | needs to have 200 repos which use it before GitHub will
           | consider adding syntax highlighting for it..
         | [deleted]
       | diosito wrote:
       | spicybright wrote:
       | A big achievement for any decently sized language. Nice work devs
       | :)
       | Shoop wrote:
       | For reference:
       | Tracking issue for overall progress on the self-hosted compiler:
       | https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/89
       | Zig's New Relationship with LLVM: https://kristoff.it/blog/zig-
       | new-relationship-llvm/
       | AndyKelley wrote:
       | Hello HN! Here is some context to decorate this announcement:
       | The Zig self-hosted compiler codebase consists of 197,549 lines
       | of code.
       | There are several different backends, each at varying levels of
       | completion. Here is how many behavior tests are passing:
       | LLVM: 1101/1138 (97%)            WASM:  919/1138 (81%)
       | C:  740/1138 (65%)          x86_64:  725/1138 (64%)
       | arm:  490/1138 (43%)         aarch64:  411/1138 (36%)
       | As you might guess, the one that this milestone is celebrating is
       | the LLVM backend, which is now able to compile the compiler
       | itself, despite 3% of the behavior tests not yet passing.
       | The new compiler codebase, which is written in Zig instead of
       | C++, uses significantly less memory, and represents a modest
       | performance improvement. There are 5 more upcoming compiler
       | milestones which will have a more significant impact on
       | compilation speed. I talked about this in detail last weekend at
       | the Zig meetup in Milan, Italy[1].
       | There are 3 main things needed before we can ship this new
       | compiler to everyone.
       | 1. bug fixes
       | 2. improved compile errors
       | 3. implement the remaining runtime safety checks
       | If you're looking forward to giving it a spin, subscribe to [this
       | issue](https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/89) to be notified
       | when it is landed in master branch.
       | Edit: The talk recording about upcoming compiler milestones is
       | uploaded now [1]
       | [1]: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AqDdWEiSwMM
         | dleslie wrote:
         | Happy to see the C backend coming along. LLVM is a major
         | barrier to use on esoteric embedded devices.
           | sitkack wrote:
           | You can also target C through Wasm.
           | https://github.com/WebAssembly/wabt/tree/main/wasm2c
             | exikyut wrote:
             | My genuine question is what sort of code-size and/or
             | performance impact the translation imposes.
             | The simple example in the README.md seems straightforward
             | enough, but I wonder if there are any pathological
             | explosions in practice.
         | geophertz wrote:
         | > written in Zig instead of C++, uses significantly less
         | memory, and represents a modest performance improvement
         | That's particularly interesting considering the rust compiler
         | in rust has never been as fast as the original OCaml one
           | sanxiyn wrote:
           | Well, OCaml Rust compiler also didn't use LLVM and used its
           | own lightweight code generator and I think self-hosted Rust
           | compiler frontend was in fact faster than OCaml Rust compiler
           | frontend.
             | parentheses wrote:
             | With both projects, how much of the improvement is simply
             | building for the second time?
               | sanxiyn wrote:
               | For Rust, I think improvement was almost entirely due to
               | LLVM producing faster code. That's not applicable to Zig
               | case, since both old and new compiler use LLVM. I don't
               | know enough about Zig to answer.
           | kibwen wrote:
           | The original OCaml compiler didn't have essentially any of
           | the static analysis that Rust would eventually be known for.
           | Rust in 2011 (when rustc bootstrapped) was dramatically
           | different from what would later stabilize in 2015.
           | est31 wrote:
           | I wonder how much this statement still holds. I've never used
           | the OCaml bootstrap compiler but performance wise, the rust
           | compiler has improved incredibly since the 1.0 release.
             | sanxiyn wrote:
             | An apple to apple comparison is impossible because rustboot
             | compiled a very different language. But I suspect suitably
             | updated rustboot would be still faster because compilation
             | time is dominated by LLVM.
               | pcwalton wrote:
               | Rustboot's code generator was generally slower than LLVM.
               | I think in some small test cases it might have been
               | faster, but when implementing stuff like structure copies
               | rustboot's codegen was horrendously slow because it would
               | overload the register allocator.
           | pcwalton wrote:
           | Huh? That's not true at all. It took over 30 minutes to
           | compile the self-hosted Rust compiler with the OCaml
           | compiler, when rustc was far smaller than it is today.
           | rustboot was agonizingly slow, and one of the main reasons
           | why I was so anxious to switch to rustc back in those days
           | was compilation speed.
           | I was there and had to suffer through this more than
           | virtually anyone else :)
         | einpoklum wrote:
         | * What kind of tests are these "behavior test"?
         | * Is that a list of compilation targets?
         | * If not all behavior tests pass, does that not mean that the
         | compiler fails to compile programs correctly?
         | Please indulge those of us who are not familiar with self-
         | hosting compiler engineering.
           | Spex_guy wrote:
           | > What kind of tests are these "behavior test"?
           | Snippets of zig code that use language features and then make
           | sure those features did the right thing. You can find them
           | here:
           | https://github.com/ziglang/zig/tree/master/test/behavior
           | > Is that a list of compilation targets?
           | Mostly. Pedantically, it's a list of code generation
           | backends, each of which may have multiple compilation
           | targets. So for example the LLVM backend can target many
           | architectures. The ones that are architecture specific are
           | currently debug-only and cannot do optimization.
           | > If not all behavior tests pass, does that not mean that the
           | compiler fails to compile programs correctly?
           | Some tests are not passing because they cause an incorrect
           | compile error, others compile but have incorrect behavior
           | (miscompilation). Don't use Zig in production yet ;)
           | (edit: fix formatting)
         | icsa wrote:
         | > uses significantly less memory, and represents a modest
         | performance improvement.
         | The reduced memory has significant value. Being able to do the
         | same build on less expensive hardware or do more with the same
         | hardware is a significant financial performance improvement
           | joshbaptiste wrote:
           | yup 18x memory reduction improvement 8.5GB -> 0.5GB according
           | to the vid..
         | riffraff wrote:
         | it's so surprising to hear there was a Zig Meetup in Milan, I'd
         | not expect a large enough community to exist there, pretty
         | cool!
           | vanderZwan wrote:
           | Probably a significant chunk of the larger European community
           | was represented there too - don't forget that traveling to EU
           | countries is relatively easy for EU citizens
         | erwincoumans wrote:
         | Congratulations with the milestone!
         | Does using Zig over C++ lead to "less memory, and represents a
         | modest performance"? Or was the C++ implementation a bit
         | sloppy? (lacking data oriented design for instance)
         | Also, what specifically are you most excited using Zig for?
           | AndyKelley wrote:
           | Thanks :)
           | The new Zig implementation is certainly more well designed
           | than the C++ implementation, for several reasons:
           | * It's the second implementation of the language
           | * It did not have to survive as much evolution and language
           | churn
           | * I leveled up as a programmer over the last 7 years
           | * The Zig language safety and debugging features make it
           | possible to do things I would never dream of attempting in
           | C++ for fear of footguns. A lot of the data-oriented design
           | stuff, for example, makes use of untagged unions, which are
           | nightmarish to debug in C++ but trivial in Zig. In C++,
           | accessing the wrong union field means you later end up trying
           | to figure out where your memory became corrupted; in Zig it
           | immediately crashes with a stack trace. This is just one
           | example.
           | * Zig makes certain data structures comfortable and ergonomic
           | such as MultiArrayList. In C++ it's too hard, you end up
           | making performance compromises to keep your sanity.
           | Generally, I would say that C++ and Zig are in the same
           | performance ballbark, but my (obviously biased) position is
           | that the Zig language guides you away from bad habits where
           | as C++ encourages them (such as smart pointers and reference
           | counting).
           | As for less memory, I think this is simply a clear win for
           | Zig. No other modern languages compete with the tiny memory
           | footprints of Zig software.
           | Some of the projects I am exited to use Zig for:
           | * rewriting Groove Basin (a music player server) in zig and
           | adding more features
           | * a local multiplayer arcade game that runs bare metal on a
           | raspberry pi
           | * a Digital Audio Workstation
             | Karliss wrote:
             | Can you clarify about the union part? Did you meant that
             | zig allowed you replacing what would be untagged union in
             | C++ with tagged union in zig? Or does the zig compiler has
             | some kind of debug sanitizer mode which automatically turns
             | untagged unions into tagged unions with checks?
               | dralley wrote:
               | In the past they've talked about the speed and memory
               | improvements they've gotten from using MultiArrayList in
               | the compiler, storing tags separately from the unions
               | themselves. If you have a union with a size of 16 bytes
               | and you add a tag to that which is 1 byte, a lot of space
               | is wasted due to padding. If you keep the tags in a
               | separate array, both arrays are individually densely
               | packed. Less memory wasted due to padding == less memory
               | use overall and better utilization of cache.
               | But in terms of the implementation, this means working
               | with untagged unions, because the tags are maintained
               | externally.
             | abbeyj wrote:
             | If the union is untagged, how can it be determined (at
             | runtime) that you've accessed the wrong field?
               | Spex_guy wrote:
               | The compiler adds a tag in debug modes, but not in
               | release modes.
             | elcritch wrote:
             | Impressive work getting Zig self-hosting. However:
             | > As for less memory, I think this is simply a clear win
             | for Zig. No other modern languages compete with the tiny
             | memory footprints of Zig software.
             | Is not true at all. There are several other modern
             | languages that compete with Zig for small memory
             | footprints.
               | geodel wrote:
               | Would you tell about those languages or they are left as
               | an exercise to readers?
               | elcritch wrote:
               | Sort of left it to the readers and hopefully encourage
               | people to investigate for themselves. It's far too easy
               | to get into "this benchmark vs this benchmark", etc.
               | Memory usage is overall a complicated topic, which I
               | think Andrew's comment doesn't do justice to. Granted the
               | Zig team has done some impressive work, much of the
               | memory usage & bloat in the C++ world comes from real
               | world programs and libraries and the inevitable drift in
               | program architecture over time.
               | However, I could believe Zig's stdlib and culture
               | encourages low memory footprints, but there isn't
               | anything novel in the language that makes it inherently
               | lower memory footprint. Though to name a few languages
               | I'd say that can be directly comparable are Rust, D (esp.
               | BetterC mode), and Nim. Even Julia & Go in the right
               | context. Though honestly I often prefer wasting a few
               | hundred bytes of RAM here and there, even on a
               | microcontroller, for pure convenience.
               | edit: forgot Odin. Another comment mentioned it, though
               | I've never used it. It looks like it's used in
               | production.
             | maleldil wrote:
             | Thanks for the detailed answer! I have more questions, if
             | you'll indulge me:
             | If I understood it correctly, you think smart pointers and
             | reference counting are bad habits. Why? Especially the
             | smart pointers bit.
             | Why does Zig use less memory than other languages? Is it
             | inherent to Zig, or can it be reproduced in other
             | languages?
               | lupire wrote:
               | I think Zig prefers explicit memory management, because
               | allocations may fail and should be handled explicitly,
               | and because automatic deallocations lead to hard-to-
               | predict lifetimes (excess memory usage, and bugs for
               | resource handles that are destructed at hard to predict
               | moments).
               | These are things that a "systems language" programmer
               | should put in the work to do correctly/near-optimally,
               | and not ask the compiler to just do something "good
               | enough", like Python would.
               | pjmlp wrote:
               | And as we know from C, every developer is quite capable
               | of taking care of use after free possible bugs.
               | messe wrote:
               | The general purpose allocator in the zig standard library
               | has protections against use after free bugs.
               | pcwalton wrote:
               | By quarantining all memory forever. This is not a
               | scalable solution because keeping one allocation in a 4kB
               | page alive will leak the whole rest of the page. And if
               | you don't quarantine all memory forever then use after
               | free comes back. If it were that easy to solve UAF then
               | C++ would have solved it by now.
               | There _is_ a scalable solution for UAF that doesn 't
               | involve introducing a lifetime/region system: garbage
               | collection. Of course, that comes with its own set of
               | tradeoffs.
               | AndyKelley wrote:
               | The problem of a single allocation keeping a 4 KB page
               | alive is something that you might commonly find with the
               | C++ or Rust way of programming that encourages allocating
               | many individual objects on the heap, but in Zig land this
               | is pretty rare. In fact, compare a Zig implementation of
               | a given application with an equivalent in any other
               | language and you will find there is no contest with
               | respect to the size of the memory footprint.
               | There are many cool possibilities that C++ has never
               | explored and frankly I find your argument unimaginative.
               | pjmlp wrote:
               | Just like C and C++ debugging allocators, so what is the
               | improvement here?
               | Comevius wrote:
               | The point of C and Zig is that you can solve any kind of
               | problems with them. In particular there is much more to
               | memory reclamation than garbage collectors or Rust's
               | borrow checker. Some of the reclamation schemes offer
               | wait-freedom, or efficiently support linearizable
               | operations.
               | maleldil wrote:
               | What can C and Zig do that Rust can't?
               | politician wrote:
               | This is kind of a trick question because they are all
               | Turing Complete, but so is Assembly. The best way to
               | interpret your question, then, is not "what is possible"
               | but rather "what is simple to express correctly" and
               | "what is simple to get correct eventually". Those are
               | questions about how tricky it is to get something to
               | compile in the language and which tools exist to help
               | determine whether a compiled program does what's expected
               | and does not do what's not expected.
               | Comevius wrote:
               | Nothing if unsafe Rust is considered, though Zig does not
               | require you to fight the language nearly as much. This is
               | especially obvious with embedded. Zig's philosophy of no
               | hidden control flow or allocation makes things simple.
               | Simplicity is power.
               | For certain problems you would want a TLA+ specification
               | for safety and especially liveness either way. It's not
               | like Rust absolutely guarantees correctness in all cases.
               | Rust sits in a sweet spot between C/Zig and languages
               | like Java, but it's not an appropriate replacement for
               | either of them.
               | pjmlp wrote:
               | Any kind of problem?
               | So how do you solve SIMD with C, without language
               | extensions?
               | C is not a special snowflake.
               | turminal wrote:
               | Are there languages that "solve" SIMD?
               | pjmlp wrote:
               | ISPC for one.
               | https://ispc.github.io/
               | Comevius wrote:
               | SIMD is not a problem, it's hardware. Compilers tend to
               | take advantage of the CPU-specific SIMD registers and
               | instructions, or you can use them explicitly.
               | Writing generic SIMD code is more portable. C has
               | libraries, and Zig also has vector primitives available
               | through built-in functions.
               | pjmlp wrote:
               | Any language can have libraries, C is not special here,
               | nor is Zig.
               | In fact, a few GC enabled languages have explicit SIMD
               | support.
               | coder543 wrote:
               | > because automatic deallocations lead to hard-to-predict
               | lifetimes (excess memory usage, and bugs for resource
               | handles that are destructed at hard to predict moments).
               | I don't really feel this is the case in Rust.
               | throwawayzr wrote:
               | varajelle wrote:
               | But it is. If you have a String on the stack, it's memory
               | is only reclaimed at the end of the scope, while it often
               | could be free'd before. This is especially bad in async
               | code around await point since it means the memory need to
               | be kept alive more than needed.
               | coder543 wrote:
               | I disagree. It is substantially and unequivocally better
               | to hold onto memory until the end of scope than to leak
               | memory by default. How can anyone argue that leaking
               | memory is a better default? That's a ticking time bomb.
               | Maybe someone is so optimistic as to believe they'll
               | catch every leak before shipping new code?
               | You can easily add a manual "drop" call in Rust at any
               | point if you want to force an allocation to be freed
               | sooner, but I speak from years of experience using Rust
               | for work when I say that Rust's RAII model is not
               | problematic in practice. I'm not simply speculating or
               | theorizing, and I have professional experience with a
               | variety of languages at all levels of the stack. I
               | personally don't mind garbage collectors most of the
               | time, but Rust is great when you need more control.
               | In C++, RAII can absolutely be problematic because you
               | are able to easily do things that cause undefined
               | behavior _by accident_ , which is arguably worse than
               | either leaking by default or the mere act of holding onto
               | memory for the duration of a scope.
               | If you can propose a system which cannot be contrived to
               | have any downside, that would be fantastic! In the real
               | world, Rust's approach to memory management is extremely
               | pragmatic and beneficial. I'm sure someone will
               | eventually improve on Rust's approach, but "leak by
               | default" isn't it.
               | I honestly do enjoy following Zig... it is a fascinating
               | language taking a really interesting approach to solving
               | many problems, but its memory safety story is not where I
               | want it to be yet. Leaking memory by default is
               | technically safe, but it's not exactly endearing.
               | varajelle wrote:
               | Of course you can call drop() manually, but almost nobody
               | does or even think about it because that's not the way
               | you program in a language with RAII.
               | Don't get me wrong. I do think that rust and c++ RAII is
               | much more convenient and safe than the C or Zig way.
               | (I'd even prefer if you could annotate given struct in
               | rust so the compiler could drop them as soon as it's no
               | longer used, but that s not that simple)
               | coder543 wrote:
               | I definitely wish that Non-Lexical Lifetimes would
               | eagerly drop anything that doesn't implement Drop.
               | It would probably be a breaking change to automatically
               | call an explicit Drop implementation anywhere other than
               | the end of the current scope, so I think that would have
               | to be left as-is. String doesn't implement Drop, so it
               | could easily be dropped eagerly within the scope as soon
               | as it won't be referenced again. Such a change would be
               | roughly equivalent to any of the compiler optimizations
               | that reorder statements in ways that should be
               | unobservable.
               | guidoism wrote:
               | I've recently been writing personal code that leaks like
               | a sieve. It's just not worth my time to find every leak
               | when the lifetime of the process is finite and short and
               | it will only ever run on a machine with gigs of memory. I
               | haven't thought through your question enough but maybe a
               | situation where memory usage would be super high if
               | waiting until the end of scope? I'm probably trying to
               | hard to come up with a situation but I have a gut feeling
               | that freeing mid scope is important under certain
               | circumstances to keep the code simple and understandable.
               | charcircuit wrote:
               | The lifetime of the memory a smart pointer manages is
               | very predictable. It will have the same lifetime as the
               | smart pointer itself (this is ignoring moves).
               | RustyConsul wrote:
               | I think what he's saying is there is a way to carelessly
               | use smart pointers in rust.
               | pub enum List { Empty, Elem(i32, Box<List>), }
               | instead of :
               | pub struct List { head: Link, }
               | enum Link { Empty, Some(Box<Node>), }
               | struct Node { elem: i32, next: Link, }
             | erwincoumans wrote:
             | Great, thanks for those details! I primarily develop using
             | C++ and avoiding pitfalls (smart pointers, exceptions,
             | unintended memory allocations) takes a lot of effort.
             | I enjoy synthesizers (including Eurorack) and looking
             | forward playing with a Zig DAW!
             | jchw wrote:
             | > * a Digital Audio Workstation
             | Woah.
             | A little bit ago I went to write a little tool that mucked
             | with the FL Studio FLP format. It was easy enough to guess
             | out the bits that I cared about, so I pretty much just did
             | that using a couple quick projects with specific things in
             | them. However, I did check to see if anyone else had mucked
             | around with the FLP format, and couldn't help but notice
             | your name. Was pretty surprised as a very curious onlooker
             | to the Zig programming language. You certainly seem to get
             | around :)
             | That's a little tangential, but I guess I mention it
             | because I was actually wondering if this was ever something
             | you planned on doing given the fact that it was clear you
             | had dabbled with DAW stuff (forgive me for not knowing if
             | you have a more rich connection to music production than
             | just that; I never bothered to check.)
             | A DAW in Zig sounds like a kick-ass idea. I tried to write
             | a sort-of DAW toy with friends in Rust and it was a lot of
             | fun even if it mostly made me realize how challenging it
             | could be. (And also how bad at math I am. It took me so
             | much effort to feel like I could understand FFTs enough to
             | actually _implement_ them.) It makes me wonder if your Zig
             | DAW would be open source? It would be a fun project to
             | attempt to contribute to, if or when it ever came to
             | fruition.
             | Exciting stuff. Congrats on the Zig milestone.
             | jcpst wrote:
             | Thanks for all the context. Curious to know more about the
             | concept/design of the DAW.
               | aaaaaaaaata wrote:
               | Seconded.
         | carapace wrote:
         | Congratulations!
       | [deleted]
       | riffic wrote:
       | Take off every 'ZIG'!!
       | edit: all your base are belong to us
       | mindwok wrote:
       | I've spent the last few weeks building an 8080 emulator in Zig to
       | learn both emulator programming and the language. Gotta say, it's
       | been a pretty pleasant experience. My only issue was with dynamic
       | dispatch, which lead me down quite a rabbit hole which I didn't
       | ever fully come out of. Seems that the current situation is build
       | your own using compiler functions and pointer casts.
       (page generated 2022-04-16 23:00 UTC)