[HN Gopher] Podman Desktop Companion GUI - Parity on All Major O...
       Podman Desktop Companion GUI - Parity on All Major Operating
       Author : istoica
       Score  : 92 points
       Date   : 2022-04-16 19:45 UTC (3 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (iongion.github.io)
 (TXT) w3m dump (iongion.github.io)
       | kelvie wrote:
       | Anyone know if podman has an equivalent to `docker buildx` yet?
       | Right now I use docker a lot to build arm images to deploy on
       | e.g. Raspberry Pis.
         | candiddevmike wrote:
         | Somewhat related, do all registries support pushing multi arch
         | builds? DockerHub works, but I can't get it to work with GitHub
         | registries.
         | zamalek wrote:
         | You have to explicitly invoke buildah bud with --arch and
         | --manifest. You can then push the manifest with podman. There
         | is slightly less magic, which is a HUGE advantage if you
         | operate outside of the hairline Docker happy path.
       | istoica wrote:
       | This release features
       | - First binary for Windows, all due to amazing work of podman
       | team
       | - https://github.com/containers/podman/releases/tag/v4.0.3
       | - First test flatpak image
       | - Binaries for ARM
       | - On Linux, easily switching between native podman and podman
       | machine based setups
       | - Easily identify where settings are stored
       | - Debug panel and log level control to know everything that is
       | happening
       | - Optimization of settings screen
       | - Toggle for automatically starting the podman service
       | RegnisGnaw wrote:
       | Is there WSL2 integration?
       | joshmarinacci wrote:
       | Would this work for graphical applications? For example, could I
       | make a container and run a linux game under X or Wayland on my
       | Mac?
         | todd3834 wrote:
         | I think this is more like a docker container management system
         | like Docker for Mac vs a VM
       | iFire wrote:
       | Also in the same space is https://rancherdesktop.io/.
         | [deleted]
         | traceroute66 wrote:
         | > Also in the same space is https://rancherdesktop.io/.
         | Am not familiar with Rancher Desktop, but briefly looking at
         | their website it has a Docker CLI dependency which surely would
         | land it in the Docker licensing controversy space, no ?
           | raesene9 wrote:
           | Docker CLI and Docker engine are open source :) Docker
           | Desktop for Windows/Mac are not. So as long as the dependency
           | is on the open source components, AFAIK they'd be fine.
           | k8sToGo wrote:
           | What controversy? It is a replacement for docker Desktop
           | which turned from free to payware for commercial use.
           | Docker cli is still fair game.
       | metadat wrote:
       | Is the Podman CLI both command-compatible and flag-compatible
       | with the Docker CLI?
       | If it is, or if there were a command translation layer to
       | transform docker cli stanzas to the podman equivalent, I'd love
       | to dump and forget about docker forever.
       | Please keep pushing Team Podman! Self-respecting nerds everywhere
       | are rooting for (and counting on) you!
         | buzzert wrote:
         | It is! At least 99%, in my experience. The one big difference
         | is that Podman is "daemonless", which is actually a huge
         | advantage in a lot of cases. The one downside is that it won't
         | automatically restart your containers if your host machine
         | reboots.
           | born2discover wrote:
           | For that Podman provides a nifty little trick: `podman
           | generate systemd`[0] which allows you to generate systemd
           | unit files for your pods and/or containers.
           | Once generated and enabled, your pods/containers act as
           | systemd services that can be started, stopped etc.
           | [0]: https://docs.podman.io/en/latest/markdown/podman-
           | generate-sy...
       | yuuta wrote:
       | machinekob wrote:
       | So question from novice in containers, podman vs docker why
       | should i consider switching from docker?
         | ByteJockey wrote:
         | The main use case right now is that your company won't spring
         | for a docker desktop license (and you work in a windows/mac
         | shop).
         | It works well enough for single docker images, but I've never
         | gotten it to work well with a complicated docker-compose set-up
         | (I haven't tried in a couple months though, so go check the
         | docs before you write it off).
           | user3939382 wrote:
           | The macOS Docker Desktop app (I haven't experienced other
           | versions) is free and works fine. The paid upgrade is only
           | required for certain features that I would imagine many teams
           | don't need.
           | My complaint with it is that I'd prefer if there was a 100%
           | feature-parity CLI interface so it could run in the
           | background, and that it should be open source.
           | To have a low-level developer tool that's required to be in
           | my menubar and administered through a closed-source GUI is
           | IMHO an insane departure from web software development norms.
           | I use lazydocker for now but it should be an official utility
           | that replaces the GUI app.
             | matsemann wrote:
             | If the company is of a certain size, Docker Desktop is no
             | longer free. As in, it's free to install and use, but your
             | company is supposed to pay a license.
             | jffry wrote:
             | Docker Desktop is now only free "for small businesses
             | (fewer than 250 employees AND less than $10 million in
             | annual revenue), personal use, education, and non-
             | commercial open source projects." per
             | https://www.docker.com/products/docker-desktop/
             | desiderantes wrote:
             | It's not free if you're in a decently sized company, that's
             | the whole point of the Docker controversy.
           | awild wrote:
           | It depends on how complex your usecase is, but using pods and
           | just scripting your containers' composition isn't such a
           | hassle in podman.
         | alar44 wrote:
         | You shouldn't.
           | mkdirp wrote:
           | Why not?
           | Podman has an almost identical CLI to Docker, and can have a
           | daemon that is fully Docker compatible (thus, all Docker
           | integrations work against it including docker-compose). It is
           | literally a drop-in replacement but it doesn't require your
           | company to buy licenses. So yes, you should if you can.
             | mindwok wrote:
             | Podman doesn't have a daemon, it has a socket that will
             | replicate the docker API. That comes with some limitations,
             | especially around the lifecycle of containers in ie
             | starting containers on boot, restarting unhealthy
             | containers etc which require you to use systemd. Podman's
             | integration with systemd is pretty easy now though.
         | sigg3 wrote:
         | I'm not going to attest for accuracy on the statement, but from
         | my RHCSA training I recall that docker runs as a daemon, while
         | podman runs containers in separate processes; so it should be
         | easier to avoid lockup/blocking.
         | qbasic_forever wrote:
         | Docker is under a commercial license and if you use it at a
         | company or work you need to now pay $5 a person a month:
         | https://www.docker.com/pricing/
         | This changed in the last year, previously docker was free to
         | use personally or at non enterprise scale work/office.
           | k8sToGo wrote:
           | Isn't that only docker desktop? AFAIK docker cli and docker
           | daemon are still free.
             | qbasic_forever wrote:
             | Yeah, but there's no release of docker daemon for mac or
             | windows. You have to run a linux VM and install and use it
             | there. Docker desktop basically wraps that VM process up
             | into a little gui app. If you're willing to do it yourself
             | then yeah a simple virtualbox VM can run docker without
             | issues or license fees.
         | timost wrote:
         | A few elements to inform the decision:
         | - Both docker and podman support rootless containers.
         | - Rootless podman setup is easier to achieve from experience
         | and it integrates well enough with systemd.
         | - Docker requires a daemon to run at all times whereas podman
         | doesn't.
         | - A lot of interesting things are going on with podman
         | ("native" gitlab-runner executor in the works, wsl2 support,
         | among other things)
           | formerly_proven wrote:
           | podman indeed has many interesting features, but those
           | features tend to have interesting bugs and limitations as
           | well.
           | eberkund wrote:
           | Doesn't Docker already support WSL2? Or is there something
           | different about Podman's WSL2 support which makes it
           | better/different than/from Docker's?
       (page generated 2022-04-16 23:00 UTC)