[HN Gopher] Rooms and mazes: A procedural dungeon generator (2014)
       Rooms and mazes: A procedural dungeon generator (2014)
       Author : probabletrain
       Score  : 113 points
       Date   : 2022-04-20 13:48 UTC (9 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (journal.stuffwithstuff.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (journal.stuffwithstuff.com)
       | wintermutestwin wrote:
       | Interesting to have the explanations of how it is built and the
       | code, but the end results pale in comparison to this amazing tool
       | which I frequently use in my D&D campaigns:
       | https://watabou.itch.io/one-page-dungeon
       | Other interesting generators here as well:
       | https://watabou.itch.io/
       | And this prior discussion is full of great links:
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=30338074
         | Minor49er wrote:
         | Someone in the comments for One Page Dungeon pointed out that
         | someone has been using it to generate books and sell them on
         | Amazon without crediting or giving anything back to the code's
         | author. While it doesn't violate the license, it's sad to see.
           | gernb wrote:
           | Is it sad? I recently put up a game with MIT license. The
           | game IMO is pretty fun. I didn't need to write this in the
           | README but just to be clear I wrote "You're free to ship this
           | in a commercial app". I intentionally made it MITed. I know
           | the reprocussions. If someone has the initiative to make a
           | commerical product from it good for them. I'm too lazy which
           | is exactly why I just posted it to github and MITed it.
             | Minor49er wrote:
             | I think it's sad because credit should be given where
             | credit is due
       | tunesmith wrote:
       | I've recently gotten back into first edition D&D (AD&D) and had
       | overlooked for years that there's a whole dungeon generation
       | "algorithm" in the back of the book. I've started to use it to
       | play "solitaire", which I've learned is a fairly popular thing to
       | do for old DMs that enjoy practicing their DM skills (you roll up
       | your own group and pretend they're making their own choices).
       | What's fun about it is that the dungeons it generates are crazy.
       | Diagonal passageways, varying passage widths, stairways that
       | might go down multiple levels and then come back up, rooms that
       | are only accessible by traveling to other levels temporarily,
       | etc.
       | The other thing that is interesting is that the order of
       | generation is based off the party's choice of what door/passage
       | to explore next, so it's very much intended to be generated
       | during actual play.
       | I've thought more than once it would be fun to work up a tool to
       | generate that dungeon on demand, to just press a button each time
       | a choice is made and then watch it animate.
         | cableshaft wrote:
         | You might be interested in "Four Against the Darkness". It's a
         | solo pen and paper dungeon crawler with dungeon generation. You
         | just need to get a couple of paperbacks to play.
         | https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/197097/four-against-dark...
         | lakkal wrote:
         | I used to DM games sometimes using those random charts from the
         | AD&D DM Guide. It was a lot of fun. The players (who knew what
         | I was doing) always tried to figure out the purpose of the
         | labyrinth based on what what developed.
       | jonnycomputer wrote:
       | I was a little skeptical of the result, but the dungeons in the
       | game Hauberk are pretty nice actually.
         | munificent wrote:
         | The current version of Hauberk uses a bunch of different
         | dungeon generators which it is able to merge together. This was
         | sort of a holy grail for me for many many years. I've been
         | meaning to write down something about it but haven't gotten
         | around to it.
       | murrain wrote:
       | Tile-Based Map Generation using Wave Function Collapse in 'Caves
       | of Qud' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AdCgi9E90jw
         | tokai wrote:
         | I'm a huge fan of CoQ. But sometimes the chaotic layout of the
         | procedural maps really clash with the neatness of the hand made
         | story locations and towns. It's minor gripe though, meshing
         | curated and procedural content seems like a hard task.
           | at_a_remove wrote:
           | I spend like, a hideous amount of time thinking about this
           | exact thing. I have been using computers to aid me in DMing
           | since I was doing Basic/Expert on my TI-99 4/A.
           | Procedural content has a number of drawbacks. Just to pick
           | one example, take the various cellular automata algorithms to
           | generate cave systems (or really any algo). What would be
           | _great_ for this is if the 2D very simulationist matrix of on
           | /off cells could be remapped to a series of nodes ("large
           | enough caves") and edges ("passageways"). You could then try
           | to do lock-and-key puzzles based on this.
           | Aside from the "sameness" issue, most of these lack two big
           | features that people can extrapolate from playing a dungeon:
           | history and purpose. The first, purpose, is essentially about
           | the creature, humanoid, whatever that did the excavation --
           | what were they doing? Was it a xorn just kind of gobbling
           | around? Water? Perhaps a humble owlbear looking to make a
           | nest. Or were some dwarves tidily making a mine? Perhaps a
           | religion was having secret meetings there. The smarter the
           | creature, the more you have to think about purpose and
           | intention. As an example, let's take our secret cult
           | (literally "occult"): unless they worshiped a slime deity,
           | they probably wouldn't place the privy next to the altar. Nor
           | would dwarves place the privy next to the kitchen. Logical
           | places would exist for things.
           | History comes from having multiple excavations over time. A
           | river overflows its banks for a century and hollows out a
           | spot under a cliff. Then the owlbear. Ah, but a dragon eats
           | the owlbear. Years later a dwarf hikes by and sees a gleam of
           | promising minerals at the back of that abandoned owlbear cave
           | and brings friends to excavate. Later, the mine is played out
           | and a lich moves in, adding various traps ...
           | Most procedural dungeons pay little to no attention to these
           | steps, which are, after all, quite hard.
           | After that, you have to avoid your "monster hotel" scenario
           | to make some kind of quasi-believable ecology to your system.
           | In reality, most full-time cave dwellers are small and feeble
           | and delicate, so you may want to "shallow up" your dungeons
           | or populate the more remote areas with creatures whose
           | nutritional needs are scant (fungi, slimes, undead,
           | constructs). Perhaps there are holes through which a vibrant
           | river drains and at least there are fish for Gollum to catch.
           | Or deep magicks emanate a kind of mana to be devoured by a
           | fungus not unlike the kind that has adapted to live on spent
           | fuel rods here on Earth.
           | Then, you have to consider player satisfaction. You may want
           | to "Jaquay" that dungeon area. Some players like exploration,
           | some like puzzles, and some must kill every last critter no
           | matter how small. Others want to accomplish the goal
           | (whatever that is) and leave.
           | Putting all of this together gets harder and harder with
           | procedural content.
       | nonrandomstring wrote:
       | Enjoyable to see someone reasoning creatively about various ways
       | to solve this. In the end there are so _many_ ways, each giving
       | their own feel. I would do generative landscapes by starting with
       | Perlin noise clouds, low pass filtering and then  "flooding" the
       | height-map with a water table. That's basically how old
       | generative landscapes like Bryce used to work I think. For caves,
       | pick a min and max plane, extrude to get walls. As mentioned in
       | the article checking connectivity was always the PITA - and with
       | 3D procedural mazes you have to also check they're _passable_ for
       | the chosen engine 's collision code.
       | That's how I learned about my favourite constant... Gerver's
       | optimal sofa constant...the maximum size sofa that can move
       | around a unit corner [1].
       | [1] https://de.zxc.wiki/wiki/Sofaproblem
         | thaumasiotes wrote:
         | > The sofa problem is a so far unsolved geometrical problem
         | that was described in 1966 by the Austrian-Canadian
         | mathematician Leo Moser . It is a two-dimensional idealization
         | of the practical problem of moving furniture around obstacles.
         | Doesn't seem to have much to do with the actual problem of
         | moving furniture, where the third dimension is heavily
         | exploited.
       | dang wrote:
       | Related:
       |  _Rooms and Mazes: A Procedural Dungeon Generator (2014)_ -
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=20533546 - July 2019 (15
       | comments)
       |  _Rooms and Mazes: A Procedural Dungeon Generator_ -
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=8782295 - Dec 2014 (48
       | comments)
       | dataminded wrote:
       | It'd be great if someone connected this to a virtual table top
       | like Foundry. You could get maps, lighting, encounters, etc. at
       | the press of a button. It would really enable the online-first,
       | one-shot friendly reality of TTRPGs.
       | bovermyer wrote:
       | If you really want to dive into tabletop game generators, there's
       | this resource:
       | https://rpggen.dev/
       | throwanem wrote:
       | Hugged to death?
       | https://web.archive.org/web/20220420162023/https://journal.s...
       (page generated 2022-04-20 23:00 UTC)