[HN Gopher] The swimming of a dead fish (2018)
       The swimming of a dead fish (2018)
       Author : lord_sudo
       Score  : 139 points
       Date   : 2022-04-20 15:00 UTC (8 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (fyfluiddynamics.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (fyfluiddynamics.com)
       | drewzero1 wrote:
       | One of my favorite things about keeping aquarium fish has been
       | watching the ways they interact with currents in the water. Move
       | the filter output and the flow changes, and the fish adjust their
       | movements around the tank accordingly. Different species have
       | different shapes and different behaviors leading them to move
       | through the water in a variety of ways. I think we still have a
       | lot to learn from the efficiency of fish.
       | gentschev wrote:
       | Flow state
       | Maursault wrote:
       | This is the best metaphor I have ever seen for how creepy
       | Christianity can be (next to the Resurrection scene in _Jesus
       | Christ Superstar_ ).
       | I'd like to build a boat from this design, a boat that moves
       | against wind and current without engines, without sails, and
       | without propulsion of any kind.
         | thatguy0900 wrote:
         | I'm very confused how this relates to christianity
           | Maursault wrote:
           | Simply, it is related both through the ichthys, the fish
           | symbol, and the Resurrection, or reanimation of the dead.
       | DrFell wrote:
       | There's a whole new kind of fishing lure called a swimbait, of
       | which there is a sub-type that's just a jointed fish shape. You
       | cast it out, and reel it in, and it waves like a flag, looking
       | exactly like a swimming fish. The only thing powering it is
       | hydrodynamics.
         | TheHegemon wrote:
         | Not sure if I would call it "new". Swimbaits have been around
         | for as long as I've been fishing (several decades).
         | However there is definitely way more advanced ones then when I
         | first started fishing.
         | drewzero1 wrote:
         | That's not a new idea at all, unless there's a specific
         | development that I've missed. Jointed and/or flexible swimming
         | lures have been around at least since I was a kid and I'm
         | pretty sure the ones my dad used were old already then.
         | My favorite lures though were the frogs, which had rubber
         | bristles on the back which would pulse when pulled through the
         | water to simulate a frog's legs swimming.
       | soheil wrote:
       | > The researchers came across this entirely by accident, and one
       | of the questions that remains is how the trout is able to sense
       | its surroundings well enough to intentionally take advantage of
       | the effect.
       | Should have been:
       | The researchers came across this entirely by accident, and one of
       | the questions that remains is how ignorant we are about some of
       | the most basic aspects of the world.
         | jjoonathan wrote:
         | Hard disagree. "How is the trout able to sense..." is a good
         | question and answering it will advance our understanding.
         | Navel-gazing about ignorance will not.
           | soheil wrote:
           | Why are you conflating what scientists are doing vs what
           | civilization as a whole has always thought about the subject?
         | Cipater wrote:
         | What a strange thing to say on a post about researchers working
         | to dispel ignorance.
           | soheil wrote:
           | For millennia people thought fish _swam_ upstream until
           | literally today. If that's not sheer ignorance I don't know
           | what is.
       | dr_dshiv wrote:
       | Fishing in Alaska is wild when the millions of salmon go upstream
       | to lay their eggs and die. They just continually swim upstream. I
       | thought they just _looked_ dead (some are partially decomposed
       | with pieces of flesh falling off). I just don't know how they
       | stay balanced, pointing upstream, in that case.
       | The bear love it. I counted 43 in 4 days. Lots of close
       | encounters but you don't feel unsafe when there is so much food
       | in the water. You can't cross the river without accidentally
       | kicking fish.
       | bradrn wrote:
       | At first I thought this was related to the famous Dead Salmon
       | study [0]. The article turned out to be completely different, and
       | certainly much more amazing.
       | [0] _Neural correlates of interspecies perspective taking in the
       | post-mortem Atlantic Salmon: An argument for multiple comparisons
       | correction_ -- http://www.prefrontal.org/files/posters/Bennett-
       | Salmon-2009....
       | soheil wrote:
       | Reminds me of this Veritasium video were a wind powered car
       | accelerates into the direction of the wind
       | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jyQwgBAaBag
       | JoeAltmaier wrote:
       | Hm. Not a perpetual motion machine. And that fish appears to be
       | tethered - when it turns sideways it re-orients just like its on
       | a thread.
       | So maybe it expends _very little effort_ , but not zero.
         | the_af wrote:
         | Define "effort". This fish is _dead_. How can it be spending
         | any non-zero effort?
           | hankh18 wrote:
           | They're saying that because the fish is dead it has to be
           | tethered, otherwise this wouldn't last for more than a few
           | seconds before the fish becomes unstable and the phenomenon
           | stops. For a living untethered fish, some level of energy
           | would need to be expended to keep the fish stabilized instead
           | of the tether.
             | the_af wrote:
             | Agreed, but the tether is just to keep the fish on track,
             | it's still no "effort" on the part of the dead fish in this
             | experiment (effort == energy spent by the dead fish). The
             | article does mention a living fish will spend energy in
             | order to find the sweet spot of the current, and then the
             | water flow will do the rest.
             | Also, when the dead fish "swims forward" and hits the
             | obstacle, the tether itself is playing no part. It's 100%
             | the water flow and the shape/flexibility of the corpse.
             | JoeAltmaier wrote:
             | Add to that, some energy required to swim upstream.
               | the_af wrote:
               | If I understand the article correctly, the energy
               | expenditure by the fish itself is zero. From TFA:
               | > "Under just the right conditions, there's actually a
               | resonance between the vortices and the fish's body that
               | generates enough thrust to overcome the fish's drag. This
               | means the fish can actually swim upstream without
               | expending any energy of its own!"
               | mojomark wrote:
               | That's correct. I actually recieved a copy of this video
               | about a decade ago from a grad student at the MIT tow
               | tank - they were working on their Robotuna design and we
               | were discussing Thunniform propulsion and this video came
               | up. I've used this video in many talks because it's so
               | cool.
               | In a nutshell, fish are undulating foils. When an
               | oscillating or undulating foils is submerged in a fluid,
               | a trailing Karmen Vortex Street (1) is generated, which
               | is a set of spatially offset vortices. One of the cool
               | things about that is that as the foil "swishes" from, say
               | left to right, it extracts energy from the vortex - the
               | foil can propel itself forward by essentially "pushing"
               | off of the vortex of spinning fluid. The result is that
               | the vortex rotation slows down (that's where the energy
               | to propell forward primarily comes from).
               | Side note: This is in contrast to a single rotating
               | propeller that leaves a lot of used energy in the
               | swirling trailing wake. Modern profilers can use things
               | like contrarotating propellers or boss cap fins to
               | recover some of that energy.
               | In any event, for this "dead fish" experiment, the Karmen
               | Vortex Street (KVS) is being generated by the obstacle in
               | the flow in front of the fish - this is due to the low
               | pressure zone directly behind the obstacle. The flexible
               | foil begins to undulate in concert with these vortices.
               | If you look at the figure of the KVS, the region in the
               | center line of the KVS is actually creating a flow in a
               | direction that is opposite that of the vortices
               | themselves. In other words, there's a flow in the center
               | that's effectively sucking the fish towards the rock.
               | Nothing magic, no free energy sadly, but definitely some
               | cool science! You can absolutely use this knowledge to
               | design energy harvesters (generators) from flows, like
               | rivers or deep ocean currents.
               | 1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/K%C3%A1rm%C3%A1n_vortex_
               | street
               | the_af wrote:
               | Awesome! I really appreciate you taking the time to write
               | this explanation. Very interesting.
         | pessimizer wrote:
         | I'm pretty sure the tethering is for _us_. The (living) fish
         | wouldn 't care about maintaining a central position in a tank.
           | JoeAltmaier wrote:
           | Yet it makes the fish appear to be making progress in the
           | moving water. Sure it's wriggling side to side, very neat.
           | But keeping up with the current? Sure, if it's held there by
           | a wire.
             | mizzao wrote:
             | Right, but notice the part of the video where it actually
             | swims forward and creates slack in the wire.
         | hankh18 wrote:
         | Well even without the fish moving itself it wouldn't be a
         | perpetual motion machine because the running water would be an
         | input to the system. Agree though that a living, untethered
         | fish would need to expend energy to stay balanced and in the
         | right spot.
           | JoeAltmaier wrote:
           | Reframe the system to the moving water. The fish is then
           | swimming upstream.
           | All frames of reference are valid. So yes, perpetual motion.
             | plutonorm wrote:
             | what about sailing up wind?
       | steve_adams_86 wrote:
       | That fish looks alive until you know it isn't. That's incredible.
       | I've wondered many times how it's possible that fish in deep
       | frozen winter rivers can survive given that they have such
       | limited food and need to expend energy to stay in one spot... But
       | I suppose this simplifies the equation. They can rest where the
       | current allows for this phenomenon.
         | locallost wrote:
         | Fish can stay in one spot with little effort also because they
         | have a special organ called the swim bladder. They can fill it
         | up with gas and this allows them to maintain their position
         | without actually swimming.
           | bombcar wrote:
           | Doesn't the swim bladder just help them calibrate depth in
           | the water?
             | locallost wrote:
             | I'm not an expert, I just had to learn the basics recently
             | to get my fishing permit. But the explanation given was
             | that its function is allowing the fish to float / hold
             | their position and save energy. Carps even have two
             | chambers since they are bottom feeders and they can tilt
             | their bodies mouth down more easily this way.
               | krisoft wrote:
               | Yes. What you are talking about is a fish keeping a fixed
               | depth.
               | Having a swim bladder enables the fish to attain neutral
               | buoyancy. That way the fish doesn't need to expand energy
               | to keep itself from sinking or floating up. What the
               | article is talking about is position keeping against the
               | current in flowing water.
               | Swim bladder is good for up-down position keeping, the
               | article's phenomenon is good for forward-backward
               | position keeping.
               | Interestingly there is a way to use a swim bladder like
               | construct to propel one forward. Underwater gliders do
               | this, and the process is very energy efficient.
               | The way it works is that the glider uses its variable
               | buoyancy device (an artificial swim bladder) to set a
               | negative buoyancy and starts sinking. The wings of the
               | glider turn this downward motion into forward speed. At
               | the target depth the glider expands some energy from its
               | batteries to set a positive buoyancy and keeps the
               | forward momentum as it is ascending. Because of this they
               | only need to use energy at two points (at the top and the
               | bottom) in their saw-tooth like swim profile, and they
               | can travel thousands of kilometers on a single charge.
               | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Underwater_glider
             | the_af wrote:
             | I don't think the parent commenter is saying the swim
             | bladder is _all_ that matters. There is an  "also" hidden
             | in their sentence :)
             | kuhewa wrote:
             | Yes, although it probably does have some role in swimming
             | efficiency due to obviating lift generation to get from a
             | to be at the same depth.
             | OTOH especially for laterally compressed fishes, there is a
             | metabolic cost of all the paired and medial fin movement
             | required just to stay oriented in the water column, and
             | they may be able to save more energy by deflating and
             | sitting on the bottom.
             | nanidin wrote:
             | I think so. Scuba divers use a BCD (buoyancy control
             | device) that sounds similar - it's used to control buoyancy
             | only.
         | NAR8789 wrote:
         | The fish is not merely holding position--it's actually
         | accelerating upstream!
         | Reminds me of this Tadashi video: [How do fish swim so
         | quickly?] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wYDh5d9pfu8
         | Tadashi shows that fish turn drag into thrust by swapping the
         | positions of the vortices they shed. Low effort, high output.
         | TFA takes this one step further--fish bodies are shaped to
         | _effortlessly harvest_ thrust from drag. No effort, free
         | energy!
           | HarHarVeryFunny wrote:
           | Pretty counter intuitive that it takes less energy to swim
           | upstream than to move forwards in still water!
           | I wonder if live fish swimming upriver ever do this - just
           | relax and enjoy the ride - rather than putting any effort
           | into it ?
           | a3w wrote:
           | TIL: The first law of thermodynamics has an exception for
           | dead fish.
           | (JK, don't cite me in physics class!)
             | bocytron wrote:
             | Reminds me of Derek's video about a vehicle which is
             | powered against wind:
             | https://youtube.com/watch?v=jyQwgBAaBag
             | munificent wrote:
             | Well, actually...
             | In this case, the fish isn't a closed system. It's
             | harvesting energy from the moving water, which requires
             | external energy from the sun to keep the water cycle going.
         | kuhewa wrote:
         | Besides energy saving behaviour, the metabolic rate has been
         | depressed due to the physicochemical effects of cold, typically
         | a reduction of 2-3x per 10 degrees.
         | In terms of having enough energy, energy stores accrued during
         | summer and autumn go a long way, but many fish are indeed a
         | negative energy flux state over winter. In fact, over-winter
         | starvation in the first year or three is a common ecological
         | bottleneck, where even if fish are capable of reproducing and
         | adults are fine and can survive the first year, the 0+ age
         | class may not have had sufficient time to store enough energy
         | before winter to survive until spring.
         | franciscop wrote:
         | Alternatively, I learned in fluid dynamics that there's a
         | gradient of velocity of the water circulating through any pipe;
         | closer to the walls/floor it's speed is effectively 0, closer
         | to the center it's at the maximum speed (in an ideal
         | pipe/laminar fluid, that is barring turbulences/rocks/etc). In
         | the real world there's definitely pockets of water within the
         | river were the water speed is insignificant/still.
         | https://accendoreliability.com/fluid-flows-pipes/
         | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laminar_flow
           | steve_adams_86 wrote:
           | That's a great observation too. I wonder if areas like these
           | would cause fish to congregate, which might explain why
           | animals like minks can readily find fish under the ice.
           | There's so much I don't know, haha.
             | munificent wrote:
             | _> I wonder if areas like these would cause fish to
             | congregate_
             | Any fisherman, especially one who fishes rivers, has a
             | _wealth_ of intuitive understanding of what kinds of water
             | features lead to greater concentrations of fish and indeed
             | a lot of it has to do with depth and turbulence. You 'll
             | often hear them talking about whether a patch of water
             | looks "fishy" or not, and that often has to do with how
             | still or turbulent the surface is (along with many other
             | factors).
       | Symmetry wrote:
       | It's not just fish. Our hands naturally tend to conform to the
       | objects we grasp without our needing to think about it. And
       | robotic grasping with hands designed to do the same is much, much
       | easier than the other way around.
       | HarHarVeryFunny wrote:
       | Dead fish swimming upstream .. Reminds me a bit of this: a wind-
       | powered vehicle than can accelerate directly into the wind...
       | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yCsgoLc_fzI
         | atx42 wrote:
         | Actually, it's going with the wind, but faster than the wind.
         | Veritasium also has a video of the dead fish going upstream
         | though.
       | carapace wrote:
       | I can't find links at the moment (what's up with search engines
       | these days?) but there's a similar phenomenon where dead whales
       | move forward due to the action of waves and the natural shape and
       | movement of their bodies and flukes. There were folks building a
       | kind of boat propulsion system shaped like whale tails.
       | karmakaze wrote:
       | > one of the questions that remains is how the trout is able to
       | sense its surroundings well enough to intentionally take
       | advantage of the effect
       | Doesn't a fish have the capability to try swimming at different
       | frequencies to find a resonant one that minimizes effort (or
       | maximizes forward motion)? Swimming might not be the right word,
       | maybe flexibilities. I obviously don't do research in the field
       | so wouldn't know if this is actually a dumb question.
       | sjducb wrote:
       | With my former biologist hat on I would ask the authors to define
       | "dead"
       | Lots of cells and tissues remain alive for months after death.
       | It's easily possible that the nerves and muscles of this fish are
       | alive enough to trigger basic autonomic swimming responses that
       | are powering it upstream.
       | I want to see an artificial fish model that shows this behaviour.
         | kuhewa wrote:
         | I reckon efficient swimming is too complex a process for
         | spontaneous innervation to be responsible.
         | A fresh dead and pithed fish might flop, and might even flop
         | several times in a row but that's about as far as it goes.
         | E.g. Just a change in temperature can make an efficiently
         | swimming fish's red muscles' duty cycles so maladaptive they
         | are doing negative work, swimming requires really specific
         | firing patterns.
         | Also consider -- chances are they were moving an anesthetised
         | fish into the experimental apparatus without realising it
         | overdosed, in which case innervation would have been
         | negligible.
         | natosaichek wrote:
         | Where does the energy for muscle flexing come from in a dead
         | fish? Without a heart circulating blood (and ATP), My
         | expectation would be that the muscles would quickly run out of
         | power.
         | If you do that test where you apply electricity to a dead
         | frog's leg to get it to kick, it will only work a few times
         | before it's out of juice.
         | mizzao wrote:
         | "months after death"? Can you share a citation here?
       (page generated 2022-04-20 23:00 UTC)