[HN Gopher] Melting KiCad
       Melting KiCad
       Author : donquichotte
       Score  : 132 points
       Date   : 2022-04-21 12:43 UTC (1 days ago)
 (HTM) web link (mitxela.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (mitxela.com)
       | jaytaylor wrote:
       | If anyone else wondering what is a "DRC problem":
       | Design Rule Checking (DRC) is a process used to identify errors
       | and mismatches such as spacing & trace widths in a PCB
       | design/layout.
         | Alupis wrote:
         | To elaborate, you specify design rules for your PCB design and
         | layout based off what your chosen fabrication company's
         | abilities are. Each company's fab process is slightly different
         | and will have varying requirements or specifications you must
         | meet in order to have a successfully produced board.
         | Things like minimum/maximum trace widths, minimum/maximum via
         | size, component separation distances, etc.
         | This often means you need to choose a fab before you design
         | your board... and changing to a different fab later on might
         | mean you have to redesign part/all of your board (particularly
         | if you are pushing tolerances). Each fab has different
         | abilities and requirements.
       | etaioinshrdlu wrote:
       | This looks so much better. There are actual engineering reasons
       | to prefer it this way listed in the article, and although they
       | are pretty unimportant, why not make it the best we can? 45
       | degree angles as a rule feel rather cargo-cultish.
       | a9h74j wrote:
       | Great work and writeup.
       | In terms of the pictured old pcbs with rounded traces, I wonder
       | if when applying tape "on film" or "on mylar" it was rather easy,
       | when applying narrow fixed-width tape for a track, to bend and
       | follow curves while doing so. Thus, I presume, one could both
       | avoid cutting the tape at bends, and follow smooth curves already
       | drafted by hand.
       | Here's what came up for me with a search for datak tape:
       | http://www.philmore-datak.com/mc/Page%20274.pdf
       | eternityforest wrote:
       | I've pretty much given up on KiCad. LibrePCB has a much easier
       | UI, KiCad is essentially the Vim of PCBs.
       | Libre is already good enough in all ways except the fact you have
       | to make a lot of parts yourself(Which is pretty fast, but still),
       | for anything simple.
       | Anything it can't do, is probably a high budget kind of thing and
       | you can afford the really good tools(But Libre might get there
       | too, if it keeps going for another 5 years)
         | roland35 wrote:
         | I don't think making your own parts is really a downside... For
         | any commercial application actually making the part footprints
         | is such a small part of the total engineering effort required
         | for supply chain management. On top of that, it is important to
         | really understand every pin!
         | analog31 wrote:
         | I'm tempted to give it a try. I've been using ExpressPCB at
         | work, and something called FreePCB at home. The boards that I
         | make at home tend to be simple 2-layer analog circuits.
         | I tried KiCad, and it seems like just getting to the starting
         | point of beginning to route a PCB requires an enormous amount
         | of sheer physical labor that left me with an eyestrain
         | headache.
         | I'm glad we've got engineers to do this work, but I also kind
         | of pity them, and have gained a better understanding of why
         | projects take so long. I get it that at the end of the day,
         | they need to be able to push a button and have a finished PCB
         | stuffed with parts drop out of an automated machine in China.
         | But I don't, and I think that for folks like hobbyists and
         | hackers, going directly from a hand drawn schematic to manual
         | layout in a simple PCB editor may still be the winning ticket.
           | JKCalhoun wrote:
           | Yeah, KiCad is a fucking hurdle. ExpressPCB was so much
           | easier. With KiCad you really have to do things in s specific
           | order (beginning with the schematic). Trying to "wing it" in
           | KiCad is a doomed path.
           | I forced myself though to use/learn KiCad for a keyboard
           | project. Worked. I've done another 3 or 4 new PCBs since and
           | each one gets easier (no surprise).
         | gaze wrote:
         | In ease of use KiCad seems to be on par with pads, orcad,
         | altium, etc. Not all that different. It just lacks a lot of
         | features.
         | 01100011 wrote:
         | I recently did my first KiCad project and found it to be quite
         | cool. Most of my previous experience was 10+ years ago with
         | Orcad and whatever free EDA tools were around then, so I'm not
         | up to date regarding KiCad's competition but I didn't find much
         | to complain about. The issues I had were quickly resolved with
         | a rich assortment of how-to videos and tutorials.
         | I had to make a part using KiCad as well, and even that process
         | was straightforward. I'm excited to work on my next layout
         | project now after having used it. Bonus points for the 3D
         | rendering mode which worked spectacularly on Ubuntu out of the
         | box. It was very handy to visualize the finished board before
         | assembly.
         | dvdkon wrote:
         | I have to say KiCad 6 is much nicer, since Pcbnew and Eeschema
         | _finally_ have the same UI. Having made a lot of mistakes on my
         | first  "big" design, resulting in multiple redraws, I actually
         | find KiCad quite usable.
         | LibrePCB sadly doesn't have hierarhical schematics, and they've
         | saved me a lot of time and effort. I hear Horizon EDA now has
         | them, though, I'll have to try it.
       | zxcvgm wrote:
       | The author has also made a video about it recently:
       | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=euJgtLcWWyo
       | It reminds me of Boldport, who made project kits that were also
       | works of art [0]. The funky PCB traces and shapes were all hand-
       | drawn, I believe, rather than drawn up in a regular EDA program.
       | [0] https://boldport.com/shop?category=Soldering+projects
         | fxtentacle wrote:
         | It seems all of it is sold out. But yes, looks marvelous on the
         | pictures.
         | unit-vector wrote:
         | I recently just finished a custom PCB art piece ->
         | https://www.behance.net/gallery/137418457/NGC-2336
         | It was an interesting learning experience that brought me much
         | closer to being able to create functional PCBs. The 45deg
         | angled traces however are just such a part of the classic
         | aesthetic it's hard to go for something else. I'll definitely
         | try some more exotic ones in the future.
       | amelius wrote:
       | Nice but there is one feature I want more than this: automatic
       | placement & routing.
         | Alupis wrote:
         | I thought I wanted/needed this too when doing my first design.
         | Having a few under my belt now, I firmly believe it would be
         | more of a problem than not.
         | Automatic placement/routing would become a crutch that would
         | prevent folks from learning what actually is necessary to
         | design a half-decent PCB.
         | Folks that need auto-routing won't be aware/skilled enough to
         | notice and fix problems before sending the design off to be
         | fab'ed, and then will spend unnecessary amounts of time
         | debugging a broken board only to learn what they should have
         | before sending it off... or will grow frustrated and think the
         | software sucks or something.
         | There's a lot more to PCB design than just connecting nets
         | together, and skipping the step where you learn how to do it
         | properly would be like refusing to learn to code and instead
         | only want to use no-code UI widgets. It will bite you hard one
         | day and you will lack the skillset to know why.
         | Besides that... auto-placement is really an impossible task,
         | even for the "big guys" like Altium. The editor cannot possibly
         | know what's inside the component's data sheet, or infer best
         | practices etc. Things like this one particular switching boost
         | converter chip requires a capacitor on the output no further
         | than 0.2" away... etc. So any auto-placement or auto-route
         | feature will be half-baked at it's best, even if done well.
         | charcircuit wrote:
         | I was able to autoroute several years ago.
           | nomel wrote:
           | Does this work well yet for high speed and/or high current
           | circuits, following good layout for ground bounce, etc?
           | Did yours require labelling traces as low, med, and high
           | frequency?
             | charcircuit wrote:
             | I can't speak about how well it worked. I did not have to
             | label traces. It just connected the stuff that was supposed
             | to be together with traces.
       | madengr wrote:
       | mNovak wrote:
       | I really like the action plugins in KiCad; it gives the ability
       | to do things that users want (hence bothered to make the plugin)
       | but that the maintainers don't always agree with/prioritize.
       | I do wish there was some kind of central directory of plugins
       | though.
       | q-big wrote:
       | Relevant:
       | TopoR, an EDA program developed and maintained by the Russian
       | company Eremex:
       | > https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TopoR
       | "The most recognizable feature of TopoR is the absence of
       | preferred routing directions, which results in unusual looking
       | PCBs."
       | > https://www.eremex.com/products/topor/
         | yair99dd wrote:
         | mitxela discusses topor in the video. i used topoR in the past.
         | it has does have import-export options from many EDAs, here its
         | imported from eagle. here is a gif of it at work.
         | http://i.imgur.com/66S5KMv.gif
         | imtringued wrote:
         | I thought about how lazy I am and how difficult and a pain in
         | the ass it is to design a schematic, how annoying it is to pick
         | components and make sure they are properly rated. Routing is
         | almost trivial except for some of the tricky high frequency and
         | analog stuff.
         | I would prefer some sort of "Smart EDA" that automatically
         | understands that I want to place a switch mode power supply
         | with X constraints here, then automatically rates resistors,
         | capacitors, inductors, mosfets, etc and automatically picks
         | manufactured components from mouser. I could get behind that.
         | If the software does that part I will gladly do component
         | placement and routing myself!
         | nomel wrote:
         | > which results in unusual looking PCBs
         | I really love things like this that break the non-technical
         | cargo-cultish norms in a technical field. There's no electrical
         | reason to wiggle wires around at 45 degrees, but you're looked
         | down upon and made to feel bad if you don't. Technically, it
         | just add parasitics.
         | One could claim "it's pride/art", well why constrain yourself
         | to 45 degree lines if you're making art!?
       | jtfinlay wrote:
       | I love how these boards look, the design is really smooth and
       | unique.
       | Are most manufacturers equipped to print boards with these curves
       | - would it impact the cost of printing?
       | I've been working on a web-based drc & renderer and the math to
       | support these looks like a fun challenge.
         | jccooper wrote:
         | Etching masks are usually digitally printed; they shouldn't
         | care about the shape of the traces.
       | Taniwha wrote:
       | I'm quite excited by this - it's my personal PCB design
       | preference, usually done by hand in Eagle
       (page generated 2022-04-22 23:00 UTC)