[HN Gopher] Celebrating 40 years of ZX Spectrum
       Celebrating 40 years of ZX Spectrum
       Author : todsacerdoti
       Score  : 252 points
       Date   : 2022-04-23 07:12 UTC (15 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (github.blog)
 (TXT) w3m dump (github.blog)
       | ilaksh wrote:
       | https://worldofspectrum.org/
       | opinali wrote:
       | I was a late Spectrum dev, as a Brazilian geek several years
       | behind the international market due to draconian restrictions on
       | computer imports at the time (also, dad not rich enough to get me
       | an Amiga...). Got one of my programs survive for posterity:
       | https://worldofspectrum.org/archive/software/utilities/stk-y...
       | (unfortunately only loading screenshots here; check YS #75).
       | That was a powerful hacking/debugging/programming utility. I am
       | still proud of the HILOAD command which was capable of loading
       | files from tape in any condition: if any error was found, this
       | command would fill a separate buffer with the relative address of
       | every error. Then you could use other commands to inspect the
       | data and painstakingly recover it by guessing the correct value
       | for damaged bits or bytes (they utility could dump memory in many
       | ways, including some popular encodings of sprites for games).
       | There was also a whole-block SHIFT command useful for this task
       | because a loading error could make all following bytes to be
       | shifted left or right some bits, because the tape data format
       | didn't have a byte-boundary delimiter, it was just a stream of
       | bits.
       | mdb31 wrote:
       | The Spectrum was probably the last computer I truly understood.
       | Not at a hardware level (too young for that, plus the Spectrum
       | squeezes so much functionality out of the cheapest chips
       | available at the time that it's not trivial to reverse-engineer
       | what was going on even today), but just the software bit.
       | 16 Kilobytes of ROM, which (with, I think, a whole KB to spare!)
       | implemented a pretty functional BASIC environment. This was good,
       | but still had significant limitations, especially when looking at
       | all the cool stuff other people were doing.
       | At age 12 or so, I became absolute fascinated with a pretty
       | simple thing: Spectrum programs included a 'loading screen' most
       | of the time, which, while being loaded from tape at a leisurely
       | 100bps or so, populated the screen top-to-bottom, left-to-right,
       | pixels first, then (color) attributes, as per the layout of the
       | video RAM. However, some games loaded the screen in reverse, or
       | did not incrementally show the screen content while loading at
       | all!
       | The latter problem was the easiest to solve: instead of loading
       | directly from tape (the header of which included the base
       | address) into video RAM, those programs would use an alternate
       | base address, plus a small program to copy the contents
       | afterwards. The former was way, way more tricky, and required the
       | realization that you did not need to use the actual ROM code to
       | load from tape, but you could disassemble/change that code,
       | include it in your own program, and make it do whatever you want!
       | This realization enabled me to implement my own 'speed loader'
       | (bumping tape I/O speeds from 100bps to, like, 111!), in addition
       | to the usual fare of removing copy protection from programs and
       | cheating at games by adding extra lives, removing barriers, or
       | just fixing broken levels (waves at Jet Set Willy).
       | Is a Spectrum a useful computing device today? Absolutely not,
       | and it hasn't been for over two decades or so. But that's not the
       | point of all this nostalgia: it's the fact that it instilled a
       | "Hackers mindset" in me and many, many others.
       | ilaksh wrote:
       | Video of a demo loading in Spectrum magazines and massive games
       | shelf into a 3d emulator environment:
       | https://youtu.be/qs3JhZlgS9k
       | at vintagesimulator.com
       | enneff wrote:
       | I bought a ZX Spectrum in 2009 and taught myself z80 assembly to
       | write a little intro for a demo party:
       | http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=54076
       | It was a lot of fun! Coding for these strange old machines is
       | very interesting and challenging.
       | You can see the source code in the nfo file:
       | http://www.pouet.net/prod_nfo.php?which=54076
       | mark_round wrote:
       | I grew up with the Speccy and it's what kick-started my interest
       | in computers and ultimately led to my career. I still have a +3,
       | which is connected to the internet [1].
       | It's amazing to see that there's still a sizeable scene devoted
       | to this humble little box, and there's new hardware and
       | impressive hacks being built to this day. In the words of one of
       | the messages from a user of my site: "It's mad being online with
       | a 40yr old computer designed around a tape recorder."
       | Part of it's longevity and appeal is how simple the system was -
       | even 11 Year-old me could grasp the memory layout and experiment
       | with writing assembler. I expect I'll still be hacking away on it
       | in another 40 years!
       | [1] - I wrote a series of blog posts on how I mashed up a modern
       | GitOps/k8s dev environment with 1980s Sinclair BASIC to build a
       | community site: http://www.markround.com/blog/2021/12/21/devops-
       | for-the-sinc...
         | timthorn wrote:
         | Your site deserves a front page listing of its own - great
         | content.
           | mark_round wrote:
           | Thanks! Looks like it's just been submitted at
           | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=31134121
           | I'm glad you liked it, the whole project was a labour of love
           | and a huge amount of fun to put together. Particularly the
           | whole "running unit tests through an emulated zx printer"
           | thing!
         | shever73 wrote:
         | Bookmarked. This is superb! Thank you :)
         | lee337 wrote:
         | Just seemed right to share:
         | https://twitter.com/github/status/1517986014114975744 :)
           | mark_round wrote:
           | Oh wow, that's seriously amazing! It's great to see others
           | enjoying my crazy ideas :) These old systems sure can be a
           | lot of fun. You definitely get your moneys worth!
       | davidwritesbugs wrote:
       | I remember coding a basic personal database on the Speccy and how
       | one had to keep the strings short because the ZX string functions
       | weren't O(1) and a big character string made it sloooow. I also
       | remember at the writing an exit prompt "Did you change anything?
       | If so save.". Ah, cringe/bless.
       | fit2rule wrote:
       | josefrichter wrote:
       | We used to call it "Sinclair" rather than "Spectrum".
       | jast wrote:
       | Portugal has a museum dedicated to ZX Spectrum:
       | https://loadzx.com/en/
       | DaveSapien wrote:
       | Damn, I forgot it was the 40th anniversary today!
       | The ZX Spectrum was my first computer and I was a bit too young
       | to write any software for it sadly, but it was my second (TV Pong
       | was my first) introduction to gaming...on a black and white TV.
       | Still managed to get into tinkering with computers and it opened
       | a big door for me later in life. I am now a game developer
       | (designer/engineer), and might not have gone down this amazing
       | path if it wasn't for the familiarity with computing at an early
       | age.
       | It was such an important computer and I'm glad to see the price
       | of capable computers continuing to fall, so that more and more
       | kids can have a similar experience to mine.
       | The loading sounds still give me chills!!
       | If you're looking to relive the loading sounds as a musical toy,
       | check out the ZX Plectrum.
         | brigandish wrote:
         | Aphex Twin included the loading sound inbetween some of the
         | tracks on his Richard D James album and it pleases me no end
         | that he did. That you can also make the loading sounds with
         | your own mouth is also a giant plus!
           | DaveSapien wrote:
           | oh yeah!!
           | " loading sounds with your own mouth " I feel thats a video
           | or it didn't happen moment.
       | pjmlp wrote:
       | Happy birthday, getting a Timex 2068 (with the ZX Spectrum
       | cartridge) is what placed on this path.
       | Although the first year was mostly spent playing River Raid,
       | Lunar Jetman, Spy Hunter, while trying to understand the manual
       | as a 10 year's old kid.
       | jlokier wrote:
       | I learned to program without having an actual computer, from a
       | wonderful full-page magazine advert of a ZX Spectrum, just a
       | photograph of it in glorious full colour.
       | I didn't have access to a computer, just lots of old magazines
       | and books. The Spectrum photo's colourful keyboard with all those
       | interesting keywords was really inspiring to 10 year old me.
       | Somehow, between gazing at that for hours and reading, I would
       | dreamily imagine typing on it, and started to guess what many of
       | the keywords meant. Being colourful, interesting, and decorated
       | with all the keywords was super helpful.
       | There were type-in listings in magazines in those days, as well
       | as schematics showing how basic computers worked, so there was
       | plenty to learn from even though they didn't specifically explain
       | programming.
       | Eventually I got a BBC Micro, rather than a Spectrum like most of
       | the other boys at school. The BBC was great and is where I
       | learned to program properly, but socially I'd go round to friends
       | houses where we'd play Spectrum games and write little programs
       | there.
       | (Yes I do mean boys: I had the strong impression parents bought
       | computers for boys but not girls in those days, and the girls
       | didn't have any access to computers to learn from.)
         | kingcharles wrote:
         | I learnt programming from a BBC Micro manual my Dad brought
         | home from a second-hand shop when I was 5. I would just sit and
         | read it and imagine the programs in my head.
         | It's funny you mention that computers were a boy's thing - they
         | definitely were, but two of my neighbours were girls and they
         | both had computers before me, so I would annoy their parents by
         | going around there as often as I could and getting them to help
         | me type out pages of BASIC.
         | Later my parents bought me a Spectrum, but I always wonder if
         | the neighbours just paid them off in the end to stop me turning
         | up at all hours of the day and night.
       | jlokier wrote:
       | I may have written the first ZX Spectrum emulator, for some
       | definition of emulator.
       | In the 80s I had a BBC Micro with a Z80 second processor attached
       | to its "tube" bus. Usually the Z80 ran CPN, a business operating
       | system similar to CP/M with its own flavour of BBC Basic,
       | including a built-in Z80 assembler. But it could be asked to do
       | anything.
       | Some Spectrum software ran ok on the Z80 if you could get the
       | memory image loaded, which I eventually did. The 6502 wasn't fast
       | enough to provide good emulation, but it could poll the Z80
       | memory and convert the video image to something the BBC side
       | could display. With some clever tricks the BBC's ULA could even
       | be persuaded to simulate Spectrum square pixel resolution with
       | most of the colours, and I used rapidly flashing colours to get
       | more.
       | It wasn't good enough to run games, though it could show some of
       | the screens.
       | But I remember it successfully playing one of the best Spectrum
       | music demos of the time, because the 6502 was fast enough to poll
       | and relay the 1-bit audio signal being generated by the Z80 music
       | software.
       | veltas wrote:
       | Easily the best ZX Spectrum emulator is fuse, which is not on
       | GitHub as far as I know.
       | http://fuse-emulator.sourceforge.net/
       | antirez wrote:
       | Tools: PlayZX is awesome.
       | Dwedit wrote:
       | The big thing about the ZX Spectrum was its rock bottom price.
       | You got a TRS-80 system for $2495, or you got a ZX Spectrum for
       | PS175.
         | f_hollmann wrote:
         | Not necessarily: EACA VideoGenie EG 3003 for approximately
         | $1400 (in Germany).
         | zozbot234 wrote:
         | Hardware was very expensive back then. Even the ZX Spectrum's
         | "rock bottom" price would amount to several hundred dollars
         | today.
           | timthorn wrote:
           | It was expensive, but Dwedit's point is correct. The main
           | competitor was the BBC Micro, the cheapest version of which
           | cost PS235 at launch, compared to PS125 for the 16k Spectrum.
           | Compared to the machines available from the big US names,
           | these weren't as capable but were so much more accessible.
           | nivenkos wrote:
           | It's about the same price as a reasonable laptop (e.g.
           | Vivobook is now) or a games console.
           | And it had to be, because the UK was much, much poorer in
           | terms of average disposable income than the US at the time
           | (and still is really).
         | billywhizz wrote:
         | one of the reasons it was cheap was they got faulty 64k ram
         | chips at a knock down price - hence the 48k. this film about
         | sinclair is well worth a watch.
         | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XXBxV6-zamM
       | sharken wrote:
       | For me the ZX Spectrum is defined by the competition with
       | Commodore 64.
       | When faced with the difficult decision between Spectrum or C64, i
       | turned to my older cousin for advice.
       | He recommended the Spectrum so that was chosen. However in
       | hindsight the quirky keyboard, colour clash and less impressive
       | sounds made the C64 look like the superior choice.
       | Colour clash can be seen in this link:
       | https://www.nomadsreviews.co.uk/post/the-history-of-video-ga...
       | Still, the Spectrum had some awesome games back then, such as
       | Manic Miner and Jet Set Willy.
         | TMWNN wrote:
         | >He recommended the Spectrum so that was chosen. However in
         | hindsight the quirky keyboard, colour clash and less impressive
         | sounds made the C64 look like the superior choice.
         | 64 was and is clearly the better choice over Spectrum--superior
         | in every single way other than perhaps the BASIC--but the
         | relatively small price difference even then (and even more 40
         | years later) was enough to cause many Britons to choose the
         | latter. That said, there is a reason why 64 dominated the
         | wealthier US, Canada, Germany, and Australia.
       | shever73 wrote:
       | Very fond memories of the Speccy. We got ours for Christmas 1982
       | with the Horizons demo cassette and Hungry Horace. I learned
       | BASIC and then Z80 machine language (using Terri Baker's
       | "Mastering Machine Code on Your ZX Spectrum") and plugged out a
       | couple of games. I loved programming then and still do now.
       | The loading sounds and graphics still make me feel very
       | nostalgic...and I don't care what anyone else says - chuntey is
       | real!
       | donbrae wrote:
       | Loved my ZX Spectrums (+2A/B then +3). Used them to make games
       | and other software, which I sold via mail order and then through
       | a public domain library called Prism PD. I also made a monthly
       | wrestling fanzine on it; and it was my introduction to making
       | music on computers (courtesy of the `play` command, which allowed
       | for three channels of polyphony, if I remember correctly).
       | Can't wait to receive my Next in 2023.
       | Cheers to Clive and the team (and also to Alan Sugar for keeping
       | it going into the 1990s).
         | mattl wrote:
         | Was Prism PD your own thing?
           | donbrae wrote:
           | No; it was run by a guy called Martyn Sherwood. I found a
           | page about it online[0], which I see includes a reference to
           | my 'company', Micro Spec Software!
           | [0] https://rk.nvg.ntnu.no/sinclair/jmg7/groups/prismpd.html
       | DrBazza wrote:
       | POKE 35899,0
       | From memory, 40 years later...
         | zwischenzug wrote:
         | Jet Set Willy?
           | DrBazza wrote:
           | Yes. One of the highlights of being a speccy owner. Other
           | than the attic bug. Taught me all about machine code and
           | memory as an enthusiastic 10 yr old.
       | otikik wrote:
       | I got started with the Spanish 48k+ version. It defined my life
       | path. Thanks you, Sir Sinclair.
       | nonrandomstring wrote:
       | I'd almost forgotten the excitement I felt running to the shop to
       | buy a "computer magazine". Typing in new games line by line and
       | then hitting "run". Saturday morning well spent.
       | Looking back now the publishing industry around home computers
       | was a whole world in itself. And in general, the nerdy publishing
       | world was something to behold. Instead of websites we had weekly
       | paper digests like "Practical Electronics", "Wireless World",
       | "Electronic Music Maker".
       | We also had an electronic component shop in every town, even
       | before Tandy (Radio Shack) and Maplins most places a "radio
       | repairs store". Going to the shop to buy some BC108s, a 555
       | timer, and a list of caps and resistors was where pocket money
       | went.
       | I think there is something else going on for the retro-wave
       | generation. who cannot possibly be _nostalgic_ , since they
       | didn't live through that. Instead the relative simplicity and
       | accessibility of old tech has an appeal. When a 12 year old can
       | understand the _entire system_ (yes full schematics), program it
       | and build peripherals with components from the high-street, it
       | felt like an entirely different relationship with technology.
         | alfonsodev wrote:
         | In Spain we had MicroHobby[1], it was coming with a cassette
         | tape, sometimes two.
         | [1] https://microhobby.speccy.cz/mhforever/index.htm
           | detritus wrote:
           | I fondly remember the almost bazaar-like experience of
           | perusing the tape racks in local Spanish supermarkets, trying
           | to work out which (if any) of the offerings were worth my
           | couple of hundred peseta investment. Sometimes lucky with a
           | great game, othertimes.. not so much :)
             | kingcharles wrote:
             | I don't know how it is now, but I always looked forward to
             | my holidays in Spain as a kid in the 80s because of Spain's
             | lax copyright laws. Every shop seemed to have racks of
             | pirated 8-bit video games for sale and I would always go
             | home with a few.
             | This continued even after consoles were popular, with
             | pirated multi-game carts freely available on the high
             | street.
           | pjmlp wrote:
           | Usually all the Spanish stuff also landed on our side of the
           | border as well.
           | I have to thank Spanish game and programming magazines, as
           | well as some famous adventure games like La Abadia del
           | Crimen, for being bilingual in mother languages instead of
           | doing the usual Portunhol.
           | Schiphol wrote:
           | I remember the Alice in Wonderland text adventure they
           | shipped in that cassette once and the sense of, uh, wonder
           | and adventure as I progressed through the game <3
         | VariableStar wrote:
         | ahh me too ... between ages 10-14 in the 80s I would spend my
         | way back from school looking for magazines with schematics,
         | then on saturday mornings I will bike to the local component
         | shop and spend my money there, back home the rest of saturday
         | and sunday went by soldering boards, building amplifiers,
         | alarms, thermometers, regulated powersupply units, radio
         | transmiters, random LED arrangements and what not ... ah, and
         | also exploding capacitors
         | [deleted]
         | TMWNN wrote:
         | >Looking back now the publishing industry around home computers
         | was a whole world in itself.
         |  _PC Magazine_ 's December 1983 issue was almost 800 pages (<ht
         | tps://books.google.com/books?id=05wAGZQlo9QC&pg=PP1#v=onep...>)
         | ; almost certainly the thickest in the history of magazine
         | publishing. ( _PC_ soon began publishing every two weeks.)
         |  _BYTE_ peaked in, I believe, November 1983 (
         | <https://archive.org/details/sim_byte_1983-11_8_11>, with a
         | comparably thick issue. _80 Micro_ peaked in November 1982 (
         | <https://archive.org/details/sim_80-micro_1982-11_34>, at more
         | than 500 pages; by 1983, with the IBM PC clearly becoming the
         | standard, serving the TRS-80 market was less lucrative.
         | timthorn wrote:
         | Practical Electronics is still going strong (monthly, though)
         | UncleSlacky wrote:
         | > the publishing industry around home computers was a whole
         | world in itself.
         | It's how Future Publishing started, their first magazine was
         | Amstrad Action:
         | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Future_plc
           | mattl wrote:
           | Which in turn gave us the TED talks.
           | Also LibreOffice can trace its lineage back to StarWriter on
           | the CPC.
       | parenthesis wrote:
       | (c) 1982 Sinclair Research Ltd
       | LOAD -- argh, symbol shift doesn't work any more!
       | meheleventyone wrote:
       | I still have my ZX Spectrum, it's the very first computer I ever
       | programmed on and the first I made games for. It basically
       | defined my entire life path.
         | ggambetta wrote:
         | Came here to post exactly this :D I also have the collection of
         | Microhobby magazines I copied game listings for, and learned
         | programming by osmosis at a very young age :)
           | luismedel wrote:
           | I don't consider myself a "collector" but I have in my shelf
           | a good pile of Microhobby and Micromania issues from the
           | golden age too. Also I have a few "Programacion Actual"
           | issues, but from a later stage (end of 90s IIRC)
           | O_H_E wrote:
           | > Learned programming by osmosis
           | I'm too young for what you guys are talking about, but I've
           | always have trouble articulating how I got [sucked] into
           | computing. It feels like I did a similar thing with HN and
           | the internet in general.
           | I think osmosis is one of my new favorite ways to put it
           | hehe.
             | wiz21c wrote:
             | As an old guy, I'd say computers where a pretty unknown
             | thing when we got them... That was new and niche when it
             | all started. So we had the feeling of entering something
             | totally new. But we were alone, on different computers, so
             | a lot of islands...
             | I guess with internet, it's more like joining something
             | that's rolling on but as big as an ocean..
             | Times ! they're changing !
         | softwarebouwer wrote:
         | Same here, still have mine too and sometimes play a bit with it
         | for old times' sake. I still remember how mesmerised I was when
         | an uncle let me play with his Spectrum, and how happy I was
         | when I got my own for my 10th birthday and my dad made me work
         | through the basic manual.
         | chx wrote:
         | Most definitely mine too.
         | alok-g wrote:
         | Same here. :-)
         | It still turns on, however, approx. 90% of the keys don't
         | function anymore.
           | qiqitori wrote:
           | I've only seen the Sinclair ZX81. If the ribbon cable is
           | similar (and it sure looks similar from a cursory image
           | search) you should be able to fix the keyboard with just two
           | electronics-related items, a multimeter with continuity mode
           | and electrically conductive tape.
           | On the ZX81, the metal on the ribbon cable is exposed on one
           | side. Which means you can put one multimeter lead somewhere
           | close to the bottom of each trace, and the other lead you
           | trace along the exposed wire. If your multimeter stops
           | showing continuity, you know you have a break there and if
           | you look really hard you should be able to see it.
           | If you have a lot of breaks close to the connector (quite
           | likely), take a pair of scissors and cut off the part with
           | the break and plug the remainder of the ribbon cable back in.
           | Otherwise, cut the electrically conductive tape into a thin
           | slice and tape that over the affected spot. (Soldering won't
           | work, you'll just melt the ribbon cable).
           | linker3000 wrote:
           | That's very common. The keyboard membrane material loses its
           | flexibility over time and cracks, breaking continuity of the
           | embedded conductive traces.
           | Replacements are sold on ebay and online retro stores. I've
           | had to replace the membranes on both my acquired Speccys.
             | andrewshadura wrote:
             | That's why the ZX Spectrum clone I had used keys with
             | magnets and reed switches. Super smooth, quiet,
             | indestructible.
             | alok-g wrote:
             | Great! I did not know that replacements are available for
             | ZX Spectrum. Mine is ZX spectrum+, hopefully would be able
             | to find for that too.
               | UncleSlacky wrote:
               | Looks like they have those here:
               | https://retroradionics.co.uk/#!/Zx-
               | Spectrum-48k-&-128k-toast...
         | gizajob wrote:
         | Is Matthew Smith your hero?
         | shever73 wrote:
         | Exactly the same. I've added to my collection over the years
         | and am eagerly awaiting my ZX Spectrum Next Issue 2
         | stevekemp wrote:
         | Same here:
         | https://blog.steve.fi/how_i_started_programming.html
         | I don't have a physical machine any more, but I have a framed
         | print of the keyboard hanging on the wall behind me, and I've
         | got a single-board Z80-based system running CP/M 2.x on the
         | shelf to my side.
         | Even now I still go back and play "Chaos" under emulation every
         | month or two. I'm looking forward to introducing our child,
         | currently five, to some of the classic games in the future.
         | He's young enough that they'll be impressive as he's seen
         | nothing more modern. I hope.
       (page generated 2022-04-23 23:00 UTC)