[HN Gopher] Hexells - Self-Organising System of Cells Drawing Te...
       Hexells - Self-Organising System of Cells Drawing Textures [WebGL]
       Author : sva_
       Score  : 99 points
       Date   : 2022-04-25 18:21 UTC (4 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (znah.net)
 (TXT) w3m dump (znah.net)
       | btbuildem wrote:
       | Very cool, but having other people mess with the patterns is
       | pretty annoying.
         | abhiminator wrote:
         | Not to mention the resource utilization. I feel the code could
         | be more optimized for a WebGL-based project.
       | blondin wrote:
       | i have come to expect webgl projects to munch on my resources
       | like crazy. this project was no exception. looks cool but had to
       | close the tab after a few seconds.
       | inetknght wrote:
       | That's pretty cool! Can it be turned into a screensaver?
       | orangesite wrote:
       | https://draves.org/bomb/
       | pohl wrote:
       | I'd be curious to play with something like this on a Penrose
       | tesselation.
       | cupofpython wrote:
       | are there multiple people interacting with the screen at the same
       | time?
       | i found that the entire pattern changed rather quickly anytime i
       | was enjoying it, which felt a bit too chaotic for me to spend
       | more than a minute on it. cool page though
         | Pwntastic wrote:
         | it opens a websocket that seems to be receiving touch events
         | over the network, so my guess is: yes
         | sva_ wrote:
         | I think it's just the script doing this itself, when you're not
         | interacting? I'm not sure, I didn't make this, just found it
         | and thought others would enjoy it. But the random interactions
         | are indeed pretty annoying.
         | edit: seems like there is a socket syncing it.
         | I tried to disable it by entering 'window.demo.ws.close()' in
         | the console, but the script just reopens the socket.
         | edit2: Ahh, if you "swipe" up it says "you control x screens"
         | (x=126 in this case). Seems like there's always one controling
         | it? Sometimes it outputs "control is busy". Weird thing.
         | jamal-kumar wrote:
         | Yeah I tried it on my phone and it said something about how I'm
         | controlling 153 views, and then whatever I was doing on my
         | phone was showing on my laptop in real time.
         | Actually pretty impressive if you ask me
         | JoeOfTexas wrote:
         | Seems like it changes if you swipe horizontally about a 3
         | quarters of the screen. Pretty trippy effects
       | daenz wrote:
       | If it feels similar to a fluid simulation, that's because it is
       | how many grid based fluid simulations are computed. They take
       | into account density, pressure, velocity, divergence, etc, of
       | neighboring cells, and compute the state of the current cell. The
       | higher resolution the grid (can be a 2d or 3d grid), the higher
       | quality the simulation.
       | DustinBrett wrote:
       | Crazy to see this on HN today, I just integrated this into my
       | desktop environment as a "Live Wallpaper" yesterday. I disabled
       | the interaction and put the model flip on a 20 second timer
       | though.
       | https://www.dustinbrett.com/
       | mojomark wrote:
       | Pretty, but does anyone know/understand what the underlying local
       | rules are governing the global imagery? Seems like the author is
       | randomly cycling through some variations of underlying parameters
       | to make pretty dynamic pictures? Just curious. Personally, for
       | things like this I like to be able to set the parameters myself
       | and observe the results. It gives me more of a sense of exploring
       | the unknown that can be repeated by using the same parameters.
         | DustinBrett wrote:
         | I'd noticed it had a big models.json file which had a big PNG
         | file encoded inside it. https://znah.net/hexells/models.json
         | Also seems to be based on work mentioned here
         | https://distill.pub/selforg/2021/textures/ which has a cool
         | interactive widget at the top.
           | sva_ wrote:
           | There's also a tutorial by the guy who made that site in the
           | OP https://selforglive.github.io
           | I haven't gone through it yet, but plan to in the next few
           | days.
             | DustinBrett wrote:
             | Oh nice! I will check out this article, hadn't noticed it.
             | I ended up going off of the GitHub repo.
             | https://github.com/znah/hexells when I turned this into a
             | Live Wallpaper.
               | sva_ wrote:
               | I originally found all this by going on his Twitter
               | account
               | https://nitter.net/zzznah
               | He posts/retweets pretty interesting stuff, such as https
               | ://nitter.net/evoluchico/status/1503307804043583488#m
       | thanatos519 wrote:
       | Super awesome. Watch out -- Stephen Wolfram might get all excited
       | and jealous!!!
         | gorjusborg wrote:
         | I feel like I'm missing some context here... care to share?
           | tantalor wrote:
           | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rule_30
           |  _Wolfram believes that Rule 30, and cellular automata in
           | general, are the key to understanding how simple rules
           | produce complex structures and behaviour in nature_
         | [deleted]
       | buffington wrote:
       | This is amazing, but damnit, why do people disable the back
       | button? I've been seeing so many people do this lately that I
       | wonder if I've missed a memo.
         | [deleted]
         | nawgz wrote:
         | It's not disabled for me. If you note, it updates a hash as you
         | swipe, it probably is just that you used it for a minute and
         | the list of hashes was deeper than your patience. Just a bad
         | interaction the author didn't prioritize
           | buffington wrote:
           | Indeed. To be fair, I clicked the back button about five
           | times before getting cranky and losing patience. It wasn't
           | even remotely obvious that pressing it did anything, since
           | the state of things is changing whether I interact with it or
           | not.
         | pvg wrote:
         | Different memo but worth checking out as well:
         |  _Please don 't complain about tangential annoyances--things
         | like article or website formats, name collisions, or back-
         | button breakage. They're too common to be interesting._
         | https://news.ycombinator.com/newsguidelines.html
           | buffington wrote:
           | Thanks! I wasn't even aware of this guideline.
       (page generated 2022-04-25 23:00 UTC)