[HN Gopher] Zq: An easier and faster alternative to jq
       Zq: An easier and faster alternative to jq
       Author : mccanne
       Score  : 354 points
       Date   : 2022-04-26 13:02 UTC (9 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (www.brimdata.io)
 (TXT) w3m dump (www.brimdata.io)
       | hbbio wrote:
       | jq is awesome, last time I used it is... today :)
       | Or rather the pure Go rewrite https://github.com/itchyny/gojq
       | which is a better faster implementation, with bugs fixed
         | kitd wrote:
         | The better error messages alone make this an improvement over
         | jq IMHO.
           | mdaniel wrote:
           | And if it's maintained, that's also a plus, since I didn't
           | realize jq was unmaintained, I thought it just didn't have
           | any bugs to fix
       | kryptozinc wrote:
       | Is there a universal json normalizer (to csv for example) that
       | doesn't require learning a terse language?
         | omaranto wrote:
         | There is gron [1], which prints json as a series of assignment
         | statements that recreate the json value. It's pretty handy.
         | [1] https://github.com/TomNomNom/gron
       | ilyash wrote:
       | In Next Generation Shell (author here), it is not as ergonomic
       | (yet?) but on the other hand it's a fully fledged no-nonsense
       | programming language... and I claim quite a readable.
       | good_data = fetch("openlibrary.json").docs.filter({"author_name":
       | Arr, "publish_year":Arr})
       | good_data.map({{"title": A.title, "author_name":
       | A.author_name[0], "publish_year": A.publish_year[0]}}).group("aut
       | hor_name").mapv(len).sortv((>=)).limit(3)
       | pm90 wrote:
       | It took me a while to grok jq, but now that I do I kinda like it?
       | I don't think I want to learn yet another thing.
       | I do like tools that complement/supplement jq though, like jid:
       | https://github.com/simeji/jid
       | tus666 wrote:
       | The worst thing about JQ is printing out several values from an
       | object at once. The syntax is so bad I have to look it up on SO
       | every time.
       | dimensionc132 wrote:
       | Simple json tasks .... read from, write to, read a value and save
       | it as a variable in BASH .... where are those examples?
       | The question for is this; can I do with json files what i can do
       | with Python using Zq?
       | eru wrote:
       | Jq being secretly a sort-of functional programming language is
       | part of what makes it great.
       | Why would you change that?
       | cosmiccatnap wrote:
       | I would love to see what jq looks like on something like a 1mil
       | line Json vs this. In my experience jq syntax is fine and I've
       | not ran into a performance issue on any one file but I seem to
       | see a jq clone every few months on here so someone seems to need
       | that, or maybe it's just the new volume slider problem who knows.
         | justinsaccount wrote:
         | jq performance is pretty terrible. Here I'm going to do
         | something super simple like pull out a single field out of a
         | large log file:                 $ wc -l big.log          979400
         | big.log            $ du -hs big.log        570M big.log
         | `count` is a small program that counts lines on stdin. like
         | `sort|uniq -c |sort -n`
         | jq takes 12 seconds:                 $ time cat big.log |jq -cr
         | .method |~/bin/count        848000 GET       94800 POST
         | 34000 HEAD       2400 OPTIONS       200 null            real
         | 0m12.381s       user 0m12.427s       sys 0m0.333s
         | my tool takes .5 seconds                 $ time cat big.log
         | |~/bin/jj method |~/bin/count        848000 GET       94800
         | POST       34000 HEAD       2400 OPTIONS       200
         | real 0m0.466s       user 0m0.512s       sys 0m0.198s
         | `jj` is a little tool I wrote that uses
         | https://github.com/buger/jsonparser
       | gzapp wrote:
       | I'm sure I'm not the only person that got fed up with
       | occasionally needing to do something more advanced and just
       | finding the JQ incantations inscrutable.
       | Also prob not the first to create a project for personal use that
       | just wraps evals in another language haha:
       | https://www.npmjs.com/package/jsling
       | xg15 wrote:
       | A bit OT:
       | The post links to the tutorial "An Introduction to JQ" at [1].
       | Somewhere inside the tutorial, array operators are introduced
       | like this:
       | > _jq lets you select the whole array [], a specific element [3],
       | or ranges [2:5] and combine these with the object index if
       | needed._
       | This is not supposed to be criticism on this particular tutorial
       | (I've seen this kind of description quite often), but I could
       | imagine this to be a typical "eyes glaze over" moment, where
       | people subtly lose track of what is happening.
       | It appears to make sense on first glance, but leaves open the
       | question what "selecting the whole array" actually means -
       | especially, since you can write both ".myarray" and ".myarray[]"
       | and both will select the whole array in a sense.
       | I think this is the point where one would really need to learn
       | about sequences and about jq's processing model to not get
       | frustrated later.
       | [1] https://earthly.dev/blog/jq-select/
         | adamgordonbell wrote:
         | Oh, I wrote that. I think I get what you mean. There are two
         | different things, and they aren't being delineated. How would
         | you explain it?
         | I don't know how jq works internally and in my mental model []
         | maps into the json array and also can wrap things back into an
         | array. So that [.[]] unwraps and then rewraps a JSON array,
         | sort of like how [.[].title] is the same as map(.title).
       | henrydark wrote:
       | I have recently started to use jq massively, and I love it.
       | Zq looks cool, but the fact that this piece doesn't contain a
       | single instance of the word "map" tells me the authors still
       | haven't gotten jq. Especially with the running strawman example
       | of adding numbers.
       | ducaale wrote:
       | In the theme of jq alternatives, there is fx[1] which has an
       | interactive view and supports querying JSON in Javascript, Python
       | and Ruby. It used to be a node CLI but was recently rewritten in
       | golang[2]
       | [1] https://github.com/antonmedv/fx
       | [2] https://twitter.com/antonmedv/status/1515429017582809090
       | stblack wrote:
       | Why all the hate HN?
       | I feel the author makes his case clearly, then presents an
       | alternative. Underneath all this is a ton of work, for which I
       | applaud OP.
       | It may not scratch your particular itch, but come on!
       | Being an ass on HN is a choice. It happens far too often, and I
       | wish everyone would just dial it back.
         | dimitrios1 wrote:
         | Do not confuse critique with hate.
         | This place has a high standard for new tools and libraries,
         | particularly one that claims to be better in any stretch
         | ("faster" and "easier"). If this was say, a college student
         | learning programming and presenting it as "hey I made a jq
         | alternative and I believe it's easier and faster" I imagine it
         | would solicit more softened feedback.
         | Come prepared, and ready to defend your stance. If you can't
         | take the heat, don't come in the kitchen.
         | eatonphil wrote:
         | I don't see hate for the project here.
         | I see criticism for the way they're trying to position it as
         | _easier_ than jq when it 's just different than jq.
         | It looks like a cool project on its own and doesn't need to
         | describe jq as confusing to make that point.
           | skybrian wrote:
           | But it is easier, for them.
           | Easier, as a universal claim, is hard to establish - you'd
           | need to do user studies. Easier in the author's opinion is
           | normal usage, and their opinion is as good as anyone else's.
           | They gave a reasonable justification.
           | I kind of think you'd need to use both tools to have an
           | informed opinion about which you think is easier. But most of
           | us aren't going to do that, which is fine.
           | I think having strong opinions about which is easier without
           | trying them both is weird, though.
             | pessimizer wrote:
             | > But it is easier, for them.
             | As they wrote it, it would be surprising if it weren't.
       | diehunde wrote:
       | Pardon my ignorance, but would I spend time learning something
       | like jq or zq when it only takes me a couple of minutes to
       | develop a script using some high-level language? I've had to
       | process complex JSON files in the past, and a simple Python
       | script gets the job done, and the syntax is much more familiar
       | and easier to memorize. Is there a use case I'm missing?
         | vlunkr wrote:
         | jq is great for shell scripts. Say your script hits an API that
         | returns JSON, and you want to retrieve a single field. This can
         | be difficult to do correctly with grep or other text matching
         | tools, but is trivial with jq. You just pipe it in like "curl
         | XYZ | jq '.path.to.your.data'"
         | I imagine this is how it's used 90% of the time, but can do
         | lots more advanced stuff as described in the article.
         | johnday wrote:
         | Suppose you write a shell script which is intended for use
         | among colleagues as part of a pipeline.
         | In many cases, the most appropriate and useful tool for the job
         | would be jq - one line in the shell script corresponding to the
         | required data transform, calling out to `jq`, which already has
         | a reasonable user base and documentation, and could be
         | trivially replaced by anyone if the business needs change.
         | orthecreedence wrote:
         | You can spend a few days getting to know jq or you can happily
         | live with your 100+ purpose-built scripts. I know which one I
         | prefer.
         | I don't even process complex JSON...it's usually pretty basic.
         | But being able to quickly select parts out of streams of JSON
         | data on the CLI is incredibly useful to me, and learning even
         | just the basics of jq has paid for itself a hundred times over
         | by now.
         | Granted, a lot of my job right now is data forensics stuff, so
         | I breath this kind of stuff. You might never need jq.
         | johnthuss wrote:
         | There is certainly a learning curve with jq that can put people
         | off. The attraction is that the end result is a very small
         | amount of code that does only one thing: parse a JSON file,
         | rather than invoking an external script that might send many
         | HTTP requests or launch a missile.
         | As the complexity of the input JSON grows or the complexity of
         | your processing, it does makes sense to leave jq behind for a
         | higher level language.
           | eru wrote:
           | I agree with most of what you say.
           | I disagree with 'leaving for a higher level language'. Jq is
           | an extremely high level language.
           | What it is _not_ is a general purpose language.
         | ris wrote:
         | 1. The High Level Language of your choice may not be the
         | flavour liked by other members of your team. Ruby? ew please
         | use Python - unnecessary discussion ensues... 2. Your High
         | Level Language of choice would probably require a non-trivial
         | container image, which requires extra decisions to be made
         | about sourcing, which is something you'd rather not think about
         | if this is just e.g. a step in a CD pipeline. jq is tiny and a
         | very simple addition to an existing image. It's even present by
         | default in GitHub Actions' `ubuntu-latest`. 3. Your High Level
         | Language of choice may require dependencies to do the same job.
         | How are those dependencies going to be defined, pinned, who's
         | going to be responsible for bumping them...?
         | I used to 100% agree with you, but these days I understand why
         | so much stuff ends up being bash and jq.
         | [deleted]
         | meowface wrote:
         | If you're doing a lot of JSON munging every day and have good
         | mastery of something like jq or zq, you can probably get things
         | done faster.
         | Like you, I almost always just write Python scripts for such
         | tasks because it's a lot easier for me to reason through it and
         | debug it, but it's definitely slower-going than what I might do
         | if I were very adept in a terse language like jq. I don't do
         | this too often, so it makes little difference to me, but if
         | someone is doing this multiple times a day, every day, it'll
         | add up. As you say, it takes a few minutes; with jq, it could
         | be a few seconds.
         | aftbit wrote:
         | This is how I felt about regular expression when I was first
         | learning them. Now I feel that they're one of the most powerful
         | text-processing tools that I know. I also felt similarly about
         | SQL at the very beginning. IMO if you find yourself doing a
         | _lot_ of JSON processing, learning at least basic jq gives you
         | superpowers.
         | folkrav wrote:
         | Honestly, I've only really used `jq` to quickly parse JSON
         | structures in interactive sessions e.g                 curl -s
         | http://foo.bar | jq .some.nested.value
         | Anything more complicated I would indeed go for writing a
         | proper script.
           | eru wrote:
           | Don't tell anyone, but jq is secretly a pretty well thought
           | out functional programming language.
         | pantulis wrote:
         | I am also on the same side of the discussion, but I'm a
         | programmer by trade. Most of the cases I've seen non trivial jq
         | uses is by people doing command line or shell script magic. In
         | this context I guess it's easier to write the jq expression
         | language than to whip up a fully fledged Python/Ruby/Perl
         | script without having to debug pretty basic stuff once you know
         | the syntax. Pretty much like awk.
           | eatonphil wrote:
           | I'm a programmer by trade. I use jq. :)
         | meepmorp wrote:
         | The same thing could be said for grep, or really any other
         | utility that can have its functionality reproduced in a
         | programing language.
           | eru wrote:
           | Indeed! Jq is basically something like grep for JSON.
           | It might actually make sense to embed jq functionality into
           | your favourite language (as a library or so), as it is quite
           | a nice and well-chosen set of functionality.
             | preferjq wrote:
             | I would love to see jq libraries become as common as regex
             | libraries so I could use jq directly in whatever stack or
             | environment I'm working on.
       | lichtenberger wrote:
       | I'm working on a JSONiq based implementation to jointly process
       | JSON data and XML. The compiler uses set-oriented processing (and
       | thus uses hash joins for instance wherever applicable) and is
       | meant to provide a base for JSON based database systems with
       | shared common optimizations (but can also be used as a standalone
       | in-memory query processor):
       | http://brackit.io
       | The language itself borrows a lot of concepts from functional
       | languages as higher order functions, closures... you can also
       | develop modules with functions for easy reuse...
       | A simple join for instance looks like this:
       | let $stores :=             [               { "store number" : 1,
       | "state" : "MA" },               { "store number" : 2, "state" :
       | "MA" },               { "store number" : 3, "state" : "CA" },
       | { "store number" : 4, "state" : "CA" }             ]
       | let $sales := [                { "product" : "broiler", "store
       | number" : 1, "quantity" : 20  },                { "product" :
       | "toaster", "store number" : 2, "quantity" : 100 },
       | { "product" : "toaster", "store number" : 2, "quantity" : 50 },
       | { "product" : "toaster", "store number" : 3, "quantity" : 50 },
       | { "product" : "blender", "store number" : 3, "quantity" : 100 },
       | { "product" : "blender", "store number" : 3, "quantity" : 150 },
       | { "product" : "socks", "store number" : 1, "quantity" : 500 },
       | { "product" : "socks", "store number" : 2, "quantity" : 10 },
       | { "product" : "shirt", "store number" : 3, "quantity" : 10 }
       | ]             let $join :=               for $store in $stores,
       | $sale in $sales               where $store=>"store number" =
       | $sale=>"store number"               return {                 "nb"
       | : $store=>"store number",                 "state" :
       | $store=>state,                 "sold" : $sale=>product
       | }             return [$join]
       | Of course you can also group by, count, order by, nest FLWOR
       | clauses...
         | preferjq wrote:
         | Here is a straightforward jq translation                   def
         | stores:           [             { "store number" : 1, "state" :
         | "MA" },             { "store number" : 2, "state" : "MA" },
         | { "store number" : 3, "state" : "CA" },             { "store
         | number" : 4, "state" : "CA" }           ];         def sales:
         | [             { "product" : "broiler", "store number" : 1,
         | "quantity" : 20  },             { "product" : "toaster", "store
         | number" : 2, "quantity" : 100 },             { "product" :
         | "toaster", "store number" : 2, "quantity" : 50 },             {
         | "product" : "toaster", "store number" : 3, "quantity" : 50 },
         | { "product" : "blender", "store number" : 3, "quantity" : 100
         | },             { "product" : "blender", "store number" : 3,
         | "quantity" : 150 },             { "product" : "socks", "store
         | number" : 1, "quantity" : 500 },             { "product" :
         | "socks", "store number" : 2, "quantity" : 10 },             {
         | "product" : "shirt", "store number" : 3, "quantity" : 10 }
         | ];                  [             {store: stores[], sale:
         | sales[]}           | select(.store."store number" ==
         | .sale."store number")           | { nb:    .store."store
         | number",               state: .store.state,               sold:
         | .sale.product             }         ]
         | Try it online -
         | https://tio.run/##rZPPUsMgEMbP5Sl2ctIZmklbe6HTg@PZJ8jkkD84Rh...
           | lichtenberger wrote:
           | The difference might be that Brackit uses sophisticated join
           | algorithms for these kinds of implicit joins as known from
           | relational query processing.
       | knowsuchagency wrote:
       | jq is a great tool, but my favorite alternative, by far, is jello
       | and the libraries the author has created around it
       | https://blog.kellybrazil.com/2020/03/25/jello-the-jq-alterna...
       | bradwood wrote:
       | Nothing beats gron in my view.
       | That plus good old fashioned sed/grep/awk give me everything I
       | need to do on the cli.
       | If I want more, it's python or node.
       | tzury wrote:
       | yq uses jq like syntax but works with YAML, JSON and XML.
       | https://github.com/mikefarah/yq
       | ctur wrote:
       | It takes a while to get to the point so I'll save others some
       | time and tldr this very lengthy and agenda-driven blog post:
       | jq had a tough learning curve so you should switch to zq which is
       | a (closed source?) wrapper around an obscure language you've
       | never heard of that we promise is easier because reasons. Also
       | coincidentally it's the language of an ecosystem we were funded
       | to build.
       | Edit: mea culpa, turns out you can download the source (revealed
       | half way through the article).
         | loeg wrote:
         | Closed source?
         | https://github.com/brimdata/zed/blob/main/runtime/query.go
         | Yes, it's an obscure query language. But if you were interested
         | in jq, that clearly wasn't a barrier to entry.
         | I agree the author is happy to show off their tool, but
         | disagree that that is somehow disqualifying. They made a cool
         | thing, they're allowed to be proud about it.
           | mdaniel wrote:
           | And it's BSD 3 Clause, for those interested:
           | https://github.com/brimdata/zed/blob/v1.0.0/LICENSE.txt
         | [deleted]
       | mccanne wrote:
       | Hi, all. Author here. Thanks for all the great feedback.
       | I've learned a lot from your comments and pointers.
       | The Zed project is broader than "a jq alternative" and my bad for
       | trying out this initial positioning. I do know there are a lot of
       | people out there who find jq really confusing, but it's clear if
       | you become an expert, my arguments don't hold water.
       | We've had great feedback from many of our users who are really
       | productive with the blend of search, analytics, and data
       | discovery in the Zed language, and who find manipulating eclectic
       | data in the ZNG format to be really easy.
       | Anyway, we'll write more about these other aspects of the Zed
       | project in the coming weeks and months, and in the meantime, if
       | you find any of this intriguing and want to kick the tires, feel
       | free to hop on our slack with questions/feedback or file GitHub
       | issues if you have ideas for improvements or find bugs.
       | Thanks a million!
       | https://github.com/brimdata/zed https://www.brimdata.io/join-
       | slack/
         | [deleted]
         | preferjq wrote:
         | "cobbled-together" jq as it often appears in the wild will
         | often compare badly with crafted solutions because the writer's
         | goal is usually GSD and not write pretty code.
         | People with the time and inclination to slow down and think a
         | little more about how the tools work will produce cleaner
         | solutions.
         | In your example to convert
         | {"name":"foo","vals":[1,2,3]}
         | to                   {"name":"foo","val":1}
         | {"name":"foo","val":2}         {"name":"foo","val":3}
         | All you need is this jq filter                   {name:.name,
         | val:.vals[]}
         | To me this is much better than the proposed zq or jq solution
         | you're using as a basis for comparison. You could almost use
         | the shorter                   .vals = .vals[]
         | if the name in the output didn't change.
         | These filters takes advantage of how jq's [] operator converts
         | a single result into separate results. For people new to jq
         | this behavior is often confusing unless they've seen things
         | like Cartesian products.
         | .[] -
         | https://stedolan.github.io/jq/manual/#Array/ObjectValueItera...
         | 1vuio0pswjnm7 wrote:
         | Thank you for your work on tcpdump, (original) bpf and the pcap
         | library. I benefit from those projects everyday.
         | ZSON looks way better than JSON. I pray that the Zed project
         | becomes more popular.
           | mccanne wrote:
           | Wow, thanks.
           | Coincidentally, after hearing of a friend's woes dealing with
           | massive amounts of CSV coming from a BPF-instrumental kernel,
           | I played around a bit with integrating Zed and BPF. Just an
           | experimental toy (and the repo is already out of date)...
           | https://github.com/brimdata/zbpf
           | The nice thing about Zed here is any value can be a group-by
           | key so it's easy, for example, to use kernel stacks (an array
           | of strings) in a grouping aggregate.
           | (p.s. for the record, the only thing I have to do with the
           | modern linux BPF system is the tiny vestige of origin story
           | it shares with the original work I did in the BSD kernel
           | around 1990)
         | rienko wrote:
         | Ever since my team started using Splunk (circa 2012), we
         | claimed for a more open version we could tinker with and not
         | cost an arm and a leg to ingest multiple terabytes of daily
         | data.
         | Positioning as an opensource Splunk would be an interesting
         | play. Going through your docs the union() function looks like
         | it returns a set, akin to splunk values(), is there the
         | equivalent to list()?
         | Elastic is great in its lane, but it requires more resources
         | and has a monolith weight, that has left a sour taste from our
         | internal testing. Doing a minimal ElasticSearch compatible API
         | would open up your target audience, are there any plans to do
         | you it in a short term horizon (< 1 year)?
           | mccanne wrote:
           | That's a cool idea. We've had many collaborators using Zed
           | lakes for search at smallish scale and we are still building
           | the breadth of features needed for a serious search platform,
           | but I think we have a nice architecture that holds the
           | promise to blend the best of both worlds of warehouses and
           | search.
           | As for list() and values() functions, Zed has native arrays
           | and sets so there's no need for a "multi-value" concept as in
           | splunk. If you want to turn a set into an array, a cast will
           | do the trick, e.g.,
           | echo '1 2 2 3 3' | zq 'u:=union(this) | cast(u,<[int64]>) ' -
           | [1,2,3]
           | (Note that <[int64]> is a type value that represents array of
           | int64.)
           | gauravphoenix wrote:
           | there is Dassana[1] if someone wants to try out json
           | native,index-free, schema-less solution built on top of
           | ClickHouse.
           | ShowHN post(FAQ)[2]
           | disclaimer- I'm founder/CEO of Dassana.
           | [1] https://lake.dassana.io/
           | [2] https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=31111432
       | harbor11012 wrote:
       | btw, in case you don't know, you can actually run jq using a curl
       | command:
       | https://xbin.io/w/tool/jq
       | algesten wrote:
       | I don't get it. "Instead of learning jq DSL, learn zq DSL".
       | To me they look similarly complicated and the examples stresses
       | certain aggregation operations that are harder to do in jq (due
       | to it being stateless).
         | enriquto wrote:
         | > "Instead of learning jq DSL, learn zq DSL".
         | A saner approach is to gron the damn json and just use regular
         | unix tools on the data.
         | p5a0u9l wrote:
         | Yes, but fortunately, your efforts will pay dividends when
         | parsing all the 'z*' boutique formats that it supports, zson,
         | zst, zng, the list goes on. /s
           | mattnibs wrote:
           | Not sure if this came across in the article, but all the
           | "boutique" z* formats are all representations of the same zed
           | model https://zed.brimdata.io/docs/formats/zed/
         | loeg wrote:
         | > "Instead of learning jq DSL, learn zq DSL"
         | I think you got it -- that's exactly the idea. They claim
         | (reasonably?) that it's a more intuitive DSL; and it supports
         | state. They also make some performance claims towards the end
         | of the article.
           | jerrysievert wrote:
           | > They also make some performance claims towards the end of
           | the article.
           | essentially a marginal speed increase they think on json, but
           | a much bigger speed increase (5x-100x they claim) if you
           | switch to their native format ZNG.
           | if I'm switching formats completely, I'm not sure why I care
           | about jq vs zq in json performance ...
             | loeg wrote:
             | Marginally faster is better than marginally slower, at
             | least. I agree the JSON use is probably more compelling
             | than their ZNG thing.
               | jerrysievert wrote:
               | > I agree the JSON use is probably more compelling than
               | their ZNG thing.
               | considering how much data I can already get via json (or
               | converted to json via other json related standards such
               | as geojson), there doesn't seem to be much of a
               | compelling case to use ZNG.
               | I'd love to hear different though!
       | xg15 wrote:
       | So, admitted jq fanboy here, but I found a lot of the criticism
       | from the articale really sensible.
       | I think jq has a pretty elegant data model, but the syntax is
       | often very clunky to work with.
       | So here is a half thought-out idea how you might improve the
       | syntax for the "stateful operations" usecase the OP outlined:
       | I think it's not quite true that different elements of a sequence
       | can never interact. The OP mentioned reduce/foreach, but it's
       | also what any function that takes argument does:
       | If you have an expression 'foo | bar', then bar is called once
       | for every element foo emits. However, foo could also a function
       | that takes arguments. Then you can specify bar as an argument of
       | foo like this: 'foo(bar)'. In this situation, execution of bar is
       | completely controlled by foo. In particular, foo gets to see
       | _all_ elements that foo emits, not just one each. I believe this
       | is how e.g. [x] can collect all elements of x into an array.
       | In the same way, you could write a function 'add_all(x)' which
       | calls x and adds up all emitted elements to a sum.
       | However, this wouldn't help you with collecting all input lines,
       | as there is nothing for you function to "wrap around". Or at
       | least, there _used_ to be nothing, but I think in one of the
       | recent build, an  "inputs" function was added, which emits all
       | remaining inputs. So now, you can write e.g. '[., inputs]' to
       | reimplement slurp. In the same way, you could sum up all input
       | lines by writing 'add_all(., inputs)'.
       | However, this is still ugly and unintuitive to write, so I think
       | introducting some syntactic sugar for this would be useful. E.g.,
       | you could imagine a "collect operator", e.g. '>>' which treats
       | everything left of it as the first argument to the function to
       | the right of it.
       | e.g., writing 'a >> b' would desugar to 'b(a)'.
       | Writing 'a | b >> c' would desugar to 'c(a | b)'.
       | Any steps further to the right are not affected:
       | 'a | b >> c | d' would desugar to 'c(a | b) | d'.
       | Scope to the left could be controlled with parantheses:
       | 'a | (b >> c)' would desugar to 'a | c(b)'.
       | To make this more useful for aggregating on input lines, you
       | could add a special rule that, if the operator is used with no
       | parantheses, it will implicitly prepend '(., inputs)' as the
       | first step.
       | So if the entire top-level expression is 'a | b >> c', it would
       | desugar to 'c((., inputs) | a | b)'.
       | This would make many usecases that require keeping state much
       | more straight-forward. E.g. collecting all the "baz" fields into
       | an array could be written as '.baz >> []' which would desugar to
       | '[(., inputs) | .baz]'
       | Summing up all the bazzes could be written as '.baz >> add_all'
       | which would desugar to 'add_all((., inputs) | .baz)'
       | ...and so on.
       | On the other hand, this could also lead to new confusion, as you
       | could also write stuff like '... | (.baz >> map) | ...' which
       | would really mean 'map(.baz)' or 'foo >> bar >> baz' which would
       | desugar to the extremely cryptic expression 'baz((., inputs) |
       | bar((., inputs) | foo))'. So I'm not quite sure.
       | Any thoughts about the idea?
       | jrm4 wrote:
       | Okay, so I'm a big scripter and not much of a programmer and I
       | definitely have found jq to be mostly worthless to me; but it
       | also looks like zq doesn't much help?
       | Seems to me that if you're in a shell, then you should be "shell-
       | like." There should not be much of a learning curve at all, and
       | when in doubt, try to behave like other shell tools, in a Unix
       | way way. Make pipe behavior generally predictable, especially for
       | those who aren't deep into json et al.
       | And if you're not going to do that, say so on "the box?"
       | (Disclaimer, it could be that I'm an idiot when it comes to all
       | of this and I'm missing something big. Kind of feels that way,
       | and I welcome correction)
         | dymk wrote:
         | Could you help me understand what your usecases are, and where
         | jq/zq fall short? I find the tools useful for e.g. curl'ing a
         | request with a JSON format into, and then
         | mapping/filtering/reducing the content into what I want. It
         | seems pretty unix-y to me, but I'm curious what the
         | shortcomings are. For instance, could you give an example where
         | the pipe behavior is unpredictable?
       | brushfoot wrote:
       | The name of its corporate progenitor may leave a bad taste in
       | some mouths, but I highly recommend PowerShell for this sort of
       | thing. It's cross platform, MIT licensed, and comes with
       | excellent JSON parsing and querying capabilities. Reading,
       | parsing, and querying JSON to return all red cars:
       | Get-Content cars.json | ConvertFrom-Json | ? { $_.color -eq 'red'
       | }
       | The beauty of this is that the query syntax applies not just to
       | JSON but to every type of collection, so you don't have to learn
       | a specific syntax for JSON and another for another data type. You
       | can use Get-Process on Linux to get running processes and filter
       | them in the same way. The same for files, HTML tags, etc. I think
       | nushell is doing something similar, though I haven't tried it
       | yet.
       | I prefer this approach to another domain-specific language, as
       | interesting as jq's and zq's are.
         | klysm wrote:
         | I want to learn powershell, but I have an internal ick bias
         | because I've been using bash for so many years. The tab
         | behavior is the exact opposite of what I expect and it short
         | circuits my brain every single time I press it. Having
         | structured data in the pipes seems very useful and powerful
         | though so I should probably just bite the bullet.
           | vips7L wrote:
           | Tab behavior is configurable. I have mine set to menu
           | expansion.                   Set-PSReadLineKeyHandler -Key
           | Tab -Function MenuComplete
             | icedchai wrote:
             | Thanks for that! I've recently been learning PowerShell.
             | After 30 years of bash it is interesting.
         | [deleted]
         | tl wrote:
         | Powershell's object pipes are more inspectable than any of
         | Bourne's text-based decendants. But the tool itself occupies a
         | niche between "write shell, dealing with esoteria of
         | grep/sed/awk/jq/etc" and "write python getting constructs than
         | handle complexity better than pipes".
         | Looking at the popularity of VSCode, I don't think Microsoft
         | hatred blocks its adoption.
         | bblb wrote:
         | PowerShell is "Python interactive done right". It's too bad it
         | has a bad rap in open source community and it might never get
         | the traction it really deserves. Sure it has it's downsides,
         | which tech doesn't, but PowerShell has solved so many issues
         | and annoyances with the shells that we've been used to, that it
         | still comes out as the winner.
         | I've been using it since day one from 2006, every single day.
         | It has come a long way and the current PS7 is the best shell
         | experience there is. Hands down no contest.
         | Snover's passionate early presentation about the PS pipeline is
         | a pretty cool tech video.
         | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=325kY2Umgw8
         | Arnavion wrote:
         | jq can not only process JSON input but also emit JSON output.
         | So on that note, has ConvertTo-Json stopped mangling your JSON
         | yet? https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=25500632
         | vips7L wrote:
         | > The beauty of this is that the query syntax applies not just
         | to JSON but to every type of collection,
         | This is the best part of pwsh. Everything is standardized,
         | you're not guessing at the idioms of each command, and you're
         | working with objects instead of parsing strings!
         | My second favorite part is having access to the entire C#
         | standard library.
         | pxc wrote:
         | Agreed-- PowerShell is really nice for this, as are some of the
         | other shells it has inspired.
         | ilyash wrote:
         | .. or you can try Next Generation Shell (author here):
         | fetch("cars.json").filter({"color": "red"})
         | # or
         | echo(fetch("cars.json").filter({"color": "red"}))
         | ptx wrote:
         | PowerShell "sends basic telemetry data to Microsoft [...] about
         | the host running PowerShell, and information about how
         | PowerShell is used" [1].
         | And since it relies on .NET, that also requires its own
         | separate opt-out for its telemetry. There might be other
         | components, now or in the future, that also send data to
         | Microsoft by default and would have to be separately discovered
         | and disabled.
         | [1] https://docs.microsoft.com/en-
         | us/powershell/module/microsoft...
           | brushfoot wrote:
           | To me a telemetry opt-out is a small price to pay for what
           | PowerShell brings to the table, but to each their own.
           | > There might be other components, now or in the future, that
           | also send data to Microsoft
           | Of course. Do your due diligence on whatever you install. No
           | tool should be exempt from that.
             | mschuster91 wrote:
             | > Do your due diligence on whatever you install. No tool
             | should be exempt from that.
             | That's a ridiculous take. 99% of users don't understand
             | what all that technobabble in a typical EULA means, they
             | will just go for the option they are nudged to (which is
             | why first the courts and now enforcement agencies are
             | stepping up their game against that practice [1]).
             | The way that the GDPR expects stuff to be handled is by
             | getting _explicit_ user consent, the consent must be a
             | reasonably free choice (i.e. deals like  "give me your
             | personal data and the app is free, otherwise pay" are
             | banned), and there must not be any exchange of GDPR-
             | protected data without that consent unless technically
             | required to perform the service the user demands. Clearly,
             | a telemetry _opt-out_ is completely against the spirit of
             | the GDPR and I seriously hope for Microsoft to get
             | flattened by the courts for the bullshit they have been
             | pulling for way too long now.
             | What I would _actually_ expect of Microsoft is to follow
             | the Apple way: have one single central place, ideally at
             | setup and later in the System Preferences, where tracking,
             | analytics and other optional crap can be disabled system-
             | wide.
             | [1] https://www.hiddemann.de/allgemein/lg-rostock-bejaht-
             | unterla...
               | jodrellblank wrote:
               | The GDPR applies to personal data. PowerShell telemetry
               | isn't personal data, so it's not covered by the GDPR.
               | What is reported is documented here:
               | https://docs.microsoft.com/en-
               | us/powershell/module/microsoft...
               | and is " _anonymized information about the host running
               | PowerShell, and information about how PowerShell is used_
               | ". It sucks that it has telemetry, but anonymised
               | information about whether a computer ran 10 .exe or 10
               | cmdlets pales into insignificance against Windows and
               | Edge and OneDrive slurping up names, addresses, files,
               | moving logins to Microsoft accounts, sending browser
               | history to Microsoft, checking downloads with Microsoft,
               | keeping a history of all programs run in Windows for
               | timeline and trying to send that to Microsoft to sync it
               | between devices, moving OneNote to the cloud, having the
               | start menu search be a Bing web search, defaulting to
               | Cortana being a cloud based voice search, sending pen and
               | ink data to Microsoft, and etc. etc.
               | mschuster91 wrote:
               | Even the fact that a particular piece of software is used
               | by a specific IP address _is_ enough PII that it 's
               | covered under GDPR by most viewpoints. The fact that
               | Microsoft is collecting even more data doesn't excuse
               | telemetry in PowerShell _at all_.
               | I would simply wish for _no_ telemetry to happen at all
               | without user consent. If Microsoft wants information
               | about how people use their software or how stable it is
               | and not enough people opt in, _they should fucking pay
               | people money_ for market research and QA.
               | brushfoot wrote:
               | > That's a ridiculous take
               | Then it befits a ridiculous state of affairs. It would be
               | great to have the standards you suggest, and it's a shame
               | that we don't. But that doesn't change the fact that we
               | don't, and because we don't, we need to do due diligence
               | on the tools we install.
               | ElectricalUnion wrote:
               | > What I would actually expect of Microsoft is to follow
               | the Apple way: have one single central place, ideally at
               | setup and later in the System Preferences, where
               | tracking, analytics and other optional crap can be
               | disabled system-wide.
               | This is still GDPR non-compliant, you should have a
               | central place to _opt-in_ _tracking, analytics and other
               | optional crap_ if you so desire.
               | mschuster91 wrote:
               | So what? You can opt-in to tracking in the macOS System
               | Preferences, pane "security and data protection", tab
               | "Privacy" _at any time_ you wish should you not have done
               | so during the macOS onboarding process.
               | In Debian, you can opt-in at setup time or any later time
               | with a simple "dpkg-reconfigure popularity-contest" (even
               | though that one isn't fully GDPR-compliant as you can't
               | easily read what exactly is being done from the same
               | screen).
               | ElectricalUnion wrote:
               | > So what? You can opt-in to tracking in the macOS System
               | Preferences, pane "security and data protection", tab
               | "Privacy" at any time you wish should you not have done
               | so during the macOS onboarding process.
               | You cannot _opt-in_. You can go to `System Preferences  >
               | Security & Privacy > Analytics & Improvements` and _opt-
               | out_ , but the default _is not opt-in_.
           | sandyarmstrong wrote:
           | > And since it relies on .NET, that also requires its own
           | separate opt-out for its telemetry.
           | Building a program with .NET does NOT cause that program to
           | send telemetry to Microsoft.
           | You're thinking of the .NET SDK itself. Using PowerShell does
           | not trigger any use of the .NET SDK.
           | Disclaimer: I work for Microsoft.
             | ptx wrote:
             | Ah, yes, my mistake. Although PowerShell sends its own
             | telemetry, the additional telemetry from the .NET platform
             | is only sent when you use the _dotnet_ command [1] and, as
             | a special case, not when you very carefully invoke it only
             | "in the following format: dotnet [path-to-app].dll" and
             | never e.g. "dotnet help".
             | However, presumably PowerShell requires at least the .NET
             | Runtime if not the .NET SDK, doesn't it? The docs [2]
             | suggest running "dotnet --list-runtimes" to "see which
             | versions of the .NET runtime are currently installed", so
             | it sounds like the Runtime also includes the _dotnet_
             | command. Does running the recommended  "dotnet --list-
             | runtimes" command send telemetry, like most of the
             | commands? Or are you saying that the Runtime, unlike the
             | SDK, doesn't include telemetry at all?
             | [1] https://docs.microsoft.com/en-
             | us/dotnet/core/tools/telemetry
             | [2] https://docs.microsoft.com/en-
             | us/dotnet/core/install/how-to-...
               | sandyarmstrong wrote:
               | > However, presumably PowerShell requires at least the
               | .NET Runtime if not the .NET SDK, doesn't it?
               | Nope, these days .NET programs (like PowerShell) bundle
               | the runtime. But even if they did a lighter distribution
               | that depended on the runtime already being installed,
               | there would be no .NET telemetry sent.
               | > Does running the recommended "dotnet --list-runtimes"
               | command send telemetry, like most of the commands?
               | This is still an SDK command. I don't personally know if
               | this one sends any telemetry.
               | > Or are you saying that the Runtime, unlike the SDK,
               | doesn't include telemetry at all?
               | The runtime does not send telemetry.
               | ptx wrote:
               | So the "dotnet" command is only in the SDK, not in the
               | separately downloadable Runtime? Does the Runtime have
               | some other command to launch an executable?
               | Edit: Actually, the ".NET Runtime 6.0.4" [1] (not the
               | SDK) definitely has a "dotnet" command included.
               | Presumably with the telemetry?
               | [1] https://dotnet.microsoft.com/en-
               | us/download/dotnet/6.0
               | sandyarmstrong wrote:
               | When I say "the runtime", I'm referring to everything
               | that would be bundled into a published .NET program. The
               | base class libraries, the bootstrapper, etc. There is no
               | telemetry here.
               | Yes, if you download a .NET Runtime distribution, it will
               | include the `dotnet` command from the SDK so that basic
               | commands like `dotnet --list-runtimes` and `dotnet
               | --list-sdks` are available. These commands may send
               | telemetry. But as you probably saw on
               | https://docs.microsoft.com/en-
               | us/dotnet/core/tools/telemetry , using `dotnet
               | path/to/program.dll` to run an unbundled .NET program
               | will never send telemetry.
         | mdaniel wrote:
         | I conceptually like pwsh, but even as your example shows, I
         | don't have the RSI budget left to spend on typing that
         | extremely verbose expression every day
         | jq and its unix-y friends allow me to trade off expressiveness
         | against having to memorize arcane invocations
           | [deleted]
           | brushfoot wrote:
           | I hear that, I use and like *nix too. PowerShell aliases help
           | a lot. It comes with some predefined, like `gc` for `Get-
           | Content`. The above example could be rewritten:
           | gc cars.json | ConvertFrom-Json | ? color -eq 'red'
           | `ConvertFrom-Json` doesn't have a default alias, but you can
           | define one in your PowerShell profile. I do that for commands
           | I find myself using frequently. Say we pick convjson:
           | gc cars.json | convjson | ? color -eq 'red'
           | That's more like what my typical pipelines look like.
           | The nice thing about aliases is you can always switch back to
           | the verbose names when clarity is more important than
           | brevity, like in long-term scripts.
           | Edit: Seems I've been using too many braces and dollar signs
           | all these years. Thanks to majkinetor for the tip.
             | majkinetor wrote:
             | You don't need $_ for immediate properties which looks much
             | cleaner:                   gc cars.json | convjson | ?
             | color -eq 'red'
               | sandyarmstrong wrote:
               | TIL! Thanks!
       | taude wrote:
       | I'm surprised no one mentioned rq [1] yet. It's come up before in
       | older HN threads [2] whenever the discussion on jq comes up...
       | [1] https://github.com/dflemstr/rq [2]
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=13090604
       | marmada wrote:
       | I see a lot of JQ experts on this thread, so I'll bite the bullet
       | here as a novice.
       | The purpose of life is not to know JQ. I just want to process the
       | JSON so I can move on and do whatever is actually important.
       | Ideally, I'd just be able to tell GPT-codex to do what I want to
       | do to the JSON in English.
       | We're not there yet, but in the meantime if there's another tool
       | that allows me to know less in exchange for doing more, I'll
       | gladly use it.
         | phil294 wrote:
         | This is one of the purposes I think Deno should have been built
         | for: Use JavaScript for oneliners in the command line. We had
         | ... | deno xeval '...stdin processing code using special var $'
         | which was close to xargs in terms of conciseness.
         | Unfortunately, it was removed as being considered "too niche"
         | [1].
         | [1] https://github.com/denoland/deno/issues/3230
         | [deleted]
         | dotopotoro wrote:
         | > know less in exchange for doing more
         | That is very rare event with established tooling.
         | Most of the time complexity is just shifted around.
         | boyter wrote:
         | Same boat here. I ended up finding gron
         | https://github.com/tomnomnom/gron which resolved that issue for
         | me. Now I don't have to look up how to use jq each time I want
         | to quickly find something in some JSON.
         | 1vuio0pswjnm7 wrote:
         | Perhaps it is not so much the "tool" that is the impediment to
         | progress. Perhaps it is the format. In many cases, the JSON
         | format leads to slower processing. To add insult to injury, it
         | is not human readable. I have written programs for myself using
         | flex^1 to extract JSON from HTML and make it line-delimited and
         | readable for me.^2 For me, these programs are easier to use and
         | work faster than jq or any other program I have tried,
         | irrespective of the size of the JSON input.^3 IMHO, the real
         | issue is not the programs available, it is the format. (Or
         | maybe I am just too stupid to see the greatness of JSON.)
         | 1. I think jq uses flex, too, but its usage is way more
         | complicated.
         | 2. I dislike excessive indentation and nesting.
         | 3. jq provides a --stream option for situations where the size
         | of the input may impact the processing speed.
         | preferjq wrote:
         | I completely agree when your goal is GSD just use the tools you
         | have.
         | When you have time to sharpen the saw come back and dig into
         | the details of how jq and tools like it work and where their
         | limits are. Looking at the jq builtins[1] can be very
         | enlightening
         | If you get to the point where your goal is to increase your jq
         | skills I'd recommend looking at the jq questions on Stack
         | Overflow and posting your own solution. Contributing a solution
         | to https://rosettacode.org/wiki/Category:Jq is also good.
         | 1- https://github.com/stedolan/jq/blob/master/src/builtin.jq
         | nixpulvis wrote:
         | No, not ideally.
         | English descriptions will never be completely unambiguous and
         | unique keys into a JSON data structure. There is a very good
         | reason programming languages (and other forms of languages)
         | exist.
       | psacawa wrote:
       | Since no one seems to know about it, jq is described in _great_
       | detail on the github wiki page [0]. That flattens the learning
       | curve a lot. It 's not as arcane as it seems.
       | The touted claim that is fundamentally stateless is not true. jq
       | is also stateful in the sense that it has variables. If you want,
       | you can write regular procedural code this way. Some examples [1]
       | The real problem of jq is that it is currently lacking a
       | maintainer to assess a number of PRs that have accumulated since
       | 2018.
       | [0] https://github.com/stedolan/jq/wiki/jq-Language-Description
       | [1]
       | https://github.com/fadado/JBOL/blob/master/fadado.github.io/...
         | j1elo wrote:
         | Sadly very few authors seem to acknowledge or even know that
         | _github wiki pages are not indexed by search engines_ so if it
         | wasn 't for third-party sites like github-wiki-see.page (which
         | could stop working at any time) their contents would be
         | undiscoverable by the very same people they are usually
         | intended...
           | oblio wrote:
           | What? That's crazy! Does Github block indexing?
             | bckygldstn wrote:
             | There's more details on https://github-wiki-see.page/ and h
             | ttps://github.com/github/feedback/discussions/4992#discussi
             | ...
             | > we have also introduced an x-robots-tag: none in the http
             | response header of Wiki pages
             | > Abusive behavior in Wikis had a negative impact on our
             | search engine ranking
             | > GitHub is currently permitting a select criteria of
             | GitHub Wikis to be indexed
             | beembeem wrote:
             | https://github.com/robots.txt
             | I don't see anything here about wiki specifically but maybe
             | one of the rules hits wiki pages?
         | dilap wrote:
         | From that page:
         | > The jq documentation is written in a style that hides a lot
         | of important detail because the hope is that the language feels
         | intuitive.
         | Yeah, not so much boys! Also, that disclaimer should really be
         | at the top of the _manual_ , with a link to the wiki, rather
         | than vice-versa, as it is now.
         | The wiki is like secret information -- "oh, hey, here's the
         | page that _actually_ tells you how it works! "
         | klysm wrote:
         | I didn't realize jq was missing a maintainer, it's one of my
         | most used CLI tools.
           | ethanwillis wrote:
           | It really is a fundamental problem where lots of these
           | important projects aren't maintained simply because the
           | reality is the maintainers can't beat the economics of a lot
           | of rich freeloaders having no real short term incentive to
           | compensate these maintainers..
             | avgcorrection wrote:
             | > can't beat the economics
             | This makes it sound like this is some antagonistic
             | relationship where the OSS maintainer loses. But the
             | idealistic scenario that you are alluding to[1] is about a
             | developer who develops free OSS in their free time. And
             | then, yes, very few end up paying or donating anything. But
             | how is a predictable chain of events a _loss_? What is the
             | "economics" of it?
             | [1] Some OSS developers do it as their day job.
               | ethanwillis wrote:
               | This is unrelated to the argument but using references
               | that aren't references made that really confusing to
               | read.
               | In any case, what I meant by the "economics" of it is
               | that in general a person can only afford to work for free
               | for so long before they need to pay bills, eat, have
               | and/or acquire a standard of living that isn't poverty.
               | If they have a day job where they are writing this
               | software in their free time, how long can they do this
               | before burning out?
               | avgcorrection wrote:
               | You say that this is unrelated yet your follow-up
               | reinforces my initial impression.
               | How does one afford to work for free? One has a day job.
               | How does someone who volunteers for search-and-rescue
               | afford it? That's obviously a ridiculous question--they
               | are volunteers so they necessarily must do something from
               | nine to five. Or be independently wealthy.
               | But how does one avoid burnout as a double-worked
               | programmer? I think we have ourselves to blame on that
               | point since we have put the double-worked programmer on a
               | pedestal. So we can either:
               | 1. Not work on things both professionally and in our free
               | time; or
               | 2. Force ourselves to do just that because we gain
               | something extrinsic from it that we might need, like
               | simply keeping up with the Joneses (having an answer for
               | "where's your private GitHub" in interviews...)
             | jahewson wrote:
             | It's not though, because in this case the (ex-)maintainer
             | works at a Wall St firm.
               | ethanwillis wrote:
               | This is exactly my point. Will he quit the paying job to
               | work for free? How long could he maintain this for free
               | with no other job, or with a job and additional free
               | hours without running out of money or burning out?
               | carlhjerpe wrote:
               | But everyone can't realistically live a wealthy life off
               | FLOSS tools either. The people who write these things are
               | usually very talented and will make killer pay anywhere
               | they work. Usually a cool thing is when companies sponsor
               | them to work X% for them and Y% on the FLOSS tool.
             | lenkite wrote:
             | Pity he quit before Github opened up sponsorships.
           | skybrian wrote:
           | In this case it doesn't seem too critical? It means jq
           | remains stable, which is probably what should happen once a
           | tool like this gets a lot of users.
         | Beltalowda wrote:
         | > It's not as arcane as it seems.
         | The issue with jq is that I use it maybe once a month, or even
         | less. The syntax is "arcane enough" that I keep forgetting how
         | to use it because I use it so sporadically.
         | In comparison awk - which I also don't use _that_ often - has a
         | much easier syntax that I can mostly remember.
         | Not entirely convinced by the zq syntax either though; it also
         | seems "arcane enough" that I would keep forgetting it.
           | hiram112 wrote:
           | Bingo.
           | There are at least a dozen tools and languages and syntaxes
           | that I've used sporadically over the years - awk, sed, bash,
           | Mongo, perl, etc. I don't use them often enough to remember
           | exactly how they work, and so I always have to spend a few
           | hours reviewing manuals or old code repos or an O'Reilly
           | book.
           | But if I do end up using it for a few days in a row, it
           | starts to make sense, and I improve each time I use it.
           | But not with jq.
           | It just does not make sense to my brain, no matter how many
           | times I've had to use it. Every single time I need to use it,
           | it requires finding some Stack Exchange or blog and just
           | copying and pasting. Even after seeing the solution, rarely
           | do I then really understand why or how it works. Nor can I
           | often take that knowledge and apply it to similar problems.
           | About the only other syntax or language that gives me such
           | problems is Elastic Search DSL.
             | silon42 wrote:
             | Same for me... everytime I have to lookup the basics... and
             | I love awk,perl and xpath/xslt.
           | ar_lan wrote:
           | This is ironic - I use `awk` so infrequently, I have _no
           | idea_ how to use it without reading its man page or using
           | Google. But I use `jq` often and find it simple.
           | ts0000 wrote:
           | Interesting, for me it's the exact opposite.
           | I've tried a couple of times to get into awk, but still find
           | the syntax arcane.
             | Beltalowda wrote:
             | I don't know; I wouldn't presume to tell you what _you_ do
             | or don 't find arcane, but once I understood the somewhat
             | unusual flow of awk ("for every line, check if the line
             | matches this condition, and if it does run this block of
             | code") I found it's quite easy to work with. It's "arcane"
             | in the sense that it has an implicit loop and that it's a
             | specialized language for a very limited class of problems,
             | but I found that for this limited class of problem it's
             | surprisingly effective.
               | dotancohen wrote:
               | > an implicit loop
               | As an occasional awk user, I'd love if you expand on
               | this. Maybe it will help clear things up for me. You're
               | not referring to the fact that awk operates on every line
               | independently, are you?
               | Beltalowda wrote:
               | My mental image of awk has always been something along
               | these lines:                   for line in readfile()
               | for block in script:                 if block.match(line)
               | run_block(block)                 end             endfor
               | endfor
               | Where the "for line in readfile()" is the "implicit
               | loop", and the blocks are the "condition { .. }" blocks.
               | The actual flow is a little bit more complex and has some
               | exceptions e.g. (BEGIN/END), but this is about the gist
               | of it.
           | taude wrote:
           | Same issue. However, I do successfully rely on using ctrl-r a
           | lot to search prior invoked commands. And have a few core
           | aliases that I've cobbled together....
             | rgoodwintx wrote:
             | Here because.... I didn't know of ctrl-R. What a life
             | changer (although I had an alias for "hg" to "history |
             | grep" :) )
               | kalev wrote:
               | Please check FZF [1] and it's integration with ctrl-r.
               | It's a huge productivity boost and I cannot live without
               | it.
               | [1] https://github.com/junegunn/fzf
               | carlhjerpe wrote:
               | There's also McFly[1] that does interactive history
               | search. [1]: https://github.com/cantino/mcfly
           | laurent123456 wrote:
           | I wonder if someone tried to use plain JS as a filtering
           | language? It would be more verbose but it would be easy to
           | remember. For example:                  [1,2,3] | js "out =
           | 0; for (const n of this) out += n"
           | That would print "6". `out` would be a special variable you
           | write to to print the result, and `this` would be the input.
             | Beltalowda wrote:
             | A few of the tools listed here seem to work like that, or
             | roughly similar: https://ilya-sher.org/2018/04/10/list-of-
             | json-tools-for-comm...
             | I didn't check any of them out though.
             | mechanicalpulse wrote:
             | I've used trentm's json (formerly known as jsontool)
             | package from npm as my default tool for command-line
             | manipulation of JSON for many years now. It provides CLI
             | arguments for passing JavaScript code for filtering and
             | executing on input. I have resisted investing the time into
             | becoming fluent in jq because I've found that many of the
             | common use cases I have are readily handled by jsontool.
             | https://www.npmjs.com/package/json
             | Edit: added more information
             | lgas wrote:
             | My hope was to one day add JS eval support to
             | https://github.com/SuperpowersCorp/refactorio but as you
             | can tell by the timestamps I haven't found any time to work
             | on it in the last 4 years.
         | adamgordonbell wrote:
         | I found it hard to approach at first, but I think it was just
         | the lack of material that worked through simple examples step
         | by step.
         | I ended up writing my own guide to it, that in my unbiased
         | opinion makes it easier to get the point where in-depth
         | examples and language descriptions are easier to understand.
         | Edit: Oh, wow, it's even mentioned in this article. Maybe I
         | should read before commenting.
         | https://earthly.dev/blog/jq-select/
           | sfink wrote:
           | I discovered jq after I wrote my own (extremely limited)
           | version of it. I need it quite often, and yet I've never
           | managed to get up the activation energy to learn enough for
           | it to be useful. I need to have some notion of the
           | computation model before anything is going to make sense to
           | me. I hate learning things in completely disparate pieces
           | that I need to memorize in hopes that someday it will just
           | click together and I'll derive the underlying principles.
           | Your guide was great for this. It stepped me through enough
           | of the bare basics in a way that the underlying model was
           | obvious. It didn't get me nearly far enough for many of the
           | tasks that I need jq for, but it got me started and that's
           | all I really needed. Everything additional that I need to
           | learn becomes obvious in retrospect--"of course there's an
           | operator for this, there kind of has to be!".
           | Thank you!
         | jdnier wrote:
         | Here's podcast interview with the creator of jq about what he's
         | been working on at Jane Street:
         | https://signalsandthreads.com/memory-management/
         | [deleted]
       | sfink wrote:
       | The thing that I find myself wanting, which is lacking in both jq
       | and zq afaik, is interactive exploration. I want to move around
       | in a large JSON file, narrow my context to the portion I'm
       | interested in, and do specialized queries and transformations on
       | just the data I care about.
       | I wrote a tool to do this -- https://github.com/hotsphink/sfink-
       | tools/blob/master/bin/jso... -- but I do not recommend it to
       | anyone other than as perhaps a source of inspiration. It's slow
       | and buggy, the syntax is cryptic and just matches whatever I came
       | up with when I had a new need, etc. It probably wouldn't exist if
       | I had heard of jq sooner.
       | But for what it does, it's _awesome_. I can do things like:
       | % json somefile.json       > ls         0/         1/         2/
       | > cd 0       > ls         info/         files/         timings/
       | version       > cat version       1.2b       > cat timings/*/mean
       | timings/firstPaint/mean = 51       timings/loadEventEnd/mean =
       | 103       timings/timeToContentfulPaint/mean = 68
       | timings/timeToDomContentFlushed/mean = 67
       | timings/timeToFirstInteractive/mean = 658       timings/ttfb/mean
       | = 6
       | There are commands for searching, modifying data, aggregating,
       | etc., but those would be better done in a more principled, full-
       | featured syntax like jq's.
       | I see ijq, and it looks really nice. But it doesn't have the
       | context and restriction of focus that I'm looking for.
         | dan-robertson wrote:
         | One solution I've seen is basically to hijack fzf to
         | interactively input a jq query, add closing brackets in a naive
         | way, run jq -C ... | head on an input file, and display the
         | result as a fzf 'preview'. fzf ends up handling things like the
         | preview command and display and line-editing logic but it may
         | be slow if you don't get early results.
         | lichtenberger wrote:
         | That's one of the main steps forward for Brackit, a
         | retargetable JSONiq query engine/compiler (http://brackit.io)
         | and the append-only data store SirixDB (https://sirix.io) and a
         | new web frontend. My vision is not only to explore the most
         | recent revision but also any other older revisions, to display
         | the diffs, to display the results of time travel queries...
         | help is highly welcome as I'm myself a backend engineer and
         | working on the query engine and the data store itself :-)
         | Detect changes of a specific node and the whole
         | subtree/subtree:                   let $node :=
         | jn:doc('mycol.jn','mydoc.jn')=>fieldName[[1]]         let
         | $result := for $node-in-rev in jn:all-times($node)
         | return                          if
         | ((not(exists(jn:previous($node-in-rev))))
         | or (sdb:hash($node-in-rev) ne sdb:hash(jn:previous($node-in-
         | rev)))) then                            $node-in-rev
         | else                            ()         return [
         | for $jsonItem in $result           return { "node": $jsonItem,
         | "revision": sdb:revision($jsonItem) }         ]
         | Get all diffs between all revisions and serialize the output in
         | an array:                   let $maxRevision :=
         | sdb:revision(jn:doc('mycol.jn','mydoc.jn'))         let $result
         | := for $i in (1 to $maxRevision)                        return
         | if ($i > 1) then
         | jn:diff('mycol.jn','mydoc.jn',$i - 1, $i)
         | else                            ()         return [
         | for $diff at $pos in $result           return {"diffRev" ||
         | $pos || "toRev" || $pos + 1: jn:parse($diff)=>diffs}         ]
         | Open a specific revision
         | By datetime:                   jn:open('mycol.jn','mydoc.jn',xs
         | :dateTime('2022-03-01T00:00:00Z'))
         | By revision number:
         | jn:doc('mycol.jn','mydoc.jn',5)
         | And a view of an outdated frontend:
         | https://github.com/sirixdb/sirix/raw/master/Screenshot%20fro...
         | ratorx wrote:
         | I really like fx (https://github.com/antonmedv/fx) for
         | interactive stuff. It does exactly what I think you want. You
         | can expand individual fields and explore the schema.
         | However, I really do like jq for queries and scripting, so I
         | keep both around.
         | endgame wrote:
         | It feels a lot like the FP idea of a zipper coupled to an
         | interactive shell.
         | eloh wrote:
         | You could take a look at jless [1], it allows interactive
         | selections/browsing in JSON documents.
         | [1] https://jless.io/
         | ggm wrote:
         | This is almost exactly how I think about the problem of
         | deciding how to deep-key to a specific field of a nested json
         | structure.
         | If you can emit the syntactic form as a Python or perl ref, or
         | a jq array ref, then I could use your tool to find the
         | structure and the other ones to stream.
         | Great example! Thanks for posting this.
         | [deleted]
       | abledon wrote:
       | There is also "JP" https://github.com/jmespath/jp
       | which follows the jmespath standard
         | mdaniel wrote:
         | My heartburn with jmespath is that it lacks pipelines, only
         | projections, so doing _crazy_ stuff to the input structure is
         | damn near impossible
           | remram wrote:
           | From a computer science point of view, what kind of
           | transformations are impossible to express in jmespath but are
           | possible in jq?
             | mdaniel wrote:
             | I dunno how to speak to your "computer science" part, but
             | pragmatically anything that requires a "backreference",
             | because unlike with JSONPath (and, of course, jq) there are
             | no "root object" references                   $ printf
             | '{"a": {"b":"c", "d":["d0","d1"]}}' | jq -r '[ .a as $a |
             | $a.d[] | {x: ., y: $a.b}]'         [           {
             | "x": "d0",             "y": "c"           },           {
             | "x": "d1",             "y": "c"           }         ]
             | and I realize this isn't as pure CS-y as you were asking,
             | but this syntax is hell on quoting                   $
             | printf '["a","b"]' | jp -u 'join(`"\n"`, @)'         # vs
             | $ printf '["a","b"]' | jq -r 'join("\n")'
               | remram wrote:
               | I see. The need to quote JSON values and the need for @
               | seem like a high price to pay for removing the . in field
               | accesses.
               | I also find jq more intuitive but I really dislike that
               | we have three standards each used by a number of tools,
               | e.g. jsonpath, jmespath, and jq.
           | NateEag wrote:
           | I suspect the JMESPath people would argue that if you want to
           | do major transformations to the input, you should write a
           | proper program, and that a CLI query tool should focus on,
           | well, querying.
           | I'm personally trying to move away from jq and towards jp,
           | because
           | - there's a standard defining it, not just an implementation,
           | decreasing the odds of being stuck with an unmaintained tool
           | - there are libraries supporting the syntax for most of the
           | major programming languages
           | - JMESPath's relative simplicity compared to jq is a good
           | thing, IMO - Turing-completeness is a two-edged sword
           | - JMESPath is the AWS CLI query language, which is a
           | convenient bonus
             | mdaniel wrote:
             | > JMESPath is the AWS CLI query language, which is a
             | convenient bonus
             | And in ansible, too, FWIW, but yes it's my hand-to-hand
             | combat with the language in both of those circumstances
             | that has formed my opinion about it
             | Regrettably, "kubectl get -o jsonpath" is _almost_ the
             | same, but just different enough to trip me up :-(
       | arwineap wrote:
       | I've never found jq to be particularly hard, or slow
       | micimize wrote:
       | Their syntax comparison under "So you like chocolate or vanilla?"
       | is disingenuous. You can do variable assignment and array
       | expansion in jq:
       | expand_vals_into_independent_records='         .name as $name |
       | .vals[] | { name: $name, val: . }       '       echo
       | '{"name":"foo","vals":[1,2,3]} {"name":"bar","vals":[4,5]}' |
       | jq "$expand_vals_into_independent_records"
       | Also, generally, not a fan of the tone of this article.
         | lilyball wrote:
         | Your `.name as $name` was my immediate attempt too, but it
         | turns out you can go even simpler with                 jq
         | '{name, val: .vals[]}'
       | 29athrowaway wrote:
       | "Easier" is subjective. For simple use-cases, zq is harder to
       | understand than jq.
       | I also have never seen jq as a performance bottleneck.
       | jq is stable, I have never encountered a bug with it and I have
       | never seen it getting stuck after years of usage. It is
       | dependable and practical.
       | jq has helped me put out countless fires throughout my career. I
       | should donate to it one day.
       | politelemon wrote:
       | > HomeBrew for Mac or Linux
       | Please do not recommend HomeBrew for Linux. A binary download is
       | safer compared to how HomeBrew clobbers a Linux machine. If you
       | do not wish to use a Linux package manager, simply point at the
       | binary download. It is much safer and less intrusive.
         | xenophonf wrote:
         | Homebrew isn't any better on macOS. Why people use it instead
         | of MacPorts is beyond me.
       | ilyash wrote:
       | While we are at it, I have a list of JSON tools for command line
       | here - https://ilya-sher.org/2018/04/10/list-of-json-tools-for-
       | comm...
       | AcerbicZero wrote:
       | I'm pretty new to jq (maybe 2 years of exposure) but from my
       | perspective - on some level, jq does to json what powershell does
       | to everything windows, except powershell gives me the get-member
       | cmdlet, so when I don't know what is even in my object, I can
       | explore.
       | Sometimes jq -r '.[]' works, but its all just trial and error. I
       | use plenty of jq in my scripts, but I can never seem to visualize
       | how jq looks at the data. I just have to toss variations of
       | '.[whateveriwant].whatever[.want.]' until something works....I
       | suppose the root of my complaint is that jq does not do a good
       | job of teaching you to use jq. It either works, or gives you
       | nothing, and while I've learned to work around that, I'll try
       | anything that claims to be even 1% better than jq.
       | quotemstr wrote:
       | As an aside --- isn't the traditional flat namespace of unix
       | command names getting a _bit_ crowded nowadays?
       | eatonphil wrote:
       | If jq is getting too slow for you (that's never happened for me),
       | it really seems like it's time to put your data in a database
       | like sqlite or duckdb at least.
       | Incidentally there are many tools that help you do this like dsq
       | [0] (which I develop), q [1], textql [2], etc.
       | [0] https://github.com/multiprocessio/dsq
       | [1] https://github.com/harelba/q
       | [2] https://github.com/dinedal/textql
         | jeffbee wrote:
         | I don't agree. There is a great deal of room for improvement in
         | jq performance. I profiled one invocation and it spent the
         | majority of its time asserting that the stack depth was lower
         | than some amount, which is crazy. I rebuilt it with NDEBUG
         | defined and it was seriously ten times faster, but it's not
         | safe to run it that way because it has asserts with side
         | effects, which is also crazy.
         | Rewriting all or parts of it in C++ would make it dramatically
         | faster. I would start by ripping out the asserts and using a
         | different strtod which they spend an awful lot of time in.
           | eatonphil wrote:
           | Fair point! I don't mean to say jq performance can't or
           | shouldn't be improved.
           | Just that jq does two things: 1) ingest and 2) query.
           | If you're doing a bunch of exploration on a single dataset in
           | one period of time or if the dataset is large enough and
           | you're selecting subsets of it, you can ingest the data into
           | a database (and optionally toggle indexes).
           | Then you can query as many times as you want and not worry
           | about ingest again until your data changes.
           | All three of the tools I listed have variations of this sort
           | of caching of data built in. For dsq and q with caching
           | turned on, repeat queries against files with the same hashsum
           | only do queries against data already in SQLite, no ingestion.
             | jeffbee wrote:
             | I have a large GeoJSON dataset I analyze to answer local
             | government questions. It is of course loaded into a
             | database for common questions but I also find myself doing
             | ad hoc queries that aren't suited to the database
             | structure, and that's where I find myself waiting for jq.
             | Also I use jq as the ETL for that database.
       | gcmeplz wrote:
       | I like using `jq` to create line-delimited JSON and then using a
       | language I know well (Node) to process it after that point. I
       | find `jq '.[] | select(.location=="Stockholm")'` less readable
       | than something like `nq --filter '({location}) => location ===
       | "Stockholm"'` because I'm much more used to Node syntax.
       | - https://github.com/thisredone/rb is a widely used ruby version
       | of this idea
       | - https://github.com/KelWill/nq#readme is something similar that
       | I wrote for my own use
         | eru wrote:
         | By Node, you mean JavaScript?
         | If yes, it's fascinating to me, that jq is so powerful, it's
         | even useful when handling JavaScript Object Notation in
         | JavaScript.
       | msluyter wrote:
       | Whenever jq comes up I feel obligated to mention 'gron'[1]. If
       | all you're doing is trying to grep some deeply nested field, it's
       | way easier with gron, IMHO.
       | [1] https://github.com/tomnomnom/gron
         | RulerOf wrote:
         | Gron and jq are complementary tools IMO. I frequently use gron
         | to trim down large json files such that I can determine what my
         | ultimate jq query is going to look like.
         | zimpenfish wrote:
         | Used it only this morning to find out if/where the JSON for a
         | tweet mentioned the verification status of the poster and/or
         | retweetee[1]. Quick and easy to dump it through `gron | grep
         | verif` to find out the paths.
         | [1] "the person who was retweeted" in lieu of a better word.
         | radicality wrote:
         | For a moment I thought that this is `glom`, which is also a
         | tool I can recommend if you need to be doing any json
         | processing in python (comes with a cli too). It does have a
         | relatively steep learning curve for the advanced features, but
         | does allow you to do interesting things like concisely write
         | recursive parsers in the mini-dsl Glom provides.
         | https://glom.readthedocs.io/en/latest/
       | knome wrote:
       | These guys must really hate functional programming.
       | I can see where jq might confuse someone new to it, but their
       | replacement is irregular, stateful, still difficult, and I don't
       | even see variable binding or anything.
       | jq requires you to understand that `hello|world` will run world
       | for each hello, passing the world out values to either the next
       | piped expression, the wrapping value-collecting list, or printing
       | them to stdout.
       | it's a bit unintuitive if you come in thinking of them as regular
       | pipelines, but it's a constant in the language that once learned
       | always applies.
       | this zed thing has what appears to be a series of workarounds for
       | its own awkwardness, where they kept tacking on new forms to try
       | to bandaid those that came before.
       | additionally, since they made attribute selectors barewords where
       | jq would require a preceding reference to a variable or the
       | current value (.), I'm not sure where they'll go for variables
       | should they add them.
         | thayne wrote:
         | I think their main complaint is that you can't iteratively
         | operate on a stream as a whole without first converting it to
         | an array, which besides sometimes requiring awkward syntax, can
         | require a lot of memory for large datasets.
         | [deleted]
         | johnday wrote:
         | No kidding!
         | This part in particular jumped out at me:
         | > To work around this statelessness, you can wrap a sequence of
         | independent values into an array, iterate over the array, then
         | wrap that result back up into another array so you can pass the
         | entire sequence as a single value downstream to the "next
         | filter".
         | This is literally just describing a map. A technique so
         | generally applicable and useful that it's made its way into
         | every modern imperative/procedural programming language I can
         | think of. The idea that this person fails to recognise such a
         | common multiparadigmatic programming idiom doesn't fill me with
         | confidence about the design of zq.
           | aarchi wrote:
           | In fact, jq already has `map`, which would replace the
           | article's pattern of `[.[]|add]` with `map(add)`. It is
           | defined as such:                   def map(f): [.[] | f];
           | Many built-in functions in jq are implemented in jq, in terms
           | of a small set of core primitives. The implementations can be
           | inspected in builtin.jq.
           | https://github.com/stedolan/jq/blob/master/src/builtin.jq#L3
         | mattnibs wrote:
         | Variables exist in zq, "this" is a reserved word: echo {x:1} |
         | zq 'x := x+1' -
         | [deleted]
         | aarchi wrote:
         | I find the stateless streaming paradigm in jq very pleasing.
         | Results can be emitted iteratively using generators, which are
         | implemented as tail-recursive streams [0]. Combined with the
         | `input` built-in filter, which yields the next item in the
         | input stream, and jq can handle real-time I/O and function as a
         | more general-purpose programming language.
         | I built an interpreter for the Whitespace programming language
         | in jq using these concepts and it's easily one of the most
         | complex jq programs out there.
         | [0]:
         | https://stedolan.github.io/jq/manual/#Generatorsanditerators
         | [1]: https://github.com/andrewarchi/wsjq
       | weinzierl wrote:
       | jq is incredibly powerful and I'm using it more and more. Even
       | better, there is a whole ecosystem of tools that are similar or
       | work in conjunction with jq:
       | * jq (a great JSON-wrangling tool)
       | * jc (convert various tools' output into JSON)
       | * jo (create JSON objects)
       | * yq (like jq, but for YAML)
       | * fq (like jq, but for binary)
       | * htmlq (like jq, but for HTML)
       | List shamelessly stolen from Julia Evans[1]. For live links see
       | her page.
       | Just a few days ago I needed to quickly extract all JWT token
       | expiration dates from a network capture. This is what I came up
       | with:                   fq 'grep("Authorization: Bearer.*" ) |
       | print' server.pcap | grep -o 'ey.*$' | sort | uniq | \         jq
       | -R '[split(".") | select(length > 0) | .[0],.[1] | gsub("-";"+")
       | | gsub("_";"/") | @base64d | fromjson]' | \        jq '.[1]' | jq
       | '.exp' | xargs -n1 -I! date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' -d @!
       | It's not a beauty but I find the fact that you can do it in one
       | line, with proper parsing and no regex trickery, remarkable.
       | [1] https://jvns.ca/blog/2022/04/12/a-list-of-new-ish--
       | command-l...
         | kitd wrote:
         | Also highly recommended is gron [0], to make json easily
         | searchable
         | [0] https://github.com/TomNomNom/gron
           | spudlyo wrote:
           | Most of the time I can get what I need with gron and
           | traditional UNIX tools, without needing to reach for jq, and
           | without having to re-learn its somewhat arcane syntax.
           | zikduruqe wrote:
           | I came here looking for a gron recommendation. I use this
           | very often.
         | toxik wrote:
         | Is your example not easier to write and read as a 10-something
         | line Python script? I never understood the appeal of jq etc
         | because of this very reason.
           | [deleted]
         | hoherd wrote:
         | I would definitely add dasel to that list. It's become my de
         | facto serialized data converter, and regularly use it to
         | convert between csv, toml, yaml, json, and xml using jq-ish
         | syntaxes.
         | https://github.com/tomwright/dasel
         | chriswarbo wrote:
         | The yq tool also provides 'xq', which works on XML :)
       (page generated 2022-04-26 23:00 UTC)