[HN Gopher] How to Write a Great Git Commit Message (2014)
       How to Write a Great Git Commit Message (2014)
       Author : baristaGeek
       Score  : 36 points
       Date   : 2022-04-26 21:35 UTC (1 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (cbea.ms)
 (TXT) w3m dump (cbea.ms)
       | ufo wrote:
       | I hate that rule about 50 characters. IIRC, it started because
       | someone noticed that the _average_ commit message in the linux
       | kernel is about 50 characters. Then, for whatever reason it
       | morphed into this widely propagated mantra saying that the
       | _maximum_ should be 50 characters.
         | slaymaker1907 wrote:
         | Writing a good commit message within those constraints is kind
         | of like writing a haiku. It's kind of entertaining sometimes,
         | though I think it should be a suggestion rather than a rule.
       | mwt wrote:
       | This is from 2014, but I guess not much has changed since then.
       | tsuujin wrote:
       | This has been my commit bible for years. I feel like it has been
       | battle tested and has made my life easier.
       | carlosdp wrote:
       | I prefer Github's method of "git commit messages don't matter,
       | pull requests do".
       | Nowadays, you can easily enforce that the ultimate commit log
       | looks rather nice by doing this:
       | 1. Make it so the only merge strategy allowed on a repo is
       | "Squash and Merge", so each PR = 1 commit in main branch
       | 2. Have engineers care about the pull request quality rather than
       | commit messages
       | It's easier to be more expressive in a pull request, and
       | intermediate changes while working on a PR aren't super
       | interesting to me.
         | elpakal wrote:
         | If you really want just one commit on your PR you can reset
         | your branch to its target before you merge:
         | git reset --soft <target>
         | Which will undo all commits and leave all modified files in the
         | staging area. Then you can make one commit and force push it to
         | replace your branch @ remote.
           | xorcist wrote:
           | Or just git rebase -i like normal people.
           | fbormann wrote:
           | Thanks for the tip, man! Really helpful indeed.
           | bern4444 wrote:
           | You could also rebase and squash all commits into a single
           | one and then rewrite the commit message with git commit
           | --amend.
         | rubyist5eva wrote:
         | this works until you want to leave Github for whatever reason
           | ericmcer wrote:
           | Why? Wouldnt the commit history contain only the one squashed
           | commit and its legible message?
           | lelandfe wrote:
           | This happens sometimes when private repos change hands. I've
           | worked at places where we've been given zips of git repos -
           | commit messages reference PR and issue #'s from long distant
           | organizations.
           | I've since started policing PRs whose commit messages
           | reference things inside of our GitHub. At least provide a
           | summary of what you're linking, for the worst case future.
         | mwt wrote:
         | This works well enough if (and only if) your company has a
         | culture of small, atomic PRs.
           | munk-a wrote:
           | Not really, I recently merged in a two commit branch where
           | one commit was me changing all the vendor configuration for
           | the framework we were using to a new version and the other
           | was all the changes needed to support the change. That PR
           | affected thousands of files in total but the need to
           | frequently rebase the branch to avoid killer merge conflicts
           | encouraged a low commit count. rebase -i can be your friend
           | if you've got a long branch history that adds essentially no
           | value (i.e. "Tried this thing/Didn't work reverting/Tried
           | this other thing/Still no dice/Switching workstations").
           | An arbitrarily large number of file changes can be packed
           | into a single commit, sometimes for review purposes it makes
           | sense to purposefully isolate different groups of changes in
           | a manner that doesn't mesh with how the dev work was actually
           | done - sometimes I just don't want to have an ugly commit
           | history. I'm allowed to be OCD about my work and sweep the
           | commit where I added print __LINE_NUM__ between each LOC to
           | track down a bug one time that I was too lazy to use gdb
           | under the rug.
         | eikenberry wrote:
         | But the PRs aren't part of your git repository? IMO a git
         | repository should be self contained and not require a hosted
         | provide to give context. It lets you manage your work with
         | superior local tooling and without a browser running. Basically
         | I take the exact opposite approach where my PRs are always just
         | a short summary of the commit messages and provides a place for
         | me to put the github specific things like the "Fixes #..". But
         | I make sure my commits are a clean artifact of the changeset by
         | themselves (ie. I do any squashing, etc, on them outside of the
         | PR).
           | mwt wrote:
           | GitHub (by default) uses the name of the PR as the merge
           | commit message and also includes the commit message of each
           | commit in the log. Having whitespace-altering "Dummy commit
           | to trigger CI, ugh!" commits in a git history isn't good but
           | it still clutters the `git log` with stock squash+merge
           | GitHub use.
           | I can't speak for everybody, but if GitHub goes down
           | completely and I only had access to my git logs, I'd struggle
           | to recreate ~20% of the information scattered across issues
           | and PRs. This issue is external to merging preferences, but
           | it's definitely not solved by squash-merges and descriptive
           | merge messages.
             | shagie wrote:
             | > Having whitespace-altering "Dummy commit to trigger CI,
             | ugh!"
             | `git commit --allow-empty` may be sufficient for that
             | "there is a new commit" trigger in many cases. If so, that
             | may be preferable to whitespace changes as those clutter up
             | the blame.
             | As an aside, my initial commit on a repo is an empty one so
             | that I can branch from a completely empty repo to do
             | radical rewrites and yet maintain a history relationship
             | with that initial empty commit (which I feel is preferable
             | to an orphan branch and then a merge with unrelated
             | histories ... though those tell slightly different stories
             | in the log).
               | mwt wrote:
               | Yep, `--allow-empty` is my preferred solution. It's
               | unfortunately not up to me how other people choose to do
               | this
               | stormbrew wrote:
               | > As an aside, my initial commit on a repo is an empty
               | one so that I can branch from a completely empty repo to
               | do radical rewrites and yet maintain a history
               | relationship with that initial empty commit (which I feel
               | is preferable to an orphan branch and then a merge with
               | unrelated histories ... though those tell slightly
               | different stories in the log).
               | Oh cool, I thought I was literally the only person on the
               | planet to do this lol. I'd do it for branchpoints too
               | except git rebase by default acts very poorly with empty
               | commits in the edited history (deletes them). I wish this
               | was normalized (ie. there was a flag to `git init` to add
               | a commit message for a root commit).
             | stormbrew wrote:
             | > Having whitespace-altering "Dummy commit to trigger CI,
             | ugh!" commits in a git history isn't good but it still
             | clutters the `git log` with stock squash+merge GitHub use.
             | The frustrating thing about this is that this "omg minor
             | commits on a merged branch clutter up the log!" is entirely
             | a UI problem created by github's naive view of history
             | where it shows things in a bafflingly obtuse linear order
             | instead of letting you do something like `--first-parent`
             | like the command line client lets you do.
             | Git itself has more than enough tools to give you that
             | 'squashed' view without actually squashing anything, github
             | just has no interest in providing it to you for whatever
             | reason.
             | Also yes to the sibling comment that if you want to make
             | something happen with a commit use `--allow-empty` and not
             | "bump number" or "add random whitespace". Please.
               | slaymaker1907 wrote:
               | It would also help if people were better about keeping a
               | clean commit history for PRs. Ideally, a new commit
               | should only get pushed to a branch per change relevant
               | for reviewers. If the CI is causing the error, people
               | should work on a temporary branch and resolve it there
               | first before cherry picking things over into the PR
               | branch (after rebasing the intermediate commits on the
               | temp branch).
               | Rebasing is a really nice tool, though I think the UI is
               | really lacking. A simple GUI for interactive rebasing
               | would help a lot. Most clients I've used (which isn't a
               | ton since I generally prefer the CLI) don't even have an
               | option for rebasing at all.
               | mwt wrote:
               | > github's naive view of history where it shows things in
               | a bafflingly obtuse linear
               | This hits home, it pretty much describes how I visualize
               | logs in my head (compared to the visualizations I see
               | that are more 2-D, branching off and merging together,
               | etc.). I have a hard time working with some of the more
               | advanced features because of this, and it'll probably
               | always be an uphill battle to shift my thinking from
               | linear to not-so-linear ...
         | Everlag wrote:
         | That's such a different approach than I've grown used to, but
         | different platforms encourage different flows.
         | I've been using bitbucket (not the shiny nice new bitbucket) at
         | work for years and its PR search is so abysmally bad that
         | anything in the PR message but not in the commit message may as
         | well not exist once its merged. `git log` is forever, bitbucket
         | search is /dev/null
         | I'm curious what other affordances or lack of affordances
         | encourage what git behavior.
         | simonsaysso wrote:
         | For the code review step, sure, commit messages don't really
         | matter unless your team reviews PRs commit-by-commit.
         | How many times do you actually change the default squashed
         | message? If you write a series of garbage commit messages, I
         | don't particularly trust that you'll write a very good squashed
         | message, either. How many times do people skip updating the PR
         | description with new information or features from comments? If
         | your commit messages are good, the auto-squash message will be
         | good and one will have a network dependency on GitHub to figure
         | out what decisions went into that change.
         | In general I agree with your goal of a great commit log: 1 PR =
         | 1 commit in the main branch. But I feel like GitHub is just the
         | wrong tool to use if you want that. I used to use Gerrit, where
         | commit messages _are_ your PR description. Sure, it makes you
         | interact with git in some unfortunate ways, but the tradeoff is
         | enforced commit cleanliness.
       | transitivebs wrote:
       | 95% of the commits on my personal open source projects use emoji
       | commit messages. https://github.com/transitive-bullshit/commit-
       | emoji
       | PRs matter a lot more than commit messages, especially if you're
       | squashing + merging / rebasing.
         | sph wrote:
         | But why? That's even more useless than just describing a commit
         | in a couple words.
         | I'd rather see a commit saying "fix bug" when bisecting or
         | reading a commit history than ":heart:"
       | [deleted]
       | themanmaran wrote:
       | For those who write multi paragraph commit bodys, is there a tool
       | you use to format them?
       | Example commit on the React repo [1]. It just seems like a lot to
       | type in the command line.
       | [1]
       | https://github.com/facebook/react/commit/ec52a5698e2dfea7050...
         | jrib wrote:
         | My vim will automatically wrap when I am typing a git commit
         | message.
         | Should be set by default from here:
         | https://github.com/vim/vim/blob/2f0936cb9a2eb026acac03e6a8fd...
         | imron wrote:
         | vi :set tw=70
         | a_t48 wrote:
         | There's a good chance this was made in Github's squash+merge
         | dialog.
         | Edit: never mind, it's auto wrapped at some number
         | knoebber wrote:
         | Emacs + magit and auto-fill-mode
         | xorcist wrote:
         | Command line? git normally opens your chosen editor and you are
         | free to write away to your heart's content.
         | I guess you could stuff multiple -m in there and git will
         | format it nicely, but the editor is for writing and is best
         | used for that.
         | rubyist5eva wrote:
         | > It just seems like a lot to type in the command line.
         | I spend my entire workday day in Vim.
       | pvg wrote:
       | Previously
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=13889155 2017, 118 comments
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=10212582 2015, 90 comments
       | bern4444 wrote:
       | I like the conventional commit style [0]. You may have seen these
       | in open source repos or used them at work. They look like
       | feat: support new line chart
       | fix: update props for new line chart
       | chore: bump dependency version
       | What's also cool is there are tools (semantic release) that will
       | then handle automatically the versioning and publishing of your
       | module based on these commits using the commit type (feat, fix,
       | chore etc) to determine the next appropriate version [1].
       | [0]https://www.conventionalcommits.org/en/v1.0.0/
       | [1]https://github.com/semantic-release/semantic-release
         | _virtu wrote:
         | I built a full pipeline around this. Basically allowed for a
         | paved road for devs to automatically semantically version and
         | deploy application and module artifacts for npm with semantic
         | release by spinning up a repo with some boilerplate generators
         | I made available to the team.
         | Since then I've been obsessed with the conventional commit
         | format everywhere for my own projects. Even if the commits
         | aren't parsed for versioning, it just gets you into the habit
         | of thinking about the scope of the commits.
         | The laughable part about building that full paved road pipeline
         | is that the biggest friction point was always when devs didn't
         | use semantic commits. At the time when I implemented it I
         | didn't have checks for the commit format at the pr phase. I DID
         | have a commitizen cli option as well but that was "Too much
         | friction". Oh boy did I get bit. As someone who was working on
         | DX I was constantly surprised by how many questions I got about
         | something as seemingly simple as the conventional commit format
         | from a crowd of enginerds.
       (page generated 2022-04-26 23:00 UTC)