[HN Gopher] Show HN: A tool to seed your dev database with real ...
       Show HN: A tool to seed your dev database with real data
       A bunch of developers and myself have created RepliByte - an open-
       source tool to seed a development database from a production
       database.  Features:                 - Support data backup and
       restore for PostgreSQL, MySQL and MongoDB       - Replace sensitive
       data with fake data       - Works on large database (> 10GB) (read
       Design)       - Database Subsetting: Scale down a production
       database to a more reasonable size       - Start a local database
       with the prod data in a single command       - On-the-fly data
       (de)compression (Zlib)       - On-the-fly data de/encryption
       (AES-256)       - Fully stateless (no server, no daemon) and
       lightweight binary       - Use custom transformers       My
       motivation:  As a developer, creating a fake dataset for running
       tests is tedious. Plus, it does not reflect the real-world data and
       painful to keep updated. If you prefer to run your app tests with
       production data. Then RepliByte is for you as well.  Available for
       MacOSX, Linux and Windows.  > https://github.com/qovery/replibyte
       Author : ev0xmusic
       Score  : 35 points
       Date   : 2022-04-26 09:38 UTC (1 days ago)
       | mdaniel wrote:
       | Please don't require static AWS credentials:
       | https://github.com/Qovery/replibyte/blob/v0.4.4/replibyte/sr...
       | or at least either include "AWS_SESSION_TOKEN" in that setup (if
       | it is present) in order to allow "aws sts assume-role" to work,
       | or allow `AWS_PROFILE`, or just use the aws-sdk's normal
       | credential discovery mechanism which at least on their "main"
       | SDKs is a fallback list of them, but I couldn't follow the
       | docs.rs soup in order to know if their rust sdk is up to speed or
       | what
         | moltar wrote:
         | Second this. I would NEVER hardcode credentials into a config
         | file.
         | I run all AWS commands through an assumed role (STS) via aws-
         | vault.
         | herpderperator wrote:
         | Why?
           | jensenbox wrote:
           | Static tokens are terrible. They are far too easy to egress
           | and are downright evil.
           | alphabettsy wrote:
           | I presume so that one can use instance roles or automatic
           | credential discovery that is common within AWS and using AWS
           | applications.
           | kodah wrote:
           | Credentials in a config file can be mistakenly checked into a
           | repository. They're easy to exfiltrate from files, say I
           | write a script with well known configuration locations for
           | thousands of applications and just dumbly pull them all from
           | a compromised system. I now have little bits of access to the
           | wider system where I can now jump from system to system.
           | The best way to store ephemeral secrets is in an environment
           | variable or /dev/shm. This locks the secret behind the scope
           | of the parent process (shell instance) and the user.
             | osrec wrote:
             | How do you automate setting that environment variable?
           | macksd wrote:
           | Some organizations use this feature to enforce security
           | policy and ensure regular rotation of credentials. You can't
           | get a static access key ID / secret access key pair, but you
           | can get one with a session token, and so you run everything
           | inside that context. If you can't specify the session token
           | to an Amazon client, you just can't use Amazon STS.
       (page generated 2022-04-27 23:01 UTC)