[HN Gopher] Public Money, Public Code
       Public Money, Public Code
       Author : modinfo
       Score  : 308 points
       Date   : 2022-04-27 18:29 UTC (4 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (publiccode.eu)
 (TXT) w3m dump (publiccode.eu)
       | didip wrote:
       | I hope this apply to patents as well. There are too many drug
       | research funded by the public but the IP ended up owned by
       | private companies.
         | 4khilles wrote:
         | Is this a case where 100% of a research effort is publicly
         | funded or more like 10%? If it's closer to 10%, why would a
         | company take the risk of putting up 90% of the capital when
         | they can just wait for their competitor's IP to become public?
         | Maybe the duration of a patent should depend on how much public
         | funding was received.
       | reillyse wrote:
       | Large consulting companies like Accenture have entire divisions
       | of their business devoted to "government". These divisions make
       | money by developing software for governments. It is very much
       | against their interest for this software to be open source
       | because 1) there is visibility into their performance and 2) they
       | can't sell very similar software to the same government if
       | everyone knows what software they've already built.
       | These are the real vested interests preventing this code becoming
       | open source and why lots of government agencies who do their own
       | development are perfectly happy to release the code or access to
       | their APIs.
         | mt_ wrote:
         | The reason you pointed out why this won't gain traction is why
         | it needs to gain traction.
         | Zigurd wrote:
         | One reason why government software development is separated
         | from contract development work for private sector clients is
         | that private sector clients understand that they own the
         | results and can disclose that code if they want to. They are
         | relying on bamboozling government clients. All the more reason
         | for struct laws about disclosure of software developed for
         | governments.
         | krisoft wrote:
         | > These are the real vested interests preventing this code
         | becoming open source
         | Absolutely.
         | They are not going to do this by asking them nicely. That is
         | why it must become the law. Software developed for public money
         | must be released under a recognised open source licence.
         | puritanicdev wrote:
         | A few years ago, I did a consulting for an IT agency and had
         | insight into their code, including some projects done for the
         | government. It was a worst mess of spaghetti code I've ever
         | seen. For one of those projects they've hired people without
         | any or little experience for cheap, and sold them as seniors
         | for a crazy price.
       | RcouF1uZ4gsC wrote:
       | Why do software developers always shoot themselves in the foot
       | with regard to their economic value?
       | Governments pay all the time for development of technology that
       | they buy, but that doesn't mean that the IP is released. For
       | example, the government paid Boeing to develop transport
       | aircraft. However, that does not mean that all the
       | drawings/plans/etc for the aircraft are made public.
       | The government is buying a set of functionality with public
       | money. As long as they are getting that functionality, it doesn't
       | matter that the code is proprietary.
         | ceeplusplus wrote:
         | The government paying for software to be developed is quite a
         | bit different from a SaaS offering. If I pay some guy on Upwork
         | to build something for me I expect the source code.
         | Of course the SaaS model is much better for developers to
         | realize their worth, because you are essentially creating
         | capital goods as a developer and being the owner of those goods
         | is much more profitable than selling them.
         | postalrat wrote:
         | What would be the expectation of source code ownership if you
         | hired consultants or a team of developers to produce a piece of
         | software for you? Do they keep it proprietary to themselves or
         | should it belong to you?
         | automatoney wrote:
         | Some of us value other things
         | (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open-source-
         | software_movement#...) more than additional compensation. These
         | ideas have roots in the original hacker culture that this site
         | was named for - this stuff is the foundation of a lot of
         | computer culture.
           | nonrandomstring wrote:
           | Increasingly I hear this expressed as "Technology In The
           | Public Interest", and is a movement I strongly affiliate with
           | because it is related to national security (as I have defined
           | it elsewhere) [0] as resilience and sustainability. See
           | writing [1] and institutional support [2][3] separate from
           | notions of software freedom as traditionally carried by
           | Stallman et al/EFF/GNU/FSF.
           | [0] https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=31108570
           | [1] https://www.schneier.com/essays/archives/2019/01/the_publ
           | ic-...
           | [2] https://www.macfound.org/programs/technology/
           | [3] https://www.fordfoundation.org/news-and-stories/big-
           | ideas/pu...
         | bombcar wrote:
         | IIRC they actually can demand copies of the drawings/plans _for
         | their own records and use_ so that they can dig them up if the
         | B-52 needs to be extended another decade.
         | Governments are better at keeping ancient records around than
         | most companies.
         | nickff wrote:
         | > _" However, that does not mean that all the
         | drawings/plans/etc for the aircraft are made public."_
         | The (US) government actually tried the approach of purchasing a
         | few initial runs and the plans for some missiles, but the
         | results were bad. Initial development costs were high,
         | reliability was low, and manufacturability was poor.
           | OkayPhysicist wrote:
           | Having private companies control the intellectual property of
           | our defense systems is a disaster that leads to aggressive
           | rent seeking by defense contractors.
           | Now, missile guidance software may not want to be open
           | source, but the navy engineers down at China Lake should
           | definitely have unrestricted ability to read, modify, and
           | reproduce anything developed in their behalf.
             | nickff wrote:
             | I have long thought that missile and aircraft avionics
             | should be made into more of a standardized, modular system
             | (possibly open or government distributed source), for
             | better upgradability and maintainability. I am sure this
             | has been considered, and wonder why it hasn't been done.
       | sam_lowry_ wrote:
       | I signed up, but it gives me a stupid "20 requests per hour"
       | error page.
       | layer8 wrote:
       | While I generally agree, publishing code commonly requires
       | additional effort and diligence, such as checking the licensing
       | situation of third-party code used, possibly anonymizing the devs
       | involved, maintaining the public repository and credentials,
       | dealing with all the communication from the public caused by
       | publishing the code, and so on.
       | Hence it also increases the cost for the taxpayers, and that
       | needs to be factored into the cost estimates of software
       | projects. It's not like they can just dump their git repository
       | into alt.binaries.
         | SparkyMcUnicorn wrote:
         | > Hence it also increases the cost for the taxpayers
         | Isn't that just a short-term problem? Mid to long term, it
         | should decrease costs dramatically.
           | layer8 wrote:
           | How so? Because of external contributors? Most software
           | developed for the public sector is quite use-case specific
           | (and the use-cases are often quite boring), so I don't see
           | that happening for most projects.
             | SparkyMcUnicorn wrote:
             | Once a workflow is adopted, it becomes normal and the
             | hassles start to go away. That 3rd party library with an
             | incompatible license now has a good alternative, code re-
             | use is higher, handing off to new developers is easier, and
             | identifying development teams that are highly inefficient
             | (or incompetent) becomes possible.
             | I feel like there's too many benefits to even list. Having
             | seen some of the proprietary code developed for 3 letter
             | agencies, it's shocking how bad some of it is (and there's
             | even projects that have better open source alternatives
             | that solve every use-case) and adding transparency can only
             | be a good thing... in my opinion.
             | bombcar wrote:
             | Over time the use-cases will grow, and if done right you'll
             | start being able to "borrow" from similar use-cases in
             | other areas/governments.
             | It WOULD likely require massive retooling as much
             | "government code" is more like "black box machine that does
             | X" than "fancy new web-app".
               | layer8 wrote:
               | In my experience, that doesn't happen much even between
               | projects within a single software company, because
               | requirements are too diverse and change too frequently.
               | Pushing for synergies also tends to create all sorts of
               | internal political dynamics. At best it's a long shot,
               | with high risk of not amortizing the cost. The rest of
               | the world, including the open-source world, also isn't a
               | promising role model, with the constant churn,
               | fragmentation and evolution of languages, frameworks,
               | libraries and tooling.
               | bombcar wrote:
               | Yeah, I suspect most people are thinking "government
               | code" is like Chrome or something, whereas most
               | government code; most business code, hell, most code in
               | the world is random business logic/glue code which often
               | doesn't have much portability or usefulness.
       | giobox wrote:
       | I've often wondered if we need to radically change the State's
       | relationship with the software it produces. As Robert Lessig
       | famously observed, "code is law" in a world controlled by
       | computers. There is increasingly a strong argument I feel in
       | States directly employing software engineers much like they
       | typically employ armies of civil servants to implement policy.
       | Why is software treated as something to be outsourced to a
       | private sector company? Why can't we have "civil programmers" who
       | contribute to an ever growing body of public code just as the
       | legislative process contributes to an ever growing body of laws.
       | This body of civil programmers (terrible name but hey) could also
       | work hand in hand with the open source community, letting
       | stakeholders (citizens) contribute too.
         | rozularen wrote:
         | I think it's mainly because of money? Sure if there were any
         | existing public open source infrastructure people would be more
         | willing to contribute for free.
         | I think this brings the open source developers income issue to
         | the table which is getting better but at its own pace.
         | jmole wrote:
         | Code is only half of the problem here. The other half is
         | operations. Applications don't just run on their own; they need
         | deployment, maintenance, backup, recovery, new feature
         | requests, etc. etc.
         | Unlike the majority of infrastructure in the world, software
         | literally isn't set in stone. This makes it much more powerful
         | in some senses, but also much more fragile.
         | Look at Hoover Dam - a project designed to last a hundred years
         | with a pretty singular purpose. The operation and maintenance
         | burden is clear, and basically unchanging throughout the
         | lifetime of the dam.
         | I agree with you in general here, but I think the actual work
         | involved with your proposal is more akin to what the IT
         | departments at agencies like the IRS or DMV are already doing.
         | Specing systems for internal processes, and managing dataflow
         | from old systems to new ones.
         | bombcar wrote:
         | Mainly because the government has no expertise in the area, so
         | you have to convince politicians (who have no expertise in the
         | area) that it is important, against those who DO have funding
         | and will fight it as being "insecure" and various other
         | buzzwords.
         | Governments often don't even employ the armies of civil
         | servants anymore, lots and lots of stuff is contracted out.
         | The way around this might be to convince some of the smaller
         | "tech wannabe" states to enact something, and let it grow from
         | there.
       | squinta wrote:
       | Italian Digital public administration code (CAD - Codice
       | amministrazione digitale, art. 68 and 69) requires software
       | created with public money to be open sourced and made accessible
       | for reuse by everyone. https://developers.italia.it/en/reuse
       | Formerly it was accessible only to other public administrations.
       | That provision didn't generate any meaningful outcomes as it was
       | not avalable to other developers, just to public administrations
       | in-house developers. With the last reform of the CAD in 2016, it
       | was open to everyone and development of digital public services
       | accelerated.
       | yoru-sulfur wrote:
       | There are a few groups doing public open source that I'm aware
       | of:
       | - 18F https://github.com/18f
       | - GDS https://github.com/alphagov
       | - CDS https://github.com/cds-snc
       | I do agree with the sentiment, it's absurd that any software
       | developed through public means is not available to the public.
       | sublimefire wrote:
       | Interesting comments throughout but..
       | - Selling to public sector is a costly and lengthy process. Not
       | to mention the lack of competence from the public sector
       | partners.
       | - Usually, the money is made by making sure the entity will
       | subscribe for as long as possible, and it should be possible to
       | repackage the same software and sell to somebody else with little
       | effort.
       | - Open sourcing puts the company into a position where it's own
       | code could be reused by the competitor without investing as much.
       | - Furthermore, the projects are usually short lived due to the
       | nature of procurement, budgeting and changing regulations.
       | - It is a risky business that requires complicated solutions to
       | complicated problems, not much of it is reusable outside of the
       | specific domain.
       | I was developing such software for years. Better ask yourself why
       | huge IT departments are doing barely anything despite their
       | funding.
       | _trackno5 wrote:
       | Question for HN: How could this possibly work with software
       | developed for the military?
         | nonrandomstring wrote:
         | Kerckhoff-Shannon principle. Unless I can assume that my enemy
         | has total access to knowledge of my mechanisms, but is in no
         | way advantaged with respect to my operations, it is not an
         | effective weapon.
         | krisoft wrote:
         | Freedom of information laws frequently have national security
         | interest exceptions. A similar carve out can be made from the
         | requirement of open sourcing public funded software.
       | [deleted]
       | AlbertCory wrote:
       | Totally right. The same applies to publicly funded research
       | (goodbye, Elsevier), and even to court filings (goodbye, Pacer).
       | As for postalrat's comment: there is a certain bureaucratic
       | mindset that wants "their" stuff secret. Even when there's no
       | possible justification. "You can't get in trouble for saying No"
       | is their philosophy.
       | Example: on Nextdoor (home of the dumbest people on the web), I
       | stopped getting my daily email digest. Since this happens to be
       | my ideal way to get Nextdoo, I emailed Support, and their person
       | insisted that they _were_ going out, and I should contact my
       | email provider (they were not going to Spam, if that 's your
       | guess).
       | I asked "how do you know? did you look in the Sent folder?" and
       | he/she said "we're unable to share any information about our
       | internal tools."
       | Ooh, it's a SECRET! I went through Twitter and found out they
       | were running an experiment.
         | [deleted]
       | inChargeOfIT wrote:
       | The US is getting better about it, some more than others, but a
       | few off the top of my head..
       | https://github.com/department-of-veterans-affairs
       | https://github.com/nationalsecurityagency https://github.com/GSA
       | https://github.com/CMSgov https://github.com/CDCgov
       | Maxburn wrote:
       | If I was the software developer forced into this I'd just raise
       | my price knowing I can no longer sell it elsewhere, IF I even
       | agreed to it. That's going to hurt tax payers. It's a catchy
       | title but just doesn't take more than a moments thought to see
       | how it's going to backfire.
         | Zigurd wrote:
         | If you tried that with a private sector customer you would get
         | nowhere.
         | archontes wrote:
         | If you develop the software completely at your own expense, and
         | then sell the product to the government, fine.
         | If the government is paying for the development, the government
         | should own the product of that work.
         | postalrat wrote:
         | What do you mean? If you are a software developer working for a
         | state or city you expect to sell the software you develop for
         | them and collect the money yourself?
           | Maxburn wrote:
           | Good point, I was only thinking about outside contractors.
             | postalrat wrote:
             | Contractors are no different. Typically you don't get to
             | sell the software someone else paid for.
             | If you want to sell it then develop it on your own.
               | WaitWaitWha wrote:
               | Right, and I am all for that to remain.
               | This reads way broader, as you describe it "develop it on
               | your own", but can sell it only once to public sector.
           | WaitWaitWha wrote:
           | If I develop software specific to the public sector and sell
           | it to the government, it is "publicly financed software
           | developed for the public sector".
           | What is my incentive to develop any software at all for
           | public sector, since potential client no. 2 will just take
           | the code that I released?
           | The ask does not state employed by... it just says:
           | "Implement legislation requiring that publicly financed
           | software developed for the public sector be made publicly
           | available under a Free and Open Source Software licence."
           | I would be fine with
           | "Implement legislation requiring that publicly financed
           | software developed by employees of public sector, for the
           | public sector be made publicly available under a Free and
           | Open Source Software licence."
             | rapind wrote:
             | This is already very common in the private sector. Most
             | businesses that require custom software will insist (via
             | contract terms) that they "own" the software.
             | There's also licensed deals and subscription services etc.
             | sure, but there's a ton of custom proprietary software that
             | consultants build (which often contain proprietary business
             | logic).
             | Custom always costs more of course, but this isn't a new
             | model by any stretch of the imagination.
             | [deleted]
             | postalrat wrote:
             | Your incentive is that you are being paid.
               | WaitWaitWha wrote:
               | Imagine "Microsoft Office"-complexity software developed
               | specifically for public sector.
               | Then, sold to public sector once, then everyone else is
               | free to use it.
               | Would Microsoft still develops Office? Unlikely.
               | tapland wrote:
               | The money is in the maintenance agreements.
               | yxhuvud wrote:
               | What would happen then is that the next public sector
               | organization would want to pay someone to either fix bugs
               | or to specialize the program to fit their needs better.
               | And the more installations, the more this would happen.
               | Maintenance is not free and the public sector would still
               | have to pay the bill for it.
               | Rygian wrote:
               | Why would that be unlikely? If Microsoft's business model
               | was to get paid to develop Office, then of course they
               | would.
               | (Obviously, Microsoft's actual business model is to
               | capture and lock in, that's what makes your example look
               | odd.)
               | Beltalowda wrote:
               | I mostly want the code to public as a matter of
               | transparency. I'd be fine if it was released under a
               | fairly restrictive license which would prevent this kind
               | of re-use.
         | EMIRELADERO wrote:
         | I believe this is directed more towards government-developed
         | software, not explicitly contractors.
           | Findecanor wrote:
           | Although, where I live (in a well-off EU country dominated by
           | socio-liberal politics) I've never heard of a governmental
           | organisation developing their own code (outside of the
           | defence department).
           | When there is a need for a system, there is a public
           | procurement process wherein contractors submit bids, and the
           | "best" bid wins. ("best" by some criteria, usually price)
           | richardwhiuk wrote:
           | If it only applies to that case, it's possible there will be
           | a perverse incentive for the public sector to outsource the
           | code development.
           | Maxburn wrote:
           | I stand corrected.
         | sophacles wrote:
         | Go ahead, take your toys and go home. I don't care if the rent-
         | seekers stop trying to waste my tax dollars - in fact contrary
         | to your implication, this is a feature!
           | Maxburn wrote:
           | Seriously, dealing with government entities is a PITA. Life
           | is much easier in private sector.
         | AlotOfReading wrote:
         | You can still sell the code, you just have to use something
         | like the Red Hat subscription model after the first contract.
         | This is how a substantial part of the tech market already
         | operates. How does it 'backfire' here?
           | Maxburn wrote:
           | Why would I change my entire business model to deal with
           | this? Just skip this customer and move on.
             | AlotOfReading wrote:
             | Because "this customer" would presumably be the government.
             | If you're a government contractor bidding on RFPs, not
             | meeting the basic requirements is probably a bad way to
             | stay in business. No one's forcing you to do it, though.
             | simion314 wrote:
             | You are bidding for a contract that asks you to release the
             | code, bid accordingly, if you have super secret code then
             | don't bid at all or increase your bid. The hope is the
             | public will get some open source code they can fix in
             | future if there is a need and not have to beg you years
             | later to please fix stuff or add a new feature.
             | As I private person I can offer a programming projects but
             | demand access to the source code , you are free not to bid
             | for my project but I think I am the sane one that wants the
             | code so i am not locked into a corner.
         | marcodiego wrote:
         | AFAIK, most devs contracted to develop proprietary have much
         | less rights about the code they write than FLOSS devs.
       | jdrc wrote:
       | I am more interested in public _government_ code being shared
       | with other EU countries. EU funds a lot of government software
       | projects , but they never end up becoming EU-wide projects. EU is
       | all about enabling common standards across countries. And what
       | better way to enforce them than by using common software across
       | the EU states.
         | layer8 wrote:
         | The EU actually has some open source programs, see for example
         | https://github.com/ConnectingEurope.
       | [deleted]
       | openthc wrote:
       | Many States in the USA have implemented a "track-and-trace"
       | program for their cannabis. The States use this information for
       | enforcement. These programs have many bugs --
       | observable/repeatable bugs. Then enforcement uses the data from
       | the buggy software to cite businesses for failures of their
       | "track-and-trace" requirements. (eg: the system magically
       | restores weight to zero-weight lots, or marks dead trees as
       | alive).
       | In Washington State they started with BioTrackTHC; couldn't share
       | the code cause it's a proprietary and a security risk; however
       | they were dumping parts of the database as CSVs so folk could
       | check that (and confirm some bugs!). Then WA switched to LeafData
       | (MJ Freeway) and wouldn't share that code either; continued to
       | share similar data-dumps. Now WA has moved to just uploading CSVs
       | to the State system in code they wrote themselves -- and still
       | won't share the code (and now are doing even less to share the
       | data).
       | It's frustrating when viable open source solutions exist and are
       | actively ignored by the State agencies (we were blocked from even
       | participating in workgroups about the future of T&T (which don't
       | really matter, they didn't even follow the recommendations of
       | their own workgroups))
       | gr33nq wrote:
       | I work in the public sector (US), and I have been advocating for
       | something like this since I started my career.
       | The ERP we use for HR/Payroll, Accounts Payable/Receivable,
       | Utility Billing, etc. costs an exorbitant amount of money each
       | year, and the quality of both the software and the technical
       | support we receive is comical. And this is new deployment, too.
       | We upgraded from an IBM AS/400-based system a couple of years ago
       | which I honestly long to go back to now and again out of
       | frustration.
       | Let me give you just one an example of how we are held hostage to
       | a private software vendor - collecting payment for utility bills.
       | We are forced to use one credit card processor because it's the
       | only "partner" that the ERP vendor has for payment processing. I
       | guarantee you that you've never heard of them before. Their
       | software is abysmal, and last time I checked, the ERP vendor gets
       | a flat rate for each payment they collect (in addition to the
       | standard credit card processing % + flat fee that goes to the
       | merchant services company). There's no alternative. It's a
       | Windows Service that has a tendency to crash several times a day
       | without logging anything to Event Viewer. It's known to charge a
       | credit card, but not return a success code to back the ERP,
       | meaning the money was collected but their bill doesn't show as
       | being paid. It's a problem I've documented clearly and created
       | tickets on for over seven months at this point, and it's still
       | not been resolved. Why? They have zero motivation. It's a beast
       | to migrate to a new ERP (multiple years and $1M+), and they treat
       | us as if we have no leverage in pushing for prompter support or
       | better quality software. So luckily we are still on-premise with
       | full access to the SQL database. I have written procedures to
       | update the payment status manually each time this happens, post
       | the transaction to the ERP, update reference numbers, and do a
       | few other various things that should happen automatically when it
       | works correctly. We were scolded for digging around ourselves and
       | doing this, but if we open a support case, it takes 2-14 days to
       | get a response back and that's simply not feasible when these
       | payments need to post before EOB.
       | There's also no open API available. We have the in-house
       | expertise to develop integrations and try to tie systems together
       | in ways that make sense for our environment. Nope. Whatever few
       | integrations that exists costs tens of thousands of dollars up-
       | front, have very lackluster support, are infrequently updated,
       | and are very rigid in their capabilities. I've asked how we can
       | gain access to a sandbox environment or get documentation on an
       | API so we can test and create the integrations that these sacred
       | "partners" are able to -- radio silence. I've even reached out to
       | individuals who work at the company on LinkedIn asking a similar
       | question of how an independent developer can integrate with their
       | ERP ecosystem -- left on read, no response.
       | Need a customization or change? Let's schedule a series of
       | meetings and get it quoted out. $5,000 and two months later, we
       | now have one new line of text displayed on our water bills about
       | the drought. This is the level of control they maintain and use
       | to line their pockets at our expense.
       | And now I've noticed that over the past year or so, there's been
       | a very aggressive push to move to a SaaS environment. Meaning
       | we'd lose direct access to SQL, lose access to logs and other
       | tools I use to debug/diagnose, and be reliant on (read: held
       | hostage by) the vendor even more. Good luck getting access to any
       | of our raw data at that point. It's vendor lock-in to an extreme.
       | We (the agency, but more so the tax payers by extension) are
       | victims. And we take it willingly without any pushback because
       | there's no alternative. If anyone reading this is interested in
       | helping fight against this or develop an open source alternative
       | specific to government agencies, please reach out to me (email in
       | profile here). I'm very passionate about this, having suffered so
       | much aggravation over the years, and would love to work on
       | bringing about some sort of solution.
       | tommyage wrote:
       | Im currently working as a software architect for the government.
       | The software we are developing is not beneficial to any citizen.
       | Additionally, there is no staff to review and merge improvements.
       | And merges need to get tested by regression as well, so bringing
       | it to production would be cumberstone. Nonetheless, if we use
       | another piece of software, we are preferring solutions where the
       | code is open sourced. There needs to be enterprise support,
       | though. And most of our colleagues are also pushing to pay our
       | consultancies to improve these pieces of software.
       | Our use cases with these solutions are kind of essential, so
       | there are no possibilties to "give back".
       | Any federal agency is supposed to cover one aspect of the
       | government services. Developing individual software, which cover
       | national laws.
       | Also note that our software is almost 90% legacy code. And new
       | solutions need to work around these quirks.
       | redocneknurd wrote:
       | Isn't this quite hard to implement? How do you distinguish
       | between Saas, software and custom services. Will this implicate
       | that Microsoft office needs to be open source just because some
       | government is buying that software?
         | colonwqbang wrote:
         | You cannot actually buy Office, only license it from Microsoft.
         | Here the author seems to be talking about software that was
         | originally written by the government. Or, one supposes, where
         | development is chiefly funded by the government.
       | productceo wrote:
       | I don't think it'll be technically possible to release code to
       | the taxpayers and no one else.
       | It may be the case that code should be released publicly. But
       | their reasoning does not seem applicable.
       | figassis wrote:
       | I'm wondering. If the govt pays you to build software, and you
       | use include proprietary libraries in order to build a custom
       | solution, so that the solution is owned by the government, should
       | you open source everything incl. the proprietary components? I
       | get the feeling that is what contractors are trying to avoid so
       | they can keep their competitive advantages. That and hiding
       | horrible code.
         | phoronixrly wrote:
         | Bulgaria's laws on the matter require you to provide a shim so
         | that the software can be built without the functionality
         | provided by the proprietary closed-source dependency.
       | sonicggg wrote:
       | Exact same story with publicly financed research going behind
       | paywalled journals. If we're paying for it, we should have
       | access.
       | Maybe time to have an equivalent of SciHub for code as well,
       | although it will probably be harder to source that.
         | NGRhodes wrote:
         | I know off the top of my head 2 examples where code can be
         | stored for research:
         | Zenodo: https://about.zenodo.org/ OSF: https://osf.io/
       | b20000 wrote:
       | I know of several situations where entrepreneurs in europe put
       | substantial money on the table in projects which were funded by
       | grants from the government. It would be really bad for
       | entrepreneurship in europe if it would be required to make
       | software open source the moment some grant money is involved.
       | Let's imagine you spend 500K of your savings, and the government
       | gives you a 50K grant. Now you need to open source your software,
       | and your competitors can run off with your 500K investment! the
       | grant money offsets the insanely high taxes and should be no
       | strings attached to stimulate entrepreneurship.
         | Rexxar wrote:
         | This doesn't require open source for everything that receive a
         | grant. The text of the open letter is _"Implement legislation
         | requiring that publicly financed software developed for the
         | public sector be made publicly available under a Free and Open
         | Source Software licence."_
         | It's more like if the tax office build a software to compute
         | taxes, you can use it to compute your taxes, add a simplified a
         | gui for basic users or incorporate it in your ERP.
           | b20000 wrote:
           | i understand, but the next step is what i wrote.
         | BolexNOLA wrote:
         | I can't tell based on the information on the site, but there
         | may be some nuance to the threshold where this becomes a
         | requirement. I imagine it will not be an all or nothing
         | situation, but I am not sure ultimately.
         | Also, if there was a bunch of public code available because of
         | grant funding, that means - in theory - many people might not
         | have to invest their own money (or quite as much) because there
         | is more out there they can use due to this law.
         | Ultimately it boils down to the language of the law and the I
         | social scenario.
           | b20000 wrote:
           | ah yes, in good european fashion, there will be all kinds of
           | complicated and time consuming rules and processes. that is
           | what the countries in the EU and the commission do best. make
           | it nearly impossible for small bootstrapped companies to be
           | competitive and get their shit done.
           | and if I as an entrepreneur put money into something, I
           | expect to own it. even if a grant was involved. after all, I
           | already paid taxes to make those grants possible in the first
           | place.
             | BolexNOLA wrote:
             | Frankly it sounds like you're prematurely grinding your
             | axe. We don't have enough details to really form an opinion
             | like that. As a fellow entrepreneur I am excited at the
             | idea of more open collaboration/resources for people
             | writing code. Hell imagine a world without GitHub.
             | I'm curious to see the nitty gritty here myself.
               | b20000 wrote:
               | the reason why i react like this is that i have seen a
               | proposal like what i describe a few years ago in a
               | country in europe.
       | victorvosk wrote:
       | I mean as nice as this sounds, our money is spent on all sorts of
       | things we know nothing about. Should we all be provided with the
       | schematics for F-35s?
         | atx42 wrote:
         | Exactly! Where do you draw the line? Does CIA/NSA have to drop
         | their shorts?
           | dragonwriter wrote:
           | Any hypothetical obligation-to-make-code-public act could
           | probably be guided by the thinking that went into the
           | parameters of FOIA exemptions, since code is, after all,
           | information.
       | postalrat wrote:
       | The state I lived in developed one of those covid tracking apps.
       | I asked for the source code and was told it wasn't available and
       | would never be. I talked to people working on other software
       | developed for the state and they all think that software
       | shouldn't be public.
       | It seems crazy to me that taxpayers pay for this software but it
       | doesn't belong to them.
       | Knowing what I do know I gotta wonder if it's just about those
       | developers being ashamed how bad their software is and don't want
       | others to see it.
         | hamandcheese wrote:
         | Open sourcing code safely also isn't free. So unless something
         | was developed in the open from the outset, I doubt it ever will
         | become open source (unless mandated by law).
         | machinerychorus wrote:
         | I was tangentially related to the covid app stuff so I can
         | offer some insight there: most of those apps weren't built by
         | the state. Google provided an open-source "base app" that could
         | be customized by the states, but most states hired third-party
         | contractors to build an app for them.
         | I've worked in public sector and this is typical. the states
         | can't open source it because they don't own it, they just pay a
         | third-party to build+operate it for them. This is touted as
         | "small govt", but it really just makes things less efficient.
         | The total number of people involved stays the same.
           | dhosek wrote:
           | Government outsourcing is the new patronage. And it has the
           | advantage that you can focus the benefits directly to your
           | powerful supporters and from the contractor's side, it gives
           | them a line into government funding that doesn't get cut off
           | as easily if their guy gets voted out as old-style patronage
           | jobs did.
           | ISL wrote:
           | Third parties can build/operate open-source software.
           | worik wrote:
           | > but most states hired third-party contractors to build an
           | app for them.
           | So the states paid the bills so can license the result any
           | way they want.
           | How can they pay for something and not own it?
           | Sounds to me like there are deep corruption problems
             | bartvk wrote:
             | I don't see what corruption has to do with it. I'm a
             | subcontractor and usually the contractual terms are
             | dictated by my clients. If I get the chance however, I put
             | forth my terms and these say that I'm the author of the
             | code and thus the copyright holder.
               | HideousKojima wrote:
               | When I've done freelance work and have been able to write
               | the contract, I include a clause that the client receives
               | "a perpetual, worldwide, non-exclusive, royalty-free,
               | irrevocable license to reproduce, prepare derivative
               | works of, publicly display, publicly perform, and
               | distribute the work and such derivative works, and to
               | sublicense any or all of the foregoing rights to third
               | parties," effectively giving them unlimited rights to use
               | my code how they please while still retaining my own
               | copyright.
               | bombcar wrote:
               | Would that let them GPL or even MIT the code? It would
               | seem so.
               | HideousKojima wrote:
               | Indeed it would, I borrowed the phrasing from Microsoft's
               | contributor license agreement.
               | slaymaker1907 wrote:
               | It's a good idea so you don't need to worry about
               | accidentally copying some code from one project to
               | another. If you weren't the owner, they could
               | theoretically come after you for copyright violation.
             | tuvan wrote:
             | There are lots of things you pay for that you don't own.
             | ygjb wrote:
             | > How can they pay for something and not own it?
             | Have you ever purchases software? Any media, recorded
             | performance, or book?
             | I don't mean to be rude here, but this question shows a
             | complete lack of awareness of the problem space.
             | There are a number of contributing factors to why most
             | government software is not open source, but here are some
             | of my direct observations as a consultant to government
             | departments, an employee of government departments, a
             | purchaser of products and services at multiple
             | corporations, and a manager of contract software
             | development as an employee of a corporation, and the owner
             | of small business.
             | 1. Stakeholders building software, using either directly
             | employed, or contracted resources, have a desire to develop
             | the software for the lowest cost possible. Generally this
             | means preferring buying over building for many cases, and
             | building on commercial (paid, free, or open source) stacks
             | that promise easier development and efficiency. This often
             | results the project being encumbered by licenses that
             | complicate the potential release of software as open
             | source.
             | 2. Many government initiated software development projects
             | are done directly in pursuit of supporting legislation that
             | is tightly bound to the jurisdiction of the legislation;
             | even if the legislation is meant to ratify
             | state/provincial, federal, international or other
             | standards, laws, and regulations, there will be regional
             | variations that require at minimum configuration, and most
             | likely real code changes to meet requirements. This often
             | results in software that is tightly coupled to a particular
             | jurisdiction in terms of both legislation and regulations,
             | but also in terms of the ecosystem the software is
             | developed in. The encumbrances created by these couplings
             | often have dependencies on closed and proprietary systems
             | which is a great deal of friction for releasing open source
             | projects.
             | 3. Despite the passage of many international rules related
             | to economic development agreements like the former NAFTA
             | and the newer USMCA which provide provisions to allow fair
             | competition for government contracts within the regions
             | affected (and I believe EU and other trade blocs have
             | similar legislation), the opportunity to award software
             | development contracts to local firms (at any level of
             | locality across municipal, state, and federal
             | jurisdictions) is a strong temptation for politicians to
             | curry favor with voters and business communities. This is
             | often pitched as economic benefits by creating jobs
             | locally, while bolstering local businesses and making them
             | more competitive; if these projects are subsequently
             | released as open source projects, the perception from
             | decision makers is that the value of the investment in the
             | local community is lost. This is where a significant
             | opportunity for what you bill as corruption is identified -
             | I haven't seen a procurement process in government that
             | can't be subverted by suitably motivated buyers and
             | sellers.
             | 4. Releasing open source software can be a public relations
             | nightmare - bug reports, public review and criticism of
             | design or implementation choices generally land on the
             | desks of whatever passes for a service desk for that
             | jurisdiction, who are usually ill equipped to deal with
             | these technical issues, and also are generally understaffed
             | for their core responsibilities. Eventually those reports
             | and criticisms make their way up through different paths
             | and land on the desk of high level bureaucrats and elected
             | officials, who then have to deal with these issues as
             | public relations items. Have to deal with HeartBleed2022?
             | If it's internally developed and open source, the buck
             | stops with the politicians and how they let it happen, time
             | for a public inquiry! If it's an off the shelf product, "We
             | are disabling the service until a patch becomes available."
             | [1, specifically log4j] , and people can grumble about
             | purchasing choices, but it's much harder to criticize the
             | actual implementation.
             | Alot of folks in government (including me when I was there)
             | wanted to release our stuff as OSS, but there is only so
             | far you can go with opensourcing modules that depend on SAP
             | code, IBM code, or systems that are supplied by the federal
             | government.
             | [1] https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-
             | agency/services/e-services/...
             | tablespoon wrote:
             | > How can they pay for something and not own it?
             | They license it.
             | Renting everything seems to be the fad in business
             | management, and governments often ape business.
             | chaostheory wrote:
             | > How can they pay for something and not own it?
             | Cloud SAAS e.g. Salesforce apps
             | _jal wrote:
             | > Sounds to me like there are deep corruption problems
             | I consider this to be a flavor of corruption, too, but it
             | isn't, legally. It is the desired outcome for many, and for
             | many more, maybe not the outcome they wanted, but the
             | logical outcome of what they asked for.
             | There has been a decades-long process in the US of
             | pressuring governments to do less, to outsource more, to
             | privatize, to move to "public-private partnerships" or
             | whatever new buzzword means socialize losses and privatize
             | profits.
             | And this is what you get - government that doesn't have the
             | capabilities it needs to do what people ask of it. Which
             | makes it look bad, which encourages another cycle of
             | privatization...
             | If you want functional government, stop electing people who
             | promise to break it.
             | dragonwriter wrote:
             | > How can they pay for something and not own it?
             | Actually, quite easily, and it's cheaper that way
             | (especially if they pay to acquire it, and it wasn't
             | exclusively developed for them.)
             | Which is also _why_ they would do that.
           | [deleted]
           | Zigurd wrote:
           | Contract software development is nearly always work-for-hire.
           | To not own the result of what is in common practice work-for-
           | hire is terrible contract management. Imagine a road paving
           | company claiming the state doesn't own the road they just
           | paved.
             | atx42 wrote:
             | I think it's called a toll road. Around me they are owned
             | by some French company.
           | lou1306 wrote:
           | Uhhh the Italian app wasn't developed by the state either,
           | but the government acquired and open-sourced most (all?) of
           | the code [1]. It's not that hard really.
           | [1] https://github.com/orgs/immuni-app
         | ldoughty wrote:
         | This is the kind of issue that causes all that government
         | bloat...
         | If I was a state employee and I wrote the app, and I had to
         | release the source code, then I'm making it very easy for a bad
         | actor to find a vulnerability and exploit it to leak the data
         | of citizens.
         | One might respond: "Well software shouldn't have those holes!
         | Just because it's closed source, doesn't mean that won't happen
         | anyway
         | Also true, in an ideal world, the software should be free from
         | such vulnerabilities.
         | However security by obscurity is a layer of defense... And
         | there might be other controls in place too to help.. e.g. a git
         | repo behind SSO...
         | If I accidentally check in a CSV of a data dump, or my access
         | Keys, etc... It doesn't immediately become a data leak/issue..
         | I have at least some time to reconcile that.. but if the repo
         | is publicly accessible, the moment it hits the wire someone can
         | copy that data...
         | One might follow up: "Well, they should not make the code if
         | they are not competent enough to write it and host it"
         | Would be nice as well! But sadly there is only so many
         | developers that can do this kind of work with a very high level
         | of security and competence... By requiring governments to make
         | this code freely available, you could basically assume two
         | outcomes: nothing the government has on you will be secret,
         | including sealed records and private information. In addition,
         | IT workers would be paid 7-figures with 5-10 years of
         | experience, as every government project that touches software
         | now needs 5+ highly trained workers to avoid gigantic
         | lawsuits.. and no one could get an entry level job in
         | government because one bad commit could cause an 8-figure
         | lawsuit
         | And just to throw in a silly extrapolation... I would love an
         | M109 Paladin tank... my tax dollars pay for them :-)
           | Kinrany wrote:
           | The price increase required by the higher quality of software
           | is roughly a fixed factor. The benefits that come from code
           | reuse are exponential.
           | If a government can't afford to release the sources in public
           | right away, a gradual transition is possible: vendors that
           | offer open source software have their prices multiplied by
           | 0.1 during bidding. And this factor of preference for open
           | source can be increased or decreased state-wide depending on
           | the budget.
           | dragonwriter wrote:
           | > If I was a state employee and I wrote the app, and I had to
           | release the source code, then I'm making it very easy for a
           | bad actor to find a vulnerability and exploit it to leak the
           | data of citizens.
           | I have spent a lot of time in public sector IT and I've
           | rarely seen a management or information security team that
           | didn't subscribe to this kind of security through obscurity
           | thinking for internal code, including the management teams
           | that were completely behind _using_ open source code for
           | cost, robustness, and avoiding vendor risk.
           | [deleted]
           | fsflover wrote:
           | > However security by obscurity is a layer of defense...
           | It's not: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Security_through_obsc
           | urity#Cri....
           | See also:
           | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kerckhoffs's_principle.
             | xboxnolifes wrote:
             | > Security by obscurity _alone_ is discouraged and not
             | recommended by standards bodies
             | A layer, not the only layer.
             | > System security should not _depend_ on the secrecy of the
             | implementation or its components.
             | It is not depending on it. It is just an additional layer
             | to delay or reduce impact.
               | InvertedRhodium wrote:
               | This was the proposed scenario that the GP put forward:
               | > If I was a state employee and I wrote the app, and I
               | had to release the source code, then I'm making it very
               | easy for a bad actor to find a vulnerability and exploit
               | it to leak the data of citizens.
               | Which doesn't seem to suggest any mitigation other than
               | the lack of published source code.
           | atx42 wrote:
           | I find it bizarre that anyone familiar with software
           | development would think this is a good idea.
           | I mean if gov't creates a useful API (eg. weather), or
           | creates some reusable useful module (eg. something like
           | hibernate), that would be nice. But, just generally
           | publishing everything? REALLY BAD IDEA.
           | UncleEntity wrote:
           | > And just to throw in a silly extrapolation... I would love
           | an M109 Paladin tank... my tax dollars pay for them :-)
           | If they give you a tank they have one less tank to do stuff
           | with but if they give you a copy of software they still have
           | the ability to do stuff with the software.
           | There's a whole bunch of software out there that has been
           | open sourced by government agencies like nasa and you don't
           | see satellites falling out of the sky on a regular basis.
             | gehwartzen wrote:
             | I'm not in software so maybe my viewpoint is just different
             | but I also wouldn't expect NASA to give me the mechanical
             | blueprints for a rocket, or even a concrete launch pad nor
             | would I expect the local government to give me the the
             | electrical schematics for the stop light systems, even
             | though doing so would in no way prevent them from
             | continuing to use these systems/items
               | munk-a wrote:
               | Honestly, why not? It's quite likely there has been a
               | decent amount of information passing back and forth
               | between NASA and various private space companies - there
               | isn't a sane reason to require everyone to make the same
               | mistakes that you've already learned from. Additionally
               | while releasing rocket specifications probably won't
               | result in any at-scale replicas it's a good way to feed
               | the hobbiest community and possibly get some neat ideas
               | back.
               | There are some components of rocketry that deserve
               | careful consideration in sharing (i.e. rocket fuels) but
               | a lot of those have mostly leaked at this point and the
               | government has other reasons to limit their production
               | and thus limits the supply of chemical components.
               | Much like with software there are going to be some secret
               | components related to communication and the like - but
               | those can be cherry picked from the information and
               | deliberately hidden... similar to how most software teams
               | don't check all their private SSH keys into public repos
               | (usually).
           | 6510 wrote:
           | > However security by obscurity is a layer of defense...
           | In your example it would be _the_ layer of defense. But then
           | we still have to wonder who is the attacker? The assumption
           | made on the web page is that the developer is the attacker.
           | The obscurity then becomes a major issue rather than _the_
           | defense.
           | Yes, we will have to pay what it costs and we will have to
           | add extra developers. We all know the difference?
           | I could write any government app or software but it would be
           | a slow process, it would be hostile to further development
           | and the security of it would be laughable. But from the GUI
           | you wouldn't notice the difference. Mine might actually be
           | nicer.
             | [deleted]
         | EMIRELADERO wrote:
         | I don't know if it exists for where you live, but you might be
         | able to make use of a public information law (FOIA-like)
         | HideousKojima wrote:
         | My most recent job was for a local government, and even though
         | I made a push for open sourcing our code, I never made much
         | headway. Plus, literally all of the other devs on my team
         | repeatedly committed secure credentials to git no matter how
         | many times I tried to teach them how to use a .gitignore file,
         | so it could have been a bit disastrous if my efforts had
         | actually made any headway
           | pooper wrote:
           | > Plus, literally all of the other devs on my team repeatedly
           | committed secure credentials to git no matter how many times
           | I tried to teach them how to use a .gitignore file
           | Why do they even need to have access to production secure
           | credentials during development? Why not let them fall into
           | the "pit of success" so local development never talks to a
           | production server anywhere?
             | HideousKojima wrote:
             | >Why do they even need to have access to production secure
             | credentials during development? Why not let them fall into
             | the "pit of success" so local development never talks to a
             | production server anywhere?
             | Because most local governments are 10 to 20 years behind on
             | anything remotely approaching best practices. It wasn't my
             | choice to run things that way.
           | slaymaker1907 wrote:
           | I'm not surprised. Even great devs sometimes slip up and when
           | you have enough people, someone is always slipping up. The
           | only real solution IMO is to have safeguards in place like
           | credential scanning (ideally both locally and on the server).
           | It's not foolproof, but it can help avoid or minimize a lot
           | of incidents.
         | KarlKemp wrote:
         | The German version is at https://github.com/corona-warn-app.
         | It was expensive (18 million Euros I believe, but may be
         | wrong). But other than that, it was excellent from start to
         | finish. First release a few weeks after the API was available.
         | The source was divided into logical components of more or less
         | perfect size, it was straightforward, well commented,
         | responsive to PRs, worked, and had no security issues as far as
         | I remember.
         | jahewson wrote:
         | Define "belong".
       | goatcode wrote:
       | Any public money should bind the recipient to following public
       | laws that govern government, including access to information.
       | Don't like it as a corporation? Don't take public money.
       | j_leboulanger wrote:
       | https://code.gouv.fr/
       | aeharding wrote:
       | Likewise, free public apis (for non-sensitive info, at least).
       | I appreciate NOAA's api.weather.gov, rucsoundings.noaa.gov, and
       | other free public APIs.
       | Also good to see the FAA dipping their toes in free public APIs
       | (api.faa.gov).
       | bumper_crop wrote:
       | Suppose you are on a committee where you are evaluating 3
       | different offers to build a website for your city. Bid A is for
       | $10m, Bid B is for $9.5m, and Bid C is for $9m. The company that
       | made offer B knows that they will likely lose the contract so
       | they counter. "If you let us keep the source code and it remains
       | private, we will bid $8.5m for the contract". Since all three
       | vendors are offering equivalent service, and vendor B is offering
       | a hefty $500,000 discount, how can you reasonably spend far more
       | or your city's money? That money could have gone to improve
       | schools or roads or make more competitive offers for city
       | employees. How can you justify spending a half million more on
       | software principle when there are other more pressing needs?
       | Expecting software to be open source is nice when there is an
       | army of 10s of thousands of FAANG employees to constantly keep it
       | up to date, but less so when there's limited people. Sure, it
       | hypothetically could be kept up to date by the generous and
       | capable people of the city after the fact, but that's farfetched.
       | It isn't realistic or practical for a budget-conscious software
       | company to open them selves up to scrutiny, participate in the
       | open source community, accept bug fixes, do code reviews from
       | strangers, etc. It's _more_ expensive to do OSS, not less.
       | (As an example, the Linux Kernel is mainly made by large
       | companies with lots of expensive employees. Pick your 10 favorite
       | GitHub project with more than 10k stars and see who the primary
       | contributors are.)
         | rasulkireev wrote:
         | Well, making it open source is not the same as making regular
         | citizens/programmers to work on it.
         | You still pay the company to develop and maintain the software.
         | Same way as open source developers get "sponsored". The reason
         | is that anyone who wants to see the code and suggest on how to
         | make it better, or to report a bug, then that would be
         | possible. Furthermore, that work can be reused by other parts
         | of the government.
         | That last point is why some companies wouldn't want to do it,
         | or would charge more. However, to your point, I think the
         | increased cost is worth it in this case.
         | Sure, there are going to be less better roads/schools by 500k,
         | but the problem with that money is that there are rarely big
         | projects for that amount, so it's not like they would be put to
         | best use without being "lost" in the process of relocation.
       | dusted wrote:
       | Wow, nice one, Facebook! I'm trying to share the link, and I get:
       | "Posts that look like spam according to our Community Guidelines
       | are blocked on Facebook and can't be edited."
         | yboris wrote:
         | Confirming - I'm unable to post to my Facebook wall!
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