[HN Gopher] Actor system for the JVM developed by Electronic Arts
       Actor system for the JVM developed by Electronic Arts
       Author : dmux
       Score  : 179 points
       Date   : 2022-04-28 14:21 UTC (8 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (www.orbit.cloud)
 (TXT) w3m dump (www.orbit.cloud)
       | JoeHegarty wrote:
       | So, I'm the original lead developer of this project.
       | This was meant to be a followup to the original version of Orbit
       | which now lives on as orbit-legacy on GitHub.
       | Unfortunately other priorities have meant this project hasn't
       | proceeded in the past couple of years. I wouldn't really
       | recommend anyone use either of them.
       | However, the ideas and implementation both for Orbit Legacy and
       | the early version of Orbit 2 contain some ideas and concepts that
       | may be useful to folks.
       | I still think there is immense value in virtual actors (Orleans
       | from Microsoft is one great alternative for .NET, and Dapr also
       | looks interesting) but I can't say if we'll ever get back to it.
         | foob20220428 wrote:
         | _> "It is heavily inspired by the Microsoft Orleans project."_
         | It's always better to focus on delivering the game rather than
         | trying to make an own engine...
           | JoeHegarty wrote:
           | While in general I agree with that philosophy, it doesn't
           | really apply in this case.
           | When Orbit 1 was initially developed, Orleans was not open
           | source, so the initial implementation was based off the
           | Microsoft Research Whitepaper.
           | In our specific case, we had a lot of existing experience and
           | services built on the JVM so adopting DotNet for Orleans
           | (even if it had been available at the time) was not an
           | option. The relative drop in priority for Orbit vs other
           | projects was due to a need to dedicate more time to other
           | parts of the platform.
           | As a large dev/publisher EA has a sizeable central technology
           | group that develops everything from engines (Frostbite) to
           | services (EA Digital Platform).
           | Ultimately I agree with the philosophy for smaller developers
           | who are focused purely on making a game, but that's just not
           | the reality at large companies and ultimately someone has to
           | develop those services/engines.
       | ackfoobar wrote:
       | past: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=9300672
       | tdstein wrote:
       | How does this compare to Erlang / Elixir?
       | sandGorgon wrote:
       | a very interesting counterpoint is Vert.x -
       | https://vertx.io/docs/vertx-core/java/
       | Vert.x uses a concept called Verticles - which are like
       | actors..with an external message bus. Which ends up being more
       | practical if you start leveraging kafka, etc in the architecture.
         | spacemanmatt wrote:
         | Vert.x has grown on me fast! Verticles are the right
         | combination of actors and good-old pragma.
         | The community is healthy and helpful, too. I hope to stick with
         | Vert.x for a long time even.
       | voz_ wrote:
       | Ah GC languages, a curse upon us.
       | Pxtl wrote:
       | I assume EA didn't make this just for funsies. What do they use
       | it for?
         | [deleted]
         | baud147258 wrote:
         | from the article on its release:
         | http://blog.bioware.com/2015/03/30/launching-into-orbit/
         | (HN thread: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=9300672)
         | > The last-generation of Orbit powered some of the key
         | technology behind the Dragon Age Keep and Dragon Age:
         | Inquisition. Our plans for the next-generation framework are
         | even more ambitious.
         | So at least it was used for some of Bioware's games
       | the_arun wrote:
       | Is actor system same as event based systems or event driven
       | architecture?
         | chaostheory wrote:
         | It's an alternative to working with threads. You pass "work" as
         | messages to "actors" instead of using locks on resources.
         | klysm wrote:
         | Actors are a more specific model of computation. Definitely
         | related to event based systems but far more specific.
       | giancarlostoro wrote:
       | I found out about this one a few years back from a former
       | (online) friend who worked on it (although I'm not entirely
       | certain in his specific involvement, I want to say he was the
       | lead developer initially though), his name is Joe Hegarty[0].
       | There was another implementation as well from him in TypeScript
       | for Node.js called Ratatoskr[1].
       | As far as I've always known him, he always works on networking
       | projects, I believe he worked on the Fable 3 networking for coop
       | and several other games. I can't even imagine what he works on at
       | EA now honestly.
       | JoeH if you're reading this by chance: Just remember you were an
       | inspiration back in the day (mid to late 2000s) to a lot of
       | people who became developers and learned a ton from your work
       | back then, myself included. To this day I remember asking you
       | questions almost every day. Thank you for your efforts and your
       | patience.
       | [0] https://www.joeh.ca/
       | [1] https://github.com/ratatoskr/ratatoskr
         | JoeHegarty wrote:
         | Thank you for your kind words. I do indeed still work on
         | networking stuff.
       | btbuildem wrote:
       | I can't help but recoil from a "hello world" that pulls in an
       | entire container ship of dependencies.
       | Especially that we already have a perfectly good, battle-
       | hardened, and relatively lightweight implementation of Actor
       | model with Erlang / Elixir.
         | capableweb wrote:
         | > I can't help but recoil from a "hello world" that pulls in an
         | entire container ship of dependencies.
         | Where do you see the list of dependencies? Seems to me to be
         | the ones defined at https://github.com/orbit/orbit/blob/2339560
         | 01f1206ccbfde72ef..., is that correct? Doesn't look like "an
         | entire container ship" but maybe the NPM madness have ruined
         | me.
         | > Especially that we already have a perfectly good, battle-
         | hardened, and relatively lightweight implementation of Actor
         | model with Erlang / Elixir.
         | Yeah, if you're already using Erland or Elixir, why don't you
         | go with that instead? This seems to be for the JVM, so one
         | could assume that the ones who want to use this, is already
         | invested heavily in the JVM ecosystem (which as far as I know,
         | EA is when it comes to backend servers).
       | verst wrote:
       | The OSS project I work on, Dapr (Distributed Application Runtime
       | - an incubated CNCF project) implements the virtual actor pattern
       | if anyone is interested.
       | https://docs.dapr.io/developing-applications/building-blocks...
       | https://github.com/dapr/dapr
         | asabla wrote:
         | Been digging my self deeper and deeper into Dapr, Orleans and
         | similar for several years now.
         | Super cool tech! so thank you for your contributions and future
         | work on this.
       | g051051 wrote:
       | It'd be a lot more interesting if it wasn't in Kotlin.
         | qlm wrote:
         | Why does that matter? Kotlin has interop with other JVM
         | languages.
           | guipsp wrote:
           | It does seem that some of the more interesting features
           | require kotlin, which makes calling it an actor system for
           | the jvm a bit meh, in my opinion.
             | spacemanmatt wrote:
             | You might be a candidate for Vert.x
         | wiseowise wrote:
         | Why?
         | michaelcampbell wrote:
         | To me it makes it that much more interesting, but reasonable
         | people can disagree.
       | newobj wrote:
       | "Exactly one" is a hard concept to get right. How do they ensure
       | that exactly one instance of an actor is alive at once, without
       | sacrificing latency of actor start and/or while tolerating
       | network partitions?
         | ackfoobar wrote:
         | https://proto.actor/docs/cluster-partitions/#multiple-activa...
         | > This can be prevented by persisting state in a database with
         | some form of CAS operations, e.g. Couchbase.
           | mirekrusin wrote:
           | That's still "at most one" - ie. even though state of
           | database itself is "exactly one" (...can "hold the lock") -
           | the fact that actor thread is remote, it means it can be
           | partitioned/starve the rest of the system.
           | "Exactly once" can be achieved with "at least once" +
           | _local_, reliable state where you can resolve/ignore
           | duplicates. But if that "local" state is actually "remote" -
           | well, then you loose this guarantee (because you can be
           | arbitrarily partitioned from that state so you're in square
           | one again).
       | lichtenberger wrote:
       | Does anyone know how it compares to Akka?
         | ackfoobar wrote:
         | At a glance:
         | Sending a message is simply a function call. Whereas in Akka
         | it's the ask pattern where you have to manually reify the
         | function call parameters into a case class.
         | If you want to wait in processing a message in Akka, you either
         | have to juggle the message queue with stashing or block a
         | thread. In Orbit it is a `suspend` fun.
           | joostdevries wrote:
           | It's an interesting idea; not having to stash messages in the
           | actor implementation when doing an async call. I did a little
           | experiment what that could look like using Akka and kotlin
           | suspend functions https://github.com/joost-de-vries/akka-
           | kotlin
       | slantedview wrote:
       | I wonder what problems this project aimed to solve that Akka
       | didn't already solve.
       | gentleman11 wrote:
       | > Orbit is a framework to write distributed systems using virtual
       | actors on the JVM. A virtual actor is an object that interacts
       | with the world using asynchronous messages.
       | Could anybody elaborate on this? How does an actor differ from an
       | object that uses promises to talk to a server?
         | mjburgess wrote:
         | Yip, that's basically just an actor.
         | When people talk about actor-based languages or frameworks
         | however, theyre suggesting syntax primitives which help express
         | this more naturally.
         | The simple pitch is: OO _where_ objects could be on any
         | machine.
         | dordoka wrote:
         | It implements the actor model paradigm. Check this video
         | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7erJ1DV_Tlo
         | pdpi wrote:
         | Objects, actors, and (micro-)services are basically the exact
         | same concept at different scales.
           | usrusr wrote:
           | Thanks for making me feel old by not including agents in the
           | list. Those seem even more similar to actors. At least until
           | someone mentions BDI, then it's suddenly an entirely
           | different universe.
           | spinningslate wrote:
           | To some approximation. The Actor Model formalism [0] requires
           | certain properties, notably:
           | 1. Communication solely by asynchronous message passing
           | 2. A mailbox per actor that means the reception of messages
           | and the processing of them is decoupled (i.e. an actor can
           | receive new messages even when processing a previously-
           | received message).
           | The OO model in general supports that paradigm. Pretty much
           | all mainstream OO languages are synchronous by default
           | though. Call a method and the caller is suspended until the
           | method returns. Multiple clients can call methods on the same
           | object concurrently, but doing that safely requires some form
           | of locking/protection to be implemented in the target object.
           | Stated alternatively: threads in mainstream OO languages run
           | "across" objects, whereas each actor has its own thread in
           | the Actor model.
           | There are certainly similarities - in the sense that both
           | actors and objects encapsulate state, with reading/writing
           | occurring through well-defined interfaces (messages and
           | methods respectively). But the threading model is quite
           | different - it's not just a matter of scale.
           | [0] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Actor_model
           | EDIT: corrected grammar & formatting.
         | asadawadia wrote:
         | actor model has nothing to do with promises
         | beardedetim wrote:
         | Usually the difference is the "mailbox" an actor has, making
         | the difference more about the level you're calling an actor
         | more than the differences in any code you might write.
         | diroussel wrote:
         | It's not the same as async objects. There are differences
         | between different score systems. But have a look at Elang and
         | Akka for example.
         | But I'm actor systems the actors maybe more stateful that you
         | typical object and be location transparent. Communication
         | between actors does require knowledge of if another actor is in
         | process or remote.
         | Also the actor supervising model is a completely different way
         | of recovering from errors than in OO systems.
         | ctvo wrote:
         | This is a very broad question. I would start with understanding
         | the concept of actors. You'll end up reading about Erlang,
         | Akka, etc.
         | Then what's a virtual actor and how does it differ? You'll
         | eventually end up at the Orleans paper from MSFT research:
         | https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/research/publication/orleans...
         | It really has nothing to do with promises (as used
         | colloquially) and is a way to design large distributed systems
         | using message passing and localized state that's persisted.
         | whoisthemachine wrote:
         | A promise is a specific class of an actor -
         | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Futures_and_promises#Semantics...
         | xeromal wrote:
         | This is based on a popular and fundamental computer science
         | paradigm. If you're not familiar with it, it's a good read.
         | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Actor_model
         | birdyrooster wrote:
         | Highly suggested watch the creator of the actor model explain
         | to some skeptics. https://youtu.be/7erJ1DV_Tlo
         | yashap wrote:
         | Actors are useful for keeping code clean/understandable/correct
         | when dealing with heavy concurrency AND lots of mutable state.
         | Actors are like objects, but the only way to interact with them
         | is sending them a message - you can't directly access their
         | properties, call their methods, etc. Messages are bits of
         | immutable data sent between actors asynchronously, but those
         | messages go into the actor's mailbox, and then the actor
         | processes them synchronously, one at a time. You can get
         | parallelism by adding more actors of the same type (10 actors
         | of the same type lets you process up to 10 messages
         | concurrently). Because actors are totally synchronous
         | INTERNALLY, and nobody can directly access their internal
         | state, it's fine for them to have mutable internal state, with
         | no locking/synchronization needed, and much easier to reason
         | about than mutable state normally is in highly concurrent
         | applications.
         | With that being said, the actor model has a lot of inherent
         | complexity. If you don't need it, don't use it. But if you
         | really do need lots of concurrency and lots of mutable state,
         | it's often a great choice.
         | They're also good for distributed systems. Actors only
         | communicate by sending messages to other actors, but it doesn't
         | really matter if that message is sent in memory to an actor in
         | the same process, or over the network to an actor on a
         | different machine. So you can take a single actor system and
         | split it across many machines pretty easily. Generally the
         | actor framework you're using will handle delivering messages
         | over the network, ensuring there's the right number of actors
         | running across all nodes combined, etc.
           | jfoutz wrote:
           | I've read about actors from time to time for decades. I can't
           | say I fully grok the concept.
           | Kubelet wasn't necessarily designed as an actor. I think it's
           | a concrete thing that people have interacted with that is a
           | pretty good example of an actor. It has it's own control
           | loop. It sits there and actively monitors the state of the
           | node. It constantly reports the state. If something's wrong,
           | it can try to correct it.
           | Most services and objects just sort of sit around and wait to
           | be called. Kubelet is a little different, it's got a main
           | driving thread that's constantly looking for trouble, and
           | acting on what it finds.
           | The line is still pretty fuzzy for me, but maybe this helps
           | someone connect some conceptual dots, to distinguish between
           | a service and an actor.
           | dragonwriter wrote:
           | > Actors are like objects, but the only way to interact with
           | them is sending a message - you can't access their
           | properties, call their methods, etc.
           | While the implementation in many popular, e.g. C++ and family
           | descended from it, languages muddies the waters, basically
           | methods in OO are a convenient way to define handlers for
           | messages sent to objects, and in pure OO you also can't
           | interact with objects except by sending messages to them. The
           | difference between the basic OO model and the actor model is
           | that OO message sends are synchronous request/response and
           | actor model message sends are asynchronous fire-and-forget.
             | zo1 wrote:
             | So much this. This "actor model" thing as described by GP
             | sounds like plain old OO and RPC with extra steps and also
             | distributed. This may be a low-effort post on my part, but
             | I'm 100% not impressed because it sounds like marketing
             | fluff and an opportunity to rewrite native/built-in things
             | using frameworks. Also justifying Yet Another Framework or
             | tool hosted on an .IO domain (snarky I know) for promotions
             | and endless blog posts.
               | macintux wrote:
               | Erlang is decades old, a highly successful (for a
               | relatively niche language, anyway) proof that the actor
               | model (or something approximating it) can be a great
               | tool.
               | astrange wrote:
               | CSP/actors is from the 70s, like most CS. It is sort of
               | the original OO, but that's because OO is a newer version
               | that's both less powerful and over-complicated.
               | It doesn't need to be distributed, and it's better not to
               | include that because the approach to error handling gets
               | a lot easier. If you're distributed every call can fail,
               | be randomly slow, has marshaling costs, is untrusted,
               | etc.
             | yashap wrote:
             | Agreed, although it's not always fire-and-forget (i.e. send
             | a message and don't wait for a response). Actors generally
             | do support request/response style messaging, but it's
             | always async - it's really only synchronous
             | request/response communication that's not allowed.
               | ryukafalz wrote:
               | Not always. Goblins[0] is an example of an actor system
               | that supports both synchronous and asynchronous
               | communication between actors, with synchronous
               | communication only possible if both actors are in the
               | same "vat" (a kind of event loop).
               | [0] https://docs.racket-lang.org/goblins/
               | dragonwriter wrote:
               | > Agreed, although it's not always fire-and-forget (i.e.
               | send a message and don't wait for a response).
               | Sure, you can do async request/response in the actor
               | model, but the low-level basic mechanism all
               | communication is built on is send a message to an actor
               | mailbox and keep going. Everything else is built in top
               | of that.
           | activitypea wrote:
           | Excellent description of the actor model, thank you!
           | spinningslate wrote:
           | > those messages go into the actor's mailbox, and then the
           | actor processes them synchronously
           | Not trying to be pedantic, but that's technically not true of
           | the Actor formalism [0]. Quoting wikipedia:
           | > an actor can designate the behavior to be used to process
           | the next message, and then in fact begin processing another
           | message M2 before it has finished processing M1.
           | Available implementations (such as Erlang, Akka, Pony) do not
           | support that pipelining so are single threaded per actor as
           | you state though. As an aside, the behaviour you describe
           | _is_ part of the CSP formalism [1] - a related but different
           | approach to concurrent systems.
           | [0]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Actor_model#Inherently_con
           | curr...
           | [1]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Communicating_sequential_p
           | roce...
             | throwawaymaths wrote:
             | Just to be a bit pedantic (but important), Erlang is _not_
             | an actor system. It 's a system designed for fault
             | tolerance and definable failure domains. Concurrency fell
             | out of those requirements and it just happens to vaguely
             | look like an actor system if you squint hard enough. I
             | don't believe theories of actor systems played into the
             | design of Erlang.
             | Perhaps some of the blame belongs on the creators of Erlang
             | for kind of jumping on the "actor" (and later, "OOP")
             | bandwagons as marketing? to try to make Erlang less scary.
               | [deleted]
               | spinningslate wrote:
               | Fair point: Erlang wasn't _designed_ as an Actor system.
               | But you don 't have to squint that hard to see the
               | similarities. Again quoting wikipedia [0]:
               | > An actor is a computational entity that, in response to
               | a message it receives, can concurrently:
               | send a finite number of messages to other actors;
               | create a finite number of new actors;         designate
               | the behavior to be used for the next message it receives.
               | > There is no assumed sequence to the above actions and
               | they could be carried out in parallel.
               | All above are true of Erlang except intra-actor
               | concurrency. Even the last bullet on designating
               | behaviour: An Erlang process (actor equivalent) can
               | decide to use a different function when receiving the
               | next message. It just can't pipeline handling messages.
               | So Erlang isn't that far removed from the Actor model in
               | its behaviour, even if it wasn't designed as an Actor
               | system in the first place. One might say actors are an
               | (approximate) emergent property of Erlang rather than an
               | intentionally designed one.
               | Slightly off-topic but the only system I've used that was
               | designed & built from the outset as an actor system is
               | Rosette [1]. It was a really interesting project, and
               | does support pipelining, but has been dormant for more
               | than a decade.
               | [0]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Actor_model#Fundamenta
               | l_concep...
               | [1]: https://github.com/leithaus/Rosette
               | --
               | EDIT: clarified that Rosette is the only system I've
               | _used_ that was explicitly based on the Actor model from
               | the outset.
               | throwawaymaths wrote:
               | No but also key to the definition of the actor system is
               | that those are the _only_ things they are allowed to do.
               | Also, there 's strange stuff like naming processes for
               | service discovery, and iirc something is wrong with the
               | way that Erlang does selective receives that disqualifies
               | it from being an actor system, and ultimately more modern
               | Erlang things like ets tables and sharing memory with
               | nifs.
               | Point is all of these deviations from actor system were
               | choices made by the Erlang team in the name of
               | pragmatism. They all exist because there was a use case
               | and the first teams using Erlang needed them for
               | something real; that Erlang is _not_ an actor system is
               | important, because it 's a highly pragmatic system -- not
               | one that is based in theory.
               | galaxyLogic wrote:
               | > designate the behavior to be used for the next message
               | it receives.
               | I think that is the key insight of actor-systems.
               | Actors don't have state. But they can calculate their
               | replacement based on their immutable data. Thus the way
               | an actor at a given address evolves is described by the
               | functions that calculate the successor actors.
               | Thus you get Pure Functional Programming implemented on
               | top of a fabric of distributed evolving entities. You can
               | understand the behavior and evolution of such a system as
               | a composition of function-calls, where functions always
               | produce the same result for the same arguments.
               | bitwalker wrote:
               | I mean, if it doesn't count as an implementation of an
               | actor system, then I'm not sure what does, regardless of
               | whether it was incidental to the design goals of Erlang
               | as a language. It certainly walks and quacks like an
               | actor system in my opinion, and I don't think you have to
               | squint very hard at all to see it.
               | Perhaps we have different ideas of what an "actor system"
               | is though.
               | macintux wrote:
               | Dr. Hewitt typically chimes in on these threads to
               | emphasize some of the differences between his model and
               | Erlang. I don't recall his username to locate some of
               | those.
           | gentleman11 wrote:
           | Sounds like an implementation of object oriented programming
           | as it was originally envisioned
           | solaxun wrote:
           | Out of curiosity (not much experience with Actor systems), do
           | these systems solve a different problem than having disparate
           | processes communicate by sticking a distributed message queue
           | between them? From my naive point of view it seems like alot
           | of the scaling and fault tolerance concerns nowadays can be
           | solved in any language, by having a queue be the interface
           | between two services.
           | Same question applies to Erlang, which I realize is not
           | _exactly_ an actor system as per the below comment, and has a
           | much more sophisticated error recovery story with
           | supervisors, but the general question holds.
             | lostcolony wrote:
             | So I think the Erlang distinction is a little unrelated (I
             | mean, it's technically accurate, but not because of the
             | error recovery; that's an implementation detail. The
             | original Actor formulation Carl Hewitt proposed was heavily
             | influenced by Smalltalk semantics; whereas Smalltalk was
             | truly OO, in that everything is an Object that passed
             | messages, one issue it had was that objects did not equate
             | to threads of execution. The Actor model, then, said each
             | object executed independently. But in the same way that
             | Smalltalk did not have primitives; even integers are always
             | Objects, the Actor model stipulates there are no
             | primitives; even integers are Actors). But I'll take a stab
             | at answering what I think you're asking.
             | If your services don't deal with internal mutable state,
             | nor high degrees of concurrency then there isn't much gain
             | to be had with an actor system. That said, that begs the
             | question of what the queue is for; just create more
             | instances, since there's no internal state to share.
             | As soon as you start having internal mutable state and high
             | levels of concurrency, that's where the actor model
             | applies. Queues don't exist for concurrency (you don't need
             | them; just create more executors), they exist for imposing
             | sequence where it is needed (an obvious case; you have a DB
             | connection, you want to only have one query at a time. So
             | every desired query goes into a queue, and the process at
             | the end that owns the DB connection pulls from it).
             | Internal mutable state gets stored inside of an actor;
             | updates and reads get serialized on that actor.
             | At the highest level, I would describe the actor model as
             | taking a 'successful' model for distributed computing, and
             | making it the only model you use, even locally.
             | In, let's say Java, for instance, using standard
             | concurrency approaches, it matters where a process lives.
             | My way of operating/communicating to another thread of
             | execution (unit of concurrency) is very, very different
             | than my way of operating/communicating to another machine.
             | Locally I have threads and locks and need to be very
             | mindful. When communicating to another machine, I send a
             | message and that's it (maybe I expect a response, and
             | timeout if I don't get one, but that's really just the same
             | thing, the other machine sending a message).
             | I don't actually need a queue involved for theoretical
             | correctness unless I need to process messages in sequence
             | (after all, I could have multiple copies of the other
             | process, and send a message to each of them). Now, in the
             | real world I do, simply because if my concurrency gets too
             | large it can't be handled by what the units of concurrency
             | already available (instances, threads, whatever), and scale
             | up takes time, but that's really just a special case of why
             | I need to impose a sequence on messages (handle these
             | first, then handle these, rather than handle all of them
             | concurrently).
             | The actor model makes this the local model of communication
             | (and so makes the impedance mismatch negligible between
             | local and distributed; so much so that some languages it's
             | actually irrelevant whether you're sending a message to a
             | local actor, or a remote one). Scaling concurrency up
             | internally just means spin up a new actor. When you need to
             | serialize, you send messages to the same actor, where it
             | ends up in a queue.
             | So it's not solving a different problem, exactly, if that
             | problem is "how do we write systems that can do multiple
             | things at once", but the specifics, complexity, etc, tend
             | to be pretty different. The problems it's solving are a bit
             | more subjective than simply "can we handle this problem",
             | and more "how well do our tools and mental model lend
             | themselves to the problem we're trying to solve".
           | lostcolony wrote:
           | >> With that being said, the actor model has a lot of
           | inherent complexity. If you don't need it, don't use it. But
           | if you really do need lots of concurrency and lots of mutable
           | state, it's often a great choice.
           | I kind of disagree with this. I mean, it's kind of correct,
           | if you literally have a sequential problem with immutable
           | state you're gaining nothing from it, but you're also losing
           | nothing (you...will have one actor, no messages being passed,
           | so the only cost is the syntax of the language; the actor
           | model isn't adding any complexity because you aren't using
           | it).
           | But, a lot of problems we've historically learned to view as
           | sequential are in fact concurrent. Deeply concurrent. We've
           | created entire concepts specifically to impose sequential
           | processing upon innately concurrent activities.
           | As an example, almost everywhere we use queues we could
           | instead model as unrelated processes able to be run
           | concurrently. You still may have a bit of queueing/scheduling
           | for unbounded processes, but I know from production
           | experience that that is far, far simpler to do and get right
           | using actors than a traditional queue/priority queue and
           | worker(s).
           | And that's where it shines. It encourages you to start
           | thinking about what in fact -should- be done concurrently, by
           | making that easy rather than a chore as it is in most other
           | languages, and that leads to -less- complexity.
             | bcrosby95 wrote:
             | I'm curious what you see as so different in an actor vs a
             | queue with workers. An actor's mailbox effectively acts as
             | a queue.
             | Is it the supporting structure surrounding an actor focused
             | library/language? Lots of person-hours have gone into
             | making them to work well. Some home grown queue + pool of
             | threads working off that queue... not so much.
               | lostcolony wrote:
               | So pulling from the alluded to real life example, we
               | wrote a job scheduling system. Now, each job could be
               | defined by a lifecycle. It wasn't just a single fire and
               | forget command, but multiple in time (a prep start,
               | start, stop, clear, commands), and also tracking status
               | of an external resource (looking for error states or
               | ambiguities, etc), and could also be modified (change of
               | start and stop times, including "now" for both).
               | Now, using actors, this was trivial to do. Each actor was
               | basically a glorified state machine, with each command,
               | status update, etc, a message coming in that updated the
               | internal state, and caused it to change state, and, where
               | appropriate, update anything it needed to (such as the
               | internal timer for when it would stop the job). We loaded
               | up everything that had to happen in the next 12 hours,
               | via an actor that would wake up and load more
               | periodically (with an actor registry to find and confirm
               | what existed already, as well as used to route incoming
               | commands from users to change jobs). There is no
               | complexity in managing a global state of priority between
               | the actors; that's a 'solved problem' by the time slicing
               | the underlying actor engine is doing for us; it's well
               | tested, well proven, and invisible to us. Our
               | implementation allows us to treat each job as existing in
               | isolation, and write our code as though it and it alone
               | is the job that needs to be executed. There is no global
               | synchronization state to manage (well, with the caveat of
               | taking the infinite list of future jobs, and ensuring we
               | have actual processes equating to those scheduled to
               | start in the next 12 hours, but that's a comparatively
               | simple problem, and a proper use of sequential ordering.
               | We want to execute on _these_ jobs first), nor should
               | their be based on the problem we 're trying to solve.
               | Using a queue and traditional threading model though?
               | Well, we'd need a synchronized priority queue, as items
               | could have their priority changed at any time, from
               | multiple sources. We'd also still need a registry. We'd
               | need a pool of workers, that are mostly just
               | blocking...hope we don't have > (number of workers)
               | things needing to execute concurrently. Our complexity to
               | manage all of this is high; the level of testing needed
               | to validate that there aren't emergent bugs, also high.
               | Our semi-realtime requirements are probably out the
               | window (high contention on the queue, or high enough
               | concurrency to exhaust the thread pool could lead to very
               | measurable delays in updates). And ultimately, it all
               | comes to the fact that the queue exists to pretend that
               | the state of the world is sequential, and that we then
               | had to then contort ourselves around to bring back to a
               | state that allows for suitable concurrency. Updates to a
               | job can end up killing a worker and inserting something
               | back onto the queue, can remove something from the queue
               | and reinsert it at a different position, etc, all while
               | other workers are trying to access the queue
               | simultaneously.
               | Actors are the simpler solution.
               | The comment about an actor's mailbox being a queue is
               | missing the point (though, amusingly, demonstrating it).
               | Queues are sequential. Actors are capable of doing only
               | one thing at a time, and so when they are requested to do
               | multiple things, they will do them sequentially. A
               | mailbox filling with things that don't demand sequential
               | processing is a code smell in an actor system. This is
               | useful if you have limited resource access (queries on a
               | DB connection, say), or need things to be done
               | sequentially, and are very much akin to threads. But if
               | you actually want multiple things concurrently...you
               | should have multiple actors, not send them into the
               | mailbox of one actor (which is very much the queue
               | situation mentioned above; you imposed a sequential
               | ordering on things you want done concurrently. Why?).
               | That's the key difference; in most other languages, the
               | queue is taking multiple things you actually want
               | concurrently, and imposing a sequence to them. In the
               | actor model, your queue is in fact things you DO want
               | done sequentially; the things you want done concurrently
               | should get federated out to multiple actors.
               | ackfoobar wrote:
               | You're exactly right.
               | Some examples:
               | - Some common patterns. E.g. actor hierachy and
               | supervision, circuit breaker.
               | - Persistence. The actor persists its state (changes) and
               | can wake up from a sleep.
               | - Clustering. The actor can live in another node, and you
               | interact with it using the same API.
               | ackfoobar wrote:
               | Well I misread and couldn't edit now.
               | What I meant is that you can launch a co/go-routine and
               | have a channel that only it can read. That is like 70%
               | the power of having an actor system.
               | ---
               | > an actor vs _a_ queue with worker _s_
               | See the sibling comment.
               | TLDR: Actors each has their own queue. The orderings in
               | each queue are independent. This can help with
               | parallelization if it fits the shape of the problem.
       | dijit wrote:
       | Orbit is also the name of the always online DRM system that
       | Ubisoft made many years ago.
       | Fun fact, the tech that was developed to power Orbit forked and
       | evolved along largely divergent paths to be Uplay and the
       | framework on which the Division and Division 2 online backends
       | were made.
       | You can still see paths referencing Orbit in uplay, especially on
       | the downloads:
       | http://static3.cdn.ubi.com/orbit/launcher_installer/UbisoftG...
       | Largely C++ on Windows.
         | [deleted]
       | shartte wrote:
       | It looks interesting, but seems to be dead.
       | The repository has virtually no activity since september 2020.
         | ackfoobar wrote:
         | Oh well, looks like it has the same fate as protoactor-kotlin.
       (page generated 2022-04-28 23:00 UTC)