[HN Gopher] Ask HN: What are your favorite examples of elegant s...
       Ask HN: What are your favorite examples of elegant software?
       design or otherwise
       Author : joshbochu
       Score  : 154 points
       Date   : 2022-05-02 02:47 UTC (20 hours ago)
       | bennysomething wrote:
       | You might like the book "beautiful code"
       | Sohcahtoa82 wrote:
       | mIRC feels elegant by today's standards.
       | A full-featured IRC client for Windows that includes an entire
       | scripting language and yet it consumes less RAM than calc.exe.
         | sedeki wrote:
         | Hah, mIRC was a long time ago! I'm a bit nostalgic. :)
         | But is it really true that vanilla mIRC consumes less RAM than
         | calc.exe...?
         | That'd be impressive, if I could believed that!
           | Sohcahtoa82 wrote:
           | Just popped open Task Manager...
           | calculator.exe is at 74 MB working set, 24 MB Memory (private
           | set), 50 MB Memory (shared working set), 48 MB commit size.
           | mIRC.exe is at 31 MB working set, 13 MB Memory (private set),
           | 18 MB Memory (shared working set), 38 MB commit size.
           | Doesn't matter which value you use for "How much memory does
           | this program use?". mIRC is smaller in all of them.
             | daveloyall wrote:
             | That's not `calc.exe`. I think windows doesn't ship with
             | calc.exe anymore. The fair comparison would be the last
             | version of mIRC that was current when the last version of
             | calc.exe was shipped. I don't believe that mIRC would use
             | less RAM than that... Certainly not when you were actually
             | USING it! (including reconfiguring the size of your
             | scrollback, for example..)
               | layer8 wrote:
               | You can still get it from https://win7games.com/#calc
               | (via WinAero).
       | jasfi wrote:
       | Nim. It's just so quick and easy to write high performance code.
       | That's why I'm writing a web framework for it, soon to be
       | released: https://github.com/jfilby/nexus
       | whoibrar wrote:
       | Standard Notes.
       | Simple. Free. Open Source. E2E encryption. Basically, No frills.
       | Their idea is to make software not with most features but the one
       | that stays until the next century.
       | They have a great blog on this philosophy.
       | https://standardnotes.com/longevity
       | HermanMartinus wrote:
       | Bear Blog is simple to use, understand, with no frills or client-
       | side JS. https://bearblog.dev
         | layer8 wrote:
         | Self promotion is off-putting in a thread like this.
       | nathias wrote:
       | vim
       | throw10920 wrote:
       | Emacs - although there's a lot of accumulated cruft in the form
       | of whacky APIs and elisp functions, the _design_ of Emacs is
       | stunningly effective. The way that minor modes and keymaps are
       | composed to customize the interaction mode for each individual
       | buffer is clever and beautiful, to name just one thing out of
       | many. And, as janky as elisp is, it 's one of the few extension
       | languages that's actually good at its job, and the Emacs elisp
       | API allows you complete freedom over virtually every aspect of
       | the editor. Unironically, Emacs is _not_ a text editor - _it 's a
       | toolkit for creating text-oriented applications_.
       | Forth, Lisp (Scheme, in particular - I love CL but it's the C++
       | of Lisps), and Lua - three languages that take a small set of
       | elegant primitives and synthesize them to give you incredible
       | power.
       | Remember the Milk is a task-tracking SaaS that is one of the few
       | pieces of software that I actually _like_ , which is especially
       | impressive given that it's proprietary. Cheap, fast, effective,
       | and with a UI design that continually impresses me with its mix
       | of intuitiveness and ergonomics.
       | type0 wrote:
       | BEAM (Erlang VM)
       | jdauriemma wrote:
       | I don't see Airtable here yet. That team managed to make
       | relational databases user-friendly to a consumer market without
       | compromising the core features a power user might expect. Hats
       | off to them!
       | Mister_Snuggles wrote:
       | Monument Valley and Monument Valley 2[0].
       | They're games, and relatively short/easy, but it's beautiful and
       | elegant.
       | [0] https://www.monumentvalleygame.com/mv2
         | eps wrote:
         | That's cheating ;)
         | There is a metric ton of elegant games. It's the elegant
         | mundane software that is much more rare and therefore
         | interesting.
       | dustractor wrote:
       | Projects developed under a BDFL: blender (ton) vim (bram) and
       | python (guido)
       | _virtu wrote:
       | Ecto the database driver for Phoenix is probably the most amazing
       | piece of software I've used. Elegant dx, performant and just
       | enough of an abstraction on SQL.
       | [1]: https://github.com/elixir-ecto/ecto
       | pphysch wrote:
       | AWK
       | Match this, do that.
       | bajsejohannes wrote:
       | Redis. The interface is quickly obvious using telnet (which makes
       | all clients pretty obvious). The documentation is both succinct
       | and complete. All operations are listed with their big-O
       | notation.
         | joshbochu wrote:
         | Any implementation detail you could please share?
       | phoehne wrote:
       | After 50 years it doesn't seem like it, but C has managed to
       | survive this long because it's a solid all-round player from the
       | bare metal to web servers. It's simple enough that you could
       | probably implement a fairly capable C compiler in assembler.
         | tenebrisalietum wrote:
         | C has managed to survive this long because of:
         | - Unix and its inertia
         | - Licensing of Unix allowing it to proliferate to the masses
         | and being used for education
         | - because it is simple enough that a compiler can be quickly
         | brought up for any new ISA that appears, as long as it looks
         | enough like a 70's-80's CPU architecture enough for pointers to
         | work.
         | Elegant? No.
         | - Making pointers and arrays synonymous is elegant only from
         | the CPU's perspective.
         | - The pointer syntax sucks.
         | - Casting does weird stuff sometimes.
         | - Bool - how hard is it to get true and false right?
         | - Everything being an operator leads to the confusion between
         | assignment and equality which is inelegant. It was cute in the
         | 70's when you had limited disk space but sucks now.
         | - `void *` being used for function pointers is not elegant.
         | - Threads and any notion of multiple CPUs doesn't work well
         | without a lot of libraries or help.
         | - An elegant language would have not cared about the underlying
         | CPU memory model, but C had to be enhanced for 16-bit x86
         | segmented memory models.
         | - If you are using intrinsics or whatever to generate assembly
         | opcodes (e.g. vector instructions) because your language
         | doesn't support them, you are surpassing the limitation of your
         | language in an inelegant way.
         | - An elegant language makes things like the IOCCC impossible.
           | Comevius wrote:
           | Those damn C preprocessor macros. You have to become a
           | compiler to understand C code. The elegant metaprogramming
           | approach is what Zig does with comptime.
           | t-3 wrote:
           | > - Bool - how hard is it to get true and false right?
           | I think this is actually much more complicated than it seems
           | at first thought. There are a lot of different ways to
           | represent booleans, each with their own advantages, and then
           | the hardware has it's own ideas that might need to be
           | considered. I'm not sure that there's any way to do bool that
           | doesn't lead to pain somewhere.
       | ducktective wrote:
       | fzf, dmenu, dunst, curl, jq, pup
       | JFKKFJ wrote:
       | MrScruff wrote:
       | Sidefx Houdini
       | jjice wrote:
       | I guess my definition of elegant would be software that has
       | fantastic UX and just works and works so well it boggles my mind
       | how well it works. I'd also extended that to include a
       | foundational core that all other parts can be built off of. In
       | that case, I'd go with vim. I'm not even a huge Vim guy (use it
       | for notes and remote stuff, but not my primary editor), but the
       | concepts are simple and oh so powerful. It's just building blocks
       | on top of text editing.
       | Pipes in Unix as a concept are also a great abstraction. A bit
       | dated, but still every powerful today.
       | Files in Unix as well. Some people have gripes which are fair,
       | but the idea that a device, a file, and a socket are all accessed
       | via the same API is fantastic. Of course there are issues, but
       | it's generally worked really well for me.
       | f0000 wrote:
       | Vega-Lite and Altair
       | https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/ https://altair-viz.github.io/
       | spacechild1 wrote:
       | Lua
         | abcd_f wrote:
         | Inheritance through table extensions is truly an elegance in
         | the eye of beholder :-)
       | orhunp_ wrote:
       | `pass`, no cap.
       | passwordstore.org
       | kretaceous wrote:
       | Vary random but these are stuff which impressed me on first try
       | and never let me down:
       | Kitty, the terminal emulator by Kovid Goyal
       | wouter, a minimal JS routing library
       | espanso, a text expansion program
       | KDE Connect
       | Tailscale
       | The last 2 together
       | curl
         | ohiovr wrote:
         | curl and wget are fantastic!
         | throwaquestion5 wrote:
         | > Kitty
         | Could you elaborate on what do you feel is better or makes you
         | more comfortable using kitty against any other random terminal?
         | I also vouch for KDE Connect. Painless to use after installing.
         | Very convinient for file transfer
           | petepete wrote:
           | I love Kitty because it does the things I think are important
           | really well..
           | It's well-maintained, extremely fast, always responsive, easy
           | to configure, supports ligatures and IBus.
       | dragontamer wrote:
       | Stockfish -- https://github.com/official-stockfish/Stockfish
       | Some of the best C++ code written. Extremely clear and concise.
       | Chess-AI is a bit complicated but the source-code + comments
       | seems to inform the programmer where all the problems are.
       | caraboga wrote:
       | NetBSD and OpenWRT. These platforms build across archs relatively
       | easily and their configuration interfaces are pretty transparent.
       | spacemanmatt wrote:
       | PostgreSQL
       | chrisweekly wrote:
       | https://every-layout.dev - not just the ideas it conveys, but the
       | site per se too.
       | throwawayboise wrote:
       | Diagram!, by Lighthouse Design, for NEXTSTEP. A drawing tool that
       | featured "smart links." I believe it pre-dated Visio. Later
       | cloned as OmniGraffle by OmniGroup.
       | archielc wrote:
       | Norton Commander -
       | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Norton_Commander. Not sure how
       | elegant on the inside, but it comes from the era when software
       | development was not so fast paced. And the fact that it inspired
       | so many spin-offs (just to mention few that I personally used:
       | Volkov Commander, Midnight Commander, FAR Manager, and my
       | favourite - DOS Navigator (it had spreadsheet!)).
       | Gualdrapo wrote:
       | Regarding code elegance, OpenBSD[0] surely pride themselves in
       | their code correctness and how they make it clean and
       | understandable.
       | Another example might be my favorite text editor, vis[1].
       | [0] https://www.openbsd.org/ [1] https://github.com/martanne/vis
       | PascLeRasc wrote:
       | Spotlight. Everything about it is really well-thought out. I use
       | it dozens of times every day to convert units or hold strings or
       | check the weather.
       | 2143 wrote:
       | Taskwarrior.
       | enriquto wrote:
       | gnuplot
       | Being able to just plot sin(x) blew my mind.
       | More seriously: cholmod
       | nderjung wrote:
       | We put a lot of effort and consideration into the architecture of
       | Unikraft[0][1], its elegance towards modularity and abstraction
       | is the reason why I joined the team to help develop it. :)
       | [0]: https://unikraft.org/
       | [1]: https://github.com/unikraft/unikraft
       | phkahler wrote:
       | Solvespace (CAD)
       | https://solvespace.com/index.pl
       | A single executable of about 6MB with pretty significant
       | capability.
       | The source code is pretty clean as well.
       | otikik wrote:
       | Creating a GUI Interface in Visual Basic to See If I Can Track An
       | IP Address
       | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hkDD03yeLnU
       | saikatsg wrote:
       | Sublime Text
       | rubyist5eva wrote:
       | Boop.app for mac, also both Sublime Text and Sublime Merge.
       | biorach wrote:
       | Peter Norvig's 27 line spell checker
       | https://norvig.com/spell-correct.html
         | maxmcd wrote:
         | Peter Norvig's python is so elegant:
         | https://github.com/norvig/pytudes#pytudes-index-of-jupyter-i...
         | DC-3 wrote:
         | This is nice. One interesting choice is the decision to compute
         | the number of observed words, N, as the default value of an
         | optional argument, thereby ensuring that it is only computed
         | once, while still limiting its scope to the function in which
         | it is needed. Perhaps this is a common pattern but it's one I
         | haven't stumbled across before.
         | The short circuiting `or` chain is also pleasantly virtuosic.
         | Sometimes a little flashiness is tolerable when it works this
         | well!
       | madjam002 wrote:
       | Most recently Tailscale, I enabled it on NixOS and minutes later
       | had a secure VPN set up.
       | nabaraz wrote:
       | Thinkorswim by TDAmeritrade. No one else has figured out how to
       | lay out options (greeks, premium), charts etc. in such an
       | intuitive manner.
         | julianeon wrote:
         | thinkorswim, created by thinkorswim and acquired by
         | TDAmeritrade.
         | In case someone is wondering how a staid brokerage came up with
         | this incredible technology: the trick is, they didn't.
         | JamesSwift wrote:
         | Uhhh well I would argue Tastyworks does it even better. But
         | that was built by the same team so maybe its cheating?
       | Aemorph wrote:
       | Ahrefs https://ahrefs.com/ is great seo tool that I use to
       | analyze my website's (https://aemorph.com) link profile, ranking,
       | and SEO health.
       | djmashko2 wrote:
       | Things! The todo list app. It's the most elegant app I've ever
       | used. feels like it just works, and I can rely on it 100%.
       | hulitu wrote:
       | Aegis/Domain OS. I would love to work again with such an OS.
       | m-p-3 wrote:
       | SQLite. It's a damn fine piece of software for small
       | applications.
         | endgame wrote:
         | I've heard people call it "a replacement for `fopen()`".
         | Similarly, I like ZeroMQ as a replacement for sockets.
       | andrewmcwatters wrote:
       | The original QSpy protocol, which then became the GameSpy
       | protocol, and later still made way for Valve's Master Server
       | protocol.
       | I'm not sure what other protocols exist today for tracking a list
       | of servers, providing information on them, and are as up to date
       | as the frequency of the heartbeats from those servers, but I
       | suspect there are similar protocols out there, and I'm just not
       | familiar with them.
       | Unfortunately despite how elegant the QSpy protocol is, most
       | modern video games no longer provide server browsers as first-
       | class features, eschewing them in favor of matchmaking services
       | or publisher provided dedicated servers.
       | sparker72678 wrote:
       | I've always liked how TaskPaper was entirely built around plain
       | text files.
       | https://www.taskpaper.com
       | constantinum wrote:
       | Vim
       | Adobe Indesign
       | Monodraw
       | GNUcash
       | Django
       | Beeminder
       | hatware wrote:
       | Frigate NVR: https://frigate.video/
       | Incredibly easy to host open source network video recorder with
       | object tracking and hardware acceleration support. You have to
       | install hardware and know what you're doing to hook things up,
       | but bespoke systems that do these things cost tens of thousands
       | for hardware/licensing alone and don't do them half as well.
       | j-pb wrote:
       | JonesFORTH
       | Although one might argue it to be a case of really elegant
       | documentation and literate programming.
       | spindle wrote:
       | NixOS (although yes it could be even more elegant than it is)
       | jansc wrote:
       | RabbitMQ. It just works.
       | nope96 wrote:
       | https://tetr.io/
       | even on an ancient laptop, it runs smoothly. I had no idea a
       | javascript game could look/play this good. I've spent 100 hours
       | on it since I first saw it posted here on HN
       | ohiovr wrote:
       | FFMPEG is an excellent piece of software. I used it last weekend
       | to build an automatic video editor / titler and it only took
       | about 10 hours to make it work. I was going to use moviepy but
       | the rendering time was extreme and the memory consumption was
       | horrible. My 300 line python script with imagemagick and FFMPEG
       | produced a 30 minute long video in under 5 minutes.
       | cnees wrote:
       | MindNode is a beautiful way to lay out your thoughts, and the
       | graphs can be copied as bulleted lists. Alfred is an application
       | launcher that also lets me enter shortcuts to quickly launch
       | pages like my calendar and each of my team members' open PRs. I
       | use it dozens, if not hundreds, of times a day. With the premium
       | version, you also get a great clipboard manager.
       | phonon wrote:
       | Mathematica
       | Stampo00 wrote:
       | Graphviz.
       | Non-trivial graphs will make it produce hard-to-read output, and
       | you can try fiddling with it forever to get better output. But
       | it's still the first thing I reach for when I have to make a
       | graph.
         | uuyi wrote:
         | So much this. Also I use this tool to sketch out graphs
         | quickly:
         | https://dreampuf.github.io/GraphvizOnline/
       | blenderdt wrote:
       | Blender.
       | It's architecture, the window manager/system, the UI, how it is
       | built by and for the users, how the API is integrated and how
       | fast it is compared to other software.
       | rwxrwxrwx wrote:
       | The Apache HTTP Server and the GNU Scientific Library come to
       | mind.
       | dhash wrote:
       | - NXT-G, the coolest (simple) visual programming language
       | - Propellerheads Reason, a sweet DAW
       | - emacs, a text editor so elegant it's a real OS
       | - Procreate, the nicest iOS drawing app
         | m-p-3 wrote:
         | > NXT-G
         | On a similar tangent, NodeRED is also an interesting software
         | to build workflow-based automation visually.
       | spacemanmatt wrote:
       | A couple of my favorite programmable products from the MSDOS
       | years:
       | Telix
       | QEdit
       | superasn wrote:
       | I'd say Linux Mint. It combines everything that's good about
       | Ubuntu while removing things like snap. Also the design is so
       | much better but I feel that's a personal choice. But everything
       | in linux just works so well now.
       | I run 4 monitors on 2560 resolution on two separate amd cards and
       | everything runs flawlessly. I have all the software for free and
       | most OSS is just as good if not better for my work (except games
       | and Photoshop but photopea is a good alternative for that, and it
       | can be easily my second nomination for this thread).
       | I know linux has evolved a lot and it's the effort of millions of
       | volunteers which has made Linux what it is today, but for me
       | personally Linux Mint really combines all the great things about
       | linux into an amazingly elegant software.
         | dcminter wrote:
         | Hmm. I was kicking the wheels on cinnamon the other day - but
         | because it's not on Wayland it won't do mixed resolution
         | displays out of the box, so it's not really viable for me.
         | A pity, as I dislike snaps and the generally dumbed down
         | direction of recent Gnome, so it would otherwise have been a
         | good fit for me. For now I'm (still) on Ubuntu though.
       | wrnr wrote:
       | https://github.com/enkimute/ganja.js/
       | Geometric algebra for any R{p,q,r} dimensional space. Has it own
       | custom JS to JS transpiler so the literal number "1e10" becomes a
       | bivector. The code is just around a thousand lines while it lets
       | you do amazing things like this right in the browser:
       | https://enkimute.github.io/ganja.js/examples/coffeeshop.html...
       | c7DJTLrn wrote:
       | Not sure if games count as software but if they do - Factorio. I
       | don't play much these days but I'm still utterly stunned how a
       | relatively small, humble team of developers can build something
       | so robust and performant. Granted, I've never really tried
       | pushing the limits, but not once have I felt like the game is
       | even breaking a sweat while processing thousands of machines,
       | belts, and bots. It's a miracle to me.
       | Their devblogs are really nicely written and you can tell they
       | are extremely passionate about getting things right. In my
       | experience that's a rarity now.
       | And of course, it's a brilliantly addictive game.
         | Aardwolf wrote:
         | I've definitely pushed the limits of performance with way too
         | upgraded huge range artillery turrets hitting _all_ the biter
         | bases, but yes, very performant with large factories otherwise
         | :)
         | AnIdiotOnTheNet wrote:
         | > I'm still utterly stunned how a relatively small, humble team
         | of developers can build something so robust and performant.
         | I'm not sure that, on the whole, robust and performant software
         | can be put together by teams much larger than that.
         | joshbochu wrote:
         | great example!
         | ThunderSizzle wrote:
         | I'll also point out that the UI for Factorio is almost among
         | the best.
         | I'd prefer a factorio over almost another UI.
         | I'm imagining a port of factorio's UI into most strategy games
         | would be very nice, both from a VERY zoomable map, a clear
         | research/progression tree. A few improvements could be made
         | IMHO, but it's lighyears better than TF, CS, the Chris Sawyer
         | set, etc.
         | kjeetgill wrote:
         | Similarly, mindustry is written in java by a single developer
         | freshly out of college and is incredibly performant for the
         | amount of moving pieces rendered at a time. Granted I'm not in
         | video games, maybe it's not too hard, but I thought it was
         | really cool.
         | It's also an incredibly cool, interesting game design. If you
         | like Factorio + Tower Defense you should check it out.
         | ramesh31 wrote:
         | Doubly so that the game is written entirely in native C++ and
         | is fully cross platform compatible (mac/windows/linux) with a
         | tiny binary size. The responsiveness and performance of that
         | game even with thousands of agents onscreen has always
         | impressed me.
         | ibejoeb wrote:
         | If they're made of software, they count
       | mym1990 wrote:
       | Stardew Valley! I always marveled at how it was a one man team,
       | and everything from the graphics to the game systems seemed to
       | work well. I haven't seen the code base or anything, so I am not
       | sure if this is 'elegant', but my assumption is that for one
       | person to put out that kind of work, some things have to be going
       | right in the design.
       | eimrine wrote:
       | LISP 1.5
       | Stampo00 wrote:
       | TiddlerWiki.
       | It's not everyone's cup of tea, but given the limitations it has
       | decided to work within, it really is a wonder.
       | nikivi wrote:
       | Linear is nice. https://linear.app
         | ktusznio wrote:
         | Yup. I find Linear a pleasure to use after years of JIRA.
       | yewenjie wrote:
       | https://lichess.org
         | bytematic wrote:
         | Yes! Didn't think I would see it, lichess has made some
         | incredible architectural decisions. And also really brilliant,
         | consistent philosophy.
       | kettunen wrote:
       | The original MapReduce implementation by Jeff Dean and friends is
       | probably up there for me. Couple of hundred lines of code doing
       | bunch of task distribution on a very large scale is just very
       | impressive.
       | Of course the current/latest version of it has took a life of its
       | own in size and complexity (but of course with performance and
       | reliability too) but the initial version still shines through!
       | [deleted]
       | ur-whale wrote:
       | blender (the finished product, can't comment on the code itself).
       | ibejoeb wrote:
       | Elegant construction and elegant use can be disjoint. For
       | construction, Beautiful Code is a good read on a bunch of real
       | specimens.
       | https://www.oreilly.com/library/view/beautiful-code/97805965...
       | lukasb wrote:
       | Notational Velocity
       | Very simple, instant search, and having the same UI for searching
       | and creating notes is genius - way fewer duplicated notes, for
       | one thing.
       | smokeyfish wrote:
       | Git, grep, sed, awk; many Unix utils
       | pyjarrett wrote:
       | Fossil SCM (https://fossil-scm.org/home/doc/trunk/www/index.wiki)
       | It's almost like Git + Gitea, all in a single application. Code +
       | tickets + wiki + notes all version controlled and capable of
       | hosting the server itself. Also, the repo is just a SQLite
       | database, so backup is easy.
       | d08ble wrote:
       | Scanwatch - Fast and simple file watcher for Node
       | https://www.npmjs.com/package/scanwatch
       | tigerlily wrote:
       | SolidWorks
       | Altium
       | Comsol
       | Proprietary yes, but I've used all three over the last few years
       | and found them each to be very streamlined, productive, and
       | elegant after a fashion.
         | vt240 wrote:
         | The modern Comsol GUI is truly phenomenal, especially
         | considering where it was at with the 3.x versions. It's one of
         | the rare cases, pretty much the only one I can think of in
         | CAD/CAM, where the effort put into a radical GUI redesign
         | really paid off significantly and immediately.
         | contingencies wrote:
         | IMHO SolidWorks is terrible. Single core performance
         | limitation, huge disk IO, no out of box support for STEP GD&T
         | export, ridiculous drawing-oriented BOM export UX, half-measure
         | built-in RCS/VCS system, collision-prone namespace, etc.
       | hadrien01 wrote:
       | The Fork Git client is pretty much perfect (and native) on Mac
       | and Windows
       | RubberMullet wrote:
       | Softimage, this is was the first 3D software that I really
       | learned and the UI/UX was way ahead of its time.
       | Macromedia Director, it was amazing how quickly you could create
       | an interactive standalone app or CD-ROM.
         | ohiovr wrote:
         | Lingo was a lot of fun!
       | pipeline_peak wrote:
       | SpiderMonkey, while it isn't the best performing, its code is
       | pretty straightforward. It also seems to be embeddable on its
       | own, unlike V8.
         | saurik wrote:
         | In what way do you feel V8 is not "embeddable on its own"?
           | pipeline_peak wrote:
           | Wasn't Node basically created to make V8 embedding feasible?
           | Just by looking at the answer in this example, the idea of
           | isolates seems pretty complicated
           | https://stackoverflow.com/questions/67041878/how-do-i-
           | embed-...
             | saurik wrote:
             | That definitely isn't why Node was created... Node is a
             | standalone programming environment that embeds V8, it
             | doesn't somehow help you embed V8 in one of your projects
             | or make that "feasible". In fact, one of the issues with
             | Node for a long time was that every Node plug-in was
             | expected to directly use the embedding API from V8--in no
             | small part as it is actually a pretty easy-to-use API--and
             | that made the entire ecosystem lock-step on V8 API changes
             | (which got tied to major Node versions).
             | Much later, Node added two little abstraction layer over
             | V8's APIs: one that is mostly done in some header files (to
             | deal with the occasional backwards compatibility issue) and
             | another which actually wraps V8; and, even then, AFAIK the
             | latter was mostly done to allow entirely replacing V8 with
             | ChakraCore. But neither of these abstractions are designed
             | to be used by others outside of Node's cosebase (something
             | I almost sort of got working once, but not really): they
             | don't help you embed V8... V8 is already easy to embed.
             | Notably: V8's embedding API isn't particularly more
             | complicated than the API of any other engine: it is simply
             | more templated. If you sit around with SpiderMonkey,
             | JavaScriptCore, or even DukTape, you will find yourself
             | allocating machines, managing handles, converting strings,
             | and checking types of values. This is of course going to be
             | verbose, in the same way that using JNI to call into Java
             | is verbose, or generally accessing any embedded VM from a
             | language like C/C++ is verbose (and for all the same
             | reasons).
       | pddpro wrote:
       | I'm not sure if this has come before but for me it'd be ffmpeg.
       | The things it can do!
       | leobg wrote:
       | Keyboard Maestro. It's a tool for automating common tasks on a
       | Mac. A real programming language is certainly more elegant for
       | writing programs. But what I find elegant about Keyboard Maestro
       | is that it lets me add programming logic to any application on my
       | Mac, quick and dirty.
         | Veen wrote:
         | I love Keyboard Maestro's "Click on Found Image" action.
         | Definitely quick and dirty, but it's great for ad-hoc web page
         | automation when I can't be bothered to knock something up in
         | puppeteer etc.
           | leobg wrote:
           | Exactly!
       | anthk wrote:
       | - TCL/TK
       | - CWM
       | - Music On Console
       | - Sfeed+sfeed_curses+xargs+wget+MOC
       | - Entr
       | - Mit-Scheme + Edwin + SICP. It doubles as an IMAP client. Use
       | Stunnel for TLS.
       | - UDFClient
       | - NNCP
       | - S-Nail. It can be easier than Mutt.
       | bradwood wrote:
       | Scrivener: https://www.literatureandlatte.com/scrivener/overview
       | rkagerer wrote:
       | Open Hardware Monitor (OHM)
       | It's written in C# and the design seemed clean and approachable
       | (at least a few years back when I tailored it a bit for my own
       | use).
       | https://openhardwaremonitor.org/downloads/
       | https://github.com/openhardwaremonitor
       | GiovanniP wrote:
       | TeXmacs (www.texmacs.org), which is a finely crafted document
       | preparation system realizing at the same time both the structured
       | and the WYSIWYG paradigms. It is vastly superior to all other
       | document preparation systems. In particular it is superior to
       | both TeX (in all its variants) and to Word, under all respects:
       | conceptually, in the power that it affords in manipulating
       | documents, in the ease with which it makes it possible to write,
       | concentrating only on the content and yet having one's document
       | in front of one's eyes.
         | anthk wrote:
         | Also TeXmacs can work with Maxima _inside_ your document.
       | iwebdevfromhome wrote:
       | The things app https://culturedcode.com/things/ , even though
       | it's just an elegant TODO app something drove me to buy the
       | iPhone and Mac versions.
       | Some time ago I spent a good amount of time looking for a
       | development stack that allowed me to just build stuff. I ended up
       | trying and deciding on Laravel Jetstream with InertiaJS
       | https://jetstream.laravel.com/2.x/stacks/inertia.html. Laravel
       | was easy enough already to just pick and do things, now this
       | solves the backend+frontend projects for me by allowing me to
       | just put vuejs components on top of my laravel app and jetbrains
       | already comes with Auth stuff setup solved.
       | dvh wrote:
       | meld
         | daveloyall wrote:
         | I've found myself using winmerge instead of meld, when I'm on a
         | platform that supports it...
       | hnxs wrote:
       | xcode
       | haha just kidding!
       | heavyset_go wrote:
       | WireGuard
         | aborsy wrote:
         | It's this!
         | ur-whale wrote:
         | Yeah, it's definitely up there: it's one of these solutions,
         | when you see it, you wonder how everyone could get it so wrong
         | before it came around.
       | hnarayanan wrote:
       | Things, a todo system for macOS and iOS.
       | leobg wrote:
       | Alfred (Mac launcher)
         | lycopodiopsida wrote:
         | And LaunchBar - also a mac launcher!
       | smm11 wrote:
       | Circus Ponies Notebook (On OpenStep, then OS X), made my jaw
       | literally hit the floor when I first saw it. I didn't just think
       | all software had something to learn here, I thought this was the
       | only software anyone would ever need.
       | To be fair, my job lend itself toward this at the time, the WWW
       | was nowhere near what it was a few years later, and everything-
       | tied-to-everything was miles away. But this blew my mind.
       | nicbou wrote:
       | I love utilities that quietly work, and just accept whatever
       | workflow I throw at them.
       | OwnTracks is an app that logs your position and sends it
       | somewhere else. It has been running on my phone for like 2 years
       | without issues, and talks to a server I wrote myself.
       | FolderSync syncs folders on my phone to remote storage. It's
       | super flexible and generally just works. The conditions for
       | syncing are highly configurable. I lament the lack of a similar
       | utility on Mac - basically an rsync+cron UI.
         | reyostallenberg wrote:
         | Maybe https://syncthing.net/ ?
           | flanking_pajama wrote:
           | Easily my choice for the OP's question.
           | I have set and forgotten it for a few things here and there,
           | like making sure the photos I take on my phone are backed up
           | and available on my laptop as soon as they're on the same
           | network.
       | protomyth wrote:
       | The Visio that came on the sampler floppy. It was small and did
       | an amazing job.
       | PFE back in the day. Simple macros and templates that made life
       | much easier in a small package. Some editors today don't even
       | bother with macros or have all of PFE's options.
       | ibiza wrote:
       | 4.3BSD Unix. Arguably, the first modern operating system.
       | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_the_Berkeley_Softwa...
         | anthk wrote:
         | Check Multics and the kinda-opposite, ITS.
         | hulitu wrote:
         | Saying 4.3BSD Unix is like saying SVR4 Unix. Which
         | implementation ? As far as i know SunOS (4.1x) was a 4.3BSD
         | implementation and Solaris was a SVR4 implementation.
           | teddyh wrote:
           | IIRC, NeXTSTEP was also based on 4.3BSD.
       | 1vuio0pswjnm7 wrote:
       | tmux
       | [deleted]
       | pcurve wrote:
       | Always impressed with Palantir's software.
         | leobg wrote:
         | Can you give an example? I've never seen it myself. What do you
         | find the most impressive about it? Any links where those parts
         | can be seen in action? Also, what would be the closest
         | competitor, and in what regard are they worse?
           | hulitu wrote:
           | "Any links where those parts can be seen in action?"
           | No, but when they arrest you, you see the effect :)
           | pcurve wrote:
           | I figured I'd get some downvotes mentioning PLTR here. ;-)
           | GPalantir is definitely being more open with their demo now,
           | so there are some good ones on their youtube channel.
           | You can skim through.
           | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uF-GSj-Exms
           | I'm impressed by how polished everything looks. As a person
           | who does UX / product design, their working software looks
           | better than most designer's portfolio mockups.
           | I'm impressed by how fast and snappy everything works or
           | feels.
           | I'm impressed by how rich and custom tailored their UI
           | component library is.
           | I'm impressed by how focused and tailored their UI for job at
           | hand.
           | I'm impressed by how every single page in their application
           | looks beautiful, not just a handful.
           | They actually have all their React UI library published as
           | opensource here. https://blueprintjs.com/
           | If there's anyone from pltr reading this, good job. Your
           | design people are amazing.
           | px1999 wrote:
           | https://vimeo.com/488141017 there's a Gotham demo at around
           | 43 minutes (which is probably the most interesting looking
           | product they have)
       | throwaway_dcnt wrote:
       | https://vertx.io and https://lmax-exchange.github.io/disruptor/
       | modinfo wrote:
       | Websites: HN, sourcehut. Tech: Prisma. App: Postico.
       | crispisulcans wrote:
       | A very short example: The PNPOLY algorithm
       | https://wrf.ecse.rpi.edu/Research/Short_Notes/pnpoly.html
       | emschwartz wrote:
       | The Tokio async stack for Rust (https://tokio.rs).
       | They did a really nice job of building thin layers up the stack
       | from byte buffers (bytes), to async-friendly logging (tracing),
       | basic IO (mio), async runtime (tokio), generic request/response
       | services (tower), HTTP (hyper), and a web framework (axum).
       | Each of the layers are useful independent of the other layers
       | above, and every one is has a thoughtfully designed, pragmatic
       | interface.
         | swah wrote:
         | I believe I read that Tokio was a "hacky" way to add async to
         | Rust - similar to the solution in the Python space... - is this
         | not the case?
           | krageon wrote:
           | It could be an elegant, hacky solution :)
           | emschwartz wrote:
           | I think this argument refers more to Rust not having built-in
           | support for async from the language's v1.0 rather than the
           | design of the Tokio stack. That has definitely led to
           | unfortunate incompatibilities between libraries built for the
           | different runtimes. However, the Rust language team took a
           | super methodical approach to async support and the way that
           | more async-related traits are slowly being standardized
           | (first Futures and hopefully Stream, AsyncRead / AsyncWrite
           | at some point in the not too distant future) seems like a
           | long-term-great way of building into the language the
           | abstractions everyone can get behind while leaving room for
           | experimentation. I'm sure others would have different takes
           | but I'm a fan.
             | sodality2 wrote:
             | Personally I love being able to experiment on the bleeding
             | edge but waiting for a stable implementation, even if it
             | takes 3 years to reach discussion on the RFC's. There are
             | crates if you need it today, which operate on best-
             | practice, but for an official solution I accept that it may
             | take time for it to achieve acceptable standard library
             | inclusion.
           | sodality2 wrote:
           | It's not standard library, which makes some believe it is of
           | lesser quality (not fit for stl?). Tokio works splendidly and
           | I don't think it's a common belief that it's hacky. That
           | being said, language-wide, async is a bit less focused upon
           | (not in stl, trait fns cannot be async, etc) but otherwise
           | the integration is very good.
       | spogbiper wrote:
       | Microware OS-9. A Unix-like (..sort of) operating system that
       | supported multitasking, multiuser operation on an 8 bit CPU with
       | 64kb or less of memory back in 1979.. two years before IBM bought
       | a CPM clone and called it DOS.
       | annowiki wrote:
       | Scikit-Learn's api is masterfully consistent. We've taken to
       | using it as a source of inspiration for our own code.
       | sidcool wrote:
       | Unpopular opinion but Microsoft Excel. It's a powerhouse of
       | features.
         | hulitu wrote:
         | And antifeatures. Some people do not work with dates.
         | tinus_hn wrote:
         | Perhaps the elegance is more in the concept of the spreadsheet
         | and less in the Excel implementation of the concept.
           | throwawayboise wrote:
           | Yes, I think maybe the original VisiCalc was elegant, even if
           | far less featureful. It was a game-changer, one of the first
           | general purpose PC applications that let users do row/column
           | based computing without programming, and along with word
           | processing was the software that underpinned the explosion of
           | PC use in business.
         | pjc50 wrote:
         | So elegant that genes have had to be renamed to stop Excel
         | mutilating them.
         | jcparkyn wrote:
         | Lots of features, sure, but elegant? I've always felt like
         | excel was about as far as you could get from elegant,
         | especially once you want to do anything more than data entry
         | and simple charts.
         | Elegant software doesn't normally need an interest group
         | dedicated specifically to preventing people from misusing it.
         | http://www.eusprig.org/
           | Closi wrote:
           | I'm a definite 'excel-apologist' and think Excel is brilliant
           | and incredibly powerful when used correctly, so the below may
           | be biased but...
           | > Elegant software doesn't normally need an interest group
           | dedicated specifically to preventing people from misusing it.
           | http://www.eusprig.org/
           | Plenty of the other software listed has user-error misuses
           | (For instance C is listed, and by the same standard it could
           | be considered responsible for more software vulnerabilities
           | than anything else!).
           | Sure there are errors in spreadsheets, but as the alternative
           | is often calculating something by hand or asking similarly-
           | trained users to write a python scripts, I think both those
           | options probably create more errors.
           | Looking at the 'horror stories' listed on that website:
           | * The first listed is about the UK government using a version
           | of Excel that is over 10 years old, with an issue that would
           | not have happened if they updated the software.
           | * The third listed is because someone ENTERED incorrect
           | information into a procurement spreadsheet (they copied the
           | specification for a standard bed in rather than a critical
           | care bed).
           | * The fourth is user input error - they input a fund as
           | Dollars rather than Euros (how is this Excel's fault?)
           | * The fifth and sixth talk about logic errors - one with
           | hard-coding a value and another with using 'cumulative
           | mileage totals rather than running calculations on a sample
           | average for vehicles'.
           | I agree that spreadsheets can have issues, but most of these
           | can be mitigated by setting up sheets properly and I haven't
           | really seen a compelling replacement for a spreadsheet for
           | the sorts of stuff it gets used for.
           | The real problem with spreadsheets is a lack of training - I
           | would estimate less than 20% of users know how to turn on
           | cell validation, less than 10% know how to write a dynamic
           | array formula, and less than 5% know how to use PowerQuery.
           | It's like asking a bunch of people to write python code, but
           | only 10% of users know how to write a loop, and then we are
           | surprised that there are issues.
           | Besides, if you input a fund into a fancy financial package
           | with the wrong currency it will cause the same issues.
             | anthk wrote:
             | Excel crapped out bioinformatics. It's a turd. Period.
           | boplicity wrote:
           | I recently had to do a bunch of currency conversion for my
           | tax accounting. I had hundreds of transactions, and I needed
           | to set the right exchange rate for each transaction, based on
           | the date of the transaction. This took just a couple of
           | minutes to do in Excel. The solution - a simple Excel formula
           | that compared two rows - was indeed, extremely elegant. Excel
           | enables this type of elegant calculating all the time.
             | throwawayboise wrote:
             | I agree. The declarative/functional nature of spreadsheet
             | formulas is certainly elegant, even if you might not say
             | the same about Excel as an application overall. The same
             | could be said about other spreadsheets (e.g Google Sheets).
         | spacemanmatt wrote:
         | If the argument is feature:[something else] ratio, then I might
         | be able to consider it, FSVO something else, such as "UI
         | complexity" or "learning cost". Partly in response to sibling
         | posts, the PP definitely makes me think twice about why I'm
         | willing to call PostgreSQL elegant but pause a bit harder to
         | evaluate Excel.
         | Mathiciann wrote:
         | What definition of elegant are you using?
       | jrm4 wrote:
       | Syncthing, by a mile.
       | As someone who very much enjoys tinkering with Linux and such,
       | but also likes trying to onboard other people who aren't as
       | techy, Syncthing is such a killer example. It's almost depressing
       | because I _want_ other free and open source stuff to be this
       | good, though I know the economics (and proprietary interference,
       | perhaps?) make that tough.
         | onehair wrote:
         | Syncthing is great software. But it is also great at confusing
         | new users
         | mnkmnk wrote:
         | The last time I used syncthing to sync files from my android
         | phones to my Linux server, it always somehow got stuck and
         | never recovered. The phone app would stop running in the
         | background and I would forget to rerun it and if it was started
         | a long time later it would get stuck and would not recover
         | automatically. Eventually, just stopped using it. Now I use
         | Google photos and it works great to backup my family's phones'
         | photos.
         | dividuum wrote:
         | I'm really surprised by that. I feel like Syncthing would
         | really benefit from a simplified user interface for its core
         | use case, which I imagine is "sync one folder across multiple
         | machines". It's really nice that they have all these additional
         | features and detailed information on the default dashboard, but
         | it can be really confusing if you cannot form a mental model of
         | what the software does.
         | sgtnoodle wrote:
         | I use syncthing and appreciate that it exists. It's way too
         | easy to accidentally all your data, though!
         | I've been dragging my feet migrating a hard drive from my old
         | desktop to my new one for 1.5 years. This past weekend I
         | finally got motivated to power the old one up and wait for
         | syncthing to give positive indication that it's in sync with my
         | server. The reason that was even a concern of mine is that the
         | last time I used that desktop, I spent a whole weekend cleaning
         | up about 200 GB of renamed and duplicated "sync conflict" files
         | that syncthing created and then synced to my server when I
         | previously migrated hard drives. I wasn't sure if all the fixes
         | had made it to the server yet. That required writing my own
         | tooling to positively confirm every duplicate was bitwise
         | identical before deleting one or the other.
         | The official documentation suggests I remove syncthing's
         | metadata from the drive and then add it again on the new
         | computer, and let it re-sync. It's a good way to check for bit-
         | rot I guess. At least the documentation these days suggests
         | marking one instance as read-only.
           | Sakos wrote:
           | I've managed to delete a folder with GBs of important data
           | because Syncthing has non-obvious ways of handling data.
           | Thankfully, I have tons of backups of everything, so it
           | wasn't a big deal, but since then I've been extremely
           | paranoid when using Syncthing to make sure it doesn't happen
           | again.
             | syntheweave wrote:
             | I do all my work with Syncthing in send-only folders, one
             | per machine. Which means that if I make changes across
             | machines then I always get duplicates, but the redundancy
             | feels natural - it's only concerning if the data size
             | becomes absolutely huge.
             | jbverschoor wrote:
             | Syncing is anything but elegant
           | jrm4 wrote:
           | On one hand I haven't found it all that easy, but on the
           | other, I think the principle of "sync is not backup" holds
           | pretty well.
         | whoibrar wrote:
         | i feel it's a great example of software that doesn't get in
         | your way.
         | I would've love to write about how awesome it is but came
         | across this wonderful essay regarding the same titled
         | _"Computers as I used to love them"_ [0]. Highly checking it
         | out.
         | [0] : https://tonsky.me/blog/syncthing/
       | AlanYx wrote:
       | emacs, both for the elegance of its elisp-machine design and for
       | how good its self-documentation is.
       | drunner wrote:
       | I can't speak to the quality of the code base (I don't know go),
       | but as a user caddyserver is pretty great.
       | reiblast wrote:
       | I have created my blog almost a decade ago,
       | https://reiblast.blogspot.com/ I'd like to know any new blogging
       | site that is better than google?
       | pixelmonkey wrote:
       | I'm limiting my choices to open source with good explanatory
       | write-ups or presentations.
       | Graphite for "simple" time series storage:
       | https://www.aosabook.org/en/graphite.html
       | HLL datatype (PFCOUNT, PFADD, PFMERGE) in Redis for counting
       | unique items in a set:
       | http://antirez.com/news/75
       | Data structures and algorithms that make Lucene & Elasticsearch
       | fast (video):
       | https://youtu.be/eQ-rXP-D80U
       | gordon_freeman wrote:
       | Signal - The elegance here is the "Privacy-first Design". Every
       | feature and code for Signal messenger is designed on collecting
       | as little (or no) data as possible and it is an essential tool
       | for folks like me who are tired of having tracking and ads
       | nonsense in their most-used apps.
         | joshbochu wrote:
         | yes!
       | xupybd wrote:
       | The Elm architecture. I've only used it in F# with Fable but it's
       | made UI programming fun again. It's robust and simple.
       | Xenoamorphous wrote:
       | VS Code
       | paulgb wrote:
       | I've been pleased by NATS (https://nats.io/). I like how it
       | builds its functionality on layers of abstractions, from the most
       | basic (pub/sub), to request/response on top of that, to key/value
       | and persistent streams on top of that. The CLI is simple to use
       | and you can learn it in an afternoon, but it's robust enough to
       | deploy.
       | dusted wrote:
       | Are unix pipes a software? If so, then that.
       | mikewarot wrote:
       | Turbo Vision/Turbo Pascal for MS-DOS. Borland put together one of
       | the best instances of an object oriented library that just
       | worked. The follow up with Delphi for Windows was the most
       | productive environment I have ever experienced, until I was
       | priced out of it in their pivot to "Enterprise" customers.
       | Nothing since is anywhere near as productive. Lazarus is ok, but
       | the documentation is horrible, (almost non-existent, only doc-
       | strings in many cases) which makes the system far less useful.
         | munificent wrote:
         | Related: I did a lot of WinForms programming in C# when I was a
         | tools programmer at EA and I don't know if I've ever been as
         | productive as during that time. The whole API was really well
         | thought out, Visual Studio was fast, C# was a beautiful
         | language.
           | gwbas1c wrote:
           | > C# was a beautiful language
           | It still is. (And Blazor is pretty cool, too.)
             | munificent wrote:
             | Yes, definitely! I put it in the past tense only because I
             | don't use it these days.
         | spacemanmatt wrote:
         | I cut my teeth on Borland Pascal and later launched my career
         | with Borland C/C++ tools. I love JetBrains these days but not
         | as much as I remember loving Borland!
         | archielc wrote:
         | There's Lazarus project (https://www.lazarus-ide.org/) - which
         | is a Delphi compatible IDE. I've used it once to build a simple
         | UI app, and it was a real nostalgic look back in time. Not to
         | mention that it was extremely simple to build the app.
         | rlf_dev wrote:
         | It's been an absolute joy toying with TV after all this years
         | for some TUI side-projects.
         | https://github.com/magiblot/tvision
         | legalcorrection wrote:
         | I never used those older environments, but I've heard that
         | Windows Forms + C# captures most of the same magic. Do you
         | disagree?
           | CodesInChaos wrote:
           | WinForms did, it's extremely similar to Delphi's VCL.
           | Microsoft's even changing newer UI libraries do not.
             | nottorp wrote:
             | They stole Delphi's designer from Borland (not sure if it
             | had already renamed or not) and that fixed things for a
             | while. It didn't last though.
           | [deleted]
       | morelandjs wrote:
       | numpy started a science renaissance. fantastic library for what
       | it does.
         | mburee wrote:
         | Basically just LAPACK in Python or is that SymPy!
         | anthk wrote:
         | Thank LAPACK or BLAS for that.
       | jeppester wrote:
       | Git is the first example that comes to my mind.
       | I'm aware that the concept can be difficult to grasp and that the
       | cli commands seem weird at first.
       | Once it clicks however, it's an absolutely fantastic tool. I'm
       | still often amazed by what is possible with selective resets,
       | diffs, greps, and most impressively interactive rebases. It makes
       | a lot of otherwise difficult tasks much easier, and more elegant.
       | Git is IMO one of the most important pieces of software made in
       | the last couple of decades and should be celebrated more for it.
         | foofoo4u wrote:
         | You might get a kick out of this. Tech Talk by Linus Torvalds
         | at Google presenting Git:
         | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4XpnKHJAok8 . He goes into his
         | thought process of the pains with existing version control
         | systems and how Git goes to address their shortcomings.
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