[HN Gopher] Why I don't miss React: a story about using the plat...
       Why I don't miss React: a story about using the platform
       Author : tomduncalf
       Score  : 120 points
       Date   : 2022-05-03 07:14 UTC (15 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (www.jackfranklin.co.uk)
 (TXT) w3m dump (www.jackfranklin.co.uk)
       | [deleted]
       | apprewired wrote:
       | > In our case, we still felt this decision was justified because
       | we don't have to recreate a scheduler with all the complexity of
       | React's; we can build a small, self-contained implementation that
       | only implements what we need.
       | I wish there were more details about this. Implementing a small
       | scheduler seems like a monumental task and I'd love to learn more
       | about how to implement a base-case.
       | ng12 wrote:
       | > But the web platform isn't perfect, and I suspect most React
       | developers have come across a situation where you'd love to be
       | able to just tweak how your component is being rendered.
       | Honestly, I haven't. The only potential caveat I can think of is
       | when you have some non-reactive legacy code you want to embed
       | inside a React component... but even then React's escape hatches
       | are more than sufficient.
       | If you're really worrying about when your component renders or
       | re-renders it's probably because there are other issues with your
       | app.
         | Tarks wrote:
         | The escape hatches were one of the first things I used to
         | explain why I initially liked react, called them exactly that
         | too.
         | "They're smart enough to know they're not smart enough to build
         | perfect abstractions, so they do a great job but leave escape
         | hatches just in case"
         | Esther432q wrote:
         | nightski wrote:
         | The only case I have is I love to use D3 for vis. But the thing
         | is it's trivial to embed D3 into a react component and either
         | let react handle rendering via svg or honestly just let D3 take
         | over the DOM in that component. I do this all the time and it
         | works very well.
           | nawgz wrote:
           | I wrote my own React components using D3 to do the underlying
           | math but setting up my own DOM rendering. It's ok, my
           | thoughts
           | Pros:
           | * I have generic "zoom/pan" implemented. I did this by making
           | a generic ChartContainer with 5 zones - top, right, bottom,
           | left, content - and you specify just the size of the non-
           | content zones (if displaying them at all) and otherwise it
           | behaves responsively (i.e. CSS style on the container is
           | respected in the internal math). When you scroll the
           | left/content/right vertically, or the top/content/bottom
           | horizontally, it virtually scrolls the other components for
           | you. It also of course handles the math, each area of the 5
           | is passed a DOMRect describing how big of SVG it can render
           | * I have smart edge routing component on a graph; if you are
           | doing the math yourself on how to position the SVG elements,
           | you can easily describe that graph, so smart edge routing is
           | free
           | * my library has themes via CSS vars, and the components
           | written in this way are obviously automatically themed
           | Cons:
           | * it's a bit verbose for sure, takes some small time and
           | focus. After the initial investment in ChartContainer though,
           | they work freaking awesome
           | * D3 graphs often come with sweet animations and such, I
           | don't have any capability to emulate this today, I hate to do
           | performance-heavy things like manually doing math every frame
           | in a hooks-based way, and I don't want MobX in my component
           | library
           | * you sort of lose access to the D3 ecosystem, nothing is
           | free
           | To be honest, I think I have made a top-tier Gantt with the
           | smart edge routing and zoom, my Graph looks sharp too, and
           | for overhead views it's super nice to be able to zoom and pan
           | and show rulers on the side (imagine showing factory layout,
           | or a board layout, etc). Otherwise, if you are doing more
           | traditional pretty eye-catching stuff, it's not quite meant
           | for that approach
             | cyral wrote:
             | I also went this route and used d3 for the math but my own
             | hand-made SVGs for the rendering so that the DOM is all in
             | "react land".
             | You may want to check out this library:
             | https://airbnb.io/visx/ They converted a ton of d3 features
             | into proper React components
           | whimsicalism wrote:
           | Does d3 have a typescript wrapper?
       | dmitriid wrote:
       | Everything on the web "uses the platform". There's no other way
       | to get content into the browser.
       | Web Components are just a part of that platform, and very badly
       | designed at that. A lot of the platform around them now exists
       | only to patch holes in them (like form participation) and to
       | solve the problems they introduced.
       | And since they are now a part of the platform, they poison
       | everything like upcoming CSS scoping which instead of being a
       | straightforward thing now has to account for all the web
       | component insanity.
       |  _Edit_. There also so many thing wrong in the article that argh.
       | "We don't need React and dependencies"... and then talks about
       | lit-html which is a small framework with custom syntax and
       | constraints on how you can use tagged literals.
       | "Easily replaceable dependencies"... and again talks about lit-
       | html which is a fully incompatible replacement for Polymer. I
       | wonder how folks that used polymer (Youtube) feel about "easy
       | replacements".
       | "Can't control rendering with React" and talks about Web
       | Components which literally give you no control over when a
       | component can be rendered, don't have lazy loading, cannot
       | subclass SVG or embed partial SVG etc.
       | And so on and so on...
         | [deleted]
       | daok wrote:
       | The rendering part resonate with me. I've tried in some side
       | projects SolidJS framework and I really enjoy that the rendering
       | of each component occurs once! Easier to not fall into some traps
       | that React has.
         | tentacleuno wrote:
         | > Easier to not fall into some traps that React has.
         | Honestly once you get used to it, it becomes second nature...
         | For me at least.
         | One piece of advice I would give is to not try to ram the hooks
         | use-case into things. It becomes especially annoying when
         | you're dealing with asynchronous values, where you need to deal
         | with 'null' and friends. Sometimes some imperative code in
         | useEffect is simpler to read and easier to maintain; it's fine
         | to step out of the paradigm for some things.
       | TAKEMYMONEY wrote:
       | > Was this slightly more work than using a library from npm?
       | > I'd definitely recommend using a library for this, and we
       | settled on lit-html _(link to library from npm)_
       | This article is mostly about switching from React to Lit. You can
       | use modern web APIs (like FormData) _with_ React, FormData 's not
       | a replacement for state management.
       | You can use Web Components _with_ React, the way Fluent UI does
       | (https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/fluent-ui/web-
       | components/in...).
       | In this single case they replaced a couple validation functions
       | with attributes. Good to move that direction but if that's all
       | you use React for then yeah, you might not miss it much.
         | Bellend wrote:
         | Anyone know what is going on with lit-? Their TypeScript
         | starter is painfully bloated and outdated and never seems to
         | keep pace. I actually ended up looking at microsoft/fast for my
         | use case but that seems to be stale in some way.
         | I kind of feel that given the "simplicity" of a single class
         | wrapping custom elements, everything is pretty boring.
         | Note: I cannot do better.
           | LAC-Tech wrote:
           | Can't speak for the Lit framework, but never had any issues
           | with lit-html or it's typescript defs, it's been rock solid.
             | claytongulick wrote:
             | I'm in the same boat.
             | I don't use lit-element, it's too heavy for me.
             | lit-html, on the other hand, is wonderful and rock solid.
             | I typically do light dom components, rendered with lit-
             | html. Simple classes that extend HTMLElement.
             | When I want reactive style, I add setters that call
             | render(). When I want imperative, I add class functions.
             | All my components generally take care of themselves and are
             | mostly encapsulated, they'll generally have a init() method
             | that loads the data they need, and calls a setter which
             | kicks off the render cycle.
             | Alternately, data will be passed from a parent component
             | via a property, and that'll also kick off the render cycle.
             | In many cases I do a combination of the two in order to
             | support deep linking.
             | I'll mix and match design systems sometimes, depending on
             | the payload weight. Ionic, shoelace, etc...
             | The Vaadin router ties everything together beautifully.
             | I also have a small state utility called
             | ApplicationState[1] that I use for the edge case of cross-
             | component communication and triggering. It provides a
             | graph-based approach to notifications/state change.
             | I've been using this approach for several years with
             | success, with deeply complex and large applications and
             | small lightweight tiny footprint apps.
             | [1] https://claytongulick.github.io/applicationstate/
           | kall wrote:
           | I feel like google does web component frameworks like it does
           | messaging apps. Each new one is the silver bullet. I wouldn't
           | build on any google web framework personally, even if it
           | claims to be oh so simple and lightweight.
             | Bellend wrote:
             | I been looking since Polymer and appreciate the history
             | (polyfills, change of direction from other W3 holders etc).
             | I agree but Lit Element still seems a contender but also
             | seems that few people work on it.
             | An example is that I have a basic scorebox. It's
             | essentially a div with custom styling, used across 100
             | games, has language support, updates in real time and
             | everyone should be using it.
             | npm install @mycompany/score-databox
             | This is how you use it... this is how you integrate with
             | all games.... etc. It's so basic that it rarely changes.
             | The API is the same everywhere etc etc.
       | ummonk wrote:
       | It's bizarre to see the author waxing poetic about the small size
       | of lit-html when it's actually no smaller than Preact.
       | mappu wrote:
       | lit-html is great although at $DAYJOB we ran into some issues
       | with missing linting on them.
       | We now use a JSX renderer that emits plain HTML strings.
       | You get all the ergonomics, the IDE assistance of checking for
       | typos in your attributes, ensuring your closing tags line up, and
       | webpack can flatten it back to plain HTML at compile-time for no
       | run-time __jsx / React.createElement() calls.
       | _pdp_ wrote:
       | If all you need is a couple of basic forms and some basic
       | interaction, you can do it all with vanilla JS but let's not kid
       | ourselves. This will not allow you to build very rich apps
       | without implementing a significant chunk of the frameworks you
       | dislike so much. In fact, I would even say that if this is not a
       | core part of your product, you are simply wasting time and
       | resources. There is a huge amount of man-hours poured into making
       | these frameworks work correctly under any condition.
         | otikik wrote:
         | > of the frameworks you dislike so much
         | This is totally uncalled for. He's not attacking you. He's
         | explaining a tradeoff, very reasonably.
         | > I would even say that if this is not a core part of your
         | product, you are simply wasting time and resources.
         | I find especially interesting that this phrase can be used to
         | defend _both_ sides of the argument. If you are building a
         | highly rich application, chances are that using a framework for
         | that is the right choice, agreed.
         | But.
         | Not all the apps being build out there need to be Very Rich
         | Apps. There's indeed a lot of space for only-slightly-rich-but-
         | mostly-static apps, despite the recent HN article.
         | And for those, introducing a framework is ... precisely, a
         | waste of time and resources.
           | klodolph wrote:
           | > This is totally uncalled for. He's not attacking you. He's
           | explaining a tradeoff, very reasonably.
           | What? I don't see how "dislike" would describe anything other
           | than some kind of preference. I don't see how it's an attack.
           | samhw wrote:
           | Their comment is perfectly reasonable and measured. I don't
           | think anything in it is 'uncalled for'. Your own comment is a
           | confusingly ironically ill-tempered response.
         | LAC-Tech wrote:
         | I think react sits really well with some people, and with
         | others it doesn't. For me I find I have to fight against the
         | platform to separate presentation from behaviour. And let's not
         | kid ourselves, a lot of react code bases do the classic
         | winforms mistake of having an essentially code behind
         | architecture.
           | datavirtue wrote:
           | And why was that a mistake?
         | [deleted]
       | interlocutor wrote:
       | React works well for simple, non-interactive components. Complex,
       | interactive components are going to have state. Stateful
       | components don't work so well in React. If you want to update
       | props in a stateful component, the recommendation is to replace
       | the component entirely by changing its key. At the point all of
       | the benefits of React (preservation of selection, caret position,
       | scroll position etc.) vanish. You might as well use vanilla js
       | instead of React.
       | What does using Vanilla JS look like? Here's an example:
       | https://github.com/wisercoder/eureka It uses two tiny 500-line
       | libs. It uses TSX files, just like React. It has components, just
       | like React. It doesn't have incremental screen update, but
       | neither does React, if your components are interactive and
       | stateful.
         | kall wrote:
         | Wait isn't state the whole point of react? What level of
         | interactivity are you talking about? State and props, that's
         | it's thing: you can always update them.
         | I've only need the "change key to flush components" trick very
         | few times, and most of those where rush fixes for bugs that had
         | a better "doing it right" fix at a different level.
         | Jcampuzano2 wrote:
         | This is categorically false. If you want to update props in a
         | stateful component it is exactly the same - just pass new
         | props.
         | If you instead are talking about syncing props with state,
         | there are ways to do this as well without changing the key, but
         | this is considered an anti-pattern in the first place.
         | This sounds more like bashing react without even knowing it
         | very well in the first place.
         | kikki wrote:
         | This is either a fundamental misunderstanding of React, or
         | you're actually talking about a different library.
         | > React works well for simple, non-interactive components.
         | Complex, interactive components are going to have state.
         | Stateful components don't work so well in React
         | React components are designed with state in mind. When state
         | changes, components passed that state in the form of props are
         | re-rendered. Don't take my word for it though, from the first
         | paragraph on the reactjs.org website; "React makes it painless
         | to create interactive UIs. Design simple views for each state
         | in your application, and React will efficiently update and
         | render just the right components when your data changes."
         | > At the point all of the benefits of React (preservation of
         | selection, caret position, scroll position etc.) vanish.
         | I have never heard these spouted as the benefits of React. The
         | main fundamental philosophy of React is that only components
         | that have state changing "react" to changes - in other words,
         | the benefits of React are: no unnecessary re-rendering (hence
         | the virtual DOM).
         | > If you want to update props in a stateful component, the
         | recommendation is to replace the component entirely by changing
         | its key
         | This part just threw me, if you are doing it this way - you are
         | doing it wrong.
         | tentacleuno wrote:
         | > Stateful components don't work so well in React. If you want
         | to update props in a stateful component, the recommendation is
         | to replace the component entirely by changing its key.
         | Do you have any concrete examples for this? I'm not sure I
         | agree: I've made plenty of stateful components in React and
         | they are just fine. If anything, they're a lot cleaner than
         | what I could do in plain JavaScript, thanks to the framework.
         | Further, could you expand on what you mean re: recommending
         | changing the key? I have never heard the React team suggesting
         | to do this, although maybe I missed something in the
         | documentation :-)
       | zelly wrote:
       | The problem with Web Components is it's slower than React or
       | other vDOM implementations. Also everything is a string. To re-
       | render, you have to manipulate the innerHTML--usually replacing
       | the string every update. To pass a prop to a component in a
       | modular way, you have to pass a string attribute (e.g. something
       | like <my-component my-attribute="[1,2,3]"/>). Even though v8 is
       | extremely fast at string operations, it's just not a good
       | practice and doesn't scale.
       | W3C standardized Web Components before React existed and took
       | off, unfortunately. I expect the next standard to just be React
       | itself (or a barebones version that the library can build on top
       | of), patent licenses permitting. I'm pretty sure as a C++
       | precompile, it would be unstoppable and end the debate for good.
         | brundolf wrote:
         | > Web Components is it's slower than React or other vDOM
         | implementations
         | > To re-render, you have to manipulate the innerHTML--usually
         | replacing the string every update
         | "Usually" is relative, I guess, but nothing's stopping you from
         | using the imperative DOM APIs to update the component's
         | contents; I daresay this would be the typical thing to do.
         | These APIs will be just as performant as anything else out
         | there. What you're really giving up, then, is the reactive
         | programming model. Web Components are just a way of
         | modularizing things; they have nothing to say about how you
         | update the DOM (for better and worse).
           | zelly wrote:
           | If you're using a framework like lit-html as the author
           | recommends, it will replace the string every update. Most
           | people will prefer that way since it's more ergonomic and
           | similar to React. You could do imperative DOM updates, but
           | that'd be like going back in time to jQuery.
             | brundolf wrote:
             | Right, all I'm saying is this is nothing intrinsic to the
             | Web Components standard like the parent comment suggested.
             | It's just one particular way you might use them.
       | LAC-Tech wrote:
       | Really enjoyed this article. Web components seem promising, I
       | played around with them a bit but I found it difficult dealing
       | with global styling (ie, how do I make my component have the same
       | colour scheme as everything else?).
       | Probably worth looking into again.
       | I also concur with the author about lit-html. It does one thing
       | and does it really well, easy to understand, and no transpiling
       | needed. Can't recommend it enough for generating dynamic html
       | client side.
         | claviska wrote:
         | If you're using a shadow root, look into CSS Custom Properties
         | which poke through it and the HTML part attribute as well as
         | its corresponding CSS :part() selector.
       | bobertlo wrote:
       | My ad for web components: btw I used to use react
         | [deleted]
         | lcnPylGDnU4H9OF wrote:
         | > Firstly, because some people on the internet like to get
         | angry over opinions that may not match their own, I want to
         | make clear what this blog post is not:
         | > It is not a call for everyone to immediately drop React and
         | move to web components.
         | > It is not a blog post declaring React "dead", or the wrong
         | choice for every project.
         | > It is not a blog post declaring web components the best
         | solution to all projects.
         | You might want to consider how well the phrase, "Haters gonna
         | hate," applies to your comment.
       | lozenge wrote:
       | The author makes some fair points but I also think part of it is
       | learning. It sounds like they had finished learning React and the
       | ecosystem and all that was left was finding React bugs, and
       | occasionally identifying ways to work around React's way of doing
       | things. While they are still at a stage of learning Web APIs
       | which means exciting discoveries.
         | v0idzer0 wrote:
         | Yeah agreed. The arc of learning seems to be...
         | This is interesting -> this is the best thing in the world ->
         | here's how this could be better
         | The "use the platform" people have been making this case for
         | web components for at least 5 years now. The reality is WC will
         | take off when and if they are a better alternative and even
         | then they'll need to be paired with some sort of framework.
         | They may even make their way into React one day.
         | The only thing that bugs me about these takes is React is using
         | the platform. It works great in all major browsers, it's not
         | some extension like Flash. It's the platform.
           | LAC-Tech wrote:
           | React very much feels like its own platform to me - having
           | its own browser tools to debug it is a dead giveaway.
       | kall wrote:
       | The section about trusting dependencies, the scenario where they
       | go away, version churn etc doesn't resonate with me in regards to
       | react.
       | I don't know any project in JS-land that is more serious about
       | semver, backwards compatibility and reliable upgrades than react.
       | If facebook dropped the project tomorrow, Vercel alone could
       | probably continue to maintain it well.
       | mathgladiator wrote:
       | I'm moving towards vanilla JavaScript for my platform, and one of
       | the things that I've discovered is that if you have a reactive
       | data source then you don't need a lot of framework. Granted, I'm
       | taking advantage that the core platform is much more stable than
       | a decade ago.
         | throwaway894345 wrote:
         | What is a reactive data source?
           | mathgladiator wrote:
           | A data source that you subscribe to and get a stream of
           | updates. I'm building https://www.adama-platform.com/
           | bern4444 wrote:
           | I imagine a webhook source could be a reactive data source or
           | any stream based API
           | sibit wrote:
           | To me a reactive data source would be something like Asana,
           | Trello, Teamwork or on an ecommerce site it could be the cart
           | widget. Basically any type of data that needs to react
           | without requiring a page reload or any data source that needs
           | to sync with another users inputs in real time.
           | zelly wrote:
           | RxJS aka the reason so many websites take 100MB of memory
           | nowadays
           | Don't use it
       | rglover wrote:
       | Come on over rovers: https://github.com/cheatcode/joystick.
       | I promise you'll love it if you're switching from React (pure
       | HTML, CSS, and JavaScript w/ minimal abstraction). And it's full-
       | stack so no more stitching together frankenstacks. Good ol'
       | isomorphic JS for devs who value their time/productivity.
       | andrewstuart wrote:
       | There's pointers here to interesting new things which I'll have
       | to learn more about.
       | One of the core values for React for me is simply code structure
       | - organising things into a hierarchy of elements seems to make
       | sense - I found that hard to replicate when I once tried to build
       | a vanilla js application.
       | k__ wrote:
       | Aren't web components more of an addition to frameworks like
       | Bootstrap than a React replacement?
         | zelly wrote:
         | Correct. The best use case for Web Components is to ship a
         | bloat-free, reusable widget that doesn't care whether a
         | consumer uses it with React, Vue, vanilla JS, Angular, etc.
         | Bellend wrote:
         | I don't think so. I want to wrap webgl games with a custom
         | component, and they share basic UI (which are also custom
         | component dependencies). But none of this has anything to do
         | with the larger web application (Angular) which manages much
         | much more.
         | So stuck with iframes which although I can hide to some extent,
         | are terrible.
           | k__ wrote:
           | But React does much much less than Angular.
             | Bellend wrote:
             | I am not meaning it like that sorry that I did not explain
             | well. There is a place for frameworks, and there is a place
             | for "wrapping" non framework projects as a consumable. I am
             | stuck here. I just meant that any framework or not is
             | optional. React, Angular, Vue, Svelte or my funny.html
             | should be able to use my "bundle" with options because the
             | "bundle" doesn't care. That is where Custom Elements shine.
             | It's just that from my perspective, Angular is the
             | interface to the project.
       | rexpop wrote:
       | It seems that the author switched from Facebook's React to [his
       | employer] Google's [Lit](lit.dev), and subsequently wrote a blog
       | post in praise of _the hand that feeds_.
       | > Replacing lit-html would be an undertaking but much less so
       | than replacing React: it's used in our codebase purely for having
       | our components (re)-render HTML.
       | That's high praise. I might take a second look at Lit and style
       | it facilitates.
       (page generated 2022-05-03 23:00 UTC)