[HN Gopher] 7GUIs
       Author : miguelrochefort
       Score  : 501 points
       Date   : 2022-05-05 14:29 UTC (8 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (eugenkiss.github.io)
 (TXT) w3m dump (eugenkiss.github.io)
       | adamnemecek wrote:
       | I've been writing SwiftUI lately and it's the most productive GUI
       | toolkit out there.
       | Taylor Holliday of the Audulus fame is porting it to Rust
       | https://github.com/audulus/rui
         | ohgodplsno wrote:
         | Except for the part where components are locked to an iOS/macOS
         | version. Still have to support iOS 13 ? Have fun basically
         | doing everything with only VStacks.
         | Compose at least makes it only a library bump away.
           | andrekandre wrote:
           | > Compose at least makes it only a library bump away.
           | this to me is the most annoying thing with regard to swiftui
           | and apple development in general... especially considering
           | swiftui views are mostly wrapping uiviews....
         | tayistay wrote:
         | I'm the author of rui, in case anyone has questions :)
           | sawaali wrote:
           | How different is the state managementin SwiftUI compared to
           | the state in rui?
             | tayistay wrote:
             | I've built some of the same sort of primitives, albeit with
             | different syntax. Rui's `state` function will give you a
             | state handle allowing you to mutate state similarly to how
             | @State works in SwiftUI. rui also has a notion of bindings,
             | just like SwiftUI, and even environment. This is all great
             | for defining state that's local to a widget, which I've
             | seen some other reactive/declarative libraries struggle
             | with actually. Rui doesn't have an equivalent of
             | @ObservedObject, and it's not clear to me that it needs one
             | because state values can be accessed by reference.
         | Ygg2 wrote:
         | First time I see it, pretty nice framework. Rust needs more of
         | those.
           | raphlinus wrote:
           | Watch this space. Specifically I am writing up my ideas for a
           | fusion of SwiftUI and Druid, inspired in large part by
           | Taylor's work on rui. This work is conceptual at the moment,
           | not a finished product, but I am hopeful it will be a better
           | direction for UI in Rust.
         | copperx wrote:
         | Yours is the first positive comment I read on HN about SwiftUI.
           | adamnemecek wrote:
           | Why are people complaining? That it's buggy or that it's
           | fundamentally flawed?
             | Pulcinella wrote:
             | It can be very buggy (even on iOS 15), especially when you
             | start doing anything complicated. It's also still
             | relatively new compared to UIKit and AppKit, so it can be
             | hard to tell if something is not working because you aren't
             | doing it right or if there is a legitimate bug.
             | It's missing a lot of features that are currently in UIKit
             | and the way that views are structs and it's a declarative
             | UI means it can be hard to add custom UI and work around
             | missing features. You have to wait for Apple's developers
             | to implement things. In UIKit you can just start overriding
             | things (even if you probably shouldn't).
             | Also in my experience performance can be awful in ways you
             | can't work around or fix easily, if at all. e.g. The
             | framework is supposed to diff and determine if things have
             | changed, if two views are equivalent, etc. This can slower
             | than just forcing the system to consider everything changed
             | and nothing is equivalent so it should reload everything.
             | This might be a bug, but sometimes this diffing can happen
             | even when you change nothing. Ive gotten incredibly
             | stuttery performance when scrolling. When I hook it up to
             | the performance analyzer I see it's trying to diff the
             | whole screen multiple times every frame for static,
             | scrolling content. But this only happens with finger
             | scrolling. Programmatic scrolling (e.g. with the crown in
             | the watch) doesn't do this and is stutter free.
             | Finally, Xcode support is bad. It still gives inscrutable
             | errors (that are usually just a misplaced parenthesis or
             | brace) and the type inference system can peg up the CPU at
             | 100% CPU (and then the system will throw up its hands that
             | the type is too complicated to figure out.)
             | Prototyping in SwiftUI is so, so much faster than in UIKit
             | though.
               | Escapado wrote:
               | To add to the list: Coming from the web and being used to
               | having a ton of control how every thing looks I found
               | that customizing elements sometimes have surprising
               | limitations in SwiftUI. Also be wary of trying anything
               | UX wise which is non-conformant with the official spec.
               | Also xcode in general is such a bizarre IDE compared to
               | the IDEA products or even VSCode which I felt was
               | limiting me severely, even after making quite some effort
               | to adjust and learn shortcuts. I also found that the
               | screen/component preview was just so inconsistent,
               | performance hungry and slow that I stopped using it
               | pretty quickly. I want to like SwiftUI but it feels too
               | rough around the edges for me so I guess I'll check back
               | in a year.
               | I tried flutter after and it was SO much less painful,
               | more/easier customizable and tooling felt heaps better.
               | andrekandre wrote:
               | tooling really matters and its the biggest issue with
               | swiftui still...
               | its what killed ibdesignable and storyboard in the end
               | (too slow, needs to compile the whole app before it can
               | do anything, noisy hard-to-diff xml etc)
             | alexashka wrote:
             | Because nothing about it is good, unless you're making a
             | static todo list.
             | Go ahead and write me a todo list with an ability to re-
             | order cells and pull to refresh that's iOS 14 compatible
             | and I want custom spacing and background colors in those
             | cells in SwiftUI.
             | Psst, you can't. Not hard, you actually can't.
             | Go ahead and write me some business logic that auto syncs
             | because SwiftUI but I get to provide the model classes,
             | classes, not structs, and you don't get to muck about in
             | them and add @Published all over the place.
             | Go ahead and make that work with SwiftUI.
             | Psst, you can't. Not hard, you actually can't.
             | So what _can_ you do? You can write some trivial toys that
             | are iOS 15 only, that I can do just as easily using tools
             | from 5 years ago, that 'll be backwards compatible with
             | whatever iOS version you desire.
           | tayistay wrote:
           | That could be because early on, SwiftUI was pretty rough.
           | Compile errors were inscrutable and there were various
           | gotchas. It's gotten a whole lot better, and at this point
           | I'd say is mostly a pleasure to use.
           | jeffreyrogers wrote:
           | It's unlike any other UI Framework I've used and at first I
           | didn't like it. If you approach SwiftUI without doing things
           | the way the framework expects you too it's going to be
           | frustrating. Once I learned how SwiftUI wanted me to think
           | about the UI I found it pleasant to use. The documentation
           | has improved a lot too (as have the third party tutorials),
           | although there are still some suprises that I've encountered.
           | There is at least one important feature that is missing that
           | many desktop apps need so I can't unreservedly recommend it
           | for that yet, but for mobile development it is very nice. I
           | am much more productive with SwiftUI than anything else.
             | parsadotsh wrote:
             | What is that important feature?
         | anonymouse008 wrote:
         | So I'm still not sold on SwiftUI, and I'm beginning to think
         | I'm learning the wrong paradigms to "get it."
         | What would you say are the core concepts that make it click for
         | you? Do you have any resources to recommend?
           | adamnemecek wrote:
           | Did you watch any WWDC videos? Also the objc.io book on the
           | topic is decent.
             | jen20 wrote:
             | The videos from PointFree [1] are also excellent.
             | [1]: https://pointfree.co
         | bowsamic wrote:
         | I like SwiftUI, but somehow I still like UIKit and even AppKit
         | a little more. Some things are still just slightly too broken
         | in SwiftUI, for example navigation. In the WWDC talk when they
         | introduced SwiftUI they said that we can let Apple do the work
         | of making the UI just by listing what we need, but I don't
         | trust Apple to do this yet.
           | adamnemecek wrote:
           | You can go back and forth relatively easily. I think that
           | even if most of your views are still NSViews/UIViews SwiftUI
           | makes sense even just to hook them up. ViewControllers are an
           | anti-pattern.
             | bowsamic wrote:
             | How are ViewController an anti-pattern? It depends how
             | they're used, no?
             | And yeah it's easy to use a SwiftUI view in AppKit or UIKit
             | using a UIHostingController or NSHostingController
               | adamnemecek wrote:
               | A big part of what ViewControllers do is synching data. I
               | think that bindings do a better job at this.
               | bowsamic wrote:
               | Bindings might be better but that doesn't necessarily
               | mean that ViewControllers are an anti-pattern. Is there a
               | better way to do it in an non-declarative OOP way?
               | andrekandre wrote:
               | not the op but what i usually do is just write a plain-
               | old-class with actions/outlets/delegate-methods and place
               | those in the storyboard/xib
               | if you are programmatically doing it, then you can just
               | init it directly or use some injection/indirection
               | mechanism
               | you can use the responder chain to send messages up to
               | the nearest view controller if you need to, and if you
               | need some lifecycle awareness, you can always delegate
               | those from the view controller in various ways
               | (protocols, notifications etc)
               | testing is also easier since they are plain objects with
               | a few methods on them (just fill in their outlets with
               | mocks and you are ready)
             | auggierose wrote:
             | You should usually use a UIView instead of a view
             | controller anyway (if you do UIKit programmatically, which
             | is the only sane way to do it). Then it is easy enough. I
             | have my own little layout library on top of AutoLayout, and
             | at that point SwiftUI is nice to combine with UIViews.
       | ogoffart wrote:
       | Implementation in Slint: https://github.com/slint-
       | ui/slint/tree/master/examples/7guis
         | nu11ptr wrote:
         | Is a .slint file without an .rs file a complete example or just
         | a work in progress? Curious how you do "cells" without a table
         | widget (Not being a slint user it looks like they used loops to
         | build a bunch of "Text" widgets, but it is the _logic_ of
         | handling them as a cohesive table that I'm interested in, and
         | that seems like a TON of work without a proper table widget)
           | ogoffart wrote:
           | Yes, the .slint file without a .rs file is a complete
           | example.
           | They can be viewed with the online editor. For example, the
           | cells: https://slint-
           | ui.com/releases/0.2.2/editor/?load_url=https:/... The cells
           | example is actually not finished and admittedly missing a lot
           | of features, it is far from being a spreadsheet.
       | dang wrote:
       | Related:
       |  _Show HN: 7GUIs in Vanilla HTML, CSS, JavaScript_ -
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=28600804 - Sept 2021 (56
       | comments)
       |  _7GUIs_ - https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=24958725 - Nov
       | 2020 (56 comments)
       |  _7GUIs: A GUI Programming Benchmark (2018)_ -
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=21883306 - Dec 2019 (16
       | comments)
       |  _7GUIs - A Notational Usability Benchmark for GUI Programming_ -
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=15703230 - Nov 2017 (6
       | comments)
       |  _7GUIs - A Notational Usability Benchmark for GUI Programming_ -
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=9050480 - Feb 2015 (17
       | comments including "Very cool to see my master's project here on
       | hn")
       | satnome wrote:
       | Do similar tasks exist that would apply more generally to picking
       | up any programming language? Working on non-trivial projects
       | seems to be a great way of learning new languages and tools, and
       | I wonder if there are a set of projects that would touch on a
       | decent chunk of a what is offered by a typical language.
       | Then again, every language has its strengths and weaknesses so
       | perhaps such projects do not exist?
         | shadowgovt wrote:
         | I like to implement a Conway Life engine for this purpose.
         | Small self-contained problem that requires UI, timing loops /
         | iteration, and graphics.
         | It's also embarrassingly parallelizable if your language
         | supports parallelization primitives you want to exercise.
         | schwartzworld wrote:
         | Games are a fun way of trying out a new toolset. I've
         | implemented a few sudokus now.
       | marcodiego wrote:
       | > In addition, all cells which depend on C must be reevaluated.
       | This process repeats until there are no more changes in the
       | values of any cell (change propagation).
       | What if there are circular dependencies?
         | magicalhippo wrote:
         | Not stated, but I'd do what Excel does which is to have a
         | maximum recursion level.
         | whiddershins wrote:
         | Svelte won't let you. Knockout claims it isn't a problem. What
         | happens in Excel, are you able to create circular dependencies
         | there and crash Excel?
       | bondant wrote:
       | Not in the list: an example in C and Lua with IUP (an underrated
       | library)
       | https://www.tecgraf.puc-rio.br/iup/en/7gui/7gui.html
         | marcodiego wrote:
         | IUP is definitely underrated. On the other hand, there are very
         | few developers indeed.
       | elcritch wrote:
       | Excellent list of UI challenges. I've been working through a
       | similar list of my own to see if I can make a widget library I'm
       | building in Nim do this [1]. Building on an event-driven
       | immediate mode GUI has been fun.
       | Now I'm totally going to run off this list. I've only got circles
       | and cells left before I can do all of these challenges.
       | 1: https://github.com/elcritch/fidgets
       | 6510 wrote:
       | I was wondering if one could write something actually worth
       | taking home and showing to others.
       | 1 - Make your resume into a slide show with background music.
       | 2 - Create fancy transitions
       | 3 - replace the numbers in your slideshow resume with fast
       | running counters that count up to the desired value.
       | 4 - add something original that you feel should be part of the
       | task
       | 5 - create a fully functional inquiry form as the final slide of
       | your resume
       | 6 - All tasks are optional, have the amount of work you put in
       | reflect how desperately you need this job.
       | jameshart wrote:
       | It's a useful list. I think some of the interaction design could
       | do with updating though - things like disabling buttons without
       | explanation and popping up modals for data entry are no longer
       | universal UI toolkit tropes. Different interactions might be more
       | idiomatic in different contexts and - while you'll learn a lot by
       | implementing these _exactly_ as specified, in some cases it might
       | be an uphill struggle - and the reason could be that the
       | framework is trying to tell you to implement it another way.
       | So a second version of this challenge might be to implement the
       | same capability, through a more native interaction idiom. Suspect
       | much can be learned by doing it both ways.
       | michaelsbradley wrote:
       | Implementation in Racket: https://github.com/mfelleisen/7GUI
         | spdegabrielle wrote:
         | It's not the only version either
         | See https://github.com/Bogdanp/racket-gui-
         | easy/tree/master/examp...                 },       {
         | title: "Racket",         technologies: ["Racket",
         | "racket/gui"],         link:
         | "https://github.com/mfelleisen/7GUI/",         src:
         | "https://github.com/mfelleisen/7GUI",       },       {
         | title: "GUI-Easy declarative GUI",         technologies: ["GUI-
         | Easy", "Racket", "racket/gui"],         author: "Bogdan Popa",
         | authorLink: "https://github.com/Bogdanp/",         link:
         | "https://github.com/Bogdanp/racket-gui-
         | easy/tree/master/examples",         src:
         | "https://github.com/Bogdanp/racket-gui-
         | easy/tree/master/examples",       }       ]
         | evandale wrote:
         | Racket is so neat. I started learning it through How to Design
         | Programs (https://htdp.org/2022-2-9/Book/index.html) and I was
         | blown away you could paste pictures into the source and assign
         | them to variables and draw them on the screen. I'm not sure why
         | I'm surprised they have a while GUI framework too.
           | ezfe wrote:
           | You can technically do that in Xcode, but I don't think they
           | love it as it's been getting harder to do, even though it
           | does still work. For colors it's more interesting since the
           | color itself can be embedded in the source code.
           | giraffe_lady wrote:
           | I'm surprised how often I reach for racket just to check
           | something out or explore an idea quickly. I've never taken
           | anything too far with it but it's an incredible tool for
           | that, and because it's so easy to implement languages in it
           | most languages have an implementation in it.
           | A couple weeks ago there was a burst of posts on HN about
           | prolog, a language family I know nothing about. Took no time
           | to spin up dr racket, find a prolog dialect in it, and play
           | around.
           | I probably do something like that with it every couple
           | months. And yeah being able to easily visually output stuff
           | from a new language without having to grapple with the
           | tooling and output quirks of a new language takes so much of
           | the initial friction out.
       | xg15 wrote:
       | I like the temperature converter one because it immediately
       | introduces some of the more fuzzy design questions and annoying
       | details that pop up when you implement data binding.
       | Such as: when exactly should the other side update? When the user
       | switches focus (where to?) or on every keystroke? Does it make
       | sense to a user that they temporarily see the Fahrenheit value
       | for 2degC if they really want to type in 20degC? What happens if
       | they type an invalid value (or clear the box, which they often
       | _have_ to do)? What happens if they type an incorrect value and
       | then type something into the other field? Etc etc.
       | I think there are a lot of interesting tensions between a
       | "formally correct" system and one that feels usable and intuitive
       | to use. Especially with bidirectional data flow, they show up
       | quickly.
         | onesolutiononly wrote:
         | Honestly I think a label, 1 textbox, and 2 buttons- 1 "convert
         | to F" and 1 "convert to C" is just so much simpler.
         | Or even 2 completely separate pages, 1 for C and 1 for F.
         | stux wrote:
         | Reminds me of the principles brought up in this talk by Sean
         | Parent:
         | https://youtu.be/0WlJEz2wb8Y
         | The temperature converter is a good example of an "implies"
         | relationship, which Sean argues is difficult to model in UIs.
         | mbreese wrote:
         | It's also good for data formatting. You don't want to see
         | 22.2222222C for 72F. Ideally when you adjust one, the values
         | are internally consistent.
           | xg15 wrote:
           | Good point. This in turn shows the risk of endless event
           | propagation loops: So you decide to solve the formatting
           | problem by using floor() and only showing the integer parts.
           | So now when the user enters 72degF, it shows 22degC. However,
           | in a naive implementation, updating the celsius field would
           | trigger a change in the other direction as 22degC converted
           | back would round to 71degF. But 71degF rounds to 21degC,
           | triggering another change, etc etc.
             | dharmab wrote:
             | An interesting solution would account for the precision of
             | the user input when formatting other fields, with different
             | results for 72 and 72.000
       | spdegabrielle wrote:
       | It has been taken over and moved to a new site
       | The website hasn't been rebuilt but you can see the list of
       | implementations here:
       | https://github.com/7guis/7guis/blob/master/site/src/containe...
       | pketh wrote:
       | Some of these seem like they could be really cool challenges in
       | the context of a designer/engineer job interview
       | jollybean wrote:
       | Very pragmatic, there's more to this I think than we might
       | recognize.
       | Using these as template starting points is a great idea.
       | azeirah wrote:
       | I implemented these a while ago in Clojure because it was part of
       | the job application process at roam research.
       | Didn't even get a reply... it cost me quite some hours to do this
       | in a language I have almost no experience in.
       | At least there was the upside that I got to experience Clojure
       | and Om which was great to learn about :D
         | josho wrote:
         | I encourage candidates submitting something like this ask the
         | hiring manager what will the process be. Questions like:
         | - Will feedback be provided on the submitted application?
         | - What does that feedback look like, are you spending 60
         | minutes asking about my implementation choices or will you also
         | spend time offering feedback on how I could have improved my
         | solution?
         | For any hiring managers by providing feedback to candidates you
         | are showing that candidates will grow and develop on your team.
         | By not providing feedback you risk ending up like Roam Research
         | and loosing out on many potential applicants because you
         | demonstrate that you aren't interested in developing your
         | staff.
           | rashkov wrote:
           | More than that, I would ask what their acceptance criteria
           | are. I've taken a test like this only to get feedback that
           | felt like a giant "got you!" from the hiring manager. There's
           | so much that goes into coding one of these up, and there's a
           | limit to how much effort a candidate is willing to put into
           | free work, so this felt kind of bad. This was for Thomson-
           | Reuters on their Clojurescript team.
             | Guid_NewGuid wrote:
             | I just wrote a post about a quite similar experience. I
             | feel like if a candidate takes a few hours to complete a
             | test the feedback could be a slightly more involved process
             | but from the hiring side it doesn't really scale.
             | https://d22qefpbdavdoz.cloudfront.net/#interviewing-and-
             | fail...
         | strangattractor wrote:
         | I would not waste effort with these test if it is not a
         | language or system you are familiar with (unless you want to
         | for fun). The companies that do this are looking for code
         | monkeys. They want to feed you tickets and get code in return.
         | Many of the people critiquing the submitted code are often not
         | qualified to do so.
         | polalavik wrote:
         | I would love to know, collectively, how much labor/time is
         | wasted per year on applications that test whether someone is
         | good enough to do "real" labor. It's bonkers.
           | nerdponx wrote:
           | It's one thing to have someone write a toy program. It's
           | another to have someone write _seven_ increasingly-
           | complicated toy programs. That 's really grotesque and
           | overkill.
         | didibus wrote:
         | I only see complaints when it comes to interviews. People
         | either complain that they're asked leetcode questions which
         | doesn't reflect the real work, or they complain that they were
         | expected to implement real work tasks which takes too much time
         | out of their week.
         | Unless your complaint was just about the lack of follow
         | through, that's valid, kind of shitty to not be told that you
         | didn't get the job at least.
         | Anyways, my point is, interviewing just sucks.
         | debo_ wrote:
         | You didn't get closure, but at least you got Clojure.
           | elwell wrote:
           | Presumably they used ClojureScript, which does indeed use
           | Closure compiler.
           | ftkftk wrote:
           | The joke all were thinking, but were afraid to type out.
           | Kudos!
           | dylan604 wrote:
           | I think you're looking for the Dad Joke thread from a few
           | days ago
         | rl3 wrote:
         | > _I implemented these a while ago in Clojure because it was
         | part of the job application process at roam research.
         | Didn't even get a reply..._
         | Don't feel bad, you're not the only one they didn't bother
         | replying to:
         | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=26316793
       | RcouF1uZ4gsC wrote:
       | Nice list. One change I would make for the CRUD example is to do
       | a Todo list instead since it might be more useful/doesn't teach
       | bad assumptions about names.
         | __ryan__ wrote:
         | I agree with the premise, but please, anything other than a
         | todo list.
       | rajnathani wrote:
       | The author Eugene unfortunately passed away in 2019.
       | Source: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=24961110
       | bowsamic wrote:
       | Nice. I might try these out in AppKit
         | armadsen wrote:
         | Just for fun, I timed myself doing the first one in both AppKit
         | and SwiftUI. I started with Xcode running but no project
         | created yet, and hit stop when the app was launched and I had
         | clicked the count button. It took me 1m57s to do it in AppKit,
         | and 3m16s in SwiftUI. (I'm _far_ more experienced with AppKit
         | than SwiftUI).
           | bowsamic wrote:
           | Nice. Just out of interest (since I'm new to AppKit), did you
           | decide to use Storyboard or a XIB?
             | armadsen wrote:
             | Storyboard, but I don't think that would have made a
             | difference in the time it took me.
       | synergy20 wrote:
       | First time heard about this, now I know why the vuejs examples I
       | am learning is calle 7 examples:
       | https://vuejs.org/examples/#hello-world
       | this is like the Todo applications for GUI
       | triptych wrote:
       | I did this exercise with Godot Engine :
       | https://triptych.neocities.org/sevenguis/index.html
       | bbatchelder wrote:
       | This is pretty neat. The complexity jump from CRUD to Circles and
       | Cells is pretty radical, though.
       | I feel like a Master/Detail task would be a nice addition, and it
       | could include a resizable divider so that the GUI framework's
       | layout functionality is exercised.
         | finiteseries wrote:
         | From a web POV I think, yes, but from a platform with something
         | like AppKit it's very, very straightforward honestly.
         | Note they're explicitly encouraging the use of something like
         | JTable/NSTableView in the cells example, the focus is on
         | appearance/behavior customization and change propagation. And
         | in the circles example, undo/redo is ideally provided for
         | "free" by the environment, and with the system's drawing
         | frameworks & dialogs it really does make for a simple task.
         | If the environment lacks these basic capabilities though..
           | armadsen wrote:
           | Yeah, I'm primarily an AppKit developer, and honestly the
           | circle drawing task seems a bit easier than the CRUD task to
           | me.
           | kbenson wrote:
           | > f the environment lacks these basic capabilities though..
           | And that's the point, right? You're evaluating the toolkit,
           | and if it lacks the features to make these tasks fairly easy,
           | then it's going to be harder to do a lot of straightforward
           | things.
           | I imagine a similar set of tasks could (and have) easily be
           | contrived for other common libraries/toolkits that are used,
           | such as HTTP client libraries, numerical libraries, etc.
       | ttoinou wrote:
       | Great idea, would be nice to use this to compare different GUIs
       | framework. Interested in c++ immediate GUIs, shadertoy.com like
       | GUI and Red language https://www.red-lang.org/
       | TheAceOfHearts wrote:
       | This is missing challenges which include async content and proper
       | error handling, which are both essential in modern web
       | development.
       | For example:
       | You're loading or submitting content asnychronously and must
       | handle different loading states in order to give the user
       | feedback. If an action fails due to spotty internet you must also
       | include a retry or refresh button.
       | You load a model form to modify some data, and when you submit
       | your changes someone else has already made modifications to the
       | model.
         | [deleted]
         | 101008 wrote:
         | Is the second case handled by the "frontend"? Shouldn't be
         | handled by the backend and then return an error state/message?
           | jjayjay wrote:
           | It's not as simple as cases where both data and logic are
           | local to the gui.
           | In this identified case, the gui has to react/behave
           | correctly according to the results/errors of asynchronous
           | remote logic over a spotty network.
       (page generated 2022-05-05 23:00 UTC)