[HN Gopher] Bugs that the Rust compiler catches for you
       Bugs that the Rust compiler catches for you
       Author : ossusermivami
       Score  : 52 points
       Date   : 2022-05-05 21:02 UTC (1 hours ago)
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       | [deleted]
       | TheDong wrote:
       | > Resources leaks
       | > // defer resp.Body.Close() // DON'T forget this line
       | This doesn't actually leak the file / connection / etc in go for
       | most situations.
       | When the object gets GC'd, the finalizer runs (https://cs.opensou
       | rce.google/go/go/+/master:src/os/file_unix...). That closes it.
         | ankrgyl wrote:
         | At the very least, that does not work for rolling back
         | transactions with the database/sql
         | (https://pkg.go.dev/database/sql) package, although it may work
         | for other cases. We've had numerous production bugs result from
         | this.
         | eptcyka wrote:
         | Then what's the point of the Close method in the File interface
         | (https://pkg.go.dev/io/fs@go1.18.1#File) ?
           | Andys wrote:
           | ...You might want to close a handle at any time?
           | woodruffw wrote:
           | I'm not a Go programmer, but I assume it's there for the same
           | reason every other GC'd language has the ability to close
           | resources manually: sometimes you just want to do it earlier
           | (or more explicitly) than the GC would.
           | TheDong wrote:
           | It lets you check for errors, and have a deterministic time
           | at which the file is closed.
           | Both of these are desirable properties.
           | The finalizer is there to prevent a subset of resource leaks,
           | not to be relied upon.
         | tylerhou wrote:
         | Does Go's GC have any SLA about when an unreachable object must
         | be garbage collected? If not, this is risky:
         | 1. Will finalizers run on program crash?
         | 2. Will I run out of resources if the garbage collection
         | doesn't run for sufficiently long time? (E.g. # of open file
         | descriptors.)
         | 3. Does the order of finalization matter?
         | Finalizers in Java were deprecated for the above reasons (and
         | more). https://stackoverflow.com/a/56454348
           | TheDong wrote:
           | I agree it's not something that should be relied upon, nor is
           | it elegant, I'm just pointing out that in the average case,
           | failing to close a file is not a resource leak in the usual
           | sense. It's not like forgetting to close a file descriptor in
           | C.
           | To answer each of your questions:
           | 1. Generally no, but if your process exits then you
           | definitely aren't leaking a file descriptor. The great
           | finalizer in the linux kernel gets them then.
           | 2. Yes absolutely, but that also isn't a leak. If you're
           | opening a lot of files, you probably have to handle open
           | failing as well anyway.
           | 3. No order is guaranteed
           | Most of this is documented on
           | https://pkg.go.dev/runtime#SetFinalizer
             | tylerhou wrote:
             | 1. This can lead to programming errors if, e.g., a write is
             | buffered in Golang and Close() flushes the buffer. Then you
             | might not correctly write the file. (I know that if you
             | really cared, you should use fsync, but lost writes could
             | happen in e.g. logging where you don't want the overhead of
             | fsync but you would also like to see all log output,
             | especially on program crash.)
             | 2. I think this is a bigger deal than you are making it out
             | to be. If open fails, how would you handle it without just
             | exiting? I can't see a way of forcing finalizers to run. If
             | you're distributing your Go binary to users, you may not
             | have permissions to increase the allowed number of file
             | descriptors. So your program no longer functions correctly.
             | Example: A program that processes files in parallel. At any
             | given time it might have 2 * num_cores files open, well
             | below the default descriptor limit on most systems. If I
             | rely on finalizers running, then I might have to exit if
             | the time to process each file is sufficiently short. There
             | is no way to fix this without instructing the user to
             | increase their fd limit. This is bad. Alternatively, if I
             | explicitly closed files, I would never exit.
       | lordnacho wrote:
       | All really good things to mention, but the data races thing is a
       | big deal and gets just a short reference and where is the bit
       | about the borrow checker?
       | The way I see it the things mentioned are nice appetizers and the
       | data race and borrow checker are the main meal.
       | IME the most frustrating problems are not that you forgot to
       | exhaust the switch statement or didn't initialise a new field,
       | it's when you get a segfault that's hard to reproduce and you
       | have barely a hint about what's caused it.
         | tylerhou wrote:
         | In addition, most of these checks are provided in other
         | languages or linters for those languages. E.g. C++ has had RAII
         | before Rust has existed. C++ (with -Werror), TypeScript and
         | most FP languages have exhaustive switch checking. Clang can
         | catch many (but not all) initialization errors. The places
         | where Rust adds value (data races, memory safety, explicit
         | unsafe) are not discussed in the article.
         | eptcyka wrote:
         | I've seen people who state their love for Rust and then fail to
         | explain the difference between passing an argument by value,
         | reference or mutable reference.
           | carlmr wrote:
           | I mean those are two separate things. Depending on how you
           | code, Rust can be similarly high level as Python, make it
           | much easier to design with types than C++ and has great
           | package management with cargo.
           | You can find plenty of reasons to love Rust, without even
           | getting to the technical details.
       | woodruffw wrote:
       | This is pedantic of me, but I think it matters in terms of what
       | Rust _actually_ provides:
       | Rust does not provide any resource leak guarantees. The fact that
       | resources tend to be freed when their owning scope closes is a
       | "fallout" consequence of ownership semantics, but Rust itself
       | does not guarantee that dropping an object necessarily closes or
       | disposes any underlying system resources. You can prove this to
       | yourself by writing a thin wrapper over the nix crate's POSIX
       | APIs: you can leak a file descriptor by forgetting to add a Drop
       | implementation for it.
       | Similarly, Rust won't guarantee that all allocated memory is
       | freed. `Box::leak` has well-defined lifetime semantics: it turns
       | a `T` into a `&'static T` by removing its drop handler and
       | leaking the underlying pointer. And this isn't a problem, because
       | it doesn't compromise either spatial or temporal memory safety!
         | nicoburns wrote:
         | It's true that it's not a guarantee. But I feel like this is
         | one of those cases where it could be an issue in theory, but
         | pretty much never is in practice.
           | woodruffw wrote:
           | Certainly. Rust has a well-thought-out standard library, and
           | sticking to it will (generally) guarantee that the connection
           | between resource acquisition and memory safety is maintained.
           | That being said: it can be a problem in practice,
           | particularly in sandboxed or otherwise constrained
           | environments. Leaking a file descriptor isn't a problem when
           | you have tens of thousands, but it can be one when you've
           | constrained the process to just a dozen.
           | amelius wrote:
           | The difference between theory and practice is exactly where
           | security exploits shine.
             | toolz wrote:
             | Are you suggesting if rust removed "safe in practice"
             | features (only keeping theoretically safe features) it
             | would lead to less exploitable software? If so I strongly
             | disagree with you. Every language is rife with features
             | that can be used in unsafe way but in practice increases
             | security.
               | woodruffw wrote:
               | I read this more as a "let's be precise about what's
               | actually guaranteed" and not an exhortation to avoid
               | Rust.
               | Rust is my favorite compiled language, and that's why I'd
               | like conversations about Rust to be grounded in _formal_
               | guarantees and not in incidental properties.
             | xedrac wrote:
             | Sure, but just because Rust isn't perfect doesn't mean it
             | isn't a huge improvement over the status quo.
           | Andys wrote:
           | If "in practice" is OK, then Go looks pretty good again.
       | LAC-Tech wrote:
       | Needs a companion blog, "perfectly safe code the rust compiler
       | will nag you about". And the contortions rust programmers go
       | through to avoid that.
       | Rust is really impressive in a lot of ways. Type classes and
       | pattern are a great fit for systems programming.
       | But they're fixated on the idea that everything possible should
       | be a static analysis error, language ergonomics or usability be
       | damned. I'd much rather these be warnings, because no static
       | analysis on earth is going to stop you from actually needing
       | tests to see if your code works.
         | rhn_mk1 wrote:
         | > no static analysis on earth is going to stop you from
         | actually needing tests to see if your code works.
         | I might have been convinced if mathematical proofs were not
         | expressed in code. If a proof can exhaustively cover the
         | problem space, then there's no need for further testing.
         | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Curry%E2%80%93Howard_correspon...
         | jonpalmisc wrote:
         | Do you have any examples of the "perfectly safe code the Rust
         | compiler will nag you about"? Not trying to start language
         | wars, just genuinely curious as someone who writes Rust on
         | occasion.
         | verdagon wrote:
         | Something I find interesting about Rust is that we _can_ do
         | those safe patterns, as long as we 're willing to lose some
         | performance.
         | The way I think of it: Rust forces us to choose between
         | flexibility and zero-cost memory safety.
         | If we choose zero-cost memory safety (in other words, we don't
         | use Rc or unsafe or large Cells) we can't do things like
         | dependency injection, basic observers, backreferences, or many
         | kinds of custom RAII. But we do get speed.
         | On the other hand, if we allow e.g. Rc into our codebases, we
         | can do these patterns just fine, though there is a performance
         | hit.
         | The final challenge in learning Rust (IMO) is to figure out
         | when Rc is better, and when we can afford the complexity cost
         | of zero-cost memory safety. I've seen a lot of Rust projects
         | move mountains to avoid Rc, and ironically end up adding more
         | run-time overhead and complexity.
       | hu3 wrote:
       | let wordlist_file = File::open("wordlist.txt")?;         // do
       | something...         // we don't need to close wordlist_file
       | // it will be closed when the variable goes out of scope
       | What happens if there is an error when closing the file that I
       | have written to?
         | LegionMammal978 wrote:
         | The error will be ignored, per the docs for File [0]:
         | > Files are automatically closed when they go out of scope.
         | Errors detected on closing are ignored by the implementation of
         | Drop. Use the method sync_all if these errors must be manually
         | handled.
         | [0] https://doc.rust-lang.org/stable/std/fs/struct.File.html
           | josephg wrote:
           | That sounds like a weird choice. When do you ever write to a
           | file but not care if the write has failed?
           | Sounds like a source of bugs any time your file system isn't
           | 100% reliable.
             | eptcyka wrote:
             | If you close your files without waiting for fsync to return
             | first, do you really care if the data has hit the disk? If
             | fsync didn't fail, but close fails, what can you do then?
             | Calling close() doesn't imply anything about flushing
             | buffers or syncing data to disk or anything like that. It's
             | just a signal to the OS that your process is done with this
             | particular resource.
               | CraigJPerry wrote:
               | You should probably notify the user though
             | deathanatos wrote:
             | I agree it's a bit unfortunate. The rub here would be that
             | `Drop` would become fallible, and if it is fallible, then
             | ... _how_ does it fail, exactly? (What happens to the
             | error?)
             | There's exceptions, but the downsides to such systems are
             | pretty extensively covered.
             | Nonetheless, the point here is that RAII offers a
             | deterministic close compared to other approaches, at least,
             | even if the write's success isn't covered. You can get
             | that, too, with,                 wordlist_file.flush()?;
             | or                 wordlist_file.sync_all()?;
             | depending on desires.
             | (And again, I agree that requiring the programmer to
             | remember code in order to obtain safe behavior is not
             | desirable. But this problem manifests in pretty much any
             | other language, and typically in worse manners.)
         | [deleted]
         | verdagon wrote:
         | As far as I know, Vale is the only language that can statically
         | ensure we handle that error with its Higher RAII [0], a form of
         | linear typing.
         | Basically, File's drop() returns a Result, and the compiler
         | enforces that we use it.
         | I hear linear types might also be coming to Haskell soon, which
         | is pretty exciting. Such a thing is unfortunately impossible in
         | Rust (though many languages can detect it at run-time).
         | [0] https://verdagon.dev/blog/higher-raii-7drl
           | kitkat_new wrote:
           | why is it impossible?
         | SCHiM wrote:
         | Off topic: what type of error can occur when closing a file? Is
         | it somehow possible that the kernel denies your request, and
         | forces your handle to stay open?
           | colonwqbang wrote:
           | One situation is that you close something twice or otherwise
           | try to close an invalid fd. Still, it's very common to ignore
           | the return value of close.
           | If you use NFS or other specific drivers you can probably get
           | more interesting errors.
           | TheDong wrote:
           | Quoting from "man 2 close": https://man7.org/linux/man-
           | pages/man2/close.2.html
           | > it is quite possible that errors on a previous write(2)
           | operation are reported only on the final close() ... Failing
           | to check the return value when closing a file may lead to
           | silent loss of data.
           | > the behavior that occurs on Linux ... the file descriptor
           | is guaranteed to be closed.
           | So yeah, it's always closed on linux, but POSIX doesn't
           | guarantee that for EINTR specifically, and there are
           | sometimes meaningful errors.
           | [deleted]
           | hu3 wrote:
           | Great question!
           | Here is a better explanation than I could write:
           | https://www.joeshaw.org/dont-defer-close-on-writable-files
           | In resume, man close(2), gives us the potential errors. This
           | is the output for Ubuntu 20.04 LTS:                   EBADF
           | fd isn't a valid open file descriptor.         EINTR  The
           | close() call was interrupted by a signal; see signal(7).
           | EIO    An I/O error occurred.         ENOSPC, EDQUOT
           | On  NFS,  these  errors  are  not normally reported against
           | the first write which exceeds the available storage space,
           | but instead against a subsequent write(2), fsync(2), or
           | close().
         | [deleted]
       (page generated 2022-05-05 23:00 UTC)