[HN Gopher] Specific Brain Cells Linked to Parkinson's Disease
       Specific Brain Cells Linked to Parkinson's Disease
       Author : elorant
       Score  : 73 points
       Date   : 2022-05-08 13:37 UTC (9 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (www.the-scientist.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (www.the-scientist.com)
       | raincom wrote:
       | L-Dopa is used to treat Parkison's Disease and encephalitis
       | lethargica. Cuba long time ago has developed a technique to
       | implant nervous cells deep in the brain to fix Parkison's.
         | loceng wrote:
         | Any source for more information on this?
           | saxonww wrote:
           | https://www.magazine.medicaltourism.com/article/in-cuba-
           | park... http://www.cirencuba.com/en_US/neurological-
           | restoration/neur...
           | Color me _extremely_ skeptical.
         | SemanticStrengh wrote:
         | L-Dopa is not a treatment. It's absurd to think it is.. Just
         | like stimulants, agonists or dopamin precursors. They are
         | necessary palliatives except they simultaneously worsen the
         | disease because dopamin kill humans since it oxidize.
         | Selegiline is one of the few dopaminergics to actually target
         | the problem.
         | Never heard about the Cuba approach, I'll have to study it
       | nautilus12 wrote:
       | Does this mean parkinson's is caused by not feeling loved?
         | JimtheCoder wrote:
         | No...no, it doesn't...
         | SemanticStrengh wrote:
         | Lol actually I wonder wether chronic lack of affection result
         | in specific mental disorders and deficits akd how to maximally
         | resorb them (e.g Oxytocin?) But that's a no for parkinson.
       | Alex3917 wrote:
       | As someone growing pawpaws, I'd be interested to know if this
       | also holds for progressive supranuclear palsy.
         | SemanticStrengh wrote:
         | Neurodegenerative diseases are in fact quite simple to
         | partially address. As always oxidative stress and mitochondria
         | bioenergetics are the critical factor in the chain leading to
         | neural apoptosis. Anyone can get revolutionary results with e.g
         | Skq1 which is precisely 1000000 times more potent than NAC
         | because it exploit the negative charge of the mitochondria to
         | be attracted to it. But even without taking of mitochondria
         | targeted antioxidants there exist many potent mitoprotectors,
         | see e.g the pictures of saved brain volume in this generic oxys
         | rat simulation (accelerated Aging)
         | https://www.researchgate.net/publication/221738761_Evaluatio...
         | As I often say, the times it takes for scientific knowledge to
         | be used by practitioners is often infinity. In fact that is the
         | general case. We will have to wait for more people to suffer
         | and die because you know running clinical trials is such a 20th
         | century thing
           | Alex3917 wrote:
           | Would Skq1 (or NAC) likely ameliorate mitochondrial damage
           | when eating foods with acetogenins? This is the hypothesized
           | mechanism of action:
           | https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/23180140/
           | https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6672878/
       | Flatcircle wrote:
       | Parkinson's disease seems to the disease that scientists are
       | primed to make a breakthrough on soon. The side benefit is
       | greater understanding of the brain.
         | SemanticStrengh wrote:
         | https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29486701/
         | srean wrote:
         | Hope that comes to fruition. Any particular reason for
         | optimism. Not challenging the optimism, but trying to partake
         | in it.
         | criddell wrote:
         | My dad died earlier this year from complications due to lewy
         | body dementia which (AFAIK) is related to Parkinson's. It's a
         | truly awful way for a person to spend their last years. I get
         | why Robin Williams took control of his end.
         | Seeing as there is likely a genetics component to these
         | diseases, I'm really rooting for these scientists.
       | SemanticStrengh wrote:
       | Parkinson is essentially a mysterious oversensitization to
       | dopamine autoxidation in the dopaminergics neurons mitochondria
       | membrane. Parkinson is therefore a solved problem.
       | https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29486701/
       (page generated 2022-05-08 23:01 UTC)