[HN Gopher] Ask HN: Options for handling state at the edge?
       Ask HN: Options for handling state at the edge?
       With Cloudflare workers able to be called single digit ms away from
       customers on much of the planet now, I wonder how I can keep state
       as close to the workers / lambdas as possible.  What are the
       options we have for handling state as the edge? What do you use in
       your business or service?
       Author : CaptainJustin
       Score  : 58 points
       Date   : 2022-05-11 16:42 UTC (6 hours ago)
       | powersurge360 wrote:
       | I haven't done this, but I've been thinking about it lately.
       | Fly.IO has had some very interesting ideas on this if you want to
       | use a relational database. There was an article about litestream
       | that would allow you to replicate your SQLite database to an
       | arbitrary number of nodes, which means that every application
       | server would have a SQLite file sitting on it for read queries,
       | and then you can capture write queries and forward them to a
       | write leader and let that user continue talking to that server
       | until it replicates across your application servers.
       | You can do basically the same idea with any relational database,
       | have a write leader... somewhere and a bunch of read replicas
       | that live close to the edge.
       | There's also what you would call cloud native data stores that
       | purport to solve the same issue, but I don't know much about how
       | they work because I much prefer working w/ relational databases
       | and most of those are NoSQL. And I haven't had to actually solve
       | the problem yet for work so I also haven't made any compromises
       | yet in how I explore it.
       | Another interesting way to go might be CockroachDB. It's wire
       | compatible w/ PostgreSQL and supposedly automatically clusters
       | and shares data in the cluster. I don't know very much about it
       | but it seems to be becoming more and more popular and many ORMs
       | seem to have an adapter to support it. May also be worth looking
       | into because if it works as advertised you can get an RBDMS that
       | you can deploy to an arbitrary number of places and then
       | configure to talk to one another and not have to worry about
       | replicating the data or routing correctly to write leaders and
       | all that.
       | And again, I'm technical, but I haven't solved these problems so
       | consider the above to be a jumping off point and take nothing as
       | gospel.
       | adam_arthur wrote:
       | Depends on your product, but I'm able to do everything via
       | Cloudflare workers, KV, DurableObjects, and use JSON files stored
       | in Cloudflare CDN as source of truth (hosted for free btw)
       | Cloudflare KV can store most of what you need in JSON form, while
       | DurableObjects let you model updates with transactional
       | guarantees.
       | My app is particularly read heavy though, and backing data is
       | mostly static (but gets updated daily).
       | Honestly after using Cloudflare feel like they will easily become
       | the go to cloud for building small/quick apps. Everything is
       | integrated much better than AWS and way more user friendly from
       | docs and dev experience perspective. Also their dev velocity on
       | new features is pretty insane.
       | Honestly didn't think that much of them until I started digging
       | into these things
       | don-code wrote:
       | I recently had an opportunity to build an application on top of
       | Lambda@Edge (AWS's equivalent of Cloudflare workers). The
       | prevailing wisdom there was to make use of regional services,
       | like S3 and DynamoDB, from the edge. That, of course, makes my
       | edge application depend on calls to a larger, further away point
       | of presence.
       | While it's possible to distribute state to many AWS regions and
       | select the closest one, I ended up going a different route:
       | packaging state alongside the application. Most of the
       | application's state was read-only, so I ended up packaging the
       | application state up as JSON alongside the deployment bundle. At
       | startup, it'd then statically read the JSON into memory - this
       | performance penalty only happens at startup, and as long as the
       | Lambda functions are being called often (in our case they are),
       | requests are as fast as a memory read.
       | When the state does need to get updated, I just redeploy the
       | application with the new state.
       | That strategy obviously won't work if you need "fast" turnaround
       | on your state being in sync at all points of presence, or if
       | users can update that state as part of your application's
       | workflow.
         | geewee wrote:
         | We do something similar in Climatiq on Fastly's Compute@Edge.
         | When building the application we load in a big chunk of read-
         | only data in-memory, and serialize that memory to a file. When
         | we spin up our instance, all we have to do is load that file
         | into memory and then we have tons of read-only data in just a
         | few ms.
         | chucky_z wrote:
         | I think this is a really clear winner for something like
         | Litestream, where you can have state far away but sync it
         | locally with periodic syncs if you can live with 'small wait on
         | startup' and 'periodic state updates'.
         | powersurge360 wrote:
         | Isn't this effectively the same as using a static site
         | generator? Could you potentially freeze or pre-bake your
         | generated files and then just serve that?
       | Elof wrote:
       | Check out Macrometa, a data platform that uses CRDTs to manage
       | state a N number of pops and also does real time event
       | processing. - https://macrometa.com (full disclosure, I work at
       | Macrometa)
       | rad_gruchalski wrote:
       | Cloudflare Workers with k/v store, R2 and their new D1 database.
       | crawdog wrote:
       | I have used card database files before with success.
       | https://cr.yp.to/cdb.html
       | Have your process regularly update the CDB file from a blob store
       | like S3. Any deltas can be pulled from S3 or you can use a
       | message bus if the changes are small. Every so often pull the
       | latest CDB down and start aggregating deltas again.
       | CDB performs great and can scale to multiple GBs.
         | jhgb wrote:
         | I thought it was "constant database"? Is it indeed meant to
         | mean "card database"?
           | crawdog wrote:
           | my typo thanks for catching that
       | kevsim wrote:
       | CloudFlare just announced their own relational DB for workers
       | today: https://blog.cloudflare.com/introducing-d1
       | On HN: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=31339299
         | bentlegen wrote:
         | The convenience of this announcement makes me feel like the
         | original post is an astroturfed marketing effort by Cloudflare.
         | I'd love to know (I'm genuinely curious!), but unless OP admits
         | as much, I don't know that anyone would put their hand up.
       | jFriedensreich wrote:
       | it really depends on the type of state:
       | cloudflare kv store is great if the supported write pattern fits
       | if you need something with more consistency between pops durable
       | objects should be on your radar
       | i also found that cloudant/couchdb is a perfect fit for a lot of
       | usecases with heavy caching in the cf worker. its also possible
       | to have multiple master replication with each couchdb cluster
       | close to the local users, so you dont have to wait for writes to
       | reach a single master on the other side of the world
       | tra3 wrote:
       | I never thought of this, but now I have a lot of questions. Do
       | you have an application in mind where this would be useful? Most
       | of my experience if with traditional webapps/SaaS so I'd love to
       | see an example.
       | deckard1 wrote:
       | Doesn't Cloudflare have a cache API and/or cache fetch calls for
       | workers?
       | A number of people are talking about Lambda or loading files,
       | SQLite, etc. These aren't likely to work on CF. CF uses isolated
       | JavaScript sandboxes. You're not guaranteed to have two workers
       | accessing the same memory space.
       | This is, in general, the problem with serverless. The model of
       | computing is proprietary and very much about the fine print
       | details.
       | edit: CF just announced their SQLite worker service/API today:
       | https://blog.cloudflare.com/introducing-d1/
       | ccouzens wrote:
       | I've got a Fastly compute@edge service. My state is relatively
       | small (less than a MB of JSON) and only changes every few hours.
       | So I compile the state into the binary and deploy that.
       | I can share a blog post about this if there is interest.
       | It gives us very good performance (p95 under 1ms) as the function
       | doesn't need to call an external service.
         | anildash wrote:
         | would love to hear more about how you're doing this, been
         | poking at the idea but haven't seen a running example
         | documented
           | ccouzens wrote:
           | https://medium.com/p/302f83a362a3
           | There's a heading "This is how we made it fast" about 1/3 of
           | the way down if you'd like to skip the introduction and
           | background.
       | asdf1asdf wrote:
       | You just developed your application from the cache inwards,
       | instead of the application outwards.
       | Now on to develop the actual application that will host/serve
       | your data to said cache layer.
       | If you learn basic application architecture concepts, you won't
       | be fooled by sales person lies again.
       | fwsgonzo wrote:
       | Just build a tiny application alongside an open source Varnish
       | instance, and use it as a local backend. It's "free" if you have
       | decent latency to the area of Internet you care about. For
       | example, my latency is just fine to all of Europe so I host
       | things myself.
       | If you want to go one step further you can build a VMOD for
       | Varnish to run your workloads inside Varnish, even with Rust:
       | https://github.com/gquintard/vmod_rs_template
       | F117-DK wrote:
       | R2, KV, D1 and Durable Objects. Many options in the Cloudflare
       | Suite.
       | efitz wrote:
       | AWS Lambda functions have a local temp directory. I have
       | successfully used that in the past to store state.
       | In my application, I had a central worker process that would
       | ingest state updates and would periodically serialize the data to
       | a MySQL database file, adding indexes and so forth and then
       | uploading a versioned file to S3.
       | My Lambda workers would check for updates to the database,
       | downloading the latest version to the local temp directory if
       | there was not a local copy or if the local copy was out of date.
       | Then the work of checking state was just a database query.
       | You can tune timings etc to whatever your app can tolerate.
       | In my case the problem was fairly easy since state updates only
       | occurred centrally; I could publish and pull updates at my
       | leisure.
       | If I had needed distributed state updates I would have just made
       | the change locally without bumping version, and then send a
       | message (SNS or SQS) to the central state maintainer for commit
       | and let the publication process handle versioning and
       | distribution.
       | michaellperry71 wrote:
       | There are many technical solutions to this problem, as others
       | have pointed out. What I would add is that data at the edge
       | should be considered immutable.
       | If records are allowed to change, then you end up in situations
       | where changes don't converge. But if you instead collect a
       | history of unchanging events, then you can untangle these
       | scenarios.
       | Event Sourcing is the most popular implementation of a history of
       | immutable events. But I have found that a different model works
       | better for data at the edge. An event store tends to be centrally
       | localized within your architecture. That is necessary because the
       | event store determines the one true order of events. But if you
       | relax that constraint and allow events to be partially ordered,
       | then you can have a history at the edge. If you follow a few
       | simple rules, then those histories are guaranteed to converge.
       | Rule number 1: A record is immutable. It cannot be modified or
       | deleted.
       | Rule number 2: A record refers to its predecessors. If the order
       | between events matters, then it is made explicit with this
       | predecessor relationship. If there is no predecessor
       | relationship, then the order doesn't matter. No timestamps.
       | Rule number 3: A record is identified only by its type, contents,
       | and set of predecessors. If two records have the same stuff in
       | them, then they are the same record. No surrogate keys.
       | Following these rules, analyze your problem domain and build up a
       | model. The immutable records in that model form a directed
       | acyclic graph, with arrows pointing toward the predecessors. Send
       | those records to the edge nodes and let them make those
       | millisecond decisions based only on the records that they have on
       | hand. Record their decisions as new records in this graph, and
       | send those records back.
       | Jeff Doolittle and I talk about this system on a recent episode
       | of Software Engineering Radio: https://www.se-
       | radio.net/2021/02/episode-447-michael-perry-o...
       | No matter how you store it, treat data at the edge as if you
       | could not update or delete records. Instead, accrue new records
       | over time. Make decisions at the edge with autonomy, knowing that
       | they will be honored within the growing partially-ordered
       | history.
       | weatherlight wrote:
       | Fly.io
       | lewisl9029 wrote:
       | A lot of great info here already, but I just wanted to add my 2c
       | as someone who's been chasing the fast writes everywhere dream
       | for https://reflame.app.
       | Most of the approaches mentioned here will give you fast reads
       | everywhere, but writes only fast if you're close to some
       | arbitrarily chosen primary region.
       | A few technologies I've experimented with for doing fast,
       | eventually consistently replicated writes: DynamoDB Global
       | Tables, CosmosDB, Macrometa, KeyDB.
       | None of them are perfect, but in terms of write latency, active-
       | active replicated KeyDB in my fly.io cluster has everything else
       | beat. It's the only solution that offered _reliable_ sub-5ms
       | latency writes (most are close to 1-2ms). Dynamo and Cosmos
       | advertise sub-10ms, but in practice, while _most_ writes fall in
       | that range, I've seen them fluctuate wildly to over 200ms (Cosmos
       | was much worse than Dynamo IME), which is to be expected on the
       | public internet with noisy neighbors.
       | Unfortunately, I got too wary of the operational complexity of
       | running my own global persistent KeyDB cluster with potentially
       | unbounded memory/storage requirements, and eventually migrated
       | most app state over to use Dynamo as the source of truth, with
       | the KeyDB cluster as a auto-replicating caching layer so I don't
       | have to deal with perf/memory/storage scaling and backup. So far
       | that has been working well, but I'm still pre-launch so it's not
       | anywhere close to battle tested.
       | Would love to hear stories from other folks building systems with
       | similar requirements/ambitions!
         | lewisl9029 wrote:
         | One thing I forgot to mention: Reflame requires fast writes
         | globally only for a small subset of use cases. For everything
         | else, it only needs fast reads globally, and for those I've
         | been really liking FaunaDB.
         | It's not SQL, but it offers strongly consistent global writes
         | that allows me to reason about the data as if it lived in a
         | regular strongly-consistent non-replicated DB. This has been
         | incredibly powerful since I don't have to worry at all about
         | reading stale data like I would with an eventually consistently
         | read-replicated DB.
         | It comes at the cost of write latency of ~200ms, which is still
         | perfectly serviceable for everything I'm using it for.
       | rektide wrote:
       | I don't have a whole lot to say on this right now (very WIP), but
       | I have a strong belief that git is a core tool we should be using
       | for data.
       | Most data-formats are thick-formats, pack data into a single
       | file. Part of the effort in switching to git would be a shift to
       | trying to unpack our data, to really make use of the file system
       | to store fine grained pieces of data.
       | It's been around for a while, but Irmin[1] (written in Ocaml) is
       | a decent-enough almost-example of these kinds of practices. It
       | lacks the version control aspect, but 9p is certainly another
       | inspiration, as it encouraged state of all things to be held &
       | stored in fine-grained files. Git I think is a superpower, but
       | just as much: having data which can be scripted, which speaks the
       | lingua-franca of computing- that too is a superpower.
       | [1] https://irmin.org/
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=8053687 (147 points, 8 years
       | ago, 25 comments)
         | richardwhiuk wrote:
         | You really want to use CRDTs, not data types subject to human
         | resolved merge conflicts.
           | rektide wrote:
           | I feel like crdts are sold as a panacea. I can esily imagine
           | users making conflicting changes, so I dont really see or
           | understand what the real value or weaknesses of CRDTs are.
           | Im also used to seeing them used for online synchronization,
           | & far less examples of distributed crdts, which is, to me,
           | highly important.
           | Git by contrast has straightforward & good merge strategies.
           | At this point, I feel like the problems are complex & that we
           | need complex tools that leave users & devs in charge &
           | steering. Im so ready to be wrong, but I dont feel like these
           | problems are outsmartable; crdts have always felt like they
           | try to define a too limited world. For now, I feel like tools
           | for managing files between different fs'es are more complex,
           | but a minimum level of possibility we need.
         | weego wrote:
         | _I have a strong belief that git is a core tool we should be
         | using for data_
         | It isn't, we shouldn't, and you're not the first and won't be
         | the last person to put time into this. It's neither a
         | compelling solution nor even a particularly good one.
       (page generated 2022-05-11 23:01 UTC)