[HN Gopher] Flutter 3
       Flutter 3
       Author : tosh
       Score  : 242 points
       Date   : 2022-05-11 19:50 UTC (3 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (docs.flutter.dev)
 (TXT) w3m dump (docs.flutter.dev)
       | 5cott0 wrote:
       | Figure out JSON de/serialization yet?
         | tylergetsay wrote:
         | Just make a class and generate helper methods /s
           | LocalPCGuy wrote:
           | I know this was sarcasm, but sadly, it is one of the better
           | ways to handle this.
         | [deleted]
         | mekkkkkk wrote:
         | What do you mean? Dart has decent support for encoding/decoding
         | JSON, with revivers or to Maps.
       | strongpigeon wrote:
       | In case any Flutter engineer/PM is watching this thread, any
       | update on when the Material 3 components will be released?
       | I have an iOS Flutter app that's getting pretty popular in its
       | niche, but I'm waiting on the Material 3 components to be there
       | to release an Android version.
         | [deleted]
         | mhoad wrote:
         | That was part of the release today I believe.
       | sfshaza wrote:
       | This works for me: https://docs.flutter.dev/development/packages-
       | and-plugins/ha...
       | scrame wrote:
         | croes wrote:
         | https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flutter_(software)
         | mike10921 wrote:
         | Cross-platform mobile dev language that uses native widgets as
         | opposed to react-native that uses a wrapper around JS.
           | Klonoar wrote:
           | Errr... hang on there. Last I checked Flutter draws their own
           | controls, they're no different than React Native in this
           | context.
             | dabeeeenster wrote:
             | React native controls are native to the mobile platform
             | they are running on.
               | Klonoar wrote:
               | IIRC this doesn't hold true for everything - e.g, List
               | View types aren't backed by a UITableView or
               | UICollectionView, so they're subtly different.
               | Otherwise, yeah, I think you're right. It's been a bit
               | since I dug around in RN internals.
         | potatoman22 wrote:
         | Platform-agnostic applications built with Dart. Kinda like
         | Xarmin
       | sfshaza wrote:
       | Where is that bad link? I'll fix it.
         | sfshaza wrote:
         | The link is fixed. Thanks
       | lazypenguin wrote:
       | I have an irrational annoyance when projects claim to support
       | "desktop UI" but then only have the most trivial of widgets
       | commonly used in desktop applications. Where is my tree view?
       | Data grid view? Charts? Native file dialog window?
       | From my perspective, while I'm sure Flutter is wonderful, it fits
       | squarely in the "mobile" UI toolkit and "basic" desktop
       | application category.
         | liquidise wrote:
         | With limited resources you have to choose. If flutter focused
         | on UI elements before Mac OS + Linux stability, the top comment
         | would be "Flutter is a solid option for Windows but without
         | Linux or Mac support it is useless."
         | The flutter team has proven generally capable of developing UI
         | elements on mobile across iOS/Android. Getting platform
         | stability is a welcome step and i trust them to continue to
         | build out the desktop element set.
         | Flutter has been my go-to for mobile app dev for years and i
         | haven't considered returning to react native, pure native or
         | cordova since i swapped.
         | All that being said, i have spent my afternoon debugging an
         | issue with Flutter's first-party camera plugin, so it isn't all
         | roses.
         | kitsunesoba wrote:
         | This is a big gripe I have with WinUI. How on earth do you
         | create a desktop UI framework that lacks something as basic as
         | a tableview/data grid... it's only slightly less bad than a UI
         | framework not having a button widget. One should not need to
         | import a third party dependency or write your own for something
         | so basic.
         | gman83 wrote:
         | Well I think all of these widgets are available on pub.dev. For
         | example, I'm using the charts_flutter plugin:
         | https://google.github.io/charts/flutter/gallery.html
         | cbracken wrote:
         | Hey there! I work on Flutter for desktop. I'm happy to provide
         | a little background.
         | We made a decision early on to focus where those of us who work
         | on Flutter could deliver the most value, and for Desktop that
         | meant getting the runtimes and platform integration for each of
         | the desktop OSes in good shape (international text input,
         | accessibility support, rendering performance, etc.) as well as
         | core integrations like the menu bar, file chooser dialogs, etc.
         | These are things that need to land in the runtime itself and
         | are significantly more painful for the community to contribute,
         | or author and publish on pub.dev.
         | We're working on filling in the gaps for widgets that are part
         | of the Material spec, and I expect the community to make and
         | publish widgets on pub.dev that continue to surprise me; I'm
         | blown away time and time again at the beautiful widgets and the
         | community continues to produce either in packages or as pull
         | requests. You should be able to find community-authored
         | packages for treeview, datagrid, and charting on pub.dev today
         | in the meantime.
         | pavlov wrote:
         | I'd love to see a "Back to the Future" desktop UI toolkit that
         | has roughly the capabilities of AppKit circa 2003 but in a
         | modern language, clean unified API, cross-platform, with
         | seamless native UI integration, and of course not carrying
         | hundreds of megabytes of Chromium gunk in each app like
         | Electron does.
           | kitsunesoba wrote:
           | That would be wonderful. AppKit is the closest to perfect
           | I've found in desktop UI frameworks. If it took some of the
           | improvements found in UIKit and was cross platform I'd never
           | use anything else.
           | SemanticStrengh wrote:
           | not carrying hundreds of megabytes of Chromium gunk in each
           | app like Electron does. this problem has been solved multiple
           | times, see e.g. Tauri
         | [deleted]
         | nickstinemates wrote:
         | who builds desktop applications anymore? it feels weird to say
         | but i am starting to like them again after transitioning to
         | basically 100% thin client/cloud services for the past 15
         | years.
           | danans wrote:
           | What qualifies as a "desktop application" these days?
           | Is it any application designed primarily to work on a laptop
           | or desktop form factor? A web application like SketchUp would
           | qualify.
           | Is it an application whose code is only stored locally, even
           | if they don't work well with a laptop/desktop form factor?
           | Any number of native mobile apps would qualify.
           | What about a PWA that is cached locally but initially loaded
           | via a URL?
           | bowsamic wrote:
           | I'm confused, do you not use desktop apps?
             | TillE wrote:
             | How many _new_ desktop apps do you use (first released in
             | the past ~5 years or so), and how many of them aren 't
             | Electron?
             | Desktop GUI software is a pretty small niche. The web has
             | eaten nearly everything, and games don't use native UI
             | stuff.
               | SemanticStrengh wrote:
               | yes, the only market for new apps would be CLI, games and
               | scientific computing/technical niches
         | edko wrote:
         | I think a tree view was promised (listed on a presentation)
         | when Flutter 2.0 was released, but no details were provided,
         | and I haven't heard of it ever since.
           | cbracken wrote:
           | You might be thinking of this package, authored by Google,
           | mostly by people on the Flutter team but it's not an official
           | Flutter project (as far as I know):
           | https://pub.dev/packages/flutter_simple_treeview
           | (Disclaimer: I work on the Flutter team.)
         | Austin_Conlon wrote:
         | Even Apple's own declarative SwiftUI framework looks like it
         | trails far behind covering rich, comprehensive AppKit apps: htt
         | ps://developer.apple.com/documentation/swiftui/building_a....
           | rahkiin wrote:
           | You can integrate appkit components into a swiftui app
           | though.
       | the_duke wrote:
       | Despite many maturity issues in practice Flutter is the only
       | realistic option for true cross platform UIs that run everywhere.
       | Apart from Qt , but the licensing issue is a hindrance. And yes,
       | the web backend isn't ideal, but it will improve over time.
       | I just wish Google had built Flutter on a low level core that
       | isn't tied to Dart, so it would be usable from other languages.
       | Dart isn't horrible and is getting better, but it is still a
       | somewhat awkward mish mash of Java and JavaScript, and I don't
       | really enjoy using it.
       | The only reason to use Dart is Flutter, which really hurts
       | ecosystem health / library availability and prevents code sharing
       | with the backend.
         | LocalPCGuy wrote:
         | I still maintain that Flutter Web is not production ready. It
         | could have a nice niche, like games. But for real apps, it's
         | just not as good as web. They are still re-implementing things
         | that have existed in the web for ages, and are not going to be
         | able to keep up. It's basically good for an applet style usage
         | IMO. I'll keep trying it out, I think Flutter is pretty great
         | for mobile, even desktop, but every time I use a web app
         | example I find issues and just shake my head at what they did.
           | mekkkkkk wrote:
           | The way it atleast used to be framed is that web is a
           | fallback target. Meaning if the target device isn't running
           | Linux, Windows, macOS, iOS or Android (unlikely), then hey,
           | you can atleast build a _passable_ version that will run in a
           | browser.
           | I don't know if this has changed, but I know only a mad man
           | would try to build a proper website in Flutter. It's not the
           | tool for the job.
             | LocalPCGuy wrote:
             | No, it is 100% being framed as "You can build your app once
             | and deploy it everywhere" with everywhere including web.
             | It's sorta maddening, IMO. There are certain types of apps
             | I could see using Flutter for (basically, ones that would
             | lean heavily on canvas anyways, games, drawing, etc.)
               | mekkkkkk wrote:
               | It's hard to quantify exactly what "everywhere" means,
               | but for the vast majority of end-user devices, you'll
               | have a more efficient Flutter build target than web.
               | You're probably right in that they are pushing the "first
               | class web target" narrative a bit far, though.
           | mhoad wrote:
           | FWIW I kind of agree and I'm a big fan of both Flutter and
           | the web in general.
           | There are a couple of web platform technologies that I think
           | are going to take Flutter web from ok to great in the next
           | year or two including.
           | WASM Garbage Collection is going to allow them to move from
           | compiling to JS to WASM. They have already built a WASM
           | compiler ready to go when it lands.
           | WebGPU is another obvious one. Flutter is by definition a
           | canvas optimised framework rather than strictly DOM based
           | (although they support that too as a target). But they should
           | be able to get blazing fast canvas rendering with those two
           | technologies alone.
           | The other big one that I think will help them is going to be
           | AOM. Lots of the built in browser accessibility stuff was
           | built for a DOM based world, the web platform needs better
           | primitives to support canvas frameworks too.
             | SemanticStrengh wrote:
             | > Flutter is by definition a canvas optimised framework Not
             | really, flutter has not the resources to develop their own
             | 2D renderer so they use the chromium renderer for drawing.
             | (Skia). It is canvas-like, everything is canvas-like at low
             | level. But flutter like browsers implement retained mode
             | rendering which is necessary for being jank free and have
             | low energy consumption. Flutter on web canvas cannot
             | properly do retained mode rendering.
             | spoiler, flutter non-web is generally slower than Ionic
             | LocalPCGuy wrote:
             | Yah, this is a pretty solid list of things that, if they
             | all hit and work as we hope they do, it could enable
             | building things with tech like Flutter and having it work
             | well. I think that's why I generally say FlutterWeb isn't
             | production ready and not that it'll never be. I don't care
             | for the path they took originally, it feels like a bandaid
             | and has a lot of issues. They may get there eventually, and
             | I'll be happy to adjust my position when/if they do.
         | jonahx wrote:
         | > Despite many maturity issues in practice Flutter is the only
         | realistic option for true cross platform UIs that run
         | everywhere.
         | What are your thoughts on flutter vs react native?
         | (assuming you're only targeting phones)
           | mhoad wrote:
           | One anecdote that I find compelling here is looking at how
           | each of the parent companies think of them.
           | The majority of Google's revenue is directly tied to their
           | Ads platform.
           | Their mobile app is written in Flutter and the web interface
           | is written in Dart (not flutter as flutter web support is
           | like around a year old).
           | Facebook uses React on the web and abandoned react native on
           | mobile.
           | Both are responsible for billions of dollars but only one
           | passed the test.
             | hunterb123 wrote:
             | > Facebook uses React on the web and abandoned react native
             | on mobile.
             | That's not true, FB very much still uses RN on mobile.
               | mhoad wrote:
               | The Facebook app is not written in React Native. They
               | tried it and famously abandoned it no?
           | hunterb123 wrote:
           | Not GP but my comparison is here:
           | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=31346887
         | criddell wrote:
         | > Flutter is the only realistic option for true cross platform
         | UIs that run everywhere.
         | Do you really want cross platform _everywhere_? You might want
         | it but what you inevitably get is something that is huge and
         | just okay everywhere instead of something truly great anywhere.
         | Is that a trade off you are happy with as a user?
         | That said, I do happily use a couple of cross platform
         | applications. PyCharm and SublimeText which are great and
         | Fusion 360 which is powerful but awful to use.
           | SergeAx wrote:
           | We really want cross platform on Android and iOS. Windows and
           | MacOS are nice to have, why not?
         | mattsolle wrote:
         | I thought I would hate Dart since it seems like such a bland
         | language but after working in it for a year and a half its
         | easily one of my favorites. Its straightforward and tailored
         | directly for Flutter's use-cases. It feels like it doesn't come
         | with a lot of the baggage you get with other, longer-lived
         | languages. It is also incredibly readable without hiding how it
         | works behind decades of syntactic sugar. All that to say, I
         | definitely see how it can be disliked and I also disliked it
         | when I started working with it but it definitely grew on me.
           | KronisLV wrote:
           | > It feels like it doesn't come with a lot of the baggage you
           | get with other, longer-lived languages.
           | Doesn't this mean that you are currently simply in the sweet
           | spot where the language is usable but also not bloated yet?
           | As in, it could all change in a decade and therefore isn't an
           | intrinsic quality of the language itself, but merely the
           | passage of time.
           | I recall this blog post exploring the possible correlation
           | between the age of any programming language and the
           | developers' disposition towards it:
           | https://earthly.dev/blog/brown-green-language/
             | mhoad wrote:
             | This might not be obvious in anyway if you're not pretty
             | deep in the Dart ecosystem but I've never seen anyone pay
             | as much attention about building a good long term language
             | as that team.
             | They put crazy amounts of thought and effort into how they
             | evolve it.
             | Their entire strategy as far as I know was to intentionally
             | aim for "boring and predictable" so that no matter how
             | large or complicated your application got that you would
             | never outgrow it.
             | Then they built a bunch of really nice tooling and DX on
             | top of it.
             | It's genuinely a pleasure to work with in my experience.
           | clumsysmurf wrote:
           | I was enjoying the frog book (The Dart Programming Language,
           | Gilad Bracha & Erik Meiker) but that was 2015, and now very
           | out of date. Its strange to see there is no up to date book
           | from major publisher, like the Rust book at https://doc.rust-
           | lang.org/book/
         | jackosdev wrote:
         | I've had to bounce around from Mac, Windows and Linux for work,
         | the main programs I use everyday are all Electron based
         | (Postman, VS Code, Spotify etc), they all behave basically the
         | same just everything is slower in Windows on my laptop. Egui
         | (immediate mode GUI) and Tauri (like Electron but Rust backend)
         | have worked well cross platform just messing around with them,
         | but I haven't used any big apps yet to know for sure.
         | folkhack wrote:
         | > Dart isn't horrible and is getting better, but it is still a
         | somewhat awkward mish mash of Java and JavaScript, and I don't
         | enjoy using it.
         | All anecdotal:
         | I've only met one person who was excited to work with Dart,
         | huge Google fanatic/fanboy. Otherwise it's sorta seen as a
         | unique language choice that makes other devs go, "oh..."
         | The Java/ECMA ergonomics are weird, it's hard to find devs who
         | have experience with the lang, and due to the language
         | popularity there's a lot less community/3rd party deps
         | available.
         | I really tried hard to give it a fair shake back in the day but
         | I just ended up sticking with Node (and now +Deno), Typescript,
         | or Go if I need performance/types. There are way better
         | ecosystems around these and I find the tooling/ergonomics much
         | less awkward. Also, if/when I need to hire devs onto my teams I
         | will have a _much_ easier time.
         | Also, I can actually write a serverless function in these tools
         | (GCP Functions, AWS Lambda) - as far as I know there's nothing
         | like this available for Dart.
         | ---
         | EDIT: It's worth mentioning I've only had Dart jammed down my
         | throat on the backend (API's, data transforms, jobservers,
         | etc). It may be a fine tool in regards with Flutter, but it
         | felt like a _really_ awkward tool for where it 's come up in my
         | career.
           | mhoad wrote:
           | Here's one from Google
           | https://pub.dev/packages/functions_framework
             | folkhack wrote:
             | > Google Cloud Functions does not currently provide an
             | officially supported Dart language runtime, but we're
             | working to make running on Google Cloud Run as seamless and
             | symmetric an experience as possible for your Dart Functions
             | Framework projects.
             | It's not natively supported - runs on Google Cloud Run
             | instead.
           | sofixa wrote:
           | IIRC you can transpile Dart to JavaScript, so technically you
           | _can_ deploy it as serverless functions.
           | JyB wrote:
           | I may be missing something, but why would you want to build a
           | serverless function in Dart? you want a common
           | backend/frontend language?
             | folkhack wrote:
             | I don't.
             | It is one of my arguments against devs trying to bring Dart
             | into solutions. Historically, I have had colleagues push to
             | use Dart for backend/cloud/automation work which I
             | personally disagree with.
         | ClumsyPilot wrote:
         | > Dart isn't horrible and is getting better, but it is still a
         | somewhat awkward mish mash of Java and JavaScript
         | Sounds like they should have used TypeScript?
         | michaelbrave wrote:
         | I was thinking MAUI(rebranded Xamarin) might be somewhat useful
         | with .NET6 coming out. I've been playing with it the last week
         | or so, it's quite nice.
         | mhoad wrote:
         | For what it's worth Dart is hands down the nicest OOP language
         | I've ever used in my opinion.
         | It's like they took all the good things about JS and Java and
         | cut out all the bad parts. What's left is basically Dart.
           | SemanticStrengh wrote:
           | People being pleased with Dart is only because they have not
           | tasted better, everything is relative. Kotlin is miles ahead.
           | Mertax wrote:
           | I think the decision of which cross platform technology to
           | use mostly depends on a team's preferred tech stack.
           | C++ -> QT
           | C#/.NET -> MAUI/Blazor
           | JS/Web -> React.Native/Electron
           | Dart -> Flutter
           | This is what I think is holding back Flutter -- that it
           | wasn't built on an incumbent technology. Because Dart doesn't
           | have quite the following, it has to evangelize itself a bit
           | more than the other options.
             | SemanticStrengh wrote:
             | note that many languages credibly interop with JS/TS
             | nowadays
         | ttcbj wrote:
         | I have been developing in Flutter for a few years now, and I
         | really enjoy the ecosystem. It is the only mobile development
         | environment I have every really enjoyed using.
         | When I started, flutter worked on mobile, and web support was
         | in beta. Now, my app works on iOS/Android/MacOs/Web. If you are
         | a small developer with limited resources for cross-platform
         | development, its an amazing environment.
         | As for Dart, it is actually one of the things I like most about
         | flutter. I really like the parameter passing/naming syntax. It
         | is flexible and expressive. If you are looking for something
         | that will challenge all your basic assumptions about what a
         | language should be, you'll be disappointed. But if you come
         | from any c-syntax background, you will pick it up almost
         | instantly, and find a lot of nice ways to make code more
         | concise and maintainable that previous languages.
         | In my experience, Flutter is a great environment for getting
         | things done with limited resources.
         | curuinor wrote:
         | they got clojuredart now, which is still kind of a fly-by-night
         | thing but those Roam Research peeps are apparently using it in
         | production
         | https://github.com/Tensegritics/ClojureDart
         | (and in turn, clojure itself is a highly opinionated thing
         | which isn't gonna turn into a blub that everyone uses...)
         | samwillis wrote:
         | > Flutter is the only realistic option for true cross platform
         | UIs that run everywhere.
         | I understand that argument but 100% disagree. The _web_ is
         | _the_ cross platform that runs everywhere (as in in a browser
         | or webview). True it has many issues and some forms of it
         | (electron) are not ideal for some use case but I believe it's a
         | better platform than flutter in almost every way.
         | You say "true" cross platform and could argue that the web
         | isn't "true" cross platform. But really is anything?
           | [deleted]
           | mekkkkkk wrote:
           | I have yet to see a world in which local file access,
           | background services, local notifications, timers, alarms,
           | native media controls, etc, works as well on web as in native
           | apps. A lot of it is there "in theory", but web tech has the
           | achilles heel of only allowing stuff that would be safe to
           | have in a random website that some asshat links you on
           | twitter.
           | Of course this is only relevant if that deeper plumbing into
           | the OS is needed, and of course it's quickly changing.
           | Perhaps the day comes when web apps can truly be first class
           | citizens in all major OSes, but it ain't here yet.
             | SemanticStrengh wrote:
             | You have yet to see a world where people update their
             | beliefs more than once per decades. Hybrid native web apps
             | are trivial, see e.g. Ionic capacitor plugins
           | LocalPCGuy wrote:
           | This 100%. Also, Flutter Web is still pretty much an
           | abomination (right now), IMO. Sure, it "works". So did Flash.
           | (edit: Just wanted to add, I love Flutter for mobile, even
           | think desktop might work. Just don't think it's for web.
           | Maybe for very specific app types.)
         | hunterb123 wrote:
         | I disagree, Flutter is probably the worst choice. React Native
         | is the all around best choice for targeting all platforms
         | natively, otherwise use pure web tech (Ionic + Electron)
         | The desktop and web targets for Flutter are laughable in their
         | current state. Completely unusable so I consider Flutter to be
         | a mobile only platform at this time.
         | Another downside is Flutter's emulated UI, it doesn't bridge to
         | native controls like React Native, it's noticeable on iOS
         | especially and will be hard to maintain the fake physics /
         | styling.
         | React Native is ready for production now for all platforms,
         | including Windows & Xbox via react-native-windows, Web via
         | react-native-web, MacOS via react-native-macos or Catalyst.
         | Then there's the question as to why would you choose a Google
         | only language and framework with their track record.
         | With React you can use TypeScript or JS, you don't have to
         | learn a new language or get locked into a framework.
         | amelius wrote:
         | > I just wish Google had built Flutter on a low level core that
         | isn't tied to Dart, so it would be usable from other languages.
         | Any chance that someone will build a transpiler from e.g. Go or
         | even Rust to Dart? Or is Dart too exotic to be used like that
         | in a practical way?
           | skybrian wrote:
           | Flutter and Dart have co-evolved to the extent that
           | separating them would be difficult.
           | One problem would be expressing the Flutter API as a Go API.
           | For example, Flutter has lots of constructors with lots of
           | keyword arguments. Flutter is doing things with keyword
           | arguments that would be expressed as props in a React-style
           | UI. A similar thing happened with JavaScript and JSX - while
           | you _can_ write a React-style UI without JSX, you probably
           | wouldn 't want to.
           | Maybe you could define props using structs in Go, but the
           | result would be awkward, particularly because Go doesn't have
           | an easy way to bulk-copy fields from one struct to another,
           | like you do with spread arguments in JavaScript.
           | Also consider that Flutter uses class hierarchies extensively
           | and Go doesn't have inheritance.
           | Maybe look at how web development is done in Go when it's
           | compiled to WebAssembly. Is that how you'd want to do web
           | dev?
         | eweise wrote:
         | I don't know the history, but wouldn't Kotlin be a saner
         | approach? Better language and at least native to android.
           | SemanticStrengh wrote:
           | nowadays you can do web programming in KotlinTS
         | fmakunbound wrote:
         | > I just wish Google had built Flutter on a low level core that
         | isn't tied to Dart
         | Why did they tie Flutter to Dart anyway?
           | mhoad wrote:
           | Take a look at this video from the team that talks about this
           | exact topic. After watching it initially it became very
           | obvious to me why and I agree it was the right choice
           | https://youtu.be/J5DQRPRBiFI
         | sph wrote:
         | I keep hearing this, but none of the cross platform apps I run
         | use Flutter. It's all Electron and Qt.
         | I don't think I've ever seen Flutter in the wild.
           | brundolf wrote:
           | Or have you, and you just couldn't tell?
           | (I personally don't know if it's this good, but it's
           | plausible)
             | folkhack wrote:
             | Not OP - but almost all of the Flutter work I've ran into
             | is mobile-centric.
             | If you're looking for cross-platform on the desktop it
             | really hasn't been a popular option vs. Electron/Qt.
               | qaq wrote:
               | Given that "Today, we are excited to announce that
               | Flutter is now stable for macOS and Linux, in addition to
               | Windows!" thats not surprising
               | folkhack wrote:
               | Of course, and to be clear I'm excited there are more
               | cross-platform options even though I've had a reluctant
               | history with Dart.
               | brundolf wrote:
               | I read "I don't think I've ever seen Flutter in the wild"
               | to include mobile, but maybe I misinterpreted
           | skybrian wrote:
           | They just launched cross-platform desktop support today. Who
           | would be using it for desktop apps like Electron?
           | sarmasamosarma wrote:
         | SemanticStrengh wrote:
         | > is the only realistic option for true cross platform UIs that
         | run everywhere
         | wtf.. Ionic/electron is the true cross platform, no debate.
         | Flutter web is dog shit.
           | danielvaughn wrote:
           | Ionic is pretty awful too, though I can't fault them. It's
           | just that papering a web interface on top of a native app is
           | gonna be a poor experience no matter what.
       | ipnon wrote:
       | I was hoping to see better HTML rendering. Using a single canvas
       | to render web apps was my one turn off. Flutter is the right
       | choice for many apps, but not for apps primarily accessed over
       | the Web.
         | LocalPCGuy wrote:
         | It is not production ready for web and I don't have much hope
         | it ever will be. I love it for mobile, even desktop apps. But I
         | feel they chose the wrong direction at the beginning for web
         | and it's just trying to dig back out of that hole since then.
         | potatoman22 wrote:
         | IMO it's most useful for more compute intensive web apps like
         | an image editor.
         | simulate-me wrote:
         | What's wrong with using a single canvas? It can be faster.
         | Google Docs and Figma, for example, use canvas rendering
           | slibhb wrote:
           | I just checked and Google Docs is not a single canvas. It
           | uses a canvas for the text but all the tools and so on are
           | good old html.
           | SemanticStrengh wrote:
           | no canvas are slower for UIs. The difference is between
           | immediate vs retained mode rendering, and the later is order
           | of magnitude more energy efficiency and is more performant,
           | for well behaving not chaotically changing content.
           | dmitriid wrote:
           | > What's wrong with using a single canvas
           | You can't even select and copy text. And canvas is
           | inaccessible to screen readers
             | the_duke wrote:
             | For accessibility they create a separate DOM tree just for
             | screen readers.
               | steve_adams_86 wrote:
               | Are there declarative and performant ways to synchronize
               | a canvas with a DOM tree? Maybe the answer here is
               | obvious but this seems like quite a bit of overhead, both
               | for developers and the browser.
               | 10000truths wrote:
               | Do they need to be synchronized? I can't imagine that a
               | screen reader would be sensitive to millisecond-level
               | discrepancies between canvas updates and DOM updates.
               | steve_adams_86 wrote:
               | I'm not concerned about the delay between updates, it's
               | the correctness of the DOM and the canvas and managing
               | interactions between the two. I might be misunderstanding
               | the problem (or lack thereof) because I haven't dealt
               | with accessibility and canvas.
               | When it comes down to it, I have no idea how you'd
               | indicate something is selected in the canvas and have a
               | screen reader correctly read out the current selection
               | from the DOM. Would DOM events communicate to the canvas
               | how to modify state, functions to call, etc?
               | How would you manage focus between the canvas element and
               | the rest of the DOM? Apologies if I'm not making sense;
               | maybe there's a well known pattern people use for things
               | like this.
               | My understanding of accessibility relies heavily on the
               | DOM behaving as a single document, and the idea of a sort
               | of meta-document within it which coordinates pieces of
               | the documents seems very complex and hard to get right.
               | LocalPCGuy wrote:
               | This right here should tell you why you shouldn't use
               | Flutter for Web. The Web is pretty great for
               | accessibility out of the box until us devs mess it up, we
               | shouldn't use a technology that needs to completely build
               | it from scratch to get it to work.
           | gitgud wrote:
           | Although it may render faster, it comes at a cost, as it
           | completely circumvents what browsers are good at.
           | Flutter is basically just painting pixels on a canvas
           | manually, meaning no CSS, no text selection, no text
           | wrapping, no responsive elements, no elements without JS
           | enabled. Many accessibility tools rely on CSS and text in
           | HTML in order to work too.
           | It's a huge trade-off to make, and something to be aware of.
             | LocalPCGuy wrote:
             | Heavy emphasis on HUGE tradeoff. Too much for most web
             | apps, IMO.
           | kolanos wrote:
           | Both are pretty disastrous accessibility-wise.
           | strix_varius wrote:
           | Both Google docs and figma _use_ canvases, but neither of
           | them renders the whole app through a canvas.
           | This is easy to verify - just open up dev tools and look at
           | the DOM structure.
       | mleonhard wrote:
       | Google Flutter Team: You launched Flutter Desktop and got your
       | promotions. Now can you please go back and finish Flutter Mobile?
       | Specifically, please add:
       | - Integration testing [0, 1]
       | - Location [2]
       | - iOS dark mode [3, 4]
       | - iOS keyboard dismiss decoration [5]
       | - iOS keyboard scroll-to-dismiss mode [6]
       | - iOS NavigationLink widget [7]
       | - iOS checkbox widget [7]
       | - Android camera that doesn't randomly crash (unfixed for 3
       | years) [8]
       | - Android date-time picker (Requested in email to Flutter Team.
       | They refused.)
       | - Usable documentation for Navigator 2.0 [9, 10]
       | - Debugger visibility into Dart async tasks
       | - Stop HTTP requests on timeout [11]
       | - Testing on physical devices for apps that use flavors [12]
       | - UI inspection tools that don't randomly stop working
       | EDIT: Added bug links.
       | [0] https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/88549
       | [1]
       | https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues?q=is%3Aissue+comme...
       | [2] https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/31453
       | [3] https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/48438
       | [4] https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/80860
       | [5] https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/45076
       | [6] https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/57609
       | [7] https://docs.flutter.dev/development/ui/widgets/cupertino
       | [8] https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/70751
       | [9] https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/69315
       | [10] https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/81610
       | [11] https://github.com/dart-lang/http/issues/424
       | [12] https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/99607
         | [deleted]
           | [deleted]
         | throwawaycuriou wrote:
         | How not to get what you want
           | mleonhard wrote:
           | The only way I will get what I need from Flutter Team is if
           | Sundar fixes the company's incentive structure to align
           | employee incentives with long-term profitability. I do not
           | expect that will happen. But if it did, I would probably
           | immediately go back to work at Google.
         | mattsolle wrote:
         | I think a lot of these comments are not necessarily valid or
         | have been addressed already and we've lost the actual
         | productive feedback in the mess.
         | - Integration testing - This exists and is very commonly used:
         | https://docs.flutter.dev/cookbook/testing/integration/introd...
         | - Location - This 100% should be a core offering, its crazy
         | that its not for mobile application.
         | - iOS dark mode - Flutter supports Dark Mode -
         | https://api.flutter.dev/flutter/material/ThemeMode.html
         | - iOS keyboard dismiss decoration - Not sure on this.
         | - iOS keyboard scroll-to-dismiss mode - This is trivial to
         | setup, just listen on scroll and hide keyboard. You could even
         | create a generic handler that can be reused everywhere for
         | this.
         | - iOS NavigationLink widget - Not familiar with this construct
         | but easy to build yourself.
         | - iOS checkbox widget - Totally agree but also easy to build
         | directly.
         | - Android camera that doesn't randomly crash (unfixed for 3
         | years) - We've got a couple application that use camera and
         | never had this issue.
         | - Android date-time picker - This has been in for a long time:
         | https://api.flutter.dev/flutter/material/showDatePicker.html
         | - Usable documentation for Navigator 2.0 - I think the updated
         | docs on navigation have addressed this issue largely.
         | - Debugger visibility into Dart async tasks - You can 100%
         | debug async tasks.
         | - Stop HTTP requests on timeout - This exists in Flutter
         | https://stackoverflow.com/a/51489701
         | - Testing on physical devices for apps that use flavors - We do
         | this regularly across 5 different flavors on both iOS and
         | Android.
         | - UI inspection tools that don't randomly stop working - Never
         | had this happen.
           | mleonhard wrote:
           | Integration testing supports only running tests inside the
           | device. If your test needs to start an API server, then you
           | must use the deprecated and broken flutter_driver module. See
           | the bug I linked.
           | Flutter's Cupertino dark mode support is broken. Some text is
           | invisible. Some widgets are unusable. Cupertino Dark mode
           | theme support is completely absent. See the bug I filed, with
           | a comprehensive reproduction with screenshots. It's like the
           | dev who added it just decided to stop half-way.
           | > - iOS keyboard scroll-to-dismiss mode - This is trivial to
           | setup, just listen on scroll and hide keyboard. You could
           | even create a generic handler that can be reused everywhere
           | for this.
           | Please use an iOS device and notice how nicely one can
           | dismiss the keyboard in iMessage, FB Messenger, Instagram,
           | etc. Getting that behavior in Flutter requires using a third-
           | party package.
           | The Material date picker is not a date-time picker. Letting
           | the user pick a date & time requires a lot of extra code. For
           | example, I spent many hours writing a widget that displays
           | the date & time and lets one click to change it, like in
           | Google Calendar.
           | See the bugs I linked about Navigator. The docs have multiple
           | omissions. I lost a day and a half on them.
           | Yes, you can debug tasks with a breakpoint. You cannot see
           | which async tasks are running. You cannot pause a task. I
           | needed to debug concurrent RPC problems and tried using
           | print. Unfortunately, print provides no visibility into tasks
           | running in standard library code, like timed-out HTTP
           | requests that continue running.
           | You can timeout waiting for an HTTP request to finish, but
           | the request still continues in the background. If it's a
           | large upload then it can continue for minutes, draining the
           | device's battery and transferring data. See the bug I linked.
           | > - Testing on physical devices for apps that use flavors -
           | We do this regularly across 5 different flavors on both iOS
           | and Android.
           | How do you install on iOS? I tried `flutter build --flavor
           | staging --release` and then `flutter install` which fails
           | saying that I must supply `--flavor`. But when I supply
           | `--flavor` it says the parameter is not supported. See the
           | bug I linked. I spent a few hours and figured out how to
           | first do a Flutter build and then use XCode to build again,
           | then use Devices & Simulators to manually install the
           | archive. But this requires that I remove the app from the
           | device first, which destroys the app state. This makes manual
           | testing extra slow. The process is noxious.
           | Flutter Inspector in Android Studio on macOS breaks 1 out of
           | 5 times I try to use it. I often waste a few minutes trying
           | to figure out why my code changes did not have the desired
           | change on the widget tree. Then I finally realize that the
           | widget tree pane is broken and I need to restart Android
           | Studio. It's been like this since 2018 through multiple
           | upgrades of Flutter, Android Studio, and macOS.
           | onli wrote:
           | Just an additional note: Integration testing was indeed
           | completely broken for a while, with the docs stating
           | otherwise. They reworked it a few releases ago and since then
           | it works well for us (limited usage, but completely stable
           | for what we do with it).
       | sergiotapia wrote:
       | We have a react native app and sometimes it fails to build. We go
       | to lunch, and come back no code change now it builds.
       | I'm just sick of the NPM/Javascript bullshit.
       | Does Flutter avoid all of these kinds of issues? I'm this close
       | to scrapping the whole thing.
         | mattsolle wrote:
         | I worked with React Native for 3 years before jumping over to
         | Flutter and this was the biggest reason why I made the switch.
         | Its exponentially better on Flutter. The only time builds break
         | for the team are when we made a code change that broke it. Its
         | consistent and non-flaky (looking at you RN). Not that you
         | won't run into the occasional issue but with React Native
         | easily 20% of my time developing was "this just stopped working
         | and there's no reason why". React Native was configuration
         | hell. With Flutter, I haven't struggled with that at all past
         | the initial setup.
         | JyB wrote:
         | > I'm just sick of the NPM/Javascript bullshit.
         | Amen
         | mekkkkkk wrote:
         | I never coded React Native, but I have a lot of experience with
         | Flutter. You can definitely run into build issues, but it's
         | almost exclusively when doing precarious things like upgrading
         | third party packages, SDKs or Flutter versions. As soon as
         | you've traversed the depths of dependency hell and it builds,
         | it builds without a hitch repeatedly in my experience.
         | As the framework is maturing there have been some major
         | transitions between APIs and project structure. My main app
         | that was scaffolded two years ago has had no shortage of duct
         | tape fixes and tweaks to especially Gradle/Cocoapods config to
         | keep it building.
         | I guess it's a fair price for what has otherwise been a
         | fantastic developer experience. All in all I'd strongly
         | recommend it.
           | strongpigeon wrote:
           | As someone with a lot of Flutter experience, I can second
           | this. It usually works pretty reliably until someday you
           | upgrade and cocoapods keeps complaining even when you clean
           | everything and rebuild.
         | akmarinov wrote:
         | No, use native if you want to avoid that
         | MrDresden wrote:
         | There is no framework that never has issues.
         | Flutter has its fair share (and to be fair, so do the native
         | toolchains).
       | livinglist wrote:
       | I have been working on a Hacker News client using Flutter, if
       | anyone is interested:
       | https://github.com/Livinglist/Hacki
         | mnorris wrote:
         | Thanks for sharing! The design looks really slick.
         | As a hobbyist Flutter developer who hasn't figured out how to
         | make Flutter apps look remotely appealing yet, it's been cool
         | poking around your code and trying to learn from it. Bloc and
         | Cubit look especially interesting.
       | tomatowurst wrote:
       | so...anybody using it to build web apps in lieu of react?
       | msoad wrote:
       | What are big and highly used apps that use Flutter?
         | mhoad wrote:
         | Google Ads uses it on mobile which is responsible for literally
         | billions in revenue.
         | mattsolle wrote:
         | They have a showcase page that details large brands that use
         | Flutter: https://flutter.dev/showcase There's also there own
         | website: https://itsallwidgets.com/
         | strongpigeon wrote:
         | My app [0] isn't big, but it's highly rated and uses Flutter
         | [0] https://apps.apple.com/us/app/five-three-one/id1560266240
           | justinmc wrote:
           | Do you have an Android version?
             | LocalPCGuy wrote:
             | Doesn't appear to based on the website, which is just sad
             | considering it's almost zero effort to create an Android
             | build as well. I'd consider using this app also.
         | hermanb wrote:
         | Philips Hue is fully Flutter since a while now (v4). There were
         | issues with (pre-rendering of) animations but those have been
         | resolved in Flutter.
         | discreteevent wrote:
         | Canonical have specified it as the default development tool for
         | their apps (e.g. the Ubuntu installer)
         | davidkuennen wrote:
         | My app[1] has 5 figure daily users (if that's considered
         | somewhat big) and is written in Flutter.
         | I love Flutter. It made all this so much easier.
         | [1] https://stockevents.app
         | trey-jones wrote:
         | Google Home is the first thing that comes to mind.
         | See here: https://flutter.dev/showcase
           | msoad wrote:
           | From all those apps Google Home is the only I had to use for
           | my Google Wifi router and it crashed a bunch of times!
             | trey-jones wrote:
             | It's very spotty connecting to my Chromecast as well, but
             | the UI is cool!
           | strix_varius wrote:
           | Google home is my most-hated mobile app. It's slow, janky,
           | buggy, and has terrible UX.
       | kringo wrote:
       | I still can't find, in the docs, there is an open bug/feature
       | request to NATIVELY copy/paste from web?
       | Do they support copy / paste on the web app without using a
       | special widget?
         | justinmc wrote:
         | I'm not aware of any planned/possible way to do copy exactly as
         | you would an HTML page with HTML tags, but there's a big
         | project to make selection and copying much simpler and more
         | powerful (design doc [1], in progress PR[2]).
         | With that PR it should be easy to just add one SelectionArea to
         | the root of your app in order to make everything selectable,
         | like it would be on a web page. You don't need SelectableText
         | widgets. There's an example of this in the PR [3]. No built-in
         | support for multimedia or rich text copying yet though.
         | Text input fields should already do copy/paste pretty much the
         | same as native.
         | [1] http://flutter.dev/go/global-selection [2]
         | https://github.com/flutter/flutter/pull/95226 [3]
         | https://github.com/flutter/flutter/pull/95226/files#diff-a90...
       | brabel wrote:
       | Flutter 3 comes with an upgrade to Dart 2.17 [1], which has quite
       | a few improvements as well... including state on enums.
       | While that's great, I was hoping it would be like in Rust, where
       | each enum variant can declare its own state components, but
       | unfortunately it seems to be more like Java: same state for all
       | variants.
       | Well, at least there's quite a few other small but useful
       | improvements... and they showed how they really listen to the
       | community by implementing the new syntax for passing on
       | constructor parameters to a super-class... and by improving the
       | docs of the 200 most popular packages with lots of examples, as
       | requested by the people.
       | I like how they're listening to the community as well to
       | implement meta-programming (like macros) [2] to solve the main
       | pain point, currently, in Dart, which is how verbose it is to
       | generate code for things like serialization and data types.
       | Once they get that, Dart will be a really good language to work
       | on (it's already quite ok IMO, despite most people, usually those
       | who don't actually use it much, hating on it).
       | [1] https://medium.com/dartlang/dart-2-17-b216bfc80c5d
       | [2] https://github.com/dart-lang/language/issues/1482
         | kaba0 wrote:
         | > While that's great, I was hoping it would be like in Rust,
         | where each enum variant can declare its own state components,
         | but unfortunately it seems to be more like Java: same state for
         | all variants.
         | As much as I like Rust's enums, I think they messed up on the
         | naming. Java (and according to your comment, Dart) gets enum
         | rights. What Rust has under this name is sum types, which is a
         | separate (more expressive) concept and the two only correspond
         | with each other in the case of a sum type where each component
         | is of a zero-arity type.
           | the_duke wrote:
           | There is no real reason to have basic enums if you have ADTs
           | , since those can easily provide everything a plain enum
           | gives you.
           | I guess the name was just a historical artifact.
             | SemanticStrengh wrote:
             | no the feature you're looking for is sealed classes, see
             | e.g. Kotlin. Rust enum variants cannot be externally
             | defined classes
               | the_duke wrote:
               | That's completely orthogonal to ADT vs enum.
               | SemanticStrengh wrote:
               | Enums enable two things: check current type from union of
               | types and exhaustivity check in switch
               | The former is solved by reflection, the latter by sealed
               | classes.
             | kaba0 wrote:
             | I agree (that's what I meant under the more expressive
             | part), though it is a bit more complex with identity in the
             | way. Java's enums are also the singleton pattern.
             | Java recently got ADTs as well in the form of sealed
             | classes and records, here an enum would look like this:
             | sealed interface Color permits Red, Blue, Green {
             | }                 record Red() {}       record Blue() {}
             | record Green() {}
             | You can now create as many Red instance as you want, they
             | will be "equals" only under equals(), not under ==, while
             | the latter is also true for the enum case.
         | munificent wrote:
         | _> While that 's great, I was hoping it would be like in Rust,
         | where each enum variant can declare its own state components,
         | but unfortunately it seems to be more like Java: same state for
         | all variants._
         | Yes, the enhanced enums we shipped in 2.17 are like Java enums.
         | We are also working on support for pattern matching and
         | algebraic datatype-style programming: https://github.com/dart-
         | lang/language/blob/master/working/05...
         | I say "style" here because object-oriented languages like Dart
         | can already mostly model sum types using subclasses. What you
         | need to get the rest of the way there is basically just:
         | 1. Sealed types so that the compiler can check for
         | exhaustiveness when you match over all of the subclasses.
         | 2. A nice pattern matching syntax to let you discriminate
         | between the subclasses and destructure them.
         | 3. Ideally, a nice lightweight syntax for defining a sum type
         | family as a superclass and set of subclasses, though this is
         | relatively less critical.
         | We're hard at work on this, but pattern matching in general is
         | a pretty large feature and retrofitting it into a language
         | whose syntax wasn't initially designed around it is a
         | challenge.
         | I'm very excited about macros too. That's another large,
         | difficult feature, but one that I hope will provide a _lot_ of
         | power to users and make the entire ecosystem more valuable over
         | time.
       | obert wrote:
       | Happy paths not found...
       | https://docs.flutter.dev/development/platforms-and-plugins/h...
         | sfshaza wrote:
         | Fixed! Thanks
         | It's: https://docs.flutter.dev/development/packages-and-
         | plugins/ha...
       | ushakov wrote:
       | did they fix the scrolling on iOS?
         | scarface74 wrote:
         | Yet another reason to avoid cross platform frameworks. They are
         | always catching up to the vendor's capabilities.
           | discreteevent wrote:
           | That is a reason to avoid cross platform frameworks. But
           | there are big reasons in favour of using then as well. It's a
           | trade-off depending on your use case.
           | LocalPCGuy wrote:
           | For the vast majority of (mobile) apps, the benefit of being
           | able to be built from a single code base outweighs being
           | slightly behind vendor capabilities. Particularly things like
           | there where it doesn't come up in some apps and relatively
           | few people actually notice/care about it in those it does.
         | akmarinov wrote:
         | Not yet, but they have a beta thing that you can enable to
         | smooth that out
         | > Impeller precompiles a smaller, simpler set of shaders at
         | engine build time so that they won't compile while an app is
         | running; this has been a major source of jank in Flutter.
           | SemanticStrengh wrote:
           | if they disable the shader jit it will result in much worse
           | performance overall
         | karlmdavis wrote:
         | From their What's New: " Flutter now supports variable refresh
         | rate on iOS devices with ProMotion displays, including iPhone
         | 13 Pro and iPad Pro. On these devices, Flutter apps can render
         | at refresh rates reaching 120 hz, which were previously limited
         | to 60 hz. This results in a smoother experience during fast
         | animations such as scrolling. See flutter.dev/go/variable-
         | refresh-rate for more details."
           | SemanticStrengh wrote:
           | can does not mean it will.
       | butz wrote:
       | Does Flutter have a complete Material UI components
       | implementation? I'd prefer to use Flutter for multi-platform
       | support over learning new Android Compose and figuring out what
       | to do for other platforms later.
         | vogtb wrote:
         | Yes, there are two default widget packages, Cupertino and
         | Material.
         | https://docs.flutter.dev/development/ui/widgets/material
         | mhoad wrote:
         | It's built right into it. Both material 2 and 3.
         | tylergetsay wrote:
         | I'm not sure I can say it's complete but it's better than
         | Android in my experience. There's also more built for you
         | already, like button styles and page layouts.
         | hbn wrote:
         | Does anything have a complete Material components
         | implementation?
         | I always got the vibe from Material that it's just a bunch of
         | designers pumping out docs for an ideal world, and then the
         | various libraries try to implement a bunch of those things as
         | they change faster than they can be implemented.
           | trulyrandom wrote:
           | Indeed. It wasn't that long ago that Material components for
           | Android finally got proper support for Material 2 in a stable
           | release of the library. But everything started too look too
           | nice and consistent, so now we're getting steamrolled with
           | Material 3.
       | oldgradstudent wrote:
       | Any plans to make it possible to embed Flutter in existing
       | desktop applications?
       | Especially for use in plugins to existing said that do not
       | control the main event loop?
       | mekkkkkk wrote:
       | Congrats! Flutter is such an amazingly crazy concept that when I
       | started my current job it was on the condition that I could learn
       | and use it for our app. I'm not regretting it in the slightest.
       | In fact I get more impressed with it the more I use it. Great
       | job!
       | baisq wrote:
       | Does anybody know of any good Flutter for Windows applications
       | that are worth looking at?
         | SemanticStrengh wrote:
         | and rendering benchmarks
         | onphonenow wrote:
         | Same question, do they have a reasonable component library on
         | windows?
           | redsolver wrote:
           | There's https://pub.dev/packages/fluent_ui
       | endisneigh wrote:
       | Honestly I think browsers (desktop and mobile) will implement
       | native apis faster than these things will implement native apis.
       | TLDR: JavaScript and browser apis will win in the end.
         | sarmasamosarma wrote:
         | SemanticStrengh wrote:
         | It's already the case, Cordova/Ionic has much more native
         | plugins than react native and flutter combined!
         | https://www.npmjs.com/search?q=ecosystem%3Acordova It's only a
         | matter of time before people realize how superior Ionic is, and
         | I can't wait for people to realize Ionic is faster and more
         | energy efficient too! https://ionicframework.com/blog/ionic-vs-
         | react-native-perfor...
         | farmin wrote:
         | I use Flutter as a way to host a sqlite and business logic and
         | render all UI in a local webview for this reason. Just testing
         | now, but works OK.
       | 999900000999 wrote:
       | On one hand, I'm excited, on the other hand, I'm using a Flutter
       | app right now as essentially a utility for my own personal use.
       | I'm horrified if I upgrade it everything will break and I'll have
       | to commit to fixing it.
       | Still, I'm very excited about this, I'd argue flutter is what
       | react native wanted to be.
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