[HN Gopher] The saddest "just ship it" story (2020)
       The saddest "just ship it" story (2020)
       Author : cercatrova
       Score  : 471 points
       Date   : 2022-05-12 10:53 UTC (12 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (kitze.io)
 (TXT) w3m dump (kitze.io)
       | openplatypus wrote:
       | I got stuck on weird integration with the payment processor.
       | This, plus a few other minor issues set me back two months.
       | No biggy, right? Wrong. I have shipped B2B product in late
       | November. Came in December downtime. Close to 4-5 months wasted
       | because I delayed shipping.
       | Till day I slap myself in the face for that.
         | loh wrote:
         | This kind of thing happens way too often and is one of the
         | problems my startup (Molecule.dev) solves. May I ask which
         | payment processor?
       | jonnypotty wrote:
       | Shit man. That sucks.
       | mcv wrote:
       | When my oldest son was still young, I was working on my first
       | Android game: a memory game about recognising letters, words, or
       | anything. With a voice saying the letter, word, etc, so children
       | would learn to match the symbol with the sound. I thought it
       | would help my son learn to read, but before I knew it, he could
       | read already. (At 4 or something. Never had to teach him a
       | thing.) I lost my purpose and stopped working on it.
       | Years later, we had another child. Deep into his struggles with
       | talking, and later reading, I finally remembered that unfinished
       | app again. Didn't know where it was, didn't want to restart it,
       | and really the ideal moment for my second son to start using it
       | was 2 years ago, so I didn't even bother.
       | slimebart wrote:
       | Kitze is a nice guy and an entertaining follow. I do think he
       | needs to switch off more, however. He leans into tech in a very
       | emotional way, and is very specific about what he wants. Which
       | are good qualities, but they become bad when you can't switch
       | off.
       | I think at one point he mentioned he stopped listening to
       | learning podcasts when going for daily walks, and instead let his
       | mind rest and enjoy the walk. If anyone feels like they are
       | becoming their own worst enemy with their projects, then that
       | sort of thinking is a good idea.
       | Having said that, he's also very successful with his other
       | project. So he's a good follow, if you don't mind the trolling
       | about web development ;)
         | Reason077 wrote:
         | I find podcasts very relaxing. So relaxing that I often listen
         | to them to fall asleep, especially ones where the presenter has
         | a nice soothing voice. Very important to turn off the auto-play
         | feature, however!
           | cersa8 wrote:
           | I use podcast/audiobooks exclusively to fall asleep. But
           | indeed, the narrator/presenter needs to have a soothing voice
           | and no intro and outro jingles.
       | ciccionamente wrote:
       | Most of the time "just intensely search first any competitor"
       | before "start shipping it" works fine.
       | Dave3of5 wrote:
       | > I started building an app on 01.01.2018. It was New Year's Eve
       | and we just had the crappiest night ever. Yes, imagine a night so
       | bad that at midnight you decide "you know what, fuck it, I'm
       | gonna work on WEB DEVELOPMENT". That bad.
       | Am I the only one that actually enjoys development ? I do
       | development for fun in my free time, often with things that are
       | completely throw away.
         | corobo wrote:
         | There are multiple types of development
         | I LOVE tinkering with silly bots or automations I've come up
         | with to solve a problem I'm having for sure! I'd happily chuck
         | away a weekend even if it's just preliminary work that ends up
         | scrapped. This is fun!
         | I don't love everything dev I do for pay, that often comes more
         | under the "well, the bills do need paying.." category
         | Not because it's bad or unethical or whatever, don't get me
         | wrong, it's just going to be basically the same tasks I did for
         | the last site. Not as fun.
         | Tijdreiziger wrote:
         | I enjoy coding when I have a problem code can solve. (Sometimes
         | I enjoy it a little too much, and before I know it I've skipped
         | dinner.) I don't think I'd code just for the sake of it,
         | though.
       | rglover wrote:
       | > "After 2 years of development, juggling between the fucking
       | horror that's the web platform, React Native, Expo, GraphQL,
       | bitching about how there's no ideal tech stack, the good old
       | jQuery and Filezilla days, switching to other projects, releasing
       | other apps, losing passion, finding passion, coming back to the
       | app, etc. etc. etc..."
       | There is now. https://github.com/cheatcode/joystick
       | dcow wrote:
       | While there's clearly some nugget of advice in this rant, I can't
       | help but find it really cringe to the point of wondering if the
       | author has mental or psychological issues. They are literally
       | sitting here telling everyone else to ship their shit but they
       | won't ship their shit. Talk about bad ways to lead. Does the
       | author want a pity party? I'm just really confused what I'm
       | supposed to take away as the reader from all the self
       | flagellation. Is it an effective literary tactic for people?
       | tantalor wrote:
       | The smallest "tiny violin playing just for you" ever
       | donatj wrote:
       | I have been working on a side project for going on 12 years now.
       | In that time a bunch of competitors popped up. I gave up on the
       | idea several times. All the competitors shut down their public
       | APIs though, which is why I started up on it again about 5 years
       | ago. I've got it in a place _I_ really like. I use it daily.
       | The biggest blocker for me right now to making it open is wanting
       | improved security. I ideally want all the data encrypted in a way
       | _I_ can 't read it. I haven't worked out the scheme.
       | I've got it in a sort of private beta, but I can't get anyone to
       | use it other than me. And you know what, I think I'm at peace
       | with that.
       | The project has been if nothing else a place for me to test ideas
       | and try techniques. Beyond that, it's the tool _I wanted_.
       | The Digital Ocean droplet I run it on costs me all of $5 a month,
       | the domain $15 a year. I could be doing worse.
         | lloydatkinson wrote:
         | What is it?
       | tr1ll10nb1ll wrote:
       | I started working on the project (one that I'm currently working
       | on) around the beginning of 2021. I stopped though after a month
       | because the alpha version I made looked terrible (and got some
       | mean reviews on places) and I thought maybe the product just
       | doesn't fit in anywhere.
       | I got contacted by a few VCs, upon realizing my crappy project
       | had some potential, I started working on it again, regularly
       | started contacting the potential users, launched 3 private
       | versions until July 2021. The bunch of users I had liked it but
       | then... I stopped updating it and it eventually sorta died. I
       | just couldn't get out of the private beta in time.
       | Stopped working on it for ~8 months. Recently got in a startup
       | pipeline program of a large accelerator for this project which
       | made me realize how stupid I am to keep throwing cool
       | opportunities that come my way.
       | So, now I'm back at it hoping to get out of that grim cycle of
       | not shipping on time. I've got the 2.0 version of my project in
       | works shipping later this month.
       | And, luckily enough, all those old private users (and new
       | developers I started contacting again) really do want to get
       | their hands on the 2.0 version.
       | Hopefully, this ends well for a "shipping story".
       | qwertox wrote:
       | I can relate. And I'm so burned out that I barely have a will to
       | live.
         | alin23 wrote:
         | What are you working on? If you poured that much work into it
         | already, I'm genuinely curious about all the details ^_^
         | mromanuk wrote:
         | Hey, have you considered doing therapy?
       | chalst wrote:
       | To save dang the effort, we had this story when it came out:
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=23774521
       | Of its 160 comments, this stands out:
       | > I'm in this same boat, but 8... EIGHT YEARS LATER! that
       | competitor went out of business, and I bought them, their
       | customers, and everything because I know the way I had more
       | efficiently solved some of the same problems will let me run that
       | business profitably.
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=23775784
       | simmo9000 wrote:
       | "... fuck it, I'm gonna work on WEB DEVELOPMENT. That bad."
       | I hear you!
       | ChicagoBoy11 wrote:
       | I've only ever "shipped" two independent projects, and they are
       | the the best things I have ever done for myself in terms of
       | development, both from a personal career growth perspective but
       | even financially.
       | I work at a nonprofit and I had done some ABSURDLY SIMPLE data
       | analysis on a relatively annoying public data set to consume. I'd
       | done it for our institution, but it was sort of straightforward
       | to generalize it to any institution for which this would be
       | applicable. The code was... awful. Rather than doing it
       | "properly," since I already had all the code I had written to do
       | the analysis for my institution, I literally just ran it on the
       | entire data set (10GB or so) for every organization that existed
       | and then just put some result file on S3. My "site" would just
       | let folks search for their institution, and present the data with
       | a couple graphs, some nice visuals, and have them print it out. I
       | was ashamed of it in a technical sense.
       | But I just bought a domain and tweeted at a journalist. Whelp,
       | two weeks later, I had my picture in the city's biggest paper, my
       | org got some positive press, did a service for other non-profits,
       | had folks reaching out to me about jobs, etc. It took SO LITTLE
       | effort, and every instinct I had was that it was bad and I
       | shouldn't publish it. But the reality is I had already done 95%
       | of the work... committing to just do the extra 5% was so hard to
       | do, but in hindsight, so obviously amazing ROI, even if it hadn't
       | gotten the attention it did.
       | Secondly, I built a reading app for a teacher at my school to let
       | him do an activity where kids would jumble up sentences and
       | paragraphs in order to help them understand transition words. The
       | only reason I agree to try to do this was that I was learning
       | React at the time and wanted to play with the React drag and drop
       | library. After a weekend, I had it essentially working, and it
       | was a success in his classroom. And here, too, it was to be the
       | end of it... but I pushed myself through it, added a simple login
       | mechanic, user account, etc. I had a small technical question as
       | I was wrapping up, and I posted it on reddit. Someone who worked
       | at a nonprofit mentioned to me that the app could potentially
       | qualify for a grant that the Verizon foundation was running for
       | learning apps. I applied... and we got it. The money award helped
       | pay for my entire grad school tuition.
       | Really... just ship it!
         | wpietri wrote:
         | This is awesome!
         | And I want to add that the same applies if you ship it and it
         | doesn't succeed. Because then you either learn that you're
         | barking up the wrong tree or what to try next.
         | A decade ago I did a startup with a pal who is an excellent
         | product manager. He had an idea that sounded great. So great
         | that we actually raised some seed money. But when we built a
         | basic prototype, it turned out people hated it. [1] That sounds
         | like a bad outcome. But if it's not going to work, then the
         | sooner you find that out, the less time you waste on it.
         | So yes, ship early and pay close attention to how people
         | receive it.
         | [1] more here in a 5-minute Ignite talk he did on it: Here's a
         | 5-minute ignite talk from him: https://vimeo.com/24749599
         | ambicapter wrote:
         | > The money award helped pay for my entire grad school tuition.
         | Is that what the award was...intended for? You maybe don't want
         | to brag about that on the internet.
           | klysm wrote:
           | That's what I was gonna say lol, pretty sure that's not legal
           | at all.
           | pphysch wrote:
           | Usually the recruitment org will use the grant money to hire
           | someone to work on the grant project, at which point the
           | money is successfully laundered for any legal use by the
           | employee.
           | Or you can simply attribute X% of an existing salary to the
           | grant, and not even bother hiring someone new.
           | It's relatively easy to spend grant money on anything, as
           | long as it's not in unreasonable amounts.
           | beambot wrote:
           | I assume the award was to pay for development. As long as it
           | wasn't grossly in excess of prevailing dev wages, why
           | shouldn't they be able to use their salary as they see
           | fit...?
             | ChicagoBoy11 wrote:
             | That's exactly right -- along with the money I had to
             | introduce the app to a few schools, collect feedback, make
             | improvements, etc., which is what the money was for and
             | which I did. It just worked out nicely that I was in grad
             | school at the time and it matched to what my outstanding
             | balance was!
         | alin23 wrote:
         | The first project sounds like you just thought of a really
         | clever caching mechanism :) if the data rarely changes and the
         | cache is still valid then why not, I think you did find the
         | "proper" way to do it!
         | As programmers we tend to want to generalize a lot, when in
         | fact you can get to 80% of solving the real pain of a task with
         | the first 20% of the work. The rest of the work can usually be
         | done by a human much faster and with more trust than a three-
         | thousand-if-elif-else solution would get.
       | pcwelder wrote:
       | I have an opposite story.
       | I created a reddit bot that recommended some words to the users
       | on https://reddit.com/r/whatstheword subreddit posts.
       | I could've done a lot of things to improve quality, but it looked
       | good as a first draft and shipped it following that philosophy.
       | It turned out to be buggy, and the bot ended up getting banned
       | after an overnight run.
       | So I think "just ship it" applies only in a large market where
       | you can recover, and losing a few customers is expected.
         | s_dev wrote:
         | How would you know that the bot would have been banned without
         | shipping? What is preventing you from improving and re-
         | releasing the bot? Sounds like you got the fast feedback you
         | needed from shipping.
           | pcwelder wrote:
           | I don't want to circumvent the ban by creating a new account,
           | it's against the rules, and mods will ban it without
           | considering anything else. I could try convincing the mods,
           | but it'll not be easy.
           | > Sounds like you got the fast feedback you needed from
           | shipping
           | I did get fast feedback and fresh views on what's lacking,
           | and it was a good learning experience. But if I were to do it
           | again, I'd spent 4x the time to include more functionality
           | and do extensive testing.
       | cwoolfe wrote:
       | This article was funny and had a good moral wrapped in it. The
       | part where he pays his competitor is priceless. "A tear rolled
       | down my cheek for every single digit of my credit card that I
       | entered in their app"
         | maxverse wrote:
         | Also my favorite part. Poetry.
       | onion2k wrote:
       | "Maybe this is actually obvious, but it's still a common mistake
       | in startups so I'll say it - you don't have to believe your
       | product is good to start selling; you just have to be better than
       | not having the product. You don't even have to believe it's the
       | best, or believe it's complete, or even like it. People will
       | happily give you money for anything that makes their pain point
       | slightly less painful."
       | Me, 3 hours ago. https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=31351147
         | [deleted]
         | DalekBaldwin wrote:
         | This is the general answer to "why is there so much bad code?"
         | in almost any context. The marginal value of a poorly-written
         | solution compared to no solution is usually much larger than
         | the marginal value of a well-written solution compared to a
         | poorly-written solution.
           | rco8786 wrote:
           | In some ways it's a rule that _only_ bad code gets shipped. I
           | find that heuristic helpful in my day job.
         | mrtksn wrote:
         | I think, one factor of this is attaching your pride or self
         | worth to the product you are building and picking wrong KPI.
         | This thing you are building will prove everyone how smart or
         | [SOMETHING ELSE] you are and the only way to have this happen
         | is to strike at once, shock and awe everyone with your
         | brilliance. You can't simply launch an imperfect product, what
         | that will say about you?
         | gamerDude wrote:
         | In fact, you don't even have to have a product to start
         | selling. All my successful products and companies started by
         | selling first and building something only once I already had
         | someone who wanted it. Those turned into companies generating
         | $100k/mon.
         | The ones where I just went and built something and started
         | selling the MVP are making a couple $100/mon.
           | ackbar03 wrote:
           | Mind me asking what they are?
         | cushychicken wrote:
         | We are our own worst critics, and that truth prevents so many
         | dope ideas from becoming real.
         | lbriner wrote:
         | I wouldn't quite agree that people will happily give you money
         | for anything that makes their pain less. There is still
         | oboarding friction, possible import issues, fear of vendor
         | lock-in etc.
         | I think it is something that is easy to describe in theory,
         | "ship what people want", "pivot quickly" etc. but the truth is
         | most of us think we have solved a problem with our product but
         | as soon as the first customer says, "I would buy it if you
         | changed all those things", we quickly get stuck between,
         | "product market fit" and "I am not solving your problem so
         | let's find the customer whose problem I am solving" to avoid
         | creating something that only customer wants.
           | onion2k wrote:
           | _There is still oboarding friction, possible import issues,
           | fear of vendor lock-in etc._
           | My point isn't really about the customer - it's about the
           | startup, and the belief that you'll get to where you want to
           | be eventually. Every single reason a founder can come up with
           | not to be out there selling like "The product isn't
           | finished", "It needs feature X", "It's not fast enough", "It
           | needs better design", etc is wrong. No matter how bad your
           | product is, if it's enough to solve the problem _a bit_ then
           | someone will pay for it. Any improvements you can make after
           | that just increases the number of people who 'll buy.
           | The fun game of running a startup is to make sure you're
           | finding enough customers to make enough money to pay for
           | building new things that enables you to find more customers,
           | until you're big enough to either be self-sustaining or exit.
             | codingdave wrote:
             | > My point isn't really about the customer - it's about the
             | startup,
             | Startups _are_ about the customer. Every single thing we
             | do, whether related to tech or not, is to find and satisfy
             | a customer 's need in order to make it worth their while to
             | give us money for our product. I think we agree on that,
             | but if you ever disconnect your perspective or decisions
             | from the customer, you open yourself up to going off-track.
             | wildmanx wrote:
             | > Every single reason a founder can come up with not to be
             | out there selling like "The product isn't finished", "It
             | needs feature X", "It's not fast enough", "It needs better
             | design", etc is wrong.
             | But don't you run the risk of some potential customer
             | coming, trying it, deciding it's crap, moving on, and now
             | they are burned for the foreseeable future? So, once your
             | product isn't _that_ crap anymore, they won 't come back
             | try again, since your brand is burned and has built a
             | "that's crap" reputation?
               | altdataseller wrote:
               | This is a problem in a market where they are maybe a
               | small # of potential customers (ie. a niche market like
               | 'satellite imagery data'), but not if your market is the
               | Fortune 10K
           | cushychicken wrote:
           | >I wouldn't quite agree that people will happily give you
           | money for anything that makes their pain less.
           | I think OP's point is that the customer is a better judge of
           | "worth" in the sense of money spent vs pain reduced than you
           | are.
           | It's impossible to do that worth test yourself. Expose to
           | what you make to customers; see if they vote with their
           | dollars.
         | garrickvanburen wrote:
         | Aka JobsToBeDone theory of innovation.
         | spamizbad wrote:
         | This is extremely true.
         | I think some people are "maximizers" - They will always do
         | research to seek out the "best" for their given budget for even
         | moderately priced purchases. Engineers tend to fit this
         | profile, so its easy for them to get psyched-out when trying to
         | ship a product.
         | But people - and businesses - aren't always like this. They
         | will buy what's available and seems to get the job done and
         | seems like less of a hassle.
         | I worked at a company that at one point had an inferior product
         | to our biggest competitor. We survived and they went out of
         | business. Looking back, one big reason was the fact that we
         | were able to fly under their radar until we had feature parity.
         | We had no fear of shipping early... or shipping half-baked
         | features. I kind of cringe now looking back. And when we
         | finally eclipsed them (as those half-baked features slowly
         | became fully-baked) we were still invisible to them - it wasn't
         | until we started poaching some large accounts of theirs that we
         | finally landed on their radar.
           | judge2020 wrote:
           | > They will buy what's available and seems to get the job
           | done and seems like less of a hassle.
           | Enter AWS and GCP. People wonder why businesses seem to burn
           | 10s of millions of dollars by choosing AWS instead of self-
           | hosting, but the personnel and time advantage of offloading
           | to AWS is often worth it.
           | wpietri wrote:
           | For sure. And I'd add that although engineers tend to be more
           | prone to behave as optimizers, we are all optimizers for some
           | things and satisficers for others.
           | If you're starting to sell a product, it's really valuable to
           | spend some time thinking about areas in which you behave as a
           | satisficer, a person who's just looking for "good enough".
           | Maybe it's buying rice. Or apples. Or where you fill up your
           | car. Or buying jeans or flatware or toilet paper. There will
           | be some things where your goal is to devote as little time
           | and attention to possible to make the choice. Where you just
           | want it to work adequately for your purpose.
           | The truth is most people are in satisficer mode for most
           | purchases, if only because we don't have the time to really
           | dig in on everything. Thinking about one's product from a
           | satisficer perspective can be really helpful, as they tend to
           | value things differently. They can also be much easier to
           | sell to and are more likely to stay loyal as long as things
           | are going smoothly.
           | mwcampbell wrote:
           | It's worse if we routinely read highly critical message
           | boards like this one. I'm currently developing a desktop app
           | using Electron, but comments like this [1] make me wonder if
           | I should scrap it and start over using purely Rust and/or
           | C++.
           | [1]: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=31350035
             | dceddia wrote:
             | 100%! I had the same fears when I started rewriting a
             | native Mac video editing app in Electron last year, that it
             | would be a big hurdle and that people would hate it. I
             | don't think that's actually true anymore outside of our
             | limited tech bubble. I also don't think it's necessarily
             | true that "Electron == slow", especially if you can offload
             | the heavy stuff to native code and use Electron just for
             | the UI.
             | I switched to using Tauri recently though, with the same
             | sort of architecture - Svelte front end, Rust for the heavy
             | stuff, and it's working out nicely. It's actually faster
             | than the Mac app in most ways (and to be fair, Electron
             | worked well too, but the installer size and startup time
             | bugged me)
             | If you don't like the bloat of Electron and don't mind
             | dealing with 2 browser engines instead of 1 (Webview2 +
             | Safari), Tauri is worth a look. Doubly so if you already
             | know some Rust. They're still a bit early days in some
             | respects, so it depends on what Electron features you need.
             | samhw wrote:
             | Honestly, I say this as a big Rust user: ignore that shit.
             | At the level of writing a desktop app, the truth is that
             | you're already using a vast amount of CPU and memory, and
             | eking out performance gains on that level is not going to
             | make a vast difference. It's very likely that your Rust
             | code would end up being littered with .clone() and the
             | like, and likely less performant than well-written JS.
             | Also, V8 is an incredible piece of technology, and is not
             | _that_ far off being competitive with Rust or C++. In some
             | scenarios GC (by which I mean tracing) can outperform
             | reference counting, or even Rust-style malloc+free. The
             | event loop architecture is also very naturally fitted to
             | user interfaces.
             | Ignore the HN opinionmongers and build with whatever tools
             | you can work with. You'll be much faster and more flexible,
             | and you'll gain an understanding of what the bottlenecks
             | are, which you can use to do _targeted_ optimisation later
             | on :)
             | Perseids wrote:
             | I find it really fascinating how a completely different
             | subset of Hackernews users answers to you than are present
             | on other threads. As literary no sibling is voicing a
             | dissenting opinion I feel compelled to present it:
             | Purely from the user perspective I hate electron, because
             | of its _RAM_ usage. The speed argument is a straw man: Of
             | course V8 is fast. And yes, VSCode is a very good IDE. But
             | the problem is real world electron application don 't scale
             | down. In my (of course biased) experience even simple
             | electron applications use at least half a gigabyte of RAM,
             | often a whole gigabyte. If you're on a beefy 32gb machine
             | you'll never noticed the difference. But on the 8gb
             | machines most people around me use, these electron apps
             | really take up a huge fraction of RAM. And swapping is
             | definitely noticeable slow, even on SSDs. The "think about
             | the planet" argument comes to play, when I need to upgrade
             | my PC because RAM is the bottleneck. And seriously what
             | fraction of the population even has the knowledge to only
             | upgrade the RAM and not buy a whole new PC.
             | If I had to advise you personally, I might even tell you to
             | choose electron. But be aware that you are using the
             | "defect" option in the prisoner's dilemma: as everybody
             | around you is choosing the societally harmful option of
             | wasting resources you are at a competitive disadvantage to
             | do the right thing. And also: electron has stolen mind
             | share off of better solutions, so the documentation there
             | is also not in the best place.
             | And even worse, those people I reach with my argument, and
             | thus put at a competitive disadvantage because they are
             | going the extra mile to do the rights thing, might be those
             | that I want to support the most, because they might be
             | willing to the right (IMO) things at other topics I value
             | as well, like the importance of privacy.
             | So what is the conclusion? I have no idea how to fix our
             | collective resource waste and it is hard to assign
             | individual responsibility and I'm deeply dissatisfied by
             | the whole situation.
               | datagram wrote:
               | > So what is the conclusion? I have no idea how to fix
               | our collective resource waste and it is hard to assign
               | individual responsibility and I'm deeply dissatisfied by
               | the whole situation.
               | I think the most likely conclusion is that once OSes are
               | guaranteed to have a modern-enough browser engine (this
               | is close to being true for Windows since they introduced
               | WebView2), Electron could update their framework to use
               | the system's native webview (or at least make it
               | available as an option for the developer). This would
               | bring back the problem of having to test in multiple
               | browsers, but I'd rather test against an old version of
               | Chromium, or even Safari, than have to test against the
               | old Edge engine in WebView1.
               | Edit: Did some more reading, and the way Electron
               | discusses WebView2 doesn't seem to imply that they're
               | interested in integrating with it:
               | https://www.electronjs.org/blog/webview2
               | But regardless, I think all it would take is someone else
               | making a framework that uses native webviews and
               | implements enough of Electron's APIs/tooling to be close
               | to a drop-in replacement. (Then again, how many people
               | are using Preact?)
               | cercatrova wrote:
               | > _I find it really fascinating how a completely
               | different subset of Hackernews users answers to you than
               | are present on other threads. As literary no sibling is
               | voicing a dissenting opinion_
               | I suspect the difference is because they are responding
               | from a developer's mindset, not a user's. For devs,
               | Electron really is the easiest way to make desktop apps,
               | especially if one already has web experience. Users who
               | dislike Electron are generally seen as a vocal minority
               | (how many people use Slack or VSCode vs non-Electron
               | variants?). But then you have this vocal minority
               | congregating on HN, which is especially focused on speed,
               | and you get comments like the parent linked, dismissing
               | Electron.
               | The dev point of view is more prevalent in this thread
               | because the linked article is all about how a dev failed
               | to ship an app because they thought it wasn't good
               | enough, which is exactly the problem Electron solves,
               | even if it's worse for the user.
             | spamizbad wrote:
             | I couldn't imagine building a desktop app with anything
             | other than Electron these days UNLESS I had significant
             | prior experience with some other toolchain.
             | quickthrower2 wrote:
             | Ignore that! I mean I do hope Electron one day adds
             | performance tuning knobs, to disable some browser
             | behaviours so you as a dev can speed up the electron app.
             | But yeah use what you want. I would use it for desktop (I
             | would probably just wrap a web app in it, 2 for 1)
             | electroly wrote:
             | You have to just ignore software moralizers like that;
             | people who have goals other than solving problems for users
             | in a cost effective way. They aren't common, they're just
             | really loud. There's a reason Electron is incredibly
             | popular and it's not because the developers are stupid or
             | careless.
             | ratww wrote:
             | "Desktop App" could be anything from a taskbar app with a
             | couple screens, to a CRUD app, to something that plays
             | video, to a screenshot app, to something that only deals
             | with audio, to something that only really needs system
             | dialogs, etc, etc...
             | Electron works great for some of those use cases.
             | The other stuff works great for other use cases.
             | Anyone giving general advice on that is giving bad advice,
             | period.
             | marcosdumay wrote:
             | Nah, if you do really believe creating what is effectively
             | a web app is faster than a proper desktop one, go ahead and
             | create it.
             | The only useful recommendation here is that, when you have
             | some time, and don't have to rewrite an entire app, and if
             | you expect to target the desktop again, you will gain from
             | learning desktop frameworks. But absolutely not now while
             | you are on the middle of something.
             | zrobotics wrote:
             | I'm someone who tends to hate on electron, but definitely
             | ignore those comments. If you have a large, experienced
             | team who can easily crank out a native app, then there is
             | potential for increased performance, but for solo projects
             | and small teams the increased productivity alone is worth
             | it. It's way better to have something available than a
             | promised feature that may ship in 2 years.
             | Plus, there are tons of slow buggy apps that are written in
             | c++, that doesn't guarantee performant software. Electron
             | doesn't need to be slow either, VSCode demonstrates that.
             | Especially for a solo dev or small team, electron is for
             | sure the right choice for a desktop app.
             | Edit: the reason I tend to dislike electron is that apps
             | don't often follow native UI trends, which is definitely a
             | solvable problem.
             | camgunz wrote:
             | As Charm would say: "haters > /dev/null". Build what you
             | want!
               | quickthrower2 wrote:
               | "talk to the hand" in pre computer speak I guess!
       | esjeon wrote:
       | This is just a personal viewpoint, but I think the era of "just
       | ship it" will be gone after a decade or so.
       | * Software "development" skill will become so common and cheap
       | that simple tools won't get any market.
       | * The market will be dictated by tools instead of code _content_.
       | * Language-as-a-service will be a thing, as it allows customers
       | to fill in business requirements AND allows the backing company
       | to perform engineering behind the scene.
         | [deleted]
         | loh wrote:
         | I wholeheartedly agree, and I may even be working on what
         | you're describing here, which I wrote a little bit about on my
         | company blog (bit of a shameless plug, sorry):
         | https://blog.molecule.dev/system-integration-tool-not-framew...
       | techplex wrote:
       | I know it doesn't matter for the point the author is trying to
       | make but, Such a tease, what does the app do?
         | Chris2048 wrote:
         | Given they got suspicious about if their idea was stolen, it'd
         | be interesting if the app solves something unique, or some very
         | common problem.
           | paxys wrote:
           | Yeah I'm fully expecting it to be something like a project
           | management app. There are tons of ideas which you think are
           | unique, but many, many others have them as well, because they
           | run into all the same problems as you in their day to day
           | life.
         | mynegation wrote:
         | I remember he at some point had a landing page for a browser
         | that would show you a web page in multiple resolutions, all at
         | once, with hot reload. Not sure if this is the application, he
         | might have had another one.
           | bambax wrote:
           | Yes, he made Sizzy, and it's apparently very successful.
           | Here's the story (quite well told I think):
           | https://kitze.io/posts/github-stars-wont-pay-your-rent
       | Markstar wrote:
       | I'm a bit in a similar boat: My wife's department (university)
       | asked me for a 'little' favor, which I programmed in Java to get
       | back into programming after ~4 years of being a stay-at-home dad.
       | After finishing the prototype in 2019, we made the life-changing
       | decision to focus on making it a program that we want to sell.
       | Decided to go C++ and Electron, but with the corona virus and me
       | taking forever to learn all the skills, I still haven't released
       | it as of now. :(
       | However, I'm still working on it and hope to release it in time
       | for a conference that I signed up for, so this will be a 'make or
       | break' year for me.
         | jacquesm wrote:
         | Make sure they don't claim copyright on your code.
           | Markstar wrote:
           | Thank you for the heads up, but I don't see how.
           | They were not part of the development and have no financial
           | involvement. Hmm, now that I think about it, I am going to
           | the conference as affiliate of the university... :/
             | jacquesm wrote:
             | All it would take is that they specified what to build and
             | claimed that you never sent them an invoice but that it was
             | work for hire regardless.
             | Remember that they are much bigger than you and if there is
             | money involved they may well act irrational, and as a
             | smaller party this can be very unnerving and costly.
             | Best to make sure that you have it spelled out that the
             | code is yours, stick a big fat copyright sign on top of it
             | and if possible get them on the record that it is clear
             | that the rights belong to you. When in doubt, consult and
             | IP lawyer.
               | Markstar wrote:
               | Again, thanks for taking the time to write! It is
               | certainly good advice!
               | Luckily the situation is in this specific case is that I
               | don't have to worry about it - I'm 100% sure of it. My
               | nightmares come more from the fear that I will finish one
               | day and find out that I took too long and I missed my
               | window of opportunity.
               | jacquesm wrote:
               | Ok :) Best of luck then, I hope you will make out like a
               | bandit. If you do run into trouble feel free to reach
               | out.
         | MockObject wrote:
         | Why didn't you ship the Java version?
       | camillomiller wrote:
       | Or "perfect is the enemy of done"
       | rawfan wrote:
       | I built a really shitty version of linkedin for people in my
       | school to stay in touch after graduation (in 1998 i think).
       | People were really using it and pressing me to improve on it.
       | I just didn't care and at some time just deleted it (angering
       | many friends). No regrets, though. I was definitely not ready to
       | take the idea any further, back then.
       | pflenker wrote:
       | A big fallacy that I always see - and that is implied by this
       | post - is that the work ends after shipping, a.k.a. "build it and
       | they will come". That doesn't happen any more. So after you
       | "ship" it, you need to promote it, advertise it, create buzz
       | around it and make people use it. And that is a totally different
       | kind of beast than coding something.
       | But on the flip side, if you develop a side project just for
       | yourself, you most certainly learn something. Heck, the author
       | explicitly mentioned learning React Native, which is absolutely
       | great and definitely worth investing time into.
       | Learning things is valuable in itself.
         | aliswe wrote:
         | most importantly you also need to continue developing it
         | sharps_xp wrote:
         | pkrumins wrote:
         | You're so wrong. I built it and they came. And when I say they,
         | I mean millions of users. Here's my blog post about it:
         | https://catonmat.net/if-you-build-it-they-will-come
           | pflenker wrote:
           | Congratulations! Though in claiming that since it worked in
           | your case, it will work in the majority of cases you commit
           | the anecdotal evidence fallacy.
             | aliswe wrote:
             | aka Survivorship bias.
         | OrwellianTimes wrote:
         | 'So I deployed it on Vercel, bought a domain name and posted it
         | on the brand twitter account we created a few days ago. Why am
         | I not getting users?'
         | UnpossibleJim wrote:
         | I also think they didn't learn one important lesson (maybe).
         | MVP's don't need bells and whistles. Stop adding that "one last
         | thing". It's a Minimum Viable Product. It should be lean, and
         | somewhat polished. Add features later.
         | dylan604 wrote:
         | The biggest fallacy in my experience is that the thing you
         | built isn't done at ship because your first build is only what
         | you thought of to build. Your users might need some of what you
         | built, but the feature requests will quickly show you that you
         | only thought a fraction of the possible things a user would
         | want.
         | bambax wrote:
         | > _" build it and they will come"_
         | I also used to think that build it and they will come was a big
         | fallacy, but it's not really. The fallacy is, "build it and the
         | whole world will fight to get what you built". That sure won't
         | happen by itself or by chance.
         | But if you build something reasonably good, _some_ people will
         | come. That may not be enough for you to make a living out of
         | it, but it will make it worthwhile.
         | > _Learning things is valuable in itself._
         | From the same author:
         | > _Open source, writing blog posts, and playing with tweaking
         | lint settings and editor themes all day are completely fine
         | until your landlord knocks on your door or you 're at the
         | checkout at the grocery store. You're doing a crazy 2-hour
         | commute every day telling yourself "well at least I'm learning
         | a lot about SVG". Fuck that._
         | https://kitze.io/posts/github-stars-wont-pay-your-rent
         | (I am actually, currently learning a lot about SVG and love it;
         | but the quote is right that it's not paying the rent.)
           | pflenker wrote:
           | Learning helps you pay your rent in the long run though, as
           | it lifts your overall qualification level.
           | sam0x17 wrote:
           | One thing I've found to not be fallacious is "if you don't
           | want them to come, they will come". With open source this is
           | so true. My projects that I don't want to actively maintain
           | anymore are always the ones that generate lots of issues and
           | pull requests and stars, versus the ones I actually use on a
           | daily basis that no one but me cares about.
         | anothersullivan wrote:
         | I completely agree. A couple months ago I received the same
         | "Ship It" advice on a HN Comment.
         | I did, but no one came. Marketing feels like an orthogonal
         | skill but can not be overstated enough.
         | tootie wrote:
         | I saw one startup whose "launch" was a splash page with a logo,
         | description of an imaginary product they hadn't built yet and a
         | Hubspot signup form that you sign up for news. These guys had
         | it right. Get customer insight while you build features. In
         | fact, they were building something that has been solved since
         | before the computer was invented, they were just going to have
         | a splashy brand.
         | konschubert wrote:
         | Serious question, how do you know whether it's your product or
         | your marketing that sucks?
         | For example, I tried twitter ads for my product [1] and I got
         | zero sales after spending $50.
         | What are good marketing strategies for niche hardware products?
         | [1] https://www.invisible-computers.com/
           | sofixa wrote:
           | That's precisely the thing i am going to be looking for soon.
           | Yours looks pretty good, but i find the product page to be a
           | bit lacking in detail and polish ( including typos like "come
           | with wooden stand" instead of "comes"), which can be off-
           | putting.
           | s1mon wrote:
           | It's not clear who your product is for. "Everyone" is the
           | wrong answer, BTW. If you try to make everyone happy, you
           | usually end up making no one happy. It's super important to
           | focus on actual user problems.
           | 1. Is this solving a pain point the user has already?
           | 2. Do they currently have some less-than-great solution in
           | place?
           | 3. Are they willing to pay for something which will solve
           | their problem?
           | Looking at your product, I see a possible market, but it
           | might need to be tuned (UX and/or marketing) to be
           | successful.
           | A relative of mine needs 24/7 in-home care. There are a
           | number of people involved and a decent number of Dr
           | appointments etc to coordinate. The people involved with
           | elder care are super low tech, but in her case, a shared
           | visible calendar could be useful.
           | In general, the products for seniors and/or people with
           | dementia or other disabilities tend to have horrible design
           | and still aren't really suited to physical/cognitive
           | challenges of the users and their caregivers. It's a niche,
           | but one that could use a lot of developments.
           | openknot wrote:
           | Twitter ads are widely seen as ineffective versus other
           | advertising channels (to verify for yourself, you can check
           | r/PPC, r/marketing, and other subreddits via a
           | site:reddit.com Google search). Results are likely lower due
           | to poorer analytics, which translates to your ads not
           | appearing to the most relevant people.
           | Google Search Ads and Facebook/Instagram ads are seen as more
           | effective in comparison (results are likely higher as
           | Facebook/Meta are relatively better at analytics, so
           | advertisements appear to more relevant people).
           | In addition, $50 is not a lot to spend on an ad campaign. It
           | generally takes a higher number of advertisement views by the
           | same person (preferably across different websites and
           | channels) to produce an intended result.
             | willcipriano wrote:
             | Let's say you are a guy in a basement spending your own
             | money. What is the minimum spend that you see for
             | advertising to be at all effective?
           | sdwr wrote:
           | Piling on for some feedback here. This isnt a product that
           | people _need_. Everyone already has access to a calendar on
           | their phone, on paper, on a whiteboard, whatever.
           | So it has to be something people _want_. And it doesnt look
           | cool /sleek/exciting enough for people to want it. The bezel
           | is huge, its black and white, and looks overpriced.
           | Some marketing angles work, but your product has to honestly
           | support them. Ex:
           | - hackable. Need to show off connection interface, API, some
           | cool project examples. As far as I can tell, LEDs never hurt
           | here.
           | - sophisticated/elegant.
           | - useful. Seems easier to use /better than what people are
           | already doing.
           | - cool. Buys access to a group of exciting people you
           | wouldn't get to meet otherwise.
           | But the absolute best way to market a hardware product is to
           | stop making it about tech. My dad bought a digital picture
           | frame a while back as a gift. Thats a way easier bar to
           | clear, its emotional, sentimental, symbolic, so the technical
           | execution doesnt need to be as flawless.
           | hgomersall wrote:
           | Hey, this is kind of cool! If only it supported caldav I
           | might get one.
           | Nimitz14 wrote:
           | I don't think the landing page is bad. Product seems cool. I
           | don't agree with the people talking about extra features. The
           | main issue I feel is that this is something only people with
           | quite a bit of money and leisure can afford (because it's not
           | solving a direct problem, it's just for convenience). So you
           | need something on the page that will unconsciously persuade
           | these people that it's cool. It's an upmarket product but the
           | website doesn't advertise it as such.
           | Rather than doing online ads I think a promo vid with a
           | progressive looking family / hipsters would be more
           | effective. ;)
           | samatman wrote:
           | Looks like it's sold out, which is a pity, I enjoy the
           | design. You have a typo on the front page, 'eletronig' for
           | 'electronic'.
             | konschubert wrote:
             | I fixed the typo, thank you!
             | You can leave your email to be notified when it's back in
             | stock.
           | Multiplayer wrote:
           | I'll buy one. Agree with the comments that you need to put a
           | little time in to describe this thing in a lot more detail!
           | That said, I would love to have my calendar always just
           | sitting there on my desk. This is the perfect item for anyone
           | with adhd or similar. I would target that niche.
             | konschubert wrote:
             | I've heard that before from another customer, that it's a
             | good product for ADHD.
           | corobo wrote:
           | If your business wraps up does this turn into a pretty brick?
           | My instant wonder and would be a deal breaker until I found
           | out if the device pulls from the calendar directly or via a
           | proxy you run if it helps any
           | Going by the language in the privacy policy it's the proxy
           | method. I'd have to pass, personally. Looks great but I got
           | no use for it if you shut down
           | Also it's "sold out" so I assume it doesn't and won't exist
           | until you get enough interest. For me this is more an impulse
           | buy, give me a week thinking about it and I'd forget about it
           | completely (then 2 years later I get an email "xyzzy is
           | complete and shipping now!" with no reminder of what it is)
             | konschubert wrote:
             | It's pretty cheap to keep the API running and I promised
             | myself I'd be doing that for many years even if I make 0
             | money with it.
             | But I want to be upfront about the fact that there are
             | things beyond my control that might force me to shut down
             | some or all functionality. For example, if google shuts
             | down access to the calendar API, the calendar feature will
             | be in trouble.
           | executive wrote:
           | [1] looks like a hastily prepared landing page for a
           | dropshipped AliExpress product. 1 photo, no video. Why only
           | Google Calendar? How to 'use your phone to connect'? Is there
           | a companion app? Why is contact page under Policies and
           | labelled Imprint? Why 2 Privacy Policy links? About us
           | section reads like boilerplate scam and links off-site to
           | some random blog. Line height config looks ugly in bottom nav
           | area.
           | At least it works without Javascript.
             | konschubert wrote:
             | Hi, thank you for having a go over it! This is great
             | feedback.
             | I find it really, really hard to take good pictures and
             | even harder to take video. I am getting help with that and
             | I hope the situation will improve.
             | yes, there is a companion app, should I make that more
             | clear?
             | The contact page is labelled imprint because that's the law
             | here in Germany... I could have an additional contact page
             | though.
             | The two privacy policies are because one is for visitors of
             | the website and one is for users of my product. Two totally
             | different contexts, and I was unsure how to fuse them.
             | Probably also something I should get help with.
             | I cut down on the about us section. But I agree this needs
             | some work still...
               | executive wrote:
               | Looking better already!
               | On clickthru Shopify page, there are some decent photos.
               | But would replace/remove the Amazon text in one of them.
               | Also would show the back / cord & connector.
               | Yes, would have apps page with direct links to store.
               | Re: contact page. Is this actually true? This page for
               | example still says contact when viewing Germany version
               | of page. https://teenage.engineering/contact
               | Re: privacy: you could have one link, with some way to
               | show both once you get to that page. Few will read this
               | anyway, may as well not clutter home page with 2 links.
               | Good luck my friend.
               | konschubert wrote:
               | Thank you
           | bemmu wrote:
           | You might be able to get some customers with that spend on
           | average, but could have hit zero just from bad luck
           | (randomness is clumpy). Customers can easily cost tens of
           | dollars to acquire.
           | As an example, for my own subscription box service the cost
           | to acquire a customer from YouTube ads was ~$49.
           | aidos wrote:
           | Yeah, your website sucks. The product looks really nice, but
           | the landing page barely even feels like it wants me to check
           | it out. I can barely even tell it's a landing page.
           | I was actually thinking about exactly this product earlier
           | this week. I have kids and their schedule is really
           | complicated these days - some days some of them need packed
           | lunches, uniform is different on PE days etc etc. I want to
           | walk into the kitchen and have the details for the day right
           | there. There's a real use for the product, you need to work
           | on the landing page (I'd suggest considering starting again
           | with a template)
             | konschubert wrote:
             | Puh, I tried so hard with that website. I don't know,
             | design and marketing is just sooo hard for me.
             | Do you have a template that you think I should use?
             | And do you know maybe somebody who could help me build a
             | better landing page without costing me all my life savings?
               | aidos wrote:
               | Sorry, didn't want to poo poo the whole thing. Don't get
               | down about it! This is an opportunity to rework the site
               | so it works for you.
               | As sibling comment says, use a website builder instead.
               | Something like shopify will have everything you need
               | (though I'm not massively familiar with it myself).
               | Another suggestion I have is to focus on the target
               | audience. I skimmed the doc you linked to about uploading
               | images (couldn't find any extra docs on the site at a
               | glance btw) and it felt geek heavy in terminology.
               | The shots of the device look nice, but there's an app for
               | managing it? Is it easy to use? If I buy this device
               | would my wife ever use it or is it too complicated?
               | Are you actually making these devices yourself? If I were
               | hand making these my starting point would be to sell to
               | friends so I could iterate on the whole thing. There are
               | a lot of people on here talking about ads and marketing
               | but honestly, hustle is how you get started.
               | konschubert wrote:
               | Nono, I am very grateful for your feedback! If my website
               | is bad it means that it can be improved and then my
               | conversions will go app and that's great news!
               | I don't define myself by my design skills so you didn't
               | hurt any feelings :D
               | I am a bit wary of using Shopify for landing pages
               | because I'm worried it will make it feel even more like a
               | dropshipping enterprise...
               | But maybe that's the smaller problem if at least my
               | website looks good then!
               | cercatrova wrote:
               | Make a website with an online builder and use their
               | templates. For example:
               | - Webflow: https://webflow.com/templates
               | - SquareSpace: https://www.squarespace.com/templates
               | - Shopify: https://themes.shopify.com/
               | I'd recommend Shopify, and a minimalist, light theme such
               | as the one below, since your product is made of light
               | wood.
               | https://themes.shopify.com/themes/craft/styles/default?su
               | rfa...
               | konschubert wrote:
               | I already use shopify for the shop page,
               | https://shop.invisible-computers.com/products/invisible-
               | cale...
               | But I've been wary of using it for the whole website
               | since I didn't want my whole page structure and content
               | coupled to shopify.
               | And I didn't want it all to feel like a shopify store.
               | But maybe that was a bad priority and I should just get
               | over it.
               | Thanks for the tip with the theme, btw
               | cercatrova wrote:
               | Yeah, at risk of sounding brash, I do think you should
               | "get over it" as your main priority is to sell items, not
               | to build a well-structured website in HTML. The latter is
               | ancillary, merely a means to an end.
           | happimess wrote:
           | Rad product! Can I feed it arbitrary images/html/something?
             | konschubert wrote:
             | Yes, arbitrary images, you just have to specify the image
             | url.
             | Here are the instructions, so you can see how it works:
             | https://www.invisible-computers.com/invisible-
             | calendar/image...
         | lbriner wrote:
         | I think like others have said, it does depend on whether you
         | are targetting the mass market or a smaller (and hopefully more
         | lucrative) niche.
         | Plenty of companies don't do what you say and still become
         | successful.
         | However, for a pure software solution with little market
         | expertise, I suspect what you are saying is correct because the
         | barrier is so low. If you can "build an app" in a weekend, so
         | can 1000s of other people.
           | HeyLaughingBoy wrote:
           | They "can" but will they?
             | psygn89 wrote:
             | If it prints money and can be made in a weekend then of
             | course. However, the more niche it is to an audience or
             | knowledge needed beforehand (i.e. simple music generator)
             | it would no longer be a weekend project.
         | Chris2048 wrote:
         | Yes, Given they couldn't develop the app without planning the
         | release, I wonder if they'd have time to properly support it if
         | they shipped..
       | op00to wrote:
       | This article made me so sad - the author really doesn't need to
       | be as hard on themselves as they are!
         | rob74 wrote:
         | I think he was exaggerating to make it a more interesting read.
         | Or, at least, I hope so...
       | neoyagami wrote:
       | Now im going to shipit
       | darkteflon wrote:
       | From the headline, honestly I thought this was going to involve a
       | death.
         | llampx wrote:
         | I actually thought it was going to involve a Boeing product
         | manager. /potshot
         | Tabular-Iceberg wrote:
         | Yes, I would say the "just ship the Therac-25 with the
         | Therac-20 firmware" to be a few degrees sadder.
       | hoodwink wrote:
       | what app is he talking about?
         | openplatypus wrote:
         | We will never know. He didn't ship it ;)
       | nashashmi wrote:
       | My only comment here is you got to have thick skin if you want to
       | follow this advice. Once you ship it, you will get a hundred
       | compliments, and thousands of critiques (mostly from the jealous
       | people).
       | When you don't have thick skin, you don't ship. Ever.
         | lbriner wrote:
         | So true. I think my biggest negative when it comes to the idea
         | of running a business is that thick skin. Not so obnoxious that
         | you don't take feedback but realistic that opinions are free
         | and come thick and fast!
         | I think this also plays out when people are always comparing
         | themselves to their competitors instead of just concentrating
         | on what they are doing well. Just because "Big Company" does
         | it, doesn't mean it is worthwhile and that they won't pull it
         | in 6 months when they realise they created something useless!
       | sbayeta wrote:
       | This had me laughing loudly, and sadly.
       | Really super good article, give it a read if you haven't shipped
       | because of reasons
       | whywhywhywhy wrote:
       | Kinda feel the app that managed to ship deserved a shoutout in
       | this. Your idea is already out there, the value is 0.
       | martindbp wrote:
       | Yep, I'm there, been going for a year, it's amazing how quickly
       | time passes by. Getting ready to ship, for realsies this time.
       | Maybe I'm imagining, but due to the unimaginable number of apps
       | and SaaS out there today, it's not as easy to put out something
       | you're embarrassed about. The only way to do that is to have
       | something extremely small and polished, in which case it's almost
       | certainly been done already multiple times. I'm sure there are
       | some niches still to be filled, but it sure was easier back in,
       | say, 2012.
         | krallja wrote:
         | > it sure was easier back in, say, 2012
         | I was on HN in 2012. It was not any easier. People said the
         | same thing back then. "Oh, if only I had gotten started in
         | 2005, with DHTML, when things were easier." "I wish I was
         | paying attention when iPhone app store came out."
         | Just because you missed one boat doesn't mean you'll miss the
         | next one. Keep an eye out for it.
         | <<History merely repeats itself. It has all been done before.
         | Nothing under the sun is truly new.>>
           | martindbp wrote:
           | I hope you're right!
         | op00to wrote:
         | You can do it! HN believes in you.
       | batch12 wrote:
       | It still isn't too late to finish the app/site and put it out
       | there. Instead, it seems that the author burned out. With that
       | said, there's no shame in dropping the project to stay sane.
       | sillycube wrote:
       | calltrak wrote:
       | block_dagger wrote:
       | Could have done without the violence expressed in the opening.
         | jaywalk wrote:
         | Grow up.
       | texasviking wrote:
       | Hits me in the feels.
       | In 2011 I had an idea for a ceramic coffee mug with a threaded
       | base. then build a screw on base with heating element, battery,
       | and QI charger. Screw the base on, set it on a QI charge pad...
       | voila "always hot coffee". When you're done for the day, unscrew
       | the base, put the mug in the dishwasher. Rinse, repeat.
       | For a year I researched getting a prototype built, castings, etc.
       | Finally decided to just abandon it. Just drink coffee faster and
       | it won't get cold.
       | Now I have 2 Ember mugs and an Ember travel thermos. Still can't
       | dishwash it, but dang it's useful.
         | HeyLaughingBoy wrote:
         | Why does it need to screw into the heater? I picked up a coffee
         | mug heating plate at a garage sale for $3. Works great.
       | frontman1988 wrote:
       | Being a solo dev on some app/website is not really worth it these
       | days. There was a time when you could single-handedly create a
       | million dollar app in some niche. But now the competition has
       | increased so much that you need VC money or atleast a team if you
       | want to create any impact whatsoever.
         | simmo9000 wrote:
         | I think this is a valid comment questioning where one puts
         | their goalpost for their realisation of a funded MVP coming
         | from their idea. The market has shifted alot from what it was 5
         | years ago... 10 years, 15, 20, 30...
         | Ideas are what has gotten humanity this far and I am happy to
         | see technological advances, in product that makes me happy,
         | that come from our Haxor within, so to speak.
         | It is a big ladder to climb between Idea and Product, one step
         | at a time is the only way.
         | How would one possibly eat an elephant?
         | Tools are required, for catching, skinning, cooking blah
         | blah... and help from folks can be another tool within your
         | toolbox whilst you fly solo dev.
         | Is the statement that the elephant is now too big to catch? It
         | is hard to find other hungry folk to help hunt a big thing?
         | Where is the hunting ground? Where do you get helping from
         | other hungry solo devs to kill an elephant with only your
         | inputs of skill, effort and time?
         | llampx wrote:
         | If your only KPI is "Am I at unicorn valuation yet?" then yes,
         | but I'm sure you can do well being a small fish in a big pond.
         | There are still underserved markets out there. Find your niche
         | and build your product around it.
         | slimebart wrote:
         | I don't believe this. A solo developer can create a more
         | focused product, with less features, and still do well for
         | themselves. Once you accept VC money you need to do well for
         | the entire company, and the expectation is to be less niche to
         | meet many users. Just talking very generally.
         | jetbooster wrote:
         | Is this not debunked by Wordle's success? That was a single dev
         | effort, and sold for multiple millions.
       | seiferteric wrote:
       | I've had this experience several times. The one that hurts the
       | most I think was one I worked on with a friend called VRwalkthru
       | that we wanted to sell as a service to real-estate agents and
       | people selling their houses. You used a special camera to take
       | pano photos throughout a property and keep track of your
       | movements and directions in an app (it used accelerator / compass
       | data). Then the photos would be converted to photo-spheres and
       | arrows would be added you could click on the move to the next
       | spot like google street view so you could "walk through" a
       | property listing. We got a prototype working and sent cold emails
       | to a bunch of real-estate agents and got... nothing, maybe one
       | luke-warm response. We eventually gave up. That was about 2011,
       | then a few years later along came matterport and I see it on
       | practically every listing I look at.. oh well. I guess we didn't
       | know how or who to sell it to, or it was not good or professional
       | enough, I don't know...
         | nradov wrote:
         | You should have established personal relationships with a few
         | local agents and then offered to do all the work yourselves for
         | free to add that service to their listings. If it worked well
         | that would have given you some positive references, or at least
         | feedback on how to improve.
       | alin23 wrote:
       | If you want to get paid, projects will need a lot of non-coding
       | work after coding the basic features: presentation website,
       | payment/licensing, contact forms, ProductHunt/HN launch, copy
       | text (have you ever tried to fit what your product solves in two
       | short sentences?)
       | One good strategy I found accidentally through Lunar
       | (https://lunar.fyi) is to launch for free, prioritizing the
       | contact form, and letting people know that you'll want to make
       | the product paid in the future.
       | After all the user feedback, the product will probably look very
       | different from the first free version and most people will want
       | to pay for the new polished version. Some will feel betrayed, but
       | as long as you're keeping the old free version available, you're
       | not doing anything wrong.
       | I shared Lunar for free for 4 years before doing a huge paid
       | update with Apple Silicon support and a ton of user feedback
       | implemented. Most people were happy to pay and I'm now doing
       | Lunar full time, earning around $3.5k a month, and the best part
       | is that Lunar v1 only needed about one week of work to see that
       | it solves a real problem.
       | Even Kitze himself liked it:
       | https://twitter.com/thekitze/status/1464203795030761477
         | cercatrova wrote:
         | Lunar is a great app! I've been using it along with Vivid.
           | alin23 wrote:
           | Thanks! Not sure if you're aware but Lunar also has XDR
           | Brightness: https://lunar.fyi/#xdr
           | In fact the feature landed in Lunar before Vivid launched and
           | it uses a different approach that increases the brightness
           | for the whole system instead of only for what's behind an
           | overlay like Vivid does (although the overlay also has its
           | own advantages like being able to only increase brightness
           | for a single window etc. )
           | It can be activated in the same way as Vivid: increase
           | brightness over 100%
       | czhu12 wrote:
       | The tone of this post suggests that if the author simply just
       | shipped, they would be as successful as the competitor.
       | Building successful products is not a matter of "shipping" but
       | also promoting, selling, continually improving, studying user
       | behaviors, providing customer support and engaging potential
       | customers.
       | Given that the author wasn't even motivated enough to ship when
       | all these other tasks weren't even applicable yet, I can't
       | imagine they would be motivated to do all the work after
       | shipping.
       | Frankly, this is a good thing. I've never been more stressed than
       | when I've managed to ship a product, picked up a tiny number of
       | paying customers, and subsequently realized that many hundreds of
       | more hours would have to be poured into the product to make it
       | truly useful.
       | You slowly start working on it, customers are upset and start
       | churning, and you're constantly questioning whether it's worth it
       | anymore to keep pushing.
       | The most success I've ever had was building something I
       | personally thought is fun and interesting with 0 expectations of
       | money or profit, customers be damned. There's tons competitors of
       | competitors that do similar things, even before I started it, but
       | I couldn't care less.
       | I'm building https://mintables.club right now, sometimes I pick
       | it up for a few hours on a weekend, often I ignore it for weeks,
       | but I visit it all the time because I love the artwork people
       | upload.
       | rob74 wrote:
       | Er, nice story, really entertaining to read, but I think it would
       | benefit from actually mentioning the "competitor" app that he
       | ended up paying money for. I mean, he won't ship his own app
       | anymore, so no harm done in mentioning it, right?
         | Reason077 wrote:
         | I'm curious too!
         | SamBam wrote:
         | I could see that distracting from the main point. Then it
         | becomes "Why were you solving _that_ problem? " "Why did you
         | insult their app, it's really great!" "The author's right, no
         | one should use app X."
         | It's not the point of the story.
           | cercatrova wrote:
           | Agreed, you see it all the time on HN, commentors
           | bikeshedding insignificant parts of an article. I'm glad the
           | author didn't put in the competitor in the article.
           | c03 wrote:
           | It's not really a story as it is now though. Someone did
           | something better than this guy. It's just a stream slightly
           | coherent gonzo ranting.
             | samhw wrote:
             | In other words, a story? An account of something that
             | happened to that person? Does he have to state the names of
             | every road he was on and every cafe he went to?
             | I like this site, but the one thing I'll never understand
             | is the outrageously entitled attitudes of so many people
             | when it comes to free content, like fat and delirious blog-
             | reading Ubus.
           | dqpb wrote:
           | Until he adds some actual facts, I'm going to assume the
           | story is not true.
         | caymanjim wrote:
         | Yeah, it's hard to know how to feel about this without that
         | detail. Would the author's app have beaten it to market? Was
         | the competing app actually there all along, and the author
         | hadn't done market research? Are they really even solving the
         | same problem? I've had plenty of instances of "I thought of
         | that 10 years ago!" or even "I solved that 10 years ago!" but
         | it's not that simple. My solutions wouldn't have succeeded
         | because they weren't usable enough and I wasn't motivated
         | enough.
       | quickthrower2 wrote:
       | He has a competitor, but he can still ship now ... right? Sounds
       | like he has intimate product knowledge and knows the pain points.
       | Maybe pivot to the thing that people who buy the competing
       | product need?
       | karterk wrote:
       | > My app is officially dead.
       | Most markets are large enough to accommodate several businesses.
       | There's really no reason to stop working on something just
       | because you find that there is already someone solving that same
       | problem. Who knows, they will shut it down at some point, or
       | might head upmarket or pivot to a tangential area.
         | rozenmd wrote:
         | I'm sitting here running the 200th uptime monitoring service,
         | laughing at the notion you have to be first to ship a solution
         | to a problem.
         | Build something good, that people want, and iterate rapidly as
         | feedback comes in.
           | asadlionpk wrote:
           | If I may ask: how did you get your early users? and what kind
           | of money is this making? (thanks for writing the blog posts,
           | I will also read them later).
           | ZephyrBlu wrote:
           | It seems a bit rich to say that when your SaaS has <$5k in
           | lifetime revenue.
           | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=30427048
           | I'd say it's even contrary to "laughing at the notion you
           | have to be the first to ship a solution to a problem".
           | quickthrower2 wrote:
           | I think an uptime monitoring service will be my back up idea.
           | It is like a pizza business, you can always find people who
           | want pizza and who will rave about _your_ pizza. Dominos and
           | Pizza Hut are not a problem.
             | jmstfv wrote:
             | As someone who built and sold an uptime monitoring service
             | - don't*.
             | You will have a hard time attracting customers as most
             | common marketing channels are very saturated.
             | *unless you're going to approach it from a unique angle AND
             | have access to a customer base; even then, it won't be a
             | walk in the park
               | quickthrower2 wrote:
               | Yeah, now that you say that it sounds a bit like starting
               | a pizza restaurant I guess: hard work. Probably harder as
               | the Pizza restaurant has physical presence and proximity,
               | where as online, it is more democratic: we are all
               | equally shouting into the void for attention.
             | jamil7 wrote:
             | That's a good analogy, there are some pieces of software
             | that are used by so many people that there's always room
             | for a slightly different spin on it. Look at notes apps for
             | example.
         | Reason077 wrote:
         | If you have one project that's already successful, however,
         | it's probably best to keep focusing on that and not be
         | distracted by the one that never shipped.
         | bentcorner wrote:
         | Yesterday I got a voice mail from a cold call at work from some
         | rando (I have no idea how they got my phone #), and they
         | mentioned they work for some infrastructure tooling site. I
         | share a name with someone higher up in the company so I
         | occasionally get cold emails/calls from people thinking they're
         | talking to someone with actual purchasing authority, trying to
         | hustle some business.
         | Anyways out of curiosity I go to the site and it's a business
         | that's built around a single api call that my organization uses
         | internally. I'm simplifying a little, but I can't believe
         | someone built a business around this thing that, to me, is
         | incredibly simple. (I understand it's more complex than that,
         | and we have entire teams backing the goings on behind this api
         | call, but still). From their "who's using us" block on the
         | landing page they look successful. It's interesting to learn
         | how small businesses can find success in the most surprising of
         | places.
         | superasn wrote:
         | You're damn right about that. Just take a look at ipinfo.io,
         | site is generating millions for something maxmind had complete
         | dominance for decades.
         | People give waay too many points to having an original idea and
         | very little to marketing - yet it's the latter that is
         | responsible for the lion's share of any project's success.
         | [deleted]
         | OJFord wrote:
         | And especially if the would-be competitor is so crap, as
         | described? I don't really understand the leap from 'oh
         | something like this already exists but it sucks' to 'no point
         | shipping any more my life is over blog about it instead'.
         | kevsim wrote:
         | Exactly. In fact, it's even a bit of validation that maybe the
         | market you're trying to address actually exists.
       | scottndecker wrote:
       | Not the saddest; just the most recurring "just ship it" story
       | ever.
         | zild3d wrote:
         | yeah this is the "just ship it" story with 1000 faces, not the
         | saddest by any means
       | LVanguard wrote:
       | I had this experience a couple of months ago when I noticed a gap
       | in the shopify app ecosystem. I saw some comments discussing this
       | need, found nothing in the store, and had a friend starting a
       | shop that could potentially use it as well.
       | Worked on the app for 2-3 months, polishing, coding, learning
       | tailwind and a bit of formal UI design in the process. Kept
       | thinking "It's not ready yet. Just needs this hook into the UI.
       | Needs React. Needs a Rails backend. Needs built in email
       | support"... As you can guess, I never shipped.
       | Fast forward 7 months later and I found myself browsing the store
       | again, and yep, found TWO applications in the store that solved
       | the same issue I was attempting to solve months earlier. With
       | installs, _and_ reviews! Got pretty down on myself for a couple
       | of days with the author 's same sense of happiness, doubt,
       | sadness..
       | I'm working on another application where the same 'hesitate to
       | ship' tendencies started rearing their ugly heads. I've started
       | experimenting with just setting deadlines for shipping, feature
       | complete, etc.
       | I'm submitting the app to Shopify today. And no, I don't consider
       | it anywhere near 'ready'.
         | rukuu001 wrote:
         | The most affirming thing in the world is making something and
         | then selling it.
         | The second most affirming thing in the world is watching
         | someone make the exact thing you thought of and then selling
         | it.
           | HWR_14 wrote:
           | Why is selling it affirming? I never got a huge amount of
           | satisfaction from selling things. Giving things away always
           | brought me more satisfaction.
           | In fact, putting a price tag on something I was giving away
           | always seemed like step 1 towards no longer caring about it.
         | hgomersall wrote:
         | On the other hand, be pleased the thing you wanted was
         | implemented and you have no hassle supporting it.
         | sillycube wrote:
         | Always focus on your advantages. When they launch earlier, of
         | course they can enjoy early users.
         | As a late comer in the market, you can observe what they miss
         | and compensate their weaknesses. You save yourself time because
         | you can study from them
       | pueblito wrote:
       | I had this great idea to make a Linux distro with a ranching
       | theme centered on containers. I had a great little basic system
       | going with tons of fun ranching puns; I called the containers
       | cows and so there was roundup and branding and slaughter etc. I
       | even put ASCII barbed wire fences comments to divide sections of
       | code. Man I felt so defeated when I found out RancherOS was a
       | thing, but without the whimsy
       | goatcode wrote:
       | Having experienced this very thing, I can say: there's a good
       | chance the other guys had already made their app in some form
       | long before this guy did. Don't worry, bro: everyone has had a
       | cool idea (all of which are very cheap -- ideas, that is) and
       | then seen someone else doing it later. The good news is this
       | though: if you're dishonest and connected enough, you can still
       | make your app succeed. Especially if it's worse than your
       | competitors'. I have a strong suspicion that that's how it's
       | usually done.
       | jschveibinz wrote:
       | "The MVP was ready in a few days. I'm not that good of a coder,
       | it's just a simple app."
       | This sentence is incredibly important. If a MVP is ready in 3
       | days, then how valuable can that product be?
       | When literally everyone has access to tools that they believe can
       | result in something marketable in only a few days, then we have
       | achieved the time when nobody makes money from software.
       | Thoughts?
         | Multiplayer wrote:
         | The MVP is just the beginning of the journey. A toe-hold in a
         | market space you are about to explore.
         | The MVP gives you your first data set to work with.
         | I know very few people willing to commit to the long journey of
         | making something. Even fewer that will bother marketing it.
         | There is lots of money in this banana stand!
         | [deleted]
         | KennyBlanken wrote:
         | > If a MVP is ready in 3 days, then how valuable can that
         | product be?
         | How long do you think it took to come up with a prototype for
         | Tinder?
         | A bunch of photos, a blurb of text, geolocation/distance
         | calculation, you like or dislike a profile, and a messaging
         | function.
         | The slight, simple spin on grindr - showing a stack you HAD to
         | make your way through - instead of grindr's grid - launched
         | them into the stratosphere.
           | jschveibinz wrote:
           | I agree. But the use of the phrase MVP in place of the phrase
           | "initial prototype" is what I am probing. I think that the
           | misuse of "MVP" distorts the understanding of the long and
           | difficult process of developing and marketing a "viable"
           | software product.
         | lostcolony wrote:
         | If you stop at the MVP, agreed. The implication is either what
         | you have in an MVP is good enough no one will compete, or that
         | you'll keep moving forward with it once you get any sort of
         | validation.
       | DethNinja wrote:
       | Why not release it regardless? Many SaaS offerings have
       | competition, you don't have to aim for a field where competition
       | doesn't exist. In fact, no competition is usually red flag about
       | the idea.
       | steffs wrote:
       | The realness here is palpable
       | masto wrote:
       | Mine was when the iPhone SDK was released. I'd made a small Mac
       | thing and gone to a few WWDCs, and really wanted to be an app
       | developer. I brainstormed some dumb ideas, but one day I was
       | meeting up with some friends in the city and while waiting for
       | them to show up, I thought "there should be an app for this".
       | It felt like I got a lot of blank stares when explaining the idea
       | to people, but I went ahead and built a prototype app where you
       | could invite friends to share their location for a limited time,
       | and it would show you where everyone is in realtime on a map. I
       | did a simple backend server to coordinate sending the updates
       | between devices. There was a chat built in so you could tell
       | people your train was running late. I sent it to a few people, we
       | tried it out, I got busy doing other things, and never finished
       | it.
       | My memory may have distorted the timeline, but it felt like a
       | long time before I saw apps like Glympse, Apple's Find My
       | Friends, or Google location sharing show up. I could have easily
       | gotten that over the line while it was still my idea. Entirely my
       | fault, though.
         | johnhenry wrote:
         | Don't feel bad. Even if you had continued with the idea, it may
         | not have worked. In 2013 there was a company called "Twist"
         | that invited users to share their location temporarily so that
         | co-workers could know if they would be on time to meetings. At
         | some point they shuttered most of their employees and decided
         | to pivot into bitcoin as "BitGo". (Note that https://twist.com/
         | is an entirely different company now).
         | I joined shortly after the shuttering. One funny thing was that
         | the company still owned twist.com and would continually get
         | emails for an unrelated sex club, twistsf.com.
           | hbn wrote:
           | Now young people are just sharing their location all the time
           | on Snapchat and they use that to track each other's
           | locations.
           | I've heard of people in relationships where their SO expects
           | them to always have their Snapchat location on to keep track
           | of them, which is insane to me.
           | bitexploder wrote:
           | And before that one of the founders of BitGo was at Google
           | and and wrote much of the HTTP/2 and SPDY :)
             | johnhenry wrote:
             | Is that you Mike?
               | bitexploder wrote:
               | Lol nah. Met mike doing a project for them a few years
               | ago when BitGo was young. Always thought it was kinda
               | neat :)
       | brundolf wrote:
       | I'm waffling on when to "ship" the programming language I've been
       | working on for the past couple years. I think it could be
       | something real and useful, but there are still things I want to
       | add/redesign/fix before I officially thrust it out into the world
       | as an alpha version.
       | But I'm worried about killing the initial spark of enthusiasm
       | when people try to use it and it's still broken. Or when they
       | start building on it and then I redesign some language feature
       | and their code doesn't work in newer versions.
       | I wonder if it's a different question for something like a
       | language, or whether I'm just getting sucked into the classic
       | fallacy
         | danenania wrote:
         | Shipping isn't a binary and it isn't something you can only do
         | once. If the project is still very rough, "shipping" may just
         | mean emailing it to 20 people you think might be interested.
         | Getting reactions from real people is the key thing, not
         | publicizing it far and wide--in many cases it _is_ smart to
         | wait on that until you 've gone through a bunch of iterations
         | with a small number of early users.
         | For example, you could post a link to your language right here.
         | Not that many people will see it, but some of the ones that do
         | may give you useful feedback and start keeping tabs on the
         | project. There isn't much downside.
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