[HN Gopher] Improved Process Isolation in Firefox 100
       Improved Process Isolation in Firefox 100
       Author : jeremiahlee
       Score  : 223 points
       Date   : 2022-05-12 15:48 UTC (7 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (hacks.mozilla.org)
 (TXT) w3m dump (hacks.mozilla.org)
       | gernb wrote:
       | Maybe I'll finally be able to consider Firefox secure as Chrome
       | by design instead of just praying. It's been a 14 years
       | ComputerGuru wrote:
       | It's a real shame that platform native widgets had to be
       | sacrificed for this to work. The easy way out was to switch to
       | arbitrary app-drawn widgets across all platforms (which Firefox
       | did for all basic DOM HTML elements); the "we'll do one better"
       | alternative is to use app-drawn _imitations_ of the system-native
       | widgets (a la Qt) which Firefox is now doing for the scrollbar.
       | But no one ever gets these widgets right (unnatural scrolling,
       | non-identical behavior when clicking in the gapped region,
       | different scrollable-to-nonscrollable widget ratios, colors not
       | respecting certain subtle theming choices, etc, etc.
       | I wonder if there was an alternative specifically for the
       | scrollbar here - some way of obtaining an outer "shell" (via
       | win32k, but then basically "orphaning" it so that you can't do
       | anything besides kill it when you're finished) that just provides
       | the window with an empty scrollable element that is then
       | populated by the restricted process.
       | That ship has really sailed though; I think the days of native
       | widgets are quickly coming to an end.
         | chrisseaton wrote:
         | The OS should provide a safe API for how to draw native widgets
         | and how they behave. Then you can draw your own anywhere.
           | kevingadd wrote:
           | fwiw, Windows does have an API (called uxtheme, I believe)
           | that you can use to draw native widgets.
       | ellis0n wrote:
       | Process isolation improvement never ends. Firefox 100, FF 1000,
       | FF Universe... will be improved and hacked again. Why?
       | Dwedit wrote:
       | So here we have a feature of Windows 8/10, which prevents the
       | system calls of Win32U/Win32K from being called.
       | When you write a Windows program, you call APIs from User32.dll,
       | GDI32.dll, and Kernel32.dll. Those are the user mode libraries,
       | and the main entry point to call the Windows API functions.
       | What's actually inside of those? User32 and GDI32 are pretty much
       | stubs. Mostly, they have a small amount of code, then proceed to
       | call functions in Win32U.dll. Then Win32U.dll makes system calls,
       | causing Win32k (Kernel Mode) to carry out the functions. So
       | everything from BeginPaint to GetWindowText is going to be a
       | system call that's placed from within Win32U, then handled by
       | Win32K.
       | Meanwhile, Kernel32.dll is a user-mode library (despite the name
       | being "kernel32"), which mostly makes calls to NTDLL.dll. Then
       | NTDLL makes system calls that get handled by kernel-mode
       | components.
       | The isolation thing that Mozilla is using here does not stop the
       | NTDLL system calls that Kernel32.dll uses, just the calls to
       | Win32U/Win32K (GDI32.dll and User32.dll). So there needs to be
       | other mitigation methods in place for the Kernel32/NTDLL stuff,
       | such as reduced user privileges.
       | pcwalton wrote:
       | This is a bit buried at the bottom, but:
       | > For Linux users, we removed the connection from content
       | processes to the X11 Server, which stops attackers from
       | exploiting the unsecured X11 protocol.
       | It's hard to overstate how much of a benefit this is in terms of
       | security for those on Linux. Any application with access to the
       | X11 socket effectively has the keys to the kingdom, because it
       | can hijack other applications, including those running at higher
       | privileges, at will. (There have been halfhearted attempts to
       | address this over the years, but nothing that's been effective or
       | widely adopted.) The only real solution for desktop app security
       | on Linux is to forbid direct access to X11 entirely, and so it's
       | a huge deal that Firefox is now able to do this.
       | In general, doing this sort of thing is a monumental undertaking
       | for large applications like Firefox. Kudos to my former
       | colleagues for pulling it off.
         | throwaway_58291 wrote:
         | In the common scenario of a single user, on a single user
         | machine, running programs under his uid, the benefit is
         | basically zero.
         | If such a user wants to run untrusted programs, he'd use a
         | virtual machine anyway.
         | So, I think it's very easy to overstate the benefit, and your
         | comment did just that.
         | enriquto wrote:
         | Does this mean that I will no longer be able to ssh -X myvm
         | firefox ? This is my way of browsing and I feel much safer than
         | running it raw.
           | Hackbraten wrote:
           | That should still work.
           | They didn't isolate all the Firefox processes from X11. Only
           | the content processes are affected, i.e. the processes whose
           | attack surface is rather massive.
           | But the content processes are still going to deliver their
           | finished work items to the GPU process for rendering. The GPU
           | process retains all the rights it needs, including talking to
           | X11.
           | pcwalton wrote:
           | I don't see why you wouldn't still be able to do that.
           | Firefox still uses X11; it's just that the content processes
           | can't _directly_ speak the protocol now, and must go over IPC
           | to a more trusted process to do so.
       | brian_herman wrote:
       | Nice job firefox team!
         | [deleted]
       | SemanticStrengh wrote:
         | [deleted]
       | ldng wrote:
       | Is that what definitively broke uMatrix ?
         | rhn_mk1 wrote:
         | While uMatrix is somewhat broken (lets things through on some
         | "special" refreshes), it's not totally broken. Or am I seeing
         | something else?
         | ComputerGuru wrote:
         | Extremely unlikely, as uMatrix doesn't do any direct systems
         | programming.
       | whitepoplar wrote:
       | What's the state of browser security these days? Does Chrome
       | still have a lead over Safari and Firefox?
         | jimrandomh wrote:
         | Yes, it does, at least if you go by how much money the sketchy
         | vulnerability brokers are offering to pay. On
         | https://zerodium.com/program.html a Chrome RCE+LPE is "Up to
         | $500k", while the other browsers are all less.
           | weaksauce wrote:
           | https://gs.statcounter.com/browser-market-share
           | if you believe those numbers... 64% vs 3% market share. of
           | course something that impacts 64% of the internet will be
           | more valuable.
             | rockdoe wrote:
             | Would the majority of the current "desktop" software
             | actually being outdated Chromium/Electron/CEF stuff factor
             | into this too?
               | weaksauce wrote:
               | I really doubt it.
               | https://www.w3schools.com/browsers/default.asp
               | that's another sampling of actual web visits. though it
               | skews more tech oriented of course so that's going to be
               | away from safari/ie and more toward firefox and chrome.
           | black_puppydog wrote:
           | Ahhh, the breath of fresh air coming from a truly free market
           | doing what markets do best: processing information in the
           | face of uncertainty to the benefit of all! Don't you feel the
           | soft touch of the invisible hand, gently working to raise the
           | tide of security for all?
           | /s
           | leoc wrote:
           | I guess that that partly reflects its greater market share
           | though.
             | mlinksva wrote:
             | I wonder how those $ amounts are arrived at, I don't see in
             | FAQ. Maybe a third party study of potential factors and
             | prices (quick search I'm not finding anything promising)?
             | Surely market share/adoption is very significant, but
             | something else must explain e.g., 2.5x more for Apache RCE
             | than Nginx RCE?
               | Hackbraten wrote:
               | There are several factors that may affect per-app supply
               | and demand.
               | - How expensive is it to discover a new vulnerability in
               | a given app? (This may depend on code base maturity but
               | also on choice of programming language, its inherent
               | memory safety, and supply chain.)
               | - What privileges does a typical installation of the app
               | grant once RCE is achieved?
               | - How hard is it to write a working exploit for a newly-
               | discovered vulnerability, taking into account the
               | security architecture that protects the app?
               | - Given a zero-day exploit, how many times will you have
               | the opportunity to use it? How quickly will other parties
               | discover it, is the vendor willing to provide patches,
               | how long it is going to take, how much do the updates
               | cost, and how difficult is it to upgrade the software in
               | the field?
               | - Apps and computers tend to come in packs, and attackers
               | love to move laterally. What opportunities would an
               | attacker gain from lateral movement after gaining
               | persistence in a given system?
               | - Market share and adoption may be skewed, as attackers
               | may be interested in specific targets such as journalists
               | or politicians, who may form a specific demographic with
               | particular adoption rates, which can differ from those of
               | the general population.
             | guilhas wrote:
             | And that attackers also focus more on the higher market
             | share
             | Chrome is also not immune, very recently had a serious flaw
             | "actively exploited"
             | https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/google-
             | chrome...
         | trasz wrote:
         | Does Chrome still require a suid root helper?
           | rs_rs_rs_rs_rs wrote:
           | It doesn't and even if it did it would still be a better
           | browser than Firefox security-wise. Google poured a lot of
           | money into it with really good results.
             | rockdoe wrote:
             | >It doesn't
             | It does require one if your system doesn't support user
             | namespaces. Some distros used to disable it, but they're
             | getting rare these days.
         | fulafel wrote:
         | A constant stream of newly discovered (but long existing)
         | remote code execution vulnerabilities has been the norm for
         | years and no quick change in sight. Depending on who you ask,
         | catastrophic, or manageable.
         | ehsankia wrote:
         | Well looking at this specific feature, I believe chrome got
         | site isolation mid-2018 and enabled it by default mid-2019.
         | From what I can tell Firefox got it mid-2021.
         | I don't know much about the specifics of the implementations,
         | but that seems like a significant difference for such a crucial
         | security feature, especially post meltdown/spectre.
       | _wldu wrote:
       | I firmly believe that isolation is the future of endpoint
       | security and I like experimenting with Mandatory Access Control
       | (MAC) on Linux. Tomoyo is my favorite major MAC/LSM in the Linux
       | kernel.
       | If you have a newer kernel (5.13 or greater), you may like to
       | experiment with landlock. It's pretty cool and unlike FireJail,
       | no suid required. Here's a landlock wrapper for Firefox:
       | https://github.com/62726164/misc/blob/main/go/landlock/firef...
       | I'd like to learn more about open source/free Windows and MacOS
       | MAC tools. If you know of any, please post about your experience
       | with them.
       | Edit: This Windows functionality seems similar to seccomp and
       | pledge: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-
       | us/windows/win32/api/winnt/ns-...
         | ThePowerOfFuet wrote:
         | I believe so too, and Qubes has been a refreshing change along
         | those lines since I started using it. It's not for everyone,
         | but I highly recommend it.
         | lewantmontreal wrote:
         | Wow that looks cool. I really want to install apps without
         | entrusting my entire hard drive to them.
           | chrisseaton wrote:
           | > I really want to install apps without entrusting my entire
           | hard drive to them.
           | This is what macOS enforces - apps live within their
           | containers.
           | rockdoe wrote:
           | Unix applications run as a user, so it's not like they have
           | that permission. Looking at that profile, it restricts write
           | access to the home directory to only the Firefox profile and
           | some config files.
           | I guess that makes sense, but you'd have to be aware of it
           | when uploading and downloading stuff (it would only work from
           | a specific designated folder).
             | kaba0 wrote:
             | And where are all the valuable files stored like family
             | pictures, other browsers' cache, ssh keys etc.? In the same
             | user's home dir, so in practice most desktop apps do have
             | uncontrolled access to everything on the harddrive as per
             | the now quite old xkcd comic ( https://xkcd.com/1200/ ).
             | Ideally, a "shadow" Download folder would be accessible to
             | the process, and its content would be mirrored one-way into
             | the real Downloads folder. Upload should display a file
             | chooser dialog which runs in an entirely different process,
             | and the chosen files should be in effect copied to the
             | process's file handles list.
           | _wldu wrote:
           | Thank you! And, yes, I agree. I don't want FireFox or Chrome
           | reading ~/.ssh or ~/.gnupg or any other directories in my
           | home that it has no business reading.
           | Maybe one day we'll have web browsers that don't have any C
           | code. Nothing against C. It's a great systems language, but
           | I'd rather my web browser not use it.
           | Browsing the web is probably the most dangerous thing the
           | average computer user does.
             | rockdoe wrote:
             | >I don't want FireFox or Chrome reading ~/.ssh or ~/.gnupg
             | or any other directories in my home that it has no business
             | reading.
             | Both browsers already do this for the processes that are
             | exposed to the internet. The software shown here
             | additionally does it for the entire browser (with the
             | caveat wrt uploading/downloading that I explained, and
             | maybe some more gotchas that aren't immediately obvious).
             | (You may understand this nuance, but I wanted to point it
             | out, as it's literally what the browser sandboxes do)
       (page generated 2022-05-12 23:00 UTC)