[HN Gopher] Sliderland - Creative coding with 64 HTML sliders
       Sliderland - Creative coding with 64 HTML sliders
       Author : bryanbraun
       Score  : 145 points
       Date   : 2022-05-13 15:19 UTC (7 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (sliderland.blinry.org)
 (TXT) w3m dump (sliderland.blinry.org)
       | DerekBickerton wrote:
       | Something similar:
       | https://mrdoob.com/lab/javascript/checkbox_painter/
         | blinry wrote:
         | If you're into this, also check out @bryanbraun's
         | "Checkboxland", which was a huge inspiration for this project!
         | :) https://www.bryanbraun.com/checkboxland/
       | russellbeattie wrote:
       | Fun and simple, nice. I'd love to see the raw values presented
       | using something like dat.gui, as well as basic play/pause/step
       | controls.
       | https://github.com/dataarts/dat.gui
       | You can see how it's used in this codepen:
       | https://codepen.io/russellbeattie/pen/kGxaqM
       | afry1 wrote:
       | So cool! What a fantastically well presented piece. The simple
       | step-by-step explanations of how to interact with and control the
       | various function inputs left me feeling like I actually knew how
       | to do something with it, which is a far cry from most interactive
       | software playgrounds.
       | Well done.
       | squarefoot wrote:
       | Nice demo, but it pushes CPU usage from 1% to 17-20%, and could
       | encourage the use of the wrong control for a given task. As an
       | example, I've often seen on web pages check boxes (an input
       | widget) used to represent read only boolean values where check
       | marks would have been the correct choice.
         | have_faith wrote:
         | I think there's little risk of someone thinking this is a
         | recommendation for a proper animation engine.
         | panzerboiler wrote:
         | Relax. It's a web toy inspired by another web toy. Nothing
         | serious and nothing to be worried about. If you want to change
         | the world for the better, fight against google, twitter,
         | facebook, and their tracking ads networks. Those are the places
         | where a serious amount of CPU cycles are wasted every second
         | producing toxic matter. We need more creative (mis)uses of the
         | web, not less.
           | squarefoot wrote:
           | I wasn't bashing the creativity, however it should be noted
           | somewhere that it's not the optimal way to use those
           | controls. Although it seem obvious to most of us, people
           | looking for programming examples might take it more
           | seriously. I recall a colleague back in the day (late 90s to
           | early 2k, VB or possibly Delphi) telling me: "heh, I didn't
           | know where to find a sorting function for this and that, so I
           | dragged on the app form a visual component (grid, list etc)
           | having a similar method, made it invisible, then copied data
           | back and forth using its cell/list/array sorting method:
           | problem solved". Different context as my colleague knew it
           | wasn't an optimal solution, but you get the point. I'd also
           | encourage more creative (mis)uses of the web, but possibly
           | with some warnings attached just in case.
         | [deleted]
       | NickBusey wrote:
       | If you missed the link at the bottom to the music video, you
       | missed out. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bUTPlQzfz1k
       | brikelly wrote:
       | Guess the creator was a big Slint fan :)
       | xhrpost wrote:
       | I really like these super simple but creative ideas. Lists.sh a
       | few weeks ago landed there for me as well.
       | PaulHoule wrote:
       | It's like a 1-d pixel shader!
       | aaronharnly wrote:
       | No sandboxing, so this is easy enough to do too :)
       | https://sliderland.blinry.org/#document.body.style.backgroun...
       | cheeseface wrote:
       | Oddly satisfying.
       | oneeyedpigeon wrote:
       | As someone's whose math(s) isn't up to scratch, I find the HTML
       | sliders aspect of this the least interesting. But I love the
       | demonstration of what you can do with a simple equation -- it
       | reminds me of some of the things I've seen people do with pico-8,
       | for example. This demo right here absolutely destroys my cpu,
       | tho...
         | toqy wrote:
         | it also uses canvas, not actual html sliders
           | oneeyedpigeon wrote:
           | Oh yes -- I see this comment in the source:
           | > in case you're wondering, i use a canvas instead of HTML
           | sliders for consistent display across browsers
           | which makes the emphasis on sliders even stranger, to me.
             | a9h74j wrote:
             | Darn, I thought this was going to be my solution to
             | outliers in scientific data plots.
       | justinsaccount wrote:
       | https://sliderland.blinry.org/#sin%28t%2Bx%29*0.5%2B0.5 is very
       | relaxing
         | Semiapies wrote:
         | I took it to this and found it even more so:
         | https://sliderland.blinry.org/#sin%280.25%20*%20t%2Bx%29*0.5...
       | Squarex wrote:
       | Nice reference to the Slint's Spiderland.
       | chaosprint wrote:
       | This is really cool. Is the music video related to the slider or
       | it's just visualization? Would be cool to convert the func into
       | sound like this:
       | https://glicol.org/tour#meta1
       | Will look into the source code tomorrow.
       | dylan604 wrote:
       | does the binary one going from left to right feel odd to anyone
       | else?
         | rickdeveloper wrote:
         | Here's one that goes from right to left:
         | (2**(64 - i)) & (t*10)
           | dylan604 wrote:
           | Nicely done! My OCD says things are back to normal now.
             | [deleted]
       | dillondoyle wrote:
       | So cool. I like how didn't try to style slider input, it's
       | hellish to get it to look nice across browsers.
       | Marazan wrote:
       | https://tixy.land/ seems to be the inspiration?
         | [deleted]
       | couchand wrote:
       | This is really neat! Also, please don't hijack the back button if
       | you're not going to do anything useful with it!
         | [deleted]
       | zamadatix wrote:
       | Reminds me of an old Chrome Experiment post
       | https://web.archive.org/web/20120103162101/http://toki-woki....
       | Doesn't exactly work right on modern browsers anymore but the
       | gist was a 7 segment clock display made out of scrollbars.
       (page generated 2022-05-13 23:00 UTC)