[HN Gopher] Show HN: Bike - macOS Native Outliner
       Show HN: Bike - macOS Native Outliner
       Bike's most original feature is the "fluid" text editing. Lots of
       text editors have animated some interactions (cursor movement,
       insert newline, etc), but I think Bike is the first designed from
       the ground up to support fluid editing.  Give it a try, it feels
       different. (movie on home page if you don't have Mac)  Other
       Features:  * In text mode Bike works like a normal text editor. In
       outline mode rows are constrained to outline hierarchy.  * .bike
       file format is HTML subset, so files are easy to parse and
       manipulate. Bike also supports .opml and .txt.  * Scriptable via
       AppleScript. Javascript plugin API also expected in future, though
       no timing on that.  * Architecture needed to support fluid editing
       also makes Bike faster/more scalable than most (all?) outliners and
       many text editors. I test performance using the Moby Dick
       Workout[^1].  Implementation Notes:  * View is built using
       CALayers[^2].  * Animations are performed by Core animation and
       Motion[^3] lib.  * View performance is determined by visible text,
       not document size.  Model representation is interesting in that
       it's just a flat list of rows. Each row has a `level` property,
       outline structure is determined dynamically. View implementation
       requires that each row has a unique ID.  I'm using
       OrderedDictionary from Swift Collections[^4] to store rows. This is
       Bike's performance bottleneck for large outlines. Eventually I may
       change to augmented b+tree and then should be able to work with
       gigabytes worth of outline. That will be fun, but not sure it's
       actually needed. Already probably fast enough for 99% of use cases
       as is.  Hope you find Bike interesting. I'm happy to answer any
       questions.  [^1]: https://www.hogbaysoftware.com/posts/moby-dick-
       workout/  [^2]:
       https://developer.apple.com/documentation/quartzcore/calayer  [^3]:
       https://github.com/b3ll/Motion  [^4]:
       Author : jessegrosjean
       Score  : 430 points
       Date   : 2022-05-17 11:49 UTC (11 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (www.hogbaysoftware.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (www.hogbaysoftware.com)
       | m1keil wrote:
       | Are there any limits to the unlicensed mode? Is it a shareware or
       | more in line with Sublime Text style?
         | jessegrosjean wrote:
         | There are some editor preferences that need a license and
         | AppleScript support requires a license. Going forward I expect
         | most new features will also require a license. For example I
         | hope to add rich text support next and that will require a
         | license. (same license will unlock all new features)
       | xanaxagoras wrote:
       | I can't believe this guy is writing software that runs on my
       | computer and selling it for money. Feels like the good old days.
         | jessegrosjean wrote:
         | Keep those good old days going. Get a license :)
       | reaperducer wrote:
       | Happy to see this available as both a standalone download, and
       | through the App Store.
       | I'm a big supporter of indie software, but I've had some recent
       | bad experiences that make me gravitate toward the App Store
       | again.
       | One of them is just a plain old boring MP3 Tag Editor. When I
       | migrated to an M1 MacBook, it no longer worked. I contacted the
       | author, and it took him a couple of months to respond. Once he
       | did, he said I used it on too many computers, so I can't use it
       | anymore. I used it:
       | 1. The computer I purchased the software on, which I no longer
       | have and was recycled.
       | 2. The computer that replaced the first computer, which I no
       | longer use and gave to my wife, who does not use the software.
       | 3. The computer I replaced computer #2 with, which I used
       | temporarily until I got my current computer. The old computer is
       | now a headless media server in the closet.
       | The author says there's no way to override his copy protection,
       | or to give me a new license key. "I don't have technical options
       | to resolve such an issue."
       | Great. So I switched to another (more expensive) MP3 tag editor.
       | But this one I bought through the App Store, so I know it will
       | continue working, even if I upgrade my machine.
       | nopcode wrote:
       | I would consider dropping notion for this if there was a good
       | Windows cousin.
       | soci wrote:
       | I've been refraining myself to upgrade to MacOSX 11 in order to
       | not mess with my dev environment. Are you planning to release it
       | for MaxOSX 10.14 or lower?
         | jessegrosjean wrote:
         | Sorry I don't. So much still to do on Bike, I think my time is
         | better spent building up the app feature set.
           | Doctor_Fegg wrote:
           | Please do at least put the minimum required version on the
           | homepage (maybe in small text below the "Download" button or
           | something).
       | billbrown wrote:
       | I have been in the market for an outliner that outputs to open
       | formats so I am absolutely your audience. (My current top
       | contender is OutlineEdit, and I was days away taking the plunge
       | so thank you!)
       | Two things I would love to see in any outliner:
       | 1) Support Harvard and other outline format. I grew up outlining
       | in Harvard and this bullet list stuff is maddening. The developer
       | told me that OutlineEdit will not support it, period, so it's not
       | a deal-breaker.
       | 2) Horizontal outlining. Sometimes it's nice to have a hierarchy
       | that expands and folds to the side. There was a Mac app called
       | Tree 2 that did this but it is long unsupported.
       | Daily TaskPaper guy, so this is a great development.
         | jessegrosjean wrote:
         | Unlikely to be built directly into Bike editor.
         | I have thoughts (no plans yet) about plugin API that can use
         | web view as output layer. The idea being that an outliner can
         | be used for many things. For example you can create a calendar
         | where the hierarchy is year/month/day. Neat, but not really a
         | perfect solution for a calendar. So the idea with plugin API +
         | Web View is that you could use that outliner calendar data to
         | generate a nicer view. This keeps the outliner simple and
         | uniform, but also gives you data specific view.
         | I think that same solution might work for Tree style view, or
         | Harvard bullet list view. It would be sorta like a markdown
         | app, content on one side (the outliner), generated polished
         | result on the other.
         | No promises, but that's how I think I would implement those
         | features in Bike.
         | geoelectric wrote:
         | I would _love_ a good replacement for Tree. I 've never found
         | another app that does what it does.
       | [deleted]
       | dchest wrote:
       | Finally! So many outliners think of each node as a separate text
       | field and add node movements on top. This one gets it. Great
       | work, Jesse!
         | jessegrosjean wrote:
         | Thanks, that's also a pretty key aspect of Bike. Maybe more
         | important than "fluid animation", but I expect hyping up the
         | fluid animation will get more clicks and people can discover
         | the unconstrained text editor after using it.
           | [deleted]
       | joshspankit wrote:
       | Let me know when I can have the same item under N nodes.
       | Not a copy, but a leaf with multiple parents.
       | diimdeep wrote:
         | lelandfe wrote:
         | $30 for an outliner and 1 year of support does feel steep.
         | I dig that it has AppleScript support, rare (and great!) to see
         | a new app supporting that.
         | vintagedave wrote:
         | It's funny how our expectations have changed. I am keen to like
         | this app simply because of who it's from, Hog Bay, who made one
         | of the first Mac apps that really inspired me to how different
         | Mac software could be back in the 2005-ish era. That was
         | WriteRoom, and I used it on my second-gen Intel running Tiger
         | and Snow Leopard.
         | In 2007 it was $25:
         | https://web.archive.org/web/20070202002238/https://www.hogba...
         | (and crikey wasn't design beautiful back then? Look at that
         | snapshot of web design history.)
         | That same $25 would, calculated by inflation, cost $35 now.
         | Which is the price of this app, Bike.
           | jessegrosjean wrote:
           | Thanks for history link, just spent 15 minutes looking
           | through my own website :)
         | BeautifulWorld wrote:
         | Won't run on my MacPro laptop because it's pre 11. Boo!
         | kstrauser wrote:
         | I'm fine with that. Newer OSes contain new features and APIs,
         | and I can totally understand a developer wanting to build on
         | top of some new feature instead of having to reinvent it
         | themselves. Sometimes that's inconvenient for me, although I
         | try to keep all my devices current. But if a dev wants to
         | require an OS version that's shipped with every M1 Mac that's
         | ever existed and chooses that as their cutoff, I get it.
       | amphitheatre wrote:
       | Can someone combine this concept with a task management/todo app?
       | That would be perfect.
         | Void_ wrote:
         | TaskPaper turns each item into a todo that you can check off.
         | jessegrosjean wrote:
         | That's the plan among other things. Get a license ;)
           | GaylordTuring wrote:
           | I use Taskpaper everyday, both for To-do:s and to take notes.
           | I'll gladly switch to Bike the day it can do most of the
           | thing Taskpaper can do. I'll eagerly follow the development
           | of it.
         | jdvh wrote:
         | We're working on an outline app with task management/planning
         | functionality. With end-to-end encryption and multiuser/teams
         | support (you can see other users type like Google Docs). Early
         | beta signup at https://thymer.com
       | zhaihuailou wrote:
       | First class job!
       | darren wrote:
       | Nice! Do you have any plans on adding a "library" sidebar (like
       | IA Writer) to allow quick jumping between multiple files?
         | jessegrosjean wrote:
         | I think yes, but no plans are really set in stone at this
         | point. I agree a navigation bar would help navigation in big
         | outlines.
       | dotancohen wrote:
       | Looks terrific! You seem to have implemented the some common org-
       | mode functionality, such as editing outline structure by moving
       | elements and headings. Does Bike do anything that org-mode does
       | not?
       | Bike certainly _looks_ nicer than org-mode!
       | Exuma wrote:
       | I like it
       | sergiotapia wrote:
       | Lovely but unfortunately Mac only.
       | Jcowell wrote:
       | Is this available on the App Store ? (Not a super big deal if
       | not. Just like to manage all my subscriptions/purchases in one
       | place. So makes updating easier along with the privacy report
       | that makes recommending to friends easier)
         | jessegrosjean wrote:
         | It is available here:
         | https://apps.apple.com/us/app/bike-outliner/id1588292384?mt=...
         | Mac App Store version is subscription based. I know many people
         | don't like that, that's why my direct download version is not
         | subscription based... but for Mac App Store upgrades are a
         | pain/impossible. So subscription.
           | Jcowell wrote:
           | This is excellent . When I searched for it on the App Store
           | via "bike" I was unable to find it. I'll subscribe if it
           | means you can maybe buy App Store ads for keywords like bike
           | for better visibility.
             | jessegrosjean wrote:
             | Yeah, Bike's not a very good name for searches, but it's a
             | good name for what the app intends to be.
           | csilverman wrote:
           | Yeah, I wouldn't have considered this for a second if it was
           | subscription-only. The pay-once-and-pay-for-upgrades model is
           | very fair; I'd impulse-buy something for $30 once, but I
           | don't impulse-buy recurring payments.
           | This is a very cool idea. Might make note-taking a lot
           | easier. I'm looking forward to trying it out.
       | user3939382 wrote:
       | This is cool! I currently use this app for this purpose and like
       | it a lot https://www.foldingtext.com/
         | ubermonkey wrote:
         | Fun Fact: Jesse (OP) wrote the original version of that.
         | see:
         | https://www.foldingtext.com/blog/team/foldingtext_next.html
       | kall wrote:
       | This is an impressively well stripped down app. It's all I ever
       | wanted from OmniOutliner (remember when it shipped with OS X?).
       | Unfortunately, I've been drawn in by the linking functionality in
       | Roam/Logseq and cannot go back to a simple outliner, though this
       | makes me want to.
       | I don't think I'm a fan of the animated cursor while typing. It
       | somehow makes the typing feel slower, like it takes some physical
       | effort for the cursor to push forward.
         | lf-non wrote:
         | Yes, I am in the same boat. I started using Logseq when I
         | switched to linux as my primary workstation and could no longer
         | use OmniOutliner.
         | I used to focus a lot on structuring and organizing things
         | _properly_ before. But after I started using linking, tags, ref
         | embeds etc. more I found that I was more productive by just
         | quickly dumping specific things into poorly organized isolated
         | notes, and adding headers, cross-linking /organizing/merging
         | them much later if they survive.
         | I later learnt (to my surprise) that people had written whole
         | books about similar methodologies (zettelkasten etc.) but yet
         | to sit down and explore any of them.
         | jessegrosjean wrote:
         | It can feel that way for some people. Seems different per user,
         | there's a preference to change the speed in settings.
         | Also yet need to remember that you don't need to wait for it,
         | sometimes you might just get mesmerized by it and then it feels
         | slow, but if you just type it will keep up with you. It's only
         | ever the "last" animation that fully completes if you are
         | typing fast.
           | marcuskaz wrote:
           | I'll have to try it again, I didn't realize there was a
           | setting for it. I uninstalled it because the typing felt
           | really slow and awkward.
           | My two cents, default disable so it feels faster, it sounded
           | like speed and smoothness was one of the many selling points.
       | coldtea wrote:
       | > _Text editing should work as you expect. This is a nice feature
       | of Bike. Often outliner apps constrain text editing in various
       | ways. Bike doesn 't do that._
       | So, how do you add a "soft linebreak" - so that I get a line
       | break in a single node (so that I can have e.g. 3 paragraphs on a
       | node).
       | The things I've tried (enter, shift-enter, etc) all create a new
       | node below - and the manual doesn't give any clue.
         | jessegrosjean wrote:
         | Sorry, just not supported right now.
       | OJFord wrote:
       | > An outliner (or outline processor) is a specialized type of
       | text editor (word processor) used to create and edit outlines,
       | which are text files which have a tree structure, for
       | organization.
       | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Outliner
       | I'm not criticising use of the term, it seems familiar to (also
       | used by) several commenters here, I just hadn't come across it.
       | Guessed 'bulleted notes app' from the submission, which is close
       | enough I suppose.
         | [deleted]
       | giancarlostoro wrote:
       | Off topic and meta to HN: I had no idea you could do both a URL
       | and a text submission, is this a recent change?
       | I think this format is fantastic for Show HN threads.
         | Leftium wrote:
         | Relatively recent:
         | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=30040235
           | giancarlostoro wrote:
           | Thank you! I love that they do very small changes that have
           | positive impact. It really makes the most sense for Show HN.
         | [deleted]
         | Etheryte wrote:
         | I believe this changed a few months ago or so, and it's only
         | available for Show HN submissions afaik. It's a small change
         | but definitely a great improvement over the old way where you'd
         | post a link and then add a comment.
       | mpwoz wrote:
       | Surprised nobody has mentioned org-mode yet. It does everything
       | shown in the video: collapse/expand nodes, focus on subtrees,
       | ability to highlight across rows/nodes, etc.
       | That said, the fluid animations in Bike look great, and the video
       | was very slick! Nice work.
         | ubermonkey wrote:
         | Well, you just did.
         | OrgMode relies on emacs, which is not exactly in the same class
         | of software that this is. This is "one thing well" stuff. Emacs
         | and OrgMode are pretty much the other side of the continuum.
           | amcpu wrote:
           | I've been having good success with _basic_ outlining
           | functionality of Org Mode in VS Code using the "VS Code Org
           | Mode" extension. No need for emacs for this use case. The
           | built-in VS Code folding works really well and then combining
           | with GitLab which has rendering support for Org Mode when
           | committing/pushing commits. Plus, since everything I'm doing
           | is already in Org Mode syntax, I can move to other editors
           | later if desired. It's a good solution for my needs, at
           | least.
       | soapdog wrote:
       | This is a great outliner. I'm quite impressed by how fluid it is.
       | Great work!
       | quick question: why you chose to go with HTML instead of making
       | OPML the default file format? I'm not judging, I'm just curious.
         | jessegrosjean wrote:
         | I want more structure in the file format. OPML is perfect for
         | plain text outliners. But if you want to support rich text then
         | you need to encode the HTML as plain text. This means it's all
         | of the sudden harder to process with web tools like xpath.
         | Also (not sure this will happen, but I plan to try) I expect to
         | add different node types. For example right now every node is a
         | paragraph. In future might have ... A HEADING (innovation I
         | know). Again that maps really well to HTML, not as well to
         | OPML.
         | Plus I just like the fact that .bike files are HTML. Makes me
         | confident that they will live and be readable far into the
         | future.
           | d3nj4l wrote:
           | Have you considered using the org format? I'm not saying
           | it'll be good (I've not seen an implementation outside emacs
           | that really _gets_ it) but org-mode has been the best
           | outliner I 've personally used.
             | jessegrosjean wrote:
             | I haven't looked too much into it. If someone really wanted
             | it and was motivated to help write I would (might, contact
             | me first) support, but generally the existing formats are
             | what I will focus on.
           | soapdog wrote:
           | I understand, thanks for sharing. I've seen some outliners
           | using node attributes to change how the content is
           | interpreted in OPML and thus being able to use them for
           | things beyond plain-text. I'm quite partial to OPML, but HTML
           | is cool too and easier to reuse.
           | Anyway, congratulations on the impressive first public
           | release. The more outliners the better in my opinion.
           | psydvl wrote:
           | Why not to use markdown formatting?
           | For example, Dynalist use this idea for their files
           | And node itself is heading, while when they need paragraph
           | with heading they create _note="" attribute into <outline>
           | element
             | jessegrosjean wrote:
             | Markdown is great and I build another app, FoldingText,
             | around it.
             | But for my own use I over time realized that was a mistake.
             | All the parsing and formatting adds complexity. I think
             | rich text (which to be clear Bike does not yet have, though
             | I will add soon) is a simpler way to work from user
             | perspective. Just issue commands instead of remember and
             | see formatting rules. It's cleaner and simpler for my uses.
       | jitl wrote:
       | Congratulations on the release! It's cool to see more outliners
       | with multi-item text selection. The "fluid" animations look
       | really delightful -- I'm jealous! I know you've shared some
       | details about the animation implementation, but I'm curious about
       | how much system stuff you take advantage of. Is your view
       | accessible through VoiceOver? What parts of the Cocoa text system
       | do you use (or, what do you use instead for layout and shaping)?
       | (https://developer.apple.com/library/archive/documentation/Te...)
       | I think you started working on this around the time I was working
       | on multi-block text selection in Notion. I remember seeing a
       | preview tweet in a Andy Matuschak thread and thinking "great
       | minds!". When I started working on it, I was so surprised that
       | _no_ outliner I tested had multi-item text selection! It's a
       | unique fusion. I'm curious about how you handled deletions across
       | different indent levels... Do you know of any other outliners
       | with it besides Bike and Notion?
         | jessegrosjean wrote:
         | Thanks!
         | Bike's editor is pretty much:
         | OutlinerLayer RowLayers LineFragmentLayers
         | I use CoreText to line break and render into each
         | LineFragmentLayer. A whole new level of performance is possible
         | if I knew more metal/opengl, but right now rendering text on
         | CPU and sending as line fragments to CoreAnimation.
         | > Do you know of any other outliners with it besides Bike and
         | Notion?
         | It's hard to define "outliner". This has been a main feature of
         | TaskPaper for a long time... but TaskPaper is maybe a bit more
         | "text editor" than outliner. Also tools like orgmode and
         | probably lots more are pretty much outliners and also have all
         | text editor features.
         | But yeah, for tools that feel more like an outliner it's not a
         | common feature. In particular Bike even allows you too over
         | indent and movies lines around without moving children. I think
         | that's pretty unique, and goes together with multiline
         | selection in Bike's case.
           | burntcaramel wrote:
           | I imagine then you would had to reimplement behaviour for
           | text selection from scratch? Impressive stuff!
             | jessegrosjean wrote:
             | Yes, all the basic needed to be implemented. Impressive or
             | dumb or maybe just persistent.
       | jamesgreenleaf wrote:
       | This seems very similar to Workflowy, which is meant as a
       | compliment.
       | Scriptability is a huge feature here, and something that WF users
       | have been asking about for a long time.
       | If you could offer this on multiple devices & OSes, and provide a
       | sync feature, then I'd be very interested in switching.
       | cercatrova wrote:
       | > _What a computer is to me is it 's the most remarkable tool
       | that we have ever come up with. It's the equivalent of a bicycle
       | for our minds._
       |  _Steve Jobs_
       | I like that the product references this quote for the logo as
       | well as the fact that's it's on macOS.
       | cjlm wrote:
       | I'm a big fan of Workflowy [0] but I've been keeping an eye on a
       | Bike-like outliner called Zavala [1] - written with Swift and
       | already has an iOS app.
       | [0] https://workflowy.com/ [1] https://zavala.vincode.io/
         | mpolichette wrote:
         | I've been using Workflowy for years now. I really love it.
         | They been working lots of interesting features in but stick to
         | the basics that everything starts as a list. You would be
         | surprised what is possible w/ just a list!
       | andrew_ wrote:
       | Call me a curmudgeon, but I just use an editor and markdown for
       | the same fluid outlining. I guess this is more marketed towards
       | people who don't also fluidly use a markup/markdown syntax.
         | jessegrosjean wrote:
         | This nice think outliners can do that editors generally can't
         | do is Focus In / Out. Maybe not important for your thought
         | process, but for me I really like being about to start new on a
         | fresh "page", while still being in the same document.
           | rplnt wrote:
           | Code editors can do it. It should be possible to define a
           | syntax that would work well with this (no keywords, unquoted
           | strings, : and TAB to define scopes).
       | bsg75 wrote:
       | Running the last gen Mac Mini Server which Apple decided to not
       | support past Catalina. As a fan of TaskPaper, this appears to be
       | the point where Apple obsolesce hits me because macOS 11 is
       | needed for Bike and some other new apps I have tried this month.
       | With 16GB RAM, and the HDDs replaced with SSDs it is a perfectly
       | capable desktop. I would upgrade macOS if I could, but it may be
       | time to move it to Fedora. That won't solve the root issue with
       | Mac apps - Intel architectures don't evolve so fast as a machine
       | with this performance capacity becoming unsupported.
         | mjturner wrote:
         | I have a Mini of the same generation and it runs Monterey very
         | well via OpenCore Legacy Patcher -
         | https://dortania.github.io/OpenCore-Legacy-Patcher/. Worth
         | considering if you haven't looked at it before.
           | bsg75 wrote:
           | I did not know this existed. Definitely giving it a shot.
       | skrtskrt wrote:
       | Just when I have mostly moved on to Linux - it looks incredible
       | and I wish the project luck, I would love to use this on Linux
       | one day
       | brailsafe wrote:
       | I like that you described some of the underlying APIs you used
       | and picked something to try and do well, and it seems like you
       | did. I also like macOS native software.
       | I do struggle to understand the value proposition though. I've
       | been using Bear for outlining, admittedly smallish lists. It's
       | macOS native, supports things like pasting in images, video,
       | markdown, checkboxes, etc.. and is supported by a tiny
       | subscription fee or free. I've never run into performance
       | problems.
       | Some people just want to work on massive outlines with either
       | text or links and nothing else, move those list items around
       | frequently, and to those people $30 might be cheap. As a product
       | it seems tricky to me, but I'd love to hear from anyone who's the
       | perfect customer, and how this hits the mark for you. As in, what
       | the hell do you plan day-to-day?
       | Also I quite like the icon, and the nature of it being incredibly
       | simple. In a sense, it reminds me of the first version of IA
       | Writer.
         | jessegrosjean wrote:
         | I think Bike is more "tool for thought" than it is tool for
         | notes. It's more like a text editor with some magic features,
         | then it is like a directory of text files.
         | So value proposition... It's a unique surface for your ideas.
         | The way that it "feels" is important and different than any
         | other app. If that helps you think then Bike might be fore you.
         | In another comment I said Fluid = Animation... and it does, but
         | there's another aspect of fluid with Bike. If you try most any
         | outliner there are pretty rigid tools. A little hard to
         | explain, but they don't feel "fluid" like a text editor. There
         | are limits and constraints. Bike is different in that it has
         | all the capabilities of an outliner, but it also has all the
         | freedom of a text editor. You can select over multiple lines,
         | cursor moves like a text editor.
         | Not sure that I've explained that last bit well... but try a
         | good outliner like Workflowy. Then try Bike, beyond the
         | animations (they can be turned off in preferences) Bikes core
         | editing commands feel different.
       | spython wrote:
       | I really like FoldingText that was also your development. Sadly,
       | it's been discontinued. Looking forward to see if Bike feels as
       | great as FoldingText.
         | nnwright wrote:
         | FoldingText was an absolute work of art, best outliner I've
         | ever used. It's one of those pieces of software I keep using,
         | long after it has been discontinued, holding my breath with
         | each OS release to see if this is the one that breaks it. That
         | will literally be the only thing that keeps me from using it. I
         | sincerely hope Bike adopts a lot of the same features!
           | jessegrosjean wrote:
           | Thanks I'm glad you liked it. Please note that I sold
           | FoldingText to https://doubledogsoftware.com and it's still
           | being worked on. I don't know full set of plans, but when I
           | sold last summer (right before dedicating fully to Bike) the
           | goal was to get the code into a modern state that would keep
           | working for years to come.
       | t235a wrote:
       | For those want similar on windows, try
       | https://innovationdilation.com/
       | jb1991 wrote:
       | Regarding the website: having a video embedded with zero control
       | to mute or change it's audio volume is really insensitive UX. The
       | annoying background music is not even necessary to actually get
       | meaning from the video.
         | johnknowles wrote:
         | Strong disagree to both of these points. Nothing "insensitive",
         | save your comment. Devices have audio controls, no need to
         | repeat them in a video player-especially not one on a landing
         | page for a product. Background music for promotional material
         | is standard, and all too necessary.
           | jb1991 wrote:
           | > Devices have audio controls, no need to repeat them in a
           | video player
           | You assume that the web page is the only source of audio
           | happening on a device. If someone is listening to something
           | on their machine while browsing articles and then needs to
           | stop whatever is playing because the website is taking over
           | the audio, that's very poor UX and is indeed insensitive to
           | the user.
           | Suppose you have a screen reader and now you cannot hear it
           | because a video is unnecessarily blaring music that you can't
           | hide. 99.99% of all websites offer the user individual audio
           | control over playing content -- for a reason.
             | johnknowles wrote:
             | Making me think that maybe you should be insensitive to
             | certain users
               | jb1991 wrote:
               | > Making me think that maybe you should be insensitive to
               | certain users
               | People with screen readers usually have an accessibility
               | issue, so you are advocating to ignore the visually
               | impaired, for example.
         | jessegrosjean wrote:
         | Sorry about that. I'm a one guy does many things. Maybe I
         | missed on video sound, but it's tricky trying to make a text
         | editor look interesting. I thought the music helped.
           | ask_b123 wrote:
           | The music does sound interesting, but I also wanted to mute
           | it. But at least there are some images later in the page.
           | humanistbot wrote:
           | I hated the music and closed my browser the second I couldn't
           | find a mute button.
             | GaylordTuring wrote:
             | Sorry, I might have misunderstood you, but can't you just
             | mute the audio of your device altogether? Or do you want to
             | continue to listen to music in the background or something?
           | throwaway675309 wrote:
           | I would've vastly preferred you narrating over the video
           | instead of generic sounding Kickstarter music, I immediately
           | muted it.
       | CiPHPerCoder wrote:
       | BIKE also stands for Bit-flipping Key Encapsulation
       | https://bikesuite.org
         | dymk wrote:
         | It's also a two-wheeled vehicle powered by legs
       | twohaibei wrote:
       | I've been using workflowy.com - looks VERY similar.
         | lf-non wrote:
         | Workflowy is a truly category-defining solution that inspired
         | an entire generation of similar products.
         | I wanted a (preferably open-source) alternative which I could
         | use with self-managed storage/sync without sharing any data and
         | found Logseq to be pretty good.
       | sh1mmer wrote:
       | This looks great.
       | One small suggestion would be to add a "collapse parent" keyboard
       | shortcut since this is something I imagine using a lot after
       | scanning one or more items in a list. Perhaps Shift-Command-0
       | might be a good fit for that.
         | jessegrosjean wrote:
         | I don't think I want to add to many specialized shortcuts, but
         | if you ask in the hogbaysoftware support forums I'm happy to
         | write an AppleScript to do this, and then that can be assigned
         | a keyboard shortcut.
         | Also generally for collapsing items I use outline mode: Press
         | escape key, and then you can just use left/right arrows to
         | expand collapse items. Maybe not what you are after, but that's
         | how I find I'm always collapsing/expanding things in Bike.
           | pvg wrote:
           | In OmniOutliner, the collapse row shortcut will collapse the
           | parent which takes care of the specialized extra keybind.
           | What seems odd is OmniOutliner and Bike's outline/collapse
           | row keys are reversed with cmd-0 and cmd-9 doing collapsing
           | and expanding in one and expanding and collapsing in the
           | other.
       | sfaruque wrote:
       | Any chance you'll be releasing this on SetApp too (like
       | TaskPaper)?
         | jessegrosjean wrote:
         | Maybe, I'll have to see how it goes. My main goal is to sell
         | enough copies so I can keep working on it. Last few years I've
         | had to spend a bunch of time contracting. Hoping this will get
         | me back to full time independent.
       | dietsprite wrote:
       | Great job with this. Going to try it out now. Slightly off-topic:
       | What is the name of the song in the video? I want to play it on
       | loop as I work
         | jessegrosjean wrote:
         | Couldn't remember. Just found it:
         | https://audiojungle.net/item/the-snaps-claps-stomps-pack/363...
       | camgunz wrote:
       | In particular I love these features:
       | - "respects your computer's memory and battery"
       | - "uses open file formats"
       | - "is scriptable"
       | Feels like we should also think about these kinds of things when
       | we think about "organic" software. Kudos to the developer for
       | these.
         | jxy wrote:
         | How much memory and battery do all the animation use?
           | stevenbedrick wrote:
           | Probably very little if it is built on top of CoreAnimation,
           | since that set of OS APIs is extremely heavily optimized
           | specifically to enable animation-rich UIs that are light in
           | terms of CPU and battery use.
             | armadsen wrote:
             | Indeed. As far as I know, Core Animation was originally
             | created as part of work on the first version of iOS (nee
             | iPhoneOS), where the target device, the original iPhone,
             | was pretty severely memory and CPU constrained.
               | xattt wrote:
               | Here's part of the ArsTechnica article on Leopard that
               | discussed CoreAnimation:
               | https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2007/10/mac-os-x-10-5/8/
               | Of note:
               | > [The] advent of Core Animation probably means that
               | we'll have to endure some amount of gratuitously animated
               | software created by "overly enthusiastic" developers. But
               | the same was true during the introduction of styled text
               | and color graphics. Mac developers learn quickly, and Mac
               | users are good at rewarding restraint and punishing
               | excess.
           | sudhirj wrote:
           | CALayer is part of the OS toolkit, so probably not much. It's
           | the same system the OS itself uses, so probably a shared lib,
           | and it's heavily optimised. Similar to animating your web
           | page with only CSS animations. It's all baked into the
           | existing rendering system already.
           | jessegrosjean wrote:
           | I think the architecture needed to support them means the
           | total package is less than most apps. For example consider
           | scrolling:
           | In Bike it's fast enough that when you scroll it just updates
           | what you can see on the screen. This means you only pay
           | memory for visible text. For most macOS apps scrolling
           | performance is achieved by pre-rendering before and after the
           | visible scroll area. So you pay for that cache and you also
           | pay for the background processing required by pre-rendering.
           | Also consider simple things like window resize. In Bike that
           | only effects visible text. If you open a large document in
           | TextEdit you will see that resize is quite slow and processor
           | and memory intensive. (you can test with
           | https://www.hogbaysoftware.com/posts/moby-dick-workout/). And
           | then after that resize there's lots of background processing
           | to refill a bunch of layout caches I guess. On the other hand
           | resize is instant and only does work for visible text in
           | Bike.
           | I don't think the animations are expensive, but it's hard to
           | test because that work happens in Mac OS window server and
           | I'm not an expert there. If they really are a problem and you
           | are on battery then you can turn off animations in
           | preferences.
         | b3morales wrote:
         | Jesse is certainly one of the patron saints of open formats in
         | the Apple world given he invented TaskPaper.
       | telesilla wrote:
       | If this supported multi-user synchronous editing Google-docs
       | style I'd be thrilled.
         | jessegrosjean wrote:
         | Sorry that's not likely. I'm a single developer, not ready to
         | run a server. More likely (though still have many more basic
         | features on roadmap) is automatic merging support when a Bike
         | file is stored on something like Dropbox.
         | In fact that would be a pretty great service (for someone else
         | to develop). "Dropbox", but for strutted data (xml, json,
         | whatever) that knows how to merge trees and make use if unique
         | ids. Maybe it wouldn't work, each merge situation needs a
         | special case solution. But for Bike files at least I think it
         | might work pretty well.
           | jitl wrote:
           | I think you could encode a "shelf" last-write-wins CRDT into
           | your HTML using data attributes without exploding your file
           | size. You would need to add a data-version attribute, and if
           | you want to support hand-editing or editing by programs that
           | don't understand the CRDT, a CRC32 or other parity as data-
           | parity so your loader can tell when a user might have edited
           | a row without updating data-version.
           | Shelf is really simple - the JS implementation is tiny
           | (https://github.com/dglittle/shelf) and a walkthrough of the
           | algorithm here is a quick read:
           | https://bartoszsypytkowski.com/shelf-crdt/amp/
           | It wouldn't handle character level sync - but would let you
           | merge documents at a rows/items/blocks level.
             | jessegrosjean wrote:
             | Thanks for the tip, I'll keep a reference to this. I will
             | say that it's still unlikely that I tackle this myself
             | anytime soon. I'm a single programmer, and not all that
             | fast at that. Lots of more basic stuff to do on Bike, and
             | iOS version... going to keep me busy for a while.
           | nehalem wrote:
           | Did you have a look at [y-js](https://github.com/yjs/yjs)?
           | They claim to be suitable for p2p collaborative editing and
           | they have bindings for other languages as well.
             | jessegrosjean wrote:
             | Early in Bike's development I did try a few solutions, but
             | I want Bike to work on somewhat big files. See
             | (https://www.hogbaysoftware.com/posts/moby-dick-workout/).
             | Anytime I loaded such a file into a sync solution
             | everything blew up.
               | Void_ wrote:
               | YJS is one of the more performant ones. Wonder how it
               | would do with your example file.
             | jamil7 wrote:
             | Which other languages?
           | Leftium wrote:
           | Simplenote survived the Moby Dick workout. It lags a little
           | after paste, and hangs momentarily on redo. It may work
           | better with more structured data. (I used the markdown file
           | in the webapp; didn't test native/mobile versions.)
           | So https://www.simperium.com/overview/ might be a low-effort
           | option to add syncing without managing your own server.
           | > - Data transparently moves across mobile, web, and desktop
           | versions of your app
           | > - Your users can read and write data even when they're
           | offline
           | > - Multiple users can collaborate with the same data at the
           | same time
           | > Simperium persists your data for you in buckets... Every
           | Simperium object is JSON data that is stored in a bucket.
           | > Simperium does some basic conflict resolution for you
           | automatically... When two edits are made for the same field
           | though, Simperium supports automatic resolution for strings
           | (currently) and will merge the two edits together.
       | markroseman wrote:
       | Speaking as a daily TaskPaper user, this looks great! I totally
       | get why you're doing the things you're doing with this,
       | implementation-wise, and what you're able to achieve because of
       | it.
       | Having said that, you know very well what a tough sell it is the
       | more general purpose a tool is, and this is very general purpose.
       | I hope having it out there spurs some ideas around how the novel
       | features of this infrastructure can be the basis for some more
       | concrete and easier to market solutions.
       | phlyingpenguin wrote:
       | First, I use and love TaskPaper so I'm interested in what you've
       | got going on. But on its surface, I don't see the differentiation
       | between the two products right now other than Bike having slicker
       | rendering and TaskPaper having more utility. It seems like
       | TaskPaper is a competent outliner that supports focus and other
       | features just fine. Can you comment to what the goals are that
       | separate them?
         | jessegrosjean wrote:
         | I've written about Bike's relationship to TaskPaper here:
         | https://support.hogbaysoftware.com/t/how-does-bike-relate-to...
         | I think core summary is:
         | 1. Wanted to control own text editor. Building off NSTextView
         | was limiting 2. Wanted to use structured document format. Plain
         | text was limiting
           | phlyingpenguin wrote:
           | Interesting, thanks. It does sound like there's a lot to
           | build on there so I'll be interested in seeing where it goes.
           | Some of my best "productivity" memories are with the "free"
           | copy of OmniOutliner that came on my first Macs, and I think
           | you have the bones to bring that to the 2020s.
       | ryanianian wrote:
       | This is great. It feels very fast, focused, native, and
       | lightweight like all of HogBay's offerings.
       | Is there any way to change the font? As a developer, non-
       | monospace fonts feel foreign for composing text.
         | jessegrosjean wrote:
         | Thanks, sorry not yet font option. I expect to add TaskPaper
         | like stylesheets in the medium future, then there will be many
         | style options.
           | billrobertson42 wrote:
           | A simple font selector would be nice. I have some seriously
           | impaired vision w/o correction and monospaced fonts really
           | help when I have to look at a screen that way.
           | That and ability to zoom in/out or increase/decrease font
           | size.
             | jessegrosjean wrote:
             | Note that Bike does support changing font size already.
             | I'm getting a lot of request for also adding changing the
             | underlying font. Will likely add that sooner then later now
             | since lots of people seem to need.
               | billrobertson42 wrote:
               | Awesome!
       | ilrwbwrkhv wrote:
       | Workflowy and Logseq already provide these features. Am I missing
       | something?
         | vvillena wrote:
         | As the post title says, it's a macOS native app, focusing on
         | fluidity.
           | ilrwbwrkhv wrote:
           | Mac native I get. But what is "fluidity"? The other two are
           | just as "fluid".
             | jessegrosjean wrote:
             | "fluidity" is a made up marketing term (by me) to mean
             | animation.
             | But I think this animation is important. Bike is a "tool
             | for thought". I think the way that it "feels/animation" is
             | important. Bike's build built from the ground up to support
             | this. Check out the movie or better yet try the download.
             | Typing feels a bit smoother, text slides into place.
             | And yes it can be turned off. And no it doesn't slow you
             | down, animations are canceled if you type again before they
             | finish.
               | criddell wrote:
               | > text slides into place
               | I don't have a Mac to try this on, but _slides into
               | place_ sounds like what Microsoft does in Outlook and I
               | ended up turning it off.
               | Maybe it's not the same thing though. In Outlook (and
               | some other Office programs) as you type the text seems to
               | appear a little more slowly and the cursor glides to the
               | right. To me, it always felt laggy and so I turned it
               | off.
         | jessegrosjean wrote:
         | They both provide many great features, but Bike provides some
         | unique features too. I think they are pretty well listed on
         | Bike's home page (features), but I'll add some notes here:
         | 1. "Fluid" (smoothly animated) editing. You could argue it's
         | not important, but this is something new and unique to Bike.
         | Bike is a "tool for thought". I think how the app feels is an
         | important aspect.
         | 2. macOS native app, of course this is a plus and minus. But if
         | you are on a Mac Bike will generally us a lot less resources
         | then those apps and integrate better with the rest of the
         | system.
         | 3. Local files in open formats. Logseq has this of Course, but
         | I think there's something pretty nice about having your outline
         | just be simple HTML. Easy to parse, easy to work with, should
         | be able to view and make sense of as long as web's around.
         | 4. Faster. Bike is designed to work on somewhat big outlines.
         | Moby Dick has been my test file. It opens instantly. I've just
         | pasted that into Logseq and my computer is working hard a few
         | minutes later. Not sure how workflowy does because it puts me
         | over quotas.
         | Bike has a pretty unique foundation compared to other outliner
         | apps. It's also missing a lot of higher level features that I
         | plan to build out over time.
           | WillAdams wrote:
           | The one user interface element I'd suggest is adding the
           | ability to promote/demote nodes w/ the right-click menu when
           | interacting w/ nodes (you could show the keyboard shortcut
           | then to make it discoverable) --- also an option to delete
           | (maybe only if empty?)
           | Also, when dragging-dropping, I found it way too easy to make
           | empty nodes which was disconcerting.
         | therockhead wrote:
         | I honestly don't understand comments like this, you know it's
         | ok to competition in this space?
           | ilrwbwrkhv wrote:
           | For sure, I have nothing against competition. Usually though,
           | there are some really unique product features which sometimes
           | get lost in the marketing speak, so if there is a product
           | that I am interested in, like this one, I like to verify that
           | since I didn't quite get that from the product page.
           | throwaway675309 wrote:
           | Counterpoint, I very much enjoy when commenters surface
           | competitors, because it makes the creator summarize exactly
           | what distinguishes their product.
         | phemartin wrote:
         | I'm in Dynalist camp!
           | jessegrosjean wrote:
           | Does Dynalist support OPML? Nice thing about OPML is you can
           | be in all camps at once. Or use Dynalist as iOS solution. I'm
           | still looking for best outliner to recommend for Bike files
           | on iOS until I get my act together and make iOS version of
           | Bike.
       | dcchambers wrote:
       | Wow - this so closely aligns with how I already think and
       | organize my thoughts with notes. Definitely going to give it a
       | try. Beautiful and fun demo video too.
       | jibbers wrote:
       | This looks awesome! Reminds me of FoldingText.
       | Edit: I'm not able to force-click on words to look them up (but
       | right click > Look Up "x" still works). This would also be
       | helpful on URLs, too.
         | jessegrosjean wrote:
         | Thanks, added to my bug list.
       | pisipisipisi wrote:
       | I wish someone re-created Varatek B-liner ... https://www.mind-
       | mapping.org/index.php?title=B-liner_2002
         | jrk wrote:
         | It's not exactly the same, but a similar left-to-right tree
         | outliner, specifically optimized for writing, is
         | https://gingkoapp.com
       | earthboundkid wrote:
       | I used to write everything in TaskPaper. I guess I stopped when
       | the iPhone came out? It was so nice back in the day.
       | elcapitan wrote:
       | I watched the movie on the linked website, but I really don't get
       | what "fluid" editing is supposed to be and what problem it
       | solves? (I've been using OmniOutliner for years and never missed
       | something like described there)
         | dchest wrote:
         | I made a tiny screencast showing the big difference:
         | https://imgur.com/a/u1QTns6
         | OmniOutliner feels like it has a separate text field for each
         | node. Bike feels like a text editor when you're editing a
         | document with nodes, which to me is more natural.
           | ask_b123 wrote:
           | I'd recommend using KeyCastr to show the keystrokes while
           | recording.
             | dchest wrote:
             | Yeah, sorry for the lack of keystokes. I usually use
             | ScreenFlow which also has this feature, but for this one I
             | used LICEcap.
           | elcapitan wrote:
           | Thanks! So this is more about seemless navigation than about
           | the actual editing, I guess. I've always used OmniOutliner as
           | a sort of "Excel with Tree" (multicolumn outline), so having
           | separate cells is kind of an obvious default or even main
           | feature for me. I can see now how purely longform-text cases
           | might profit from this version.
         | Exuma wrote:
         | If you don't see how that's fluid and why it's valuable then
         | that feature isn't for you. But it's certainly unquestionably
         | fluid unlike a lot of other trash apps.
           | samatman wrote:
           | Not recognizing what the word is supposed to mean in this
           | context doesn't imply any of those things.
           | mikeg8 wrote:
           | What a great non answer
       | nsxwolf wrote:
       | A killer feature for me that might sound silly, would be a
       | "distraction free" mode - which would just require being able to
       | center the content in the window in fullscreen mode.
       | I have an ultrawide, and if I could work in this app full screen
       | and centered with just a click or two, it would be pretty great.
         | jessegrosjean wrote:
         | I made WriteRoom which coined "Distraction free writing". Good
         | fullscreen mode for Bike is on my list for sure.
           | nsxwolf wrote:
           | I bought WriteRoom :) It gave me a lifelong appreciation for
           | "distraction free" computing.
       | aosaigh wrote:
       | This looks cool. I just started using MindNode yesterday [0]
       | which is a similar tool (although it takes a very different
       | approach - it's more visual). I wasn't sure of the effectiveness
       | of these sort of tools as I usually just use text files +
       | Notability sketches but I have to say they are very useful in
       | helping to structure thoughts better. I'm interested to try this.
       | [0] https://www.mindnode.com/
         | jessegrosjean wrote:
         | Nice think about Mindnode and Bike is copy/paste between the
         | two works quite well.
         | wintermutestwin wrote:
         | Oh cool, I've been looking for a mindmap app. Oh wait - it is a
         | subscription? Why? That makes zero sense.
         | <spews out vitriol>
           | lwn wrote:
           | I've been using the free version for years. Never needed any
           | of the premium features to create a useful mindmap.
             | wintermutestwin wrote:
             | I will never invest my time into an app that I might need
             | to pay for later if paying for it will require a
             | subscription and it is not an SaaS or cloud based app.
           | aosaigh wrote:
           | Ah I didn't realise. I have it through SetApp, which itself
           | is a subscription, albeit an easier subscription to swallow
           | as you get access to a number of great apps.
           | chipotle_coyote wrote:
           | While I'm sympathetic to that, I've (somewhat) come around on
           | the notion of "subscription apps" if the developers are
           | responsible with it. I've found that in most cases, new
           | features that would probably be held for major version
           | releases (e.g., "this is a feature that would entice you to
           | pay for the upgrade") just come out when they're ready; it's
           | essentially shifting the app to a rolling release model. The
           | traditional commercial model of "buy the new major version
           | and get free updates until the next major version that makes
           | you buy it again, hopefully at a discount" does always give
           | you the option of _not_ upgrading if you don't want the new
           | features, to be sure, but if you _are_ a regular user and
           | tend to buy upgrades as they come out, the price difference
           | tends to be minimal.
           | Having said that, I'm not sure a subscription model makes
           | sense for an app like MindNode, since I'd bet a majority of
           | its users only work on mind maps sporadically That's
           | conjecture on my part, of course, and I could be absolutely
           | wrong, but I suspect people who do everything with mind maps
           | are fairly few and far between. Paying annually for Ulysses,
           | a writing app I really _do_ use every day, is one thing;
           | paying for MindNode, which I use maybe once a quarter, is a
           | big ask.
             | wintermutestwin wrote:
             | Yes, sporadic use is a major issue on top of the fact that
             | this is not SaaS and nothing lives in the cloud (which of
             | course I don't want of a document creation tool anyway).
             | I am all for layers of features that cost money to unlock,
             | but never ever ever on a subscription basis. It's like
             | every developer out there heard that SaaS is where the
             | money is at and decided that applied to their project out
             | of dogma rather than a well reasoned business case.
         | selykg wrote:
         | Bonus is that Mindnode has a built in outliner view as well. I
         | use Mindnode for this type of thing 99% of the time.
           | iaresee wrote:
           | Another long time MindNode user here. I know the nested lists
           | and map views are essentially two visualizations of the same
           | structured data but my brain just finds the maps less
           | thought-constraining. I end up with more creative paths in
           | map view when I use it to plan.
           | Horses for courses I guess.
           | Bike looks neat though.
             | selykg wrote:
             | I'm generally in agreement, but when I need to share
             | something, the outline tends to be easiest to share with
             | others. I'm really happy it's there. Maps for me, outline
             | for others.
         | Void_ wrote:
         | It would be interesting to see MindNode approach applied to
         | PKM-style backlinks like in Reflect [1]. So not only visualize
         | connections between pages, but also the outline inside each
         | page.
         | [1] https://reflect.app
           | innocentoldguy wrote:
           | How does Reflect compare to Noteplan 3? They both look
           | similar.
       | aareet wrote:
       | This is great! It has a lot of features I value about Workflowy,
       | but I've always wished Workflowy had a native app
       | WillAdams wrote:
       | Nice!
       | Do you think you could add support for pandoc to export to other
       | formats and import things?
       | Another option --- possible to set it up so that each node is a
       | text file (or other file format, see pandoc above) and they are
       | grouped using file directories? The nifty Tombo notepad worked
       | thus, and I found it really nice for keeping notes --- for bonus
       | points, multiple files in a directory which have the same name
       | would show as a single node, but have a toggle at the top to
       | select which file extension one is viewing, w/ an option for
       | "all" which expands them so that one can see all of them.
         | jessegrosjean wrote:
         | > Do you think you could add support for pandoc to export to
         | other formats and import things?
         | Maybe, but not likely soon. Bike does already provide
         | read/write support for .bike (html subset), .opml, and .txt. I
         | think best route is to work from those file formats.
         | > Another option --- possible to set it up so that each node is
         | a text file (or other file format, see pandoc above) and they
         | are grouped using file directories?
         | I've long wanted to try something like that. It would be very
         | fun, but I don't expect Bike will do this.
           | WillAdams wrote:
           | Well, you could just work up a pandoc file to get to/from the
           | .bike format, then you'd get it all by supporting pandoc.
           | If you do the Tombo.exe type thing, please let me know ---
           | I'd be delighted to have something like that on MacOS.
       | alephnan wrote:
       | What are your thoughts on this data structure?
       | https://code.visualstudio.com/blogs/2018/03/23/text-buffer-r...
         | jessegrosjean wrote:
         | I've read that article a number of times, it's of course a
         | great data structure, though I haven't ever used it myself. I
         | think I like b+tree/rope better though for indexing lists of
         | things efficiently.
         | I did a lot work using b+tree in a bigger project that I could
         | never quite finish. Finally gave up a year ago and grabbed
         | leftover code to make Bike. Bike is using a pretty dumb data
         | structure, but good enough for now. Hope one day to add back
         | the more performant b+tree stuff.
       | seanw444 wrote:
       | Well done on the smooth animations. Looks very satisfying to use.
       | smoldesu wrote:
       | Why would I buy this over Obsidian or Logseq, both of which are
       | free and support more platforms?
         | csilverman wrote:
         | I think the quote on the app page says it all: bikes, not
         | aircraft carriers. I use Obsidian, and really like it, but it's
         | an aircraft carrier. Bike is, well, a bike.
         | I might, after using it, find that it's just too simple and I
         | need an aircraft carrier after all, but my impression right now
         | is that the Obsidian-vs-Bike comparison is not 1:1 enough to be
         | fair.
           | stinos wrote:
           | _but it's an aircraft carrier._
           | A cargo bike perhaps, but if you call Obsidian an aircraft
           | carrier already then there aren't much metaphores left for
           | software which does way more and is (feels) slower than
           | Obsidian.
         | criddell wrote:
         | If you need to run it on something other than a Mac, you
         | wouldn't.
         | jitl wrote:
         | If you want a super-fast, Mac-native quality app.
           | coldtea wrote:
           | It's super-fast, and Mac native, but quite basic.
             | criddell wrote:
             | For many of us, that's a positive.
               | coldtea wrote:
               | Could be, for not for $37.
               | There are other, equally basic for $0 or $10.
               | Leftium wrote:
               | Bike is usable forever (opening, editing, saving) without
               | paying anything.
               | You only need to pay if you want to change some of the
               | settings or use applescripts.
               | jen20 wrote:
               | None equally integrated into the macOS system for that
               | price though. Omnioutliner (the typical go-to native Mac
               | outliner) is more than double.
         | soapdog wrote:
         | Because you're looking for a native application which is a
         | classic outliner. The apps you mentioned are much more than
         | outliners.
       | kacy wrote:
       | Very cool and congrats on what you've built! This is something
       | I've been looking for. Any plans to do iCloud syncing and maybe a
       | mobile app?
         | jessegrosjean wrote:
         | I think basic iCloud syncing between Macs should already work,
         | just as part of the fact that Bike saves your outlines to some
         | Mac OS file (not database). I know I need to do iOS support, as
         | long as I stay financially viable I will do iOS support. But I
         | still need to work on a few more basics in the macOS app first.
         | Bike will also read/write .opml files. You should be able to
         | share with iOS outliner that way I think.
           | jrslv wrote:
           | Very well done. An iOS app would be great, since people often
           | do outlining/thinking in the nature.
       | hilyen wrote:
       | The "movie" example music had me laughing at the similarity to
       | Bob's Burger Patty Cake scene. https://youtu.be/GfCkzqJZAR0?t=145
       | mrmonkeyman wrote:
       | klohto wrote:
       | FYI, I submitted PR to add Bike into Brew casks -
       | https://github.com/Homebrew/homebrew-cask/pull/123908
       (page generated 2022-05-17 23:00 UTC)