[HN Gopher] HTTP Cats
       HTTP Cats
       Author : peterkos
       Score  : 253 points
       Date   : 2022-05-19 19:28 UTC (3 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (http.cat)
 (TXT) w3m dump (http.cat)
       | ChrisMarshallNY wrote:
       | My fave is 406.
       | [deleted]
       | [deleted]
       | turtlebits wrote:
       | These all return 200s for me. Or am I missing the joke?
         | cheschire wrote:
         | 416, the joke was out of your humor range.
         | beardog wrote:
         | It's because 200 is correct if you are getting the correct
         | image. I believe you're meant to hotlink the images in an HTML
         | error page when your site returns the given code.
       | glerk wrote:
       | TIL HTTP code 420 is a thing.
         | Spoom wrote:
         | It was invented by Twitter as a code for "you're exceeding our
         | rate limits" and just sorta stuck.
         | Less cool companies use 429.
       | Sohcahtoa82 wrote:
       | I've had an idea for a Python web app framework (because that's
       | what Python needs, another web framework), maybe I'll have a
       | "use_cats" option to automatically use these with status codes.
       | dang wrote:
       | Related:
       |  _HTTP Cats_ - https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=20283794 -
       | June 2019 (74 comments)
       | productceo wrote:
       | Thank you. I am finally empowered to build the API I've been
       | planning to build for years!
       | xyzal wrote:
       | Slightly superior version: https://http.dog/
         | gtirloni wrote:
         | The interesting thing is that .dog os one of the new TLDs
         | anyone can register while .cat is exclusive to Catalans.
         | Typical of cats.
           | distantsounds wrote:
           | anyone can register a .cat domain and you don't need it in
           | their language, though it may be against their "rules"
             | d110af5ccf wrote:
             | anyone can cash a fraudulent check, though it may be
             | against their "rules"
             | edit: Quite puzzled that this is being downvoted. The
             | comment I responded to is suggesting to disregard the TLD's
             | rules when registering domains. You certainly _can_ do that
             | but as far as I understand it is a form of fraud (you are
             | materially misrepresenting yourself and your situation to
             | the TLD). Realistically probably the worst that will happen
             | to you is that your domain will get yanked if they figure
             | it out but that might well be a problem for you and
             | regardless it doesn 't change that what you did likely
             | violated multiple laws.
         | corderop wrote:
         | 402 payment required XD
           | thghtihadanacct wrote:
           | 420 enhance your calm
         | verve_rat wrote:
         | Lies.
         | alexfromapex wrote:
         | Slightly superior HN post:
         | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=29663873
         | aodj wrote:
         | Haha nice! Also https://httpstatusdogs.com/
         | drdaeman wrote:
         | > superior
         | They probably told you on the Internet, nobody knows you're a
         | dog? See, that was a lie. :)
         | j/k
         | boardwaalk wrote:
         | That was significantly less funny, I think :(. Regardless of
         | cat vs dog. More just funny dog pictures than ones connected to
         | the status codes.
       | ufo wrote:
       | I started by scrolling straight to 418, to see how they handled
       | that one.
         | warpech wrote:
         | Same here, it did not dissapoint!
       | coopreme wrote:
       | I hope this app is catainerized
         | AnimalMuppet wrote:
         | If not, it could be catastrophic.
       | hirundo wrote:
       | The guy in 451 is noted cat fancier Ray Bradbury. I couldn't find
       | the cat's name.
         | gwbas1c wrote:
         | Thanks, I knew there was more to that picture that I could see.
         | nescioquid wrote:
         | I totally didn't get that gag! Thanks for the hint!
       | SemanticStrengh wrote:
       | this is pushing the boundaries of pedagogy
       | ChrisArchitect wrote:
       | This is something like 10 years old.
       | Some previous discussion:
       |  _3 years ago_ https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=20283794
         | ohjeez wrote:
         | It's more than 10 years old.
         | I don't care. It's so wonderful that I WANT this to show up on
         | my feed every so often.
       | dinkleberg wrote:
       | Not saying I'd ever actually use this (though also not saying I
       | wouldn't lol), but what is the best practice for using external
       | sources like this?
       | When using something like Unsplash I know they've got lots of
       | resources and a good setup so calling out to their API seems safe
       | enough.
       | But for a random service like this, I have no idea if they have
       | the infrastructure to support a lot of calls. I don't want to
       | abuse a random service.
       | In this case I assume it is all behind a cdn and it's no big deal
       | for them.
       | But if you're not sure and it turns out to be an important part
       | of what you're building, do you just setup your own cached
       | version using varnish or something?
         | dinosaurdynasty wrote:
         | Considering the license seems to be MIT
         | https://github.com/httpcats/http.cat you could probably just
         | host the images yourself (or on your CDN/etc)
           | charcircuit wrote:
           | MIT is a software license. Does it even give you rights to
           | the images? Also I'm not positive that the owner of that
           | repository was the one who created all of those images.
           | dinkleberg wrote:
           | Ah I missed the GH link, that does seem like the right move
           | in this case.
         | suprfsat wrote:
         | Is Cloudflare capable of serving 67 jpegs?
           | dinkleberg wrote:
           | My question is more generic. Not for this specific service,
           | but for any random service you don't have good visibility
           | into how they run it.
             | suprfsat wrote:
             | Good point, I use http://butt.holdings quite often and
             | never thought to check.
             | Headers say they're running varnish, so it's probably safe
             | to keep using it.
               | dinkleberg wrote:
               | Amazing, gonna have to add that one to the list of great
               | single purpose sites.
         | henryfjordan wrote:
         | The instructions at the top of the page encourage you to hot-
         | link directly to the images they host. It would be hard to say
         | sending them a ton of traffic is "abuse" when they literally
         | suggest you do that.
         | In general though hot-linking across domains like that is bad
         | practice because the content on the other domain might change
         | in a way you don't like. This was a pretty common practice for
         | a while:
         | https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/HotlinkedImageSw...
         | If those images turn out to be important to your project such
         | that http.cats going down would be an issue, absolutely you
         | should serve a copy of that content from your servers (assuming
         | all the copyright licenses are in order).
       | SemanticStrengh wrote:
       | is there a way to auto filter a domain extensions by popularity?
       | e.g. a way to discover http.dog and others. Unfortunately
       | http.human does not exist
       | rpastuszak wrote:
       | I don't know what is says about me as a software engineer, but
       | that site is the first place I visit to look up more obscure
       | statuses.
         | nkrisc wrote:
         | I do the same. It's easy to remember, to the point, and no
         | fluff. Ok, there's lots of fluff.
         | EddieLomax wrote:
         | I like this one, but it's arguably less fun:
         | https://httpstatus.in/
         | corrral wrote:
         | I always "!wiki http status codes", but I think I like your way
         | better. May start doing that.
       (page generated 2022-05-19 23:00 UTC)