[HN Gopher] Cockpit Project
       Cockpit Project
       Author : tambourine_man
       Score  : 56 points
       Date   : 2022-05-19 20:33 UTC (2 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (cockpit-project.org)
 (TXT) w3m dump (cockpit-project.org)
       | bogwog wrote:
       | I started using this recently when I installed Rocky Linux, since
       | the installer had it as an option and I was curious.
       | I still use ssh for the vast majority of what I need to do
       | (partially out of habit), but my experience with Cockpit has been
       | great. The SELinux app, which is a GUI for things like
       | setroubleshoot, audit2allow, etc is definitely my favorite part.
       | annoyingnoob wrote:
       | Looks like there is some overlapping text on the cockpit-
       | project.org main page.
       | https://ibb.co/hKrbbnF
       | spicyusername wrote:
       | IIRC this can come installed by default with RHEL and Fedora
       | server if you select it during installation.
       | hrdwdmrbl wrote:
       | When i was new to Linux all i wanted was GUI versions of every
       | CLI. I even dreamed of writing something that would turn man
       | pages into GUIs
         | dvtrn wrote:
         | Static site generator for man pages? Sounds like a fun "just
         | because" thing to do actually.
           | TheDong wrote:
           | We can call it groff, and invoke it via "groff -mandoc
           | -Thtml"
           | The output of such a program might look something like this I
           | think: https://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man1/groff.1.html
       | LanternLight83 wrote:
       | I first ran into Cockpit when it was included on a Fedora Server
       | install, and I've been really impressed! It's sleek, I've never
       | had any major[1] issues with it, and I really appreciate the wide
       | variety[2] of functionality that you can include, eg. cockpit-
       | machines for Virtual Machines and the now-unmaintained cockpit-
       | zfs for all sorts of regular RAID activities.
       | My sole gripe is that, IIRC, it's really tied into a dependency
       | on Systemd, so I can't use it on any of my current machines which
       | run elogind-based distros like GuixSD or a typical Gentoo
       | installation. I don't happen to have any systemd-based distros
       | installed atm, and if I did, can't imagine I'd use Cockpit
       | regularly unless I could use it everywhere-- but I do wish I
       | could! Maybe the systemd functionality can be factored out and
       | re-implemented, but I'm not sure if anyone's going to decide it's
       | worth their time and effort.
       | [1]: I did have to set $TERM=linux for the web-shell to behave
       | correctly, but am not convinced that's an issue with Cockpit
       | itself.
       | [2]: https://cockpit-project.org/applications
       | xmonkee wrote:
       | I recently got a Synology NAS and have been super impressed with
       | their web based management interface (called the DSM). Every
       | "app" has a UX for it.
         | pitacracker wrote:
         | What does UX mean in this context?
         | influx wrote:
         | I wish I could buy their software apart from the hardware.
       (page generated 2022-05-19 23:00 UTC)