[HN Gopher] The balance has shifted away from SPAs
       The balance has shifted away from SPAs
       Author : feross
       Score  : 220 points
       Date   : 2022-05-21 16:32 UTC (6 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (nolanlawson.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (nolanlawson.com)
       | darepublic wrote:
       | Yes to static prerendered pages. Yes to performance and
       | functionality on slow networks. No thanks to "hip new frameworks"
       | marcthe12 wrote:
       | I do agree alot with the article. One of the major use case SPAs
       | was optimization hack that service worker can do easily. Service
       | worker are like proxy middleware and are capable of some nifty
       | tricks. Since I am not in web dev that much so I never actually
       | managed to develop a project using it, but I felt that the
       | templating could done fully in service worker. It will be faster
       | as long the templating/transcompiling is not a bottleneck as the
       | on wire format will be smaller. The main issue will be
       | bootstrapping as you need to load a page first to install the
       | service worker. I wonder if there is a good solution to that?
       | (One idea is a service worker middleware on node so you can the
       | service worker in the server side on first time use).
         | nolanl wrote:
         | (Author here.) I totally agree and feel that Service Workers
         | are still underexplored in this area. If your main reason for
         | writing an SPA is speeding up navigation (e.g. the Turbolinks
         | approach), then you may be better served by just moving the
         | rendering logic into a Service Worker.
         | It should be possible to build an "MPA" where all the rendering
         | logic lives in the Service Worker. Then you'd get fast
         | navigations without needing to worry about a client-side router
         | and managing focus/scroll/etc. I'm not sure I've seen a great
         | implementation of this though.
       | gherkinnn wrote:
       | The MPA/SPA dichotomy as is often presented is nonsensical.
       | Sites built in Next, Remix, or whatever work perfectly well as
       | MPA. Astro merely goes a step further.
       | Pure SPA (as in a literal single route, maybe with horrible #
       | based routing) is exceedingly rare and mainly found in legacy
       | Angular code bases.
       | nathias wrote:
       | SPAs themselves have come increasingly towards this with SSR. The
       | next step of web is merging both trends into a framwork that can
       | combine the positives of both, which the libraries in OP seem to
       | be. I'd like to see some comparisons.
       | Edit: After some research I think SvelteKit is going to be the
       | best new thing.
         | hirvi74 wrote:
         | Doesn't vue.js allow for this in some form with it's low
         | barrier to commitment? I thought it could be implemented via a
         | CDN alone without installing anything.
         | Regardless, I have read one of the biggest benefits to vue's
         | low commitment is that you can use it or forgo it whenever a
         | developer wants, can add it to existing projects, etc..
         | I will admit that I am far from well-versed in vue, so I could
         | be mistaken.
       | throwaway4good wrote:
       | For internal apps in the corporate world, all I see now is SPAs
       | based on vue react or angular.
       | For consumer facing websites, where search engine viz is a
       | concern and less is known about the clients browser, maybe it is
       | different.
       | VWWHFSfQ wrote:
       | I think nearly every spa I've ever used was a piece of crap.
       | There is just something off about them. It's almost like it's
       | missing tactile feedback or something. And there's always goofy
       | stuff that just doesn't work half the time. Like middle click to
       | open a link in a new tab. So anyway. Good riddance
         | dymk wrote:
         | SPAs are like visual effects. You don't notice the good ones,
         | because they just work. It's when they're poorly implemented
         | that you notice they're SPAs. It's just a form of survivorship
         | bias.
           | cypress66 wrote:
           | I assume you meant "You don't notice the good ones"?
             | dymk wrote:
             | Indeed!
       | recursivedoubts wrote:
       | thesis: web 1.0 hypermedia-based applications (clunky)
       | antithesis: web 2.0 SPAs using JSON Data APIs (slick, but complex
       | and & web-native)
       | synthesis: web 1.5 apps using hypermedia-oriented libraries like
       | htmx or unpoly (slick, web native)
         | bestinterest wrote:
         | Lots of credit for yourself with htmx, its great. I think I
         | prefer unpoly myself but htmx is winning the popularity because
         | of how vocal you are!
         | I wish the unpoly creator also did similar! Both great
         | frameworks. Hotwire also!
         | I wish there was deeper comparisons on the big three
           | recursivedoubts wrote:
           | i always try to mention unpoly unless the discussion is
           | specific to htmx because I agree: it is a wonderful library
           | and henning is a great guy in general.
           | Hotwire probably doesn't need my help, I think dhh has a big
           | enough mic. :)
         | robertoandred wrote:
         | None of htmx's modal examples are accessible, doesn't give me
         | confidence it can be used for serious projects.
       | olliej wrote:
       | I love how this credits the back/forward cache to chrome when it
       | was a webkit feature chrome inherited. Much like almost every
       | other "chrome" feature other than the process architecture (which
       | was also the actual real engineering work they should have got
       | credit for).
       | matchagaucho wrote:
       | "Headless CMS" is simultaneously all the rage (API first content
       | management).
       | If I had to generalize in broad strokes, decoupling the front-end
       | from back-end using SPAs will be far more practical in B2B use
       | cases. While consumer apps will benefit from MPA/SSR (server side
       | render) where one page per product is easier to manage and
       | bookmark.
       | jcmontx wrote:
       | Can anyone point me in the direction of any SPA framework well
       | integrated with a backend framework that can make me as
       | productive as Django, Laravel or Rails?
         | tpetry wrote:
         | This is not really what you had been asking for but inertia.js
         | is doing a spectacular approach of combining Laravel and a SPA.
         | All the benefits you have with MPAs and no need to build APIs
         | for the SPA view part.
         | That's the only SPA model I have seen which is a real
         | productive approach.
         | floucky wrote:
         | SPA just use APIs so most of frameworks are compatible
           | Nextgrid wrote:
           | The problem is that you now need to either make resource-
           | oriented APIs for every model in your DB that your frontend
           | may need to access (even if just for internal business logic)
           | or make RPC-style endpoints that do the business logic.
           | That's significantly more work than just doing whatever logic
           | you want on the server to begin with where you have access to
           | _all_ tables directly (they 're an ORM call away) and not
           | have to worry about access control because all of this still
           | happens within the trusted environment of the server.
         | vosper wrote:
         | It's hard to know hot productive you are in those frameworks,
         | but I'll take your question at face value: if you were an
         | expert with NextJS, Typescript, and Prisma or Hasura then you'd
         | be pretty dang productive.
         | DangitBobby wrote:
         | I think remix (remix.run) is really close. You can use it to
         | easily build a site that fully functions with JavaScript
         | disabled (seriously, at one point while building the demo app I
         | disabled JavaScript and there was no observable difference in
         | functionality), or one that just does SSR with hydration and
         | client-side navigation. The framework is built and maintained
         | by the people who did react-router and you can tell that it's
         | very well thought out. It seems to fill a similar niche to
         | Next.js but it has some clear "second system" advantages, IMO.
         | I find myself very productive in it, especially compared to
         | trying to build a highly interactive frontend on top of a
         | Django app. The tutorial app on their website does a great job
         | of demonstrating the capabilities of it and the patterns you'll
         | expect to use, and you should be able to follow along in one
         | long coding session.
         | It doesn't have built in auth, admin, or ORM, but it heavily
         | advocates for the use of Prisma which is probably your best
         | option for ORM in js. So far, no node ORM really comes close to
         | Django's in terms of capabilities. They don't really even try
         | on the production-ready migrations system. However, you could
         | always use Django to get auth (change your hashing to bcrypt
         | and get a bcrypt lib from npm) and admin for free and use
         | `prisma db pull` to keep your Prisma schema definitions (and
         | corresponding type modules) in sync.
       | B1FF_PSUVM wrote:
       | What happened to defining acronyms in texts?
       | Any civilians coming across this can't even find out what it is
       | by searching unless they tack "software" after the word.
         | [deleted]
       | 11235813213455 wrote:
       | something still annoying between navigatng pages normally Vs SPA
       | history API is in first case you lose devtools network/console
       | data from previous page (while developing at least)
         | bcyn wrote:
         | Look for a setting named "Preserve logs" to prevent the default
         | behavior of clearing console/network log.
       | davnicwil wrote:
       | So I don't think this pendulum backswing is all that surprising
       | or interesting on its own - it's been a journey to discover the
       | edges of the SPA paradigm's capabilities and strengths and a
       | retreat to pragmatism mostly.
       | What I do find quite fascinating is that React actually started
       | out pushing this kind of server rendered, pragmatic pieced-
       | together approach from its very first days. Indeed, because
       | that's exactly what the facebook website required - dynamic
       | additions to a php-like fundamentally server-rendered site.
       | I am not sure if I'm always interpreting this correctly but a lot
       | of blogs I read about server rendering (the buzz TLA for which is
       | now SSR) and the general per-page approach for React apps seem to
       | be attributing the idea of the approach to a few of the newer
       | frameworks that have appeared. Those frameworks are great and
       | package up a load of this goodness, but ironically you don't and
       | have never needed any such wrapping, nor any of the learnings of
       | the SPA era, for any of this. It came out of the box in React
       | before it even hit major version numbers. Somehow, the idea just
       | never seemed to catch.
       | encoderer wrote:
       | These are interesting developments in the browser! Still, I don't
       | think this headline conclusion is supported by the facts in the
       | article.
       | Of course "balance" in this context is basically meaningless but
       | if you replace it with "consensus" it does mean something, and
       | it's clearly not correct: the article makes clear we are still
       | adding critical support at the browser level. Possibly, this will
       | result in a renaissance of multi page apps, but we have to wait
       | and see.
       | adamnemecek wrote:
       | I have been reading articles like this for the last 10 years. I'm
       | not sure why people complain about SPAs.
       | Guess what, in the mean time as some MPA frameworks have been
       | made, the whole web has been moving towards webassembly. Say
       | goodbye to MPA HTML, say hello to Rust with custom UI based on
       | WebGPU transpiled to webassembly.
         | Hayvok wrote:
         | > I'm not sure why people complain about SPAs. ... say hello to
         | Rust with custom UI based on WebGPU transpiled to webassembly
         | If this is the future, then no wonder everyone is running back
         | to just shipping HTML over the wire. All this has gotten too
         | complicated.
           | adamnemecek wrote:
           | Right because dealing with CSS hacks transpilation to target
           | older browser versions is both simple & pleasant.
             | paulryanrogers wrote:
             | Wait we have to support older browsers? IME if you're not
             | on the latest Chrome release, or one prior, then you're on
             | your own. Any other browser or older release is rarely a
             | serious concern.
           | hirvi74 wrote:
           | I think Web Development has been trending towards being
           | obnoxious no matter how you spin it for many many years now.
           | All these frameworks, doing too much magic under the hood,
           | were supposed to make things easier, in some form or fashion,
           | but I feel like each one always come with their own problems.
           | Are things actually easier when developing with them?
           | While I understand nothing is perfect, it doesn't help but
           | add so much complexity into many applications for no reason.
           | If over half of all websites when back to plain HTML/CSS/JS,
           | I do not think the world would suddenly stop.
           | I feel like a majority of people building web applications
           | are using a development methodology I read on here years ago
           | that was jokingly called, "Resume-Driven Development." I've
           | still not really ever heard a convincing argument for SPAs
           | for websites (web applications could be a different debate,
           | but it also could be a false dichotomy).
           | However, I find myself getting urges to learn one of these
           | SPA frameworks, not because I think it will benefit much of
           | what I do, but because that is obligatory in staying
           | competitive in my market.
         | david2ndaccount wrote:
         | If wasm becomes good enough to replace JS, it will not be rust.
         | It will be easier to use languages like C#.
           | adamnemecek wrote:
           | If someone will build a GUI cross platform toolkit it will be
           | in Rust, not C#.
           | I find Rust more pleasant to use than C#. If you had said F#,
           | I woud be like "maybe" but not C#.
             | lowwave wrote:
             | yeah while c# is more pleasant than Java, but not compare
             | to the ease of a functional language.
           | marcosdumay wrote:
           | I disagree with calling C# "easy to use". But Rust is such a
           | bad fit for wasm that any other language will probably
           | displace it once it's viable.
           | The DOM has it's own lifetime decisions, but lifetimes are
           | the most central concern for Rust. I don't think both can be
           | conciliated without a major rewrite of one of those parts.
         | oblak wrote:
         | As a JS developer, I think this is correct and kind of fear for
         | my future. Time for this old dawg to learn something new again.
         | Thing is, I think I am not good enough for system level
         | programming. I've only done rust to the extend of going just a
         | step beyond "hello world". I've also read good things about Go.
         | Decisions, decisions.
           | adamnemecek wrote:
           | > think I am not good enough for system level programming
           | I think that this is the wrong way to think about it, the
           | languages and tools for systems programming suck. I would
           | recommend you check out Rust, it make systems programming
           | really pleasant. Like I have been programming C++ for 25
           | years and somehow I'm a lot more comfortable with writing
           | Rust even though I have seriously written Rust for only like
           | 1.5 years.
         | teg4n_ wrote:
         | It really hasn't been moving towards web assembly. Web assembly
         | is not magic performance pixie dust and it generally has pretty
         | bad bundle size. You need pretty specific scenarios to get
         | genuine improvements with web assembly over JavaScript.
           | adamnemecek wrote:
           | > magic performance pixie dust
           | It is. I can finally have value types which let me access
           | properties without incurring the overhead of a JIT.
           | > and it generally has pretty bad bundle size
           | For now. So do websites btw.
       | nightski wrote:
       | I build internal apps for my clients and this ship has sailed.
       | They love the interactivity and quickness of a SPA. For a while I
       | was doing application per page type of apps and it worked fine.
       | But honestly maintenance has become a lot easier just making it a
       | SPA. I have no idea why I'd go back to having to maintain a JS
       | entry point per page instead of just one for no benefit
       | whatsoever.
       | Reading HN you'd think 99% of development is landing pages and
       | blogs. Maybe it is? lol. But I have a feeling many here develop a
       | lot more sophisticated applications including but definitely not
       | limited to data analysis, charting, workflows and business
       | processes, statistical analysis, optimization, and having a
       | reload on every little operation makes things significantly
       | slower from a user experience perspective.
         | andybak wrote:
         | > Reading HN you'd think 99% of development is landing pages
         | and blogs.
         | I would have said "Reading HN you'd think 99% of web sites are
         | web apps". Most of the web is content with a light smattering
         | of interactivity
         | > They love the interactivity and quickness of a SPA.
         | It's very easy to avoid the full page load without needing to
         | go full-on SPA.
         | > I have no idea why I'd go back to having to maintain a JS
         | entry point per page
         | I'm not sure what you mean here. "Progressive enhancement" was
         | an excellent idea that didn't stick around for long enough.
           | mmcnl wrote:
           | Most of the web is content, but websites rarely are SPAs. If
           | you only consume content you would hardly know about the
           | concept of SPAs.
           | I think it's weird to compare websites with web apps. Instead
           | web apps should be compared to desktop applications. So many
           | applications in the corporates have been replaced by web
           | apps. In the company I work for there are 0 "desktop"
           | applications other than Office, and even those applications
           | you can use using a web browser. Then you see a massive shift
           | and that balance is not shifting away at all.
           | ebiester wrote:
           | This is where I think the confusion lies. When I think of the
           | tools that my teams build, they effectively are internal and
           | external tools that happen to use the browser as a platform
           | because nobody was able to converge on a universally-
           | installed tool like java web start. Web applications
           | proliferate because it entirely circumvented the problems of
           | installing software.
           | The places people are most enamored with SPAs are tools that
           | effectively replace desktop applications. Consider Jira or
           | Trello. These are effectively applications that happen to
           | live in the browser. If you built progressive enhancement on
           | trello, it would effectively mean building a parallel
           | application.
           | Multiple page applications do not have the ecosystem to make
           | these tools easier to build. I have built these applications
           | before SPAs became the dominant modality and after. The MPA
           | has a long way to go to make this a good experience.
           | Now I think it's great that content apps are moving away from
           | SPAs. I think the only reason that people did this was to
           | avoid the white flash, frankly, and I'm glad that chrome has
           | solved this. I hope nobody is using react to build their
           | content in 2022.
           | However, we have a _long_ way to go before MPAs could replace
           | SPAs in web applications. (And frankly, that time would have
           | been better spent in building a tool that is truly fit for
           | purpose rather than overloading the browser DOM, but I fear
           | that ship has sailed.)
             | stult wrote:
             | I think there is a mismatch between the types of web
             | content that the general public most interacts with and the
             | types of web content which tend to have lots of development
             | resources devoted to them. The ratio of SWEs to users is
             | much, much higher for niche (typically B2B or internal
             | business line) applications, which often require a fair
             | amount of interactivity and custom logic. Whereas the vast
             | majority of random web content used by the general public
             | probably can just be hosted as static sites or server-side
             | rendered apps with better performance and lower cost. HN
             | then just reflects the underlying demographics of the
             | industry and has a disproportionate number of people who
             | work on niche applications where SPAs are still the more
             | appropriate tool.
             | Which makes sense given the economics. Consumer facing
             | content is generally free to users and funded by ads so the
             | dev costs need to be amortized across more content, which
             | tends toward a lower touch, more scalable approach like
             | static pages where there isn't much if any custom logic on
             | any given page of content. Businesses on the other hand are
             | willing to fork over cash directly to solve their problems
             | so you get higher touch, more custom solutions where SPAs
             | are relatively more useful.
             | Also software engineering by its very nature automates
             | routine tasks, reducing their costs and manual complexity
             | dramatically over time to the point that a SWE isn't needed
             | to carry them out. So none of us work on static sites
             | because at this point it doesn't take a highly skilled
             | engineer to set up, host, and scale one. One day SPAs and
             | cloud native and k8s and all the latest fads may reach the
             | same level of simplicity, and we will all be working on
             | tuning hyper parameters on ML models or whatever else
             | becomes the de facto cutting edge for the field.
             | nathias wrote:
             | I can't even imagine a person being "enamored" by Jira.
           | rahilb wrote:
           | The grand parent comment is likely referring to 'deep web'
           | apps that you or I will never see, which probably replace a
           | series of excel spreadsheets and email conversations.
         | eyelidlessness wrote:
         | You should take a look at the frameworks mentioned in the
         | article. They each address some or all of your concerns. The
         | distinction here isn't going back to "old school" MPA
         | development, but a trend in component frameworks towards
         | shipping more truly static HTML and less unnecessary JS.
         | For the landing page/blog type experience, Astro is a great
         | fit. Qwik is probably a better fit for your use cases as it's
         | intended for more interactive apps. But both can span that
         | interactivity spectrum. I can't speak to where Elder fits on
         | that spectrum, not having used it and having little experience
         | with Svelte.
         | I'm disappointed not to see Marko mentioned, as it's been in
         | this category for years and used at scale at eBay. It fits very
         | well in the middle of the interactivity spectrum.
         | Anyway, it's worth checking all of them out just to even see
         | what's happening in the ecosystem. I'm personally very
         | interested in Qwik's familiar React-like DX with what they call
         | "resumability": their alternative to hydration; components
         | compile to fine grained chunks and resume from state serialized
         | to HTML, rather than re-running the original component on load.
         | baisq wrote:
         | SPAs are quicker because you use slow server-side languages
         | that take a century to render an HTML template.
         | linkjuice4all wrote:
         | I've been mixing React with static exports from WordPress. It's
         | unbelievable to say that I actually like this solution after
         | spending years and years with PHP, custom JS front ends, then
         | jQuery and the backend frameworks.
         | React continues to get better and is great for highly
         | interactive and customized experiences. Browsers are also
         | making it more usable so it's just up to the front end devs to
         | make sure history state and other stuff is accounted for.
         | WordPress continues to be terrible but accessible to the masses
         | for your landing page and blog stuff. That means your design
         | and content team don't get bogged down in the app dev process
         | and you don't have React slinging fixed/static content. They
         | can just bash stuff around in WordPress and export the static
         | pages for a quick deploy.
           | purplerabbit wrote:
           | What do you mean by "static exports from WordPress"? (never
           | used WordPress before)
             | linkjuice4all wrote:
             | The Simply Static[0] plug-in exports all of your WordPress
             | pages and assets into a directory that you can deploy. It
             | basically renders the entire site and takes a snapshot of
             | the rendered HTML.
             | You'll lose dynamic features (but ideally you'll be doing
             | that stuff in your React app) but the static site is very
             | quick and you'll avoid some of the security headaches of a
             | public WordPress instance.
             | [0] https://wordpress.org/plugins/simply-static/
         | timw4mail wrote:
         | When is a SPA quick? I still have yet to see this claim EVER be
         | true.
           | sibit wrote:
           | I've spent the last 2 years building B2B SPAs and, like
           | everything in software, they can be fast or slow depending on
           | how you build the app and what tools you use. I usually
           | leverage lit-html, esmodules, and the dynamic import syntax.
           | If you only fetch the business logic and views when you need
           | them you can have an app that renders in seconds with an
           | initial payload of ~15kb.
           | I usually also set up a service worker to prefetch and cache
           | the rest of the site while cache busting specific files on
           | subsequent visits.
           | Personally I use SPAs for offline support and MPAs for
           | "portals" and brochure/marketing websites or blogs.
             | treis wrote:
             | >that renders in seconds
             | That's really long.
               | sibit wrote:
               | Oh geese, I didn't realize that I forgot to add "on
               | slow-3g". We usually aim for <1s FCP & <2s LCP. If it's
               | ever above 5s on slow-3g we set aside time to
               | optimize/refactor. Since our SPAs are offline-first the
               | return visits (usually 3-5 times a day based on the
               | customer) is on the scale of milliseconds.
           | robertoandred wrote:
           | https://reactjs.org/docs/getting-started.html is a fast SPA
           | kkirsche wrote:
           | Define what quick means to you. They can be extremely good at
           | responsiveness and background updates once the bundle has
           | been loaded
           | steve_adams_86 wrote:
           | Prefetching content means you can literally load a new page
           | instantly without rendering anything but the new content. It
           | is inherently faster once the initial page has loaded, and
           | the JS no longer needs to be all that large to accomplish it.
           | Like any technology, using it in the right place helps. This
           | is great for documentation where the template and content
           | slots are super consistent, for example.
           | There are places it's not a great choice. It isn't inherently
           | worse, though.
         | jabart wrote:
         | If your non-spa app requires a page load per an operation, my
         | opinion is someone built it wrong. You can do a lot with < 200
         | lines of JS to make a page interactive.
         | Legacy apps were rebuilt as SPAs and rebuilding them made them
         | faster.
         | "Spinning wheel of doom" is used by users now to describe
         | delays in both SPA and non-spa web applications. Same tricks to
         | make a SPA feel responsive work for both styles.
           | cjbgkagh wrote:
           | I find the more interactions I add to a non-SPA the more SPA
           | like it becomes.
           | dymk wrote:
           | In 200 lines of JS, you can add maybe an interactive file
           | uploader, or a tooltip implementation, and some form
           | validation. But good luck doing anything of "business-tool"
           | complexity in 200 lines that constitutes an application.
             | Spivak wrote:
             | Yeah I'm so confused what people think "interactivity" even
             | means, like do people think interaction ends at "make the
             | hamburger menu open and close?"
               | NoWizards wrote:
               | Its more like the time to become interactive. Even if
               | internet and smarphones are fast. Sometimes it's pretty
               | annoying to click an unresponsive page... just because
               | it's loading-starting a lot of js
               | TedDoesntTalk wrote:
               | Dynamically replacing a div, based on a DOM event, with
               | results of a fetch call can be done in way less than 200
               | lines of JS.
               | But why you'd do that instead of using 10 MB of React
               | code, I don't know.
               | dymk wrote:
               | How do you get 10MB of React code when React is 0.031MB,
               | and Preact is 0.003MB?
               | TedDoesntTalk wrote:
               | I'm exaggerating to make a point :)
               | mmcnl wrote:
               | What is the point? Optimizing for lines of code is a
               | wasteful target. I thought we all knew that by now? Great
               | that you can demonstrate that you can do something
               | without React where others are using React, but that's
               | not the point at all.
               | If you do more than a few asynchronous calls you will
               | quickly find yourself developing your own DOM
               | abstraction. That's a waste of time because React and Vue
               | already exist, and have existed for years, and are battle
               | tested.
               | SPA frameworks also give you the ability to write your
               | applications in a declarative way, which is _far_ easier
               | and way less error prone, thus easier to test, than
               | imperative DOM modifications.
               | bzxcvbn wrote:
               | Your point is literally the size of the framework.
               | Getting it wrong by more than two orders of magnitude is
               | not exaggeration, it's a false argument.
         | [deleted]
         | jhgb wrote:
         | Are you sure that something like PJAX wouldn't bring you like
         | 80% along the way from MPAs to SPAs, as far as "interactivity
         | and quickness" is concerned? Or did you already try that?
         | my69thaccount wrote:
         | Do your clients have any accessibility needs?
           | Etheryte wrote:
           | Accessibility has nothing to do whether your page is cut up
           | in one way or another. You can build accessible pages that
           | are SPA and unaccessible pages in any other way all the same.
           | Most if not all accessibility issues stem from lack of
           | education on the matter, rather than technical limitations.
             | paulryanrogers wrote:
             | One can drive screws with a hammer. It will just take more
             | effort.
             | my69thaccount wrote:
             | SPAs are inaccessible by default.
               | azemetre wrote:
               | Could you expand upon this? Do you mean the lack of
               | routing or something else?
               | my69thaccount wrote:
               | SPAs reimplement accessibility features in JavaScript to
               | the best of their ability. This has created an arms race
               | where screen readers need to execute JavaScript and use
               | heuristics to determine what's on the a page.
               | Everyone who down voted me is a total idiot.
       | nickreese wrote:
       | Author of Elder.js (mentioned in the article) and avid lover of
       | both MPA and SPA.
       | Daily I am writing MPAs for SEO assets and SPAs for internal
       | dashboards used to manage the huge amount if data collection our
       | teams do.
       | It really boils down to what you are building.
       | Google is decidedly terrible about indexing JS for sites with a
       | low crawl budget. Why make your life harder. That is why I wrote
       | Elder.js. Statically generate everything, sprinkle in
       | interactivity where needed.
       | But for internal dashboards I developed a internal framework to
       | spit out crud apps based on nothing more than a couple graphql
       | queries and a couple yupjs validations. It is a breeze and adding
       | new data collection fields takes minutes so I and my team can
       | focus on stuff that drives business value... instead of crud.
       | As with everything picking the right tool for the job makes the
       | job a lot easier. Don't give into the hype one way or another.
       | kaycebasques wrote:
       | Discussions about website architecture become a lot more
       | productive when you use Jason Miller's holotypes idea [1] as your
       | starting point. "Holotypes" is kinda just a fancy word for the
       | common top-level uses of the web. E-commerce, search, media
       | player, etc. With that foundation it becomes obvious that SPAs
       | make a lot of sense for some holotypes and a lot less sense for
       | others. We waste time when we talk as if MPA or SPA is
       | appropriate for _all_ website architectures because neither are
       | and never will be. The uses of the web are just too broad at this
       | point.
       | [1] https://jasonformat.com/application-holotypes/
         | mwattsun wrote:
         | I'm generally opposed to jargon in tech writing so the use of
         | 'holotype' caused me to look it up. I'm not sure it works. For
         | example, by the definition Hotmail should be the holotype
         | instead of GMail, which would be the paratype. (if I'm reading
         | it right, I am not a zoologist.)
         |  _How Hotmail changed Microsoft (and email) forever_
         | https://seforum.se/2019/01/08/the-history-of-hotmail/
         | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holotype
         | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paratype
           | kaycebasques wrote:
           | For sure it's a terrible name (sorry, Jason ;P). In my other
           | comment I talk about my experiences pitching this idea when I
           | was https://web.dev content lead. There's something about
           | this word that is an immediate turnoff and prevents people
           | from really looking deeply at it. Which is a shame because
           | it's _such_ a useful mental model.
           | Names are important!
           | arthurcolle wrote:
           | > if I'm reading it right, I am not a zoologist.
           | This had me in stitches. I'm also not a huge fan of
           | obfuscatory jargon, irrespective of how cromulent such
           | language may be.
             | dvngnt_ wrote:
             | but then you used the word "cromulent"
               | jjtheblunt wrote:
               | as a self-referential joke, hopefully!
           | vosper wrote:
           | Yes, they could have just listed examples and done without
           | the "holotype" term. I don't think it detracts from the point
           | of the post, though.
           | heavyset_go wrote:
           | Something rubs me the wrong way about unnecessarily
           | obfuscated jargon for relatively simple concepts in web
           | development. The term "isomorphic code" has been living rent
           | free in my head for like a decade and it still drives me
           | nuts.
         | vosper wrote:
         | Thanks for this, I liked it.
         | I'd recommend anyone who's posted for/against some web practice
         | to read it.
         | Maybe one day we could all collectively acknowledge that people
         | work on different stuff, with different goals and under
         | different constraints, and there isn't actually one right way
         | to build for the web. It's such a tiresome part of HN.
           | sodapopcan wrote:
           | I don't believe that (all of) the people who get frustrated
           | by these things don't understand that different problems
           | require different solutions, it's when the majority of the
           | industry (or more likely an influential minority) starts to
           | say, "Hey! Let's build EVERYTHING this way" that that people
           | start to complain. And I say this is warranted as it affects
           | the job market. SPAs have their place (highly interactive
           | applications that more closely mirror traditional desktops
           | apps, I would say, the main one) but so many companies out
           | there are developing their apps as SPAs that have no business
           | being such and some of us would rather not have to deal with
           | that (I've experienced this first hand).
           | The other side (or one other side) of the coin, of course, is
           | that our industry is super new and we're all still figuring
           | it out. I always liken out industry to thinking about how
           | long it took to standardize the hammer design we have to day.
           | I don't have the exact stats, but I'm thinking it was
           | probably 100s of years and our ancestors had many a fight
           | over a big rock vs a plank with a bit small bit of steel on
           | the end of it being the better choice.
           | dylan604 wrote:
           | Yes, just like _____ written in [Go|Rust|flavoflav].
           | However, at the beginning of every project, this conversation
           | should be had. What are the needs of the project, what gets
           | us there fast while still allowing to grow after scopecreep,
           | what is going to allow for maintanence and future needs?
           | Picking the latest tech just because it's a new project and
           | you want to use the _NEW_ on it just for the sake of it will
           | probably mean finding yourself painted in a corner in the
           | future (or maybe not the original dev, but those that are
           | forced to follow).
             | vosper wrote:
             | Of course, a discussion should be had, choices should be
             | weighed.
             | But since you mentioned "new just for the sake of it" I'll
             | mention that I think that's overplayed, too. If you picked
             | React when it was new, or GraphQL, or NextJS, then you
             | probably made a pretty good choice. Backbone was the first
             | of the modern MVC frameworks to get traction (someone will
             | correct me on this) and if you'd chosen that when it was
             | new it would also have been a pretty good decision. Kafka's
             | still around and going strong, wouldn't have been a bad
             | choice early-on.
               | lazide wrote:
               | It's risk/reward trade offs.
               | If you can afford high risk (React at the beginning?) and
               | it works, you're in a sweet spot for a long time.
               | Most of them don't pay out though, and most JS frameworks
               | that got started around that time died long ago.
         | kaycebasques wrote:
         | I think it's also relevant to mention that I spent a lot of
         | time thinking about whether web developers at large should use
         | SPAs or MPAs. It'll take a bit of my history to explain.
         | I was content lead for https://web.dev from 2019 to 2021. My
         | job was to create and execute the content strategy of the site.
         | The mission of that site was [1] to provide actionable insights
         | on how to build better websites. But the big challenge is _how
         | do you provide guidance for the web at large??_ We know through
         | MDN surveys, HN discussions, Twitter, etc. that many web
         | developers are _drowning_ in uncertainty around how to
         | architect their website. Which framework to use is a key
         | uncertainty. MPA or SPA is another one. So to me this was the
         | obvious opportunity for https://web.dev. Help web developers
         | make better architecture decisions and the overall web
         | experience is bound to get better. But if you've seen web
         | developers talk on Twitter you know that these are landmine
         | topics. If you don't handle it extremely delicately and
         | respectfully and fairly you are setting yourself up for a
         | tsunami of vitriol. This is 10x true for anything that the
         | browser vendors do or say (a lot of Googlers work on
         | https://web.dev).
         | So here's where holotypes comes in. When I read holotypes I see
         | a very useful framework for understanding website architecture.
         | And it provides a way to logically/fairly recommend SPAs or
         | MPAs. The answer is that it depends on your use case. If you're
         | building a content-heavy, interaction-minimal site like
         | Wikipedia then no duh an MPA is probably the right call. If
         | you're building a media player like Spotify though then a SPA
         | makes a lot more sense. You can use the same logic to figure
         | out which framework is probably best for you.
         | So going back to my personal history. I pitched holotypes as
         | the overarching information architecture [2] for
         | https://web.dev. It didn't really go anywhere. The main reason
         | was that I was just too green as a leader/manager to push
         | through a big change like this (or I'm just not a very
         | effective leader/manager in general). I still think holotypes
         | is a phenomenal way to think about website architecture and I'm
         | honestly sharing all this to encourage someone to carry the
         | torch and create a website that guides you through which
         | website architecture (and framework) to use based on your
         | holotype. Happy to chat with anyone about it further just poke
         | around on my HN profile page to figure out how to contact me.
         | Also hopefully it goes without saying that this is all just my
         | personal opinion/experience and doesn't represent Google. I'm
         | not even working on the web anymore. Working on Web DevRel for
         | Google or any of the other browser vendors is very delicate
         | work and to all my former colleagues I hope I shared the
         | history respectfully/accurately. My intention here is to share
         | a key idea on how to make the web better (help web developers
         | make better architecture decisions) that I'm never going to
         | personally pursue. If you do this "guiding architecture
         | decisions based on holotypes" idea right it doesn't really
         | matter who "owns" this because all of the decision weighting
         | logic/data will have to be rigorously fair/balanced/open or
         | else it will never take off because one of the vested interests
         | in the web developer ecosystem will mount a campaign to
         | discredit it.
         | [1] It probably still has the same mission. I'm only saying
         | "was" because I'm no longer on the project. I quit Google in
         | June 2021 for a sabbatical and returned last week working on
         | something very different, Fuchsia!
         | [2] https://www.usability.gov/what-and-why/information-
         | architect...
           | kaba0 wrote:
           | I also think that with today's choices of web technology,
           | separating solutions by "holotypes" is the correct thing to
           | do. But on non-web platforms there is no such choice, yet
           | every holotype has a place. Sure, other platforms has
           | sometimes different requirements, but I do believe that
           | ideally there should be a single unifying way for both kind
           | of webpages/applications.
           | yhoiseth wrote:
           | Thanks for sharing.
           | Have you considered adding a "business app" category?
           | Thinking of things like CRMs and learning management systems.
           | Maybe Salesforce would be the holotype?
         | sanderjd wrote:
         | Yeah this is super helpful!
         | my69thaccount wrote:
         | The holotypes that are best expressed as SPAs don't belong on
         | the web.
           | wrycoder wrote:
           | Isn't QuickBooks Online a (multipage) SPA?
           | Running it on the desktop is far inferior, because a great
           | advantage of QBO is the ability for several people,
           | distributed worldwide, to work on the same account at the
           | same time.
             | svachalek wrote:
             | Yup same with Google Docs. And there are plenty of other
             | SPAs like Google Maps that just work so well that way, that
             | it's hard to see the argument for banning them.
           | lazide wrote:
           | 100% agree, and people are have been slowly figuring that
           | out. The front runners were the mobile App folks. But it's
           | going to take awhile for the tide to turn fully again.
           | I'm curious if Java desktop is going to make a resurgence, or
           | something else will. Platform native Windows dev never really
           | died, but the market definitely shrunk.
       | mgaunard wrote:
       | People fail to realize that these silly one page websites were
       | invented because they're easier to consume on mobile.
       | Just ask yourself who your users are and what workflow makes
       | sense for them, and build something accordingly.
       | [deleted]
       | zkirill wrote:
       | Our web product went from AngularJS to React to Angular to
       | Angular + Spring. The addition of Spring helped us introduce a
       | useful constraint: if you can build it as an old-school page with
       | Spring, don't put it into the SPA. Angular is reserved for deep
       | core business logic and UI which would be impractical to build
       | anywhere else. One of the biggest benefits is reducing our
       | Angular project complexity, making it easier to keep current with
       | Angular updates. I am happy to hear that SPAs are no longer sexy
       | because this sounds like the landscape has matured. For example,
       | Angular started doing LTS releases.
         | dimgl wrote:
         | This sounds needlessly complicated.
           | zkirill wrote:
           | Maybe, shoot me an email if you want to chat about it kirill
           | at getfillet.com
       | TekMol wrote:
       | Where are those SPAs everybody is talking about?
       | All sites I use regularly are MPAs:
       | Hackernews, Amazon, AirBnB, Booking.com, Wikipedia, GithHub ...
       | Reddits new design is kind of a hybrid. It is MPA when you hop
       | between subreddits and other pages. But it shows a post on the
       | same page when you click on it in a subreddit feed. I actually
       | are annoyed by the new Reddit enough to switch to old.reddit.com
       | most of the time when I end up on Reddit. Not sure why. But maybe
       | it tells something, that the only "somewhat SPA" I know makes me
       | switch to its MPA version regularly.
         | avel wrote:
         | Facebook, Twitter.
         | 88913527 wrote:
         | The best apps seem to be fully MPA or SPA. The hybrids have UX
         | problems. It's arbitrary some things require a hard page
         | navigation, and others don't. I mean, it's probably an
         | intersection between product/engineering teams, but as a user
         | of an application, I have no real visibility into that nor
         | concern for it; I just see the dichotomy.
           | [deleted]
         | NewEntryHN wrote:
         | It's called "applications" because it's not "sites". Slack,
         | Gmail, etc.
         | tshaddox wrote:
         | YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter are the obvious
         | examples from among the top 10 or so most visited websites in
         | the United States.
           | TekMol wrote:
           | What is SPA about YouTube? It feels completely MPA to me.
             | tastemykungfu wrote:
             | If it feels completely MPA to you - then they pulled off
             | their SPA implementation :)
             | NovemberWhiskey wrote:
             | Minimize a video so it's playing in the corner of the
             | browser; notice that the video continues to play seamlessly
             | as you navigate around the site. You can't do that in an
             | MPA right now.
               | seydor wrote:
               | That s super annoying btw . Frankly video is best browsed
               | like a traditional multi page listing, like how porn
               | sites do it
               | shrimp_emoji wrote:
               | But pages are difficult on mobile devices.
               | So are controls or useful UI or... :D
               | seydor wrote:
               | i dont get why they are difficult on mobile? inf
               | scrolling is worse. Especially on android which has a
               | back button everywhere. I think ppl should be more
               | mindful of the megabytes of javascript that people have
               | to download just to see a list of images
               | capableweb wrote:
               | You could in theory do that although the experience would
               | be slightly odd. Either open the video in a new page and
               | put in the bottom right, force focus it after the main
               | window been active. Or wrap the entire websites in two
               | iframes, one for main content and one for video player.
               | Main content can change without interfering with the
               | video player.
               | Not saying you should do either of these, as the UX would
               | be worse, but you could if you really want to :)
             | 323 wrote:
             | It's an illusion. If you look carefully you'll see that all
             | YT content is loaded dynamically, starting from a blank
             | page with a blank video player.
             | eyelidlessness wrote:
             | The only distinction that matters is whether it has a
             | client-side router. If it feels like an MPA, and doesn't
             | feel slow, that can be easy to miss. But it's still a SPA.
             | Jcampuzano2 wrote:
             | When an SPA feels snappy enough/works well enough that you
             | confuse it for an MPA, it means they are probably doing it
             | right.
             | Akronymus wrote:
             | I have a redirect set up for shorts to redirect me onto a
             | normal site. As youtube loads the content dynamically, then
             | sets the URL it doesn't work unless I open the short in a
             | new tab or do a f5.
             | Seems SPA to me.
         | [deleted]
         | enra wrote:
         | Apps, not sites. It's even in the name, Single Page
         | Application. You probably shouldn't build websites as SPAs but
         | you probably should build most apps as SPAs.
         | Slack, Dropbox, Google, Notion, Spotify, superhuman, 1Password,
         | Robinhood...
         | Basically most web tools/apps are SPAs if they have been built
         | in the last ~10years. Github, Reddit and Airbnb were founded
         | ~15 years ago when Rails was still a thing.
           | s__s wrote:
           | > You probably shouldn't build websites as SPAs but you
           | probably should build most apps as SPAs.
           | As a frontend dev this has always been my stance, but I've
           | been consistently shunned for it.
           | How much of that was naivete vs. misaligned incentives I'm
           | not sure.
           | In any case, these thing always leave me with the feeling the
           | industry is getting way too saturated with script kiddies. It
           | just feels immature, and the culture that's grown around web
           | dev seems to reflect that. Or more likely I'm just bitter and
           | old.
             | brailsafe wrote:
             | I liked to put the line between whether you're required to
             | sign in to use it or not. If none of the data was
             | necessarily publicly accessible anyway, that's more of a
             | spa suited interface
             | MrBuddyCasino wrote:
             | People largely don't think for themselves, every once in a
             | while the firmware gets updated and they have a new
             | opinion. All you can do is pick your battles, there is
             | finite amount of credits to spend.
             | teakettle42 wrote:
             | OS developer here. You're all naive children playing in our
             | sandbox, arguing over what color to paint your sandcastles.
             | Or more likely I'm just bitter and old.
               | mLuby wrote:
               | Purity: https://xkcd.com/435/
               | Farmville Devs <- Facebook Devs <- Chrome Devs <- OS Devs
               | <- Chip Devs <- Factory Devs
           | vbezhenar wrote:
           | IMO the distinction is simple. You want Google to index your
           | website. You don't want Google to index your webapp.
           | I'm aware that Google can run JS, but its support is limited
           | compared to server rendering and there are other crawlers
           | behind Google which probably will never be as sophisticated.
             | Mordisquitos wrote:
             | Yes, sure. If you don't want Google to index your online
             | service, one way to do it is to design the whole thing as
             | an SPA, with all the added complexity and reinvention of
             | the wheel that it involves.
             | The other way is to add a few lines to your `robots.txt`.
           | andyp-kw wrote:
           | Rails never went away.
           | mostlysimilar wrote:
           | Rails is still "a thing" and is better today than it has ever
           | been.
             | kache_ wrote:
             | only because the companies that use rails are stuck on it
             | :P
               | djfobbz wrote:
               | Majority of the ones I know are making billions. Why
               | change something that's already profitable?
             | hirvi74 wrote:
             | Really? I miss it sometimes. I haven't kept up with it in
             | over 5 years (switched to .Net now).
             | I am just curious, why would I use Rails over something
             | like .Net in today's time? I am no apologist for .Net or
             | anything, I am just genuinely curious.
               | dghlsakjg wrote:
               | Rails has added a lot of cool built in stuff. SPA like
               | stuff that is done over sockets but written in ruby
               | (Hotwire is the name of it) is the most germane to this
               | conversation.
               | But all t he other stuff common to popular libraries
               | still applies, tons of community support, huge
               | extensibility, large population of devs that have
               | experience building large apps.
               | DeathArrow wrote:
               | With net you can accomplish the same with HTMX. And you
               | can do the a SPA frontend fully in C# using Blazor.
               | jhgb wrote:
               | I imagine that one reason why you might want to use it is
               | if you don't like the "let's reinvent the wheel
               | incompatibly every three years" approach from the .NET
               | world.
               | hirvi74 wrote:
               | I'll be honest, this made me chuckle.
               | You are not wrong though, and it's quite annoying when
               | hopping between multiple .Net versions. I feel like I
               | have a bit of insight into what it would have been like
               | to be developing in Python during the 2.x to 3.x schism
               | years back.
               | swat535 wrote:
               | I don't think there is any particular "reason". Majority
               | of the languages and tools are really good enough to
               | achieve 90% of business use cases out there.
               | Unless you have some specific requirements for you app
               | like high concurrency or memory safety and so on, then
               | you can pick whatever you (or your team) are most
               | comfortable with: Django, Rails, Symphony, .. are all
               | excellent.
               | It's more about solving business problems and building
               | great systems than anything else. All tools have pros and
               | cons of course, it's simply up to us to review the
               | requirements and pick the right one for the job.
               | [deleted]
               | jb3689 wrote:
               | Hot take: Phoenix does almost everything Rails does but
               | better. Ruby is still superior for scripting, but OTP
               | gives you so much flexibility for integrating your
               | backend (supervision is built in, process abstraction is
               | built in, rpc is built in, microservice architecture is
               | built in). The only other thing I don't care for with
               | Phoenix is the amount of metaprogramming which I think is
               | even worse than Rails
               | paulgb wrote:
               | I haven't kept up with either, but remember that "because
               | you know it" is a perfectly reasonable and fine reason!
               | travisgriggs wrote:
               | I struggle with this a little. Or rather, I struggle with
               | the counter corollary: "Because you don't know it."
               | I mean, I solve most of my problems with the hammers I
               | have at hand. But I try not to fall _exclusively_ in this
               | trap of "I will use tech X because that's what I know."
               | But I see a majority of my programming peers who will
               | avoid moving "forward" because it's easier to "stay
               | behind." At first, this works, because the difference
               | between what's new and evolving versus what's established
               | and a "core competency" is trivial and easy to
               | marginalize. As it persists over time though, the
               | investment can become a real millstone.
               | I am pretty comfortable with Python. We use it some
               | pretty key areas in our product. It's an established
               | technology and competency for us. Last year, I needed to
               | construct a service that was going to involve spinning up
               | LOTS of little long lived threads. I was concerned about
               | doing this in Python. Doing so would be easy and
               | straightforward. "Because I know it" would definitely
               | have said "do this in Python right now, deal with scaling
               | issues later." Instead I looked around and deemed this a
               | good reason to take Elixir for a spin. I'm glad I did. It
               | turned out to be a good fit for this problem. "Because I
               | don't know it" caused others around me to raise their
               | eyebrows and question my approach initially. Was it the
               | 100% best choice? Who knows for sure. But it's worked out
               | well. Ironically, just the other day, a data
               | serialization library I have in both systems, the Python
               | one needed to run faster (new use case for it suddenly
               | needed speed that we didn't hitherto care about). After
               | some profiling, I rearchitected the python algorithm to
               | be more similar to the Elixir one and gained about 50%
               | speed up.
               | msbarnett wrote:
               | Because you or a team knows it, because it's still a hell
               | of a lot more of a batteries included ecosystem than the
               | last Scala or node projects I was involved in which had
               | to reinvent a shocking number of wheels that are table
               | stakes in Rails-land (can't speak to .net, never been an
               | MS stack dev), because you're working with some other
               | Ruby or Rails thing and its easiest to stay compatible,
               | because there's a lot of mature, profitable projects out
               | there hiring in it with high salaries ;), etc
               | It's an engineering decision with tradeoffs, like every
               | engineering decision.
           | CPLX wrote:
           | If the Shopify ecosystem was the _only_ example of rails in
           | existence then rails would still definitely be a thing.
           | pcmaffey wrote:
           | The distinction is between websites as documents and websites
           | as applications. Both are still websites.
           | dmje wrote:
           | Couldn't agree more, been saying this for years. There are
           | moments when an "app-like" experience is what's required -
           | and that's mostly (not always but mostly) when these SPAish
           | approaches are relevant.
           | On big, sprawling, multipage content-rich websites, not so
           | much if at all.
           | It depends. Web people should have this tattooed on their
           | foreheads.
           | karmakaze wrote:
           | I was expecting a discussion of native, cross-platform or
           | hybrid apps. Single or multi-page application/site barely
           | registers as a distinction to me like it once did with faster
           | mobile networks and devices.
           | I'd venture to guess that even an MPA comprising multiple SPA
           | 'pages' is an unsurprising composition especially for captive
           | audience apps like internal, or government etc.
           | TekMol wrote:
           | Slack, Dropbox, Google, Notion,         Spotify, superhuman,
           | 1Password, Robinhood...
           | I don't use any of these. With the exception of Google (the
           | search engine). Which I don't think is a SPA. When I type a
           | search query and hit enter, it loads a new page. When I click
           | on the next page at the bottom, it also loads a new page.
             | gunapologist99 wrote:
             | Both Google Maps and Gmail were among the very first SPA's.
           | eschaton wrote:
           | Nah, you should build most apps using operating systems'
           | native toolkits, and stop trying to pretend web pages are
           | applications.
           | muxator wrote:
           | > Google
           | If you mean "google" as "google properties as a whole", then
           | yeah (the fusion of google maps and google earth is something
           | absolutely _mind blowing_ to see in a web browser, for
           | example).
           | If you mean "google" as "the search engine", then I was
           | perfectly fine with a server side rendered, non-so-much-
           | semantic search it was until last decade. Advanced search
           | worked well, fast as hell already. Hell, there were two
           | search text boxes if you wanted to search for something else
           | once you scrolled down to the bottom of the page.
           | criddell wrote:
           | What are the primary characteristics that distinguish a web
           | site from a web app?
             | snowwrestler wrote:
             | For me it is reading vs doing.
             | When you first go to aws.amazon.com, you get a website with
             | content about AWS.
             | Once you log in, you're in the AWS web application, and
             | it's time to start doing things.
             | Forums like HN, I would consider websites because there is
             | a lot of reading and not much doing.
             | jvalencia wrote:
             | I would say interactivity. A spreadsheet for example, you
             | are constantly modifying rows. You want that in memory in
             | the browser, not on a server, where you need to constantly
             | be making ajax calls.
             | How many micro-interactions do you want --- the more you
             | have, the more likely you want an application rather than a
             | site.
             | em-bee wrote:
             | i'd say the dynamic of the content.
             | anything that can be done offline ought to be an SPA so
             | that it can be made to actually still work without internet
             | access.
             | Avshalom wrote:
             | number of pages
             | glitcher wrote:
             | At a very superficial level, HN feels like a website and
             | logging in to do my banking feels like a web application.
             | But trying to drill down into specific definitions or draw
             | a clear line between them seems to fall apart quickly. So I
             | guess for me at least I really don't know the answer, but
             | also don't think it's terribly useful to make a distinction
             | either.
               | edflsafoiewq wrote:
               | A bank should be a website (if only my bank would
               | agree...). If you're making a Photoshop clone in the
               | browser, that's web app territory.
               | krapp wrote:
               | >But trying to drill down into specific definitions or
               | draw a clear line between them seems to fall apart
               | quickly.
               | The only clear line I've seen is javascript. If it uses
               | javascript for anything nontrivial, people believe it's a
               | web app. This comes up all the time in threads about "the
               | old web" or "how you would fix the web," in the context
               | of what seems to be a prevalent belief on HN that the web
               | should be split up between the two paradigms, with purely
               | static, noninteractive "sites" in one place, and "apps"
               | in the other.
               | Problem is, as mentioned upthread, the vast majority of
               | sites using javascript, including SPAs, are still _meant
               | to be read as documents._ If you include any form of
               | interactivity, including backend processing and
               | rendering, even more sites become apps.
               | In practice, it seems to me to be more of a religious
               | taxonomy than a technical one, based on the belief that
               | the modern web has become tainted by complexity and needs
               | to be made pure again.
             | dmje wrote:
             | Possibly old fashioned view here but I think of it in two
             | ways.
             | Firstly if it's "transactional" it fits more often into the
             | label of "application". If it is there mainly for
             | consumption of media, it's more "Web site".
             | Secondly, I think it's useful to think about what it'd feel
             | like as a desktop app. Stuff like say Google Sheets would
             | feel perfectly normal running on your desktop. It's super
             | snappy, all on-page. Something like the BBC or HN, not so
             | much.
             | mmcnl wrote:
             | I'd say there's is not a clear definition, but I think: low
             | interaction intensity / no personalized experience =
             | website, high interaction intensity / personalized
             | experience = application.
             | Wikipedia and blogs are mostly for consuming content and
             | it's the same content for everyone. Clearly a website.
             | Instagram usually isn't super interactive, but it's
             | extremely personalized, so it's much more like an app.
             | Gmail also clearly a web app.
         | dymk wrote:
         | Airbnb is not a SPA in the sense that it's a _single_ page, but
         | the main pages of the site contain a lot of interactivity, and
         | IMO individually constitute at least mini-SPAs.
         | dingleberry420 wrote:
         | > I actually are annoyed by the new Reddit enough to switch to
         | old.reddit.com most of the time when I end up on Reddit. Not
         | sure why. But maybe it tells something,
         | For me it's because the new design is hilariously slow in every
         | way. And also it looks really, really bad. Meanwhile
         | old.reddit.com loads instantly and doesn't burn my retinas.
         | epistasis wrote:
         | I think new Reddit is intentionally terrible, and incorporates
         | SPA attributes, purely to make the experience unpleasant and
         | drive app usage. They offer old.Reddit.com so that some core
         | users don't leave, but those users might not be needed forever,
         | if a different user base can be cultivated.
         | eyelidlessness wrote:
         | GitHub is definitely not an MPA. Or at least most of the core
         | functionality people use for work isn't. It feels like one
         | under ideal network conditions, but if your connection stalls
         | you can see its routing stall before any attempt to load a new
         | page.
           | bdcravens wrote:
           | Github is a Rails app, and leverages Turbolinks which does
           | partial page renders (but still keeps routing server-side)
           | msbarnett wrote:
           | GitHub is an MPA Rails app that uses turbolinks to make page
           | transitions quicker, which is what you're seeing stall. No
           | routing is done client side.
             | maxloh wrote:
             | Navigations within the same repo are powered by client side
             | routings (e.g. from "Code" tab to "Issue" tab).
               | msbarnett wrote:
               | No? I'm looking at the request in webinspector right now.
               | GitHub is kicking back the full partial for the issues
               | tab, and turbolinks JS is then swapping out the relevant
               | DIVs -- it's a bog-standard Rails MPA server side routed
               | setup, I think you're just letting the turbolinks
               | animation convince you there's more happening on the
               | frontend than really is.
               | dmix wrote:
               | Github uses something called View Component to render
               | 'partials' (aka components) which is a bit more
               | sophisticated than just Turbolinks and IMO the future of
               | complex web apps
               | https://viewcomponent.org/
               | It's the right balance in-between React/SSR hydration and
               | Railsy server-side apps, taking the best of both worlds.
               | This is a really good talk about how we got here from
               | Jquery->Backbone.js->SPAs +
               | React/Vue->Stimulus/ViewComponent/ActionCable
               | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sIxvxp7E0xg
               | There's another similar project called AnyCable which
               | combines websockets with an ActionCable style approach:
               | https://anycable.io/
               | eyelidlessness wrote:
               | > It's the right balance in-between React/SSR hydration
               | and Railsy server-side apps, taking the best of both
               | worlds.
               | This is similar to how React Server Components work,
               | except that they work for arbitrary server-side rendering
               | updates to the client as well as navigation. And it's
               | conceptually similar to how Qwik works, only the
               | "partials" are typically client chunks. And again with
               | Qwik, not tied to navigation, but that's pretty much how
               | I'd imagine a client routing solution for Qwik would
               | (will?) look.
               | msbarnett wrote:
               | Eh, we use ViewComponents inhouse at work too, and
               | they're great, but they're really just a better way of
               | approaching partials instead of the normal "grab the
               | Controller's ivars" free-for-all -- they don't move the
               | needle any on the MPA front, and they change nothing
               | w.r.t turbolinks (or any client side JS), since they're
               | purely a server-side rendering time thing.
               | dmix wrote:
               | I'm more interested in the concept of ViewComponents than
               | just the current library. It's really just starting with
               | Rails adopting ActionCable and Phoenix using LiveView
               | (which I see as both immature proto-concepts of the
               | future of JS frontends).
               | This blog post (and my linked talk above) opened my eyes
               | on the subject:
               | https://evilmartians.com/chronicles/anycable-actioncable-
               | on-...
               | Right now the complexity is a bit high on this approach^
               | and I personally just use a mix of Vue + Turbolinks/Rails
               | at work for legacy/simplicity reasons. But I'm watching
               | the space.
               | maxloh wrote:
               | You are right. It wasn't client side routing.
               | But GitHub doesn't use turbolink. They wrote their own
               | implementations that lies at
               | app/assets/modules/github/behaviors/pjax.ts.
               | msbarnett wrote:
               | Ah, AFAIK that's not actually theirs but:
               | https://github.com/defunkt/jquery-pjax (although I guess
               | they rewrote it in TS, unless that's a different project
               | floating around?), from which Turbolinks took its
               | inspiration as a Rails-native built in solution.
               | Presumably GitHub never saw any reason to rewrite for
               | Turbolinks when the latter appeared.
         | manmal wrote:
         | Was AirBnB not one of the first companies to champion server-
         | side rendering of React apps? I think you're listing apps that
         | are actually a bunch of SPAs glued together (each page is super
         | complex and an SPA of its own right).
           | marcosdumay wrote:
           | Hum...
           | > Hackernews, Amazon, AirBnB, Booking.com, Wikipedia, GithHub
           | I don't know about AirBnB. Booking has a little bit of
           | interactivity that is more annoying than helpful1, like the
           | GP's example for Reddit. None of the others can be described
           | as "applications".
           | 1 - The map is good. The stuff on the map is very good. The
           | map itself is an SPA. For all the rest of the site, if they
           | removed all the Javascript it wold be an improvement.
           | AlchemistCamp wrote:
           | It wasn't React, but Spike Brehm gave a lot of talks about
           | Airbnb moving to "isomorphic JavaScript" with a library he
           | created. It was called Rendr and it basically let you stitch
           | together Backbone and Node and share code between the client
           | and the server.
           | I remember being pretty interested in it at the time.
           | https://techcrunch.com/2013/04/19/airbnb-open-sources-
           | rendr-...
             | manmal wrote:
             | Ah yes, before React even!
           | winrid wrote:
           | Lever was doing this in 2014 with DerbyJS.
           | TekMol wrote:
           | On AirBnB, you search for a location on the homepage and then
           | you go to a new page, the map page. Which is a bit SPAish
           | because it reloads apartments when you move the map. Then
           | when you click on an apartment, you go to a new page, the
           | apartment page.
           | Overall, I would count that as MPA?
           | The apartment pages seem to be client side rendered. When I
           | CTRL+u and look a the source code, I see a lot of JSON and
           | not much HTML.
         | altdataseller wrote:
         | Monday.com, Google Docs, Trello.
         | WalterGR wrote:
         | Gmail
         | pkamb wrote:
         | Old.Reddit.com does some kind of page-reload every time you
         | navigate back to the subreddit from a comments page. Incredibly
         | annoying and makes Hacker News feel blazing fast by comparison.
         | Does anyone know how to block that page reload and associated
         | movement of stories and scroll position on the page you're
         | returning back to?
           | egypturnash wrote:
           | I do not know how to stop it and I hate it so much.
           | bmacho wrote:
           | Replace the button you click with
           | history.back()
           | with tampermonkey?
       | FpUser wrote:
       | >"There's a feeling in the air. A zeitgeist. SPAs are no longer
       | the cool kids they once were 10 years ago.
       | Hip new frameworks like"
       | I have my own company developing products. Some for our own, some
       | for clients. I count my money. Why would I give a flying fuck
       | about what is "hip"?
       | The only thing that matters is how much it costs me to develop
       | solution assuming it satisfies all the constrains imposed by
       | client's specs. The difference makes a profit and this is what I
       | am after.
       | I use SPA when I need real business application and it needs to
       | be delivered in a browser. If SPA becomes too big I make it
       | dynamically load a pieces of needed functionality upon request.
       | By nature is is still SPA and dynamically loaded parts tend to
       | stay in browser's cache anyways. When I need a website I make
       | plain website. I do not turn one into the other.
         | Nextgrid wrote:
         | > I have my own company developing products. Some for our own,
         | some for clients. I count my money. Why would I give a flying
         | fuck about what is "hip"?
         | You are a minority in a sea of crap whose only goal is to
         | extract more money from investors by dazzling them with
         | buzzwords, "growth & engagement" and engineering playgrounds
         | where complexity is a _feature_ to justify hiring more
         | engineers and make an engineering blog to brag about solving
         | (self-inflicted) problems in order to help hire _more_
         | engineers.
         | When your objective is to make money by solving clients'
         | problems as opposed to dazzling investors to then beg for their
         | money, the "bill of materials" changes significantly.
       | coding123 wrote:
       | So can we really claim these as MPAs? This is all using the same
       | architecture of SPAs but it moves it to the backend. Technically
       | that's still an SPA that moved the rendering to the server and
       | instead of shipping JSON and telling the browser to update with
       | the new JSON it's the server sending HTML that the browser is
       | told to replace a part of the screen. It's really just the same
       | thing but with a twist. This is not "MPA" tech, it's SPA tech
       | with new bells and whistles. MPA tech (PHP, CGIBIN, etc..) is
       | dead and not coming back.
       | If the author states this, I would be on board - we're shifting
       | to shipping HTML chunks.
       | mrtksn wrote:
       | SPA makes the backend much more simpler as all the HTML rendering
       | is not its concern anymore. The client devices are very capable
       | and the networks are fast, it's very logical to offload the
       | rendering to the client.
       | I doubt that MPA is coming back but for things that don't need to
       | be SPA in first place, going back to being MPA is reasonable.
         | jhgb wrote:
         | > SPA makes the backend much more simpler as all the HTML
         | rendering is not its concern anymore.
         | That feels like creative accounting of code to me. Is the
         | rendering really simpler, or does it merely happen in a
         | different place?
           | mrtksn wrote:
           | Happening in a different place makes it simpler because the
           | backend no longer needs to take into consideration the
           | various clients. For example, the same API can serve a SPA
           | and a Mobile app and some other interactions with other
           | systems(integrations with multiple services becomes so easy).
           | Also makes it possible to separate the people who build the
           | API and the people who build the UI which can have many
           | advantages such as hiring more specialised people and
           | decouple the releases. For example, you no longer need
           | someone who knows PHP/SQL/Linux and JS/HTML/CSS. You also
           | have less vendor lock-ins because the front end and the back
           | end are agnostic to each other, which means you can much
           | easily ditch something from the one side without doing any
           | work on the other side.
             | jhgb wrote:
             | > the backend no longer needs to take into consideration
             | the various clients. For example, the same API can serve a
             | SPA and a Mobile app and some other interactions with other
             | systems(integrations with multiple services becomes so
             | easy).
             | Drawing a circle artificially around a portion of your code
             | and saying "look, now the circled part doesn't need to
             | change!" feels like creative accounting to me as well. If
             | you have multiple clients, the code for multiple clients
             | still has to live _somewhere_ , so it's not like the whole
             | system that you need to build is getting simpler.
             | Pretty much the only actual difference I can see here is
             | the ability to use more of client's CPU time to run your
             | applications. I'm sure there's applications that could
             | profit from that.
             | > For example, you no longer need someone who knows
             | PHP/SQL/Linux and JS/HTML/CSS.
             | But if you don't do your logic in JS but do it in PHP on
             | the server, you don't need a JS person. And if you were
             | using Seaside, you wouldn't need an HTML/CSS person since
             | everything would be just Smalltalk at that point. It's
             | again just moving stuff around, but someone still has to do
             | that.
             | I guess _one_ situation where this argument might apply
             | would be if one of the two language options was difficult
             | to hire for.
             | > You also have less vendor lock-ins because the front end
             | and the back end are agnostic to each other, which means
             | you can much easily ditch something from the one side
             | without doing any work on the other side.
             | Not even this argument seems any less artificial to me,
             | since if you're ditching something, I'm not quite sure why
             | it matters _where_ you ditch it from -- unless you have no
             | control over one of the sides. In that particular case, I
             | could see this as an argument. If you 're forced to do a
             | client for an already existing server, you're obviously
             | justified in doing a pure client-side solution for anything
             | that doesn't exist on the server yet. If you're building
             | your own server, this limitation is removed.
               | mrtksn wrote:
               | I don't know why it feels like creative accounting to
               | you(I actually do, see next paragraph). Indeed, by
               | drawing a circle around a code you change the
               | architecture through separation of concerns and break
               | down larger problem into smaller parts. As a result of
               | this, your system acquires new properties.
               | It all matters because the code is written by people and
               | people specialise. Maybe from computational perspective
               | you are just moving the computation from one place to
               | another but from development perspective you are breaking
               | down code into pieces that specialised people can work
               | on. Instead of having a linux wiz coding CSS or front-end
               | guy creating security holes in your PHP code you have a
               | front-end dev who can talk to backend-dev and all do
               | their parts and the mobile-app-dev can join the party
               | later and simply use the existing work done by the back-
               | end dev.
               | All that when having some of your computations offloaded
               | to the client devices. It's pretty neat.
               | jhgb wrote:
               | > Indeed, by drawing a circle around a code you change
               | the architecture through separation of concerns and break
               | down larger problem into smaller parts.
               | I'm not saying "don't have cleanly separated components".
               | I just fail to see why it matters that the network
               | communication has to happen between very specific modules
               | and not some other ones. Ideally your system wouldn't
               | even notice at all if you moved the "network border"
               | within your system. Some systems would notice that,
               | mainly performance-wise (for example moving a database
               | engine (which uses random access to a large amount of
               | data) across the border could be a problem), but I
               | imagine that many would not.
               | > or front-end guy creating security holes in your PHP
               | code
               | You do realize that this falls under the "hiring
               | difficulties" qualification I've added in my previous
               | comment?
               | > you have a front-end dev who can talk to backend-dev
               | and all do their parts and the mobile-app-dev can join
               | the party later and simply use the existing work done by
               | the back-end dev
               | People can communicate with each other and collaborate
               | regardless of whether their code runs on the same machine
               | or not. For example, now with Microsoft's Blazor, just
               | because the user interface is going to be programmed in
               | the same address space and process as the backend doesn't
               | mean that two different people with different strengths
               | can't work on two different parts of the same large
               | program. You can still have the guy who's better at
               | dealing with UI design do the UI, and the guy who's good
               | at writing fast database code write the backend. Not sure
               | what prevents you from doing that.
               | mrtksn wrote:
               | It's not hiring difficulties, people have limited time
               | and energy to specialise - you can't simply try harder
               | and hire someone who is the best front end and the best
               | backend developer at the same time. Sure, you can still
               | have clean separation of concerns and send rendered page
               | to the user instead having the user run the UI on their
               | device and fetch data as needed but that's just extra
               | work and higher data transfers(in fact, it's a common
               | practice to send the initial page as a full HTML for SEO
               | purposes). If that's your thing, sure go ahead.
               | But you are keeping dismissing the interoperability part.
               | Since you are now sending fully rendered browser specific
               | output you loose your chance to use the same backend for
               | different type of clients, such as mobile apps or other
               | tools that can work with your system. You instantly need
               | to create client specific output for each and every
               | client type. If you want to do it, go ahead.
               | Certainly things can be achieved in worse ways at higher
               | costs, maybe some people have reasons to want that? I
               | wouldn't know why though. An art form? A protest? A way
               | to inflate the budget to bill more work for each type of
               | client?
               | jhgb wrote:
               | > It's not hiring difficulties, people have limited time
               | and energy to specialise.
               | I never claimed otherwise.
               | > but that's just extra work and higher data transfers
               | Not necessarily. For example, when compression is being
               | employed, I doubt that something like Rails' Turbo will
               | transfer measurably more data in a page update than
               | sending a JSON or XML representation of the very same
               | data.
               | > But you are keeping dismissing the interoperability
               | part. Since you are now sending fully rendered browser
               | specific output you loose your chance to use the same
               | backend for different type of clients
               | No, I'm not! In a single address space, you can generate
               | outputs for multiple clients just as easily as for one
               | client. Literally nothing prevents you from doing that.
               | mrtksn wrote:
               | A JSON containing the data to update a piece in the page
               | will always be measurably smaller than the full UI, no
               | matter how you compress it because you can compress the
               | JSON too. If you use something that loads HTML or
               | something like that from the server instead of reloading
               | the whole page, congratulations you made a funny SPA.
               | Sure you can make outputs for multiple clients just as
               | easily. On the traditional SPA though, you don't need to
               | make those at all.
               | I think the advantages are clear at this point.
               | > I never claimed otherwise.
               | You literally called it "hiring difficulties". What's the
               | point to argue after this?
               | jhgb wrote:
               | > A JSON containing the data to update a piece in the
               | page will always be measurably smaller than the full UI
               | There's no need to compress the full UI again. Rails'
               | Turbo for example transfers only the minimum fragment
               | required.
               | > Sure you can make outputs for multiple clients just as
               | easily. On the traditional SPA though, you don't need to
               | make those at all.
               | Neither do you have to do that in a traditional MPA. One
               | client = one frontend, surely?
               | > You literally called it "hiring difficulties". What's
               | the point to argue after this?
               | Did I misunderstand the comment I was responding? You
               | wrote "people have limited time and energy to
               | specialise". The way I interpreted it was that different
               | people have different strengths, so it's difficult to
               | hire someone who has many different strengths at once
               | (and for example wouldn't poke a hole in your PHP code,
               | to use your own example).
               | mrtksn wrote:
               | > here's no need to compress the full UI. Rails' Turbo
               | for example transfers only the minimum fragment required.
               | That's SPA fetching HTML instead of JSON or something.
               | You are welcome.
               | jhgb wrote:
               | As per Wikipedia:
               | > In a SPA, a page refresh _never_ occurs
               | This is not true with something like Turbo: the partial
               | transfer may or may not take place depending on whether
               | it's useful to do that. The point is that you don't have
               | to even care about that (and I'm not even sure you even
               | any control over that). From the perspective of a Rails
               | programmer, you're generating whole pages. How they get
               | to the client is immaterial to you. Think of it as
               | compression (which is actually is, basically using the
               | previously tranferred data as a dictionary).
               | mrtksn wrote:
               | It's alright, Rails programmers can do that. Nice little
               | trick for building SPAs. There are other systems that use
               | the technique, it has some advantages and disadvantages.
               | If it works for you, great. What's the point to argue
               | against the advantages of SPA?
               | thiwaw93949500g wrote:
               | The point of the person you are replying to is very clear
               | so I am not sure why you insist on arguing.
               | > Not sure what prevents you from doing that.
               | The technology stacks used on the back-end, front-end,
               | mobile apps, and their associated tooling are most of the
               | time very different. Most developers aren't polyglot, or
               | at the very least have a preferred ecosystem in which
               | they are the most productive. By introducing physical
               | boundaries, specialization is easier.
               | For example instead of having a team only composed of
               | Java developer, and having a development workflow and
               | build process requiring Java knowledge, the back-end team
               | may be composed of Java specialists, while the front-end
               | is composed of nodejs + typescript folks, and the mobile
               | app is composed of iOS or Kotlin experts.
               | Is there a technical limitation preventing people from
               | using typescript in a Java project and separating
               | concerns using the java module system or basic folder
               | hierarchy? No. However this rarely happens in practice
               | unless there is clear physical boundary such as the one
               | enabled by SPAs, because people specialize themselves.
               | jhgb wrote:
               | > The technology stacks used on the back-end, front-end,
               | mobile apps, and their associated tooling are most of the
               | time very different.
               | Which feels like a major mistake to me. My house doesn't
               | use different construction technologies for different
               | rooms. It was built all at once, why would it have one
               | room built of bricks and another one from glass and
               | steel? (Other than for some artistic reason, I
               | imagine...)
               | > Most developers aren't polyglot, or at the very least
               | have a preferred ecosystem in which they are the most
               | productive.
               | Yeah, sure. But you don't need to artificially exclude
               | the situation where for example everyone on the team
               | speaks C# (like with the emerging Blazor projects). To
               | say that different developers on a project often have
               | different preferred ecosystems does not mean that
               | different developers on a project _must_ have different
               | preferred ecosystems, even if they 're working on
               | different parts of the same project. That feels like a
               | very weird form of segregation to me. "You're a girl,
               | you'll learn cooking!" "You're a C# developer, you'll
               | write the database interface!". Why couldn't the girl
               | weld a bike frame and the C# developer write a Blazor UI?
               | mrtksn wrote:
               | The house analogy is wrong, we are not talking about
               | using different tech for different apps but different
               | tech for different parts of the system.
               | Therefore, the house analogy would be using different
               | materials for the floors, for the roof, for plumbing and
               | electricity. Then you will notice that different experts
               | install all these parts. The plumber wouldn't do the
               | electricity. It's not that it's impossible to know
               | plumbing and electrical systems at the same time but it's
               | much easier when you are plumber or electrician instead
               | of trying to be a jack of all trades.
       | TrispusAttucks wrote:
       | SPAs have been shit since the beginning. It was a wrong path.
       | Thank God the new comers have corrected.
       | Mikeb85 wrote:
       | I mean, SPAs were overkill for half the shit they were being
       | developed for. Your average web app is a CRUD app and works
       | better as an SSR app. But there's still use cases for them,
       | they're still a great way to build highly interactive cross
       | platform apps.
         | hirvi74 wrote:
         | In my experience, one of the biggest benefits of SPAs is that
         | the front-end tends to be a bit more decoupled from the back-
         | end when compared to SSR apps. Now, of course MPAs could be
         | built this way, and plenty probably are, but again, it's not
         | something I have personally seen often.
       | andix wrote:
       | I think it greatly depends on what kind of thing you're building.
       | A ,,website" like HN shouldn't be a SPA
       | But an ,,app" like Gmail probably should be.
       | endisneigh wrote:
       | So much whining about SPAs. A properly written SPA is very
       | performant and really doesn't have huge differences compared to
       | MPA.
       | If anything the only thing that's changed is people understand
       | how to properly write a SPA and JavaScript web development is
       | finally reaching a period of some level of stability.
       | It really depends on what you're trying to do. Want a fully
       | offline app? Good luck without SPA.
         | andybak wrote:
         | > A properly written SPA is very performant and really doesn't
         | have huge differences compared to MPA.
         | Maybe true but in the wild the vast majority of websites manage
         | to fall down on one or both of these.
         | So either it's hard to "properly write" an SPA or something
         | else is going wrong.
           | endisneigh wrote:
           | Most sites are generally flawed in some sense. SPA is just a
           | red herring.
         | nomilk wrote:
         | > A properly written SPA is very performant
         | SPAs should offer better UX (by reducing full page loads), but
         | at the expensive of developer hours.
         | Curious to hear what the difference in development time is from
         | anyone who made the same app as a MPA and later as a SPA.
         | I'd guess to make the same app as a SPA would take around 2-3
         | times as long.
           | BackBlast wrote:
           | My experience is the opposite. I say that from a career that
           | is dominated by backend experience.
           | In any application, you have to have a good front end. To
           | most users the app/page is the UI.
           | Having the majority of your concerns in one place will help
           | you develop with smaller teams. Certain SPA architectures can
           | bring nearly ALL of the concerns into the front end.
           | Particularly with databases that are simply port open to the
           | world like say couchdb. Your backend needs almost effectively
           | disappear. If this is a reasonable data model, SPA looks and
           | feels much faster to use and develop.
           | When you attach a backend, you often attach other
           | specialists, languages, techs (python, ruby, Java). Have to
           | deal with separate teams, which often means a formal API and
           | all the handshaking between. This pretty much triples the
           | required work with development and the communication
           | overhead.
         | [deleted]
         | [deleted]
         | [deleted]
       | randomtwiddler wrote:
       | Stop griping about SPAs. Local compute is powerful and lower
       | latency than the data center across the country or world.
       | Page weight isn't that big of a deal, a 2 MB ball of js is
       | nothing compared to the multi megabyte pictures and videos people
       | routinely add to pages.
       | For some use cases MPA is fine, but in many cases it's actively
       | worse and higher dev costs to boot.
       | Service workers are an interesting middle ground I think should
       | see more attention and development. I like to combine service
       | workers with SPAs for fully offline capable web apps.
         | [deleted]
         | jhgb wrote:
         | > Page weight isn't that big of a deal, a 2 MB ball of js is
         | nothing compared to the multi megabyte pictures and videos
         | people routinely add to pages.
         | That's a good argument if you're one of the people adding multi
         | megabyte pictures and videos to your pages, but I'd bet that if
         | page size is of concern to you, you're not one of them, so "a 2
         | MB ball of js" would suddenly become your weakest link.
           | randomtwiddler wrote:
           | You say "weakest link" like there is an optimum. People are
           | regularly downloading 4k video. By choice, they want to be
           | doing this.
           | Amazon is one of the most successful websites ever created
           | and last I checked came in at over 12MB page weight. Mostly
           | highly optimized images. I'm sure they wrangle and agonize
           | what shows up there.
           | There's a limit somewhere, but pointing the finger at a ball
           | of js that compresses to less than 500k isn't particularly
           | reasonable.
           | User experience is more about latency. Be it from local
           | compute or remote compute+network.
           | If your visitors are one and done you must SSR at a minimum.
           | Because that will drive the average latency of the majority
           | of user experience.
           | If they are long term users, you should seriously look at
           | user local data and potentially full offline functionality
           | that can mask even poor 3g performance and spotty networks.
           | Making users suffer long term through an MPA architecture is
           | silly.
         | cyral wrote:
         | And you end up saving that 2MB at some point since every page
         | load is just some JSON instead of waiting for the server to
         | render a whole new page that is mostly a duplicate of the
         | current page.
           | randomtwiddler wrote:
           | Page 2 definitely has big wins, not only for the user but in
           | reduced server load and thus cost. That is really the key bit
           | of information in answering the question, to SPA or not to
           | SPA.
       | 88913527 wrote:
       | As someone who works on design systems, I struggle with the
       | concept of consistency in MPA's. If every team has their own tech
       | stack, you'll inevitably end up with multiple ways of rendering
       | HTML: Java/JSP, Ruby/ERB, etc. It's only easy to SSR React in
       | NodeJS.
       | If all the teams use client-side rendering, I can ship the design
       | system as an NPM package of React components, and you can use
       | tools like Storybook to run visual regression tests without
       | standing up your full environment.
       | I know I'm speaking tactically here, but a shift away from SPAs
       | seems like a loss for shared UI components and design
       | consistency. I can't just give a CSS file (which _is_ portable
       | across tech stacks) and leave it to engineers to write accessible
       | HTML; there 's huge value-add in isolating a11y in something like
       | a React component abstraction.
         | bestinterest wrote:
         | My issue with design systems is that inevitably the team using
         | the internal companies design system has to implement custom
         | components (usually early on) and try to match the feel of the
         | design system already in place.
         | I'd rather go custom for a project and semi match the already
         | in place feel of the company's UI standards. Then we're only
         | bottle necked by our internal team and not an external team.
         | Thinking more on this, I'd love the
         | https://tailwindcomponents.com setup for internal design
         | components? Seems like the best of both worlds but does move
         | the base from React/Angular components to Tailwindcss
         | adrianmsmith wrote:
         | > I struggle with the concept of consistency in MPA's. If every
         | team has their own tech stack, you'll inevitably end up with
         | multiple ways of rendering HTML: Java/JSP, Ruby/ERB, etc. It's
         | only easy to SSR React in NodeJS. If all the teams use client-
         | side rendering, I can ship the design system as an NPM package
         | of React components
         | That's true, but if your various teams are allowed to use
         | various server-side programming languages and frameworks,
         | what's to say they're not allowed to use various client-side
         | frameworks as well? E.g. one team uses Angular, the other
         | React, the other Vue, etc. Then you're back to having the same
         | problem.
       | MiscIdeaMaker99 wrote:
       | What's an SPA?
         | kayson wrote:
         | Single page app https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Single-
         | page_application
         | In the early days of the web, pages were static, and changing
         | content required navigation to a new page (url). Then
         | JavaScript took off and you could dynamically change content on
         | a given page, even reload data without navigating/refreshing.
         | In the extreme, frameworks like react were developed, where you
         | no longer have pages at all. The entire website is rendered on
         | the same page using JavaScript to load all the content on the
         | fly.
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