[HN Gopher] Felienne Hermans: How patterns in variable names can...
       Felienne Hermans: How patterns in variable names can make code
       easier to read
       Author : zdw
       Score  : 104 points
       Date   : 2022-05-19 16:33 UTC (3 days ago)
 (HTM) web link (www.youtube.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (www.youtube.com)
       | reidjs wrote:
       | Loved how short and to the point it was. If you don't have time
       | to watch, the idea is it's incredibly rare for two devs to come
       | up with the same names for vars. To increase the odds of coming
       | up with the same names for vars, you should agree on naming
       | conventions (name molds) as a team. Sounds obvious, but great
       | science is often confirmations or denials of the obvious.
         | extrememacaroni wrote:
         | Patterns in the way code looks in general are invaluable for
         | parsing code quickly especially in areas that you're somewhat
         | familiar with. You can discard/ignore big chunks of code very
         | quickly and go straight to where you think the relevant part is
         | if they look as you'd expect at a glance. If they don't, it's
         | sort of like a cache miss. "What the hell why don't people
         | autoformat their goddamn files before saving" and then read
         | those bits of code just to make sure they're not hiding any
         | surprises, before formatting them properly.
         | It's the difference between taking, say, 2 seconds to read a
         | method, and 10 or more.
         | I can only assume people who don't treat code formatting as a
         | rule read every.single.thing.line.by.line.every.time.
           | shikoba wrote:
           | > I can only assume people who don't treat code formatting as
           | a rule read every.single.thing.line.by.line.every.time.
           | That's why I assume too. I don't understand how one can code
           | like that.
       | ojintoad wrote:
       | The Programmer's Brain is my favorite read this year, highly
       | recommend
       | https://www.manning.com/books/the-programmers-brain
       | beebeepka wrote:
       | Like most things, it's a double edged sword. I haven't worked
       | with world-class developers so most of my experience is dealing
       | with people who would benefit immensely from any linguistic
       | practice.
       | If you think someone comes up with bad names, wait till they have
       | to write a few sentences, or paragraphs.
       | teddyh wrote:
       | _Making Wrong Code Look Wrong_ :
       | https://www.joelonsoftware.com/2005/05/11/making-wrong-code-...
       | funstuff007 wrote:
       | She also has a number of talks on Excel (for the HN crowd) up on
       | YouTube are worth the watch.
       | theranger wrote:
       | Could you please update the title with [video] so that we know
       | what to wait from that link.
         | azeirah wrote:
         | It says youtube in the link
           | marcosdumay wrote:
           | Still, that's the convention for the name of things that
           | point to a video here.
             | raffraffraff wrote:
             | Strange that we're now watching a disagreement between two
             | people about whether or not the link should follow a naming
             | convention.
       | prettyStandard wrote:
       | Agree. The name mold I like best is nounAdjective like Spanish
       | rather than adjectiveNoun like English.
       | I wouldn't mind you poking holes in my logic here.
       | https://soft-wa.re/naming-conventions
       | To use her example. I would have chosen ordersPerMonthMax. Which
       | would probably sort alphabetically nicely with ordersPerDayMin
       | and ordersPerYearAverage.
       | Now that I know "name-mold" would be a good query, I might find
       | something better than the Spanish name-mold.
         | RhysU wrote:
         | Definitely nounAdjective.
         | Alphabetically {a, b, c} x {Min, Max} is soo much nicer than
         | the converse. Especially in lists dozens of items long.
         | jackblemming wrote:
         | This was noted in Code Complete too, so you're probably in good
         | company.
         | jonahx wrote:
         | Wide Scope     Narrow Scope
         | +-------------+-------------         Function | Short Name  |
         | Long Name                  +-------------+-------------
         | Variable | Long Name   |  Short Name
         | +-------------+-------------              I can't quite explain
         | why this works
         | I'll take a shot...
         | The general principle uniting all 4 quadrants of the table is:
         | "Use names just long enough to be clear, but not longer."
         | Here's an illuminating exception to the heuristics: The use of
         | the very short global "DB" for database.
         | We are really trying to balance two competing goals:
         | 1. Brevity -- Don't explain what I already know. You mention
         | this in relation to a tight loop variable: "I bet you didn't
         | need me to explain dL stood for Drivers License. It might have
         | even annoyed you if I had spelled it out."
         | 2. Clarity -- Don't confuse me. Don't make me look something up
         | to figure it out.
         | Maximize brevity while retaining clarity.
         | Clarity is related to frequency of use. This relates to your
         | comment: "How come the jQuery constructor feels much more
         | natural than the native version?
         | document.querySelectorAll('#appContainer')". It is annoying
         | because we use it all the time... we don't need or want a
         | verbose description.
         | If the thing is used everywhere, and especially if it is a
         | general convention, assume familiarity. Sure, someone might be
         | confused by "DB" the first time they ever see it, but it will
         | quickly become part of their lexicon and remain so through
         | repeated exposure. However, the same cannot be said for "CGTAO"
         | as a stand in for "cudaGetTextureAlignmentOffset". In that
         | case, the long form is what I want.
         | We handle these principles effortlessly with our use of "he" vs
         | "John" vs "John Smith" vs "the John Smith you went to highscool
         | with" but for some reason have trouble with them when writing
         | code.
           | sodapopcan wrote:
           | Agreed. As with all rules there are always exceptions. I say
           | this applies to concepts that are ubiquitous across unrelated
           | codebases. id, repo, min, max, and enum are some that come to
           | mind. Otherwise, all business domain terms should always be
           | spelled out in full in the same way people refer to them in
           | speech (ie, their ubiquitous language). So the only time
           | acronyms are ok here is if that is how people talk about the
           | particular term in every day speech (like "sku" instead of
           | "stock keeping unit").
           | kortex wrote:
           | It's all about managing entropy. Less surprising means you
           | can use fewer letters. More surprising means more letters.
           | That shouldn't be too controversial.
           | The part where it gets tricky is when a concept is widely
           | used, but is a complex concept. What if you have dozens of
           | calls to cudaGetTextureAlignmentOffset in a function, and
           | hundreds in a codebase? Heck, even CUDA is an acronym,
           | Compute Unified Device Architecture.
           | There's a similar complication when you have several of these
           | big names with slight differences. Made up example, say you
           | also had cudaGetTextureAccessKey,
           | cudaGetVectorAlignmentOffset, etc. I actually find these
           | sometimes worse than the initialisms, as my eyes skip over
           | these long names. The acronyms (CGTAO, CGTAK, CGVAO) have a
           | higher ratio of different letters to total length. But then
           | obviously the abbreviations are very opaque.
             | jonahx wrote:
             | > It's all about managing entropy. Less surprising means
             | you can use fewer letters.
             | I like this framing.
             | > The part where it gets tricky is when a concept is widely
             | used, but is a complex concept. What if you have dozens of
             | calls to cudaGetTextureAlignmentOffset in a function, and
             | hundreds in a codebase?
             | You have to predict the knowledge of the developers
             | (current and future) working on the system, and let that
             | guide what you can assume. This is necessarily an art and
             | you'll miss the mark sometimes. One approach is to always
             | be overly verbose, but this is too simple: it destroys
             | readability when practiced without restraint.
             | > There's a similar complication when you have several of
             | these big names with slight differences. Made up example,
             | say you also had cudaGetTextureAccessKey,
             | cudaGetVectorAlignmentOffset, etc.
             | One technique here is to introduce a namespacing
             | object/module/<whatever you call it in your language>. So
             | something like "cuda.textureAccessKey",
             | "cuda.vectorAlignmentOffset", etc. Sometimes repetition of
             | a long name is the least of all evils, sometimes it's not.
       | DonHopkins wrote:
       | I like to use "big-endian" naming molds (love that term!) to
       | define sets of names that when you alphabetize them place related
       | variables next to each other. (i.e. in a completion menu or
       | browser.)
       | For example, left_foo and right_foo are little-endian, since the
       | least significant word comes first, so they'll be a long distance
       | away from each other in an alphabetized list.
       | But foo_left and foo_right are big-endian, since foo is more
       | significant than left or right. So they will appear one after the
       | other in an alphabetized list.
       | Common suffix words are _x _y _z or _min _max, or _left _right
       | _top _bottom, of even singletons like _enabled _loaded _error
       | etc.
       | But when you combine multiple dimensions together in names, you
       | need to think of which dimensions are more significant, based on
       | how the variables are used, so use foo_x_min foo_x_max, if the
       | positions are important, or foo_min_x foo_min_y, if the ranges
       | are more important.
       | Sometimes it's hard to decide or ambiguous, so just try to be
       | predictable and the same as all the other code. Think of which
       | variables should appear closest to each other in an alphabetical
       | list.
       | And avoid middle-endian or random-endian (or sentence-grammar-
       | order-endian) like the plague. A variable name should probably
       | not be a grammatically correct sentence.
       | Another really annoying linguistic naming smell is "smurfing,"
       | where all of class Smurf's instance variables have smurf_
       | prefixes. Or where all the classes, methods, or instance
       | variables have an "xyz_" prefix where "xyz" is the name of the
       | project or library. Arrgh!!!
         | SnowHill9902 wrote:
         | Agreed. When dealing with real values, it's favorable to
         | explicit the units: weight_lb, length_cm.
           | DonHopkins wrote:
           | Yes, explicit unit suffixes are good smurfs!
           | Also: eschew Bill and Ted's Excellent Postfix "_not", which
           | inverts the meaning of the variable name. That's a most
           | totally bogus code smell, dude.
       | [deleted]
       | eckza wrote:
       | This is, in essence, Hungarian notation. It's great.
       | I wrote about it a few months ago:
       | https://dev.to/jmpavlick/hungary-for-the-power-a-closer-look...
         | Supermancho wrote:
         | While there is evidence that hungarian notation + camelCase is
         | better for token usage - eg variables
         | Underscores are better for readability other kinds of things
         | like unit test names or filenames. Because humans tend to
         | shortcut, it becomes camelCase for everything, including other
         | inappropriate attributes out of laziness, which is aggravating.
         | It's too bad that distinction has not been properly subjected
         | to rigor yet.
         | http://www.cs.loyola.edu/~lawrie/papers/lawrieICPC09.pdf
           | shikoba wrote:
           | > While there is evidence that hungarian notation + camelCase
           | is better for token usage - eg variables
           | What evidence? Where?
             | DonHopkins wrote:
             | I submit to you, the Motif Angst Page.
             | http://www.art.net/~hopkins/Don/unix-
             | haters/x-windows/motif....
             | TLDR:
             | s_CALLBACK_CUR_INSERT
             | Lexical_Bindings_For_XmTextVerifyCallbackStruct XtPointer
             | call_data XLTYPE_CALLBACKOBJ /* How long can this go on????
             | */ Set_Call_Data_For_XmTextVerifyCallbackStruct
             | Wcb_Meta_Callbackproc XmAnyCallbackStruct doit newInsert
             | XmCR_MODIFYING_TEXT_VALUE cdr car ep /* do nothing for most
             | cases... */ Cvt_XmRXmString_to_LVAL GetValues_Union
             | Resource_Instance WINTERP_MOTIF_111 XmStrings XtGetValues
             | XtPointer_value cv_xmstring XmBulletinBoard XmNdialogTitle
             | XmNnoMatchString XmNlabelString XmNtitleString XmRowColumn
             | XtGetValues XmStringFree /* This is so totally ridiculous:
             | there's NO WAY to tell Motif that _any_ button can select a
             | menu item. Only one button can have that honor. * / /* If
             | this function looks like it does a lot more work than it
             | needs to, you're right. Blame the Motif scrollbar for not
             | being smart about updating its appearance. */
             | xm_update_scrollbar widget_instance Widget widget
             | scrollbar_values pane_maximum widget_sliderSize
             | new_sliderSize h_water l_water XtVaGetValues XmNheight
             | XmNpaneMaximum XmNsliderSize widget_sliderSize
             | XmNrefigureMode maximum minimum INT_MAX percent
             | XmScrollBarSetValues ARMANDACTIVATE_KLUDGE DND_KLUDGE
             | *dialog*button1.accelerators:#override Ctrl<KeyPress>m:
             | ArmAndActivate() /* sets the parent window to 0 to fool
             | Motif into not generating a grab */ USE_MOTIF
             | xlw_unmunge_class_resize XlwMenuResize
           | Kiro wrote:
           | You can use Hungarian notation with underscores as well so
           | not sure what you're getting at here. Sounds like you're
           | talking about camelCase vs snake_case.
           | eckza wrote:
           | Hungarian notation is not "camelCase".
           | It's a system for semantic variable naming.
             | Supermancho wrote:
             | Made an edit to better serve your sensibilities _SMH_
       | nickjj wrote:
       | Aren't linguistic names a form of mold?
       | I find Rails' conventions are very good around this, for example
       | datetime fields end with _at and dates end with _on. This way you
       | end up with variable names like published_at or published_on
       | depending on if you care about the time or not. It sounds so
       | natural.
       | The idea of using ? to end a variable name for booleans is great
       | too.
       | It's the opposite of cognitive load because you can glance at a
       | name and know what it is without knowing more about it. If the
       | implementer of a linguistic named function does bad things to
       | break the expected behavior then you shouldn't blame the method
       | -- that's a user error.
       | Personally I find consistent names more important for CLI tools,
       | kubectl's CLI is good in this department for being consistent.
       | You can predict how each command works by knowing the pattern.
       | They went with a "verb noun" style. I don't think one is
       | necessarily better than the other but being consistent does help
       | for CLIs because you often need to recall what to run by memory,
       | CTRL+r history or running the command incorrectly to get a help
       | menu on what you can run. However a code editor gives you a lot
       | more help with auto-complete or buffer-complete for function or
       | variable names.
       | For naming things in programming, I'm not 100% convinced a hard
       | pattern based standard makes sense because naming is very subtle,
       | sometimes you want the emphasis on the "thing" or an emphasis on
       | the "action" depending on the context -- basically which one is
       | more important for that specific instance.
       | For her open question of "what would you name a variable for
       | storing the maximum number of orders per month", that's an
       | incomplete question. What's the context behind it? Is this
       | variable defined as a constant somewhere? What other functions
       | are in that module or class? How do you plan to use the variable?
       | Will it be used in more than 1 spot? Is it part of a library that
       | third party folks can use or limited to 1 code base? Will there
       | be other similar variables, such as getting weekly or yearly
       | orders?
         | DonHopkins wrote:
         | My name is Don, so every time I see a column called "createdon"
         | I think it's a boolean flag that you can set true to create me.
         | I wish the db designer would use snake case instead of mashing
         | all the words together. But then again, I keep my ssh key in a
         | file called donkey.pem.
         | The "big-endian naming mould" suggests naming it
         | orders_per_month_max, since orders is the object (most
         | significant), per_month is a count of orders (secondary
         | significance), and max is a constraint of the order per month
         | count (least significant).
         | Then you can use other parallel names in the same big-endian
         | pattern, like orders_per_month orders_per_year
         | orders_per_year_max orders_per_second_min
         | refunds_per_year_average etc, and they will all sort next to
         | their closely related names, instead of the "inline max" or
         | "prefix max" scrambling the alphabetical order.
         | hinkley wrote:
         | These are the sorts of 'style guides' that we need. I started
         | boycotting 'style' meetings at new companies ages ago because
         | it always turned into a bunch of people using up all of their
         | time, energy, and social capital arguing about where the curly
         | brackets go and how whitespace should be handled. These are
         | things a machine can do for you. We shouldn't be wasting our
         | breath on them.
         | As far as 'consistent' names go, there are multiple dimensions
         | of sameness. Using the same word for all instances of the same
         | concept, _not_ using the same word for other concepts, using
         | consistent pluralization. Using same adjective /adverb/gerund
         | form for related concepts. You are telegraphing sameness in
         | these cases, and difference in others.
         | We have tried things similar to what you describe before, we
         | just have dialed it in wrong. New-ish, good ideas often fall
         | prey to bad execution. Hungarian notation, for instance,
         | dictates that the variable name stays the same when the sense
         | of the data changes, but is supposed to change when the
         | implementation details shift. Which is exactly the opposite of
         | what we want. If I fix a Y2K bug or a 2038 bug in due_on, I'm
         | going to end up with a slightly different structure, but the
         | deadline it represents is still 12 midnight. And if it's not,
         | well, maybe we need a different convention for calendar day
         | versus business day deadlines.
       | astrange wrote:
       | It seems to me that ideally, if a variable name is so predictable
       | that you can name it by rules, that'd be an opportunity for the
       | language to not require a name.
       | But in practice $0 and Haskell's point-free styles can be
       | annoying to read, so maybe what I want is the IDE to insert
       | obvious names.
         | marcosdumay wrote:
         | You still have to say what of the many obvious things you are
         | using here.
         | Point-free syntax has a different kind of namelessness, where
         | if you have a single thing, you don't have no name it. And the
         | $0 is really a limitation of the language, nobody ever though
         | it was a good thing.
           | astrange wrote:
           | The main case I'm thinking of is "for thing in things" loops.
           | "thing" is an obvious name, but tools would have to
           | understand English to generate it.
           | Surely Perl programmers think a name like $0 is good, that's
           | their whole aesthetic.
       | bjourne wrote:
       | Very interesting video. I'm convinced that this is a very under-
       | explored area of software engineering and that proper naming is
       | at least 50% of developer productivity. Often it doesn't matter
       | how well-structured a code base is, if the function and variable
       | names are nonsensical the code will still be very hard to read.
       | [deleted]
       (page generated 2022-05-22 23:00 UTC)