[HN Gopher] Smaller is better - The rise, fall, and rise of flat...
       Smaller is better - The rise, fall, and rise of flat file software
       Author : riidom
       Score  : 184 points
       Date   : 2022-05-22 13:29 UTC (9 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (www.wilcosky.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (www.wilcosky.com)
       | drawingthesun wrote:
       | I like plaintext as I have the option to make edits with various
       | editors in addition to the main application.
       | This can lead to easier search and manipulation.
       | I use Logseq and Noteplan, both store data in plaintext.
       | As a secondary editor to both I use Sublime Text for very fast
       | search and replace, or diagnosing why Logseq might be having
       | issues.
       | I've had issues before in other note taking / task apps and when
       | I run into problems it is much harder to search and manipulate a
       | database file. That's even if the app has a sensible database
       | format.
       | Of course depending on how you use and might need edit data you
       | might find databases are better for you. I've always found it
       | easier to work with plaintext for note taking/ task apps.
         | voltaireodactyl wrote:
         | Do you use Logseq and NotePlan together, or as separate silos?
         | I've been trying to figure out a way to use them in sync, but
         | it doesn't quite work. NotePlan is pretty good at making org
         | functions possible just in markdown files tho so I keep leaning
         | towards sticking there -- but then I remember how powerful org
         | is and I'm back where I started.
         | Basically, if you have your workflow written up anywhere I'd
         | love to read it.
       | ra33o wrote:
       | I can recommend HTMLy and automad.
       | HTMLy can easily work with 20.000 posts, without any noteworthy
       | slowdown.
         | JPLeRouzic wrote:
         | I concur. I am using HTMLy for my blog since 3 years and it is
         | really a nice infrastructure. At the same time, it is simple
         | and powerful.
       | kazinator wrote:
       | Sometime in the late 1990's, some programmer in some forum was
       | bragging about the speed of some program of his that was working
       | with a 50,000 record database. I don't remember all the exact
       | details. I replied something along the lines that I regularly
       | load text files having more lines than that into a text editor,
       | that it's almost instant on today's hardware.
       | voidfunc wrote:
       | I used to run a shared webhost provider back in the early 2000s.
       | Flat-file software was a big deal for our customers back then
       | because MySQL and PostgreSQL databases cost actual money.
       | analyst74 wrote:
       | Database is basically just ab abstraction to help you ingest and
       | query flat files on disk.
       | If you skip that and do your own ingestion and querying...you
       | just have a built-in database?
       | This might have some performance shortcomings, but given maturity
       | of caching these days, you can probably just add caching layer in
       | front of the inefficient query engine when the needs arise.
       | hemmert wrote:
       | I can't recommend Kirby enough:
       | https://www.getkirby.com
       | I built many of my (project) websites with it,
       | https://www.humangodinterfaces.com
       | https://www.perspectives-in-play.com
       | https://www.fabianhemmert.com
       | https://www.escape-team.com
       | it's blazingly fast (performance-wise and in terms of building
       | your site), super easy to customize and I never missed my
       | database.
         | cseleborg wrote:
         | Those are some pretty interesting websites of yours! I checked
         | them out to see if they shared some sort of common Kirby look-
         | and-feel, but you seem to put enough emphasis on design to
         | offset any such thing. The projects look very interesting too.
           | hemmert wrote:
           | Thank you!
           | Kirby really makes it easy to create unique stuff, there's
           | also a nice ,,Made with Kirby" catalog here:
           | https://getkirby.com/love
         | ilaksh wrote:
         | Why do I need a special API to store my data on the file
         | system? Doesn't the file system have an API? And then my
         | interface to that would be a lightweight layer specific to my
         | application.
           | hemmert wrote:
           | Yes, exactly! Copying, renaming, backups, hierarchy - it's
           | all there already!
       | jqpabc123 wrote:
       | Flat file is more suited toward small, well defined with simple
       | integration requirements. A lot of simple web sites and services
       | fall into this category.
       | If there is any possible need to integrate into a larger overall
       | system in ways that have yet to be fully imagined or defined, a
       | DBMS might be a better option.
       | Danborg wrote:
       | Using flat files only solves half the problem, in order to truly
       | be able to host anywhere, you also need to be able to ditch PHP
       | and server side processing requirements. (Wonder CMS, highlighted
       | in this article, requires PHP with a couple of mods.) That's why
       | I think static site generators are the more interesting code in
       | this space. I'm a big fan of Gatsby, but there are several other
       | great ones as well. This allows you to host your blog on even an
       | old school "tilde club" type site, and it works just fine.
         | WalterGR wrote:
         | > Using flat files only solves half the problem, in order to
         | truly be able to host anywhere
         | While that may be _a_ problem for some, I don 't think it's
         | _the_ problem for the purposes of this article and discussion.
         | Different situations have different requirements.
           | Danborg wrote:
           | Still, it is a consideration, and it all factors in. Copying
           | your WonderCMS files to another host, great... oops, it
           | doesn't have PHP mbstring extension, sorry, won't run. (And
           | if you're trying to use "free" hosting, you probably don't
           | have privs to install the missing requirements.)
       | irrational wrote:
       | One benefit of flat file is you can host it on GitHub pages.
       | sottero wrote:
       | I feel like you can achieve some pretty awesome feats with a few
       | files and docker. Setting up a simple Mongodb is dead simple.
       | Adding a Fast API is dead simple. Serving a small site via Flask
       | is dead simple. And with a simple docker exec command I can dump
       | the database to JSON. And I can even use Mongo Compass to tinker
       | with the database and try out queries and create indices.
       | g5095 wrote:
       | Is sqlite a flat file disqualifier?
         | elbigbad wrote:
         | I don't have a dog in the fight, but I would think any real db
         | would be a disqualified in the spirit of flat files. But,
         | SQLite honestly seems like the best of both worlds to me.
       | RedShift1 wrote:
       | _uncle roger voice_ just use SQLite haiyaaaaa
         | Xunjin wrote:
         | I'd love watch a uncle Roger programming-wise reviews.
           | RedShift1 wrote:
           | _sees unparameterized SQL query being written_ no no no no no
           | no haiyaaah uncle roger had to put down foot from chair
           | throwawayboise wrote:
           | Maybe I would as well. Who is Uncle Roger though?
             | zinclozenge wrote:
             | He's a character played by a comedian. Here's the video
             | that made him popular https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=53me-
             | ICi_f8
         | TheRealNGenius wrote:
         | lol, that guys a fucking racist sponge
         | jkingsman wrote:
         | This made me giggle
       | evacchi wrote:
       | I originally wrote https://www.flatpress.org/ as an alternative
       | to WordPress with a flat-file database. I no longer work on it,
       | but an enthusiast user (Arvid) took over the development, so it
       | is now actively maintained.
       | rob_c wrote:
       | Turns out there are many ways to keep doing things wrong that
       | about the problem being users...
       | EGreg wrote:
       | Why don't more people store all the uploaded files inside BLOBS
       | in a relational database instead of a file system? What are the
       | downsides?
       | I see the biggest downside being that the webserver will call
       | your PHP app which will then proxy the data through itself one
       | time. Well, maybe you can use ReactPHP or Swoole and then it's
       | faster than Node.js even...
       | Also you then have more programmable options, for example around
       | access control lists or capabilities to access stuff, caching and
       | expiring caches.
       | How does MySQL compre to ext3 for storing terabytes of data?
       | As a side note - what do y'all think of FUSE to Amazon S3? Just
       | map a path to it and let it do the rest. GOOFYS I think skimps on
       | the POSIX compliance in favor of speed.
         | Gigachad wrote:
         | You usually want as much of your database stored in memory as
         | possible. Binary blobs would bloat out the db pretty quick.
         | Fuse for s3 might work but you risk the chance of a generic
         | abstraction triggering a massive set of actions that cost a
         | lot. Something like running find or checking the size of a
         | directory could end up costing you thousands.
       | DeathArrow wrote:
       | A file system can be considered a document database with the key
       | being the file name.
         | Gigachad wrote:
         | If you used it somewhat like how you use redis , you'd probably
         | run out of inodes and other performance issues. Directories
         | aren't designed to have millions of files in them.
         | IshKebab wrote:
         | Some filesystems even have very database-like features e.g. ZFS
         | has copy-on-write snapshotting, sort-of transactions (you can
         | run a Lua script atomically, thought it's meant to be an admin
         | feature). And lets not forget WinFS!
         | Still, your average extfs/NTFS is a really bad database.
         | There's a reason people created "real" databases, and as far as
         | I can tell the only advantage of flat files is that you can use
         | a text editor instead of an SQL editor to view them, which
         | seems pretty minor given all the downsides.
         | SQLite is probably better in almost every scenario.
       | cschwarm wrote:
       | I'm trying to get away from a DB-based CMS for some company web
       | sites. Static generators won't do for a number of reasons, so a
       | flat-file CMS seems like a good fit.
       | Currently I'm looking at GravCMS [1] as an alternative. It's free
       | initially, but it can become somewhat expensive with many
       | official plugins. But it's file format is Markdown, and one can
       | combine multiple files into a so-called modular page. It has a
       | backend for editing, forms and e-mailing of form submissions.
       | Seems perfect for small and mid-sized company web site.
       | Another option I considered was Kirby [2]. Its backend UI is
       | configurable. That's nice in theory but the documentation is
       | somewhat lacking, in my opinion. I've used the starterpack and it
       | took me hours to find the one command to be able to add new
       | pages. Its content format is also custom, not Markdown. Finally,
       | it's EUR100 per site.
       | Also, a few days ago, I stumbled upon Typemill [3] which I will
       | check next week.
       | [1] https://getgrav.org/
       | [2] https://getkirby.com/
       | [3] https://typemill.net/
         | trough wrote:
         | I can wholeheartedly vouch for Grav. It's absurdly fast, easy
         | to deploy and even easier to template for thanks to Twig. When
         | I was still freelancing and a project was beyond the scope of
         | htmlcssjs, Grav CMS became my tool of choice. Their admin plug-
         | in makes for a easy to use backend GUI and it's configurable
         | enough to have non-techies use it without losing sleep.
         | One of the newer features are the so called FlexObjects. It's
         | an absolutely great idea for a CMS but explaining the
         | possibilities and technical intricacies seems moot as the
         | documentation and Discord community are a better place to start
         | learning. [1]
         | Websites built with Grav compare to SSG speeds while
         | maintaining a different ease of use and much less time invest
         | to roll out.
         | And sticking to the topic: being completely flat-file centric,
         | those websites are a breeze to maintain and according to my
         | albeit limited experience also a bit sturdier security wise.
         | [1] https://learn.getgrav.org/17/advanced/flex
       | atonse wrote:
       | Does it have to be one or another with SQLite?
       | concombre wrote:
       | I use PluXml[1] for a while on my personal blog en other sites
       | I've created. The contents is stored in XML files. To be fast,
       | the post creation date and tags are stored directly in the
       | filename. This hence benefits from native OS file search.
       | [1] https://github.com/pluxml/PluXml
         | ushakov wrote:
         | writing blog posts in xml isn't nice
       | ushakov wrote:
       | i'm using Zola static site generator for my website (after
       | switching from Wordpress)
       | https://github.com/getzola/zola
       | https://mishushakov.gumroad.com/l/mish-zola
       | if you need more than that for a static blog (like Gatsby/NextJS)
       | i'd consider you unreasonable
         | pdimitar wrote:
         | Last time I tried Zola (about a year ago) it was not very clear
         | how do you use and manage themes (GIT downloads in a sub-
         | directory IIRC) and it was way too flexible for its own good
         | IMO. What I mean is that you can determine directories and sub-
         | directories for everything by yourself (I think?).
         | In general I liked Zola but I found it hard to work with. I
         | really wanted to set a few metadata fields, pick and apply a
         | theme, put a few meta-pages (like blog index), write 3 articles
         | and be done with it. And it didn't serve me well for that.
         | Have you considered writing a guide for how did you setup your
         | Zola blog? I'd read and try it.
           | ushakov wrote:
           | Zola isn't a blog engine per se, but a static side generator
           | with markdown for content management
           | in Zola terms theme really means a pre-built site
           | that said, i don't have a guide, but i have made a sleek
           | template for Zola (link above) which anybody can use in
           | minutes and deploy on Netlify from GitHub
           | the template is a blog with projects section, although it can
           | be extended to add every section imaginable
           | the price for the theme is significantly lower than the hours
           | you need to put in to build a similar one from scratch
           | (sorry for ad)
       | shadowofneptune wrote:
       | Is a flat file usually considered text, or can it be a binary
       | format as well? Different websites give different answers.
         | khaledh wrote:
         | It can be binary. In fact, the origin of flat files goes back
         | to early data processing on mainframes. At that time there was
         | no databases (as we know it today) yet. It was a collection of
         | records stored on punched cards, and loaded on tape (later
         | disks) for processing sequentially. Records were not just text;
         | they were a mix of binary, text, and BCD encoding.
       | yawnxyz wrote:
       | Flat file websites make sense when you have a blog and such. I
       | don't even know why you'd use a CMS when Next.js or SvelteKit can
       | just generate all the pages from a folder with markdown files.
       | Just write your content in Markdown or pull your content in at
       | the static build stage and your content is ready to go.
       | Can anyone explain how sites like Flatboard handle user input
       | into a flat file system? How do they handle conflicts with just
       | one file? What's the workflow and set up like -- can you use
       | serverless or do you have to have a full server?
         | colejohnson66 wrote:
         | One thing CMSes have that SSGs don't is: the ability to create
         | posts without editing the source. Simply login to your admin
         | panel and start writing. No Git repository or build scripts
         | required.
           | anamexis wrote:
           | There are some really nice tools out there that bridge that
           | gap, like Forestry:
           | https://forestry.io
           | replygirl wrote:
           | i've found that folks without git experience are fine to use
           | github.com as a cms when you take 20 minutes to show them how
           | to edit, submit as a pr, and check the preview deployment
           | before merging
             | marcosdumay wrote:
             | Yep.
             | There is a long line of people complaining that git is hard
             | to learn on the internet. But I've never met anybody on the
             | real world that had any problem with the basic cycle of
             | edit - push - review - accept (or the even simpler edit -
             | push).
               | andi999 wrote:
               | You can directly push after edit? No add, no commit?
               | marcosdumay wrote:
               | Some software join it all in one step. Like the GitHub
               | GUI the GP is talking about.
           | throwaway0x7E6 wrote:
           | CMS/WYSIWYG functionality does not necessarily have to be
           | baked into the application that serves the content
           | zinekeller wrote:
           | CMSes and SSGs aren't necessarily mutually exclusive:
           | WordPress can be an SSG. The only thing about SSGs are they
           | don't static webpages for serving but the process of creating
           | it doesn't matter, whether it's handcrafted (MarkDown) or
           | integrated into a CMS.
         | riidom wrote:
         | Funny you mention SvelteKit - my former blog version was
         | written with Svelte/SvelteKit (using the static adapter).
         | I wrote a bit about why I went away from this, but in a
         | nutshell: I am not using "modern" deploying techniques, and
         | upping the compiled blob each time I write a new post felt like
         | a huge drag to me. This is a general problem pretty much baked
         | into SSG's, but I have hope that someone will adress this
         | problem in near future.
       | GuB-42 wrote:
       | Maybe it is just a reflection on the state of filesystems vs
       | databases.
       | There is no fundamental difference between a database and a flat
       | file, it is all bytes on a disk/memory in the end. So it is
       | mostly a question of balancing the roles of the hardware, OS, and
       | application software.
       | For example, if the reason you are using a database is that it
       | does a particularly good job at limiting disk IO, then it may not
       | be necessary with fast SSDs. If your reason for splitting into
       | small files is to save RAM, it may not be necessary if you have
       | more RAM. If you want to do to a distributed architecture, maybe
       | your filesystem is not up to the task and you may want a database
       | server.
         | rrrrrrrrrrrryan wrote:
         | > There is no fundamental difference between a database and a
         | flat file, it is all bytes on a disk/memory in the end.
         | A database has a whole engine, which I'd argue is a pretty
         | fundamental difference.
         | I think I get what you were trying to say, though: there's no
         | fundamental difference between database tables and flat files,
         | and there's no fundamental difference between a database and a
         | filesystem.
           | timClicks wrote:
           | File systems are also "whole engines". Otherwise we wouldn't
           | have named files or directory structures.
           | hunter2_ wrote:
           | > there's no fundamental difference between database tables
           | and flat files
           | But "flat" essentially means "one table that doesn't
           | reference (and isn't referenced by) other tables in a
           | reliable way." It's a way of saying 2 dimensions (flat)
           | versus 3+ dimensions (relational). The moment you start
           | having multiple plain text files where columns act as primary
           | and foreign keys, the system is no longer flat, despite using
           | plain text files.
           | It seems to me that TFA and most comments here are really
           | just talking about using a DBMS vs using plain text files,
           | not using flat vs using relations.
         | eternalban wrote:
         | > There is no fundamental difference between a database and a
         | flat file, it is all bytes on a disk/memory in the end.
         | Curious as to what is not just "all bytes on a disk/memory in
         | the end"? Also can we please stop calling datastores databases?
         | tarr11 wrote:
         | Some databases also have the ability to be instantly portable,
         | like a sqlite file.
         | You can tar up your flat files as well, but that is a separate
         | process and can be time consuming for larger directories.
         | Perhaps there is a use case for a file system backed by
         | portable database like sqlite, such that you can just mount the
         | volume and send it around without pain, but can prefer to use
         | normal command line utils (ls, rm, grep, etc) instead of
         | interacting via SQL.
           | 42jd wrote:
           | I've had this research paper on my reading list for a while
           | (but haven't gotten to reading the full thing)[1]. Not
           | necessarily just a file system but It lays out an entire
           | operating system backed by a database and OS state
           | interactions are done through SQL.
           | 1. https://vldb.org/pvldb/vol15/p21-skiadopoulos.pdf
           | ReactiveJelly wrote:
           | If you're running Postgres in Docker, you can just stop the
           | container and tar up the data volume and start it somewhere
           | else
           | (This also works without Docker of course, but Docker makes
           | me feel safer when I do stuff like this)
             | latch wrote:
             | This procedure is officially documented (1).
             | Since we're talking about copying a folder, I'm not sure
             | why you'd feel safer doing it via an additional layer of
             | abstraction.
             | (1) https://www.postgresql.org/docs/14/backup-file.html
               | [deleted]
             | bombela wrote:
             | Why does Docker makes you feel safer here? Is it because
             | you feel more confident there is no database process still
             | running?
           | kuboble wrote:
           | I believe hdf5 is the format that can serve that purpose.
           | zokier wrote:
           | > You can tar up your flat files as well, but that is a
           | separate process and can be time consuming for larger
           | directories.
           | We have file formats like ODF which are just zip packages
           | with regular files inside
         | OJFord wrote:
         | For me it's about proprietary vs. readable - unless it's
         | obviously necessary for performance I think I'd still prefer
         | 'flat file' to sqlite, but basically I just want something that
         | isn't an incomprehensible blob, that I can use with other tools
         | etc.
         | Bonus points for some open standard, but some kind of
         | understandable format even if proprietary is miles ahead of
         | proprietary and cryptic.
         | I wish Fusion360 for example had a sanely git-able on-disk
         | format like:                   line 0xdeadbeef (0,0) -
         | (123,456)         line 0x01234567         constraint parallel
         | 0xdeadbeef 0x01234567
         | Etc., Or something.
         | (Actually I suppose git - and incremental backups - is the main
         | reason I say I'd still prefer plaintext to db.)
           | Blackthorn wrote:
           | > I wish Fusion360 for example had a sanely git-able on-disk
           | format like:
           | There are two standards for this common to CAD, called IGES
           | and STEP. They are both plaintext, though their gittability
           | is questionable.
             | stjohnswarts wrote:
             | They are structured text though so I don't think you can
             | just do deltas like like with code. You'd have to treat
             | them like binaries would you not? That's the way we always
             | kept our XML files in git forced to be binaries.
               | zokier wrote:
               | Code is (generally) structured too?
               | chme wrote:
               | I would really like to see smudge/clean like-filters for
               | git which convert between git objects and work dir files
               | in deal with structured data or binary files more
               | efficiently. So that diffs are minimal and readable even
               | with those formats.
           | tasuki wrote:
           | > For me it's about proprietary vs. readable - unless it's
           | obviously necessary for performance I think I'd still prefer
           | 'flat file' to sqlite, but basically I just want something
           | that isn't an incomprehensible blob, that I can use with
           | other tools etc.
           | That is not exactly what proprietary means. Though I feel the
           | same - plain text can be versioned and managed by various
           | tools and that is great!
             | OJFord wrote:
             | I was not aware I gave a definition for it. I didn't mean
             | it as an antonym for 'readable', if that's what you mean.
             | Plaintext could be in a proprietary format but that's far
             | better than proprietary compressed database that's a job to
             | work out what even made it (if that wasn't proprietary
             | itself!). Proprietary plaintext might even be better than
             | open standard blobby format, depending on what you want to
             | do with it. (Better for git and backup, worse for opening
             | in competitor tools.)
           | andrewstuart2 wrote:
           | Perhaps it was deliberate, but your last paragraph (plaintext
           | vs db) really just reinforces your point of standards.
           | There's nothing particularly special about plaintext aside
           | from its total ubiquity.
           | Everything today uses and understands ASCII/UTF-8 and we've
           | used that, plus some handy human conventions like limited
           | character count between newline characters, to build up tools
           | like git to help manage the changes in smaller chunks.
           | There's nothing preventing us from doing the same for other
           | formats if they become commonly supported or expected. Much
           | like SQLite and some of the tools cropping up.
             | chme wrote:
             | > There's nothing preventing us from doing the same for
             | other formats if they become commonly supported or
             | expected. Much like SQLite and some of the tools cropping
             | up.
             | True. I mean if it would be common to put source code and
             | text into sqlite files, then most tools would probably also
             | deal with it. However there is a case about simplicity. For
             | instance writing a diff algorithm on plain text files is
             | much simpler and easy to understand, than writing diff
             | algorithms on text or binary structures.
               | chmod775 wrote:
               | > For instance writing a diff algorithm on plain text
               | files is much simpler and easy to understand, than
               | writing diff algorithms on text or binary structures.
               | I'd argue the opposite. Coming up with a good, human
               | readable, diff on _unstructured_ text within acceptable
               | runtime is not that easy. LCS is NP-hard and the naive
               | algorithm has unacceptable performance and memory
               | footprint.
               | However diffing something structured, especially when it
               | has unique keys like in most databases, is really easy.
               | Structure gives you an easy way to compare data
               | systematically and is handy to express differences.
         | DeathArrow wrote:
         | A database can be relational, it can make some guarantees, it
         | can pass Acid. With a file you are responsible for performance,
         | reliability, integrity and security of the data.
         | Do you believe that you can do a better job than those tens of
         | guys who contributed to a DBMS? Go ahead.
         | Do you not need reliability, integrity, security, performance?
         | Go ahead.
         | So use a file to store data instead of database but know the
         | trade-offs.
           | pixl97 wrote:
           | Portability to other systems.
             | malux85 wrote:
             | Portability is more important than guaranteed atomicity,
             | consistency, isolation and durability?
               | joebob42 wrote:
               | I mean, not always, but I can certainly imagine cases
               | where it might be.
               | irrational wrote:
               | Sometimes. It really depends on the use case. Use the
               | right tool for the job.
             | therealdrag0 wrote:
             | What kind of portability? Why isn't a db portable?
             | cortesoft wrote:
             | A SQL dump is incredibly portable.
             | The_Colonel wrote:
             | Which platform do you miss, which SQLite does not support?
           | throwawayboise wrote:
           | Yeah, none of that may matter for a "brochure" type of
           | website, or a blog where you are the only person updating it.
           | As soon as you start processing forms and doing anything
           | transactional based on that, you'll be quickly reinventing a
           | lot of wheels if you aren't using a DBMS of some sort.
             | randombits0 wrote:
             | But only the wheels you need, when you need them. Don't
             | carry the overhead unless needed.
             | JumpCrisscross wrote:
             | > _none of that may matter for a "brochure" type of
             | website, or a blog where you are the only person updating
             | it_
             | Doesn't _Hacker News_ run on flat files?
         | mkleczek wrote:
         | This opinion is quite popular nowadays but IMHO it is caused by
         | misunderstanding what a database and database management system
         | is and what it is for.
         | DBMS (and in particular) RDBMS is not a merely persistence
         | medium for an application - DBMS main role is to _share_ data
         | between applications.
           | Mehdi2277 wrote:
           | I don't understand this as distinction with file systems.
           | Networked file systems exist and I have a lot of production
           | code that shares data as files in either some networked
           | file/blob system. Often databases even just store a reference
           | to a file path for stuff like images/other large artifacts
           | that are shared from some file system.
             | macintux wrote:
             | Read-only sharing is trivial. Concurrent write accesses,
             | not so much.
         | zitterbewegung wrote:
         | I think that the direction is moving torward SQLite which is a
         | flat file database that has the most installs from apps in
         | general.
           | encryptluks2 wrote:
           | A flat file database? It is a single file. This means you
           | need specialized tools to read it, and if you want to sync it
           | a lot of cloud storage solutions will force you to resync
           | every change. This is why a transparent file system db is
           | great for integration into native storage. Databases don't
           | really optimize for the file system layer. I am hopeful one-
           | day we'll have an auto organizing flat file system that auto
           | sorts and sections data in a predictable manner.
       | config_yml wrote:
       | I remember when I got started with webdev around 2002, a lot was
       | built on flat files. And so did I, because that's how my
       | "internet mentor" did it: guestbooks, bulletin boards, mailing
       | lists, shoutboxes, CMSs. All in flat files, except I used php and
       | not Perl like him.
         | ratww wrote:
         | I also did some Perl and that was super common. I also remember
         | most 90s non-web software also using flat files. Even
         | enterprise stuff, even when they had centralized storage in a
         | file server. Sometimes they had databases but those were also
         | accessed directly in the disk, sqlite-style. I remember seeing
         | Clipper, FoxPro and MS Access being used in this manner.
         | After Perl I graduated to doing web stuff with a Microsoft
         | Access (!) file stored in the disk alongside my .ASP scripts,
         | exactly like one would do with sqlite today. It was quite
         | performant.
         | I wonder if your "internet mentor" was the same as mine: Matt
         | from Matt's Script Archive @ http://www.scriptarchive.com.
           | config_yml wrote:
           | I remember scriptarchive, which I've browsed quite a lot, but
           | it wasnt't Matt. It was a german guy who had a similiar
           | script collection, some of which he sold online. He reviewed
           | and even tested my scripts and helped me along when I got
           | stuck on incorrect cgi-bin file permissions or syntax errors
           | and stuff like that when I was just learning things.
           | Invaluable.
             | ThePhysicist wrote:
             | Ha, at that time I ran a website in Germany where I
             | published my own Perl scripts for web forums, guestbooks,
             | counters etc. (all based on flat files) and I helped other
             | people getting started with web programming and "hacking"
             | as well. I know there were a few such sites at the time but
             | mine was quite popular in Germany. We had a really nice
             | community at the time, I still fondly remember all the
             | discussions and the general "small world" feeling the
             | Internet had back then. I guess if you tried to build an
             | online community like that today it would get overrun by
             | trolls and spambots in no time. Those were the good old
             | days.
         | jszymborski wrote:
         | Anyone here remember CuteNews? That was my favourite flatfile
         | CMS back in the day.
           | indigodaddy wrote:
           | Yep! Pretty popular in late 90s to mid 2000s from what I
           | remember?
         | tokumei wrote:
         | Same here. The first real dynamic website I created used flat
         | files and PHP, because that's what I learned from friends
         | online. Then shortly afterwards I taught myself how to use
         | MySQL.
         | I don't use MySQL or PHP for anything nowadays, but was
         | extremely useful to learn in the early 2000s.
         | brnt wrote:
         | Ah, I miss those days! Writing a guestbook in PHP was how many
         | got started back then!
         | mgkimsal wrote:
         | I started with php and msql back in ... 1996. Then in 98 took a
         | job and much was perl. This was a web agency, and there was one
         | client running Oracle on a sparc (IIRC), and some folks were
         | tested out 'asp' and using MSSQL 6.5 (again IIRC - 7 wasn't out
         | until later). But for those of us using perl... we were forced
         | in to flat files and/or dbm files for our data storage needs.
         | I tried to ask for msql or mysql, but were told 'no', that they
         | were 'too heavy' for what we needed, so the folks doing perl
         | were pushed back to the dark ages. We also weren't allowed to
         | use 'shtml' - basic server side processing for things like
         | 'include' to include common footers. Whenever we needed to make
         | a footer change we had to write multiple search/replace scripts
         | across dozens of client sites. The new 'asp' folks lauded this
         | over us for a while with "look how advanced asp and Microsoft
         | is - MS really gets the web". I showed what I'd been doing with
         | PHP for 2-3 years at that point, with includes and more. But
         | "well, that's not really powerful enough". Kept moving the
         | goalposts.
         | tldr - there were many options for more advanced stuff than
         | flat files back in the earliest web days, but often people were
         | hamstrung by short sighted tech decisions made by people who
         | were not responsible for actually delivering the work. has much
         | changed in the past 25+ years? ;)
       | cultofmetatron wrote:
       | sqlite seems better here. text files need to be parsed and
       | loaded. fsOpen has sifficient overhead to be noticable when you
       | use it a lot. unless you're statically pregenerating the html,
       | sqlite is a super fast format with good library support and will
       | give you the fastest access to the disk and its still a flat
       | file.
       | juangacovas wrote:
       | I think DokuWiki also deserves a mention for being pretty flat-
       | file with a lot of features and extensions
         | The_Colonel wrote:
         | I would argue that DokuWiki actually implements its own little
         | custom database, with its metadata, metadata indexes, fulltext
         | indexes etc., adding complexity and doing it probably in a
         | shittier way than a "real database" would do.
       | riidom wrote:
       | As someone not overly backend proficient, I love the concept of
       | flat-file. I just rebuilt my blog with another flat file CMS,
       | literally finished it last night, and today I am reading this
       | article and think, whether WonderCMS may have been a better
       | choice.. but, no I won't start over.
       | The CMS I picked is PicoCMS - what flat file stuff have you used
       | and can recommend? And probably important, how well does it
       | scale? I cant give much input here, my blog has 21 posts so.. no
       | ceiling in sight yet.
       | Here I made a post where I ramble a bit about blog systems, as
       | far as I got in contact: https://riidom.eu/posts/021_en
         | snacksy wrote:
         | Just checked your blog. The text size seems to big on mobile
         | https://imgur.com/a/rwHI5WU
           | riidom wrote:
           | For some reason I get typescript errors and a blank page on
           | imgur since today, both in Vivaldi and Firefox.
           | But I'll look into the issue, thanks for the feedback!
         | forgotpwd16 wrote:
         | >but, no I won't start over
         | The result looks very good so don't think it's worth. By the
         | way since you copied your posts to your new blog but still
         | retain them to the old one, you may want to add the canonical
         | meta tag to the old ones.
           | riidom wrote:
           | Good idea, thanks!
         | kbrannigan wrote:
         | Before you worry about 1 million daily visitors. Worry about 50
         | daily visitors.
           | mrweasel wrote:
           | Also it's waaay easier to scale the flat file solutions to a
           | million visitors.
           | lucasverra wrote:
           | Even 10 daily users must be acknowledged as a big milestone
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