[HN Gopher] Linode Managed Databases
       Linode Managed Databases
       Author : vincent_s
       Score  : 57 points
       Date   : 2022-05-24 19:00 UTC (4 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (www.linode.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (www.linode.com)
       | ivyirwin wrote:
       | Excited to check this out. I'm a long time Linode user and
       | recently came across some projects that could leverage a managed
       | DB. As always, I find the prices competitive - especially
       | compared to AWS which I was starting to look at again for this
       | component, but now I can try it out here instead.
       | WalterGR wrote:
       | Linode doesn't seem to come up much. The only submission in the
       | past year that's gotten more than a couple comments is:
       | Akamai to Acquire Linode (https://www.akamai.com/newsroom/press-
       | release/akamai-to-acqu...)
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=30352772
       | 986 points | nycdatasci | 3 months ago | 326 comments
         | mattbillenstein wrote:
         | I like them, they're my solidly "other cloud" option - running
         | my personal VPS's, dev workloads at some companies, prod at
         | others, etc.
           | apocalyptic0n3 wrote:
           | Their support has always been best in class. Extremely
           | responsive and always helpful. It's one of the reasons we
           | decided to stick with them after the security incidents. The
           | support was good enough to outweigh those concerns.
       | tiffanyh wrote:
       | Has anyone tried Linode Bare Metal?
       | It's been in Beta for literally years now.
       | https://www.linode.com/products/bare-metal/
         | bryans wrote:
         | > It's been in Beta for literally years now.
         | "Years" is quite a stretch. On December 30, 2019, they
         | announced[1] bare metal servers as being part of their roadmap
         | for 2020, and then announced the beta on June 16, 2021. Given
         | the necessity of on-site labor to launch a bare metal service,
         | I think it's perfectly reasonable for it take more than a year
         | in the midst of a pandemic.
         | [1] https://www.linode.com/blog/linode/2019-a-year-in-review/
         | [2] https://www.linode.com/blog/linode/celebrating-18-years/
       | l5870uoo9y wrote:
       | Been wondering how much uptime you get with "these" managed
       | databases? Currently running similar service on Digital Ocean and
       | unsure if extra database nodes are necessary (2 failover nodes
       | increases cost significantly).
       | chasd00 wrote:
       | i've used linode on various projects for a while (my first
       | invoice was in 2013). no complaints.
         | my69thaccount wrote:
         | Not even about the numerous security incidents?
           | chasd00 wrote:
           | well i went back and skimmed their incidents. I mean, yeah
           | those incidents suck, there's really no way around it.
           | My day job has changed a lot since 2013. Could I, in clear
           | conscious, recommend Linode to a client today? I would need
           | to know each incident in detail and how they've changed and
           | be convinced the past is staying in the past. My setup has
           | always been there when i needed it and support has always
           | been responsive and that goes a long ways. However, we all
           | know a secure environment is at the top of the list.
       | groggo wrote:
       | I'd really like access to a tiny, almost free, sql database for
       | personal projects.
       | The cheapest option here is $15 a month, and similar prices for
       | other cloud managed dbs.
       | Heroku was nice and I guess is still a good option, but hard to
       | make a usable site on their free tier because of start up time.
       | Then there's the interesting new option from Cloudflare, D1.
       | Currently I just run my personal project on AWS lambda +
       | dynamodb. It's free, but using dynamodb for relational data is a
       | little awkward.
         | ajbourg wrote:
         | I have a similar desire, I'm considering trying out AWS' RDS
         | Aurora Serverless v2. (ugh, that's a mouthful) Full
         | Postgres/MySQL but extremely quick scale up and down so as long
         | as you have small use, it shouldn't cost a ton.
         | I'm also super interested in Cloudflare D1, looking to get my
         | hands on it and try it out.
           | kam wrote:
           | Aurora Serverless v2 doesn't scale to zero, though. Minimum
           | capacity costs $43/month.
         | dinvlad wrote:
         | Same here - and particularly one that could serve multiple
         | hobby projects, while using both dev and prod envs (so minimal
         | cost could already be 2-3x).
         | gen220 wrote:
         | Have you looked into fly.io? They have a very generous free
         | tier for hobby level projects.
         | https://fly.io/docs/about/pricing/
         | password4321 wrote:
         | https://supabase.com/pricing
         | 2 free 500MB PostgreSQL db's, paused after a week of inactivity
           | burggraf wrote:
           | Supabase developer here. Just to clarify, inactivity means
           | "no api calls, no dashboard usage", so your project only gets
           | paused if it's truly inactive for a full week. If you have an
           | application with any sort of usage at all you should not get
           | paused.
         | testmasterflex wrote:
         | https://server.pro smallest VPS plan costs $5 and has one click
         | installer for MySQL.
       | mikece wrote:
       | Seems that Digital Ocean comes up quite a bit on HN; Linode does
       | from time to time... who else is in this market segment?
         | pbowyer wrote:
         | UpCloud (more expensive, were v fast IO when I started using
         | them, not benchmarked for a couple of years)
         | Vultr (have had reliability issues; again no recent data)
           | bryans wrote:
           | I wanted to like Vultr, but had reliability issues from day
           | one, even while running nothing but a basic Nginx instance.
           | And instead of the support staff acknowledging the issues or
           | offering any solutions (or even reading my emails, frankly),
           | they rather aggressively told me they don't see an issue, and
           | even if there _is_ an issue that I would need to fix it
           | myself -- completely disregarding the visible evidence that
           | it was at the networking layer.
           | It was one of the most infuriating exchanges I've had with
           | support staff from any company. If there was any redeeming
           | factor, it's that the COO sent a long email apologizing for
           | the CSR's behavior. But when all was said and done, the VPS
           | was still inaccessible a dozen or more times per day, and an
           | apology from an executive doesn't change that.
           | menacingly wrote:
           | anecdotally of course, I've really enjoyed working with vultr
           | the last few years. Great performance, and their services are
           | simple and well thought through.
           | It's perhaps a little too easy to bump into their initial
           | account spending limits, but that's about the only nit I can
           | pick. It's probably pretty tiresome fighting fraud on a VPS
           | platform.
         | dgb23 wrote:
         | Exoscale (CH).
           | config_yml wrote:
           | I wish they had some kind of block storage support.
         | Sebb767 wrote:
         | Hetzner is pretty similar in its cloud offerings, but it's also
         | not uncommon on HN.
         | emptysongglass wrote:
         | The Finnish company Aiven.io is doing really cool stuff with
         | managed services for most things you'd want as a startup to
         | mid-size business.
         | GauntletWizard wrote:
         | Everytime I see it posted, I am linked to vultr[1] and
         | Upcloud[2]. Hetzner[3] and OVHCloud[4] are slightly different
         | market segments, but comparable. Worth noting is Amazon
         | Lightsail[5], which is ec2-but-different.
         | [1] https://www.vultr.com/ [2] https://upcloud.com/ [3]
         | https://www.hetzner.com/cloud [4] https://us.ovhcloud.com/vps/
         | [5] https://aws.amazon.com/lightsail/
           | TedDoesntTalk wrote:
           | I've had years of experience with OVH. I would never choose
           | them for a new project. Their product is acceptable , but the
           | customer support people are jerks. Consistently, for years. I
           | can provide very specific examples if you want.
           | EDIT: also have years of experience with Linode, Vultr,
           | DigitalOcean, and even Upcloud (Spanish company as I recall).
       | vincent_s wrote:
       | Pricing: https://www.linode.com/pricing/#databases
         | metadat wrote:
         | Seems a little pricey.. are they competing with AWS Managed
         | Postgres?
           | freedomben wrote:
           | Were you looking at dedicated CPU or shared CPU? I made that
           | mistake when i first looked and was shocked at how much more
           | it was than DO, but after noticing that it seems like the
           | same price.
           | showerst wrote:
           | Yeah, it seems weird that they're a lot more than
           | digitalocean.
           | api wrote:
           | Everybody charges a log for managed DB. The arcane nature of
           | Postgres is a great cash bonanza for cloud providers.
             | latchkey wrote:
             | Weird how this is your impression. Maybe people tend to
             | over allocate their instances? I've been super careful to
             | choose exactly what I need for my application. My GCP Cloud
             | Postgres instance is the second smallest (1 vcpu, 1.7gb,
             | 15gb).
             | I'm 24/7 doing 300 tran/s with ~20% cpu utilization and it
             | only costs $27.34 a month. I just upgraded to Postgres 14
             | (from 13) with a click of a button and a few seconds of
             | switchover downtime. Seems more than worth the price.
               | akrymski wrote:
               | Paying $300 per year for something that a raspberry pi +
               | sqlite could handle is still very expensive imo.
               | latchkey wrote:
               | Not sure if that is a troll response, but that is very
               | much of an apple/orange comparison.
               | 1. My application needs postgres as it uses a few
               | specific queries that sqlite does not support the same
               | way. Hello `interval`.
               | 2. Backups are automatic and transparent.
               | 3. Upgrades, instance sizing and disk expansion are just
               | a few clicks away.
               | 4. I don't have to deal with hosting, power, internet,
               | security.
               | 5. Charts, logs, metrics all built in.
               | 6. On the same network as the rest of the frontend... gcp
               | functions.
               | Just one of those alone is worth the $300/yr imho.
         | jf93ap29sh wrote:
       (page generated 2022-05-24 23:00 UTC)