[HN Gopher] Magical SVG Techniques
       Magical SVG Techniques
       Author : marban
       Score  : 301 points
       Date   : 2022-05-25 09:20 UTC (2 days ago)
 (HTM) web link (www.smashingmagazine.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (www.smashingmagazine.com)
       | jancsika wrote:
       | I started skimming for the term "animation" and my first deep
       | dive ended with a Greensock wrapper:
       | > I use GreenSock for most of my animation because it makes
       | sequencing animations a breeze and when working with SVG, I know
       | I can rely on the transforms working consistently cross browser.
       | I mean, caniuse[1] shows SMIL support across all modern browsers.
       | So if an SVG guru is using a wrapper lib I'm guessing it's yet
       | another case of the web having an API that is "off-by-one" in the
       | usability dept.
       | So what transform dragons lurk in SMIL (or any dragons for that
       | matter)?
       | 1: https://caniuse.com/svg-smil
       | efortis wrote:
       | Some SVG animation examples for learning:
       | https://ericfortis.github.io/web-animations/
       | marcusbrown wrote:
       | Awesome inspiration material and great article! I would add also
       | the following links maybe
       | https://css-tricks.com/guide-svg-animations-smil/
       | https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/SVG/SVG_animati...
       | At Flovatar [1] we've been using SVG and SMIL animations as a way
       | to achieve true composability and interactivity for our NFTs
       | while also being able to store all the illustrations fully on-
       | chain.
       | I just fell in love with SVG and highly encourage everyone to dig
       | more into the potentials of it. You can even have fun and create
       | epic pranks [2] with it :)
       | [1] https://flovatar.com
       | [2] https://twitter.com/flovatar/status/1520509399466483716
       | troymc wrote:
       | My experience with SVG is that it renders great in all modern
       | browsers, but Illustrator, Inkscape and other vector graphics
       | editors don't support the latest SVG features.
       | I suspect that's why Shutterstock asks contributors to upload an
       | EPS file, not SVG.
         | chrismorgan wrote:
         | I can point to SVG functionality (2 or even earlier in some
         | cases) missing from both browsers and Inkscape, but my feeling
         | is that there's more missing, and more _important_ stuff
         | missing, in browsers than in Inkscape. Where browsers are
         | generally ahead is CSS in SVG.
           | richard_todd wrote:
           | It's actually not been that hard to hand-write an SVG that
           | looks good in the major browsers, but then Inkscape renders
           | it into a mess. The areas I tend to run into it are when
           | fine-tuning text, and when using complicated clip-paths.
           | Maybe I only have this impression because I hand-write svg
           | watching my progress in a browser, and only check in inkscape
           | after the fact. Perhaps if I started with inkscape I'd be
           | noticing all the ways the browser fails on inkscape svg
           | instead. Either way it's not an ideal situation.
         | mkl wrote:
         | EPS files _definitely_ don 't support the latest SVG features.
         | They don't even support partial transparency (alpha)!
       | techdragon wrote:
       | These are some very very awesome SVG works. A++ work by the
       | original authors here and the dive into how they are done is very
       | nice too.
       | almostdigital wrote:
       | These are great! I found out recently that GitHub supports SVGs
       | in your profile README so couldn't resist setting up a huge
       | animation on mine[1], you can't run JavaScript in SVGs unless
       | they are inlined with the HTML but maybe it would be possible to
       | setup a GitHub action to automatically generate it periodically.
       | https://github.com/jnordberg
         | BonoboIO wrote:
         | Nice.
         | SVG is so versatile, the ,,hidden" features like embedded html,
         | iFrames, always funny to play with them. Sometimes in
         | productive ways, sometimes for fun or for fun and profit like
         | bugbounty hunting.
           | gfodor wrote:
           | Kind of reminds me of... log4j.
         | arraypad wrote:
         | I likewise couldn't resist doing something silly with an SVG
         | animation on my profile [1], and I also have a micro startup
         | [2] generating such SVGs periodically to serve as dashboards
         | you can embed in your README.md. I'm interested in more of your
         | predictions!
         | [1] https://github.com/arraypad/
         | [2] https://repography.com/
           | BonoboIO wrote:
           | [1] at first I was like ... okay Head is going to the middle
           | and ,,explode" to spider view of commits and then I was like
           | oh god yes he did it. The dvd thing.
           | Hahaha. Great work.
       | chrisweekly wrote:
       | Sarah Drasner's epic preso blew my mind 5 years ago, still
       | relevant and eye-opening today:
       | https://slides.com/sdrasner/svg-can-do-that
         | jamal-kumar wrote:
         | Yo same here she's a genius. Opened me up to developing skills
         | on the front end as being something that could actually be
         | pretty fun.
         | It reminds me of flash from back in the day minus the horrible
         | security holes and that's enough to put a smile on my face :)
       | WallyFunk wrote:
       | > Let's look at some magical SVG techniques that you can use
       | right away
       | So we're assuming a company/vendor/brand/person/whatever wants
       | their site only working in the latest modern browser here are we?
       | Because there's always the caveat of backward compatibility that
       | you have to consider. There are people stuck on older browsers
       | (for whatever reason). SVG should be used sparingly and strictly
       | for decoration. Don't build all your site's graphics with it. Use
       | plain images for communicating ideas instead of SVG.
         | asdfkjjha wrote:
         | no. you don't need to support older browsers. supporting older
         | browsers only encourages people to not update their browsers.
         | if they can't update their browser because some IT dept. said
         | they can't then maybe if the whole internet is broken for them,
         | the IT dept will finally let them update.
         | easrng wrote:
         | SVGs work on IE9 and higher plus every single version of Chrome
         | and Firefox and Edge and Opera and Safari and Opera Mini. What
         | more could you want? https://caniuse.com/svg
           | perardi wrote:
           | And at 99.81% full support on mobile browsers.
           | I can't think of a particularly plausible case where someone
           | is using a browser so old it can't support SVG--because if
           | they are, they are on something like IE 8, and they are
           | obviously going to be running into way, way bigger issues.
       | rhdunn wrote:
       | I also find the SVG Primer
       | (https://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/IG/resources/svgprimer.html) a
       | useful reference with clear examples.
       | uptime wrote:
       | https://observablehq.com is a great place to create and play with
       | SVG. Created by Mike Bostock who brought us d3 in js. It is a
       | notebook environment and there are some promise-based
       | conveniences among cells to be aware of. I find it fun to use and
       | learn a lot from the community.
       | wonderbore wrote:
       | There is really not much about SVG here. These are drawing
       | techniques and little is specific to SVG. I was expecting
       | something along the lines of using `stroke-dashoffset` to create
       | loading bars. Almost everything here is just "think of something
       | and paint it onto a canvas," where the canvas' technology is SVG.
       | bambax wrote:
       | Great article and great collection of links!
       | I have taken up coding simple SVG icons by hand, and it's easier
       | than it looks. Also, a great feature of SVG is the <defs>
       | element, which lets one define shapes anywhere in an HTML page,
       | and reuse them anywhere else (ie, not inside the same SVG).
       | So for example one can have an SVG element at the top of the page
       | that lists a bunch of symbols in a global defs element, and reuse
       | them at will some other places, without loading anything
       | externally, or copy-pasting anything.
       | Used shapes can also be transformed: different colors for fill or
       | stroke, scaled up or down, rotated, moved, etc.
       | > _Good news, you can achieve fractional ratings with only CSS
       | and inline SVG. Samuel Kraft explains how it works._
       | The technique presented in that other page is overly complex and
       | convoluted.
       | Fractional stars can be done very simply in pure SVG with
       | gradients. Here's an example of a grey star filled at 40% with
       | red:                   <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"
       | viewbox="0 0 60 60">           <defs>             <polygon
       | points="30,0 10,60 60,22 0,22 50,60" id="star"/>
       | </defs>           <linearGradient id="gradid">             <stop
       | offset="40%" stop-color="red"/>             <stop stop-
       | color="grey"/>             </linearGradient>           <use
       | href="#star" fill="url('#gradid')"/>           </svg>
       | In order to change the fill one just needs to manipulate the
       | offset attribute of the first stop.
       | If there are many stars it can be tiresome to attach a different
       | gradient to each star; what I do in that case is define 8
       | gradients from 10% to 90% fill, and reference them as needed for
       | each object that needs to be filled to approx. that percentage.
         | remram wrote:
         | I've been using defs to replace the font-awesome fonts and
         | saving megabytes (to show the same icons).
           | rambambram wrote:
           | Sounds interesting. Can you tell some more about it? Do I
           | understand correctly that you are replacing icons with SVG's?
           | Or even the font of regular text?
             | iostream24 wrote:
             | Not the OP, but you can save the paths as objects in your
             | preferred programming language and then inject them into
             | svg tags inline.
         | jwilk wrote:
         | It should be "viewBox" (with uppercase "B"):
         | https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/SVG/Attribute/v...
           | bambax wrote:
           | Indeed, you're right. Can't edit the comment anymore though,
           | sorry about that.
         | jancsika wrote:
         | One nitpick-- for inline SVGs your ids and refs will be in the
         | global namespace. So this won't work well if you want to have
         | multiple inline SVGs, as multiply-defined ids aren't allowed in
         | the DOM.
         | Luckily XML has namespaces. Contact your local XML specialist
         | for details on how to use them to solve this problem...
         |  _hides behind bush, snickers as confused XML specialist tells
         | you that XML namespaces cannot solve this problem_
           | bambax wrote:
           | It's true that ids are in the global namespace; but as long
           | as each id is unique you can have as many inline SVGs as you
           | want. In fact, that's one benefit of this approach: define
           | shapes once, name them, and then reference them. If you do it
           | like this it's much easier to avoid id conflicts.
         | nverno wrote:
         | Do you use a tool for that? Or just the browser?
           | bambax wrote:
           | I just code in a text editor or in jsfiddle.net.
           | Changing gradients values or attaching a different gradient
           | can only be done in JS (not CSS, AFAIK).
             | iostream24 wrote:
             | You can use a subset of css on svg too... and either css or
             | js animation
           | mgdlbp wrote:
           | I've been using vscode with an SVG live preview extension.
             | sbarre wrote:
             | Can you share which extension you use? There seem to be a
             | few of them out there.
               | mgdlbp wrote:
               | https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=jock.
               | svg
               | It also does other IDE things like completions and MDN
               | docs tooltips (quite handy for infrequent path
               | authoring).
               | Don't remember why, but I also have a separate SVGO (sort
               | of a formatter) extension.[1] Perhaps because of the
               | brokenness in the other extension (noted on its
               | marketplace page).
               | [1] https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=1
               | 000ch.s...
       (page generated 2022-05-27 23:00 UTC)