[HN Gopher] GitHub Star History Graph
       GitHub Star History Graph
       Author : bokenator
       Score  : 92 points
       Date   : 2022-05-28 17:44 UTC (5 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (star-history.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (star-history.com)
       | Der_Einzige wrote:
       | I wrote a tiny tool to calculate a "brightness" score for a repo,
       | which looks at the total number of stars _that the people who
       | starred your repo_ have.
       | The idea being that people who starred your repo who themselves
       | have tons of stars are likely "better" in that they are likely to
       | be experienced, intelligent users, and not bots.
       | https://github.com/Hellisotherpeople/Bright
       | samwillis wrote:
       | If you want see the effect of HN on a new repository:
       | https://star-history.com/#samwillis/tetra&Date
       | It was on the HN homepage for about 5 hours yesterday, never
       | higher than about 25. The initial jump on the 25th was some
       | attention on Twitter. Also the HN link was to the website, not
       | the GitHub. I imagine if it had been a link to the repository the
       | stars would be higher.
       | jackconsidine wrote:
       | I use this a lot. I find it interesting to compare trajectories
       | of similar projects. it's often hard to predict the popularity
       | (or at least star count) of a library. Case in point, back when
       | Bootstrap was in vogue I always found the Vue.js version of far
       | superior to the react-strap (and react-bootstrap) in terms of
       | API, documentation, and support. Yet bootstrap-vue never came
       | that close to catching it's React counterparts in stars.
       | To play devil's advocate to those who thumb their noses at GH
       | stars, I've found this metric to be a helpful proxy in my career
       | when choosing libraries.
       | viraptor wrote:
       | Slightly related, but... what is it with stars? I've never
       | starred a repo and don't understand why I would want to. Yet it
       | seems to be a popularity contest people care about for some
       | reason, even though it correlates strongly with forks/issues/prs
       | so you get the same idea about usage from those. Does it go at
       | all beyond a "like", or am I just too old to get it?
         | irrational wrote:
         | I use it as a bookmark. Under my own account I can find the
         | repos I have starred.
         | hk__2 wrote:
         | GitHub recently added a feature where you can organize your
         | stars in lists, so you decide what they mean. My lists include
         | for example "useful CLI tools", "languages", and "projects to
         | contribute to". Outside of this feature, I mostly use the stars
         | as a 'like' button.
         | frou_dh wrote:
         | It's a 2-in-1 like & bookmark.
         | asaddhamani wrote:
         | I think of it as a "like" or a bookmark, if I come across a
         | repo and I find it interesting or useful, I star it.
         | onionisafruit wrote:
         | It makes me feel good when I see one of my projects getting
         | stars. When I star a project it is with the hope that another
         | maintainer will have a similar good feeling.
       | loudthing wrote:
       | Github has always had a bad history graph. I've always wondered
       | why we can't just have a live Github history graph like in
       | Sourcetree.
       | nateb2022 wrote:
       | Is that a pentagram?
       | herpderperator wrote:
       | Anyone know how they're creating such a cool chart like that?
         | mgdlbp wrote:
         | The chart is generated by this,[0] which looks like a custom
         | implementation using the same technique as this xkcd-style
         | chart library[1] made by the same person who started this site
         | (according to the footer).
         | [0] https://github.com/bytebase/star-
         | history/tree/main/packages/...
         | [1] https://github.com/timqian/chart.xkcd
       | Raed667 wrote:
       | For me, stars have an inverse correlation with actual usage. I'll
       | star projects I want to look at some day, because they seem cool,
       | like Svelte or Vite.
       | But projects I work with daily, I don't need to star them to
       | remember they exits, like React or Webpack.
         | somecommit wrote:
         | ouch... I starr-ed Vite like, 1 hour ago... but somehow I feel
         | you are right...
         | woodruffw wrote:
         | I'm in the same boat. But it seems like there's a broad range
         | of different use patterns for them.
         | [deleted]
         | The_Colonel wrote:
         | For every professional React developer, there's probably ten
         | people who consider React cool and something to learn in the
         | future, while they haven't even heard about Svelte or Vite.
           | kortilla wrote:
           | Doubtful anyone thinks react is cool at this point. It's more
           | of a thing you just need to use for your job. It's like Java
           | at this point.
             | yreg wrote:
             | Stack Overflow Developer Survey 2021:
             | - 69% of respondents love React, 31% dread React
             | - 25% of developers who are not using React would like to
             | use it (1st place among web frameworks)
             | https://insights.stackoverflow.com/survey/2021
               | naikrovek wrote:
               | that survey seems like more of a survey of the hive-mind
               | and less of a survey of real opinions.
               | I recall one year there were SO MANY people saying that
               | they loved Rust (enough to make it the most loved
               | language in the survey) but the number of people who
               | answered that they were actually using Rust was far, far
               | smaller. something like 10% of the number of people who
               | claim to love it have ever used it for any purpose.
               | I think someone could easily cherry pick results from
               | this survey to back any opinion they have, completely
               | independent of any actual "truth."
       | dtolnay wrote:
       | I made a CLI version of a star history grapher for my own use,
       | because I wasn't happy with the granularity of the graphs
       | available in the various online incarnations of this.
       | https://github.com/dtolnay/star-history
       | Here is a side-by-side comparison of graphs generated by star-
       | history.com vs my tool: https://github.com/dtolnay/star-
       | history/issues/8
       | You can distinguish a lot finer structure in my graph: coinciding
       | with individual blog posts with not as much reach as something on
       | Hacker News front page. That structure is almost entirely
       | concealed in star-history.com by the cartoony graphs.
       | vjeux wrote:
       | https://www.npmtrends.com/ if you want the same for npm data.
       | alcover wrote:
       | I get many stars on my last project but no issues or PR. It feels
       | quite lonely and, more importantly, I can't know if my work is
       | going in a good direction.
       | I think people mainly use stars as bookmark.
         | cube2222 wrote:
         | I recommend adding telemetry to your project for this (and I
         | know a lot of people feel strongly about this, so I'll add:
         | with a very easy way of disabling it).
         | In OctoSQL[0] I'm literally just sending JSON files with coarse
         | information about 1. invocations of the CLI, 2. features used
         | in these invocations, to a VM on DigitalOcean (with a 10-line
         | server receiving them and writing to a JSON file - which I can
         | then process using OctoSQL itself).
         | Thanks to this I knew that until recently most of what I had
         | were stars, not actual usage, and could also see how the big
         | rewrite I released in January (and the following updates) made
         | a lot of people start actually using it since. Very nice
         | feeling :)
         | All telemetry logic in OctoSQL is actually contained in a
         | single short file[1].
         | PS: Keep in mind that https requests take a long time, as they
         | need to do a few roundtrips for the TLS handshake. Don't do
         | that on every invocation if you have latency-sensitive
         | invocations. I.e. in OctoSQL I'm only sending aggregated
         | telemetry data every 10 invocations (as well as on the very
         | first one).
         | [0]:https://github.com/cube2222/octosql
         | [1]:https://github.com/cube2222/octosql/blob/main/telemetry/tel
         | e...
           | nyellin wrote:
           | Octosql looks very cool! Thanks for posting.
           | Also agree with you about telemetry. We send some minimal
           | telemetry in Robusta (also easily disabled) and it's been a
           | big help for us as a project.
           | https://github.com/robusta-dev/robusta
           | dataangel wrote:
           | do you warn users about the telemetry? OSS users and
           | developers in particular are pretty hostile to it, especially
           | when it's default
             | cube2222 wrote:
             | Please judge for yourself in this asciinema I've just
             | uploaded whether it's enough of a warning:
             | https://asciinema.org/a/eWQsyXQKi1fmithyTekAD5fWS
         | fuzzythinker wrote:
         | I think of stars as encouragement, so I give them when it has
         | fewer than a few-k stars and is well maintained, or if not, to
         | encourage it.
         | necessary wrote:
         | Is there an established way that people advertise their open
         | source projects to developers for help? I know that GitHub has
         | exploration features but when I last used them it felt like
         | looking for a needle in a haystack.
           | alcover wrote:
           | Not that I know of. Especially for C. I resorted to re-post
           | to reddit when I reach a subjective milestone but the returns
           | are slim. Also I hear people may dislike such an auto-
           | promoting endeavour...
           | First time I posted an early naive version of my string lib,
           | the thread became a deluge of 500+ reactions and constructive
           | advice. Subsequent submissions with a much better work got me
           | depressed.
       | swyx wrote:
       | i use this thing all the time, but wish i had the option to turn
       | off the XKCD style charts to some thing more "professional"
       | woodruffw wrote:
       | Very cool. I had no idea GitHub's API kept history statistics for
       | stars!
         | dabeeeenster wrote:
         | I don't think it does...
           | woodruffw wrote:
           | It looks like they're using the `starred_at` timestamp, which
           | is indeed provided by GitHub's stars API[1].
           | Edit: the code in question[2].
           | [1]:
           | https://docs.github.com/en/rest/activity/starring#custom-
           | med...
           | [2]: https://github.com/bytebase/star-
           | history/blob/c8c66678db8015...
             | est31 wrote:
             | Yeah and therefore, it's not the actual history because it
             | only tracks the dates of when the people who have currently
             | starred it have started starring it. It's a detail, but if
             | someone unstars, it will be treated as if that person had
             | never starred the project in the first place. Or in other
             | terms, whatever graph is shown, you will never see it go
             | down.
             | dabeeeenster wrote:
             | Ah my mistake! Thanks!
       | jerryjerryjerry wrote:
       | Star can only show part of the truth, and a more comprehensive
       | analysis may be needed to show popularity in multiple dimensions,
       | like this website does: https://ossinsight.io/
       | dabeeeenster wrote:
       | I wish Github were more permissive with traffic-related data to
       | your Github pages. I'm not expecting GA tags, but being able to
       | see > 14 days of page view history would be a good start.
       | Anyone know of any other solutions around this sort of thing?
         | matsemann wrote:
         | Yeah, I don't want to include trackers because of privacy. But
         | it would be nice to see which pages are accessed, and from
         | where the visitors are coming. I don't need more than that, and
         | that can be gathered from the access logs.
           | slimsag wrote:
           | In my opinion, analytics should be minimal, 100% anonymous,
           | aggregated, and _open to the public_ - otherwise it's spying.
           | I use a self-hosted Plausible analytics server to implement
           | this[0] across all my websites, so it's all public and you
           | get to see exactly what I see[1][2].
           | [0] https://hexops.com/privacy/
           | [1] https://opendata.hexops.com/devlog.hexops.com
           | [2] https://opendata.hexops.com/machengine.org
             | jcheng wrote:
             | I'm with you on minimal, 100% anonymous, and aggregated,
             | but why does the data need to be open to the public to not
             | be spying? Genuinely curious, you've clearly thought about
             | this a lot.
               | slimsag wrote:
               | There are only two reasons it would need to be private:
               | (1) you're collecting data where if it was public, people
               | would be outraged. That's spying.
               | (2) you believe the data is anonymous and valuable, but
               | only you / your group should benefit from the insights it
               | provides. You're afraid someone else is going to 'take
               | your ideas' and execute them better than you can.
               | Point 1 is ethically wrong, in my view. Point 2 is not
               | ethically wrong, but IMO means what you are just trying
               | to run a monopoly on an idea. That's fine, people do it
               | all the time, especially companies - but I think this is
               | wrong for the progress of humanity overall and I dislike
               | it.
               | willcipriano wrote:
               | Someone saving all the letters you have written them
               | isn't spying on you, you have just been careless to write
               | down so many private things.
               | The easier way is to assume all signals emitted by your
               | computer are being consumed somewhere (Hey CIA friends!)
               | and not emit anything you don't want detected.
               | slimsag wrote:
               | Say I hire a company that sends someone to help with
               | cleaning around the house. Every week, they send someone
               | out and we're both happy with the arrangement.
               | Later, I find out from someone who works there that in
               | fact when they send someone to your house they are
               | instructed to record all the audio in your home, write
               | down everything you buy, who else is in your home, and
               | where everyone works. They are to return this information
               | to the company.
               | Your argument is that it's my fault for using a service
               | that does this, and my fault for not noticing I am being
               | spied on. I can agree it's safer to assume everyone is
               | spying on me at all times - but that doesn't mean we
               | shouldn't name and shame everyone who is, in fact,
               | instructing all of their agents to spy on you.
               | ocdtrekkie wrote:
               | If the data is public, you're instantly able to be held
               | accountable for the data you're collecting. Others can
               | determine if you are doing something privacy invasive,
               | intentionally or inadvertently.
               | Public analytics therefore help ensure and demonstrate
               | your analytics are ethical.
         | edflsafoiewq wrote:
         | Why?
       | liorgrossman wrote:
       | Love the xkcd style chart!
       | <shameless-plug> We also show the GitHub star history, alongside
       | npm download history, issue and PR stats on Openbase:
       | https://openbase.com/js/react/insights </shameless-plug>
         | BonoboIO wrote:
         | https://openbase.com/categories/rust/most-popular-rust-libra...
         | Does not work. Only JavaScript top list work for me.
           | liorgrossman wrote:
           | Thanks for the heads up! We'll take a look.
       | amrrs wrote:
       | Tutorial on building it with Python https://youtu.be/TzF-OUA1Tlo
       (page generated 2022-05-28 23:00 UTC)