[HN Gopher] System Font Stack
       System Font Stack
       Author : SenHeng
       Score  : 126 points
       Date   : 2022-05-28 19:36 UTC (3 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (systemfontstack.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (systemfontstack.com)
       | [deleted]
       | hk__2 wrote:
       | [meta: This should have (2021) in the title.]
       | If you don't care about having the same font on all devices,
       | what's the point of this:
       | > font-family: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, avenir next,
       | avenir, segoe ui, helvetica neue, helvetica, Ubuntu, roboto,
       | noto, arial, sans-serif;
       | versus that:
       | > font-family: sans-serif;
       | ?
         | [deleted]
         | Kwpolska wrote:
         | The point of the system font stack is that your site's
         | typography resembles the typography of the entire platform. It
         | might look differently on different platforms, but it matches
         | the platform you're on.
         | Sans-serif will get you ugly fonts, such as Arial on Windows,
         | and likely DejaVu Sans or Liberation Sans on Linux.
           | TacticalCoder wrote:
           | > Sans-serif will get you ugly fonts, such as Arial on
           | Windows, and likely DejaVu Sans or Liberation Sans on Linux.
           | Exactly. I find Liberation Sans very good but I cannot stand
           | DejaVu Sans (which is the sans serif font all too often when
           | browsing sites from Linux).
           | codedokode wrote:
           | Using different fonts on different platforms will be a
           | problem for design because those fonts have different
           | metrics, different character height and different optimal
           | line interval, for example.
           | Also, Arial is not ugly. It looks good on print.
           | chrisco255 wrote:
           | But you're not on that platform. You're on the browser. And
           | short of every other web site adopting this stack (not gonna
           | happen), it will just look weird, like an uncanny web site
           | trying to look more native without being native at all.
           | thrdbndndn wrote:
           | You can change Sans-serif to whatever you want with browser
           | setting if you hate Arial.
           | Chrome: https://i.imgur.com/fFnX6hu.png
           | Firefox: https://i.imgur.com/HDfbeYh.png
           | You can't do anything (other than using Stylish/Stylus, I
           | suppose) if the dev hardcoded the font-family.
         | maxloh wrote:
         | The actual font rendered as sans-serif can be changed via a
         | browser settings. But the system font stack is usually resolved
         | to the same font for a given OS.
       | eschaton wrote:
       | Why not just let the browser use what its developers feel are
       | most appropriate for serif, sans serif, and monospaced fonts, and
       | avoid specifying specific fonts at all? We're talking about web
       | pages, not a magazine.
         | kevincox wrote:
         | This is exactly my thought. Why make every website specify
         | `system-ui` to look nice? Why not just make it the default? I'm
         | struggling why we need system-ui, ui-serif, ui-sans-serif...
         | When we already have initial, serif, sans-serif...
         | SenHeng wrote:
         | Because there are pesky things like Corporate Branding and
         | designer preferences.
         | Should we restrict every digital text to Times New Roman only?
           | chipotle_coyote wrote:
           | Whever font discussions come up on Hacker News, asking a
           | question like that is risky, because a lot of people will (at
           | least profess to) not only sincerely answer "yes" but be
           | very, very insistent that web designers should not be able to
           | even _suggest_ the typeface that their pages use. When you
           | press them on this point, at least a small subset of them
           | will go on to explain why all design is bad and image support
           | was probably a mistake.
       | ushakov wrote:
       | i can't stand Ubuntu's default rounded web font
       | browser vendors should just include Inter and make it the default
       | web font
       | tkanarsky wrote:
       | I "discovered" this stack through VScode autocomplete when making
       | my website several moons ago. It's a huge improvement in
       | readability over the default serif font, and not much overhead is
       | added!
       | api wrote:
       | Another benefit: no tracking. Google Fonts and many other font
       | hosts use their free service as a way to track people across the
       | web.
         | ushakov wrote:
         | there's a very handy tool, called google webfonts helper, which
         | that can download and include google fonts for you
         | https://google-webfonts-helper.herokuapp.com/fonts
           | elondaits wrote:
           | Google Fonts are also available through npm to host them
           | locally.
             | sphars wrote:
             | One such set of packages I've used is Fontsource. Has all
             | the Google fonts plusany more.
             | https://fontsource.org/
       | vishnumohandas wrote:
       | Related story: https://ente.io/blog/tech/system-fonts/
       | system-ui[1] deserves a mention, but OP's proposal is more
       | thorough as it covers the Serif and Mono families.
       | [1]: https://caniuse.com/font-family-system-ui
       | Kwpolska wrote:
       | Oddly enough, the page doesn't use the font stack it proposes.
       | They moved Segoe UI to the end of the list, before Arial, so
       | Windows users who installed Roboto will see Roboto instead.
         | anaisbetts wrote:
         | Yep, on my Windows 11 machine these fonts are rendering as
         | Arial, which is most definitely _not_ the System UI font. I
         | would definitely consider an alternative to this stack.
       | bufferoverflow wrote:
       | I'm actually dealing with the massive font differences that break
       | the designs, and I don't know how to solve it. The designer
       | specced the fonts that are available on different OSes. Something
       | like _font-family: X, Y, sans-serif;_.
       | The problem is, X and Y have different line heights and different
       | widths. And there's no CSS / media query way to detect which font
       | is available.
       | So far I'm leaning towards a very ugly solution: rendering a test
       | string into a DIV, measuring it, and then applying the correct
       | class to the parent element.
         | sjroot wrote:
         | Web dev for many years chiming in: please step awayyyyy from
         | the ugly solution. As another reply stated, you cannot
         | guarantee pixel-perfect decision without sacrificing other
         | aspects. It's not something you should strive for at all in
         | {current year}.
         | If you want to align the text vertically with an image, use
         | flexbox. If the specific font they want to use doesn't look
         | right in that context, have them either (1) deal with it or (2)
         | pick another font.
         | [deleted]
         | SenHeng wrote:
         | At some point, you just have to give up and understand that a
         | pixel perfect representation of a design is not possible. We're
         | not working in print anymore.
         | I thought something like this would been obvious after 2
         | decades of transitioning from print to web design, but I
         | sometimes still get complaints for things like widows and
         | orphans [0].
         | 0: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Widows_and_orphans
         | kevin_thibedeau wrote:
         | Stop trying to enforce pixel perfect control. This is
         | equivalent to old school Win32, VB6 GUIs with hardcoded pixel
         | positioning of all controls designed to work on a 640x480
         | screen. Web technologies are designed to accommodate flexible
         | layout. Accepting font rendering differences is part of that.
           | bufferoverflow wrote:
           | It's not even about being pixel perfect. I can't vertically
           | align text with an image. If I align it with one font, the
           | other one is misaligned. I need something like media query
           | for fonts.
             | kevin_thibedeau wrote:
             | You just need flexbox or construct an SVG. Let the divs
             | size themselves to the font and allow the browser to put
             | them where they're told to go.
           | jsjohnst wrote:
           | > Stop trying to enforce pixel perfect control.
           | Not the least of which because of text size zooming for
           | accessibility. The web is not print!
         | elondaits wrote:
         | In the past I found slight width differences between Windows
         | and Mac that made a text take up a second line. Also, Google
         | Fonts sometimes are updated and this can cause letter widths to
         | change.
         | ... My recommendation is not to implement any design that can't
         | handle the difference. This will be more robust and better for
         | you in the future (e.g. i18n, zoomed fonts for a11y, etc.).
         | Whenever I worked implementing a design by someone else and
         | there were overly strict assumptions about text size I let them
         | know this was a problem and suggested an alternative.
         | The problem with your proposed solution is that if you're using
         | a webfont and measure before it loads, it won't match the width
         | once it's replaced. Also, back in the day browsers came with a
         | command to increase char size instead of zooming the whole
         | page... I no don't know if some still do, or if it happens
         | under certain contexts (a11y extensions?) but that would also
         | break.
         | sings wrote:
         | You may be able to override metrics of different fonts with
         | CSS, using ascent-override and descent-override and the local()
         | function to target a font on the system.
         | https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/@font-face/...
         | I think the other advice here is a little extreme. There is no
         | reason not to try to normalise the appearance for all users.
       | n0w wrote:
       | `system-ui` can be useful on modern browsers and I'm looking
       | forward to more browsers adding support for the `ui-*` variants:
       | https://caniuse.com/extended-system-fonts
         | codedokode wrote:
         | No, this is bad because it provides additional signal for
         | fingerprinting. I don't like this.
           | duskwuff wrote:
           | > No, this is bad because it provides additional signal for
           | fingerprinting.
           | Not really. The fonts selected by these font-family values
           | should, at most, be dependent on the OS and language of the
           | host system -- which are already easy to detect.
       | kitsunesoba wrote:
       | System font stacks are great what I'd like more are similar
       | "magic" values to system-ui that provide reasonably metrics-
       | matched local fonts. The biggest reason I use system font stacks
       | is not as much to look native as it is to try to have similar
       | text metrics across platforms without the overhead and quirks
       | brought by webfonts.
       | The system font does bring some advantages though, like on
       | macOS/iOS where that font is San Francisco, it's designed
       | specifically to look good and read well on screen. Under WebKit
       | you even get hand-tweaked letterforms, metrics, and kerning for
       | different combos of size, weight, and context (title, subtitle,
       | body, etc).
       | Something that would be really cool is if all browsers did what
       | Apple is doing with San Francisco by shipping with a FOSS screen-
       | oriented font like Inter UI[0].
       | [0]: https://rsms.me/inter/
       | CosmicShadow wrote:
       | I'm kind of confused as to why they don't have a demo showing all
       | the fonts. I'm not just going to blindly pick from system fonts,
       | I want to choose which I prefer first. Yeah I could look them all
       | up, but just seems like they missed showing off the core thing...
         | seanwilson wrote:
         | I'm guessing license issues would be a problem. Roboto wouldn't
         | be an issue, but I'm pretty sure Microsoft's and Apple's
         | default font files require a license to host.
           | guerrilla wrote:
           | I'm sure a screenshot would suffice
       | swyx wrote:
       | I collect these things for fun and one of my big discoveries is
       | that there's no "standard" system font stacks - here are my list
       | of system font stacks and their sources: https://github.com/sw-
       | yx/spark-joy/blob/master/README.md#fon...
       | some of them even come with annotations as to why they make the
       | choices they make.
       | Github's font stack is
       | font-family: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI",
       | Roboto, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif, "Apple Color Emoji", "Noto
       | Color Emoji", "Segoe UI Emoji", "Segoe UI Symbol";
       | VS Code:
       | font-family: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, 'Segoe UI',
       | Roboto, Oxygen, Ubuntu, Cantarell, 'Open Sans', 'Helvetica Neue',
       | sans-serif
       | probably more "native" on mobile:
       | font-family: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI",
       | "Roboto", "Oxygen", "Ubuntu", "Helvetica Neue", Arial, sans-
       | serif;
       | apparently all modern browsers have this new shortcut that make
       | it as simple as:
       | font-family: 'system-ui', sans-serif;
       | https://chromestatus.com/feature/5640395337760768
         | kevincox wrote:
         | Why isn't `sans-serif` just the default sans-serif font? Why do
         | we need a new keyword to get the actual default font?
           | hit8run wrote:
           | Highly underrated comment.
           | SenHeng wrote:
           | Because whatever is default depends on too many variables.
           | Like if you're on a Japanese OS but your language preferences
           | are English, the default sans-serif font is a Japanese
           | typeface that often doesn't display Roman alphabets that
           | nicely.
             | thrdbndndn wrote:
             | > Like if you're on a Japanese OS but your language
             | preferences are English, the default sans-serif font is a
             | Japanese typeface
             | Please specify your environment. I use Japanese OS and I
             | haven't found a single OS/browser combo would do that.
             | Use Windows as an example, sans-serif by default = Arial
             | for Chrome and Firefox for English content.
             | And as a bonus, you can even adjust the default sans-serif
             | font in browser setting to your like; while with these
             | hard-coded CSS, you can't.
               | SenHeng wrote:
               | MacOS Monterey, default system language is Japanese but
               | obviously I browse a lot of English websites.
               | Using plain sans-serif, I get Hiragino Kaku Gothic ProN
               | as my default font instead of something nice like
               | Helvetica Neue.
               | thrdbndndn wrote:
               | Do you mean lang:ja or lang:en content?
               | Because I feel like the former is meant to have Japanese
               | fonts even for Latin glyphs for consistency's sake, but I
               | understand that some people do prefer the other way.
               | And indeed, MacOS system font by default is like that.
               | Windows is the opposite, though (everything is in Meiryo
               | UI or whatever it's now called.) (Not sure if it's
               | changed in Win11 either.)
           | TacticalCoder wrote:
           | That's kinda the point of these font stacks right!? You want
           | to fall back to the default sans-serif font _only_ if you
           | didn 't some better font first.
             | aaaaaaaaaaab wrote:
             | Better? Better than the default?
             | So... you think your font of choice would be better than
             | what the user had configured as the default in their user
             | agent?
         | SenHeng wrote:
         | I also came across this blog while searching for various font
         | stocks to use and he provided quite a good break down for many
         | non-major platforms.
         | https://www.ctrl.blog/entry/font-stack-text.html
         | oneplane wrote:
         | The worst ones are in emails from the likes of Microsoft where
         | they have segoe and nothing else listed so half their messages
         | look like a random default serif font (they don't even have
         | fallback sans listed).
         | madeofpalk wrote:
         | It's surprising the site doesn't mention the actual, official
         | standard `system-ui` font alias.                   font-family:
         | system-ui, -apple-system, sans-serif;
         | Is really all you need these days. That covers all modern
         | browsers, and older browsers will just fall back to whatever
         | sans-serif is.
           | lelandfe wrote:
           | > Never, ever use system-ui as the value of font-family
           | > It turns out that the value of system-ui in fact not only
           | depends on the version of the current OS, but the language of
           | the OS as well.
           | https://infinnie.github.io/blog/2017/systemui.html
             | madeofpalk wrote:
             | Ahh this is very interesting! Thanks!
             | anaisbetts wrote:
             | This is done in order to mitigate Han Unification - I
             | suspect on OSs that aren't ancient this is probably Fine,
             | but if you have a huge userbase like Bootstrap you probably
             | need to support these people
               | thrdbndndn wrote:
               | It's not fine even on Win10.
       | mproud wrote:
       | I don't understand. Many of these fonts are very different from
       | one another.
         | tobr wrote:
         | The systems are also different, so that's expected?
       | leipert wrote:
       | I assume the emoji fonts in Serif are there as fallback fonts
       | because they are actually considered sans-serif?
         | ushakov wrote:
         | emoji have their own font
           | hk__2 wrote:
           | > emoji have their own font
           | That's not true. Emojis are Unicode characters just like `a`
           | or `ss`. When I type <an emoji character> on my computer it
           | doesn't magically change font in the middle of the sentence;
           | it's just a character.
           | edit: looks like HN stripped away my emoji.
             | recursive wrote:
             | > it doesn't magically change font in the middle of the
             | sentence
             | It's not magic but it can happen. In fact, it usually does.
             | Helvetica doesn't have emoji glyphs. Guess what happens if
             | you drop an emoji in a block of text formatted with
             | Helvetica?
             | Kwpolska wrote:
             | Emojis are Unicode characters, and some emojis appear in
             | all sorts of fonts, but the more fancy emojis, as well as
             | the color renditions of emojis, appear only in the system
             | color emoji font. The font is changed in the middle of the
             | sentence, as part of font fallback.
             | [deleted]
             | kevin_thibedeau wrote:
             | Your OS _can_ magically change the font if a glyph isn 't
             | available in the current one.
       | pvinis wrote:
       | Smart and fun how -apple-system works. I wonder why this has not
       | been a thing for windows and linux too, and have it aliased too.
       | And while I wonder that, I thought of a weird alias.. firefox-
       | system or chrome-system would be terrible.
         | sophiebits wrote:
         | There is now "font-family: system-ui" though apparently it has
         | a few issues:
         | https://caniuse.com/font-family-system-ui
         | https://infinnie.github.io/blog/2017/systemui.html
           | pvinis wrote:
           | huh. interesting, thank you!
           | Kwpolska wrote:
           | caniuse shows green for all modern browsers, and this blog
           | post from 2017 talks about Windows 7 and the Windows Classic
           | theme. Where are the actual issues?
       | TacticalCoder wrote:
       | It's great to see that "Liberation Mono" is added (it's a great
       | font family available on some Linux systems, some of which may
       | not have Ubuntu). But please always add "Liberation Sans" and
       | "Liberation Serif" to the other stacks too. You risk nothing
       | doing it and they render very well when present (says "Liberation
       | Sans" renders better than the default sans-serif this stack would
       | fall back to).
       | hwc wrote:
       | What's wrong with just using `sans-serif`, `serif`, and
       | `monospace`?
         | lelandfe wrote:
         | Imagine 10 pages of interface people talking about how
         | mimicking standard OS controls allows blah blah - but IMO folks
         | really just don't like how Arial and Times New Roman look.
       | cyril_st_john wrote:
       | Please don't use this. -apple-system & BlinkMacSystemFont are OK
       | but after that it's just a scattershot list of guesses that will
       | often be wrong. I have most of the fonts in this stack installed
       | on my Linux desktop for various reasons and none of them are the
       | system font. Just fall back to sans-serif for now and adopt
       | future -apple-system equivalents as they become available.
         | incrudible wrote:
         | This is not about literally displaying the system font, but
         | about displaying a reasonably appealing font that is already
         | installed. I could not possibly care less about whatever
         | questionable system choice for sans serif some random Linux
         | user makes.
         | TacticalCoder wrote:
         | > but after that it's just a scattershot list of guesses that
         | will often be wrong.
         | What do you mean? If it's wrong, the font ain't there. If the
         | font is there, it's the correct font (according to the desire
         | of the one who made the stack). If my stack has "Liberation
         | Sans", it means that if your system has Liberation Sans, then
         | it's going to be used. And it's very often better than the
         | default system font ("Deja Vu Sans", for example, is a typical
         | fallback on Linux and sucks big times compared to Liberation
         | Sans and compared to many other sans-serif fonts).
         | The way I see it that's the entire point of these "scattershot
         | list of guesses": you can put several, it absolutely doesn't
         | matter. The goal is to find one that matches _before_ falling
         | back to the default.
           | thrdbndndn wrote:
           | People can manually install these fonts for whatever reason
           | (I have some for my Photoshop use) while don't want them as
           | the "system font" (because they're not for their OS).
       | thrdbndndn wrote:
       | Is there a reason the site itself does not use the rule it says?
       | The one in article is                   -apple-system,
       | BlinkMacSystemFont, avenir next, avenir, segoe ui, helvetica
       | neue, helvetica, Ubuntu, roboto, noto, arial, sans-serif;
       | The one it actually _uses_ is                   -apple-system,
       | BlinkMacSystemFont, "avenir next", avenir, "helvetica neue",
       | helvetica, ubuntu, roboto, noto, "segoe ui", arial, sans-serif
       | It looks like a minor difference, but the former one has segoe ui
       | before helvetica (which is hard-coded as Arial alias on Windows),
       | so it would use segoe ui on Windows; while the latter (currently
       | using) one would show the content as Arial on Windows.
       | codedokode wrote:
       | While using local fonts is generally a good idea, this provides a
       | reliable signal for fingerprinting.
       | Therefore I would prefer that every major browser (Safari, Chrome
       | and Firefox) ships its own reasonably chosen set of fonts and
       | doesn't access system fonts (however the user may grant access to
       | system fonts if they are fine with fingerprinting).
       | This could also simplify web design because now there will be a
       | somewhat standartized set of fonts.
         | lelandfe wrote:
         | Believe it or not, what you describe is already in place for
         | Firefox and Chrome! Chrome has a proposal for an API to handle
         | this instead: https://chromestatus.com/feature/6234451761692672
         | And more info here: https://web.dev/local-fonts/
       (page generated 2022-05-28 23:00 UTC)