[HN Gopher] Easy 6502
       Easy 6502
       Author : rahimnathwani
       Score  : 97 points
       Date   : 2022-05-29 11:39 UTC (1 days ago)
 (HTM) web link (skilldrick.github.io)
 (TXT) w3m dump (skilldrick.github.io)
       | Night_Thastus wrote:
       | For anyone interested in the 6502, assembly and just in general
       | how things like loops, conditional branches, hardware
       | communication, etc all work, I HIGHLY recommend Ben Eater's
       | videos on the subject:
       | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LnzuMJLZRdU
       | They are incredibly fascinating!
       | [deleted]
         | [deleted]
       | rahimnathwani wrote:
       | I came across this when I was searching for resources to help
       | better understand ALUs and assembler.
       | I love it because:
       | 1. My first computer (an Acorn Electron) had a 6502 processor,
       | and gave me my first exposure to assembler.
       | 2. It's been built so you can do all the exercises in the
       | browser. I really like stuff like this (e.g. Scrimba), as it
       | makes it so much more likely that you'll get started.
       | A related point: as I go through it, I'm thinking about which
       | instructions are really necessary (maybe all of them?) and why it
       | would be inconvenient if you didn't have a particular
       | instruction.
         | pvg wrote:
         | _which instructions are really necessary (maybe all of them?)
         | and why it would be inconvenient if you didn 't have a
         | particular instruction_
         | The ones added in the 65C02 offer some insight there, a very
         | brief overview from the Wikipedia page:
         | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WDC_65C02#New_and_modified_ins...
         | Somewhat related and mentioned in one of the comments
         | downthread, you can view Woz's SWEET16 as a 'the 16 bit CPU a
         | 6502 system designer and programmer wished they had' take.
         | jacquesm wrote:
         | The simplest computer has only one instruction:
         | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/One-instruction_set_computer
         | There is even ZISC:
         | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/No_instruction_set_computing
         | Check out brainfuck if you are into stuff like this.
           | rahimnathwani wrote:
           | Haha these are really interesting.
           | It seems to program with such a reduced instruction set
           | requires one to be either a genius or a computer (i.e.
           | generated code). I'm neither :(
             | jacquesm wrote:
             | Either that, or a compiler with such an instruction set as
             | the target.
             | For instance:
             | https://github.com/arthaud/c2bf
             | It seems like this is a frivolous subject, but it is
             | actually quite enlightening to realize just how little is
             | required to get something that computes, it changes how you
             | view the whole concept of computation.
           | codedokode wrote:
           | Very interesting, never heard of this. I love Hacker News for
           | being able to learn something new from comments. Although I
           | cannot agree with labeling "horizontally nanocoded CPU" as
           | "No instruction set". There are instructions, they are just
           | low-level.
           | I wonder, can Turing machine count as "Zero Insturction Set"?
           | Technically there is no sequence of instructions.
       | actually_a_dog wrote:
       | I like this. I learned ASM first on the PDP-11, and I thought
       | that was a _great_ introduction to assembly language concepts.
       | 6502 has a lot of similarities with the PDP-11 instruction set,
       | but also gives you the ability to (if you want to) more easily
       | deploy your code to a real chip inside a real machine.
       | sircastor wrote:
       | I used this when I was learning 6502 assembly so I could build my
       | senior project (An NES game). It was tremendously helpful to
       | rapidly test ideas on how to manipulate bits and test
       | subroutines.
       (page generated 2022-05-30 23:00 UTC)