[HN Gopher] A decade of dotfiles
       A decade of dotfiles
       Author : mmazzarolo
       Score  : 276 points
       Date   : 2022-05-30 10:25 UTC (12 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (evanhahn.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (evanhahn.com)
       | thayne wrote:
       | The first part of his murder command can be accomplished by using
       | pkill or killall (but maybe those aren't available on mac?). The
       | second part is useful though.
       | asiachick wrote:
       | Going to be _that_ person but an article named  "a decade of
       | dotfiles" has nothing to do with dotfiles. The first sentence
       | says "My first commit to my dotfiles repository was ten years
       | ago" and then the entire rest of the article has nothing to do
       | with "dotfiles" whatsoever.
       | And then nearly all of the comments are actually about the title,
       | not about the article itself.
       | swyx wrote:
       | sharing my own new mac setup + dotfiles here:
       | https://github.com/sw-yx/swyxdotio/issues/420 (maintained for ~5
       | years)
       | yonrg wrote:
       | dot files, configs and hosts are now managed in ansible.
       | First solution a decade ago was to have a git repo and dotfiles
       | were linked directly into the working dir. This was nuts. The
       | dots were changed immediately, when checking out other branches.
       | And slight differences between hosts were not easily manageable.
       | A branch per host was not a solution.
       | I learned from those mistakes and wrote an installer script for
       | that repo which copied/rsynced files from repo into ~
       | Still, slight changes between hosts were not easily manageable
       | and I was thinking about a templating mechanism... but then
       | ansible became a thing which I happily adopted.
       | Might be too much for most users, but it helps me managing many
       | machines.
         | mathstuf wrote:
         | Yeah, I started with the direct symlink long ago too
         | ("declarative" lines that were just shell commands sourced at
         | the top). I now have a more...complex setup that uses CMake.
         | The basic setup is:                   group/ (e.g., "devel" or
         | "pim")           program/ (e.g., "vim" or "mutt")
         | CMakeLists.txt (lists files and packages needed; I use Fedora)
         | config/             local/
         | repeat for each program, sorted into groups. Each program is
         | added via a function that wraps `add_subdirectory` in an option
         | asking if I want to enable that project. It also takes a list
         | of dependencies (so, e.g., `mutt` is hidden if I turn off
         | `msmtp` or `nvim` since it needs it in its configuration).
         | Each program's CMake code declares what needs symlinked,
         | directories to be made, permission bits, etc. This is used to
         | also write out a "validation" script to ensure symlinks are
         | accurate and to notice untracked config files and such. I then
         | just configure, turn the programs I plan on using on in the
         | project and then "build" it. It also generates a `dnf install`
         | argument list for me to install anything needed for these
         | configurations.
         | The symlink setup is actually `$HOME/.path` (to avoid the repo
         | from having hidden files; skippable if needed in the CMake
         | code) -> `$builddir/group/program/path` ->
         | `$srcdir/group/program/path`. This way, turning off a program
         | nukes the build tree and then I can just go and look for broken
         | symlinks in `$HOME` to clean up. Per-host bits overlay cleanly
         | since I use split configs where possible (i.e., `include
         | *.rc`).
         | One nice thing about using CMake is that I can also have
         | `add_custom_command` at hand to generate files if needed (I use
         | it to generate `xcompose` combinations).
       | caeruleus wrote:
       | Last year, I started setting up a Qubes OS workstation. Doing all
       | the intricate little steps manually seemed like such a waste of
       | time that I started learning SaltStack, which is built into the
       | Qubes management stack, to be able to automate and replicate the
       | setup. This small itch exploded in such a way that I wrote a
       | formula for almost every program on every system and server I
       | use. For all other small programs, I just use one formula that
       | syncs the appropriate dotfiles (I can also template them with
       | Jinja).
       | In hindsight, going with Nix would have been the most efficient
       | way to reach most of that, apart from the Qubes-specific stuff.
       | This will probably be the next step on my (ironic) odyssey of
       | going all-in on configuration to finally stop worrying about it
       | and reap the benefits of the beauty that is computing without its
       | nasty warts.
       | In essence, I would love a proper integration between Nix and
       | Qubes OS.
       | Edit: For anyone interested in an example of my current process,
       | see https://github.com/lkubb/salt-tool-chromium-formula,
       | https://github.com/lkubb/salt-tool-gpg-formula or
       | https://github.com/lkubb/salt-tool-macos-formula.
         | rgoulter wrote:
         | > In essence, I would love a proper integration between Nix and
         | Qubes OS.
         | This sounds like it'd be interesting to you: https://spectrum-
         | os.org/
       | nunez wrote:
       | I also started my dotfiles over ten years ago! First commit was
       | in 2012. Use them every day. I thank the awesome folks at Jane
       | Street for teaching me about both dotfiles and Mercurial! (Second
       | job out of college.)
         | pqs wrote:
         | I started in 2009. :-)
           | technothrasher wrote:
           | 1990, and I've still got things in my .cshrc to fix quirks in
           | SunOS 4 and Irix that I can't bear to remove out of
           | nostalgia.
             | zvr wrote:
             | 1983, but not in a git repo ;-)
             | Also stuff to distinguish between different Unix flavors
             | and hardware ("if it's this host which is a sun3 with FPU,
             | add -m68881 to CFLAGS") -- not removed but commented out.
       | jchook wrote:
       | > Prefer scripts over aliases
       | I prefer aliases when possible because they inherit autocomplete
       | rules. Also it's easy to "complect" things with custom scripts.
       | yakshaving_jgt wrote:
       | > It doesn't work for everything. For example, I have a boop
       | command (which I mentioned above) that needs access to the
       | previous command's exit status--as far as I know, that's
       | impossible with a script.
       | I got nerd-sniped by this. I can't see any reason why this
       | wouldn't work. I tested this myself by writing a script called
       | show-error.sh:                   #!/bin/bash         echo $?
       | And then I ran                   $(exit 5)         . ./show-
       | error.sh
       | And this outputs                   5
         | SuchAnonMuchWow wrote:
         | this only works because you are sourcing the file, and not just
         | executing it:
         | $(exit 5) ./show_error.sh
         | outputs 0.
         | Sourcing the file is the same as copying and pasting its
         | content into the current shell. It is designed to allow this
         | kind of things (accessing the caller execution context). But it
         | is not what we usually call a script precisely because of this.
         | throwaway41232 wrote:
         | I cant really check this right now but doesnt
         | $(exit 5)
         | just spawn a subshell which exits with 5 which is visible by
         | the parent script you just source your show-error.sh in?
         | Try to subshell the source too like
         | (. ./show-error.sh)
         | faho wrote:
         | Well, yeah, if you _source_ the file (for which `.` is a
         | shortcut) it runs in the current shell so the environment is
         | intact.
         | If you just run it it won't work.
         | So instead of running `boop` you would always have to `source
         | boop` or `. boop`. A function or alias you could just run like
         | normal.
         | (and `export ?` complains about ? being an invalid identifier
         | in bash, in zsh `export "?"` apparently "works", but will reset
         | it before you get a chance to print it in another process)
           | NegativeLatency wrote:
           | You could also pass the exit status into the program being
           | called
       | kunalgupta wrote:
       | luv murder
       | francis-io wrote:
       | No one asked, but I feel like I've been down this road before.
       | Heavily customizing a system with obscure lines plucked from
       | strangers dotfiles. These days I use VS Code and Firefox for
       | almost everything.
       | iRomain wrote:
       | For my dotfiles [1] I use https://www.chezmoi.io which I really
       | like using and stuck (as opposed to my previous dotfiles attempts
       | which didn't stick). Albeit I have only been using it for a few
       | months as opposed to the author's decade.
       | I guess the idea is to find the one tool/methodology that sticks
       | with you.
       | [1] https://github.com/politician/dotfiles
         | blueflow wrote:
         | I find it odd that people use extra management software for
         | their dotfiles. Most of the files are in `~/.config` anyways,
         | so you can track this folder like a regular directory in git.
         | And for the software that does insist on writing into `~`
         | directly you can set up symlinks, with a script or manually.
           | yunohn wrote:
           | > I find it odd that people use extra management software for
           | their dotfiles
           | > you can set up symlinks, with a script or manually.
           | So yeah... that's exactly what dotfile managers do with
           | standardised scripts.
           | twp wrote:
           | Tracking `~/.config` as a regular directory in git only works
           | if all your machines are near-identical. If you want to share
           | dotfiles between, say, Linux and macOS, or between your home
           | and work machines, then a dotfile manager makes it much much
           | easier.
           | For more reasons, see: https://www.chezmoi.io/why-use-
           | chezmoi/
           | Disclaimer: I'm the author of chezmoi
             | vivab0rg wrote:
             | Unrelated, but thank you for chezmoi, it's a clever little
             | utility very well designed. I use it to manage many
             | distinct Arch-based systems and soon will be moving my
             | Ubuntu servers to it. Congratulations!
               | twp wrote:
               | Thank you <3
         | vivab0rg wrote:
         | I managed my dotfiles across many distros using a bare multi-
         | branch Git repo. But eventually it became a chore to share
         | snippets among them. Chezmoi is little thin utility wrapper
         | over Git that handles this usecase beautifully. I switched to
         | Chezmoi over the weekend and just shudder to the thought of how
         | much time I could have saved had I found it earlier.
       | e3bc54b2 wrote:
       | This is a good one, I hope I'll have mine for that long (started
       | 2019).
       | Personally, I stopped worrying about dotfiles and GNU stow after
       | joining the cult of Nix. While I gave honest attempt to
       | everything else, Nix made it stick. Now I only have one single
       | repo, where In write config for (almost) all of my applications
       | in Nix, deploy them with Nix, rollback with Nix etc. Compared to
       | hodgepodge of INI/YAML/TOML/XML/JSON/WHATHAVEYOU it is nice to to
       | only have single tool to worry about.
       | I wished Guix had the momentum and size of Nixpkgs. I'd much
       | prefer a Lisp than the language contraption of Nix.
         | doliveira wrote:
         | Oh, I so wish to learn it, seems quite awesome. I literally
         | made my own scripts to do exactly this management over the
         | years. But the learning curve seems huge, not many good
         | resources, etc... Honestly they all sound like those posts
         | trying to explain monads
         | And frankly, I barely have motivation to study more concrete
         | stuff...
           | e3bc54b2 wrote:
           | Admittedly, it can be worse than sitting down and reading the
           | manual front to back, but I did it the hard (or simple) way.
           | I used the simple template generated during nixos-install and
           | kept adding packages I needed. Configured them manually as
           | usual and went about my business. It works out more often
           | than people would realize. For services, development
           | toolchains etc just google and copy-paste from other people's
           | config. Simply add 'ext:nix' to google query and you should
           | be good.
           | I'm at almost 3 years, know just enough Nix to write some
           | custom stuff, but nowhere close to the Wizard title. Its not
           | as bad as people make it out.
           | Remember, your target is not to master it on day 1. Target is
           | to get VLC to play the media file (or some equivalent for
           | you).
             | klysm wrote:
             | As soon as you get something weird though, the rabbit hole
             | is forever
         | ewuhic wrote:
         | Can one use the benefits of Nix provisioning while using other
         | linux distro, Debian specifically?
           | PufPufPuf wrote:
           | You can install Nix package manager on any system, but the
           | packages will be separate from system packages. You can try
           | it and switch to full NixOS if you like it
           | mschwaig wrote:
           | If you are talking about provisioning dot files and command
           | line applications you want to have available on all you
           | machines then take a look at home-manager.
           | https://github.com/nix-community/home-manager
           | I use it on NixOS. It should absolutely work on other distros
           | unfortunately I don't have any first hand experience with
           | that or with what the best way is to set it up on other
           | distos (I think there are few options for how to do it).
             | chrisweekly wrote:
             | > "there are few options"
             | I'm curious about your phrasing. In idiomatic English, this
             | says "there are _not many_ options", IOW options are
             | limited. It emphasizes the constraints. OTOH had you
             | written "there are _a_ few options", it'd emphasize the
             | existence of more than one option, with a positive
             | connotation.
             | From context I infer you meant the latter, is that right?
               | mschwaig wrote:
               | Yes sorry. This was a typo.
               | I meant to write 'a few options'.
           | rgoulter wrote:
           | Yes. I think it's a good way to get started with Nix.
           | e.g. with nix installed, you'll be able to use the nix-shell
           | to get the development dependencies without having to install
           | system wide, if a shell.nix or flake.nix has been written for
           | it. (e.g. for repos like https://github.com/helix-
           | editor/helix).
           | You'll be able to use the `nix shell` command to try out a
           | program without needing it installed system wide. Or you can
           | figure out how to write your own nix-shells etc.
           | I think Home Manager is worth trying only once you're
           | otherwise familiar with Nix (or if you find a good config to
           | copy-paste from, though), since Nix's error messages and
           | debugging still aren't great.
         | francis-io wrote:
         | Currently I use Ansible to deploy my dotfiles, along with
         | anything else needed to setup a workstation. I keep seeing
         | people mention Nix. Would it give me anything that Ansible and
         | Git can't give me?
           | pmarreck wrote:
           | Ansible : Nix :: using Javascript to lay out a webpage :
           | using CSS to lay out a webpage
           | colordrops wrote:
           | There is no AnsibleOS, so you'll not have a reproducible OS,
           | and as the base OS gets upgraded underneath, ansible scripts
           | will break. Also, you have to put a ton of effort into making
           | sure Ansible scripts are idempotent, and even then there are
           | usually leaks. Nix (with flakes) is 100% reproducible and
           | it's very difficult to do anything that isn't idempotent.
           | What this all means is that there is more effort up front
           | learning and setting it up, but a lot less effort and
           | suffering in the long term.
           | I personally switched for these reasons.
           | noahmasur wrote:
           | Mostly it provides guarantees about your system. It
           | guarantees that anything not in your config is not on your
           | system (for the most part). It guarantees that everything
           | builds successfully before it applies any changes. Most of
           | the filesystem is immutable so it forces you to use the
           | configuration.
           | There are some other advantages: rollback to a previous state
           | at any time, enable complex system services with one line in
           | your config file, install multiple versions of tools on your
           | system without conflicts, install programs without root
           | (using home manager), build VMs and Docker images, pin the
           | versions and dependencies of all packages for
           | reproducibility, patch software with your own tweaks
           | natively. You can also put a Nix file in a code repo and
           | easily share your build dependencies with other developers.
             | francis-io wrote:
             | This might show my ignorance, but can Nix replace something
             | like asdf (https://github.com/asdf-vm/asdf)?
               | noahmasur wrote:
               | Yes, that's exactly the kind of thing it's great at.
               | Nix stores all builds of its packages in a separate
               | "store" on the machine, each identified by the hash of
               | the build ("derivation"). When you activate your config,
               | it basically symlinks the version you want into your
               | PATH.
               | If your project needs a specific version, when you
               | activate a Nix shell or script it will check your store
               | for that version and activate it. If it doesn't exist, it
               | will fetch it (or even compile it from scratch if you
               | need to).
               | kcorbitt wrote:
               | Part of the magic of asdf is that it reads a `.tool-
               | versions` file from anywhere above your current directory
               | and applies the correct version of each tool based on the
               | listed value. (You can also configure a global default
               | version for each tool in case your directory tree doesn't
               | have a .tool-versions file with an entry for the tool you
               | want to use.)
               | Does Nix allow for a similar workflow? It's really nice
               | to be able to move between projects and automatically
               | have the correct tool versions configured without having
               | to run any special command.
               | noahmasur wrote:
               | To add to what rgoulter said, you can use your default
               | system configuration plus whatever the project says you
               | need (and the project's shell will override any conflicts
               | with your default).
               | However, if you really want to make sure that you're not
               | including anything from your system, you can have direnv
               | pass the `--pure` flag, which will then include _only_
               | the dependencies from the project and nothing else. This
               | is helpful to make sure that you 're not accidentally
               | relying on something already on your system when you
               | declare the project dependencies.
               | rgoulter wrote:
               | Pretty much. You'd use Direnv to support this UX.
               | https://direnv.net/
               | I think the nice thing about project-specific tooling
               | like this is it allows getting started with the project
               | very easily. (Rather than copy-pasting "apt-get
               | <whatever>").
           | rgoulter wrote:
           | I'd describe nix as "programmatic package management". Nix is
           | a difficult tool to learn, but very powerful. A lot of nice
           | UX use cases with Nix could perhaps be described as "like
           | Docker, without the containers".
           | In terms of applying configs, ansible is 'convergent', where
           | Nix is 'congruent'.
           | https://blog.flyingcircus.io/2016/05/06/thoughts-on-
           | systems-... (ansible will make changes to get it closer to a
           | target state, whereas nix will reach the target state by
           | constructing the target state again).
             | francis-io wrote:
             | Thank you. As someone who uses containers a lot (even to
             | run local programs, shout out to
             | https://blog.jessfraz.com/post/docker-containers-on-the-
             | desk...) this makes some sense to me.
             | I'm a little way into the Nix Pills document
             | (https://nixos.org/guides/nix-pills/why-you-should-give-
             | it-a-...) which seems to start the explanation from a place
             | where I can understand.
               | ajvs wrote:
               | X11 is pretty poor for security, you should use Flatpak
               | as it has sandboxing and still stores all its files in
               | one directory.
           | rprospero wrote:
           | The biggest advantage that I can give is that everything is
           | together in a unified language. To give a trivial, but
           | extreme example, my workstation's colour scheme is controlled
           | via my Nix setup. This includes terminal colours, GTK theme,
           | Emacs syntax highlighting, Matplotlib colours, CSS overrides,
           | window manager, and more. Yet I can change a single line in
           | my Nix file and update all of these without worrying about
           | the myriad configuration languages that are involved. A
           | single change on a different line will update the default
           | font for all these applications as well.
             | jeppesen-io wrote:
             | yep! also what I find nice is you can just ref a package in
             | a config and it just gets installed
             | e.g. create a g zsh alias for git using the alias section
             | of zsh module in home manager
             | > g = "${pkgs.git}/bin/git";
         | klysm wrote:
         | I wonder if we can make nix into a library of sorts for other
         | languages so we don't have to deal with its arcane-ness.
         | a-dub wrote:
         | i want to like nix, but the inconsistent naming and use of the
         | language was a huge turn off.
         | all the randomly named config options and the spotty coverage
         | of them were like fingernails on the chalkboard for me.
         | tylergetsay wrote:
         | Any tips on places to get started with Nix?
           | jeppesen-io wrote:
           | I'd just install nix + home-manager on your linux or Macos
           | box. That's not too hard. Then take one of your dotfiles
           | supported by home-manager e.g. kitty term, and port it to nix
           | + home-manager
           | No need to boil the ocean, just start small. You can mix and
           | match with what you're using now. If you like, port it all to
           | nix over time
           | e3bc54b2 wrote:
           | If you're looking to learn Nix start-to-end, there manuals
           | for Nix and NixOS, both are good.
           | This is an extensive study at trying to 'understand' Nix,
           | because is does so many things differently:
           | https://ianthehenry.com/posts/how-to-learn-nix/
           | If you're just looking to start building your system, follow
           | NixOS manual up until you have a running system, then pace
           | yourself as you will. You can also setup Nix on existing
           | Linux distro or macOS and practice the ropes before plunging
           | into NixOS.
         | pmarreck wrote:
         | > I wish Guix had the momentum and size of Nixpkgs. I'd much
         | prefer a Lisp than the language contraption of Nix
         | This is exactly my feeling as well. The fact that Guix uses
         | Guile (which is basically Scheme, a Lisp) throughout the entire
         | process (even from the preboot environment!) is kind of a big
         | deal. Plus the commandline UI is just _better_ (at least if you
         | prefer your package manager to look like  "brew install
         | <packagename>" instead of "pacman -Ssyyu <package>"). I know
         | the "nix" command is making headway there but it's apparently
         | also being rewritten at the same time and is basically still a
         | buggy clusterfuck plus I hear there's an added complication of
         | friction between the older nix devs and the newer committers
         | working on the newer stuff.
         | I almost wish there was a "declarative Bash" variant on a fork
         | of Nix that would allow people to lean on Bash knowledge but
         | would only permit declarative style operations, so you could
         | get the underlying Nix goodness but would have a more familiar
         | (to most) declarative command language on top of it... or even
         | better, something like https://wryun.github.io/es-shell/
         | ... but you'd still lose the nix momentum
           | cassepipe wrote:
           | How did you learn Guile ?
           | Here is my experience so far :
           | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=31558878
         | akavel wrote:
         | Notably, Nix with home-manager. Makes it pretty seamless for me
         | to switch between Linux, Mac, and between employers. I love it
         | even more since I got my home-manager config to be a Nix Flake
         | - this way I have it 100% deterministic and can
         | upgrade/downgrade the tool versions when I like without
         | worrying too much whether I'll be able to go back if something
         | breaks (having flake.lock versioned in git is kinda mandated
         | and checked by Flakes).
         | shreyshnaccount wrote:
         | Does having one gh repo with everything on there count? Asking
         | for a friend...
         | asiachick wrote:
         | So, not having heard of Nix, I go to their home page and watch
         | the video. It shows "nix-shell -p nodejs". Hmm, sounds like
         | it's using the apt-get version of node which is usually out of
         | date. It then shows making a shell.nix that enables nodejs and
         | commits it to a repo and suggests sharing it. This completely
         | ignores the fact that my various projects requires specific
         | versions of node. Maybe the first example shouldn't be one
         | that's pretty clearly wrong?
           | akho wrote:
           | > sounds like it's using the apt-get version of node which is
           | usually out of date
           | It's using the Nixpkgs version, which unfortunately depends
           | on which nixpkgs channel you're on. There's a `nodejs_latest`
           | attribute, which is actually latest (18.2.0 right now), as
           | well as `nodejs-12_x` or somesuch for past major versions
           | (where required by other nixpkgs packages). Plain `nodejs`
           | should be the LTS version.
           | > This completely ignores the fact that my various projects
           | requires specific versions of node
           | Nix allows you to pin either nixpkgs or a particular package
           | with commit-level granularity. I'm not sure this sort of
           | video is the right place to introduce that.
             | asiachick wrote:
             | would have been all that hard for the video to show
             | node-12.x instead of nodejs? I would have clearly shown
             | choosing a version instead of wrongly showing bad
             | unreproducible practices that makes anyone paying attention
             | question if the devs actually get what they're doing
             | akavel wrote:
             | Notably, with Nix Flakes, everything managed by Nix gets
             | automatically 100% precisely pinned to specific versions by
             | hash.
         | mekeor wrote:
         | there's a lispy alternative to nix, called gnu guix, which uses
         | guile/scheme instead of nix-lang.
           | e3bc54b2 wrote:
           | I know, I even mentioned it. Unfortunately and understandably
           | Guix means my WiFi won't work and there will be less stuff
           | supported OOTB. So I'll be on Nix for foreseeable future.
             | sierkov wrote:
             | https://gitlab.com/nonguix/nonguix ?
             | turboponyy wrote:
             | You can include community sources in order to use the
             | standard, non-libre Linux kernel - though my Guix
             | experience was a bit frustrating in part due to
             | complications such as this one compared to what I'm
             | currently experiencing with NixOS (thoroughly enjoying
             | it!).
             | There are a fair few very vocal former NixOS users who miss
             | no opportunity to extol the benefits of Guix in the
             | chatrooms I frequent, though. Not without merit either, I
             | should say: the project and its UX does seem to be much
             | more well-thought out; it's developed by GNU; the project
             | takes software freedom seriously; many will surely enjoy
             | hacking away at their config in Scheme. As it stands
             | currently, though, there are more resources and it's easier
             | to get things done with NixOS - you also get to use learn a
             | (imo really great) packaging system that is in somewhat
             | wide use.
           | cassepipe wrote:
           | I tried learning Guile some days ago because Guix seems so
           | cool and I like the idea that the configuration is not done
           | in a special purpose language.
           | Had never lisped before.
           | It seemed cool and I tried my hand with a tutorial that makes
           | you embed guile in a C program to make it interactive. It was
           | okay but it seemed like too much boilerplate to have to
           | register functions individually but maybe it is standard when
           | embedding. Never tried with lua or Janet before so I can't
           | say.
           | In general there is a lack of resources, it is quite hard as
           | a beginner to get a start with the language past playing with
           | the repl a little.
           | Also tried to see if there was a Guile version of the famous
           | SICP but ugh it was not straightforward.
           | I gave up. Hope Guix will foster better resources on Guile
           | Scheme.
       | pmarreck wrote:
       | wow, I didn't know about a lot of these useful tools, super cool!
       | kuon wrote:
       | I used to use stow to manage my dotfiles but this was a
       | cumbersome step that didn't provide any real advantage.
       | Now I just edit config files by hand and with zfs autosnapshot I
       | can easily rollback if needed.
       | I'd love to try something like nix, but I rely on many aur
       | packages that are bleeding edge for my workflow, I fear it would
       | be hard to be up to date with nix, but I have not tried yet.
         | ninjin wrote:
         | NixOS user here. My experience is that if you track unstable,
         | you will have bleeding edge packages within a day or two from
         | an upstream release. Likewise, due to how Nix works, you can
         | pick and mix from stable, unstable, and your own custom
         | expressions to your heart's content. My personal preference is
         | stable, with a very small subset of packages from unstable that
         | I try to peg back to stable once there is a new stable release.
         | I will not pretend that there is not a learning curve though,
         | Nix is a bit of a beast.
       | superpope99 wrote:
       | > You don't need to reload your shell when you work on it.
       | For this point - I use an alias                 alias
       | chalias="vim ~/.bash_aliases && source ~/.bash_aliases"
       | auto-reloads the aliases when you exit the file
         | MenaceInc wrote:
         | Aliases all the way down
       | sgiratch wrote:
       | The site from wayback machine since it died from hug of death
       | https://web.archive.org/web/20220529161019/https://evanhahn....
       | lobocinza wrote:
       | murder is similar to killall
       | thejosh wrote:
       | I have recently gone through mine when I finally changed to zsh
       | after using Bash for the last 16 years (starting on Ubuntu and
       | removed so many random commands I used. Now I barely need
       | anything, as the tooling is really good and is going through a
       | renaissance.
       | Ripgrep (coming from silversearcher a few years ago) is one of my
       | favourite tools I use constantly.
       | dividedbyzero wrote:
       | I use yadm (https://yadm.io/), very happy with it. It's a thin
       | wrapper above a git repo rooted in the user home that is
       | configured to ignore untracked files. yadm adds a bunch of
       | helpful convenience feature on top (like "alt files" that symlink
       | either one or the other file depending system tags or the OS, and
       | secrets [which I don't use])
       | mikewarot wrote:
       | As a long time Windows user... I had no idea, nor knowledge of
       | dotfiles. I found this introduction[1] which seems to explain it
       | fairly well, as far as I'm concerned.
       | I find the idea of having a file system full of links in it a bit
       | odd.... but I only discovered the nest of them in my Windows 10
       | system a month or so ago with the windows DIR /AL command. I'll
       | have to get over the cognitive dissonance and adjust to this new
       | reality.
       | 1 - https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/dotfiles-what-is-a-dot-
       | fil...
         | akavel wrote:
         | AFAIK, many Windows apps traditionally tend to use the registry
         | for storing their configs. Which I believe is a similarly odd
         | and foreign idea to most Linux users. On the other hand, before
         | there was the Registry, there were .INI files on Windows too,
         | so kinda similar like dotfiles.
         | dimgl wrote:
         | > I find the idea of having a file system full of links in it a
         | bit odd...
         | Windows has the same concept of a PATH, which is where your OS
         | looks for binaries. The difference is that Windows development
         | is, most of the time, not CLI driven, especially if you use
         | Visual Studio and other GUI tools.
         | Development in Windows is a completely different beast to
         | Linux/Unix.
         | tasuki wrote:
         | > I find the idea of having a file system full of links in it a
         | bit odd...
         | Why?
         | inetknght wrote:
         | > _I find the idea of having a file system full of links in it
         | a bit odd_
         | I used to be a Mac user. Everything stored settings in resource
         | forks and binary. When I moved to Windows, it was weird to have
         | a registry for most things and some things used .ini files that
         | were more useful. It was nice to have user-readable settings
         | even if they were in obscure places and directories.
         | When I moved to Linux, dotfiles all made a whole lot more
         | sense.
         | I've helped others learn how to Linux. Windows hides a _lot_ of
         | things in order to make the user experience idiot-friendly. I
         | 've had to un-teach them the crap that Windows teaches them.
       | tomxor wrote:
       | > Saying that I've been maintaining my dotfiles for a decade is
       | like saying that I've been decorating my home for a decade.
       | I think it's more like decorating your home for the first time
       | (which is a lot of work), but then in the proceeding years you
       | keep tweaking a few bits to your liking as you learn more about
       | "decoration".
       | The true benefits of the analogy break down a little, for
       | instance one big advantage is persistence, stability and control
       | - that some large corporation doesn't keep rudely breaking into
       | your home every month and forcefully redecorate everything with
       | the latest trend, or keep moving the furniture and light switches
       | around while you are asleep, and inserting annoying store fronts
       | into critical appliances like the fridge, or your toothpaste...
       | The other benefit being that you can fairly effortlessly take
       | your decorations with you to your next home!
         | unboxingelf wrote:
         | I've been decorating my home for a decade.
         | I've been decorating my $HOME for a decade.
           | tomxor wrote:
           | I quite like to destroy my $HOME occasionally
           | So I've been decorating my $XDG_CONFIG_DIRS for a decade.
           | [deleted]
       | bbkane wrote:
       | I used GNU Stow for a several years and always found it difficult
       | to tell what symlinks were actually being created, even in
       | verbose mode.
       | When I also ran into the stow bug with --dotfiles , I gave up on
       | stow and wrote fling ( https://github.com/bbkane/fling ), which
       | works quite similarly, but prints out what symlinks it plans to
       | create and asks for confirmation before making them. Being
       | written in Go, fling is also easy to install on Windows, which
       | has come in real handy on occasion.
         | asdfqwertzxcv wrote:
         | Looks excellent! This is my major gripe with Stow as well.
       | kkfx wrote:
       | My personal sauce is Emacs with org-mode configs to be tangled,
       | far more efficient than anything else tried before to manage
       | dotfiles I care, ignoring those I do not care...
       | NixOS (since unfortunately Guix System is still a bit raw for me)
       | complete tha game allowing to easy tangle the whole system config
       | and generate a custom iso with Emacs and all the rest.
       | Zsh complete the game as shell, eshell honestly it's on my list
       | but I still can't use it daily...
         | jamesmstone wrote:
         | hey thats neat! how do you build the iso?
           | kkfx wrote:
           | It's very simple, a basic NixOS config like
           | https://paste2.org/E5IUKfs9 built with                   nix-
           | build '<nixpkgs/nixos>' -A config.system.build.isoImage \
           | -I nixos-config=iso.nix
           | you can add anything else, for instance X config for
           | interactive usage, perhaps with the same (nearly) EXWM used
           | normally etc. Nix language is obscene but making iso is
           | awesome easy, just a matter of download and build time.
       | swyx wrote:
       | i couldnt figure out what "sfx good" was in the boop command so
       | in case anyone was wondering here is my mac osx equivalent
       | 110 boop () {         111   local last="$?"         112   if [[
       | "$last" == '0' ]]; then         113     afplay
       | /System/Library/Sounds/Glass.aiff         114   else         115
       | afplay /System/Library/Sounds/Submarine.aiff         116   fi
       | 117   $(exit "$last")         118 }
       | teodorlu wrote:
       | I love `entr`, but I've recently moved a lot of my `entr` usage
       | to `watchexec`. Entr requires a file list on stdin, watchexec
       | watches the current folder.
       | With entr:                   find . | entr COMMAND
       | with watchexec:                   watchexec COMMAND
       | Watchexec also gracefully handles new files and file deletions.
       | https://watchexec.github.io/
         | teodorlu wrote:
         | I think entr handles some things more cleanly, though:
         | 1. Some bash is allowed, which has been confusing me. I'd
         | rather call 'bash -c "echo stuff > file"' myself. 2. Watchexec
         | has its own interface for "filter which files to watch". Entr
         | just relies on unix tools.
         | fallat wrote:
         | The point is that entr can then focus only on specific files...
         | watchexec now has to add special behaviors for .gitignores and
         | whatnot. It's way more flexible and you can alias this so you
         | don't have to remember anything or save it to ~/bin/my-watcher-
         | thing.sh (both of these things I find people are not using
         | enough).
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