[HN Gopher] Dragonflydb - A modern replacement for Redis and Mem...
       Dragonflydb - A modern replacement for Redis and Memcached
       Author : avielb
       Score  : 489 points
       Date   : 2022-05-30 16:18 UTC (6 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (github.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (github.com)
       | maxpert wrote:
       | How does this compare to other multithreaded redis protocol
       | compatibles? KeyDB is one key player https://docs.keydb.dev/
         | jitl wrote:
         | The benchmark graph in README.md shows KeyDB. This thing is
         | faster according to the graphs.
         | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dragonflydb/dragonfly/main...
         | judofyr wrote:
         | KeyDB does network I/O and parsing on separate threads, but
         | still has one big lock around the data structures themselves.
         | DragonflyDB does full processing of the transaction on separate
         | threads.
         | [1] https://docs.keydb.dev/blog/2019/10/07/blog-post/
         | bushbaba wrote:
         | Also curious on how it compares to Aerospike.
           | romange wrote:
           | I do not even know how to to that comparison. Redis and DF
           | share the same protocol and the same API so it's each to
           | compare with memtier_benchmark.
       | thesuperbigfrog wrote:
       | So, per the license only non-production use is allowed until June
       | 2027 when this release changes to an Apache license?
       | https://github.com/dragonflydb/dragonfly/blob/main/LICENSE.m...
       | I understand wanting to protect your work from someone else
       | turning into a service, but I will need to get our org's legal
       | team to review it first.
         | OPoncz wrote:
         | License is standard BSL 1.1. which means you can use it in
         | production for your own workloads as long as you do not provide
         | DF as a managed service.
           | [deleted]
         | [deleted]
       | throwaway888abc wrote:
       | Impressive. Will give it try for internal benchmarks.
       | Homepage: https://dragonflydb.io/
       | Benchmark:
       | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dragonflydb/dragonfly/main...
       | metadat wrote:
       | C++? I was expecting Rust!
       | I am spoiled.
         | chimen wrote:
         | Rust folks, as do vegans, put the "Rust" in the title straight
         | away.
           | camdenlock wrote:
           | There's a reason there's significant overlap between those
           | two groups... ;)
       | abhi12_ayalur wrote:
       | Would this be able to eventually handle JSON/deep data similar to
       | RedisJSON? For my team's use case, this is crucial and what we're
       | using currently.
         | romange wrote:
         | We will be able. It's just matter of time and priorities.
       | Xeoncross wrote:
       | I want to take a minute to appreciate and recognize the
       | https://github.com/dragonflydb/dragonfly#background section.
       | A lot of projects say "faster" without giving some hint of the
       | things they did to achieve this. "A novel fork-less snapshotting
       | algorithm", "each thread would manage its own slice of dictionary
       | data", and "core hashtable structure" are all important
       | information that other projects often leave out.
         | staticassertion wrote:
         | Nothing gets me excited for a project like a bunch of cited
         | papers.
         | tiffanyh wrote:
         | Sounds similar to DragonflyBSD unique "virtual kernels"
         | (lockless SMP with per core hash tables)
         | https://www.dragonflybsd.org/
         | romange wrote:
         | Thank you. And if you are curious to learn more - we would love
         | to share! And we will.
         | [deleted]
       | staticassertion wrote:
       | Reminds me a bit of Scylladb with the focus on 'shard per core'.
       | I've considered using Scylla as a cache as well, might try this
       | out instead.
         | OPoncz wrote:
         | DF also has a noval eviction algorithm that combines LRU and
         | LFU which could be great for caching use cases.
           | staticassertion wrote:
           | Indeed, I have a use case that would benefit from that
           | (theoretically). I'll have to dig into the papers.
         | romange wrote:
         | ScyllaDB and Seastar was my insipration when I thought about
         | the architecture for Dragonfly
       | dragosbulugean wrote:
       | would love to hear why c++
         | romange wrote:
         | If I would choose another language it would be Rust. Why I did
         | not choose Rust?
         | 1. I speak fluently C++ and learning Rust would take me years.
         | 2. Foodchain of libraries that I am intimately fimiliar with in
         | C++ and I am not familiar with in Rust. Take Rust Tokyo, for
         | example. This is the de facto the standard for how to build I/O
         | backends. However if you benchmark Tokyo's min-redis with
         | memtier_benchmark you will see it has much lower throughput
         | than helio and much higher latency. (At least this is what I
         | observed a year ago). Tokyo is a combination of myriad design
         | decisions that authors of the framework had to do to serve the
         | mainstream of use-cases. helio is opinionated. DF is
         | opinionated. Shared-nothing architecture is not for everyone.
         | But if you master it - it's invincible. (and yeah - there is
         | zero chance I could write something like helio in Rust)...
           | jen20 wrote:
           | Tokio is not a shared-nothing model - you'd be looking at
           | Glommio [1] (from one of the contributors to Seastar) for
           | that.
           | [1]: https://github.com/DataDog/glommio
         | infamouscow wrote:
         | The deal breaker for me was stable Rust doesn't have fast
         | thread locals[1] nor stack probes for arm64[2].
         | [1]: https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/29594
         | [2]: https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/77071
       | ed25519FUUU wrote:
       | To me the focus on speed is a wash now. They're all fast. I'd
       | like to hear about easy cross-region replication and failover as
       | well as effortless snapshot and restoring of backups.
         | OPoncz wrote:
         | Actually snapshot is done in the background and does not use
         | fork like Redis. You can see it here:
         | https://github.com/dragonflydb/dragonfly#memory-efficiency-b...
       | welder wrote:
       | > Probably, the fastest in-memory store in the universe!
       | Redis is fast enough. Read/write speed isn't usually the
       | bottleneck, it's limiting your data set to RAM. I've long ago
       | switched to a disk-backed Redis clone (called SSDB) that solved
       | all my scaling problems.
         | FpUser wrote:
         | Google search on SSDB - "Saskatchewan Sheep Development Board"
         | ;) Well to its credit it did find and put proper one to the
         | front page as well.
         | shin_lao wrote:
         | Fast enough, for the universe of applications you are aware of.
           | welder wrote:
           | Yea, faster is always better. I just run into storage
           | bottlenecks first in my experience at big and small
           | companies.
             | redman25 wrote:
             | He seems to mention memory efficiency as well.
         | sontek wrote:
         | Haha, I thought the same thing until it wasn't! It turns out
         | there are a lot of humans in the world and if you are
         | unfortunate enough to get a large portion of them to start
         | utilizing the software you write you'll find some bottlenecks
         | in almost every system you thought was fast enough.
       | sudarshnachakra wrote:
       | I like the redis protocol compatibility and the HTTP
       | compatibility, but from the initial skim through I guess you are
       | using abseil-cpp and the home-grown helio
       | (https://github.com/romange/helio) library.
       | Could you get me a one liner on the helio library is it used as a
       | fiber wrapper around the io_uring facility in the kernel? Can it
       | be used as a standalone library for implementing fibers in
       | application code?
       | Also it seems that spinlock has become a defacto standard in the
       | DB world today, thanks for not falling into the trap (because 90%
       | of the users of any DB do not need spinlocks).
       | Another curious question would be - why not implement with
       | seastar (since you're not speaking to disk often enough)?
         | romange wrote:
         | Yes, helio is the library that allows you to build c++ backends
         | easily similar to Seastar. Unlike Seastar that is designed as
         | futures and continuations library, helio uses fibers which I
         | think simpler to use and reason about. I've wrote a few blog
         | posts a while ago about fibers and Seastar:
         | https://www.romange.com/2018/07/12/seastar-asynchronous-c-fr...
         | one of them. You will see there a typical Seastar flow with
         | continuations. I just do not like this style and I think C++ is
         | not a good fit for it. Having said that, I do think Seastar is
         | 5-star framework and the team behind it are all superstars. I
         | learned about shared-nothing architecture from Seastar.
         | Re helio: You will find examples folder inside the projects
         | with sample backends: echo_server and pingpong_server. Both are
         | similar but the latter speaks RESP. I also implemented a toy
         | midi-redis project https://github.com/romange/midi-redis which
         | is also based on helio.
         | In fact dragonfly evolved from it. Another interesting moment
         | about Seastarr - I decided to adopt io_uring as my only polling
         | API and Seastar did not use io_uring at that time.
           | sudarshnachakra wrote:
           | Thanks for taking the time to reply - yes in fact seastar
           | does not use io_uring but it's rust equivalent glommio does
           | use it (IIRC it is based on io_uring). Any reasons for using
           | c++ instead of Rust (are u more familiar with it? or just the
           | learning curve hinders the time to market? or is it the
           | Rc/Arc fatigue with rust async? I guess Rust should be a
           | fairly easy language to pick up for good c++ programmers like
           | you)
             | romange wrote:
             | If I would choose another language it would be Rust. Why I
             | did not choose Rust?
             | 1. I speak fluently C++ and learning Rust would take me
             | years. 2. Foodchain of libraries that I am intimately
             | fimiliar with in C++ and I am not familiar with in Rust.
             | Take Rust Tokyo, for example. This is the de facto standard
             | for how to build I/O backends. However if you benchmark
             | Tokyo's min-redis with memtier_benchmark you will see it
             | has much lower throughput than helio and much higher
             | latency. (At least this is what I observed a year ago).
             | Tokyo is a combination of myriad design decisions that
             | authors of the framework had to do to serve tha mainstream
             | of use-cases. helio is opinionated. DF is opinionated.
             | Shared-nothing architecture is not for everyone. But if you
             | master it - it's invincible.
       | mamcx wrote:
       | Aside nit-pick: I think is dangerous call anything "db" if is not
       | safely stored with Acid.
       | People not read docs neither know the consequences of words like
       | "eventual" or "in memory" and star using this kind of software as
       | primary data stores, instead of caches/ephemeral ones...
         | vorpalhex wrote:
         | I think thats an issue with people who don't read/comprehend
         | the docs.
         | romange wrote:
         | Ok you got us. We chose dragonglydb and not dragonflystore just
         | because the former sounds better on tongue :)
         | Having said that we carefully choose to write everywhere in the
         | docs thay we are in-memory store (and not the database).
         | Btw, I reserve full rights to provide full durability
         | guarantees for DF and to claim the database title in the
         | future.
           | vvern wrote:
           | dragonflycache sounds reasonable.
         | wutwutwutwut wrote:
         | Haha, what. If you run a database without reading the
         | documentation then you're the dangerous part, not the ACID-
         | compliance aspects.
         | For _any_ database there will be important information only
         | available in the documentation.
           | mamcx wrote:
           | > If you run a database without reading the documentation
           | then you're the dangerous part
           | I think that covers almost all the whole dev population, for
           | what I see in relation with RDBMS. Lucky us most RDBMs shield
           | the mistakes in their usage, a lot.
           | That is why I see is "dangerous" to call ephemeral/eventual
           | stores as "db". Marketing/positioning have impacts...
             | wutwutwutwut wrote:
             | All databases are ephemeral if the person running it don't
             | read the docs. Your comment is hence fully redundant, as
             | opposed to the default single-node install of any DBMS.
         | staticassertion wrote:
         | So Cassandra isn't a database? I'd say "thing that manages
         | data" is a database, which is to say, a _lot_ of things are
         | databases.
           | cormacrelf wrote:
           | Everything is either a database or a compiler.
             | Xeoncross wrote:
             | We've identified the final hacker project
               | Sebb767 wrote:
               | Technically, a traditional optimizer is an SQL compiler.
             | mrkurt wrote:
             | Or a proxy.
               | qeternity wrote:
               | A proxy is just a really fast dynamic linker.
             | c0l0 wrote:
             | Actually, everything is a routing problem.
         | morelisp wrote:
         | All of A, C, and I only make sense defined relative to a
         | particular transaction vocabulary. Redis is perfectly ACID, as
         | long as your transactions are those supported by Redis's
         | commands.
         | Conversely, plenty of DBs with programmable transactions (e.g.
         | SQL) are considered work-a-day "ACID" enough, despite some
         | massive gaps in their transactional model (no DDL in
         | transactions, no nested transactions, atomic only when below a
         | certain size, etc.)
       | antirez wrote:
       | I'm no longer involved in Redis, but I would love if people
       | receive a clear information: from what the author of Dragonflydb
       | is saying here, that is, memcached and Draonflydb have similar
       | performance, I imagine that the numbers provided in the
       | comparison with Redis are obtain with Redis on a single core, and
       | Draonflydb running on all the cores of the machine. Now, it is
       | true that Redis uses a core per instance, but it is true that
       | this is comparing apple-to-motorbikes. Multi-key operations are
       | possible even with multiple instances (via key tags), so the
       | author should compare N Redis instances (one per core), and
       | report the numbers. Then they should say: "but our advantage is
       | that you can run a single instance with this and that good
       | thing". Moreover I believe it would be fair to memcached to
       | clearly state they have the same performance.
       | EDIT: another quick note: copy-on-write implementations on the
       | user space, algorithmically, are cool in certain situations, but
       | it must be checked what happens in the _worst_ case. Because the
       | good thing of kernel copy-on-write is that, it is what it is, but
       | is easy to predict. Imagine an instance composed of just very
       | large sorted sets: snapshotting starts, but there are a lot of
       | writes, and all the sorted sets end being duplicated in the
       | process. When instead the sorted sets are able to remember their
       | version because the data structure _itself_ is versioned, you get
       | two things: 1. more memory usage, 2. a lot more complexity in the
       | implementation. I don 't know what dragonflydb is using as
       | algorithmic copy-on-write, but I would make sure to understand
       | what the failure modes are with those algorithm, because it's a
       | bit a matter of physics: if you want to capture a snapshot at a
       | given Time T0 of a database, somehow changes must be accumulated.
       | Either at page level or at some other level.
       | EDIT 2: fun fact, I didn't comment something about Redis for two
       | years!
         | [deleted]
         | romange wrote:
         | Thanks for providing your feedback. As Redis Manifesto states -
         | our goal is to fight against complexity. antirez - you are our
         | inspiration and I seriously take your manifesto close to heart.
         | Please allow the possibility that Redis can be improved and
         | should be improved. Otherwise other systems will eventually
         | take its market apart.
         | I appreciate your comments very much. I've wrote about you in
         | my blog. I am an engineer and I disagree with some of the
         | design decisions that were made in Redis and I decided to do
         | something about it :) to your points:
         | 1. DF provides _full_ compatibility with single node Redis
         | while running on all cores, compared to Redis cluster that can
         | not provide multi-key operations across slots.
         | 2. Much stronger point - we provide much simpler system since
         | you do not need to manage k processes, you do not need to
         | *provision* k capacities that managed independently within each
         | process and you do not need to monitor those processes,
         | load/save k snapshots etc. Our snapshotting is point in time on
         | all cores.
         | 3. Due to pooling of resources DF is more cost efficient. It's
         | more versatile. We have a design partner that could reduce its
         | costs by factor of 3 just because he could use x2gd machine
         | with extra high memory configuration.
         | Regarding your note about memcached - while we provide similar
         | performance like memcached our product proposition is anything
         | unlike memcached and it's more similar to Redis. Having said
         | that - I will add comparison to memcached. I do believe that
         | memcached as performant as DF because essentially it's just an
         | epoll loop over multiple threads.
         | Re you comment about snapshotting. We also push the data into
         | serialization sink upon write, hence we do not need to
         | aggregate changes until the snapshot completes. The complex
         | part is to ensure that no key is written twice and that we
         | ensure with versioning. I do agree that there can be extreme
         | cases where we need to duplicate memory usage for some entries
         | but it's only for the entries at flight - those that are being
         | processed for serialization.
         | Update: re versioning and memory efficiency. We use DashTable
         | that is more memory efficient that Redis-Dict. In addition,
         | DashTable has a concept of bucket that is comprised of multiple
         | slots (14 in our implementation). We maintain a single 64bit
         | version per bucket and we serialize all the entries in the
         | bucket at once. Naturally, it reduces the overhead of keeping
         | versions. Overall, for small value workloads we are 30-40% more
         | efficient in memory than Redis.
       | manigandham wrote:
       | Interesting project. Very similar to KeyDB [1] which also
       | developed a multi-threaded scale-up approach to Redis. It's since
       | been acquired by Snapchat. There's also Aerospike [2] which has
       | developed a lot around low-latency performance.
       | 1. https://docs.keydb.dev/
       | 2. https://aerospike.com/
         | romange wrote:
         | True. Keydb tackled the same problems as us. But we chose
         | differrent paths. We decided to go for a complete redesign,
         | feeling that there is a critical mass of innovation out there
         | that can be applied for inmemory store. KeyDb wanted to stay
         | close with the source and be able to integrate quickly with
         | recent developments in Redis. Both paths have their own pros
         | and cons.
           | manigandham wrote:
           | I see from the blog posts that you looked at KeyDB and
           | Scylla/Seastar for background. I agree with both approaches -
           | fewer but bigger instances and shared-nothing thread-per-core
           | architecture - and it was a major reason for switching to
           | ScyllaDB in my previous startup.
           | Will definitely follow this to see how it develops. Good
           | luck.
             | romange wrote:
             | Thanks!
       | wnzl wrote:
       | This looks really good! I gave it a thorough look and is
       | definitely something I'd consider using. Maybe as canary in one
       | of our systems.
       | Youth of product makes it bit scary to use fully in mission
       | critical systems - given how many problems with Redis started to
       | show up under proper load. But definitely on my watch list.
       | romange wrote:
       | Guys, I am the author of the project. Would love to answer any
       | questions you have. Meanwhile will try to do it by replying
       | comments below.
         | reilly3000 wrote:
         | This looks like awesome work! I appreciate you operationalizing
         | of some of the best things to come from computer science in the
         | past decade or so.
         | Out of curiosity, are you discovering any new bottlenecks to
         | performance outside of the software, given Dragonfly is able to
         | process far more qps than most systems? I imagine the network
         | and disk I/O could become stressed, but also I wonder if it
         | breaks any assumptions of cross-core performance, hypervisors,
         | etc. I know that cloud offerings typically mean that you can
         | attach ginormous disk IOPS and NICs, but surely there are
         | limits.
         | [deleted]
         | staticassertion wrote:
         | Have any thoughts on Anna? They take a similar kind of shared-
         | nothing approach, with CALM communication primitives.
           | romange wrote:
           | I remember that I read about Anna. Very interesting paper.
           | From what I remember that require that the operations will be
           | conflict free.
           | I think came to conclusion that it could be interesting as an
           | independent (novel) store but not something that can
           | implement Redis with its complicated multi-model API,
           | transactions and blocking commands. I do not remember all the
           | details though...
           | ignoramous wrote:
           | Anna is a KV store, for those out of loop:
           | https://muratbuffalo.blogspot.com/2022/04/anna-key-value-
           | sto...
         | frankdejonge wrote:
         | Any intention to implement Redis Streams?
           | kamranjon wrote:
           | +1 to this question
             | romange wrote:
             | Guys, please open a bug in the repo and plus one it there
             | :)
             | We plan to implement everything but your votes can affect
             | the priority of the tasks.
         | cultofmetatron wrote:
         | I gotta say, I looked through some files. I wish my code was
         | this clean. its some of the prettiest c++ I've ever seen
           | pierrebai wrote:
           | I dunno... I took a look at a single file and found:
           | static constexpr unsigned NUM_SLOTS = Policy::kSlotNum;
           | static constexpr unsigned BUCKET_CNT = Policy::kBucketNum;
           | static constexpr unsigned STASH_BUCKET_NUM =
           | Policy::kStashBucketNum;
           | NUM_, _CNT, _NUM, three different prefix/suffix for what
           | seems to me like the same concept. That just tickled my inner
           | nit-picker.
             | romange wrote:
             | Everyone has his dirty laundry :(
             | romange wrote:
             | You are welcomed to send a PR with the fix :)
           | romange wrote:
           | omg, can I marry you?
             | romange wrote:
             | btw, it's not just pretty - it has brains too. take it for
             | a spin.
               | cultofmetatron wrote:
               | is there an elixir client library?
         | rkunde wrote:
         | Do you know how DFDB compares, architecturally and performance-
         | wise, to Pelikan and its different engines?
           | romange wrote:
           | Not really but I read pelikan posts by twitter team.
           | One thing in common - we both thought that cache-based
           | heuristics can be largely improved compared to
           | memcached/redis implementations. We did it differently
           | though. I think our cache design has academic novelty - I
           | will write a separate post about it.
         | nextaccountic wrote:
         | Have you thought about also offering dragonflydb as a library,
         | like sqlite? This would avoid context switching when running
         | everything on the same machine.
           | romange wrote:
           | it could be done technically. not sure how widespread that
           | usecase would be.
           | dragonfly is a linking of a library and a main file
           | dfly_main.cc so without this file you will have the lib.
           | Redis is "Remote Dictionary Server". You gonna loose the
           | remote part :)
             | obert wrote:
             | for development and demos it would help a lot, son one just
             | runs the project at hand, instead of managing multiple
             | procs
         | oneepic wrote:
         | Apologies if this was already asked -- I saw you guys already
         | showed benchmarks in AWS itself, but would it make sense to
         | have some benchmarks outside of AWS (or run benchmarks in a VM
         | with Redis/DF/Keydb installed within)?
         | I ask this because I'm unsure if AWS Redis has any
         | modifications on top of the Redis software itself, which would
         | affect the speed, or even make it a bit slower. For example I
         | know MS Azure's version of Redis restricted certain commands,
         | and from a quick search AWS does something similar:
         | https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonElastiCache/latest/red-ug/...
         | (edit: added "affect the speed" for clarity)
           | romange wrote:
           | We compared DF with Redis OSS and KeyDB OSS, we have not used
           | any of managed services for the comparison. AWS was used as a
           | platform for using EC2 and cloud environment.
         | kodbraker wrote:
         | hey, great work. I couldn't find the specifics of the
         | benchmark. Is there, by any chance you compare 1 instance of
         | single threaded redis running on 64vcore to a multithreaded
         | key-value store?
         | Can we see such disparity in benchmark even if we run Ncore
         | instances of redis in parallel?
         | thatwasunusual wrote:
         | Two things:
         | Where's the benchmark compared to memcached?
         | Several years ago there was memcachedb, which could flush stuff
         | to disk. While this operation was expensive, it was also
         | useful, because you could restart instances without being
         | overwhelmed by missing keys (data).
         | For the latter: your application quickly grinds to a halt if
         | you need to build your cache from ground up after some kind of
         | crash. This is a deal-breaker for many.
         | treis wrote:
         | Is there any catch or gotcha for using this as a drop in
         | replacement for Redis?
           | jkmcf wrote:
           | It's only at release 0.1 so I'd let them bake a little
           | longer!
           | Looks awesome so far, though!
           | tlarkworthy wrote:
           | I can see it's missing some important commands like WATCH,
           | and maybe the WAL for high durability contexts.
           | Strom wrote:
           | A lot less features. If you don't care about the missing
           | features, then it might be a completely reasonable
           | replacement.
             | romange wrote:
             | I've been working on DF for the last 6 months and I
             | implemented ~130 commands. It's still missing about 40% of
             | the commands to reach parity with v5/v6.
             | I will continue working on DF. Primary/Secondary
             | replication is my next milestone.
               | treis wrote:
               | How apples to apples is the performance comparison given
               | these missing commands?
           | [deleted]
         | simonw wrote:
         | Is this a project of https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atos ? How
         | big is the team, how is it funded and suchlike?
           | romange wrote:
           | no it's not us. we are two guys right now. bootstrapped with
           | hopes that community will embrace the project and we will be
           | able to grow the team.
             | simonw wrote:
             | What an impressive start to the project! Good luck, I hope
             | you get to grow it in the ways you have planned.
         | thecleaner wrote:
         | What prompted you to write DragonflyDB ? How did you know that
         | Redis would consume more memory ?
           | romange wrote:
           | Sorry, missed your second question. Redis is using fork-based
           | save for snapshotting and full replica sync. This means that
           | memory pages are duplicated on write. That consumes more
           | memory than DF implementation that implements algorithmic
           | point-in-time snapshotting. In addition DF was designed to
           | use less overhead memory in its keys table. As for the why,
           | you can read about it here:
           | https://github.com/dragonflydb/dragonfly#background
           | romange wrote:
           | I've wrote in in the background section of Readme.
           | Basically, I worked in a cloud company in a team that
           | provided a managed service for Redis and Memcached. I
           | witnessed lots of problems that our customers experienced due
           | to scale problems of Redis. I knew that these problems are
           | solveable but only if the whole system would be redesigned
           | from scratch. At some point I decided to challenge the status
           | quo, so I left the company and..and here we are.
         | tdullien wrote:
         | Good stuff :-) I would also love to see a comparison against
         | Scylla and Aerospike, even if the use-case seems slightly
         | different?
           | romange wrote:
           | I do not know about aerospike, have never run their software
           | but Scylla are the champions in what they are doing. Having
           | said that, Scylla provide full durability guarantees, that
           | means they need to touch a disk upon each write or update.
           | Disk I/O is relativle expensive in the cloud and requires
           | either large instances or special storage optimized family
           | types like i3 etc.
           | Long story short, I do think Dragonfly is the fastest in-
           | memory database in terms of throughput and latency today. We
           | will see if we manage to stay this way when we extend our
           | capabilities with SSD tiering.
         | soheil wrote:
         | I find the Redis benchmark suspect. Did you disable write to
         | disk and live snapshotting? In production Redis shouldn't be
         | configured with write to disk.
           | romange wrote:
           | Of course, I disabled. Why do you think it's suspicious? P.S.
           | You can easily reproduce it - I wrote the command line and
           | the instance type.
           | OPoncz wrote:
           | Yes
         | ignoramous wrote:
         | Thanks for your work.
         | Curious: Why BSL? Why not open core [0] (or xGPLv3) like what
         | most other commercial OSS projects seem to be doing?
         | [0] https://archive.is/nT9DF#selection-410.0-410.1
           | felixg3 wrote:
           | They probably don't want to end up being replaced by an
           | AWS/GCP/Azure service. In my opinion, the BSL is a fair
           | license model, especially if it is limited in duration (let's
           | say 2-3 years BSL then automatically changing to Apache/BSD).
             | ethbr0 wrote:
             | A duration limit in the license, after which it becomes a
             | permissive license, seems the critical point.
             | Accomplishes the goal of preventing a cloud provider from
             | stealing customers, but also ensures customers don't get
             | caught in an "always tomorrow" trap when the deadline comes
             | and the company realizes it only hurts them to fully share
             | it.
             | Seems to align all interests pretty nicely.
             | (I'm as big of an OSS supporter as anyone, but we can't
             | pretend we still live in a time where Google / Amazon /
             | modern-Microsoft don't exist)
           | oofbey wrote:
           | This looks quite cool from a technical perspective, but the
           | unusual license definitely gives me pause. Largely because
           | I'm not familiar with BSL. Others say it's increasingly
           | popular, but with a little googling the acronym is still
           | somewhat ambiguous - opensource.org lists BSL as the "Boost
           | Software License" which looks more like BSD. This kind of
           | confusion doesn't support the idea that this is a solid
           | trustworthy OSS license.
           | Still, I really appreciate that you didn't choose a copy-left
           | license.
           | On the license front, what is the "change license" clause
           | listed? It says something about changing in 5 years. Does
           | this mean it will become Apache licensed in 2027? Why would
           | you put that in there?
             | romange wrote:
             | It's exactly that. It gives us a little chance to fight
             | against the Giants.
             | In 5 years the initial version becomes Apache 2.0 then the
             | next version and so on and so forth. CockroachDB uses
             | similar license. MariaDB uses that, Redpanda Data and
             | others. You are right that acronym is confusing - it's not
             | Boost license, it's Business License. Every major
             | technological startup turned away from BSD/Apache 2.0
             | licenses due to inability to compete with cloud providers
             | without technological edge.
               | stinkiephish wrote:
               | Bravo for picking the BSL and writing your license the
               | way you have. It shows maturity in that you and your
               | company know what they are doing and intend to be there
               | for the long haul.
               | benatkin wrote:
               | > Every major technological startup turned away from
               | BSD/Apache 2.0 licenses due to inability to compete with
               | cloud providers without technological edge.
               | No, there are plenty that still use permissive licenses.
               | GitLab uses MIT and a custom license for EE:
               | https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/development/licensing.html
               | Deno uses an MIT license and has some secret sauce that
               | is currently just in hosted services AFAIK:
               | https://github.com/denoland/deno/blob/main/LICENSE.md
               | PlanetScale has hosted services and an open source tool
               | called Vitess which is Apache licensed:
               | https://planetscale.com/
               | https://github.com/vitessio/vitess
               | Finally Redis has a BSD licensed core, a source available
               | license for additional modules, and a closed source
               | license for enterprise. https://redis.com/legal/licenses/
               | JoshTriplett wrote:
               | I certainly don't think you should pick a permissive
               | license, and find yourself under competition from
               | companies running your own software.
               | However, I'm sad that instead of going with an Open
               | Source license that protects against that, you're using a
               | proprietary license. That alone is a nonstarter for many
               | users, not because they want to compete with you but
               | because they want to protect themselves and make sure
               | they have a firm foundation to build on.
               | Much of the software you're citing as examples moved from
               | Open Source to proprietary, harming their users in the
               | process, and causing many users to seek alternatives.
               | romange wrote:
               | We do not choose AGPL so we _would not_ harm our users.
               | Lets not confuse the means and the goal here. AGPL is
               | copyleft and restricting. Fair users refuse using it. OSI
               | does not help technological companies to find a fair
               | solution and force us to go outside of  "OSS".
               | arinlen wrote:
               | > _We do not choose AGPL so we would not harm our users._
               | This is a first. If anything, it seems clear that a FLOSS
               | license such as AGPL achieves exactly the opposite: is
               | highly protective of the users' best interests, both in
               | the short term and long term.
               | Could you elaborate on why do you think that users are
               | harmed by standard, run-of-the-mill FLOSS licenses?
               | riquito wrote:
               | I don't want to enter in the merit of your company's
               | choice, it's definitely up to you what license to use,
               | but I'm confused about that statement around AGPL. How
               | would AGPL harm users?
               | jitl wrote:
               | Do you think AGPL offers such protection? I think even
               | AGPL is fine for Amazon et al, they are happy to dump the
               | code somewhere while selling a managed service with
               | enough wrapper layers. But AGPL is toxic also for self-
               | hosters who _aren't_ trying to build a managed hosting
               | service, since it applies equally against all parties.
               | [deleted]
               | rglullis wrote:
               | AGPL does not require source distribution of your
               | application, unless the AGPL code is accessed directly by
               | your users.
               | So, if this were AGPL and I have an closed webservice
               | that uses this, it is in the clear.
               | goodpoint wrote:
               | > AGPL is toxic also for self-hosters who aren't trying
               | to build a managed hosting service
               | Absolutely not. First of all, you can always use any
               | software under AGPL as released without any limitation.
               | Secondly, if you were to make changes and release them
               | you can still run it any way you want.
               | Thirdly, if you are making changes for internal use, and
               | for some reasons your really want to keep them secret,
               | you can STILL run the database to your heart's contents
               | as long as you don't provide it as a service to the
               | public.
               | AGPL is much more permissive than people think. It's just
               | providing a degree of protection to developers and and
               | users from patent trolls and other uncooperative
               | entities.
           | sideeffffect wrote:
           | This BSL Business Source License is endorsed by neither the
           | Free Software Foundation nor OSI
           | https://www.gnu.org/licenses/license-list.en.html
           | https://opensource.org/licenses/alphabetical
           | That's a big red flag.
           | OPoncz wrote:
           | GPL is copyleft and more restrictive in some elements. BSL
           | 1.1 is actually quite popular nowdays.
         | AtNightWeCode wrote:
         | From my experience, Redis performance seems to be all over the
         | place depending on the circumstances. In what cases does this
         | solution perform well and where does it fail? Most caches I
         | worked with really love to have everything close by at low
         | latency and works best when the consumers have about as much
         | memory as the cache in the first place.
         | ddorian43 wrote:
         | Did you think about re-using redis open source and "just"
         | changing storage/replication? (like yugabytedb does with
         | postgresql).
         | Why not reuse seastar framework?
         | Can you describe your distributed log thing? Is it like
         | facebook-logdevice or apache-bookeeper?
           | romange wrote:
           | I honestly think it's impossible to reuse Redis OSS to make
           | it multi-threaded besides what KeyDB did. Btw, I did reuse
           | some of the code - but it's around single value data-
           | structures like zset, hset etc.
           | With multi-threading you need to think about all things
           | holistically. How you handle backpressure, how you do
           | snapshotting. How you implement multi-key operations or
           | blocking transactions. So you need special algorithms to
           | provide atomicity, you need fibers/coroutines to be able to
           | block your calling context yet unblock the cpu for other
           | tasks etc. All this was designed bottom up from scratch.
           | Seastar could work theoretically but I am not a fan of coding
           | style with futures and continuations - they are pretty
           | confusing, especially in C++. My choice was using fibers -
           | which provide more natural way of writing code.
           | I have not designed the distributed long thingy. Will do it
           | in the next 2 months.
         | kristianpaul wrote:
         | Do you have a saas cloud offering like redis cloud?
           | romange wrote:
           | not yet. We are focused on building the community at this
           | point.
         | baobob wrote:
         | Benchmarks done on only one metric are often misleading (and in
         | commercial circumstances usually intentionally!). Would love to
         | see visually what trade offs Dragonfly is making to achieve the
         | numbers from the chart at the top of the README. If excellent
         | technical work means there really is no trade off, that would
         | also be a great reason to chart it visually.
         | Also as a Redis replacement, it's not clear what durability is
         | offered, and for most Redis use cases this is close to the
         | first question
           | YarickR2 wrote:
           | Tradeoff is inability to run on anything besides recent Linux
           | kernels
             | miohtama wrote:
             | Does anyone run production Redis/memcached outside Linux
             | any case?
             | tyingq wrote:
             | I suppose because of io_uring?
             | It does sound like extendible hashing might have downsides
             | in some scenarios also.
           | romange wrote:
           | How you would suggest to demonstrate visually that there are
           | no trade-offs?
           | The tradeoff the way I see it - one needs to implement 200
           | Redis commands from scratch. Besides, I think DF has a
           | marginally higher 50th percentile latency. Say, if Redis has
           | 0.3ms for 50th percentile, DF can have 0.4ms because it uses
           | message passing for inter-thread communication. 99th
           | percentiles are better in DF for the same throughput because
           | DF uses more cpu power which reduces variance under load.
           | Re-durability - what durability is offerred by Redis? AOF ?
           | We will provide similar durability guarantees with better
           | performance than AOF. We already provide snapshotting that
           | can be 30-50 faster than of Redis.
             | pcthrowaway wrote:
             | Does Dragonfly have a timeseries extension? Or does it
             | support extensions?
           | thayne wrote:
           | Presumably, most of the performance benefit comes from using
           | linux io_uring, which limits it to using recent linux
           | kernels.
           | Of course, it is also possible there are situations where it
           | doesn't perform as well.
       | tiffanyh wrote:
       | FoundationDB should have been included in their perf comparison.
       | It's ACID compliant and a distributed Value/Key store.
       | For SSD based storage, it's getting 50k reads/sec PER core and
       | scales linearly with # of cores you have in your cluster. (They
       | achieved 8MM reads/sec with 384 cores)
       | https://apple.github.io/foundationdb/performance.html
         | atombender wrote:
         | FoundationDB does have impressive performance, but implementing
         | compound operations like INCR, APPEND, etc. would require at
         | least an additional network round trip between the client and
         | the server.
         | For example, INCR would require one read followed by one write
         | of the new value, and of course this will result in very
         | inefficient mutation range conflicts (which must be retried for
         | another couple of round trips) if you have frequent updates of
         | the same keys in multiple concurrent transactions.
           | sorenbs wrote:
           | FDB supports atomic operations that you can use to implement
           | at least some of this very easily in a way that avoids the
           | extra round trip and conflicts:
           | https://apple.github.io/foundationdb/developer-
           | guide.html#at...
           | spullara wrote:
           | FDB also supports some atomic operations that may decrease
           | the number of roundtrips and remove conflicts:
           | https://apple.github.io/foundationdb/api-python.html#api-
           | pyt...
           | That said, I still don't think that it is necessarily the
           | perfect match for implementing some of the Redis data
           | structures.
             | atombender wrote:
             | I had completely forgotten about those built-in ones.
             | Right, so some operations can be made fully atomic server-
             | side, but there are still a bunch of ops (append, pubsub,
             | set commands such as SADD, etc.) that would need round
             | trips.
               | spullara wrote:
               | SADD wouldn't need a round trip since it is idempotent.
               | You would just do a blind set which doesn't even require
               | a transaction in FDB. Likewise, most of the other ones
               | can be reframed / designed to not require round trips. I
               | would still not use it as the backend unless I already
               | had FDB in my solution and this was just an additional
               | database type that I needed without ultimate performance
               | as the constraint.
               | atombender wrote:
               | SADD needs to return a value indicating whether the
               | member was added or not, so I don't think you could avoid
               | a round trip, since FDB doesn't have a "set if not
               | exists".
         | wutwutwutwut wrote:
         | > scales linearly with # of cores you have in your cluster.
         | So if I have 1 machine and increase from 2 to 256 core the
         | throughout will scale linearly without the SSD ever being a
         | bottleneck?
           | gigatexal wrote:
           | "Distributed" is the keyword here. You scale cores and
           | storage with machines...
       | sirsinsalot wrote:
       | What about it makes it a "modern" replacement rather than just a
       | replacement? Is there something about Redis and Memcached that is
       | "outdated" in the (relatively) short time span they've existed
       | (compared to something like C)?
         | robertlagrant wrote:
         | Modern and outdated are not the only options to classify things
         | with. Even the example you give, C, is both not modern and not
         | outdated.
         | [deleted]
         | spullara wrote:
         | I'd say using io-uring is an example of modern since it has
         | only been available since 5.10 of the kernel. They also sit on
         | some more recent research on data structures that perform well
         | in multithreaded systems.
         | https://github.com/dragonflydb/dragonfly#background
         | jandrewrogers wrote:
         | It is "modern" in the sense that the design and architecture is
         | idiomatic for high-performance software on recent computing
         | hardware. The main advantage of modern (in this sense)
         | implementations is that they use the hardware _much_ more
         | efficiently and completely for current workloads, enabling much
         | higher throughput on the same hardware.
           | sirsinsalot wrote:
           | Which means the "modern" usage in the title is only true if
           | Redis and Memcache fail to do those things.
             | jasonwatkinspdx wrote:
             | Mainline memcached is very well tuned, so it's sort of the
             | odd one out here.
             | But yes, Redis is very much designed against the grain of
             | modern hardware. It also is a very minimalist design, that
             | works well within its limits, but falls down hard when you
             | push those limits, particularly with snapshotting and
             | replication.
             | jandrewrogers wrote:
             | Yes, exactly. When people talk about about "modern" in the
             | context of software performance, it usually denotes
             | software architecture choices. If someone did a forklift
             | upgrade to the software architecture of Redis etc, then
             | they would be modern too.
             | In practice, software architecture is forever. It is nearly
             | impossible to change the fundamental architecture of
             | software people use because applications become adapted to
             | the specific behavioral quirks of the architecture i.e.
             | Hyrum's Law, which would not be preserved if the
             | architecture was re-designed wholesale.
         | AtNightWeCode wrote:
         | "modern" is a bs detector for sure
           | romange wrote:
           | The fact that we based our core hashtable implementation on
           | paper from 2020 does not justify it?
             | akie wrote:
             | I think the key takeaway here is that people are allergic
             | to that word.
               | sirsinsalot wrote:
               | Not really, it just implies that the competition is not
               | modern, without qualification. I think asking for
               | qualification in this case is fair if we are to conclude
               | Redis and Memcache have aged to the point of needing a
               | replacement.
               | Modern is used here as a selling point
             | AtNightWeCode wrote:
             | The word is often tagged on anything new somebody tries to
             | sell. Better to be specific. The problem is that most
             | "modern" things are very old things sold as new ideas.
             | Cause biz. So, nothing specific against this proj.
       | lionkor wrote:
       | Have Redis and Memcached aged so much we need a modern
       | replacement? Or is this a webdevy 'modern' which just means the
       | first commit is newer than redis' first commit?
         | [deleted]
         | romange wrote:
         | memcached was born in 2003. Redis was born in 2008. Both have
         | strength and weaknesses. DF tries to unite them into a single
         | backend and keep the strengths of each one of them.
         | robertlagrant wrote:
         | > Have Redis and Memcached aged so much we need a modern
         | replacement? Or is this a webdevy 'modern' which just means the
         | first commit is newer than redis' first commit?
         | The docs make some of the differences clear. Worth reading the
         | GitHub repo readme.
         | OPoncz wrote:
         | Modern as the entire architecture is based on papers from the
         | last few years. But also the first commit :)
       | marmada wrote:
       | Is io_uring the reason this is faster? I'm curious because redis
       | is in memory right? And io_uring is mostly for disk ops, I
       | assume?
         | romange wrote:
         | we use io_uring for everything: network and disk. Each thread
         | maintains its own polling loop that dispatches completions for
         | I/O events, schedules fibers etc. Everything is done via
         | io_uring API. All socket writes are done via ring buffer etc.
         | If you run strace on DF you won't see almolst any system calls
         | besides io_uring_enter
         | romange wrote:
         | And no, it's not just because of io_uring it is faster. It's
         | also because it's multi-threaded, has absolutely different
         | hashtable design, uses a different memory allocator and many
         | other reasons (i.e design decisions we took on the way).
       | etaioinshrdlu wrote:
       | It looks like it drops the single-threaded limitation of redis to
       | achieve much better performance.
       | Could this architecture be extended to scale across multiple
       | machines? What would be the benefits and costs of this?
         | jayd16 wrote:
         | It kind of sounds like simple sharing but across all cores in a
         | machine. Anyone know if this is an accurate take?
           | romange wrote:
           | It's not a simple sharing. It's actually share-nothing
           | architecture and doing multi-key operations atomically is
           | pretty complicated thing. I used paper from 2014 to solve
           | this problem
             | jayd16 wrote:
             | Maybe simple is the wrong word (perhaps I should have said
             | familiar) but Redis sharding is similarly shared-nothing,
             | is it not?
               | OPoncz wrote:
               | In Redis cluster the client needs to be connected to all
               | shards and manage those connections. Multi-key operation
               | on different slots are not supported etc... Maintaining a
               | cluster is not a fun responsibility. DF saves you in most
               | cases from the need to grow horizontly which should be
               | much simpler to maintain and work with.
               | jayd16 wrote:
               | So is it architecturally different or does DF just have a
               | much better UX?
         | romange wrote:
         | Unfortunately unlikely. Shared nothing architecture works with
         | messaging. So threads send each other messages like "give me
         | the contents of that key" or "update this key". Operations like
         | SET/GET will require a single message hop. Operations like
         | RENAME require 2 hops. Transactions and Lua scripts will
         | require number of hops as number of operations in the
         | transactions. When it's in the same process - the latency
         | penalty in negligible. But between different machines - you
         | will feel it. But who knows, AWS already have very cool UDP-
         | like protocol with very low latency... if this will become the
         | standard inside cloud environments maybe we can create a truly
         | distributed memory store that spans multiple machines
         | transparently.
           | etaioinshrdlu wrote:
           | The latency would be worse, but would the throughput still
           | scale pretty much linearly? It might still be super useful.
             | romange wrote:
             | Yes, VLL algorithm kinda solves the throughput problem. You
             | will still have some issues with fault-taulerance - i.e.
             | what you do if a machine does not answer you.
             | For intra-process framework it's not an issue (as long as
             | we do not have deadlocks).
       | jimnotgym wrote:
       | Modern? Eeek I think of Redis as modern (2009). I'm feeling old.
         | mattbaker wrote:
         | Yeah, I'd like to see a bit more justification on what makes it
         | "modern." The use of io_uring maybe?
           | pluc wrote:
           | See the "Background" section at the bottom
           | staticassertion wrote:
           | I think the Background section[0] is pretty helpful. One
           | paper they cite is from 2014, another from 2020. The use of
           | io_uring as well is also somewhat novel.
           | [0] https://github.com/dragonflydb/dragonfly#background
           | soheil wrote:
           | Redis and memcache are in memory key value storage. Writing
           | to disk is not a primary function of those systems, it's only
           | used for taking snapshots or backup of the data. io_uring
           | isn't used as the core functionality and thus that alone
           | wouldn't make DF "modern".
             | maffydub wrote:
             | Is it possible they use io_uring for networking?
             | romange wrote:
             | Yes, we use io_uring for networking and for disk. io_uring
             | provides a unified interface on linux to poll for all I/O
             | events. Re disk - we use it for storing snapshots. We will
             | use it for writing WALs.
             | And we have more plans for using io_uring in DF in the
             | future.
       | jitl wrote:
       | There are a lot of benchmarks against Redis, but where is the
       | comparison to Memcached? Redis is quite slow for cache use-case
       | already.
         | romange wrote:
         | Yes, I can confirm that Memcached can reach similar performance
         | as DF. However, one of the goals of DF was to combine the
         | performance of Memcached with versatility of Redis. I
         | implemented an engine that provides atomicity guarantees for
         | all its operations plus transparent snapshotting under write-
         | heavy traffic and all this without reducing the performance
         | compared to memcached.
         | Having said that, DF also has a novel caching algorithm that
         | should provide better hit rate with less memory consumption.
           | xiphias2 wrote:
           | Do the benchmarks stress test those atomicity guarantees?
           | Get/set operations look like they don't need it.
             | romange wrote:
             | You are correct - GET/SET do not require any locking as
             | long as they do not contend and they do not in those
             | benchmarks. You are right that for MSET/MGET you will see
             | lower numbers. But still it will be much higher than with
             | REDIS.
             | This is our initial release and we just did not have
             | resources to showcase everything under different scenarios.
             | Having said that, if you open an issue with a suggestion of
             | a benchmark that you would like to see I will try to run
             | soon...
               | xiphias2 wrote:
               | No worries, I trust you to do the right thing, just
               | measuring something that Memcached can do fast anyways
               | can be a misleading benchmark.
         | OPoncz wrote:
         | I assume DF has the same performance as Memcached. It would be
         | great if someone makes this benchmark and share.
       | girfan wrote:
       | This looks like a cool project. Is there any support (or plan to
       | support) I/O through kernel bypass technologies like RDMA? For
       | example, the client reads the objects using 1-sided reads from
       | the server given it knows which address the object lives in. This
       | could be really benefitial for reducing latency and CPU load.
         | romange wrote:
         | I do not know much about RDMA. Our goal is to provide a memory
         | store that is fully compatible with Redis/Memcached protocols
         | so that all the existing frameworks could work as before. I am
         | not sure how RDMA fits this goal.
       | throwaway787544 wrote:
       | Controversial opinion: we don't need more databases. We need
       | better application design.
       | Why do you _need_ a redis /memcache? Because you want to look up
       | a shit-ton of random data quickly.
       | Why does it have to be random? Do you really need to look up any
       | and all data? Is there not another more standard (and not
       | dependent on a single db cluster) data storage and retrieval
       | method you could use?
       | If you have a bunch of nodes with high memory just to store and
       | retrieve data, and you have a bunch of applications with a tiny
       | amount of memory.... Why not just split the difference? Deploy
       | your apps to nodes with high amounts of memory, add parallel
       | processing so they scale efficiently, store the data in memory
       | closer to the applications, process in queues to prevent swamping
       | the system and more reliable scaling. Or use an SSD array and
       | skip storing it in memory, let the kernel VM take care of it.
       | If you're trying to "share" this memory between a bunch of
       | different applications, consider if a microservice architecture
       | would be better, or a traditional RDBMS with more efficient
       | database design. (And fwiw, organic networks (as in biological)
       | do not share one big pot of global state, they keep state local
       | and pass messages through a distributed network)
         | zackmorris wrote:
         | One of the main uses in PHP/Laravel (probably borrowed from
         | Ruby on Rails) is caching views for Russian doll caching and
         | caching SQL query results:
         | https://laracasts.com/series/russian-doll-caching-in-laravel
         | (subscription only)
         | Unfortunately, it looks like they retired their database
         | caching lesson, which was a mistake on their part since it was
         | so good:
         | https://laracasts.com/discuss/channels/laravel/cache-tutoria...
         | (links to defunct https://laracasts.com/lessons/caching-
         | essentials)
         | Laracasts are the best tutorials I've ever seen, regardless of
         | language, outside of how php.net/<keyword> search and
         | commenting was structured 20 years ago. They would be the best
         | if they got outside funding to provide all lessons for free.
         | Anyway, one HTTP request can easily generate 100+ SQL queries
         | under an ORM. Which sounds bad, but is trivially fixable
         | globally without side effects via global "select" query
         | listeners and memoization. I've applied it and seen 7 second
         | responses drop to 100 ms or less simply by associating query
         | strings and responses with Redis via the Cache::remember()
         | function.
         | I also feel that there's a deeper problem in how web
         | development began as hacking but devolved into application-
         | heavy bike shedding. We have a generation of programmers taught
         | to apply decorators by hand repeatedly, rather than take an
         | aspect-oriented (glorified monkey patching) approach that fixes
         | recurring problems at the framework or language level. I feel
         | that this is mainly due to the loss of macros without runtimes
         | providing alternative ways of overriding methods or even doing
         | basic reflection.
         | So code today often isn't future-proof (requires indefinite
         | custodianship of conventions) and has side-effect-inducing or
         | conceptually-incorrect changes made in the name of secondary
         | concerns like performance. The antidote to this is to never
         | save state in classes, but instead pipe data through side-
         | effect-free class methods, then profile the code and apply
         | momoization to the 20-% of methods that cost 80+% of execution
         | time.
         | Also microservices are definitely NOT the way to go for rapid
         | application development or determinism. Or I should say, it's
         | unwise to adopt microservices until there are industry-standard
         | approaches for reverting back to monoliths.
         | oofbey wrote:
         | Yes! We just need to get our users to visit the website in
         | order of their user_id, at their assigned time, and then we
         | wouldn't have these random access patterns. /s
         | Unfortunately, reality.
         | [deleted]
         | gxt wrote:
         | Or you need the best of both worlds. A tool that can store
         | data, serve data, convert code to data, interpret data, display
         | data. Some kind of tool that has at its core a kind of
         | phpmyadmin but that can be distributed on an app store, but for
         | end-users. Something that will handle authentication,
         | authorization, audit, provide confidentiality, scalability,
         | remove the need for third party tools for end users and
         | developers, just one big ecosystem that let's you host entire
         | enterprise software , extend it, customize it for your end
         | users and your power user. Just one big ass tool that will
         | replace all other information management services.
         | dvt wrote:
         | Weird hill to die on. There's like a million valid reasons for
         | using an in-memory data store. Off the top of my head: chat
         | apps, real-time video games, caching, (some) data pipelines,
         | etc.
           | [deleted]
           | paulgb wrote:
           | As I understand it, high-performance real-time video games do
           | tend to use the architecture that throwaway proposed, i.e.
           | state is in the game server itself rather than a separate
           | caching layer.
             | AtNightWeCode wrote:
             | Caching is for poor designs. Most "modern" designs only
             | rely on cache for data distribution speed. Cache is an
             | optimization.
               | hinkley wrote:
               | > Caching is for poor designs.
               | Caching is the death of design.
               | People who like to make decisions and then studiously
               | avoid ever looking at the consequences of their actions
               | don't seem to notice that once caching is introduced, the
               | data model in the system either stops improving or begins
               | to unravel.
               | It becomes very difficult to benchmark the system looking
               | for design issues because the real cost of a cold cache
               | is very difficult to measure. And the usual argument that
               | we can turn off the cache for performance analysis
               | doesn't hold water for more than a few months.
               | Pulling the same data twice, three times, ten times in a
               | given transaction are all about the same cost, and it
               | gets me out of trying to figure out how to plumb new data
               | through the sequence diagrams. I can just snatch values
               | out of global state wherever, whenever, and as often as I
               | need them. Once people give up and start doing that, you
               | can't turn off the caches anymore. When you started it
               | cut the cost of the lookup in half, or a third. Now it's
               | four, or five, or sixteen, and that call is now over-
               | represented in the analysis, hiding other, more tractable
               | problems.
               | You've settled for your broken design, but also cut the
               | legs out from under any of the tools that can dig you out
               | of the hole you've dug.
               | Caches are just global state under a different name, but
               | slathered in RPC issues.
           | Cwizard wrote:
           | Could share some more on the data pipelines you mention? What
           | kind of data store do you use for this purpose? We are
           | reading a lot of the same data from disk to do transformation
           | (joins) with new data, I've been looking for something that
           | might speed this process up but would like to keep the setup
           | small and simple.
             | dvt wrote:
             | I've used Apache Arrow before[1]; in-memory columnar
             | storage. We did some AI/ML stuff with data gathered from
             | social network APIs, but you can probably do a ton of
             | things.
             | [1] https://arrow.apache.org/
       | judofyr wrote:
       | Wow, this looks very nice!
       | I've seen the VLL paper before and I've wondered how well it
       | would work in practice (and for what use cases). Does anyone know
       | how they handle blocked transactions across threads? Is the
       | locking done per-thread? If so, how do you detect/resolve
       | deadlocks?
       | It also be good to see a benchmark comparing single-thread
       | performance between DragonflyDB and Redis. How much of the
       | performance increase is due to being able of using all threads?
       | And how does it handle contention? In Redis it's easy to reason
       | about because everything is done sequentially. How does
       | DragonflyDB handle cases where (1) 95% of the traffic is GET/SET
       | a single key or (2) 90% of the traffic involves all shards
       | (multi-key transaction)?
         | romange wrote:
         | It's really good questions. I invite you to try it yourself
         | using memtier_benchmark :) if you pass `--key-maximum=0` you
         | will get a single key contention when doing the loadtest.
         | Spoiler alert - it's still much faster than Redis.
       | [deleted]
       | mfontani wrote:
       | Aw, no hyperloglog support. So close for my redis use-case
         | romange wrote:
         | Dude, open an issue :) I was waiting for someone to ask for
         | that because I do not know anyone who uses it :)
       | Thaxll wrote:
       | On the picture Redis tops at 200k/seconds on an instance with 64
       | cores (r6g), Dragonfly 1400k/seconds, Redis is single threaded DF
       | is not but it only got 7.7x faster how come?
       | If you run let say 32 instances of Redis ( not using HT ) with
       | CPU pining will be much faster than DF assuming the data is
       | sharding/clustered.
         | jitl wrote:
         | I assume this is because data is stored in memory, not in a CPU
         | core.
           | edmcnulty101 wrote:
           | Doesn't it use the CPU core to put the data to memory though?
             | jng wrote:
             | Each CPU core doesn't have it's own independent channel to
             | memory, there are usually 2-3 channels to DDR memory shared
             | by all cores via multiple intermediate caches (usually
             | shared hierarchically).
         | lrem wrote:
         | I'd guess multi-key operations with keys landing in separate
         | shards.
         | 867-5309 wrote:
         | core count probably transferred the bottleneck to e.g. memory
         | speed, disk io, .. ?
         | ledauphin wrote:
         | your conclusion does not follow from the available evidence.
         | Comparing MT with shared memory to ST performance is comparing
         | apples and oranges.
         | romange wrote:
         | The reason for this is the networking limitations of each
         | instance type. DF consistently reaches the networking limits
         | for each instance type in the cloud.
         | On r6g it's 1.4M qps and then it's saturated on interrupts due
         | to ping pong nature of the protocol. This is why pipelining
         | mode can reach several times higher throughput - your messages
         | are big. c6gn is network-enhanced instance with 32 network
         | queues! it's the most capable instance in AWS network-wise.
         | This is why DF can reach there > 3.8M qps.
       | staticassertion wrote:
       | This is really cool. Love a section on how things are designed
       | with links to papers, always makes me feel way better about a
       | project - especially one that has benchmarks.
       | Might try this out.
         | docmechanic wrote:
         | Agreed. Really great piece of technical writing. Probably
         | written by one of the rare developers who write better than I
         | do. I want to clone him/her/they and work with them.
       | avinassh wrote:
       | This is excellent!
       | I see only throughput benchmarks. Redis is single threaded,
       | beating it at latency would have been far more impressive.
       | Do you have latency benchmarks at peak throughput?
         | romange wrote:
         | If you look below the throughput table you will see the 99th
         | percentile latency of Dragonfly in the table.
         | Now, please take into account that DF maintains 99th percentile
         | of 1ms at 3M! qps and not at 200K.
       (page generated 2022-05-30 23:00 UTC)