[HN Gopher] Plain Text Calendar
       Plain Text Calendar
       Author : gaws
       Score  : 56 points
       Date   : 2022-05-31 19:55 UTC (3 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (terokarvinen.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (terokarvinen.com)
       | trafnar wrote:
       | This is similar in spirit to my app, TaskTXT
       | (https://www.tasktxt.com). It's a plain text task manager which
       | allows you to time your tasks, helping you avoid distraction. The
       | timer data is stored right in the document.
       | I made a video about how it works:
       | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gbGawb728xA
       | prash_ant wrote:
       | Emacs users, you have the built-in diary which also integrates
       | with org-agenda. It's perfect for recurring events like
       | birthdays, bills and also provides reminder.
       | [1]
       | https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/emacs/Fo...
       | MollyRealized wrote:
       | http://www.43folders.com/2005/02/24/guest-mike-harris-looks-...
       | ydnaclementine wrote:
       | Maybe not what the article is exactly talking about, but `cal`
       | will give you a calendar in terminal. `cal -3` will give you each
       | surrounding month, and `cal 2022` will give you the full year
         | tlavoie wrote:
         | One of my earliest computing-adjacent exposures was going into
         | my dad's office as a kid. Besides getting to type random things
         | on punch-cards, we'd typically bring home these line-printer
         | calendars with a Snoopy (or whatever) ASCII-art pic at the top.
         | behnamoh wrote:
         | wish it had hyperlinks so that clicking on them would open up
         | the date events.
         | speaking of, cal is just a calendar. It doesn't have events
         | anyway.
         | adamrmcd wrote:
         | Often I use cal to find the previous or next month. I never
         | understood why two parameters it assumes `cal mm yyyy` but when
         | one parameter is provided assumes `cal yyyy` instead of `cal
         | mm`.
         | ie, I just want to see April of this year: but `cal 4` returns
         | Jan-Dec 0004 CE <!>
         | `cal -3` is perfect!
       | dqv wrote:
       | I like the idea, but it seems to have a flaw (or I missed how one
       | should handle this). Not all events happen on the same day,
       | especially if you work third shift. I guess you would just split
       | it into two events (not really a fan) or just do something like
       | 23-3, but then it kind of breaks the "one day per line" rule.
       | cuhlur wrote:
       | stimpson_j_cat wrote:
       | Calendar apps are so complicated and tightly integrated with
       | other productivity apps now I'm not sure the benefit of
       | simplicity here outweighs the cost of losing that.
       | My Google cal emails me notifications, works with desktop
       | calendar apps, integrates with Maps, etc. It autofills addresses,
       | adjusts for time zones, syncs across my 4000 devices, allows me
       | to edits dates via text input or GUI/drag 'n drop, etc. (Not
       | shilling, Apple cal is probably similar.)
       | Even my todo list went from org mode to Google Tasks because of
       | the integrations with Android, Google Calendar, etc.
         | ttty wrote:
       | twobitshifter wrote:
       | https://docs.fileformat.com/email/ics/
       | ics is already plain text.
         | minsc_and_boo wrote:
         | And not really that human readable.
         | This plain text calendar would be more powerful if it came with
         | an ICS parser.
           | dvtrn wrote:
           | or if I could just inject and print my own calendar events to
           | and from the `cal` command and send _that_ through an ical
           | parser--item added via a plain text calendar, added to ical,
           | and immediately updated event on my phone. It 's been on my
           | mind to just write something like this as a side project
           | forever but...
           | I am remarkably lazy sometimes.
             | minsc_and_boo wrote:
             | Well that's what I was thinking of, to put this plain text
             | calendar on an e-ink screen with RPi. A google cal or ical
             | integration out of the box.
             | I _guess_ I can roll my own OAuth and parser, but then I 'm
             | not going to use this linked plain text calendar.
           | stimpson_j_cat wrote:
           | 2021-03-03 w09 ke       8-1345 +lp bash-db; (14-1545 +mp);
           | 1530 FxBar
           | Is _that_ particularly readable? There 's a whole section
           | dedicated to _how_ to read the entries and why the syntax is
           | the way it is.
       | jrm4 wrote:
       | Interesting. I was expecting something similar to my daily
       | driver, which is Remind -
       | https://dianne.skoll.ca/projects/remind/
       | I think I still prefer Remind's approach for now; it keeps the
       | ability to have a plaintext viewable thing, but Remind also
       | appears more scriptable and exportable; e.g. I make mine both
       | give me reminders in my Terminal, and I can also make it print
       | out a regular "human-ready" calendar.
       (page generated 2022-05-31 23:00 UTC)