[HN Gopher] The First Lisp Compiler
       The First Lisp Compiler
       Author : texdraft
       Score  : 142 points
       Date   : 2022-06-01 14:43 UTC (8 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (texdraft.github.io)
 (TXT) w3m dump (texdraft.github.io)
       | fulafel wrote:
       | What does the prog form with parameters do? I only know about
       | progn in CL.
         | texdraft wrote:
         | The "classic" prog still exists in Common Lisp. You probably
         | haven't heard of it because it's almost never used. Here is the
         | description in the HyperSpec:
         | http://clhs.lisp.se/Body/m_prog_.htm#prog In Common Lisp terms,
         | it's a combination of LET, BLOCK, and TAGBODY.
           | aidenn0 wrote:
           | There's also progv which, off the top of my head, is the only
           | thing in the CL standard that lets you establish bindings
           | (dynamic only for obvious reasons) on a non-constant list of
           | symbols.
       | larsbrinkhoff wrote:
       | "Bernard S. Greenburg"
       | It's Greenberg.
         | texdraft wrote:
         | Fixed, thanks.
       | nemoniac wrote:
       | Tail call elimination!!!
       | I had no idea that this was in LISP 1.5. If you had asked me, I
       | would have sworn it was Steele, 1977. Wikipedia supports that[1],
       | albeit one might not consider it the most reliable source.
       | So apparently (partial) TCE has been around since at least 1961.
       | In that light, it's baffling that it's not supported more
       | universally.
       | [1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tail_call
         | pflanze wrote:
         | The OP describes the support in HLC for TCO as limited (only
         | for self-recursion, if I get it right, possibly more limited
         | than that). Steele may still have been first to describe
         | general TCO.
       | dmux wrote:
       | > In LISP 1.5, function definitions were stored on the property
       | list of the function's name...
       | The fact that this was once the norm but has since been done away
       | with saddens me. I've always been fascinated with "live
       | environments" but felt they only went half way if they didn't
       | include the source code itself. If I'm going to be updating
       | something in a running system, I want to know what source code
       | was used to get the system to the state its currently in, and
       | preferably be able to query that source code as data. Of course,
       | that code could be kept within source control, but then it's a
       | shadow of the running system -- a map of the territory and not
       | the territory.
       | As far as I know, the only languages/environments where this
       | functionality is still available are Tcl, Smalltalk, and to some
       | extent stored procedures within an RDBMS.
         | boygobbo wrote:
         | And Emacs
         | spc476 wrote:
         | Forth as well. ANS Forth defines the word SEE <https://forth-
         | standard.org/standard/tools/SEE> that shows the current source
         | of a given word.
         | lispm wrote:
         | many Lisp systems record the source location and/or the source
         | itself (especially a source level interpreter needs that)
           | dmux wrote:
           | Do you mind enumerating what those systems are? I've only
           | played around with Allegro CL and SBCL myself.
         | rscho wrote:
         | Doesn't SBCL have this functionality?
         | mananaysiempre wrote:
         | This is not the norm in Forth due to the very spartan
         | environments it originated in, but most mature implementations
         | include a pretty comprehensive decompiler as SEE. (Ironically,
         | this is where the Forth claim of having a modular compiler
         | comes apart, because SEE is always monolithic and
         | nonextensible, or at least I haven't seen it done any other
         | way.)
       | pjmlp wrote:
       | Note the date (1961), and the target hardware (IBM 7090 series),
       | when considering whatever came after and existing hardware
       | capabilities.
         | aidenn0 wrote:
         | Funny enough I was talking with someone who wanted to make a
         | lisp run on a very small ARM SoC and we discovered that the
         | 7090 Lisp 1.5 was developed on likely had more core+drum than
         | the SoC had ram.
           | [deleted]
           | pjmlp wrote:
           | Not even uLisp? That looks like a PIC like CPU to me.
             | aidenn0 wrote:
             | This might have been before uLisp (definitely prior to my
             | knowledge of uLisp), and they wanted to write the
             | interpreter for it themselves. IIRC it had 16k of RAM, so
             | it definitely could have run uLisp.
             | [edit]
             | I should also point out that just storing the names of all
             | of the symbols in the common lisp specification exceeds the
             | RAM requirements of uLisp. Obviously builtins can go in
             | ROM, but it gives you an idea of the sizes involved.
             | exdsq wrote:
             | uLisp was too large for a small flight computer I made for
             | a hobbyist rocket - I wanted to use it but had such little
             | RAM I had to go down to C. I think I could have ran lisp-
             | to-c to generate from uLisp which I'll try on my next
             | project.
             | [deleted]
           | bsder wrote:
           | People _really_ underestimate how much RAM a Lisp /Scheme
           | needs.
           | Building lists out of pairs and then using them as your
           | intermediate format creates a lot of garbage.
             | aidenn0 wrote:
             | Well 1MB is more than enough; that was the maximum virtual
             | address space size of a PDP-10 where many of the precursors
             | to common lisp were developed. You can do a fair amount
             | with 100kB as well. uLisp runs with 34k minimum (32k ROM +
             | 2k RAM).
             | kazinator wrote:
             | The RAM usage is tied to the size of the reachable set,
             | plus some slack filled with garbage that depends on how you
             | tune the garbage collection thresholds.
             | By today's standards, the RAM usage isn't necessarily huge.
             | Here is the TXR Lisp compiler recompiling
             | stdlib/compiler.tl -> stdlib/compiler.tlo, as seen in top:
             | PID USER      PR  NI    VIRT    RES    SHR S  %CPU %MEM
             | TIME+ COMMAND            11488 kaz       20   0   17800
             | 14804   2964 R  98.1  0.7   0:07.07 txr
             | ^^^^^  ^^^^^
             | On the order of a bash session. It's a lot of RAM by 1982
             | standards at the institution level, and even 1992 standards
             | at the consumer level, but today it means nothing.
             | You can easily see a Bash process a footprint on that
             | order.
             | It could be reduced by tuning the garbage collector. One
             | way to do that is to build for less memory use (useful for
             | embedded). Here it is with txr rebuilt using #define
             | CONFIG_SMALL_MEM 1 in config.h:                   PID USER
             | PR  NI    VIRT    RES    SHR S  %CPU %MEM     TIME+ COMMAND
             | 12838 kaz       20   0   11964   9768   3140 R  99.0  0.5
             | 0:10.39 txr
             | Bash footprints for comparison:                 $ ps aux |
             | head -1 ; ps aux | grep bash       USER       PID %CPU %MEM
             | VSZ   RSS TTY      STAT START   TIME COMMAND       kaz
             | 1093  0.0  0.1   9288  2132 pts/2    Ss+  May15   0:01
             | -bash       kaz       2833  0.0  0.0   8904  1992 pts/0
             | Ss   May15   0:00 -bash       kaz       3509  0.0  0.2
             | 10532  4988 pts/1    Ss+  May15   0:28 -bash       kaz
             | 7898  0.0  0.1   8968  2212 pts/3    Ss+  May20   0:00
             | -bash
             | Lists are used for everything: the compiler produces a
             | list-based assembly code which is used from then through
             | assembly. There is an optimizer which divides it into basic
             | blocks, which are objects put into a graph, but the
             | instructions still being lists. The peephole pattern
             | matching is done on lists. The compiler does not bother
             | using destructive append (nconc) for stitching together
             | fragments of code; just straight garbage-generating
             | appends. Same with most of the other rewriting that happens
             | later.
             | In a computer in 1960, your compiler would be capped to the
             | physical memory available. That would be the RAM use. The
             | garbage collector would have to be called whenever the
             | memory is exhausted, or else the show would stop. A
             | successful compilation would demonstrate that the compiler
             | needed no more memory than what the machine has. The closer
             | its actual usage would be to the available memory, the
             | longer it would take, due to the frequent garbage
             | collections required to stay afloat.
             | I'd say that given people's expectations today, shaped by
             | experiences with everyday software, they likely greatly
             | overestimate how much RAM you need for Lisp compiling.
       (page generated 2022-06-01 23:01 UTC)