[HN Gopher] Product Shouldn't Be Left to Product Managers
       Product Shouldn't Be Left to Product Managers
       Author : mooreds
       Score  : 134 points
       Date   : 2022-06-02 14:24 UTC (8 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (candost.blog)
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       | righttoolforjob wrote:
       | Product Managers today are many times attempting to be shitty
       | tech leads rather than actual product managers, which is a
       | completely different job. If a product manager has more than a
       | superficial opinion about what engineering is doing, then they
       | are not a product manager (more than by title). They should feed
       | the why and when to engineering, nothing more. When do the market
       | opportunities exist and why? Collect and feed the data to
       | engineering (as well as other stakeholders). They should not be
       | the customer proxy, not lead engineering teams, nor be some go-to
       | person for "final decisions" on design matters.
         | mips_avatar wrote:
         | It sounds like you are dealing with a technical program
         | manager. TPM does/should engage technically, and overlaps
         | responsibilities with an engineering manager. Not every project
         | requires a TPM so perhaps yours only requires an engineering
         | manager/tech lead.
           | righttoolforjob wrote:
           | None of what you are saying makes any sense to me. This is
           | another big problem in the software industry, that roles with
           | the same name can vary wildly. A little bit like "agile" not
           | ever quite looking the same and not ever quite working.
           | A program manager for me, any kind, relates to the function
           | of leading and coordinating multiple interrelated projects,
           | towards a common goal.
             | mips_avatar wrote:
             | Yes, as I said not every project needs a TPM. So if your
             | product manager is trying to take on a TPM role for a
             | project contained within your team, they aren't really
             | adding value.
       | enjo wrote:
       | Everyone in this thread needs to read this:
       | https://www.jpattonassociates.com/dual-track-development/
       | polote wrote:
       | Very HN article. The only job that matter in an organization is
       | developers, product managers are useless, marketing is when you
       | don't have a product, sales people are liars, Support people
       | prevent developers to know the problems and so on.
       | It's cool sometime to have developers with a product mindset,
       | because they understand better the value they are bringing and
       | can help brainstorming. But first if you had only product-mindset
       | people everyone would want to ship different features and nothing
       | would be shipped. And also the more time developers spend
       | understanding customers the less time they spend coding.
       | I should probably write a satirical article arguing that "Coding
       | should not be left to developers as product managers should code
       | things much closer from their plan"
         | devoutsalsa wrote:
         | You're not seeing the bigger picture. Within developers, you
         | have the 10x developers. But within that, there is the 100x
         | developer... all of a company's success can be attributed to a
         | 500kg neckbeard in the basement powered by a caffeine-adderall
         | intravenous drip (for playing video games, all the actual work
         | is outsourced to that one guy in Afghanistan =>
         | https://www.theonion.com/more-american-workers-
         | outsourcing-o...)
         | MrJohz wrote:
         | I don't think the article is saying what you're describing at
         | all, or at least, if it is then I missed it.
         | As I understand it, the article is basically just claiming that
         | to become an outstanding engineer, you can't just code what
         | you're told to code, you need to understand why any particular
         | feature is needed. Obviously that doesn't replace user
         | research, project management, business leadership and strategy,
         | or anything like that - no developer will also be an expert in
         | all of those things, and a good business, like any team, has
         | differentiated roles. But a strong developer understands what's
         | going on in other places - they understand the overall business
         | strategy, even if they wouldn't be able to come up with a
         | strategy on their own; they understand how users are
         | interacting with their product, even if they aren't doing the
         | user research themselves, and so on.
         | I've worked with a number of developers for whom this sort of
         | thing was a complete mystery - they could program very well,
         | but if they were told one day to build one thing, and the next
         | day to build the opposite, they'd just go away and do that, and
         | never question why their instructions made no sense. Whereas a
         | more senior developer would want to understand why they're
         | getting contradictory instructions, and try and explore whether
         | there's a non-contradictory solution.
           | polote wrote:
           | Well here is the conclusion of the post
           | > Simply put, instead of expecting someone (e.g., product
           | managers) to tell you which product features to develop, you
           | should be able to tell what are the most critical problems
           | your users or product are facing and find the best solutions
           | that fit into your product and engineering strategy.
         | nrawe wrote:
         | I agree with your sentiment about the pros/cons of developers
         | having product mindset.
         | I don't know that this a HN-specific thing, but I think roles
         | very easily become tribes, and everyone thinks their tribe is
         | superior. E.g. I know architects who think product and
         | engineers serve architecture, I know engineers who think they
         | know better than product and give the "yeah-yeah" to
         | architects, I know product managers who hate architecture and
         | engineers because they don't see the progress they want.
         | I often see this as a struggle for power, normally in
         | situations where there isn't good psychological safety/team
         | focus/communication, which leads to a scramble for authority.
         | Der_Einzige wrote:
         | I don't care if you view that line of thinking as something
         | worse satirizing. Companies who treat developers as kings and
         | get out of their ways produce amazing products, content, and
         | experiences. Valve is my favorite example of this. More
         | companies should strive to be like them.
       | JJMcJ wrote:
       | Best product managers seem to have one foot still in the user
       | community.
       | This is more common for internal applications, where you have a
       | PM and likely one or more actual users involved in the project.
       | That means when there is a new requirement two days before go-
       | live, there's usually a meaningful reason, not just that a VP had
       | a flash of inspiration the night before.
       | [deleted]
       | quelltext wrote:
       | The best experiences I had were working on products I cared about
       | deeply in a way a PM should AND there actually was a PM involved
       | who did care about them. In fact everybody involved should.
       | However, in a project there is a bunch of stuff you need to do
       | that's mainly specific to product management. Tracking the
       | feedback, talking to users, coordination with other product
       | teams, covering the nontechnical pieces, etc. Every stakeholder
       | does their thing. The PM in most cases doesn't code, a legal or
       | compliance stakeholder doesn't try to talk to users or come up
       | with product feature roadmaps, the engineers don't create the
       | artwork etc.
       | The shittiest experience is when you work on a product with a
       | formal PM but you wonder what it even is they are doing, not
       | engaging in shaping the details just signing off, not talking to
       | stakeholders, etc. and you, the engineer, has to fill in. Buuut
       | you also cannot just do whatever because the PM exists and needs
       | to be consulted.
         | BlargMcLarg wrote:
         | You could say this for almost any primarily supportive role.
         | Individuals forget these roles bring nothing on their own and
         | exist entirely to empower ICs. Conversely, that means they can
         | disenfranchise ICs and be a net loss just as easily.
         | They aren't useless, but one could argue the industry needs a
         | reality check on how many of these supportive roles need to
         | exist (in terms of quantity) and how many of these individuals
         | are contributing anything. There are plenty of bad stories
         | ranging from "benevolent but capable" to "clearly power
         | tripping and a drain".
           | OkayPhysicist wrote:
           | Part of this problem, IMO, is that we as a society have
           | largely eliminated subordinate supporting roles, in favor of
           | adding more organizational work to both the ICs and
           | management tier. Which leads to needing more managers, which
           | leads to beaurocratic bloat as the people who have the power
           | to make decisions end up being in a position where increasing
           | management overhead improves their standing.
             | BlargMcLarg wrote:
             | It all went downhill once we decided ICs should not only
             | take care of the bureaucracy, but also adapt to supporter
             | roles rather than the other way around. I won't rail
             | against the usefulness of soft skills, but requiring almost
             | every IC to be a well-spoken social butterfly just seems
             | lazy in the face of the ridiculous number of supporting
             | roles.
             | Ideally it'd be more 50/50 (help-me-help-you kind of deal),
             | but right now it feels incredibly one-sided at most places.
         | [deleted]
         | Jare wrote:
         | I've seen and lived what you describe on occasion and it sucks.
         | Managing the features does not mean deciding them, just like
         | programming the features does not mean deciding them. Same for
         | all disciplines. Establishing the process and responsibilities
         | around which decisions are made is the hardest part of
         | directing a project, and the default often ends up becoming "I
         | direct thus I decide".
         | aqme28 wrote:
         | I've had that product manager before. The real Shittiest PM
         | isn't the one who's absent, it's the one who does too much but
         | not well. Constantly shifting priorities, unclear, yet rigid
         | guidance, and unrealistic targets.
         | steveBK123 wrote:
         | I have a PM who basically makes A/B choices as presented by
         | tech leads, and leaves it to tech leads/devs to meet with
         | users..
       | golover721 wrote:
       | Unfortunately I have found that a really good Product Manager is
       | an extremely rare thing. However the best organizations and teams
       | I have worked on have always had strong product management. There
       | seems to be a general lack of education and training on how to be
       | a product manager. Too often folks from other disciplines, such
       | as Engineering transfer into the role with no training whatsoever
       | and end up doing a terrible job with it.
         | germinalphrase wrote:
         | To bridge off of this comment, has anyone found a particular
         | Product Management resource or training that is an effective
         | on-ramp to doing the job well?
           | fudgy wrote:
           | Inspired: https://www.amazon.com/INSPIRED-Create-Tech-
           | Products-Custome...
           | Empowered: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08LPKRD5L/
           | Good Strategy/Bad Strategy: https://www.amazon.com/Good-
           | Strategy-Bad-Richard-Rumelt/dp/1...
       | rshm wrote:
       | Wonder if someone can share their experience with product driven
       | teams as in
       | https://www.thoughtworks.com/en-us/insights/blog/project-vs-...
       | One recurring issue i have seen on my team is that project
       | managers are acting like architects and tech leads (like other
       | comment mentioned here). Wondering if the same thing.
       | [deleted]
       | jkkorn wrote:
       | Im always happy when I bump into articles like this one.
       | In general I think it's ultimately irresponsible to centralize
       | ideation on one stakeholder.
       | Wrote a piece with a similar opinion here:
       | https://jonathankorn.substack.com/p/your-teams-relationship-...
       | TameAntelope wrote:
       | There are only 40 hours in a productive work week (if you care
       | about your health). In those 40 hours you simply cannot do
       | everything needed to manage a software project. So we specialize.
       | Some folks focus more on one set of problems, and others focus on
       | other sets of problems.
       | There should be a good amount of crossover, but having
       | "specialists" who "own" aspects of a software project has been
       | found, over and over again, to be the most effective way of
       | managing a software team.
       | Two roles that _do not_ fit into one person 's brain are Product
       | Manager and Software Engineer. Should a Software Engineer be
       | knowledgeable about what the Product Manager is doing? Yes.
       | Should the Product Manager be knowledgeable about what the
       | Software Engineer is doing? Yes. Should those roles be merged?
       | Absolutely not.
       | Product ownership _should_ be left to the Product Managers.
       | Product vision, purpose, and strategy should be available to
       | everyone, and everyone should have a say, but to think that
       | Software Engineers should also do Product Management is ignoring
       | how much work both jobs entail.
       | I write all of this having actually read the article, and knowing
       | the article doesn't actually say anything I'm disagreeing with
       | here, but I feel it's important enough to say these things
       | anyway.
       | Software Engineers are in those roles not because they cannot do
       | other roles, but because someone needs to write the software, and
       | writing software is a hard enough job that it's more or less the
       | only thing a Software Engineer should need to focus on. I think
       | people forget that sometimes.
         | DragonStrength wrote:
         | What if your users are developers or engineers? I haven't had a
         | ton of luck with my specific niche and product management
         | (niche domain; final product is a library developers code
         | against) across multiple companies. I can imagine your
         | statements can apply to some future market where we have plenty
         | of engineers, but in the US, we have a shortage. It's hard to
         | imagine how to use your advice when we cannot find enough
         | engineers with the domain and technical skill combo. Let alone
         | one to convert to product. What do we do for the rest of my
         | career which will probably continue to have a shortage of
         | engineers?
         | Our solution is to trust the experts, but certainly there must
         | be something better than "whatever the current engineer
         | thinks."
           | eightysixfour wrote:
           | > What if your users are developers or engineers?
           | What if they're kindergarten teachers, in medical sales,
           | rocket scientists, or Amazon deliver drivers?
           | Part of the Product Manager's job is to understand and get in
           | the head of the user, if they can't do it for your users
           | they're the wrong Product Manager. If they're relying on the
           | engineers they the wrong Product Manager.
             | [deleted]
             | [deleted]
         | siva7 wrote:
         | This! I've seen so many teams and products spectacularly
         | failing because someone thought that the lead developer should
         | also be the product manager. For all the hate that software
         | development frameworks like scrum get - the one thing it gets
         | really right is that there are roles that should never be
         | merged in a functional team.
         | lamontcg wrote:
         | I spent 10 years working as a software engineer on a product
         | that I was originally a customer of.
         | I found it really weird that so many engineers and product
         | managers in the company never really used the product the
         | company produced at all.
         | I don't think that engineers should really be product managers,
         | as an introvert I certainly didn't have the patience to sit in
         | all the meetings that the PMs took every week, which is why I
         | leaned on real actual PMs to do that. However, senior engineers
         | ought to develop at least some Product Management Brain and
         | spend a bit of time literally just using the product like a
         | user and not as a developer.
         | I don't think software development should be the only thing
         | developers do, at the strict exclusion of all else. They need
         | the ability to be deep in some code and go "wait, is this
         | complicated garbage actually what customers really want?" and
         | throw a mental exception and go have a chat with the PM and
         | determine if the requirements have gotten wildly off course.
         | The mentality of "PMs determine the requirements, I just write
         | the code" is a recipe for a really poor product.
         | DrJokepu wrote:
         | Eh, some software engineers are good at product. Some are even
         | good at charming clients. You got to understand the people you
         | work with and adjust the processes and roles to match that, not
         | the other way around.
         | kettlecorn wrote:
         | What makes the "Product Manager" role tricky is every person
         | and every organization has a wildly different sense of what
         | they do.
         | You argue that there's not enough room in a person's brain for
         | Software Engineering _and_ Product Management, but  "Product
         | Management" often includes planning, strategy, coordination,
         | vision, culture, anything vaguely leadership, and general
         | "adulting". To call all of that mushed together a "discipline"
         | makes no sense.
         | Skills like coordination and vision are just as orthogonal from
         | each-other as software engineering.
         | As a result the best PMs are often those who know what control
         | to _give up_ to make the role  / team function better.
         | I've even been on teams where engineers seem hesitant to
         | organize fun events because it may be perceived as stepping on
         | a PM's turf, which is absurd!
         | I think teams and PMs would benefit from splitting up the role.
         | I'd love to see the creation of roles like "Associate Producer"
         | (as borrowed from the film industry) that have a primary task
         | of keeping things running smoothly without a strong focus on
         | creative or technical leadership.
           | QuercusMax wrote:
           | Isn't that Associate Producer role something like a Program
           | Manager (PgM) / Technical Program Manager (TPM)? That's been
           | my experience at Google.
           | klabb3 wrote:
           | Yeah. Our problem at $FAANG was that PMs were incentivized by
           | the "footprint" they had on the product. Makes sense maybe
           | when doing greenfield, or for a major revamp, but man did it
           | fuck up existing long-term projects that were essentially in
           | maintenance mode.
           | You'd see PMs join, change direction, narrowly grabbing a
           | promo and leaving only to be repeated again by the next guy.
           | Each time, the product became more complicated and much less
           | focused.
           | Things like vision and strategy shouldn't factor into any
           | performance review for at least 2 years, for long term
           | projects. Until you know deeply (a) how everything works and
           | (b) the cost of changing things, nobody should be allowed
           | anywhere near those big buttons.
           | The only ones who knew that were the senior engineers who had
           | been around forever. And they're not liked by management,
           | because they tend to be nay-sayers, and they often like how
           | things are. But if you asked management if they were willing
           | to break existing customers the answer at the end of the day
           | was always no. Yet they all wanted new and shiny things, in
           | denial of the feasibility and especially cost.
         | suyash wrote:
         | Exactly at an IC level (specially for an engineer), it's best
         | to become an expert and specialize, that is how you can bring
         | most value to the organization.
       | winternett wrote:
       | Every board meeting now probably whittles down to complaints
       | about the CEO's erratic behavior and then a review of earnings.
       | The world has gone into survival mode and that creates the worst
       | kinds of people and products... Many of these companies running
       | on profit auto pilot will fail, and that may be the best thing to
       | happen because they really stopped doing the good they were
       | created for in bids to attract and codify investors.
       | They'll hopefully be replaced by better companies that bring back
       | innovation. We really haven't been innovating game-changing IT
       | for years now in my opinion, I think that disruption will only
       | happen when these legacy companies get accountable product owners
       | that know what they are doing and when they stop looking
       | primarily and only at the wrong (ROI) cues for product
       | development.
       | renox wrote:
       | Meh article, sure as a dev you'll be a better Dev if you learn
       | about the product requirements like a PM does, you'll also be a
       | better Dev if you learn how to deploy the product becoming a
       | DevOps, if you become a language expert, a SCM expert, a build
       | expert, an OS expert...
       | LennyWhiteJr wrote:
       | I agree with the author, but it's also possible to take the other
       | extreme where engineers think they don't need any input from
       | product.
       | drewcoo wrote:
       | > Up until my mid-level engineering, I didn't think about the
       | product.
       | I think our career yardsticks are very different.
       | Engineering is all about designing within constraints. Someone
       | who's not designing to meet business constraints isn't doing a
       | real engineering job for the company.
       | Learning patterns and practices would be something you'd do in an
       | apprenticeship if software worked like real engineering. Or if it
       | worked like academics. Or like a trade. But you'd learn that
       | while you also learned about how that all fit the larger context
       | because that's part of working your way to journeyman (whatever
       | that's called now).
       | So . . . I agree with the author, but I don't see a need to
       | attack product folks. We so-called engineers should probably take
       | our craft more seriously.
       | tristor wrote:
       | As someone who moved from Engineering to Product Management, I
       | agree with this article for the most part. It's really important
       | that Engineers grow their product sense and other product skills.
       | Not just so you can communicate effectively within your org with
       | other teams and with your PM, but because it helps you empathize
       | for your customers.
       | The thing a lot of engineers (including myself at one point my
       | career, perhaps) lack is empathy for their customer. Your job
       | isn't to write code, your job is to solve problems for the
       | customer. The value a company generates with it's software is by
       | taking on customer problems and making it their problem to solve.
       | Solving the problem is fundamentally the most important thing.
       | But to understand the problem you need to understand the
       | customer, and that requires empathy.
       | Anything you do in your career that improves your empathy towards
       | your customers will make you a better engineer because you'll
       | make better decisions at every turn in ways which grow the
       | business and improve customer QoL. Maybe along the way you'll
       | also learn the value of PMs and maybe decide you might rather be
       | one... that's kind of what happened with me.
         | zucked wrote:
         | As someone who is in the product realm, one thing that has
         | frustrated me about engineers is how difficult it can be to get
         | Engineers to see see where the puck is going, let alone to
         | skate to it. Many seem to want to operate much like a computer
         | - they take a literal input and give an exact output.
         | It's so rare, and lovely, when you run into an engineer who can
         | not only figure out how to do the task they're being assigned,
         | but run through the next couple of steps in the future taking
         | the team strengths, company strategy, and product shortcomings
         | into account.
           | SgtBastard wrote:
           | As someone who employs both product managers and engineers,
           | if you spoke about (let alone to) an engineer like this in my
           | earshot, you'd be given a box to pack your things.
           | You're not nearly as valuable as you think you are.
       | truthwhisperer wrote:
       | hcarvalhoalves wrote:
       | I'm skeptical of the role of PMs - it often feels like a lossy
       | communication layer between stakeholders, and engineering has to
       | get involved in some level of detail to understand what has to be
       | built anyway. I would rather encourage engineers to get involved
       | and understand the domain and the project than rely on this role.
         | mason55 wrote:
         | > _engineering has to get involved in some level of detail to
         | understand what has to be built anyway_
         | Of course, that's a big part of the role for a senior engineer.
         | But if you're building a real product, and not just a
         | collection of random one-off features that customers ask for
         | explicitly, then there's a whole set of work that needs to be
         | done to enable good decision-making. It starts with defining
         | who your customers are and what are the problems you're trying
         | to solve for them. It goes all the way through gathering
         | feedback from customers in a meaningful way.
         | > _I would rather encourage engineers to get involved and
         | understand the domain and the project than rely on this role._
         | The fact that you use the word "project" is interesting.
         | If someone comes to you and says "here's a project I need you
         | to build for me" (could be custom development for an external
         | customer, could be an internal stakeholder who gets to dictate
         | custom development) then the role of product manager doesn't
         | make sense.
         | If, instead, you're building something based on a need that you
         | believe the market isn't meeting, then the role of product
         | manager makes a lot more sense. The product manager IS the
         | stakeholder in this case. They are the one identifying unmet
         | needs in the market, possible customers, business problems to
         | solve, etc. For a team trying to build something new that is
         | expected to be sold to lots of customers, just the part of
         | defining the market is hugely valuable, because it gives the
         | team a starting point to evaluate any solutions they come up
         | with.
         | ako wrote:
         | Main role of the PM is to prioritize: what get build/shipped
         | first, what later, what not?
         | To do this a PM has to balance and understand the needs of the
         | customers, the potential customers, the direction of the
         | company, the direction of the market, the capabilities of the
         | competition.
         | The engineering details are better left to the software
         | engineers, architects, key users and UXers.
         | tlogan wrote:
         | One of the most important role of PMs is to tell the team what
         | not to implement. Or which feature to remove.
         | I worked with a couple of good PMs which were good at that: and
         | product and profits really improved. The worse PMs are the one
         | which just say: customer x wants y - we need to implement y.
         | Without thinking of market landscape, future, training costs,
         | etc.
         | nlh wrote:
         | It's good to be skeptical, but I think the role is critical if
         | done right. Someone described a good PM as "a conductor keeping
         | the orchestra in sync". And even as you described - someone
         | needs to be the layer to gather feedback from customers, make
         | sure it's feasible to build, decide what to build vs. what not
         | to build and when, make sure executives are happy, keep the
         | designers on track and focused, etc.
         | If that layer is lossy, then you simply have a bad PM (which
         | doesn't mean there should be NO pm, it just means you need a
         | better one.)
         | Do you as an engineer want to be doing design reviews and
         | giving feedback on page layout and usability? Do you want to be
         | on 20 customer calls talking about the business, showing demos,
         | and getting feedback? Do you want to present to the board what
         | your next few releases are going to look like? Do you want to
         | maintain a product strategy so that you have a source of truth
         | to answer "should we build this?"
         | You may say "yes" for some of those some of the time, and
         | that's great and important. But if you're saying "yes" to all
         | of that all of the time, then congrats, you're not actually a
         | full-time engineer, you're a PM who knows how to code :)
         | phillipcarter wrote:
         | > I would rather encourage engineers to get involved and
         | understand the domain and the project than rely on this role.
         | What confidence do you have that an engineer would be less
         | lossy in this role? It's a full-time thing when done right.
         | dboreham wrote:
         | PM is just an adult you need when the developers are...
         | juancn wrote:
         | A good PM is an advocate for the customer, but the role also
         | ends up having to balance needs from Engineering and company
         | vision.
         | If you work with a great PM, it's fantastic. They can bring
         | clarity to product in a way no other role can.
       | efitz wrote:
       | This article is a worthwhile read and I can't recommend it enough
       | to anyone who wants to hit senior/staff/principal engineer or
       | above.
       | Technical skills are not enough. You're not hired to write
       | software; you're hired to write software that solves problems.
       | Once you realize this; you'll develop skills that complement your
       | technical skills and amplify your effectiveness and value.
       | Expecting to be given a requirements doc or spec and then
       | delivering an interesting solution is rare. Building exceptional
       | solutions requires you to intimately understand the problem space
       | and how your software's users will think, and solving the
       | problems that they might not have even known about.
       | Anyway read the fine article.
       | juancn wrote:
       | The best products I've worked for took input (mainly) from three
       | sources:
       | - Product Managers: a.k.a. the voice of the customer, what
       | customer want and need
       | - Engineering: what's possible, rethinking the product from the
       | tech POV, to create delightful experiences.
       | - Executives: Vision about what the company should be in the long
       | term
       | All these crossed by a strong design team, to make sure we've a
       | coherent UI, internationalization teams, accessibility,
       | documentation, support, etc.
       | When all these align, it's a magical experience where you feel
       | you're making something useful. Your product not just does what
       | is requested, but it solves problems for customers they didn't
       | know they had in the first place, because they had no way of
       | framing it, competitors start playing catch-up, and you end up in
       | the lead defining a market.
       | Typically you also end up having magnific engineering challenges
       | with solutions that will make you proud of having built them.
       | As usual, always think about what's valuable and why, and push
       | for that.
         | daigoba66 wrote:
         | This, frankly, is the real definition of a unicorn software
         | company.
           | [deleted]
           | dymk wrote:
           | I'm pretty sure it has nothing to do with a unicorn - a
           | unicorn is on a fast growth trajectory, with a large and
           | reasonably-likely upside. Not necessarily one that where PMs,
           | execs, and eng can finish each others' sentences, they're so
           | well attuned.
             | daigoba66 wrote:
             | I'll admit that I didn't make it clear the sarcasm/joke.
             | But I was playing on the fact that a unicorn is a mythical
             | creature, just as mythical as this functioning proddev
             | team.
             | projektfu wrote:
             | I thought they meant unicorn, as in the unicorn love
             | partner who has all the great qualities and doesn't exist,
             | rather than the VC unicorn, a quick-to-a-billion company.
         | magicink81 wrote:
         | I'm sure I'm not the only one in the audience interested in
         | more details about how the specific team you may be talking
         | about was organized to come together, operated, and evolved.
         | Great to hear about the key role of designers being recognized.
       | Kalanos wrote:
       | well, yeah. everyone helps ideate on the product. you could write
       | the same post and replace all the engineering terms with sales
       | stuff or science stuff. for example, in biotech, it's not just
       | about tech.
       | counter argument: product managers that aren't technical are just
       | product marketers
       | nickdothutton wrote:
       | I think people have lost sight, or perhaps never understood, the
       | role of the product manager. The role of the product manager is
       | to manage the product through the product lifecycle. Concept,
       | R&D, launch, iteration/revision, maturity, decline and
       | retirement. I've been fortunate enough to bring new winning
       | products to market and to kill off a fair few. Both ends are
       | rewarding.
       | PraetorianGourd wrote:
       | I know the title is consistent with the article, but the
       | undertone of the title (to me) implies "because they will mess it
       | up" but really the context is because engineers hit a growth
       | ceiling without a product mindset.
       | The title just verges in clickbait to me
       | scyzoryk_xyz wrote:
       | As a (young) PM - yes!
       | How I wish engineers in my little company expressed a little more
       | curiosity about our users and how the things we make solve their
       | actual problems. Would be a huge load off my mind.
       | However, I can't imagine our engineers taking over my job
       | entirely and being able to just do both. They're just not the
       | type of people who could handle talking to the marketing and
       | sales people. Not to mention the clusterfuck that is our actual
       | users and use cases.
       | toss1 wrote:
       | YUP
       | If at all possible, have the actual architects and coders talking
       | directly to the end users.
       | Avoid having the product managers talking to the user managers.
       | Avoid even more having executives talking to executives. (At
       | least exclusively, of course one needs customer executive input
       | to discover what they need, but that is really as other users,
       | e.g., of the reports generated). Keeping the discussions high-
       | level instead of coder-user is pretty much a guarantee of
       | multiple rewirtes, add-ons, extensions, cost and schedule
       | overruns, and generally poor results. Even when everyone is
       | sincerely working hard to get a good result, merely the result of
       | the 'telephone' game, and loss of key details which indicate real
       | issues and latent structures/processes that need to be taken into
       | account in the design...
       | It may seem frivolous, but it is a key to successful projects,
       | whether as a consulting org or internal enterprise development.
         | mason55 wrote:
         | > _It may seem frivolous, but it is a key to successful
         | projects, whether as a consulting org or internal enterprise
         | development._
         | Sorry, but neither of those things usually require a product
         | manager because neither of them involve building a product.
         | The role of product manager is basically THE key difference
         | between building custom software and building a product.
         | When you're building custom software, you have a specific user
         | who is paying you to solve a specific problem for them. The
         | only measure of success is whether you solve their problem
         | (within time/money budget). For these kinds of things, you're
         | right, it's absolutely critical that the person with the
         | problem and the person solving the problem work closely
         | together.
         | When you're really building a new product, you won't even have
         | any users and you won't have anyone paying you who's defining
         | success for you. Someone on your team needs to figure out who
         | are the customers you're trying to target, what problems are we
         | trying to solve for them, how can we solve those problems in a
         | way that's generic enough for us to sell it to multiple
         | customers, etc. That's all legwork that a (good) product
         | manager should be doing because, again, no one is proactively
         | defining it for the team.
           | toss1 wrote:
           | True, I was talking mostly about custom software, but I've
           | also turned that into products.
           | >> Someone on your team needs to figure out who are the
           | customers you're trying to target, what problems are we
           | trying to solve for them, how can we solve those problems in
           | a way that's generic enough for us to sell it to multiple
           | customers, etc. That's all legwork that a (good) product
           | manager should be doing because, again, no one is proactively
           | defining it for the team.
           | And this is exactly the task that should be done, NOT ONLY by
           | the project manager. Perhaps, if the PM has a stunning level
           | of deep knowledge of both the engineering capabilities and
           | the product's domain, (s)he might be able to make a good stab
           | at it. But getting actual engineers talking to actual
           | intended users and integrating that knowledge will still make
           | a better product. I'm sure there are some PMs that can pull
           | it off, but...
           | How many times have you used a product and had to ask "how TF
           | this this even pass first user testing"?. They'd already
           | committed to what turns out to be a dumb design and it was
           | too late to fix it.
       | zeruch wrote:
       | The part that Product groups sometimes miss if they dont have
       | process/mechanisms in place for it, is feedback from field groups
       | (sales, TAMs, PS, VARs, et al) who bring direct, 'real world'
       | feedback...
       | vsareto wrote:
       | >Although these topics are not related to coding at all, they
       | make me a better engineer and engineering leader.
       | This is fine for shallow problems in the business space, but
       | eventually you will get to harder problems and will need to
       | collaborate with experts. Experts are experts because they spend
       | many hours on those subjects. You are an expert at engineering
       | because you spend many hours on that subject.
       | Don't let your recently acquired domain knowledge make you
       | overconfident enough to not reach out to experts. Everyone thinks
       | they know how something works until someone more knowledgeable
       | comes along.
       | >instead of expecting someone (e.g., product managers) to tell
       | you which product features to develop, you should be able to tell
       | what are the most critical problems your users or product are
       | facing and find the best solutions that fit into your product and
       | engineering strategy.
       | Which is fine if the problems are obvious and there are easy wins
       | to be had. Your solution's effectiveness is limited by your
       | expertise in the domain.
       | This is a regular pattern I see, which is "developers pretending
       | to be experts at everything because they're good at picking up
       | knowledge and skills". There is a time component you can't skip
       | when acquiring domain knowledge.
       | Additionally, while it's great to strive to be an expert in both
       | engineering and the domain, you're naturally doing two jobs for
       | the price of one. Many domain experts with a singular expertise
       | might also make more than developers striving to be double-
       | experts at the lesser price of a developer.
         | encoderer wrote:
         | I've served many roles in tech. Engineer, lead, manager,
         | director and now founder.
         | My experience is that when a product manager has true
         | expertise, that product manager is respected easily by the
         | whole team.
         | Likewise, when a product manager without specific expertise
         | proves adept at prioritizing and gains a reputation for quality
         | work, they are easily respected by the whole team.
         | But in many cases the product manager is a Stanford MBA with a
         | couple former roles at other tech companies and has never
         | accomplished anything very impressive. And these hires are
         | corrosive for a product org. They get in and hire more just
         | like themselves. The problem is not the Stanford mba it's that
         | all they have is a Stanford mba and confidence in their own
         | skills. It's not enough to demand the respect of engineers who
         | have sometimes worked years in the domain.
         | gedy wrote:
         | > This is a regular pattern I see, which is "developers
         | pretending to be experts at everything because they're good at
         | picking up knowledge and skills". There is a time component you
         | can't skip when acquiring domain knowledge.
         | Maybe that's true, but almost all the Product managers I've
         | worked with in multiple companies were not experienced in the
         | the domain we were working in either. They were mostly generic
         | "product people" from random other domains. So it wasn't a
         | stretch to say the engineers who had worked there knew more
         | about the domain than the product folks did.
           | vsareto wrote:
           | Even in that situation, the PM should be striving for more
           | domain knowledge than the devs. Devs shouldn't be expected to
           | pick up that slack. If they are, they should be compensated
           | for it.
             | ArnoVW wrote:
             | The funny thing is, developers will always have a more
             | precise and detailed domain knowledge. Because unlike the
             | PM, who can analyze the problem in the abstract and
             | approximate, the developer must produce working code.
             | However it is very difficult to have empathy with the user
             | when you're trying to produce code. Also, you're generally
             | judged on your ability to 'finish US' quickly. So generally
             | you'll choose an approach 'that works'. Only to have the
             | feedback 'great, but why did you not think about this?'
               | spookthesunset wrote:
               | > However it is very difficult to have empathy with the
               | user when you're trying to produce code.
               | Not only that, but as a dev you can get into a position
               | where what you decide to work on is based more on ease of
               | development or "fits cleanly with what we have now".
               | There should be a balance. The PM should push for the
               | impossible and the engineers can tell the PM why that
               | won't work. Kind of... maybe not with that much hyperbole
               | in my assertion.
               | peteradio wrote:
               | > the developer must produce working code.
               | Bingo, I can't (well won't) build a contradiction even if
               | its part of the spec.
               | > Only to have the feedback 'great, but why did you not
               | think about this?'
               | Even worse IMO: "Great, no problems!" every time. Ok, I'm
               | not that good, is anyone even running this shit?
         | mooreds wrote:
         | > This is a regular pattern I see, which is "developers
         | pretending to be experts at everything because they're good at
         | picking up knowledge and skills". There is a time component you
         | can't skip when acquiring domain knowledge.
         | I wrote about this years ago:
         | https://www.mooreds.com/wordpress/archives/134
         | Both things can be true: it's good to have some product mindset
         | and you should also defer to the experts. In fact, they build
         | on each other, otherwise how can you communicate with the
         | experts? You have to have some common, shared language to do
         | so. They might learn engineering, but it's more likely a dev
         | will learn some of the domain.
           | taylodl wrote:
           | Absolutely true - but at the end of the day some _one_ has to
           | be vested with making the final decision. That 's what
           | Product Managers are for, they're vested with making the
           | final call. As you point out, good Product Managers won't be
           | overbearing overlords just like good engineers aren't simple
           | order takers.
             | ownagefool wrote:
             | Which decision?
             | How a feature UX should work based on the PM having a fair
             | bit of expertise in the field? Maybe.
             | What task you work on next? Maybe not.
             | You see the problem with letting someone who's not an
             | expert in the work decided the work goes both ways. The PM
             | is in charge? Good luck getting patching on the backlog.
             | Don't consult the PM? Good luck getting the functionality
             | right.
             | My takeaway is the PMs often aren't the experts in writing,
             | maintaining, or running a production system, thus they
             | probably shouldn't actually run the backlog. But said
             | production system is pretty useless without market fit, so
             | you want to strongly align with whoever your version of a
             | PM is.
               | taylodl wrote:
               | The Product Manager owns the _what?_ , they don't own the
               | _how?_ or _how long?_. They 're getting feedback and
               | directing the sales team, the marketing team, the
               | engineering team, the UI team, the QA team and the
               | support team. It should be easy for a competent
               | engineering team to get patching on the backlog - after
               | all, that's table stakes. Organizations struggling with
               | the mundane is the very definition of dysfunctional.
               | ownagefool wrote:
               | But very common.
               | Which goes back to the point, maybe Product aren't master
               | of the universe directing all the teams, but just another
               | group of folks with relevant skills that should advise
               | and advocate, but not direct the others groups, whom are
               | the actual experts of their respective areas.
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