[HN Gopher] Commercial-Emacs
       Author : rvieira
       Score  : 66 points
       Date   : 2022-06-02 20:15 UTC (2 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (github.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (github.com)
       | satanscatdog wrote:
       | Dont really care for the opening quote about the emacs
       | maintainers. Emacs is moving plenty fast. I dont see why they
       | wouldnt contribute upstream. Its added such an insane feature
       | list in the last few years (native compilation???, tree-sitter in
       | progress, PGTK) . Sure this has some nice features but its not
       | like any of them are outside the capabilities of the people
       | making the version of emacs most people actually use, better,
       | given how monumental the improvements that have already been
       | made.
       | It would be nice to get a better GC in, and the long lines. It
       | just seems like the author is acting as though they are the only
       | ones to be attempting to make real improvements despite the
       | obvious efforts by a good few other people.
         | [deleted]
         | HillBates wrote:
         | you said it yourself. "added such an insane feature list in the
         | last few years "
         | those people are there more then few years. so this improvement
         | has nothing to do with these people ( except managerial role ).
       | midislack wrote:
       | I don't like some of the moves being made by emacs lately,
       | deprecating libxft for example. It's been fixed but the
       | FreeDesktop people won't take the patches because they're "so
       | over" X11 now.
       | giraffe_lady wrote:
       | Tree-sitter highlighting is interesting. I usually find emacs to
       | have slightly worse syntax highlighting than other editors for
       | most languages I use.
       | When I've mentioned this before someone usually explains why I am
       | wrong and it is actually superior or whatever. I do not care I
       | don't like it as much. It's nowhere near enough to drop emacs
       | over but if this changes it I might prefer it.
         | HillBates wrote:
         | 1) highlighting - most unnecessary thing people invented,
         | except values and :things: in "" 2) LSP client provides these
         | things exactly as other programs do. GNU means do everything
         | different because otherwise it is not GNU, so maybe thats not
         | good thing after all. This push is so strong even Steve Jobs
         | started to Think Different after cloning BSD in 199x...
         | natrys wrote:
         | I don't know what this fork brings to table, but you could try
         | tree-sitter today with your vanilla Emacs using a package[1]
         | that works via dynamic module.
         | Personally I am more interested in getting structural selection
         | and navigation reliably working for any language. There is also
         | a package named combobulate[2] to help with that.
         | [1] https://emacs-tree-sitter.github.io/
         | [2] https://github.com/mickeynp/combobulate
         | mark_h wrote:
         | You can use tree-sitter already if you have dynamic module
         | support: https://github.com/emacs-tree-sitter/elisp-tree-sitter
         | frou_dh wrote:
         | Dunno about the overall ceiling of Emacs' syntax highlighting
         | capabilities. But the few times in the past that I've had
         | reason to look at the definition of the highlighting for
         | specific languages, the Lisp code has looked like horrific
         | imperative rats nests.
         | __david__ wrote:
         | There is tree-sitter work being done in a feature branch of the
         | official Emacs git repo:
         | https://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/emacs.git/log/?h=feature/t...
         | It's still very much a WIP, but the fact that it's there at all
         | is promising.
       | [deleted]
       | melissalobos wrote:
       | I don't really understand what exactly this is. It looks like an
       | open source version of emacs, but I don't understand how it is
       | commercial. Could someone explain more or point to a better
       | description of the project?
         | flurie wrote:
         | The "why" section of the repo explains it, but there may be
         | some missing context. All contributors to Emacs are required to
         | assign copyright to the FSF before their contributions will be
         | accepted. This[1] explains why.
         | [1] https://www.gnu.org/licenses/why-assign.en.html
           | chungy wrote:
           | It kind of seems like a pointless middle finger to a
           | situation in which... doing exactly this fork is permitted in
           | the first place. Upstream GNU Emacs is already on a forge,
           | putting it on GitHub doesn't seem to have much point beyond
           | "because I can".
           | Maybe he doesn't like the copyright assignment requirement?
           | Fair, maybe, but I personally think it's not a big deal.
           | "Commit rights" sounds like the bad old days of CVS/SVN. Send
           | a pull request to GNU Emacs, get rejected or accepted. It's a
           | lot easier nowadays.
           | munch117 wrote:
           | It's just so weird. If you think about it, this is the FSF
           | saying that they don't believe the GPL works.
             | gmfawcett wrote:
             | I think it _intentionally_ doesn 't work in the way you're
             | speculating here. Assigning copyright to FSF means that
             | they can relicense the code in the future. We _trust_ that
             | this future license will be a GPL derivative.
             | Suppose I don't sign over copyright. Instead I license my
             | code to the world under GPLv3, and you incorporate it into
             | your project. You can use and share my code under the terms
             | of GPLv3, of course. But that doesn't mean you can share it
             | under a future GPL version, say GPLv99, without my
             | permission -- because the terms of those versions may be
             | incompatible.
             | spicybright wrote:
             | If I'm understanding, I don't even get why you would go
             | through the effort.
             | It sounds like the author wants to add these features to
             | main-line emacs, and expect other people to maintain it
             | while he holds some kind of copyright.
             | Emacs is one of the last pieces of software people would
             | want to "move fast and break things". And what does
             | copyright or ownership even get you?
             | They took something existing that's been worked on since
             | probably before he was born, agreed to the license, and
             | added features only they have reviewed and tested. And I
             | guess expected to face little resistance to get his code in
             | to be tested and maintained by everyone else.
             | It doesn't even sound like it's a big deal to maintain
             | their branch. They said mainline is merged in every hour.
             | The hardest part sounds like adding a different URL in your
             | package manager and dealing with a rare merge conflict
             | (which you could easily put off for a long time if you
             | don't care about bleeding edge).
             | So weird is extremely accurate.
         | [deleted]
       | avgcorrection wrote:
       | > Performant long lines.
       | I dread scrolling through a mysqldump in Emacs.
         | onedognight wrote:
         | M-x toggle-truncate-lines
           | HillBates wrote:
       | ggm wrote:
       (page generated 2022-06-02 23:00 UTC)