[HN Gopher] LeekWars, program your AI to destroy your leek enemies
       LeekWars, program your AI to destroy your leek enemies
       Author : pil0u
       Score  : 171 points
       Date   : 2022-06-05 19:01 UTC (3 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (leekwars.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (leekwars.com)
       | omarhaneef wrote:
       | Tired: Leetcode
       | Wired: Leekcode
       | djmips wrote:
       | For those who are too young or forgot this hearkens back to
       | RobotWar by Silas Warner on the Plato system in 1970s and later
       | on the Apple II (1981) and there may well have been something
       | from an earlier time on the old big iron. Does anyone know of
       | anything earlier? I had so much fun on RobotWar and it had an
       | impeccable source level debugger which was a revelation in 1981.
       | I'm excited there are current code battle arena games.
       | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RobotWar
         | fnordpiglet wrote:
         | Slightly later game comes to mind as well - Core War
         | https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Core_War
       | gumby wrote:
       | Is this intended for the Welsh market or can anyone play?
         | fragmede wrote:
         | I found it playable via in-browser Google translate.
       | Kiro wrote:
       | How do they manage to run untrusted code on the server?
         | GuB-42 wrote:
         | I don't know how it is done here but there are plenty of ways:
         | VMs, sandboxes, etc...
         | There is no problem running untrusted code as long as the I/O
         | and interrupts are protected, something that is a standard
         | feature of all the CPUs and OSes that the server may run on...
         | Unless you find a bug to exploit.
       | lelag wrote:
       | LeekWars has been around for a while now. I remember having a
       | blast playing it with colleagues at least 10 years ago.
       | From memory, as you level you get access to more and more API
       | features. A good way to have a stronger leek was to manage to
       | implement algorithms before they were officialy available to you
       | through the API. Ex: instead of waiting to level up to get access
       | to A* pathfinding, you could get a huge advantage against other
       | leeks by implementing it yourself within the memory and cycle
       | constraints you were given for your AI code.
       | Happy to see it's still apparently going strong...
       | austinl wrote:
       | This reminded me of another fun programming game called _Elevator
       | Saga_ (https://play.elevatorsaga.com). Essentially, you need to
       | write the code for a system of elevators to transport the maximum
       | number of people in a given time.
       | It's a problem I've thought about every so often, but never
       | bothered to look up how it was commonly implemented. For example,
       | If you have a large building with multiple elevators, is there an
       | optimal way to arrange the elevators while they're idle to
       | minimize transport time? Or what about accounting for time of
       | day? (e.g. stacking the elevators on the bottom floor in the
       | morning as people arrive at the office). Or what advantages do
       | you gain mathematically from having Up/Down buttons vs. the
       | touchpads where people select the exact floor? Seems like an
       | interesting problem if you work on elevators installed in tall
       | office buildings.
         | andrewljohnson wrote:
         | I hear the sound of elevator engineers cracking their knuckles.
       | osigurdson wrote:
       | The site is messed up in Safari (at least on my machine).
         | cyanydeez wrote:
         | Safari is messed up.
           | williamtwild wrote:
           | care to elaborate or is reddit leaking again?
           | osigurdson wrote:
           | That may be but everything else generally works.
             | Kiro wrote:
             | Normally I would agree but games are notoriously hard to
             | get working in Safari (not to mention iOS Safari). It's
             | basically a dead race and I never presume a game will work.
       | rubyn00bie wrote:
       | Me seconds before clicking the link, "I swear to fucking god if
       | this doesn't involve leeks fighting each other... I'm gonna be so
       | pissed."
       | Me immediately after clicking the link, "yes. Hahaha YES!"
       | playhard wrote:
         | playhard wrote:
         | FIFO
       | valryon wrote:
       | Interesting, I will give it a try.
       | It reminds me Gladiabots (https://store.steampowered.com/app/8719
       | 30/GLADIABOTS__AI_Com...), but the target audience is not the
       | same.
       | WJW wrote:
       | Thought this was going to be some type of leetcode leaderboard,
       | but it's actually way better than I hoped!
       | joshu wrote:
       | mine won't compile. it complains about a core leek
       | stefanvdw1 wrote:
       | If been looking for a game like this or Robocode but where the
       | code that you need to write is written in Rust. Does something
       | like that exist?
         | fragmede wrote:
         | A fun programming exercise would be to write it yourself!
         | wongarsu wrote:
         | In screeps [1] you program your units in JavaScript, which
         | opens the door to using Rust via WASM [2][3]
         | 1: https://screeps.com/
         | 2: https://github.com/rustyscreeps/screeps-game-api/
         | 3: https://github.com/rustyscreeps/screeps-starter-rust
         | jna_sh wrote:
         | You can play Battlesnake (https://Battlesnake.com) in anything,
         | Rust is quite popular.
       | annexrichmond wrote:
       | Reminds me Ants AI Challenge [1] which supported most programming
       | languages. As far as I can tell LeekWars only supports
       | "LeekScript"?
       | [1] http://ants.aichallenge.org
       (page generated 2022-06-05 23:00 UTC)