[HN Gopher] Ask HN: How to talk with logical flow and coherence ...
       Ask HN: How to talk with logical flow and coherence at interviews?
       I have noticed that at interviews, I struggle to build a proper
       narrative and talk coherently. I live in UK and English is not my
       first language which doesn't help. Most of the times the flow of my
       conversation is not fluent and it feels like I am putting up
       sentences one after the another and there is a ot of "mmmaa",
       "mmmaa" in my talking. Are there any practical resources to improve
       my conversation skills?
       Author : pavanto
       Score  : 191 points
       Date   : 2022-06-09 09:33 UTC (13 hours ago)
       | gumby wrote:
       | Lots of good advice here. One important one is not to be afraid
       | to pause* and think. Someone asks you a question and of course
       | you want to answer right away to be responsive, enthusiastic, and
       | all the other things people correctly tell you to be which are
       | all swirling in your head.
       | So the interviewer asks you "I see you're a Java programmer: what
       | are the most common library datastructures you use?" You could
       | easily jump into "Yes, I have a lot of java experience, having
       | worked on X and Y, and once I had to implement a custom hashmap
       | because we had some unusual constraints _blah blah_ ". Just take
       | a second to make sure you are answering the question actually
       | asked: "Well in my Java code it sometimes feels like the only
       | datastructure is ArrayList! Which is funny because when I write
       | Python code I predominantly use maps".
       | This is good when you have some pre-planned answers (as has been
       | suggested elsewhere) to make sure you use the right one. Also
       | good when you have to think up the right answer: when you know
       | what you want to say you can concentrate on saying it.
       | This problem affects those interviewing in their native language
       | as well as those not in their native language, as with you.
       | Everybody is nervous.
       | * I originally typed "stop and think" but really we're talking
       | just for a second or two at most.
       | whacim wrote:
       | One approach I used when I first started interviewing was to
       | apply to a few jobs I wasn't really interested in pursuing to use
       | as an opportunity to practice interviewing.
         | gopher_space wrote:
         | I use external recruiters for practice. They don't mind.
         | They're either on their way up and are practicing too or good
         | at their job and able to give you serious feedback.
         | mat0 wrote:
         | Please don't do this. I get it's "good practice", but you are
         | essentially wasting interviewing time -> company money for your
         | little practice. Terrible advice.
           | corrral wrote:
           | I think it's fine as long as you make sure the company in
           | question is one of the many that post fake job openings. Then
           | it's simply justice.
       | tqi wrote:
       | 1. As others have said, practice is the only real way to get
       | better. If you can carve out the time, interviewing even if you
       | aren't actively looking to change jobs is a good idea.
       | 2. Specifically to your question about proper narrative, people
       | often recommend the STAR (Situation -> Tasks required of you ->
       | Actions that you took -> Results that you achieved) framework for
       | answers. It can definitely sound a little robotic if over
       | applied, but I think it's relatively useful especially for new
       | people. It's also helpful to start by taking a moment to gather
       | your thoughts ("I would love to take a brief moment to think of
       | an example"), and work backwards from the Results you want the
       | interviewer to remember.
         | jawmes8 wrote:
         | +1 for the STAR method, I find it helps with off-the-cuff
         | answers too as it keeps me focused.
       | whiddershins wrote:
       | Record yourself, watch the recording, repeat.
       | It's tough, and can make you self conscious in the short term,
       | but it is the fastest way to radically improve your
       | communication.
       | And as others have said, pause. It's ok to pause. It's good to
       | pause. It's ok to collect your thoughts silently.
       | idoh wrote:
       | This is a bit wild, but learning and being fluid in MECE changed
       | my life. Not really, but it really helped me in interviews and
       | all types of conversations. Check out How to be MECE on Youtube.
       | MECE = mutually exhaustive and completely exclusive.
       | The short version is that when you describe something you want to
       | divide it up into mutually exclusive and completely exhaustive
       | chunks. There are five ways to be MECE - algebraic, process,
       | conceptual, segmenting, and opposite words (in descending
       | priority of insight).
       | For example, if you are asked a question about how increase
       | revenue for a grocery store, then you break it down into revenue
       | = number of tickets * value per ticket, and then you can attack
       | it that way. This would be the algebraic way to be MECE.
       | Trick A is that almost all conversations can be broken into MECE,
       | and that gives good practice. E.g. if you are planning a road
       | trip then when you are talking about it you use a process MECE to
       | add structure.
       | Trick B is that it takes about an hour or two to be fluid in
       | applying MECE to a given domain, just start picking random topics
       | and breaking them down, and the more insightful the better. E.g.
       | how would you describe the items on a menu? Different programming
       | languages? Features you worked on?
       | If you do that, then it gives a proper narrative, good structure,
       | and you can use the time where you are setting up the structure
       | to think about everything else. By running through all items in
       | the MECE list it shows that you are thorough and you have
       | literally thought of everything (because you've created an
       | exhaustive list).
         | corrral wrote:
         | > fluid
         | Fluent?
           | idoh wrote:
           | Fluid as in able to easily apply MECE to conversations. I
           | guess being fluid with the application of MECE will lead to
           | more fluent conversations. They both have the same latin
           | root.
           | edit - updated the GP to make it clear that I was talking
           | about being fluid in applying MECE to a given domain, which
           | could be written or oral.
             | corrral wrote:
             | OK, cool, thanks--I wasn't asking to nitpick, but because I
             | really wasn't sure whether it was a mistake, or a
             | neologistic/jargon usage I was unfamiliar with.
               | idoh wrote:
               | Even if you were nitpicking then that's OK. On Hacker
               | News we critique the words and not the person, right?
         | gcanyon wrote:
         | Mutually exclusive and comprehensively exhaustive.
         | That's just pedantic -- great write up!
       | lupire wrote:
       | Don't take a job where saying "mmmaa" is considered more of a
       | concern than real issues.
       | Not down brief notes (keywords) for each of the main ideas you
       | want to cover.
       | After a sentence, stop and count to 3 before changing topic or
       | repeating yourself. Then if your partner doesn't speak, ask
       | "should I go deeper into that?"
       | halayli wrote:
       | Being coherent, succinct, and articulate is an outcome/reward
       | that you achieve as a result of learning and hard work.
       | Try improving your learning skills, and focus on your cognitive
       | map you've built so far and identify the gaps/holes.
       | In general, if you are having a hard time explaining something it
       | simply means you don't fully understand the topic. But that's
       | fine, I often say something along the lines of "I am not doing a
       | great job explaining X as I am still learning the topic and have
       | gaps in my knowledge about it". Self awareness is key here.
       | theonething wrote:
       | In addition to other good suggestions here, make sure you get
       | enough sleep. Lack of sleep reduces my speech to idiot level.
       | The same goes for food, exercise, keeping yourself healthy in
       | general. I find sleep to be the one that has outsize and
       | immediate effects.
       | jdtang13 wrote:
       | Try using the STAR method: situation, task, action, and result
       | https://www.indeed.com/career-advice/interviewing/how-to-use...
       | ignorantguy wrote:
       | One thing that helped me is to start thinking in English. English
       | is not my first language either. I noticed I dont have
       | conversation fillers like "like" anymore for pauses.
       | hutzlibu wrote:
       | "I have noticed that at interviews, I struggle to build a proper
       | narrative and talk coherently."
       | Is it only at interviews? Than it would be merley the pressure,
       | you cannot stand.
       | In either case, why not practice talking with logical flow and
       | coherence every time, you have a actual conversation?
       | I am not a fan of learning verbal conversation by books. I
       | learned english for 10 years in school like this (and had quite
       | good grades). Then I went backpacking into the world - and I
       | allmost could not communicate with native english speakers at
       | all. Very, very frustrating. The only thing that helped, was
       | practice, practice and practice.
       | [deleted]
       | goodpoint wrote:
       | No reasonable interviewer is going to hire you or not hire you
       | simply due to your fluency during the interview alone.
       | With that in mind - relax! Imagine you are explaining things to a
       | friend rather than being examined.
       | Build you answers up, step by step, starting with the basic.
       | Explain how you are reasoning around a problem as you go.
       | Do not just describe how things are or what you would do: clarify
       | why one solution is better than another, and what problems you
       | want to avoid.
       | If your fluency in English is low, practice speaking in general,
       | so that during interviews you don't have to spend time thinking
       | about grammar and phrasing.
       | Short, simple sentences are much better than mumbling, making
       | sounds, etc.
         | tqi wrote:
         | > No reasonable interviewer is going to hire you or not hire
         | you simply due to your fluency during the interview alone.
         | > With that in mind - relax! Imagine you are explaining things
         | to a friend rather than being examined.
         | +1 to this. This is why I recommend that people take the time
         | to go through the interview process every 6 months or so, even
         | if (or especially if) they aren't actively looking to switch
         | jobs. Being relaxed is a huge part of performance. Interviewing
         | when you're not looking to switch means less pressure, which
         | can lead to better performance in those interviews, in turn
         | which can build confidence in one's interview abilities down
         | the road.
       | GoodJokes wrote:
       | vln wrote:
       | One thing I do to give myself time to think is to just rephrase
       | the question as a way to ensure I understood correctly as well as
       | demonstrating that you're listening and participating. I then ask
       | clarifying questions and ask for them to confirm any assumptions
       | I'm making based upon answers given as part of my thought
       | process. It's just thinking out loud and can also help
       | demonstrate _how_ you think about problems. This lays the
       | groundwork for you to construct a cohesive narrative.
       | jcpst wrote:
       | I can't speak to this directly, but I've heard from a few people
       | in my company that joining their local Toastmasters group really
       | helped them out.
       | Could anyone speak to that?
         | weinzierl wrote:
         | I can speak to that directly and Toastmasters helped me a lot.
         | In my club for every speech there was an Ah-counter who counted
         | all the interjections and unnecessary words. In my opinion this
         | feedback, weekly over a long period of time, is the only way to
         | improve on this subconscious utterances.
         | Besides prepared speeches _everyone_ did short two minute
         | impromptu speeches at _every_ meeting. We always got feedback,
         | verbally in front of the others as well as in writing and
         | secretly. Even the short speeches were strictly timed and Ah-
         | counted.
         | It's all very simple but done every week for a few months
         | improvement is inevitable.
         | Membership fees were next to nothing and there was no long term
         | commitment. You could just pay in cash at the meetings.
         | Toastmasters is also a non-profit, so little money but well
         | spent.
         | The meetings back then were always open to anyone and you could
         | just hop-by without registration or being a member. As a non-
         | member you could even participate in most of the activities but
         | you wouldn't be given speaking slots.
         | Downsides? You will have to invest a significant amount of time
         | and energy.
         | bombcar wrote:
         | This, or even a community college "speech" class, can do
         | wonders. You basically just do speeches and get feedback.
           | jcpst wrote:
           | This is a good point. I forgot about the fact that I took a
           | "speech" class as a freshman in high school, then again as a
           | freshman at a community college. It helped!
         | sowbug wrote:
         | It made an enormous difference for me. Over the past 15 years,
         | I've attended TM in three phases: once for a couple years to
         | get through the initial course of about a dozen speaking
         | assignments, and then twice since then for tune-up sessions of
         | about a year each. I started out as a typical engineer who
         | meandered and stammered my way through team meetings, and now
         | I've successfully presented before audiences of several
         | thousand people. I admire top Toastmasters speakers far too
         | much to call myself an expert, but if public speaking were a
         | pass/fail test, I know I'd easily pass.
         | What makes Toastmasters work is the immensely supportive
         | environment. I've never felt so welcomed anywhere as I have at
         | the weekly TM meeting. They want you to succeed, and you can
         | feel their positive energy just as the butterflies are trying
         | to overwhelm you at the start of a speech. They are experts in
         | delivering constructive criticism while still reinforcing what
         | you already do well. Most important, you'll find that you'll
         | start looking forward to public speaking.
         | As for the original question about spontaneous interview
         | conversation, TM helps there, too. One part of a usual meeting
         | is "Table Topics," where the host calls on random attendees to
         | get up, stand in front of the the room, and spend one-two
         | minutes answering a simple question like "have you ever owned a
         | pet?" It's high-pressure but low-stakes, and it's great
         | practice for getting comfortable with that common situation of
         | having nothing to say but needing to say it.
       | MisterBastahrd wrote:
       | Interviewing 101:
       | 1. Know what you're interviewing for. You should clarify this
       | with the recruiter before accepting an interview.
       | 2. Learn about the company that you're interviewing for. This
       | shows that you have put thought into being a part of the company
       | and that you are diligent about ensuring that you think about the
       | tasks you are undertaking.
       | 3. Learn how to concisely describe what you've done in the past.
       | Nobody needs a complete history. They just want to know that
       | you're competent enough to do the job.
       | 4. Be sure to answer the question asked. I recently interviewed a
       | candidate for a SDET role and asked her about her experience
       | performing simple database queries. Her eyes rolled into the back
       | of her head and she went on a 5 minute recitation of the steps
       | she went through to do Selenium testing. It's not the information
       | I asked for.
       | 5. Behave as if you are in a position of equality with the
       | interviewer. You lose nothing but your time if you don't get the
       | job. Don't be meek. Show confidence. Any good manager is never
       | going to hire someone they wouldn't want to work for in the
       | future.
       | 6. Practice your answers. We all know that interviewers generally
       | ask the same subset of questions. You should be able to answer
       | them immediately.
       | 7. Tied in with #5, prepare questions that you wish to ask the
       | interviewer. Show them that you are serious about evaluating them
       | for the possibility of joining the company. Show that you believe
       | in yourself.
       | 8. Practice. As a former recruiter, I don't need to do this very
       | much, but if you are new to the game, then it's never a bad thing
       | to get your answers and response time down.
       | phtrivier wrote:
       | As others said, don't forget to breathe, and pause accordingly.
       | Also, a nice trick is, if you can, to try to outline your point
       | before making it.
       | Given a tricky question, if you can at least answer the question
       | by a general "well, there is this part of the problem, and then,
       | there is that part", before going into any details, you've
       | probably reinsured the interviewer that you have a clear idea in
       | mind.
       | If you don't have a clear idea in mind, well, at least you know
       | what to prepare for next time !
       | Also, it's a bad idea to have "memorized" answers in general -
       | except for some specific questions, like your"personal pitch"
       | ("what brought you here", "tell me about your job history",
       | etc... You can't blame your interviewer for expecting you to be
       | ready for those.)
       | Good luck in all cases !
       | cl42 wrote:
       | Here is what I recommend for _everyone_ , regardless of role.
       | 1. Make an Excel/Google sheet with 50+ questions you think will
       | come up in an interview.
       | 2. Open Zoom and start recording.
       | 3. Randomize the question list and practice answering each
       | question in 1-2 minutes.
       | Take a break.
       | 4. Watch the video and critique yourself.
       | 5. Rinse and repeat.
       | You will get very, very good over time.
         | yodsanklai wrote:
         | I wonder if people actually do that. I think watching how much
         | I suck will be depressing.
           | demux wrote:
           | It will the first couple of times, after that it just becomes
           | a video!
         | ghostbrainalpha wrote:
         | The "best answers" are always extremely simple to understand.
         | But often a lot more work than you want to do.
         | This is a "best answer".
       | WmyEE0UsWAwC2i wrote:
       | I found reading books, like novels, helps to build the necessary
       | skills to chain complex ideas together in "real time".
         | gkop wrote:
         | Upvoted for creativity in offering a fun recreational option.
         | Do folks have others to suggest?
       | davidajackson wrote:
       | Interviewing is a learned skill. I went through a period where I
       | interviewed with every recruiter that reached out, to improve
       | interviewing skills. You should do that. You will get the
       | practice of nailing conversations through that.
         | bradlys wrote:
         | You also need to be sitting down and practicing before/after
         | though. Just exposing oneself to recruiters will not be
         | sufficient. You need to practice and reflect - and then
         | practice with real people.
         | I think it's similar to playing a sport. Yes, just playing will
         | get you better eventually but if you practice certain drills -
         | you will get better much faster and it can stop oneself from
         | developing bad habits. I think it's like doing LC interviews -
         | would you just do them all live or would you study subjects and
         | practice problems instead? Practicing problems and studying
         | subjects is way more effective than getting slotted a random
         | problem and doing it live every time where you're unlikely to
         | learn what you're doing wrong/right in the moment.
       | mathattack wrote:
       | Have a bunch of stories handy that you can use in a lot of
       | situations. Practice them. Dread the company's values to know
       | where the questions come from. (Amazon is the extreme example)
       | mattlondon wrote:
       | Echo the question back to confirm understanding - this buys time
       | for your brain to start filtering ... and makes sure you are
       | answering the right question. Start with high level aspects as a
       | "summary" rather than "drilling down" too deep in any one thing
       | early.
       | Pause mid-way and confirm "Is this answering your question? Do
       | you need more detail?". "No I was hoping to hear more about
       | databases" "More about database theory, or more practical aspects
       | of running a production database?" "I'm interested in the
       | practical aspects" "Alright the practical aspects - ok sure!" Etc
       | Practice also makes perfect. General rule.od thumb for
       | presentations etc is prepare for 10x times the length of
       | presentation (so 60 mins = 600 prep). You may want to consider
       | something similar.
       | Good luck
       | jeffrallen wrote:
       | One thing that can be helpful is preparing several stories from
       | your past that show useful aspects of your experience, and your
       | character (conflict resolution, managing schedule problems, etc).
       | Then when a question can be answered with your prepared story,
       | make a small intro explaining why you want to tell this story and
       | then tell it.
       | Politicians do this: they listen to the question and then reply
       | to the question they wanted you to ask. You need to be a bit
       | smooth about it, but you are certainly allowed to adapt questions
       | to the story you want and need to tell.
       | ryandrake wrote:
       | Take breaks as you talk! Pause in silence. Whether you are giving
       | a technical answer, or answering a behavioral/scenario question,
       | make it a conversation with pauses and opportunities for your
       | interviewer to help steer.
       | As an interviewer, the _worst_ candidates are the ones who just
       | launch into a stream of words, talking and talking and talking
       | with no break. Just a continuous stream of consciousness or
       | memorized prepared pitch. Especially for the really open ended
       | questions! It should be a conversation, not a one-way word salad.
       | I've had candidates answer the simple "Tell me about your
       | background" question with a continuous 10-minute stream of words.
       | I've more than once had to physically wave my hands and flag them
       | down to stop. I've had a candidate who misheard part of my
       | question and started answering something I never asked, and the
       | candidate never provided an "in" for me to provide a correction
       | and turn them in the right direction. Just non-stop words with no
       | breaks. So many candidates do this. I don't know--are interview
       | prep guides telling them this is a good strategy? It's not!
         | noneeeed wrote:
         | We are doing graduate/junior interviews at the moment and the
         | first one was just like this. He was like a politician with
         | prepared points he wanted to make and would reel them off after
         | hearing some key word in s question. Thankfully that was in the
         | first half hour screening interview.
         | adamhi wrote:
       | yacine_ wrote:
       | Listen to recordings of yourself giving speeches/interviews.
       | After you are done, listen to the whole recording and take notes.
       | That's helped me a lot carry out demos & present. Used to say
       | "Um" a lot, but now I don't.
       | no-dr-onboard wrote:
       | It helps to have a pause before you begin to speak. Think of what
       | you're going to say before you say it. When you're done, you're
       | done. Don't feel pressured to say anything more than what the
       | answer is.
       | Additionally, it helps to have a framework. The STAR method[1] is
       | pretty appropriate for interview responses and is pushed pretty
       | heavily by FAANG. When I worked at Amazon, I was told that my
       | adherence to the method really helped me stand out (for what its
       | worth).
       | Finally, its worth reaching out to the employee working/resource
       | groups at the place you're trying to apply for. Let them know
       | you're an English as a Second Language (ESL) candidate and see if
       | there can be any accommodations. My org allows you to interview
       | in your native tongue and provides accommodations.
       | [1] https://www.thebalancecareers.com/what-is-the-star-
       | interview...
       | eanc wrote:
       | I still suck at being verbally coherent, as my brain isn't quick
       | in the right way, but my guess is that it's good to have "talking
       | points" that you're trying to work toward from wherever the
       | question actually started, and an outline to make sure to hit
       | points A, B, C, and D about matter E...
       | I always went in as a naive kid "they will ask a question and I
       | will say the answer; repeat" because I was brought up to be so
       | passive. _And still am so passive._ And I naively thought they'd
       | recognize there must be _something_ there if I could get that
       | GPA.
       | eddieroger wrote:
       | Regarding verbal crutches, the best advice I've received is to
       | just say nothing instead, and pauses never feel as long to the
       | other parties as they do you. So when you feel yourself saying
       | "umm" or "mmmaa", instead say nothing, take a breath, and move
       | forward.
       | With English not being your first language, I think you can apply
       | this plan to formulating your responses in general. Just take a
       | moment, plan your reply, and say it. It doesn't feel that long to
       | the other party, I promise.
       | Regarding flow, when asked specific questions about things, I
       | remember the acronym CAR - Context, Action, Result. I form my
       | answers in this framework to make a plan for how to get to the
       | reply. Give a little context to set the stage/problem, say what
       | you did, then say how it went - good or bad. Be concise. Fewer
       | words get the job done and are easier on you.
       | Not sure that is what you're looking for regarding practical
       | resources, but I hope it helps. It has helped me a lot, I think.
         | crispyambulance wrote:
         | You're right about "C-A-R", although I find it jarring and
         | difficult to think directly in those terms. It can be too
         | daunting, much like in a game of billiards when someone
         | announces what their shot is going to do in advance and then
         | takes the shot and expects everything to unfold as it was pre-
         | declared. It's wonderful when it works, but it can be really
         | hard to recover from if things go sideways.
         | Many of us achieve the same end in an easier way by putting our
         | experiences into a narrative-- like telling a story in a way
         | that's relatable to the audience. That way it's possible to
         | discuss problems both technical and non-technical, how they
         | were solved, and how the project succeeded. Along the way it's
         | totally OK to digress into interesting aspects of the story.
         | Someone who is skilled enough can then even plant breadcrumbs
         | that stimulate questions for which they've thought through a
         | carefully considered answer.
         | [deleted]
         | Shugarl wrote:
         | > I remember the acronym CAR - Context, Action, Result. I form
         | my answers in this framework to make a plan for how to get to
         | the reply
         | I was looking for something like that to organize my thoughts
         | when I speak. Thanks!
       | alchemyromcom wrote:
       | I would say record yourself speaking and then listen back to it.
       | It will take a little bit of time to get over the discomfort of
       | it, but you'll be happy you did once you get used to it. Not only
       | will it improve your ability to speak, but it can also have added
       | therapeutic benefits (not real medical advice :). The reason why
       | this can be helpful is because you notice that, though it might
       | feel like you are stammering while speaking, you are actually
       | more eloquent than you realize. The small pauses are actually not
       | that noticeable and you are already more coherent than you
       | realize.
       | macintux wrote:
       | One reason we use filler sounds when we're talking is to not lose
       | the initiative, so to speak. You don't want someone else to
       | interpret your pause as an opportunity to talk over you.
       | When you're answering interview questions, you should make a
       | conscious effort to _not_ use them. Pause for the right thought
       | in silence. If someone steps in, they might give you the
       | information you were struggling for, but regardless a thoughtful
       | pause should come across as more professional than a string of
       | nonsense syllables.
       | mhitza wrote:
       | Use the simplest sentence to answer, which is not a yes or no.
       | And if you are the one that wants to lead the conversation,
       | follow it up with a question.
       | But don't force the direction of the conversation, only follow-up
       | with subject related questions.
       | If the interviewer is bothered because you are leading the
       | conversation that is a job you want to avoid. At least as a
       | person that is doing consulting work, that is what I would
       | suggest.
       | aarghh wrote:
       | The best learnt behavior I have is to slow down. In practice that
       | means using phrases like "Let me think about that for a second",
       | and maybe looking at or writing notes. As an interviewer, if
       | anyone actually took a minute to think about what I had just
       | asked them, I would consider that a huge positive signal.
         | billti wrote:
         | Someone posted this Steve Jobs response the other day that
         | demonstrates this well.
         | (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oeqPrUmVz-o) . Even in front
         | of an audience that size, there is no rush to answer. He takes
         | quite a while to consider a response first.
         | That said, he is still amazing at how he can have (apparently)
         | a long narrative in mind as he starts to answer. I work with an
         | architect who I can spring a complex question on, and he'll
         | start answering with something like, "There are four things I
         | would...", and I'm thinking "Damn! You already thought through
         | the entire response in enough detail to count the bullet
         | points!". I'm not sure if that is just "practice" or some
         | people's minds just work differently.
           | Swizec wrote:
           | > "There are four things I would...", and I'm thinking "Damn!
           | You already thought through the entire response in enough
           | detail to count the bullet points!"
           | As someone in a similar role - it's all cheating. They've
           | seen a version of your problem so many times it doesn't feel
           | new to them. While you were talking, the architect was
           | walking down a decision tree of possible problem patterns.
           | Every new clue you provided eliminated part of the tree until
           | the only thing that was left were 4 options that you can
           | eliminate or confirm by asking followup questions or doing
           | followup investigation.
           | Once identified, you use the off-the-shelf solution in your
           | brain. Slightly tweaked for the current problem.
           | That's what people buy when they hire for experience.
         | marginalia_nu wrote:
         | Yeah, when you're nervous you kinda feel like you need to have
         | an answer immediately and deliver it quickly, but you'd be
         | surprised not only how long you're allowed to pause, but how
         | slow you're allowed to talk.
       | sto_hristo wrote:
       | That is normal. Even one of the best recent Presidents can
       | "struggle" with interviews. See:
       | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V4bDuFJuriw This is the best
       | speaker on the planet. On the planet. His bread and butter is
       | pro-speaking actually. "Struggle" in quotes, because he's not
       | struggling really, it's just how normal human beings speak as
       | they are constructing answers in their brains.
       | But why on most of his others interviews he was going so smoothly
       | and effortlessly? Because those were scripted and everything was
       | predictable and prepared for in advance by a huge staff in the
       | background. He already has all the answers in the brain and is
       | merely giving a mental reading.
       | So ground yourself. You're not giving speeches and your interview
       | is NOT going by a script you've been given prior. Relax, answer
       | questions to the best of your ability and KNOW THAT you'll be
       | judged most likely by people with skills inferior to yours.
       | Looking at other answers asking you to prepare for interview as
       | if you're running for president. Sure thing. Do that. But only if
       | you're actually running for president and there are millions on
       | the table for the taking.
       | vorpalhex wrote:
       | Take a moment, fully compose what you want to say, then say it.
       | It's totally acceptable to pause the conversation for a moment to
       | "digest".
       | angarg12 wrote:
       | Practices. It's a skill, you get better at doing it by doing it.
       | However don't just drone through interviews. Do deliberate
       | practice. Be mindful and participate fully in the process. After
       | the fact reflect on your performance. What did you do well, what
       | could you improve? The first few times will be super awkward.
       | After 30 interviews you will feel more confident. After a 100 it
       | will feel like second nature. Sounds like a lot of work? of
       | course! that's what it takes to become good.
       | This might be overkill though so apply judiciously. Still, if you
       | feel the need to improve, going through the process with a
       | handful of companies should improve your skills significantly.
       | arpanetus wrote:
       | jobsearch.dev has quite nice advices you have to follow.
       | Besides that remember always to build your own narrative.
       | Moto7451 wrote:
       | A technique I was re-taught as an adult is the story pyramid.
       | It's a great way to create a linear and logical profession of
       | ideas, their supporting details, and the conclusions you want to
       | provide.
       | https://www.teachervision.com/reading-comprehension/story-py...
       | dominotw wrote:
       | system design and behavior interviews expect you to put up an
       | oscar worthy performance.
       | There is no way to "design instagram" in a super fluid straight
       | line thought process. Only way to beat this system is to prepare
       | and have notes handy where you can go from point to point.
       | Eg: you are expected in system design to have these 4 components
       | 1) functional requirement 2) non functional requirement 3) back
       | of envelope calculations 4) components of design.
       | Similarly for behavior you need STAR format with actual numbers (
       | improved latency of 20%)
       | Freestyling in an interview is a recipe for failure.
       | Ppl complain about leetcode but i find these interviews really
       | embarrassing for all parties to involved to participate in this
       | charade.
       | powersnail wrote:
       | Also a second-language speaker here.
       | It's fine to "hmm". Many highly regarded public speakers "hmm" a
       | lot. If the rest of the sentence makes sense, most listeners will
       | ignore the interruption.
       | The best way to practice is to make conversation with people, but
       | try to use full sentences and complete thoughts, instead of
       | shortened, colloquial expressions.
       | It was very easy to fall into the trap of colloquialism as a
       | second-language speaker, because it's way easier to learn to
       | "Awesome", "Nice, "oh yeah" your way through conversations with
       | friends, which doesn't your spoken English when you need to
       | actually convey something.
       | Another tip is preparation. Prepare full sentences that reflect
       | your current state of mind. "Let me think this through for a
       | second." "I'm going to store the data into a 2D array." "I'm
       | going to loop through this array and do xxx with each item."
       | And also, don't fret too much about it. Interviewers in tech
       | industries are familiar with language barriers. If you feel like
       | you're lost in the middle of a sentence, give a pause and start
       | over. Not a big deal.
       | muzani wrote:
       | Preparation. Anyone who has done public speaking knows that it's
       | a _lot_ of work to be a good speaker.
       | Neil DeGrasse Tyson says you have to be 10x more prepared than
       | you need to be. He calls it his Batman utility belt. You
       | anticipate every question you'll get and do your research.
       | One interviewer asked Neil whether it was worth the $3B mission
       | to Saturn. He brought up that it's $3B over 12 years and that
       | it's how much Americans spend on lip balm. He researched the
       | reporters, anticipated 10 different questions, and prepared to
       | answer a question on cost.
       | For example, a very common question to rehearse is "tell me about
       | yourself" or "tell me about your biggest or latest major
       | project." A big company might ask your experience with processes
       | - CI/CD, how you work with a team, when you've let the team down.
       | A smaller company might ask about what you think about their
       | product.
       | Don't memorize a speech or answer though.
       | A more advanced trick I learned from public speaking class is to
       | get a topic, draft bullet points in my head within 5 minutes,
       | then speak from those points. An example I love is "Do you think
       | a sewer system or waste disposal system is more essential to a
       | city?"
       | If you answer immediately, you will "ummmm uhhh" a lot. Learn to
       | take a breather and buy time.
         | unsupp0rted wrote:
         | > He calls it his Batman utility belt. You anticipate every
         | question you'll get and do your research.
         | Part of the reason Neil DeGrasse Tyson is so painful to
         | watch/listen to (especially on his recent appearances) is that
         | this over-preparation or expectation of specific talking points
         | comes off as smugness, interrupting behavior, etc... is it this
         | which hurts the flow of conversation and even seemed to
         | exasperate Joe Rogan during their talk recently?
         | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qwZXR2PlcEM
           | itsmemattchung wrote:
           | Watched about 3 minutes of this...too cringe to finish the
           | rest.
           | jrh206 wrote:
           | Those clips are painful.
           | DeGrasse Tyson interrupts Rogan right before important words
           | - punchlines. For instance, in the first clip, Rogan begins
           | "what's interesting is that the town is -", and DeGrasse
           | Tyson takes that moment to pattern break: "wait, wait, wait,
           | have you seen that they did Starry Night in bacon?!". Rogan
           | blinks, stunned. His point about the town lost forever.
           | Regardless, it's possible to be well prepared but not
           | interrupt the person you're talking to right as they get to
           | the juice. I would suggest Sean Evans and Nardwaur as
           | examples from the other side of the fence - interviewers -
           | who are unrivalled in preparation and give their guests a
           | chance to speak.
             | glitchc wrote:
             | This might be on purpose, especially if Mr. Rogan is
             | pandering to the audience and Dr. Tyson is aware of his
             | behavior.
               | spicyramen_ wrote:
               | throwbigdata wrote:
               | Pandering?
             | jvanderbot wrote:
             | DeGrasse Tyson is insufferable anyway. He takes every
             | chance to pontificate and play the skewering science
             | expert, even when it's not necessary. His generation /
             | audience just wants a scientist to slam dunk on everyone
             | all the time and "Science the shit out of it", and he's
             | responding perfectly.
             | And I work in space exploration! I've seen 100s of better
             | voices for science than him fist hand.
               | samstave wrote:
               | Agreed, as is Michio Kaku. They are the Zahi Hawass of
               | astro physics.
           | PragmaticPulp wrote:
           | It's the difference between natural conversation and
           | performance.
           | NDT wasn't trying to have a conversation, he was trying to
           | put on a performance. He was using intonation, cadence, and
           | speech patterns rehearsed for putting on a show, whereas
           | podcasters want to have something more like a natural
           | conversation.
           | This can actually be a problem when people try to study
           | social skills and speaking habits from performers and then
           | deploy those habits into natural conversations. It comes off
           | as inauthentic and awkward.
           | scrozier wrote:
           | Thank you! I've always found DeGrasse Tyson unbearable. He's
           | clearly a very smart guy, but as a communicator of the
           | people? Not at all sure why he's so popular. That clip is
           | positively grotesque.
             | hinkley wrote:
             | Speech and conversation are not the same skill.
           | IE6 wrote:
           | This to me is tangential - I am wondering if you are more
           | annoyed at his preparation (which I believe is an excellent
           | example and suggestion to the OP's question) or that he
           | talked over Joe Rogan and didn't let him finish his joke ...
         | rangersanger wrote:
         | This plus having a formula for how to answer. I like the star
         | technique. It's what people want to hear in the right order.
         | https://www.indeed.com/career-advice/interviewing/how-to-use...
         | SenHeng wrote:
         | NDGT had an interview or youtube once about public speaking, I
         | couldn't find the video anymore so paraphrasing.
         | > _Not anyone can become great at something, but everyone can
         | become_ better _. So you don 't have to learn to speak like all
         | those famous people out there, just practise so that you can be
         | better than you were._
         | publicola1990 wrote:
         | But some people seems so at ease with spontaneity, dealing with
         | dynamic, emergent conversations, and even the ability to direct
         | it to particular directions or narratives. I doubt all of it is
         | preparation.
           | ftio wrote:
           | As a person who fits your description above, I can attest
           | that at least for me: it is 100% preparation.
           | For big presentations, I put in practice time equivalent to
           | 10-20x the time of the talk. For a one hour presentation,
           | I'll practice for 10 hours at least, if not substantially
           | more.
           | For high-stakes conversations with Important People, I think
           | to myself, in advance: what do I want to achieve from this
           | conversation? What do I need to say or ask in order to
           | achieve those things? This is true even if the conversation
           | is "just a chat." The goal might be as simple as: _build
           | credibility and familiarity with Important Person._ Pro tip:
           | plan up front what you 're going to ask/say if there's
           | awkward silence. It happens even to the best
           | conversationalists. Better to be prepared than to be caught
           | flat footed.
           | dagmx wrote:
           | There's definitely an art to seeming spontaneous and
           | conversational, but it really comes down to practice.
           | The thing is that some of us get practice from just our
           | upbringing and life experiences, others may not have that. So
           | for those others, it's about identifying where they can
           | bolster things and practice.
           | wantsanagent wrote:
           | It is _all_ practice. For a 30 minute presentation I might
           | spend 6 hours in practice. Over my lifetime I 've spend
           | months of time practicing public speaking.
           | That said, the _motivation_ to practice comes from success.
           | If someone tells you you 're good at something you'll do it
           | more and be willing to spend more time doing it. Success
           | comes from practice, so the hardest part is getting that
           | first positive feedback if you're starting from a deficit
           | (language barriers, previous criticism). I recommend getting
           | a tutor for just about anything like this. Pay a stranger,
           | whose opinion you don't care about, to get you past the
           | awkward bits and into a range that's better than average.
           | Also, while some of us _come off as_ comfortable, that doesn
           | 't mean we are.
           | iovrthoughtthis wrote:
           | 4 things help for me:
           | 1. i like myself regardless of if this other person likes me
           | 2. i will be fine, even if i fuck this up 3. every time im
           | asked is an opportunity to practice, tweak something 4. write
           | what you've been up to down
           | it's like rapping tbh. you learn snippets and lines that work
           | and then you mix and match them for the context.
           | you don't want to be deciding word by word but phrase by
           | phrase.
             | larrywright wrote:
             | The last time I was interviewing I wrote out a narrative
             | about my skills and experience. Basically a short bio, but
             | also what roles I'd had in my current job, what
             | technologies and practices I had used, some highlights of
             | major projected, etc. I didn't read it word for word but
             | just having it up on my screen during phone interviews
             | helped. Before in person interviews I'd review it a few
             | times.
           | tokamak-teapot wrote:
           | I come across as one of these people and I do minimal
           | practice of what I'm going to say, maybe thinking about what
           | I want to say as an intro - and that's it. Most of my
           | thinking is done while building slides that I use as cues for
           | what I want to talk around.
           | I can't be sure of course, but I would guess that the reasons
           | I get away with very short prep time are:
           | 1. 99% of the time I know the subject inside out, because I
           | wouldn't be able to do my job if I didn't, so that is already
           | covered.
           | 2. Sharp focus on prepping exactly the right things - and
           | nothing else. If I'm trying to get a point across, that's the
           | bit I need to make sure I've considered - what the obvious
           | holes are in my argument, how I would answer the obvious
           | questions, etc.
           | I'm definitely not the smoothest presenter, but I do get
           | great feedback (and am still surprised considering I feel
           | like I'm cheating by not spending hours in prep) so if you
           | are already armed with deep and broad general knowledge in
           | your area, maybe going for the laser focus on the specific
           | points that you really care about and then 'winging' the rest
           | might work for you too.
           | deepGem wrote:
           | It may not be preparation for that particular interview or
           | task but there is preparation elsewhere that's paying off
           | here in the interviews. Perhaps even sub conscious
           | preparation.
           | One such preparation happens at school when you prep for
           | debates and speeches. This may not be apparent at that time
           | but I see those who are very coherent in interviews have had
           | some debate prep in their schools or colleges. Just quoting
           | an example. Any public speaking prep actually helps in
           | stitching together multiple ideas as you are talking and as
           | you converse and do it in a coherent way.
           | I really wish many people had these skills. Most of the
           | meetings I sit in, people take 30 mins to convey what should
           | ideally take like 10 mins. 20 mins is just blabber.
           | The other counter intuitive prep that personally helped me
           | was GMAT verbal. What started as pure hatred turned into a
           | treasure trove of brevity and coherence. Especially the
           | reading comprehension aspects. A month or two you spend
           | through that exercise really helps in the long run. You get
           | pretty good at communicating your ideas coherently.
           | edmundsauto wrote:
           | Preparation not only gives pre-baked answers, it gives you a
           | chance to practice coming up with those answers.
           | And as with all human things, natural aptitude varies.
           | Preparation is all you can control, however.
           | willidiots wrote:
           | I spend a lot of time thinking about important conversations
           | beforehand, and the directions they could take. I'll pace
           | around the house for half an hour talking to myself,
           | practicing speaking. This has proven helpful in my job, which
           | involves a lot of meetings and conversations.
           | To the original commenter's point, you don't want to
           | _memorize_ your answers, you just want to explore these
           | conversational avenues and test-drive what you might say,
           | seeing how it sounds, what positions are more defensible,
           | what topics to avoid. This is the skeleton of the
           | conversation you 'd like to achieve, the "plan".
           | Of course no plan survives contact with the enemy. When
           | conversation gets spontaneous / goes off the rails, I try to
           | detach and control my emotions. Sit for a few seconds,
           | consider what you're about to say before speaking, and be
           | straightforward and honest.
             | 121789 wrote:
             | I thought I was the only one who did this (the pacing and
             | practicing conversations). I am surprised at how often it
             | pays off
           | blowski wrote:
           | There's an article about Boris Johnson's bumbling talking
           | style, and how it's all a schtick.
           | Before he was even London Mayor, so had fewer repeat
           | listeners, a journalist went to three of his speeches in the
           | same year. In each one, Boris arrived and apparently didn't
           | know where he was. He then made a brilliant speech with the
           | same "ad-lib" jokes, mixed up his reading notes at the same
           | point.
           | Making public speaking look effortless takes a lot of effort.
             | drBonkers wrote:
             | I'd love a link to this if you have it.
               | blowski wrote:
               | I think it might have been this, though it's only two
               | speeches and 18 months apart here.
               | https://reaction.life/jeremy-vine-my-boris-story/
           | larrywright wrote:
           | This is actually a symptom of ADHD, something to do with
           | working memory I believe.
           | sleepdreamy wrote:
           | This is me. I work in IT(Not Coding) but we still get fairly
           | technical questions etc all day. I have no issue going into a
           | tirade about issues I faced recently at work, the way PMs
           | work with the team bla bla bla. I am a naturally good
           | conversationalist. My fiancee on the other hand is the polar
           | opposite to me and has to prepare when speaking in front of
           | people. She is very shy. Some people are lucky, many are not.
           | It's totally normal to prepare for that sort of thing from
           | what I've read. I'm just lucky
           | wnolens wrote:
           | You prep for what you're weak at.
           | I spend all my time practicing stupid coding questions since
           | I'm prone to screwing up easy ones (I can get em all, just
           | need more time and less pressure).
           | But I NEVER practice behavioral questions, nor system design.
           | And consistently blow those out of the water. The bar is low
           | in a tech interview, and my personality means that I've had a
           | lot of experience having spontaneous conversation in my life,
           | piecing together coherent narrative on the spot.
         | jstanley wrote:
         | Waste disposal. You can always put sewage in the bin, but you
         | can't empty your bins into the sewage.
         | blowski wrote:
         | First time I gave a presentation, an experienced speaker
         | congratulated me afterwards. I said that I'd had to rehearse
         | the talk 5 times before I gave it. He said he still rehearsed
         | his 10 times.
         | lkxijlewlf wrote:
         | > If you answer immediately, you will "ummmm uhhh" a lot. Learn
         | to take a breather and buy time.
         | Not just in interviews (I don't interview that often), but just
         | in general, I've trained myself to smile and say, "That is an
         | _interesting_ question! " (and subtle variants so I'm not a
         | robot). It buys me a second or two if it's not that hard, and
         | even more if it _is_ a hard question because now they know I 'm
         | thinking about the answer and, well, that is okay.
         | Edit: And it often buys you points, so to speak, with the
         | person asking.
           | scrozier wrote:
           | Seems like a good technique, but boy, is that overused these
           | days. Let's face it, not all questions are that interesting.
           | Seems that a lot of people start with that, robotically.
             | gknoy wrote:
             | I can see how it might get old hearing that a lot, but when
             | I look at the suite of tech screen questions we have here,
             | several of them are basic under the hood (tree-building and
             | traversal, string manipulation, etc). However, they all do
             | have something about them that made them interesting to me
             | when I did them to calibrate my interviews.
             | Things can be interesting without being hard or novel, and
             | as Aphyr's entertaining "Hexing the interview" series
             | shows, you can often find something interesting for purely
             | personal reasons that are separate from the question
             | itself. The interesting part might be that a normal data
             | structure isn't enough, or that the difference between the
             | naiive solution and the performant one is substantial. It
             | might just be that we might be doing a task that we
             | normally use a library for (string manipulations) in our
             | normal work, so it's refreshing/challenging/interesting to
             | look at things from a different level of abstraction.
             | lkxijlewlf wrote:
             | > Seems that a lot of people start with that, robotically.
             | Can't tell if you're trying to be an ass or not.
             | People can use whatever they want. The point, as many
             | others point out, is to come up with something you'll use
             | to _not_ say,  "ummm..." so much.
           | lowercased wrote:
           | > And it often buys you points, so to speak, with the person
           | asking.
           | I had a tech interview with some folks... 15 years ago.
           | Smallish agency, and I was meeting with the owner and his #2.
           | I got asked some question - "how would you do X?" - I think
           | it was something like "build a house". Not a _tech_ task,
           | just  "how would you go about X". I went to a whiteboard and
           | picked up the marker. Just before I started to draw
           | something, I asked some questions. "Who's going to live
           | there? How many people? Do they have any specific needs?"
           | Stuff like that. Just a handful of questions, and I started
           | answering/drawing based on their feedback. I asked a few more
           | questions, got more answers, drew some more and explained
           | things, then sat down.
           | I got a job offer the next day (turned it down - couldn't
           | afford me). But I was told (both by the owner and later
           | someone else I met who worked there) that I was the only
           | person they'd interviewed who'd ever asked any clarifying
           | questions before answering.
         | kube-system wrote:
         | > If you answer immediately, you will "ummmm uhhh" a lot. Learn
         | to take a breather and buy time.
         | Some of the best advice I've ever gotten for this was: If
         | you're pausing to think, just be silent. Practice for a while
         | and have someone call you out on it. It's a hard habit to
         | break, but someone who doesn't fill space with "um" will sound
         | twice as smart.
           | kettro wrote:
           | A coworker I had (a good friend and an _amazing_ engineer)
           | would generally just pause silently and think after a
           | question. It was initially off putting, and I couldn't tell
           | what was happening, but very quickly got used to it. I
           | started doing it myself, but start with a short "hmm" to
           | indicate that I'm now thinking about the question, or just
           | say "let me think".
           | Waiting helps you ignore the impulse responses, and double
           | check if you heard the question correctly, whence you can
           | just ask for clarification.
           | No one complains about a sorta slow speaker, but a frenetic
           | one is hard to follow and will blurt things out.
             | lostcolony wrote:
             | Yep. "Hmm, give me a second to think on that" is my
             | favorite pause to collect my thoughts. Take a minute to
             | flip through my prepared stories, potentially think through
             | ones I haven't prepared but that might fit better, settle
             | on one, decide the beats I need to hit to best answer the
             | question, and then "Okay. One time..."
             | ruh-roh wrote:
             | Using silence strategically is a superpower.
             | Best leader I ever worked with had a "7 second silence"
             | rule. Just don't say anything for 7 seconds. Requesting
             | input on a topic/idea in a meeting? Wait in silence for 7
             | seconds. Dropping an important point in a presentation?
             | Wait for 7 seconds. Not sure of the answer to a question?
             | Wait for 7 seconds. If you have doubt about what to say or
             | do? Just wait and breathe for 7 seconds.
             | It is _extremely_ difficult to do in practice. But it is
             | crazy what a breather can do to help you organize your
             | thoughts. Or what other people will do to fill the void.
             | (Note: It's not a novel idea, I've seen other folks use 5,
             | 6, or 8 seconds. imo 7 is _just_ on the border of
             | uncomfortable.)
           | grandchild wrote:
           | It's an especially hard habit to break for people who are
           | "Team Interrupt", because we learn to cling to the speaker
           | position in normal group conversations this way. People from
           | "Team Wait" are probably much more natural in staying silent
           | for a second (I wouldn't know for sure, but I think I'm
           | observing this in others).
           | [1] Team Interrupt/Team Wait:
           | https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/LuXb6CZG4x7pDRBP8/wait-vs-
           | in...
           | SenHeng wrote:
           | Some good examples by Elon Musk and Steve Jobs described in
           | this article.
           | https://www.inc.com/justin-bariso/why-intelligent-minds-
           | like...
           | This was probably one of Steve Job's most impressive example.
           | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FF-tKLISfPE
             | gcanyon wrote:
             | I clicked to double check, but I knew what Jobs clip you
             | were linking to. That answer is _so_ well done.
         | klenwell wrote:
         | On this point, there was some good practical advice in this HN
         | comment that I've adopted and applied successfully:
         |  _What I did is I prepared 10 different stories about my career
         | experience and then tagged them with a bunch of prompts. For
         | example I have a story about one project that had dual PMs that
         | experienced a lot of scope creep and eventually fizzled on
         | release. I can now use that story to answer a broad range of
         | questions from failure to various project management
         | approaches. Overall I now have prepared stories to answer
         | probably 50-75 different questions immediately.
         | Another benefit is that I have also told these stories multiple
         | times in interviews now and I get better telling them each
         | time. Even if the answer isn't 100% relevant, I feel more
         | confident and likely come off better launching immediately into
         | a detailed story about my experience rather than trying to
         | awkwardly come up with an answer on the fly. It is also easy to
         | drop irrelevant parts or expand on specific details when the
         | basic framework of the story is already something that feels
         | natural.
         | I will even have the document with all the prompts and story
         | bullet points open whenever I am doing phone or remote
         | interviews. _
         | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=25519718
         | I also keep a document where I'll record new or challenging
         | questions after I do an interview and outline a response so I'm
         | better prepared next time.
           | 0xFACEFEED wrote:
           | Freestyle rappers basically do the same thing! It's very
           | impressive when you see it done in person; very good
           | strategy.
             | klenwell wrote:
             | Just like Homer, haha. I guess when you think about it,
             | it's all just another form of the prehistoric craft of oral
             | poetry or storytelling.
               | 0xFACEFEED wrote:
               | A pessimist might say that this only demonstrates how
               | tech interviews reward the better performance art.
               | :P
               | :|
               | :(
           | jvanderbot wrote:
           | One step further: Choose _characteristics_ about yourself
           | that you want to emphasize. Perhaps you want to be know as
           | dilligent and detail oriented, or a fast mover, or a creative
           | person. Then craft many stories about those points and have
           | them in reserve. Chances are someone will ask a question that
           | lets you bring up those qualities.
           | GordonS wrote:
           | This is gold, I'm definitely banking this idea. 10 suddenly
           | feels like a lot of stories to come up with though :)
           | MrWiffles wrote:
           | One thing I'm having trouble with is anticipating the
           | questions themselves. Not the technology specific ones, but
           | also the generic stuff and the things that are still generic
           | (tell me about yourself) but also more relevant to our
           | industry and software eng roles. Any resources you could
           | suggest that have worked well for you or anyone you know?
             | muzani wrote:
             | If you interview often enough, you'll see a similar
             | pattern. Here's my list:
             | "What's your product development attitude?"
             | "How did you know about this position?"
             | "How did you learn about Technology X?"
             | "Tell me about your latest role"
             | "Why are you switching jobs?"
             | "What would you change at current role?"
             | "Tell me about another project, it can be a side project."
             | "What do you plan on being in 5 years?"
             | "Why aren't you at senior/manager level yet?"
             | "I see you did tech X here, and then Y. Why the career
             | shift?"
             | "What excites you?" (This is a surprisingly common question
             | that throws me off. The first one I got it, I answered
             | "productivity". Which was true, but it sounded like a
             | bullshit answer and lost me that interview. I've learned to
             | talk about AI or cooking or exponential growth and relate
             | that to incremental games. This question is often a
             | bullshit detector)
             | "What advice would you have for younger you?"
             | "What is something you've had trouble with recently?"
             | "How would you change that?"
             | "What's the worst mistake you've ever made?"
             | "Why haven't you joined FAANG?"
             | "Tell me how did you handle disagreements at work"
             | "What's your growth plan? What do you want?"
             | "What's your favourite design pattern?"
             | "How do you manage tech debt?"
             | klenwell wrote:
             | It's the "What's your greatest weakness?" type of questions
             | that always throw me. Some variations include:
             | - What's something your not good at?
             | - What's the biggest mistake you've ever made on the job?
             | - Describe a time you disagreed with a colleague. How did
             | you resolve it?
             | - Tell us about a time you received some negative feedback
             | from a manager and how you handled it.
             | For these types of questions, it has definitely helped me
             | to have rehearsed a little ahead of time.
             | jacobr1 wrote:
             | There are tons of blogs out there with example interview
             | questions. If you review a few dozen, you start to pick up
             | some commonalities.
             | Another approach that has worked for in the past is a mock
             | interview. Ask a fried or college to interview you and give
             | some feedback.
             | Look at job descriptions for role you are interested in.
             | For each bullet point, you should able able to speak to why
             | you are qualified, probably via an anecdote of a prior
             | experience.
       | lucisferre wrote:
       | The one tip I'd give any interviewee is to take time and *pause*.
       | Often the interviewer is looking for fairly short and concise
       | answers to their questions so they can direct the flow and
       | conversations to what they need to hear through further
       | questions. Filling all the available air time either forces them
       | to rudely interrupt you (which feels awkward) or wait for you to
       | finish even though they aren't that interested in the content.
       | As an example, if you are asked a very open ended question like
       | "tell me about about role X and company Y.
       | Start with a brief overview of the role, the company and
       | responsibilities and then pause. Then if they don't immediately
       | ask a more detailed question about the role suggest something.
       | "Would you like to me get into some details about my most recent
       | project/success/challenge?"
       | Staying brief helps the interviewer get to what they want to know
       | and eases your own burden of maintaining all of the flow in the
       | conversation.
         | nescioquid wrote:
         | That's a good way for a candidate to help the interviewer.
         | Often an overly general question sends the candidate to empty
         | out their mental filing cabinets in hope of finding the magic
         | word the interviewer is waiting for.
         | If a candidate does that, I feel I've screwed up as an
         | interviewer. The best interviews I've conducted turn out to
         | just be conversations where we're talking shop and we get to
         | know each other a little.
         | There's so much coaching on the interviewee side of the
         | equation, yet the only guidance or coaching I've seen given to
         | interviewers is to shield the company from discrimination
         | claims by turning in a consistent set of interview questions to
         | HR.
         | gkop wrote:
         | This is great and I lean on it heavily when explaining
         | technical stuff to a non-technical audience or low level stuff
         | to an executive audience. This looks like a decent dive into
         | this tactic sometimes called "headline style":
         | https://blogs.cfainstitute.org/investor/2017/05/03/conscious...
       | hintymad wrote:
       | There are two frameworks. I'd suggest you combine both. The first
       | one is STAR: situation, tasks, action, and results. The second
       | one is used by product managers a lot: MECE, or mutually
       | exclusive, collectively exhaustive. Use the first framework for
       | your narrative with a focus on why, or so-called working
       | backwards. Use the second framework to narrow down what you need
       | to dive deep.
       | I can't stress enough how important it is to work backwards and
       | explain the why of your work. Too many geeks mistake claims for
       | reasons, and got dragged into irrelevant details to the point
       | that their work appears irrelevant too. On the other hand, the
       | bigger a problem, a more impressive a solution. If you can
       | articulate why you're solving a problem and why you solved it in
       | the way you described, people can probably figure out the how
       | part easily.
       | MarkMarine wrote:
       | As an interviewer, if your code is great, solves the problem
       | concisely and is easy to understand, you don't need refined
       | English language skills. Respond honestly to my questions and I
       | don't care one but if the English isn't perfect, you can say umm
       | and mmaaa all you want.
       | I've given technical interviews to people in China who barely
       | speak english, just understand a bit, and I can't speak one word
       | of Mandarin. But we could communicate through a live coderpad and
       | it actually worked.
       | why-el wrote:
       | There is a lot of advice here, all good, but also I wonder if you
       | yourself were given this feedback by someone else or this is your
       | own somewhat subjective opinion. I am a non-native English
       | speaker myself and 6-8 years ago I've mistaken my slower recall
       | of words and linguistic structure for incoherence and lack of
       | "logical flow", but this is not true at all. Your language will
       | get better and so is your confidence, and a qualified interview
       | should (must?) not confuse the two situations.
       | sintMaartin wrote:
       | What I have realised is that there is no trick or shortcut to
       | communicate better.
       | You have to read more, be more knowledgeable, practice speaking
       | and writing, then you will have more intelligent things to say.
       | Also the fear of making mistake is what holds back. To let
       | creativity flourish you have to let yourself go, not be afraid of
       | being wrong, not be afraid of opening up or be judged. For that
       | you also need to have sincere good intentions and straightforward
       | life that is not based on lies. Then there is nothing to be
       | afraid of from spilling your thoughts. As you do it more, you
       | learn that opening up produces good results, and people don't
       | judge you as much as you thought they would, this creates
       | feedback loop which extinguishes your anxiety in future. This is
       | why talking to different people that force you to open up and be
       | transparent also helps to unblock that blockage.
       | I see that a lot of people have basic hangups about opening up
       | deeply. And it does more bad than good. I'd be much more likely
       | to accept the person when he is upfront about his worries, than a
       | mr. perfect who is stonewalling every question and answers them
       | the way he is expected to answer, but not in a deeply truthful
       | way.
       | Nobody is perfect, we just want to work with real humans, not
       | robots. Opening up about your imperfections provokes empathy.
       | Selling yourself too strongly provokes skepticism.
       | As for the interview, the reason you seem unconfident is because
       | you are unconfident. That means most likely you are trying to
       | pretend to be someone you are not.
         | crispyambulance wrote:
         | Mostly agree, however, it's NOT necessarily the case that the
         | OP is "trying to be someone they're not".
         | Communication takes practice and experience. Not everyone has
         | enough of that and it's especially hard for folks who are not
         | using their native language.
         | One thing that helps, in many scenarios, is to "take turns"
         | driving the discussion. The OP could be more forward about
         | asking questions and making commentary. It's never all about
         | "logical flow and coherence". It's more about opening up a line
         | of inquiry with the other person and relating to them on a
         | human level.
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